Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:42 pm

Joy's Inventory
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Durable Jeans: 5/5 HP---------------------------Worth 100 Caps (Doesn't fit anymore!)
Light Duster: 0/5 HP-----------------------------worth 90 caps (Unwearable!)
Bikini Set: 2/2 HP--------------------------------Worth 50 caps
Tan simple shorts 1/1 HP------------------------Worth 8 Caps (Doesn't fit anymore!)

Hunting Rifle: 93%---------------------------------worth 286 caps
10mm Pistol: 62%-----------------------------------worth 80 caps
Snub nosed 357: 76%-------------------------------worth 76 caps
Combat Knife: 70%---------------------------------worth 35 caps
Plasma Grenades: 1--------------------------------worth 120 caps each

.308 rounds: 55--------------worth 1 cap each
10mm rounds: 81------------worth 1 cap each
.357 rounds: 6---------------worth 1 cap each

Water Canteen(+1 HP, outside of combat only): 5 uses---------------------N/A
Travel rations(+2 HP, outside of combat only): 3----------------------------worth 2 caps each
Pre war food: 4 Cans (+2 HP outside of combat, +4 when cooked)--------worth 5 caps each
Stim Packs: 2 (Heals 5 HP)-----------------------------------------------------worth 40 caps each

Flat tip screwdriver---------------------worth 1 cap

Caps: 736

"I'm definitely not I swear. I can't do much of anything right now...", The voice calls back to you from inside the shack. You tiredly draw your pistol and head over, Leena falling in right beside you. Tessa, seeing that things seem to be under control now, just keeps her mouth shut for now and just dips down out of sight below to keep gathering the caravan goods. Approaching the door you feel Leena's hand on your shoulder. "Let me. You seem pretty beat up.", she says, though sounds a little winded herself. Looking at her she seems fine for the most part, but you can't help but notice that her chest a has a dozen or so scattered red spots showing through her fur. It appears to be blood, but its hardly profuse or worrying and doesn't seem to be bothering her to much. Still, was her her body not quite as durable as yours? None of the shotgun pellets had pierced your skin at all, but you were certainly quite bruised by them. At least your new fine coat of fur hides those bruises though.

At shack she peeks in for a split second, then peeks in a second time, a little slower, then finally a third time and stares for a few moments. Feeling safe she then nods at you and walks, keeping her shotgun in a loose carry. Following her inside reveals a rather ramshackle hovel in the a state that is less clean or organized but seems typical to most raider types. There is a couple scattered mattresses, an old counter and some shelves which seems to actually have some stuff, and random bits of trash and old empty alcohol bottles all over the place. Its a total sty, but there should be some decent stuff in here. Next to one of the mattresses though is the source of the voice. A regular woman is against one of the walls. A pretty girl with blonde hair that seems to go down to her mid back, her hands are tied above her head with simple nylon rope and, also per raider norms, she's completely naked. When she gets a look at her rescuers though she can't help but be surprised as a slight blush appears on her cheeks. "Oh damn, uh... Hello there my... noble saviours?", she says with a hopeful voice, her eyes flicking down to Leena's male equipment. The wolf woman seems to have managed to get rid of her erection with other things to focus on, but there is no hiding her balls. "I wasn't expecting anthro's, but I'm not picky. But... you seem to be in a bit of a rough patch yourselves by the looks of it.", she adds on.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:35 pm

Joy stops when Leena put a hand on her shoulder and she nods her head. "Y-Yeah... Thanks..." She said before looking at Leena and seeing the red spots from where she was hit earlier. "Is... Is that blood? Are you okay?" She asked while reaching into her bag to take out her canteen to drink a sip of water as she realizes how thirsty she is. While none of the shots pierced her skin she knew she probably had bruises or welts under her fur from the hits she took. If Leena's body wasn't as durable as hers... then why was she made to be more durable than the rest? This added on to her suspicion as she was also the only one who had their belongings returned to them.

