Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sun Sep 05, 2021 2:37 am

Joy's Inventory
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Durable Jeans: 5/5 HP---------------------------Worth 100 Caps (Doesn't fit anymore!)
Light Duster: 1/5 HP-----------------------------worth 90 caps
Bikini Set: 2/2 HP--------------------------------Worth 50 caps
Tan simple shorts 1/1 HP------------------------Worth 8 Caps (Doesn't fit anymore!)

Hunting Rifle: 98%---------------------------------worth 294 caps
10mm Pistol: 62%-----------------------------------worth 80 caps
Snub nosed 357: 76%-------------------------------worth 76 caps
Combat Knife: 70%---------------------------------worth 35 caps
Plasma Grenades: 1--------------------------------worth 120 caps each

.308 rounds: 65--------------worth 1 cap each
10mm rounds: 81------------worth 1 cap each
.357 rounds: 6---------------worth 1 cap each

Water Canteen(+1 HP, outside of combat only): 5 uses---------------------N/A
Travel rations(+2 HP, outside of combat only): 3----------------------------worth 2 caps each
Pre war food: 4 Cans (+2 HP outside of combat, +4 when cooked)--------worth 5 caps each
Stim Packs: 2 (Heals 5 HP)-----------------------------------------------------worth 40 caps each

Flat tip screwdriver---------------------worth 1 cap

Caps: 736

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

New Perk!

Exotic Allure: Your transformed self has a thrilling attractiveness to it that tends to get people flustered. You get +2 to Charisma checks involving regular non-hostile humans, but at the cost of a slightly increased chance of receiving sexual attacks from beasts.

"No its best you three take the guns. Bugs can be bad in groups, but we've a group of our own. And whatever else might be hiding in this decrepit town likely isn't organized so I'm not to worried about it. I'll certainly take a knife though.", Devin says, thanking you as you hand him over your simple straight bladed combat knife. "Well I'll leave you three to it. Be careful out there. With any luck when you get back we'll have somewhere safe to sleep and better to eat then bug meat.", he adds on, before beginning to organize the rest of the various canine themed cohort and making their way to some larger looking buildings a little further in the town. Perhaps an old store or an office.

As they make their way off you hand out your spare guns. "I'm a pretty decent shot. You can give me the revolver. I'm also a fair deal stronger and bigger then I was before, so my fists should make a decent back up.", The wolf woman says, nodding as you hand her over the weapon. "I'm Leena by the way. Used to be a rather plain woman before, and likely a fair bit older then you, so you probably never noticed me before, which was actually kind of nice. Makes surviving a lot easier when no one really notices you. Don't think blending into the background is going to be so easy anymore though...". That was fair. All of you were going to stand out a fair bit more then you used to now, that was for sure. Even someone like yourself, who had been quite the pretty gal before hand.

When you explain the clothes Leena just sighs. "Yeah. If it doesn't fit you its definitely too small for me. Plus all the space this fucking prick takes up. Pun absolutely intended.", Leena says, gesturing down to her massive hard on in frustration before grumbling in annoyance. She prods it to accentuate her point, but right after touch it with her hand snaps her hand back as a short gasp escapes gritted teeth, her body going rigid for a second. "Christ! God damn thing. Ugh.", she mumbles, before doing her best to ignore her own nudity.

Tessa meanwhile takes your 10mm pistol. On the subject of clothes Tessa is slightly more slender then you, her hips about an inch less wide. You give the chance to try on both the your jeans and shorts. The jeans are clearly a no go, and sadly while she almost gets the shorts on, she just quite get them all the way up without hampering her ability to walk. With a tired sigh both items are returned to you and she reties her flimsy rag loin cloth on back on. She is quite relieved to have a gun now though, and gives her sorry looking baseball bat to Leena since she only had six shots for the gun you gave her.

If there is nothing else, the three of you are prepared to head out. Leena will lead the way since she clearly had some extensive tracking experience.

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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:14 am

Joy nods to Devin and hands him her combat knife. "Hopefully you won't need to use it but it's better than nothing." She says to him after handing him the knife with its small sheath. "You be careful as well and good luck." She said to him before he goes off with the other canine people while she goes with her small group with Tessa and the wolf woman. She hands them their preferred pistols and gives Tessa the rest of her 10mm ammo incase she needed it. Joy sticks with her preferred weapon, her hunting rifle and luckily for her she just recently found a whole unopened box of ammo for it so she felt pretty good about it.

"Nice to meet you, Leena. I'm Joy. While I was not one to just simply blend into the background, and don't think I stuck out nearly as much as I do now." She said to the wolf woman who's name she just learned now. After explaining clothes for a bit Joy blushes deeply when Leena prodded her own cock and got quite a reaction from it, reminding Joy of her own heighten sensitivity. Seeing Tessa was a bit more slender than her she gives her the pants and shorts that no longer fit her but unfortunately none of them fit Tessa either and she sighs with Tessa while taking the clothes back. "I just bought the shorts too... Guess I'll see if I can't trade these in at the next town..."

With the three of them armed and ready Joy asks Leena to take the lead since she found the tracks and apparently has tracking experience. "Let's move fast if we can... I don't want to head back in the dark..." She said as they head out to find the brahmin.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sun Sep 05, 2021 4:52 am

Event Roll: 20!

The tracks are hard to follow being supposedly at least a week old, but Leena seems like she knows what she's doing. There a few moments where your not really sure what she's tracking anymore since you can't find any tracks, but whenever you or Tessa ask Leena points out small very hard to notice details that make a lot of sense after she explains what to look for. She then coyly tells you there is more to tracking then just following literal tracks in the ground. She seems like a good woman to learn from should you ever find the time.

