Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:15 am

When Kai says that Shork was quite the companion, Shork remains quiet this time, while Astreiya replies "He is certainly something, yes." in a friendly manner, though not really meaning it the way Kai seemed to. In response to being told that he knew she was the right woman for the job, Astreiya gives him a fake smile "I always am, but I'm sure you'll come to realize that over time." she says, with a smirk. Naturally, Astreiya wasn't nearly as confident as she was letting on, however she needed to put on a show of being confident for Kai to keep her in mind for future jobs, and she was at least sure of herself in the sense that she had worked such jobs often enough in the past and gained a lot of experience.

When Kai tells her that the second job is an open invite, though she won't always have the same partners, she nods and thanks him. At the very least, she would always have work. Not the type of work she wanted, but some work will always be better than no work, and she certainly needed the credits... she wanted to live in something other than a rundown building.

With Kai out the door, it was time to change clothes and get to work finding Robin. "Aight, goth bitch, let's get to work." Shork says, now that company had left. Astreiya rolled her eyes "I'm going to change clothes and get to the Lucky Peacock. Even if Robin isn't there now, he'll be there eventually, and it's not abnormal for someone to hang out there for long periods of time, so there should be no problems if I'm early." she replies, slowly and calmly. Shork chuckles "As emo as your titless ass looks, you won't be at all out of place in a bar, even if you stay all night." he says, causing Astreiya to sigh again. With that, she makes her way to the restaurant bathroom, changes clothes into a black and gray dress with red lace up the front, detached black sleeves with more red lace, and a pair of black boots. Shork looks her up and down once she's changed "Heh! If you dressed like this more often, someone could mistake you for attractive!" he says, to which Astreiya replied "Keep it up and I'll leave you home." in an annoyed tone, before starting her search for the Lucky Peacock. If there are no complications, she would make her way into the bar and casually glance around for Robin.

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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:32 pm

Theresa Kelis
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Between Allison’s groans of pain, she merely repeated the same phase over and over again. Smoke from her charred flesh continues to rise from her eyes filling the temple room. But as Theresa broadcasted Allison’s vision to the room, the murmurs of the cultists slowly transformed into loud whispers and finally thunderous proclamations.

“They’ve heard our prayers!”

“The masters are coming to deliver us!”

“X’adu! X’adu!”

The gathering of followers swarmed the stage and lifted Allison into the air. Their cheers and shouts served to drown out the blind woman’s cries of pain and confusion. Like Theresa, the return of their long awaited masters had blinded them to Allison’s suffering.

“Even when your vision is clouded, you manage to peer into the future” a voice said to Theresa. Standing beside her was the Divine One, though without the accompaniment of his many wives. “My protectors will retrieve the Sightless Oracle and make sure she receives the proper care. Return with me to my chambers, we have much to discuss” The Divine One said as he left the Obelisk Temple.


It didn’t take long for Theresa to reach the Divine One’s chambers. The doors were large and covered in moss and vines. Many of the buildings in Exodus were relics from a bygone era. Some were even older than the First Pioneers.

“You may enter my sister” the Divine One called as the doors opened on their own. Immediately a musty odour swept past Theresa’s nose as the unmistakable smell of sex filled the room. The Divine One was naked, as were his twenty wives who were engaged in an orgy. The floor was covered in elegant carpets and sheets. Many of the wives were kissing each other. Those wives that possessed the tools were already balls deep into their fellows. The Divine One sat in one of the few chairs in the room as one of his ‘guards’ gagged on his beast like cock.

“Greetings sister Theresa. When they heard the news of our master’s return, they couldn’t help but celebrate” He said, forcing more of his cock down his guard’s mouth. “But to the matter at hand. Allison is currently resting in the medical hall. Before she lost consciousness, she revealed where our masters would be arriving” The Divine One then summoned one of his wives to bring him a map of Terra-Duo. She had a stunning figure and her long red hair shone in the dim light of the Divine One’s hall. The map was rather old and only showed the area surrounding Exodus. Laying it out, the red- haired woman pointed to an area just south of the Borea Swamp. “Alison pointed to this location” the woman said with a rather assertive voice. “While scouting the area south of the Borea Swamp, we discovered the ruins of a First Pioneer’s outpost. But upon further inspection, we were able to find signs of alien technology” she said, managing to finish before one of the other wives began to vigorously tongue the red-head’s pussy.

The Divine One nodded before sending a torrent of cum down the guard’s throat. “ Hmmm… I would like to send a small contingent of our flock to meet the X’adu and guide them to our humble camp. Only the most devout can make this journey, and I can think of anyone more suited to lead them then you Sister.”