As Leena peaks into the shack Joy waits off to the side with her rifle at the ready but she was having trouble keeping focus. Once Leena let her know that it was safe she enters behind her and they look around. It seemed to be the place they slept and relaxed in from the mattresses and trash around. They are quick to notice the woman tied against one of the walls who seemed surprised to see who her saviors were. "Yeah... been a rough time for us recently too..." Joy said before trying to untie the woman. Once the woman is untied she looks around for anything useful to take as her scavenging instincts kick in.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:41 pm

"A little bit. The skin's broken underneath the fur, but its very shallow. Stings a little, but its more like a scrap then a gun shot wound. Thank god for that. I may have never asked for this, but at least it comes with some perks.", Leena replies to you before you both enter the shack and see the tied up woman, leaving you to ponder why your situation was different when you awakened. Why did you have your stuff? Seemingly a tougher body, even if only slightly. Why had you awoken away from the others? Why did you seem to be the only one that remembered the 'testing session'? You feel a little hot as your mind looks over those for a moment. So many questions and no good answers! However you have other things to occupy your attention for now at least.

Moving close to untie the blonde woman down she gives you a small grateful smile. "Thanks miss. Good to know there are some decent folks out there still. Name's Edy(E-dee). I'm a sometimes scav, sometimes caravan guard that usually goes between Alaqua and Zellwood. Was part of small trader group coming from Zellwood a few days ago when we got jumped by these assholes on the road. There was four of us, but they ambushed us. We got three of them before they got others and captured me though.", she says. As she speaks and you untie her, your breasts kind of inevitably squish against her side a little, but she doesn't seem to mind any. With Edy down she points out a kicked over bag in the corner with some stuff spilling out it, indicating that is her mostly her gear there. WIth that out of the way, you begin to look around and grab everything worthwhile.

Loot Roll: 15

And you actually find a decent amount of stuff! You find a couple of old ammo cans, one of which has around 35 5.56 rifle ammo in it, as well as another 15 rounds .357 for your back up revolver. The other can has some microfusion cells in it(20), as well as a 9mm pistol magazine and some more loose bullets(24). Checking the shelves you find three cans of prewar food as well as some dried meat of some kind, then a little lower you find a couple with an amber fluid that can only be whisky, though one is about half empty. Lower then that you find a whole host of empty glass bottles, as well as random bits of old paper and shredded cloth scraps. You could take some of that and make some molotovs if you wanted. You also find a few vials of jet and a hypo of psycho which would sell decently. Over at the counter you find five bobby pins, a carton of cigarettes, and what appears to be some loose circuit boards that should sell well enough. Below as well there is safe, which thankfully isn't locked! Inside you find 108 caps and a few prewar money bills. Not a bad haul, and you haven't even checked the bodies yet!

Leena meanwhile finds an old pack that must've belonged to one of the raiders or perhaps one of Edy's formor companions. Whatever the case though Edy takes no issue with her taking it, which allows you to give her the shotgun shells you had. There is no clothes anywhere to be had, though you watch as Edy pulls packs away some torn up clothes that was likely hers from before and bullets out a simple black bikini. Seems they were decent back ups indeed. No doubt the raiders had simply cut her clothes off of her when they had caught her. Leena also finds a couple of extra cans of food for her own bag, as well as a solid length of pipe that was certainly better then the rotten wooden bat she had, and had already ditched. She straps it to the side of her bag before heading outside and over to where the dead Viper gang boss was, presumably to loot him. "Strip the bodies entirely. At the very least we might be able to make some simple tube tops and skirts from their clothing. Devin has some thread kits and leather strips usually carried by the brahmin so we can make it happen.", The wolf futa says.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Sep 11, 2021 12:18 am

Joy has to keep from making a noise as her breasts accidently press against Edy's arm a bit as she felt a sting of pain from when she was shot. Looking down at her breasts she finds herself to be very lucky that her bikini top somehow didn't have any holes in them, at least none she saw at first glance. "I see... well we were ambushed too, and got turned into canine people... Some not the same gender as they were before..." She mumbles the last part before she lets the woman up to get her bag which Joy assumes has her gear in it.