After about two miles and slightly less then an hour of brisk walking however you finally come across something. You find some scattered boxes in a field that Leena notes as having been grazed on not that long ago. All the containers are empty sadly, but Tessa and Leena recognize as cargo from the pack brahmin. Shortly after that deduction all three of you begin to notice an abundance of boot prints all about, especially in a muddy area near a small swampy like pond. "Small group. Five to seven people I'd say.", Leena says as she looks around, then begins to follow her nose to an area of slightly taller grass. You begin to notice the smell of decay, your nose crinkling a little as the unpleasant odour hits your more sensitive nose, but you follow it. About a hundred more feet of walking though and the three of you find the corpse of a half eaten man laying in the grass. "Make that four to six", Leena corrects herself before crouching down to examine the body.

"One of those Viper gang splinter's we were warned about.", Says Tessa, noting the snake symbol on the bodies decorative leather vest. You all check to see if there was anything of worth on the guy, but there isn't much. A few missed caps in one of his pockets, and an old map miraculously mostly intact. He was looted already. "Hmm. Wasn't killed by an animal. Someone shot him in the face, below the right eye. I'm willing to reckon a little spat between the raiders as they rustled up the pack brahmin. Critters have been chewing on him since then. Only small ones though since there is still anything left of him. Probably would be best to move on from from before long though just in case. Raider tracks are pretty obvious though. Just a bunch of dumb thugs without a fucking clue." Leena explains, lamenting at the ruined clothing a little. Not that it would've fit on her anyway. "I sat we follow them and see what kind of set up they have at the very least. If we're lucky this group will be the whole thing, rather then simply a piece of a bigger hole. That and they're place is probably pretty close to the road, so it'll probably make our return trip quicker too.", Tessa adds in.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sun Sep 05, 2021 11:03 am

While Joy was an expert in scavenging she didn't really have any experience in tracking as she never really had a good enough reason too; prewar ruins and buildings tended to have whatever she needed to get buy so things like hunting were never really needed. However Leena was more than willing to inform her and Tessa on what she is tracking and what to look for. The way Leena explained it seemed to keep Joy paying attention and makes a mental note to maybe ask for a better lesson when the time allows.

It's almost an hour later when they finally find something. While it was not the pack brahmin they did find some containers left on the ground but unfortunately they were empty however they did have the caravan's markings on them. She then watches as Leena finds and tracks some boot prints and can even deduce the probably amount of people that were here too. "Wow... that's really impressive..." Joy said a bit in awe. Tracking the boot prints they find a soon find a half eaten body, and a quick look from Tessa reveals it was one of the Viper gangs. Joy can't help but cover her nose a bit from the smell which she could small more than usually thanks to her new nose. A quick frisking of the body only discovered some loose caps and an old map which Joy takes and looks at while Leena explains the condition of the body. Listening to Tessa's suggestion Joy nods her head and looks away from the map. "Sounds good. If we can surprise attack them we might be able to take them out if there's no more than six." Joy said. "And odds are we'll get more supplies at their base than just the brahmin."
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sun Sep 05, 2021 2:50 pm

"Sounds like a plan to me.", Leena says, getting back up dusting off her grey furred legs quickly. "Normally these wannabe gangs aren't so greatly armed, but they'll have some better stuff then normal if they have all our pack brahmin. I know a lot of us threw our extra weapons on them if there was space, and I know Devin did have a few guns for trading as well. But I think it'll mostly be small stuff.", Tessa adds in. You'd all find out soon enough, and with nothing else to do here you all head out following the boot prints and referencing the map you found for good measure which seems to have their camp conveniently circled. Luckily it doesn't seem very far away at all.

Perception roll: 20!

You follow the tracks for about half an hour, but before you go over the next rise you suddenly here voices distant. Your ears twitching you call the others to stop and listen, and after a few moments they hear it too. Taking care to be stealthy the three of you continue on, slowly peeking over the next rise, then you spot the camp. It seems they've made their home in a tiny valley that used to the bed of a small lake or something. Two smallish ramshackle wooden shelters sit at the base of a rather steep dirt cliff that is about fifteen feet or so high. Above those two buildings is an decrepit prewar building that might've been a dock house or store before. In the distance you can spot an old paved path that seems to go off to join the main road. Seems like this was a raider staging point yup.

Looking down at them you spot three raiders around a small fire in front of the two wooden shelters, cooking what appears to be lizards over it and making whatever idle conversation. A fourth appears to be leaning up against the old prewar building above them, looking toward the road for potential victims, idly smoking a cigarette. A fifth seems to sleeping in the right shelter. There could be one or two more out of sight however. To the left of the shelters you see a pack of six brahmin, all tied to a to a simple steel rod driven into the ground. None of the wares are on them, but you can spot stacks of boxes and other bundles of stuff in the left shelter. "Thats our stuff alright.", Tessa says, doing her best to keep her big husky ears flat, though eventually she just ducks out of sight just in case, not wanting her red wiggling ears to give the three of you away as she tries to figure out how to move them properly.