Sonya Saylor
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At Sonya’s threat, the technician curled up into a ball hoping all involved would forget he was there. The two Lapis Lizards drew their revolvers. The one to Sonya’s right sprinted towards her firing his firearm sporadically. The other bandit starts firing as well, trying to provide his partner cover fire. It didn’t take long to realize where the first bandit was heading. If even one of them managed to get to the dune buggy with the mini-gun, that would be the end of her.

With a quick step to the side, Sonya was within striking distance of the sprinting bandit. Before he can react, Sonya’s fist collides with his chin in a powerful uppercut. With a guttural cry, the Lapis Lizard is lifted off the ground and falls on the ground in a heap. With a final strike, she knocks out the man for good. But while she was focused on one Lapis Lizard, the other had been edging closer and closer to the dark-skinned fighter. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him pull out a knife and try to stab her.

Without even thinking, Sonya rolled out of the way and tried to uppercut the second assailant. Leaning his head back, Sonya can feel the fuzz on his chin as she barely misses making contact.

As the two square off in the sands, you both hear sirens in the distance.
"What the hell is ..." The bandit says just before a bullet pierces his shoulder falling to the ground. Looking up, Sonya saw one of the Defense Force's armored jeeps. It was still yards away. But even from that distance the tanned farmgirl could see the outline of a sniper rifle from the top of the jeep.

The Jeep stops right in front of Sonya. From the back seat, a pair of Defence Force Members come to apprehend the two bandits. Now in view, Sonya could actually see who was brandishing the impressive sniper rifle.

“I figured you’d be able to handle yourself Sonya. By the way Bobba was running, you’d think he’d been chased by the devil himself.” Looking up Sonya saw Evelyn. She was the Sheriff’s Deputy and widely regarded as the deadly shot in the Bread Bowl. But to those that knew her personally, Sonya Included, Evelyn is a sweet person with a kind soul. “We were on patrol nearby when we got the signal from Bobba at the station. We rushed to respond and took care of the idiot who was chasing the big boy. But that still leaves …”

Evelyn turned her attention to the cowering technician. Grabbing him by the collar, Evelyn pulled him in close. “ you. Now you’re gonna tell me How you contacted the Lapis Lizards to set up this little exchange” She said as the young man began to shake. “They’re the ones who contacted me. A runner found me in the Bread Bowl and offered me Credits if I could get them inside the walls.” He said with a sniveling expression.

Evelyn took a moment to consider the technician’s story. “The Lapis Lizards have been moving on many of the surrounding Cityspheres. I figured it wouldn’t be long until they made a move on our home.” She said before turning to Sonya. “Let’s get these four processed and we can find out what else they know. You did good work out here soldier.”

Liah Valois Bowers
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As Liah took charge, the other men looked at each other with puzzled expressions. While respected, most people in the Marseilles Family still saw Liah as just Jasmine’s arm candy. Suddenly Oliver stepped forward. “You heard the woman! Get to it!” He said in a commanding fashion. The group of gangsters worked quickly to move the injured out of the sightline of the building. A few stayed close to scout out the interior of the now partially demolished building. “Looks like we have a plan, little lady. We have medical supplies ready for you. Just make sure my men are patched up and ready to move” Oliver said patting Liah on the shoulder.

As Liah was getting her supplies ready, one of the scouts returned seemingly out of breath. “Boss! Ms. Bowers. It looks like most of our people are being held on the third floor. A few of the punks are scattered among the first two floors. On top of that, the pretty boy that made the initial demands is still on the first floor. The room our people are being held in is pretty secure. But …” The scout said as he motioned towards a crumbling section of the building. “That part of the building got hit pretty hard by the explosion”

Oliver looked to the dilapidated section of the Building thought for a moment. “I can get a few of my guys to take it down, even add some smoke for additional effect. Do you think you can keep them distracted for a few minutes?” Oliver asked.

Liah Produced a Small Health Pak (Restores 5 HP, 4 Charges)

Jane Goodall
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Charisma Check (Success Rate: 12)
True Success Rate: 14
Skill Check Roll: 9

The intoxicated farmer was more than happy to welcome Jane’s company. “Have a seat lass. Good times call for good company” He said with a wide grin. As Jane took a seat, the bartender brought her a mug of Goldfarm Ale and a shot of spiced rum from the Swallowtail Distillery. “Leave the whole bottle Ace! Drinks are on me” the farmer said with a loud laugh.Pouring out a shot of rum for himself he looked Jane up and down. With a grin, he downed his shot and moved a little closer to the bounty hunter.