With Edy free she starts to look around, finding some rifle ammo in one though not for her hunting rifle but then finds some extra bullets for her revolver. To her surprise she finds some microfusion cells, energy weapon ammo being a bit rare depending where one is so these could fetch a good price if she sells them. She then finds a 9mm pistol with bullets but it is a downgrade if she doesn't get her 10mm back. She then finds random things like prewar food and dried meat, some whisky, and bits and pieces of paper and cloth. She also finds chems and while she didn't like using any of that stuff they were good to sell at least. She smiles a she finds some bobby pins as she could always use more in her line of work. After lotting some cigarette cartons and circuit boards and a safe with caps and prewar bills she was ready to leave.

Seeing that Leena now had a pack she gives her the rest of the shotgun ammo before she notices Edy taking out a spare bikini though that means she has no spare clothes for the others. She follows Leena outside and kneels by the dead gang boss and helps Leena loot him. "Good idea. Hopefully there's enough to make clothes of some sort for everyone." She said as she helps the wolf strip the gang leader of everything he had before they go to the other bodies.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:12 am

"Wait... just? Is in like, just now kind of deal? Damn.", Edy says as she pokes around the building, grabbing some other random odds and ends to stash away and sell as you and Leena do much the same. "The group doing this... I really don't get their motives. Certainly making a bit of a powder keg situation down in Orlando though.", she adds on, scooping a bottle with some vodka or gin in it. "I'm not some dumb ass hater though", she finishes.

Loot Roll: 17

Finishing up inside you and Leena head outside to hunt for goodies out there while Edy gives the place an extra once over. Heading to the Viper Ganger Boss' body you strip the bastard completely. The armour might be beat up and have a big in the front and back where Leena shot him point blank, but Leena seems hopeful to salvage it so let her take it. Since she already has the longer shotgun, she lets you take the sawn off shotgun and whatever ammo he had on him, which turns out to be an extra 6 shells, plus the unfired one still in the gun. He even has a cool thigh holster thing for the gun too, which is pretty awesome. It even has a pouch for the extra shells! He also has a mostly full tin of cigarettes that can be refilled and a lighter that actually works. He also has the mini sledge and a good eighty caps in his pockets. You take the mini sledge and Leena takes the caps, which is fair you guess. She did get the kill on the guy and save your bacon after all.

Heading back to the first raider you took out and grabbed the shotgun from you clean his pockets out, grabbing another less full refillable tin for cigarettes, the matches, around thirty caps and an old pocket watch. You also find a 9mm pistol and a belt that has loops for shotgun shells and a crude homemade but functional holster that you found the pistol in that comes with in extra magazine. You let Leena have the pistol and belt so she can have a one handed back up weapon since you had taken the sawn off. He's pressed in leather pants, simple boots, an old stained white t-shirt with a few holes in it, and a leather vest with his viper patch on the shoulder. You take it all off him, and use some of the scattered scraps from inside the shack to get the worst of the blood off.

As Leena is hoking the belt around a bit high on her waist (because those hips tho) Edy walks out of the shack then looks up at the sky, noticing the the sun. You can still see the top third of it peeking above the horizon, but in twenty minutes or so it would be gone, and a little less then two hours after that it'll be completely dark out. "Crap. Zellwood is like 11 miles away from here.", Edy starts with, clearly not thrilled at the prospect of travelling at night either. She looks to you and Leena. "I uh... I don't suppose I could stay with you guys for the night could I? I don't know if you have a safe spot nearby, but better to be in a group at nigh. Might be better to just spend the night here...", She says.

Leena gets back up and looks to her. "I don't think you staying with us will be a problem. Girls got to stick together after all. The rest of our group is nearby in that old town about a mile and half up highway 4. We kind of just came too a few hours ago, hence why were so... bare.", Leena explains. "We were just trying to track down our Brahmin that were left behind after we were abducted. The raiders here seemed to have found and not killed any of them luckily. So at least we have some of our stuff now, plus whatever scraps they've found in the old town."

"Oh great!", Edy says, clearly pleased by the prospect of friendly folks nearby. "Trade caravan from Alaqua I assume? I've done the route often, and I live in Zellwood, so I can help you out if there are any issues when you arrive. I don't think their will be any though. Zellwood is an okay spot, but there is a wild asshole or two there."