You seemed to be in a rather decent position. You had decent cover, high ground, and about a hundred meters between you and them with only minimal rocks to use as cover in between. Excellent terrain for your rifle to be put to good use. You could pick them off one by one from here, and the raiders would either have to cross the dangerous open ground or flee. Using your scope you confirm these are viper gangers by spotting a crude snake patch on one of their mismatched getups, so there are no moral complications by shooting first in this situation.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sun Sep 05, 2021 8:38 pm

"Well small stuff is better than nothing; my pistol against all those bugs should be proof of that I think." She said when Tessa explained what kind of weapons were on the brahmin. With the body check and tracks to follow Joy and her companions start heading towards the raider camp, the map she found having their camp marked which was fortunate for them. It only takes a half an hour to find the camp and luckily Joy's new ears are able to hear voices before they could get over a hill. She raises her hand and tells the others to stop as she gets low and gives the other two girls time to hear the voices as well. Slowly she peaks over the hill and spots the raider camp and takes some time to look it over.

"Seems like.. there's five in the camp but there could be others out of sight..." She said after using her scope to scout out the camp and spotting as many raiders as she could. She also takes note of the brahmin in the pen and the piles of boxes and bundles in one of the shelters so this was definitely where they needed to be. Tessa confirms this as well while trying to hide her ears which made Joy use a hand to cover her own a bit. Spotting the snake patches on their outfits Joy confirms that these are Viper Gangers so no moral complications shooting them though Joy wasn't really one to get into fights if she could help it as she find survival to be easier when avoiding conflict. However they needed those supplies so she brings up her Hunter Rifle. "Alright... I don't think we can avoid a fight if we want to get back by dark... I can try picking off as many as I can from here and either they will run or come to us but they won't have cover. When you guys are ready let me know..." She tells them as she aims her rifle and aims for the one leaning against the shack; he would be the fastest to react as the others were either asleep or relaxing at a campfire. Once Leena and Tessa were ready and Joy has her target lined up she takes her first shot.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:54 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Gave you a couple extra HP since you've been out of combat for a few in game hours. Don't forgot you can drink water and eat food for easy HP between fights!

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Joy:------------------------------Surprise Attack with Hunting rifle!----------------20!(Thats three in a row now! 20 DAM to Viper Ganger 5, Viper Ganger 5 slain!)
Joy:------------------------------Surprise Attack with Hunting rifle!----------------13 + 2 + 2(Surprise attack) = 17 (10 DAM to Viper Ganger 2. Viper Ganger 2 slain!)
Tessa:---------------------------Takes cover-------------------------------------------//
Leena:--------------------------Takes cover-------------------------------------------//
Viper Ganger 1:----------------Attacks with 9mm pistol!---------------------------8 - 3(ineffective range) = 5 (Miss)
Viper Ganger 3:----------------Suppresses Joy with 10mm SMG!------------------16 (1 DAM to Joy, -3 to next attack roll)
Viper Ganger 4:----------------Wakes up and takes cover--------------------------//
Joy:------------------------------Attacks with Hunting Rifle!------------------------19 + 2 - 3(Suppressed) = 18 (10 DAM to Viper Ganger 3, Viper Ganger 3 slain!)


HP: 5/14
LP: 11/12
--Bikini Top: 1/1 HP
--Bikini Bottom: 1/1 HP
--Light Duster: 1/5 HP


HP: 10/10
LP: 12/12

HP: 15/15
LP: 8/8


Viper Ganger 1: 10/10 HP
Viper Ganger 2: 0/10 HP
Viper Ganger 3: 0/10 HP
Viper Ganger 4: 10/10 HP
Viper Ganger 5: 0/10 HP

"Sounds good to me. If we're lucky perhaps they'll take off after you pick one or two of them off. Viper gangers are massive assholes, but they aren't complete maniacs like a lot of other raiders are.", Leena whispers to you before giving you a good luck pat on the back. She crouch walks about a twenty further down the rise from you, taking cover behind a gnarled tree and keeping out of sight. "We'll stay hidden on your flanks Joy. If any of them charge and manage to get close, me and Leena will pop up and cover you. We'll try to make your bullets count. Would rather not waste them from firing all the way over here.", Tessa says, before going the opposite way that Leena does, taking cover behind a rather large boulder, but keeping low and trying to peek through the taller grass to keeps tabs on what the Viper gang members are doing.

With your companions waiting to give you close range back up if you need it you crawl forward again, moving nice and slow. Its fortunate the sun is to your back at the moment, as it definitely makes your already hard to detect movements even harder to spot. That, and unlike Tessa your fur colours blended in far better with the environment then hers did. The Viper Gangers seemed to be completely relaxed however. It would seem they might have been here a while without getting attacked, and were perhaps used to doing the attacking. They'd let their guard down, which made it easier for you to get nice and comfortable as you line up your first shot. You don't need that much time though, as for a hunting rifle the range was relatively short, but the lighting was good and wind minimal. After about ten seconds you steady your breathing, then with one final exhale fire.

Your rifle kicks, a loud bang filling the air that is accompanied by the muzzle flash of your rifle. By the time the raiders hear the shot though its already far too late for the smoking raider against the prewar building. Your bullet slams right into his forehead and there is an explosion of blood as you blow the top oh his head clean off in a gory mess. The raider crumples into a heap, his death instant, a shotgun falling down from behind him where it has leaned against the wall. You don't dwell on that though. Even as you watch the man fall to the ground your already working the bolt on your rifle, pulling it back and ejecting a steaming brass casing before pushing it forward to cycle another round and locking it back in place. Changing your point of aim you aim down to the trio at the campfire, all of which are quite spooked but for the moment seem frozen. You don't take as much time to aim this time before firing again, but your aim is true. This time your shot hits the next one dead center in his unarmoured chest. He goes down unmoving in a heap next to the fire, while the other all begin to swear and move.

Noticing your muzzle flash after your second shot, one of the raiders pulls out a pistol and begins to fire wildly in your direction, but being so far away with a side arm the bullets fall short of you. The second however pulls out a 10mm SMG much to your surprise, and just sprays a long burst of bullets in your direction. Regrettably by some small miracle from them one of the bullets actually hits you, an explosion of pain hitting you as a bullet slams into your left shoulder. Gasping you pull back slightly, getting back into cover as the raider continues to shoot in your direction, using his ammo in an effort to keep you from popping back up and aiming easily. You give yourself a quick check, opening your duster and expecting to see a bloody mess, however what you see shocks you greatly. Your shoulder is fine, or at least, looks fine. You prod it and clench your teeth a little as a flare of pain hits you from poking what is no doubt a large bruise, but otherwise your completely intact! You almost wonder if was a bullet that hits you, but your rather confident it was when you notice the bullet hole in your duster's shoulder, the damage thankfully not effecting it's ability to be worn. You can even confirm it a second later though when you actually fish the bullet out from the inside of your duster, the metal slug squashed flat where it hit you. Seems the transformation really did include more then just canine features and bigger tits! The memory is fuzzy, but you do idly recall laying on a table and doctors discussing a wide assortment of features before you woke up in the testing room.

Another burst of bullets from the SMG wielding ganger though reminds you that you can think about such things later though. You shimmy down some to change your position, then pop back up to try and take the ganger out. You aim as fast you can, and you can see the ganger spot you and shift his aim, but you manage to fire first despite his attempts to suppress you and shoot true. Like the second one you get him right through the heart and he drops like a sack of potatoes, slumping over a crude barricade that made up one of the short waist high walls of the right wooden shelter. "Jesus Joy! Hell fucking yeah!", Tessa says from your left.
Last edited by jondude on Tue Sep 07, 2021 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Tue Sep 07, 2021 5:26 am

Once her two companions were in position Joy takes her time lining up her shot, not wanting to waste the element of surprise by missing her first shot. She sneaks forward till she could get a clear shot at all of them luckily her fur colors blended with the terrain somewhat. Once she was in position she aims her rifle and steadies her breathing before firing at her first target. Her first shot hits the Viper Ganger right in he head and takes it clean off. Joy typically didn't like seeing that kind of gore but she didn't have time to be squeamish right now as she had other Viper Gangers to deal with. She slides back the bolt of her rifle to eject the empty bullet casing and pushed it forward to load the next shot. She aims for one of the ones by the campfire who are all just sitting there in shock. She is a bit surprised that these Gangers are just sitting there stunned rather than reacting, clearly not used to being attacked over being the attackers.

Before they could gather their wits she puts a bullet through the chest of another Viper Ganger and this is when the others start to go on the attack when they noticed where she was firing from. One pulls out a pistol which isn't able to get close to her, though the one with the submachine gun has better luck and one bullet out of the spray manages to hit her in the shoulder. She cries out a bit in paid as she felt the bullet hit her shoulder and she moves back into cover. She turns over and looks at her shoulder, pushing her duster aside, and is surprised to see now blood. She touches her shoulder only to wince in pain as she felt a bruise under her fur that hurt like hell. She wonders if he even shot a bullet at her till she noticed the hole in her duster. "Holy shit, am I bullet proof?!" She wonders to herself as she fished out the flatten slug.

Deciding to figure that out later she moves to the other side of her cover, remembering a bit of advice she got from a marksman; that if she is trying to snipe she needs to move the moment her location is discovered. She moves a bit away from where they are shooting at her and lines up her next shot. Despite how fast she lined up her shot she is able to fire first and take out another one, meaning three of them were down and at least two were left. "Don't celebrate yet; still at least two left and I haven't seen the one in the shack leave yet... Keep on guard." She said as she tries to take out the one with the pistol while trying to ignore the pain in her shoulder.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Tue Sep 07, 2021 5:23 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Joy:------------------------------Attacks with Hunting Rifle!------------------------5 + 2 = 7 (1 DAM to Viper Ganger 1)
Viper Ganger 1:----------------Attacks with 9mm pistol!---------------------------6 - 3(ineffective range) = 3(Miss)
Viper Ganger 4:----------------Grabs 10mm SMG------------------------------------//
Tessa:---------------------------Takes cover-------------------------------------------//
Leena:--------------------------Takes cover-------------------------------------------//
Joy:------------------------------Attacks with Hunting Rifle!------------------------19 + 2 = 21 (10 DAM to Viper Ganger 1, Viper Ganger 1 slain!)


HP: 5/14
LP: 11/12
--Bikini Top: 1/1 HP
--Bikini Bottom: 1/1 HP
--Light Duster: 1/5 HP


HP: 10/10
LP: 12/12

HP: 15/15
LP: 8/8


Viper Ganger 1: 0/10 HP
Viper Ganger 2: 0/10 HP
Viper Ganger 3: 0/10 HP
Viper Ganger 4: 10/10 HP
Viper Ganger 5: 0/10 HP

While everything seemed to be going very well all things considered you don't like to count your blessings to early. There could be others, perhaps out of sight or in the old dock house. Tessa and Leena just nod in reply, but otherwise stay in cover, electing to preserve ammunition and wait till the time was right to shoot. Shifting your aim to the currently only armed foe he pops up to let out a few more shots in your general direction, which once again wildly miss and fall short. You answer back with a shot of your own, but only get a graze on the man as he swears loudly and get back into cover. At the same time in the corner of your eye you spot the other viper ganger dash out of cover and pick up the 10mm SMG from the other ganger you just took out. He does it quick enough that you don't have time to shift your aim, and a second later your glad you didn't bother as the pistol wielding one pops up again. Already locked onto him for the most part, as soon as he starts rising you fire again hit him in the chest. A second later and he keels over the barricade he had been using as cover, unmoving.