Before any of you can talk any further though there is sudden surprised squeal from Tessa down below. "What the hell!? Damn brahmin! Settle down!", the three of you hear.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:02 am

Searching the bodies Joy has no problem sharing anything she found with Leena considering how she saved her earlier from the leader. She lets Leena take the Gang leader's caps as she already took some from inside the shack and then lets Leena take the leader's clothing for now as she couldn't wear any of it while Joy took the shotgun and the rather nice thigh holster for it which she straps to herself and puts the shotgun and the shells into. She then takes the cigarette tin and the lighter, the lighter being a rather nice find too. "Did you want this little sledge or do you prefer your pipe you found?" She asked Leena and depending on her answer she'll either hold on to the mini sledge or trade with her. She then goes and checks the body of the first Viper Ganger she killed and finds some more cigarettes and some caps and matches which were also good finds to her. She looks at the pocket watch; not entirely useful but knowing the time would help her and if she didn't want it then she can sell it. She finds another 9mm pistol and a belt for it and decides to hand them over to Leena so she now had a sidearm and a way to holster it.

She takes off the clothes and cleans off some of the blood using scraps she found before she leaves the body while Edy comes out of the shack. Joy lets Leena do the talking as Edy asks about staying with them for the night and Leena explaining why they were out here. Before she could start checking the next bodies they hear a squeal from Tessa. "I guess we should check on her quickly unless you think we should keep looting the bodies while we can." She said to Leena as she moves to peek at where Tessa is.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:34 am

Leena hums for a moment when you propose trading the mini sledge for the lead pipe. The sledge has heavier and more durable, but the pipe was a lot longer. In the end though she takes the trade, and thanks you for it. Going back to the situation at hand however Leena just replies with a simple fact. "Well all the other bodies are down where she is anyway. Might as well go down and look.", she says. Yup, that makes sense. You move a few steps to the edge of the lake bed and peek down quick before heading down.

What you see is a now topless Tessa as she struggles with one of the brahmin, her hastily made scrap cloth top torn away and on the ground. She's untied one of the brahmin and seems to have brought it over to start trying to load it up, but was now struggling to push it away from her, her hands grabbing a singular horn on the bulls two heads. "Easy! Easy! Whats gotten into you?", she says to the ornery bull as it tries to push up against her. Brahmin are big animals so if it wanted to just walk over her it probably could. It didn't seem like Tessa was in any real danger and was just dealing with a uncooperative animal. You pull back a little so you can join Leena and Edy and head down to join Tessa. A few moments later and your all down below, and Tessa sees you from all from the corner of her eyes. She looks quickly, looks back to the bull, and double takes when she sees Edy, raising an eyebrow. "Tessa this is Edy, a local from Zellwood. She'll stay the night with us and join us as we head forward tomorrow.", Leena explains.

"Oh! Uh, thats coo-gah!~", Tessa had started to reply, only to be pushed back against one of the supporting posts for the crude shelter by the brahmin. She lets out a surprised yip a second later, then sighs in frustration as she she just stares at the brahmin in annoyance. "S-seriously? Ugh... I might need some help...", Tessa says a little bashfully. As you walk around a little more you understand her flustered manner when you see the brahmin she was trying to wrangle had instead wrangled her, its big heads against her tits, and her nipples getting sucked on by twin mouths. "...or willing tribute so I can load this dumb idiot up.", Tessa adds in.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:47 am

Due to her injuries and fatigue Joy lags a bit behind Leena and Edy as they make their way down to where Tessa and the brahmin are. Joy can't help but blush when she walks around and sees the brahmin's two heads sucking on Tessa's breasts. "U-Um... Is that normal for these guys? Like... I get they know what utters are and drink milk from them but... do they see our breasts the same way?" She asked the others while trying to see if she can't pull back the mutant cow. "Won't it give up when it realizes there's no milk?" She looks to the others, not having much experience with brahmin at all so she didn't really understand their habits much at all. Doing her best she tries to pull the brahmin off of Tessa's breasts as they needed to finish looting and packing soon so they can get back to the rest of the group before it gets dark.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:23 am