As you cycle back the bolt from the last shot, you eject the final round loaded into your rifle. Looks like you needed to reload. At this point there was still no sign of anyone emerging from the old prewar building, but then again you couldn't see the side that had the door on it, and the windows were all boarded up.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Tue Sep 07, 2021 11:59 pm

With the other two watching her flanks incase anyone tries to run up to them Joy turns her attention back to the Viper Gangers and aims at the one with the pistol. She fires though curses as her shot misses meaning she only had one left before she needed to reload. As she is aiming at the cover the ganger is hiding behind she notices the one that was sleeping in the shack dash out and grab the submachinegun from the dead one she just killed. However because that man was so quick to do so she didn't have time to shift her aim to him which was lucky for her as the one hiding behind cover popped up and with her sights already on him she fires and takes him out with a shot to the chest.

"Reloading." She tells the other two as she moves behind cover and ejects the empty casing and the empty magazine. "There's one more with a submachine gun though I'm not sure where he is right now. Keep your ears open in case he tries to rush us." She tells them as she reloads her rifle. Once it was reloaded she peeks from her cover and aims her rifle trying to spot the last one. Maybe if she's lucky he'll be surrendering considering how four of his group are already dead.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:08 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Tessa:---------------------------Takes cover-------------------------------------------//
Leena:--------------------------Takes cover-------------------------------------------//
Viper Ganger 4:----------------Attacks with 10mm SMG!---------------------------8 (Miss)
Joy:------------------------------Attacks with Hunting Rifle!------------------------17 + 2 = 19 (10 DAM to Viper Ganger 4, Viper Ganger 4 slain!)


HP: 5/14
LP: 11/12
--Bikini Top: 1/1 HP
--Bikini Bottom: 1/1 HP
--Light Duster: 1/5 HP


HP: 10/10
LP: 12/12

HP: 15/15
LP: 8/8


Viper Ganger 1: 0/10 HP
Viper Ganger 2: 0/10 HP
Viper Ganger 3: 0/10 HP
Viper Ganger 4: 0/10 HP
Viper Ganger 5: 0/10 HP

Taking a step back you slide underneath cover again as you fish out one of your spare magazines from your back and swap it out with your empty one, placing it back into your pack so you can put some more bullets into it later. You wince a little as you hear bullets whistle over your position, other thudding into the dirt out of sight but sending up small sprays of sandy dirt. It stops after a moment, and then a moment later you hear a what can only be described a war cry. Seeing the fire die down you shift position a little and peak back up to see the guy charging across the open ground of the dried up lake bed. He hasn't gotten far, but even from here you can see a mad grinning face and blood shot eyes. This guy likely just dosed up on a bunch of chems and was charging feeling like an unbeatable war god if you had to guess. You end it with one last well placed shot, and the guy thuds to the dirt, weapon clattering from his hand and laughing a disturbing laugh of victory even as he quickly perishes.

With him down all your available targets are dealt with, but you scan the area a few more times just to be sure. There is ten seconds of silence, then twenty. It would seem you've gotten them all, but you are not so easily convinced as you stare at the shack. Perhaps whoever was in there had enough witz to know that to emerge and try to fight you at an angle that played well to your rifle was not ideal. They could just be in the shack waiting for you all to enter. You could perhaps use your other plasma grenade, but that would likely ruin any loot inside. And what if they had a captive? Raider gangs made slaves of their victims all the time, especially for sex. There was a plethora of other options though. Simply wait out whoever might be in there? Try to lure them out by acting like you had left? Simply take what belonged to the caravan and leave, ignoring the shack altogether? Some combination of them? Quite the slew of options indeed.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Thu Sep 09, 2021 6:52 am

Slipping behind cover Joy takes a spare magazine for her rifle from her pack's side pocket and swaps it out with the empty one but she keeps the empty one since she can reuse it later. As a scavenger she knows to learn to use of everything she finds so she knows what to keep and what to sell or toss aside. As the rain of bullets stop Joy gets into position again while she assumes he's reloading only to instead heard a crazed war cry of sorts before she spots the man running across the dried lake bead completely in the open. It only took a quick look at his expression and blood shot eyes to realize he just dosed on some chems. "Crazy bastard just juiced himself on chems and charging at us. Get ready in case I miss." Joy tells her companions as she lines up her shot and luckily she doesn't miss and he falls to the ground with the same crazed expression.

After waiting almost a minute while scanning the area she doesn't notice anyone else at all and her ears stand up listening around as well. "I don't see or hear anyone... but there might be someone in the shack there... We can all head down there now and hope no one is hiding while we cross over or I can stay here and cover one or both of you as you approach. Then if it's clear we all group up to check the shack together." She tells them of their options. "Personally I rather we don't split up but if we go together we should go whichever way gives us cover incase someone bursts out of there." She said as she keeps her eye on the shack.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Thu Sep 09, 2021 7:03 pm

Tessa and Leena seemed less then thrilled about leaving cover, but then again thats perfectly understandable given that Tessa is wearing rags and Leena is still naked. They scoot back your way a little, peeking over the edge, but nothing seems to move. "Well we can't just stay here.", Leena says, her grey ears flicking toward the prewar building. "I say we check the building. I would rather know whats in there then leave it to chance.", she adds on. Tessa tuts a little, her ears going toward the brahmin and the piled up boxes of goods in one of the crudely built shelters. "I get that but... I'd rather just get our stuff and split as quick as possible.", She replies. They are both good points, but Leena then Leena speaks up again. "Well, there are three of us. I will go check the shack and have Joy cover me. Tessa you start securing our goods and get them back onto the brahmin. It'll probably take us at least 20 minutes to do that, so the sooner we start the better. This way we can do everything we came here to do and not be very far from each other."

Tessa seems to have no qualms with the plan, and it keeps you all close together. They agree though its better you stay here to cover them as they approach first then you follow once they cross the open lake bed. Thankfully that goes without issue, and the three of you are soon right at the base of shelters, a short but steep dirt slope is all that keeps you from going to the higher ground where the old boarded up dock house is. You and Leena try to quietly walk up the bank while Tessa gets to work looting the place below and getting the brahmin ready.

Stealth Roll: 18 + 2 = 20 (Pass)

You and Leena are thankfully finding yourselves adapting to these new bodies very quickly, and your both silent as can be as you slowly ascend the hill, walking softly and your senses alert. As you get to the top you do your best to ignore the grisly sight of the first ganger you took out, but the scav in you takes over as your attention is quickly drawn to the long barrelled pump action shotgun next to the man. Leena however is much more focused on whats around the corner, cautiously peeking her head around the corner. You follow suit. There is no one there, but you can see the door. "You stand back a bit and cover me. Maybe the sound of Tessa looting their stolen goods will draw someone out, if not then I'm going to try and use a stick and prod the door handle like someone is opening it and we'll see what happens.", She tries to tell you, but is also open to any other suggestions you might have.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:48 pm

"If we're not in any danger I say we take whatever we can; considering you guys lost just about everything to those guys that transformed all of us we should take back as much as we can." Joy suggests. "Besides, better to find out if someone's hiding in there than to risk someone shooting at is the moment our guard is down." When Leena gives her suggestion Joy agrees with her that the two of them will check out the shack while Tessa gets the brahmin ready. "Try looting the bodies too; they'll have weapons and ammo which we all need." She says before taking position on the hill to cover than incase they needed it. Once they made it across she heads down the hill and meets up with them at the camp.

As Tessa goes to loot the safe areas and secure the brahmin Joy goes with Leena to check out the shack. As they get closer she notices the dead ganger with the shotgun nearby while Leena is checking the building. She listens to Leena and nods her head before saying. "Hold on..." She said before going to the dead ganger and taking their pump action shotgun and any shotgun shells on him before holding it up to Leena. "Might be better than my pistol if you're going to be the one closest to the door." She said and whether or not Leena takes it Joy takes position and readies her hunting rifle.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:06 am

Seeing an opportunity to arm up a little, you skulk quietly and grab the shotgun from the dead ganger. You fish around his pockets some, finding a tin of cigarettes, a couple boxes of matches, some loose caps, then finally fistful of shotgun shells which comes up to about eight of them. You just grab those for now, deciding to come back for the rest of the stuff later as you hand the shotgun to Leena who nods in appreciation. She blushes a little a second later though when she just looks at the shotgun shells in your hand and to her bare self. Realizing she literally has nowhere to put them for the moment, you put them in your own pocket after you both make sure the weapon is fully loaded. She hands you back your snub nosed revolver for similar reasons, giving you a sidearm again.

Leena holds the weapon one handed for a moment as she grabs an old wooden tool handle nearby and gets into position to prod the door. When you see that you start to head to a back a little ways to find a decent spot by some old stone with some kind of worn display in front of it. However before you get more then a couple steps to it there is a loud 'whack!' of boxes hitting boxes from below, and someone inside the shack responds violently to it. A loud boom fills your ears as a hole is blown in the shack door, sending a shower of splinters outward. Leena isn't hit, but screams in surprise, dropping her stick and falling backward in shock, making sure to retain her grip on the shotgun instead. It's good she falls back too as a moment later another hole is blown in the shack wall pretty much right where Leena had been. She squeals again in panic, scrambling backward as fast as can be and keeping low. Luckily there is no third shot but as Leena moves the shack door is suddenly kicked open, and figure covered in crude metal armour comes out. In one hand is a sawed off shotgun that is cracked open in the middle or reloading, the other holds an also shortened sledgehammer, the handle cut so it could be used more easily with one hand.

Despite Leena being closer though the first thing the ganger does is look at you, seeing as your only about 25 feet away and right in the open. His eyes widen a little at seeing your exotic canine appearance, but then he just lets out a wicked almost insane laugh. "Here puppy!~", he ahouts as he puts the first of two fresh shotgun shells into his weapon. You could try to to use your rifle, but the range was rather close. Alternatively, you could draw your returned pistol and try to keep his attention on you so Leena could use her new shotgun to good effect. Or you could hope for the best for Leena and simply try to book it to your cover before trying to fire back.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:19 am

Joy rubs the back of her head a bit sheepishly as she remembers that Leena has no place to put the extra shotgun shells so she loads as many as she could into Leena's new pump action shotgun and pockets the rest which she could toss to her later. She takes her snub nosed revolver back and puts it in her side holster for now. Once ready Joy takes her position while Leena takes hers. Before she could reach her cover though she hears the sound of boxes hitting boxes and then a loud boom from the shack as a hole is blown through. Luckily Leena isn't hit but is caught off guard and falls back though fortunately this kept her out of range of a second shot. There isn't a third shot but soon the door is cocked opened and a man in metal armor steps out with a one handed sawed off shotgun and a one hand sledgehammer.