All the other girls look at you like you might've hit your head given how mutant critters seemed to have a fondness for trying to mate with human women all the time, despite the futility of such a thing. Why you had gotten banged a gecko just yesterday(or so it felt, since it was actually about a week ago apparently), and that was hardly the first time something had tried before that with you. Of course, perhaps with your transformations and more animal like appearances came more dangers in that regard as your mind thinks of the tests again. They had clearly done more then just change the way you look after all. "Well normally they are pretty docile, but if a girl is fool enough to shake her bare tits in front of one it might get it excited. As you can see.", Tessa explains as you walk over and try to help her out. "If I was dressed normally I don't think this would be an issue... but I'm not. They're not very bright or aggressive though thankfully. Thing could easily push me over if it wanted and try for more. And its got more then just two heads if you know what I mean.", Tessa adds in before the two of you try to push it away.

Strength Rolls: 8, 1

Unfortunately the big brute of an animal is determined, leaning forward and into your pushing against Tessa even more. Perhaps your just rightly beat, but then again while you were by no means weak you'd say raw strength isn't exactly your, well, strength. Perhaps Leena would be better suited for this? She was pretty damn tall with her amazon appearance. She probably had more muscle then you. Or you could try and... swap places with Tessa while she loads up the brahmin. Tessa lets out a short moan a second after that though, her ears flicking in annoyance as the minor stimulation was clearly having an effect on her newer more sensitive body.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:53 am

"Yeah, I know other creatures like to... come on to us women but I never heard of a brahmin doing that since they are usually very docile. Then again I've never been topless or seen someone topless around them..." Joy said as she tries to pull the brahmin off of Tessa. "D-Damn, these things are heavy..." She grunts as she finds herself unable to pull the brahmin off of Tessa. "Leena, want to try to help or is this a lost cause?" She asked the bigger wolf girl as she gives up for now and blushes deeper as she heard Tessa moan out a bit. "If... If we can't get him off I'll... switch places with Tessa though we still need to loot the rest of these dead gangers..."
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:32 am

"Well I guess you didn't grow up on a brahmin ranch then, hehe~", Tessa replies simply, implying that she's seen it a few times at the very least. When you call for Leena's help though the wolf woman doesn't respond at first, but then shakes her head a moment later as if she's rousing herself from a day dream. "Uhm, yes! Of course.", she says, ignoring the fact that her cock was starting to come from its sheath a little as she started at Tessa. "I'll help too.", Edy says, beginning to walk over. With four of you pushing this should work right?

Strength Rolls: 4, 5, 20!

Unfortunately you and Tessa's attempts once again get nowhere, the randy animal refusing to release the red furred husky babe's nipples. When Leena gets involved though things change quickly. In fact so quickly that Leena even surprises herself as she grabs the left horn of the left head of the brahmin and simply yanks hard. Now she still uses both hands and all her strength, but both heads are quickly pulled away from Tessa's tits with a wet pop as the suction is broken. The Brahmin lets out an annoyed moo, and tries to shake its head away from Leena, but she holds it fast and firm and keeps it under control. Of course when the animal finds itself staring at the grey furred wolf woman's tits now its attention quickly changes. Much like with Tessa the mutant cow tries to go for a taste, but Leena holds it firm, right where she wants it. Probably for the best too since her tits were probably more then a little tender from those shotgun pellet wounds, much like yourself.

"Okay, never mind then.", Edy quips with amusement, not even managing to get to the brahmin before Leena just muscled it around. Leena just lets out a short laugh, then looks to you."You go finish looting Joy. I'll make help keep the brahmin under control while Tessa loads up them up. You mind helping Edy?", she then asks. "I can help yeah.", Edy replies simply, beginning to get boxes ready as Tessa already begins using ropes to tie up a harness. That leaves you free to loot remaining bodies, as well as maybe the shelter the rest of the other gangers were using to sleep in and around their fire place. "Hey I already grabbed the 10mm SMG from that one guy. He had a decent amount of ammo, so I left your pistol and the ammo you gave me on that box over there.", Tessa says as she works, not bothering to try and recover her top.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:47 am

Joy's face turns a bit more red as she notices Leena's cock starting to emerge from her sheathe, the red sticking out from her grey fur. Luckily with the help of Leena the brahmin was much easier to handle and she is just as shocked as the others with how strong Leena is; guess while she isn't as durable as Joy those scientists made her much stronger physically. She is even able to hold it back by herself as it tries to latch onto her breasts. "Well... if you got it then I'll leave it to you guys. I would help load them up but I think I should leave that to the professionals." She said before moving out of the brahmin pen. "Oh, thanks. I'll make sure to pick it back up." She told Tessa after being told her pistol was left on a box.