A quick glance at the shotgun told her it was empty, a sawed off only having two shots which he already shot. She then quickly notices his eyes were on her and not Leena which was good because Leena could get a point blank shot on him if his attention is on Joy. She notices already trying to reload his and quickly thinks of how to react. Deciding it was best to distract him she quickly walks backwards while aiming up her rifle and firing, though she aims for his body so she was less likely to miss though the moment she fires she reaches for her pistol and fires at him while running for cover.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Sep 10, 2021 3:09 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Joy:------------------------------Attacks with hunting rifle!--------------------------16 + 2 - 3(Ineffective Range) - 1(Moving) = 14 (6 - 2(Metal Armour) = 4 DAM to Viper Ganger Boss)
Viper Ganger Boss:-------------Charges Joy!------------------------------------------//
Leena:---------------------------Attacks with Hunting Shotgun!---------------------19 + 1 = 20 (10 - 2(Metal Armour) = 8 DAM to Viper Ganger boss, Charge interrupted)
Joy:------------------------------Attacks with hunting rifle!--------------------------8 + 2 - 3(Ineffective Range) - 1(Moving) = 6 (1 DAM Viper Ganger Boss, graze damage can't be negated)
Viper Ganger boss:------------Attacks Leena with Sawn off Shotgun--------------11 (4 DAM to Leena)


HP: 5/14
LP: 11/12
--Bikini Top: 1/1 HP
--Bikini Bottom: 1/1 HP
--Light Duster: 1/5 HP


HP: 10/10
LP: 12/12

HP: 11/15
LP: 8/8


Viper Ganger Boss: 12/25 HP

There's no denying your caught in a bit of a bad spot, but you've always been a fighter and survivor. You hope this new body holds up to this supposed 'bullet proof' thing as you raise your weapon and take aim. The range was much closer then you'd like to be with your rifle, plus aiming on the move was always hard with such a precise weapon. However you manage decently enough considering you raise your weapon, aim, and fire, all within a single second. Your rifle bucks in your hand and the shot connects. Not as center mass as you'd like as you the guy grunts, bullet ramming into his shoulder but punching through the metal regardless, throwing him off some and making him drop his second shell.

His attention firmly on you his simply flicks his shotgun hand and snaps the breech shut for his shotgun, loading it with one round for now. Rather then fire though he simply raises his hammer and charges at you. "Fucking BITCH!", he yells as you keeping hoping backward, hands doing your best to manually cycle the action on your weapon as this metal clad raider sprints right at you. Thankfully however Leena has managed to get to her feet, and before he even gets halfway between you there is a loud boom as she blasts the guy. He's lifted fully off the ground, sparks flying all over as dozens of pellets skip off his armour, but several other find their way through no doubt. He goes goes crashing into the dirt on his back, giving you more time to get your distance and get your next rifle round in. Leena racks the shotgun after the shot, ejecting a steaming shell as you slow down and try to aim again.

The moment right before you shoot though he props himself up, and your second round only grazes past an exposed section of his arm. He doesn't seem to react though, instead just lifting his sawn off and pointing it at Leena. "Shit!", she cries, trying to aim quicker, caught out in the open like you are. Unfortunately the metal clad raider fires first though, and you watch is dismay as Leena screams in pain, her back slamming into the shack behind her as the force throws her back. She slumps down a second later "Fuck!~", she hisses rather spryly. You can only hope she's as durable as you seem to be for now, but as your legs bump into the large rock you had been heading too at least you've gotten some distance to take at least once shot comfortably. Perhaps more if he doesn't charge you.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Sep 10, 2021 3:26 am

Thanks to all the time Joy has spend trusting her hunting rifle it wasn't too hard for her to get a shot on the armored ganger despite moving backwards and at this range. She watches as the shot throws him off and makes him drop his second shell before he could load it into his sawed off. It seems one shot in his shotgun was enough for him as he snaps it close and then charges at her with his hammer. Joy keeps moving backwards and pulls back the bolt and ejects the empty shell as he charges her but luckily he doesn't get to reach her as Leena shoots him in the back and sends him off his feet.

While Joy wasn't sure how well that shotgun got through his armor she was sure he was hurt and uses this change to get more distance and slide the bolt forward to load her next round. She then takes another shot at him but he gets up and her shot only grazed his arm making her curse. As she is cycling to her next round her eyes widen as Leena is shot and blasted back into the shack wall. "Leena!" She calls out before her leg bumps into something solid and finds she has reached her cover. "Over here you ugly fuck!" She shouts at him as she aims her rifle and takes another shot at him while there was distance and before he tries to reload his shotgun. If Leena was as durable as her than hopefully she'll be back up shortly.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:46 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Joy:------------------------------Attacks with hunting rifle!--------------------------15 + 2 = 17 (10 - 2(Metal Armour) = 8 DAM to Viper Ganger Boss)
Viper Ganger Boss:-------------Charges Joy! Reloads--------------------------------//
Joy:------------------------------Attacks with hunting rifle!--------------------------10 + 2 - 3(Ineffective Range) = 6 (1 DAM Viper Ganger Boss, graze damage can't be negated)
Viper Ganger boss:-------------Attacks Joy with Sawn off Shotgun!----------------12 (4 DAM to Joy. Luck Roll: 8(1 DAM to Light duster! Light Duster unwearable!)
Leena:---------------------------Attacks with Hunting Shotgun!---------------------11 + 1 = 12 (6 - 2(Metal Armour) = 4 DAM to Viper Ganger boss, Viper Ganger boss slain!)