Once she found her pistol and the ammo she switches it out with the revolver and places the revolver back into her bag. Once she had her trusty 10mm pistol back on her hip she starts searching the rest of the bodies, the area around the campfire, and then the shelter if there was enough time so she tries to not take her time too much.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Sep 11, 2021 5:25 am

Loot Roll: 15

With everyone assigned a task you all go about your business, though you make a quick stop first to gather up your trusty pistol and ammo and replace the revolver with it. That done you get to work and start stripping the other bodies and seeing what they got. The start at the farthest, the one that had charged with the SMG, and work your way back. He has no weapons on him as Tess already took it, but on him you find another vial of jet, another hypo of psycho, a needle of med-x, 3 more bobby pins, and 20 caps. The next is the second guy you shot at the campfire by the campfire, and he has 9mm pistol of a different model thats matte black and in good condition, 30 rounds of 9mm ammo, an alcohol flash with what smells like rum in it, and 35 caps. The third, slumped over a barricade, also has a 9mm pistol in less good condition, 24 rounds of ammo for it, a frag grenade, and 36 caps. And on the final guy, who had initially had the 10mm SMG, you find a machete, a stimpack, and 42 caps. They are all dressed more or less the same with leather pants, vests, and simple under shirts. You strip them all so it could be converted to at least some amount of clothes for the others back in the main group.

At the campfire you don't mind much, but there are still three lizards roasting over the fire, as well as another open bottle of whisky. In the shelter there are some blankets and an old sleeping bag you can snag, as well as a roll of duck tape, a bottle of wonderglue, and an old radio that is unfortunately busted but still had value as scrap, but was kind of heavy.

Yours goods collected rather quickly, you finish up and look back to the group you seem to have loaded up the first Brahmin already and her already started on another. Tessa was damn quick you had to say! You note however with the second one Leena elects not to man handle this one to much. Instead she just stands there stoically, still ready to manhandle the brahmin if necessary, but otherwise lets the second suck on her tits. It's twin heads seem to suckle to no effect, and Leena grimaces every here and there as her chest is no doubt very sensitive from just getting shot and being more sensitive from the transformation in general. You do note though the beast is calm and satisfied, and the two other girls have an even easier time loading this brahmin then the first, saving some time and thus some day light. Before you can make any kind of comment about it though you notice something that makes you pause. You have a clear cut view from the side, and underneath and brahmin are two large hanging cocks!
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Sep 11, 2021 5:38 am

Searching the first body Joy mostly finds chems along with some caps and bobby pins. She would sell or give away most of the chems though the med-x she'll probably keep incase she get into some trouble. Checking the next one by the campfire she finds another 9mm pistol though a different model or custom and might fetch a good price. In addition to the pistol she finds ammo fir it, a flask of alcohol, and the usual caps. The last one also had the same pistol and ammo as the previous ones though was packing a frag grenade she was glad he never had a chance to use. Finally she checks the last one finds a machete and a stimpack on him in addition to the caps. She then strips off all their clothes and carries sets them into a pile. "Hey, I got a pile of clothes here we can pack onto a brahmin." She tells them before checking around the campfire.

First thing she notices is the roasting lizards which she considers sharing with the others if they were hungry enough to eat them. She finds another bottle of whisky and takes it, thinking it and the rest she's found so far could be used to lift the spirits of the transformed caravanners that are waiting for them. Investigating the shelter next she finds some blankets and a sleeping bag which she considers bringing to the others but searches the rest of the place first and finds some duck tape, wonderglue, and an old radio she could sell for parts. Packing the wonderglue and tape into her bag she gathers the blankets and sleeping bag and grabs the radio before bringing it to the others. "Found these; will probably be useful for tonight or can be turned into more clothes." She tells them.

Peaking her head over the stuff in her hands she blushes as she watches Leena having her breasts sucked on by the second brahmin. Her face then turns completely red she notices the two large cocks under the brahim as she realizes that they must have been turned on from just sucking on a pair of breasts. "U-Um... S-So you guys need any help? Oh, and think you can load this stuff too?" She asked as she had the blankets and sleeping bag along with the radio and the clothes she took from the dead raiders.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:02 pm

Packing away all your loot and manage to use one of the blankets to bundle up the looted clothing as well as the other blankets and sleeping bag. You also take the roasting lizards away from the fire so they don't burn since they were already starting to get a little crispy. Luckily there is an even four so you can eat them as you start driving these brahmin back toward the town. When you bring your bundle and radio over and ask for it to be loaded Tessa quickly informs it won't be an issue at all.

Of course getting close means seeing how things are going down, which involves Leena just letting the brahmin suckle on her nipples if it meant making the beast behave without her having to manhandle the thing. It might be a little lewd but it certainly was working you had to admit. Of course you get even more flushed when you see twin dicks to match the mutant cow's two heads. Your mind can't help but flash through a quick image of you underneath that thing and taking those shafts, but you manage to dispel that image with a quick shake of your head. "Well uh, you can either help us load. Or uh, you can try getting the attention of a second brahmin.", Tessa says, a slight bashful tone in her voice. "Loading is easy but it takes a little more time. If you can get the attention of a second brahmin though I can start rigging up two at a time with their harnesses. It'll speed things up a little bit, but I'll be honest. It'll only be like five minutes.", Tessa explains. It was a relatively short amount of time to save, but day light was limited. You look to the horizon and see the last little sliver of the sun peaking out over it. You'd only have maybe two hours of twilight to go by after it was gone from view.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Sep 11, 2021 8:58 pm

"Oh, we got some roasted lizards to snack on when we start heading back." Joy tells them once she sets down the things she brought to them. As she sets the stuff down she is able to get a better look at the two cocks hanging from the brahmin and her mind quickly imagines her under it taking those two cocks. With a deep red face she shakes those thoughts out of her head and stands straight back up. However her blush doesn't have a chance to go down all the way as Tessa asks if she can get the attention of another brahmin. Joy thinks about it for a bit before looking to the horizon and seeing the sun is almost fully set. "F-Fine... It's best we get this done as fast as possible..." She said before moving in front of one of the brahmin that still needed to be packed. She takes a breath and with a flustered look unties her bikini top and waits for the mutant cow to notice her bare breasts and walk over to her. "I can't believe I'm doing this..." She mutters to herself.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sun Sep 12, 2021 2:56 am

"That's the spirit!", Tessa says with a encouraging tone, following it up with a quick giggle before she gets back to looping a few more ropes around the second brahmin as Edy finishes loading it up. When you move in front one of the brahmin it already begins to be clearly interested in you, taking a couple exploratory steps toward you. When you you undo your bikini top and bare your breasts though you definitely gave the creature's attention, and it begins following you like a puppy might its master. Luckily you're not going far though and quickly step back till your standing beside Leena. A second later after that and the mutant cows twin heads nose your tits and inhale as it smells you. You wince a little as your delicate flesh is pressed on, the already sensitive things fairly bruised after taking that shotgun blast at such close range. Its thankfully short lived though, and before you know it you have to fight off the urge to laugh a little as the brahmin's breathing actually tickles your nipples a little!

Of course though the beast is not just content with that, and a few moment later your find your pink peaks soon captured in the mouth of each of the two heads! You suppress a gasp and moan as the cow begins to suck, the powerful suction of the creatures mouths tugging strongly on your nipples, broad teeth grazing them but not pinching. The sensation is, embarrassingly, actually quite nice, as a soft but delightful pleasure spreads out through your boobs and tickles up your spine. The suckling while strong, is rhythmic and methodical, and the beast is calm as can be. The situation still feels odd though, considering you weren't lactating. However with the beast now so preoccupied and passive Tessa has no problem beginning to start fitting its cargo harness while Edy starts stacking boxes nearby to load into it. The second one done now Leena leads it back a ways and ties it off to one of the shelter posts, before pushing its head away from her tits firmly. Right after she does that though she just goes and leads up another one just as you just done. She lets out a cute little squeak when the next one starts sucking on her tits now, and you can't help but notice the flustered look on her face as she closes her eyes and starts muttering something under her breath. Her cock starts to get a little harder, though she seems to be trying valiantly to fight it off.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sun Sep 12, 2021 3:26 am