HP: 1/14
LP: 11/12
--Bikini Top: 1/1 HP
--Bikini Bottom: 1/1 HP
--Light Duster: 0/5 HP (Unwearable!)


HP: 10/10
LP: 12/12

HP: 11/15
LP: 8/8


Viper Ganger Boss: 0/25 HP

Getting behind the rock you call out a challenge at the metal clad bastard to get his attention on you again, giving Leena precious seconds to recoup(or so you really hope anyway). He turns to you immediately, seeming to think Leena is done with as he cracks open his shotgun, a single shell flying out. You quickly inform him you are a very dangerous threat though as you fire off another shot at him. With a few extra previous seconds to work with your aim is on point, smacking him right in the gut. The metal plates are thick there, but .308 bullets are big and have a lot of speed behind them and the man doubles over. You think you've got him for a second, but then the man simply roars, gets back up and charges at you. Through an all old sports helmet with a crude grill welded over it you see a man snarling in rage as he sprints your way, ducking around back and forth randomly as he simultaneously reloads his sawn off shotgun again.

Acting quickly you cycle the action as quick as you can and bring your rifle up, but its shocking how much ground a person can cover. There was about fifty feet in between you when he started, by the time you get cycle the action he's already closed more then half way even as he deeks about. You try to aim again, but a sudden turn makes your round graze his left side. You pull back the action again, and find yourself very crestfallen as you see that near hit was your last shot. You needed to reload or switch weapons. Looking back up though and the Viper Ganger is only a dozen feet away, sawn off pointed your way. You shield your eyes and attempt to duck, but you are not fast enough. A thunderous bang fills your sensitive ears and its quickly followed by an intense flare of pain all over your chest. You you feel dozens of pellets slame into you, poking holes through your duster without issue before hitting you. Many sink into the delicate flesh of your tits, and its made all the more painful due to how sensitive the damn things are. However like before with the 10mm SMG hit the worst of the pain is short lived, but intense. You squeal as you fall backward, and you can't help but lament as you feel the back to back events catching up to you. You were thristy, you were hungry, you were tired. You just wanted to take a damn break already, but you couldn't yet. There was still a little juice in the tank.

You try to reach for your revolver, but before you can get it a shadow falls over you. You stare up to see the ganger, the sun over his shoulder making him look darker. He cocks his head, then points his weapon at your head. Fearing the worst you close your eyes, then hear a loud bang. Rather then any pain this time though you here the raider grunt and flop onto his stomach next to you. With an angry grunt he rolls himself over, trying to raise his weapon, but then Leena appears like an avenging angel in the twilight sun, her tall frame looking positively heavenly as she comes to your rescue. She kicks at the man's arm quick, sending his sawn off flying from his grip before she uses she points her weapon at him point blank and fires again. One final loud bang and its over the, man going still. Chest heaving she racks the slide and pants, waiting a few seconds to make sure the guy is down for good. "Haa... Goddamn... what an asshole... fuck...", Leena says as she breathes deeply. After a few moments though she goes to help you to your feet. Much to your dismay, your duster does not join you, that last scatter shot having shredded some of the last few good stitches that kept it wearable on your shoulders.

"Goddamn are you two okay!?", You hear Tessa then say, peeking up over the hill with a looted 10mm SMG in hand. "I got worried after Joy fired more then twice!", she says. Right after she says that though just to further complicate things you hear a female voice from the shack call out. "Hello!? I don't know who you are but please tell me you killed that Viper freak!"
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:36 am

Her distraction really got to him as her rifle seemed like the bigger threat with how her bullets are able to piece his metal armor, or at least able to put a substantial dent into it. She manages to get his attention though he is quick to rush her and to her shock he is able to reload his shotgun while also rushing at her quickly. She quickly cycles the next round of her rifle as fast as she could and takes another shot though she only manages to graze his side with how fast he was moving. She tries to cycle another round into her rifle only to curse as she finds she has already emptied her magazine, having forgotten she only had four rather than five since she used one to killed the juiced up ganger. She then looks up as she sees him aim his shotgun at her and she shields her head and tries to dive but this guy is rather fast and shoots first. She cries out in pain as the pellets slam into her and goes through her duster and into her sensitive breasts. She falls back and holds her chest a bit as her body felt greatly fatigued from all the recent events and it was starting to caught up to her; she should have taken a break earlier but she felt time was short for them to gather the convoy's supplies.

She reaches for her revolver only to see the man standing over her and she gulps from how the lighting shadowed him. While she was sure her body was bullet proof to at least smaller things at range she wasn't so sure about a point blank shotgun shot. Joy curses as she closes her eyes and things of submitting till she heard a bang, but it was not right in front of her and she didn't feel any pain. She opens her eyes and sees him fall over next to her and she sees Leena coming over and before the man could lift his weapon the wolf kicks it out of his hand. After another shot at point blank the man was dead and Joy sits there panting heavily.

Joy takes her hand though frowns as her duster falls off. "Damn it... I really like that thing..." She said as she picks up the pieces of it and stuffs it into her pack incase it can be savaged. She turns as she hears Tessa call out to them with a new weapon in hand. Before she could say anything they hear a shout from the shack. She looks to her two companions before slowly heading to the shack with her revolver. "Yeah, he's dead and you better not be trying to trick us..." She said though she stumbles a bit, clearly at her limits right now.
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