Joy can't help but gasp a bit as the twin heads breathe on her bare and sensitive nipples before she winces as she felt some pain from where the shotgun pellets hit her. Then to her surprise it began to tickle a bit and while she keeps from laughing she couldn't stop a light grin. However Joy knows this is just the beginning as soon the two mouths latch onto her breasts and nipples and began to suck and she tries to suppress a moan but lets out a gasp a moment later. She did not expect such a strong suction or the teeth grazing against the sensitive nubs. Her cheeks turn red as she embarrassingly feels pleasure from this as her sensitive breasts are sucked in a way that is actually rhythmic and keeping her from just ignoring it.

At the very least this was for a purpose as she notices Tessa and getting the harness on the beast and loading the cargo onto it. She also notices Leena bringing her brahmin off to the side to tie it to a post before going to get enough and Joy is a bit glad to know that Leena is also having to deal with the same thing she is. Joy turns a bit more red as she notices Leena's cock getting harder and much to her embarrassment Joy felt a heat building up between her thighs and she was sure there was a bit of wetness in her panties now.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:32 am

With not much else to do other to just stand there and keep the big animals attention on you its kind of hard to not have your mind think dirty thoughts. Your find yourself pressing your thighs together, trying to ignore the slight wetness between your legs as your body gets excited by the brahmin sucking in your nipples. Its also hard to not stare at Leena's piece as she struggles to keep the large tool under control. For the most part the tall wolf woman manages just fine and avoids popping a full boner like she had when you first met her, but its definitely a hard struggle. Much like yourself she keeps her thighs pressed together and seems to shift her weight from foot to foot a little restlessly. You also end up playing a slightly comical game of eye tag with her as every time you notice she seems to be looking at you she quickly looks away, and every time she seems to notice you staring at her dick her dick you look anywhere else. Luckily you both have a pair of mouths of your tits to provide a larger distraction.

Anyway though, after about ten more minutes and another brahmin to distract for both you and Leena the work is all done. All the gear is loaded up and the animals are ready to move. Leena pushes away the final brahmin suckling from her then helps you do much the same. You both do your best to ignore how stiff your nipples now are, the pink nubs glistening a little with brahmin saliva. When you put your bikini top back on the clearly press against the thin white fabric, poking against them even more obviously then they already had been, but such was life.

"Alright, we all ready to move out?", Tessa asks, tucking away the leads for each brahmin to a point on their harnesses. To your chagrin she simply shakes her hips back and forth in front the group and they begin to follow her, one even following behind you. It's not aggressive at all, but it seems inclined to follow your butt. A very simple creature indeed!
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:46 am

Despite it only being a matter of minutes it felt more like an hour for Joy as she tries to endure the brahmin sucking at her sensitive nipples and she is unable to hide some of her gasps and moans of pleasure. Her movements also gave away how this was effecting her if not her voice as she shifts from one leg to the other while pressing and rubbing her thighs together a bit. It also didn't help that Leena was right next to her getting the same treatment while having a half hard cock, though Leena seems to be handling it better than she is. Though they both tend to take looks at each other as they endure the brahmin sucking on their sensitive nipples.

After about ten minutes the brahmin were ready and with the help of Leena Joy is free of the heads sucking on her nipples. Putting her bikini top back on makes her blush as her nipples poke through the thin white fabric which also becomes a bit transparent when damp from the brahmin saliva. Down below it was the same as her juices had made her bikini bottoms transparent and her pink slit was visible. Trying her best to ignore it she takes the reins of one brahmin and then blushes as she realizes that to get them to follow they are going to follow their shapely rears. Trying to keep ahead of her brahmin she essentially leads it with her round and plush ass. As they travel she takes out the cooked lizard she saved for herself having given the other three their lizards before they started leaving. "Think we'll be back before dark?" She asks as she eats the cooked lizard.
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