“Curious about my good fortune are you?” He said with a smile. “Well it’s not like it’s some big secret. I’m about to get me a pair of them Devil Hogs! Ever since the Alabama boy started breeding them, he’s been making credits hand over fist. Really protective of them too. I’m supposed to meet up with the sellers near the edge of Cottage Lake at Midnight. But I got a little time before that” He grinned before putting his hand on Jane’s thigh. “So how much girly? I’m looking for a good time and you’re fishing for customers right?”

Johann De Veen
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Johann looked to Claire’s face and saw her give him a stern look. She didn’t answer Johann until they were alone on the elevator. Letting go of Johann’s arm, she folded her arms under her chest and tapped her foot. “I’d love nothing more to send Gretchen and her band of cultists packing. But to do that I need the support of the other two captains. And Psionic users are rare enough as it is. So until those two factors change they’re here to stay…. Not that you seemed to mind.” Claire said with a smirk. “Are you that tired that you’re willing to suck on the first pair of tits that come your way?”

While Claire was Johann’s adopted mother, she didn’t exude any maternal instincts. She treated the young man as one of her crew mates. When Johann first arrived in Bermuda, he was put to work with the other ship hands doing manual labor. It wasn’t until Claire took notice of his healing blood and his … poor physical ability that she adopted him into her family and put him to work as a medic.

The elevator continued to rise, as various civilians got on and off at various floors. Many were quick to give the captain a salute and make ideal chatter. Due to her strict yet decisive leadership style and stunning beauty, Claire was the most popular of the three captains. A fact Johann was reminded of daily by patients that came to see him. If their pain wasn’t too great, they would talk without end about how wonderful the De Veen Crew was. As a group of millwrights started chatting with Claire, Johann felt something in his pocket. It was a sheet of paper with a note:


It looked to be a shipline number. Most phones on the Bermuda were connected to a singular network that ran all throughout the landship. There was even a lipstick kiss besides Gretchen’s name. Just as he was looking over the note Claire turned back to the young medic.

“We’re here” She said as the doors opened to the Bridge. From this height, the lower levels of Bermuda were laid bare. The landship was cramped with little room for expansion, but there was a liveliness to be found in this chaos. From here one could also see the endless desert expand out before the massive ship.

Crewmembers from all three crews worked tirelessly to ensure the ship ran smoothly over the desert landscape. They only paused to give Claire a salute and the proper respect as she marched towards the meeting room with Johann in tow. When the door opened, Johann saw the other captains sitting patiently with their second-in-command. Luke Auguste, the oldest captain of the three sat quietly reading one of the ship’s many technical manuals. At the same time his first mate, Hamilton Jones was reviewing what appeared to be ship schematics. On the other side of the table was the brash Alexis Fournier. He was leaning in his chair listening to his secretary, Janet Greengive him a detailed accounting of their crew’s activities. But it was clear that the captain was just ogling his assistant.

“Sorry for our tardiness. We were met with some unexpected delays” Claire said, saluting the other captains. They returned the gesture and the six of you took your seats.

“That’s not surprising, I bet people were lining up to talk to the miracle boy and the infallible Captain De Veen” Alexis said, sending a smirk towards Claire and Johann. Before she could snap back with a retort, Luke silenced them both with his commanding voice.

“I hope you haven’t forgotten why we have these meetings, we have much to discuss. There is the matter of our next destination. The encroachment of local wildlife on the ship. Hamilton also has a report on the object that has been tailing our ship. Along with an assortment of other items… Now who would like to speak first”

Astreiya V. Zora
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Making her way to the Lucky Peacock, the neon lights of the mu sectors various establishments. Located underground, the only constant source of light in the Den of Fangs were a litany of ceiling lights, street lamps and the mentioned neon lights. Many dark deeds could be seen in the shadows of the Citysphere’s streets. On her way to the bar, she could hear a group of men beating down some John. Further down the street behind a butcher’s shop, Astreiya could hear the muffled cries of a woman being raped. Neither of them were likely to receive any help. The Council of Fangs maintained only the thin veil of peace. But if you were smart enough you could get away with a lot.

It didn’t take long to find the Lucky Peacock. The establishment’s name was plastered in the familiar neon with a winking peacock up behind it. There was a steady stream of traffic in and out of the building, all controlled by a rather muscular bouncer in a black tank top. She stood there arms folded looking over each entrant. When it was finally time for her to enter, she could feel her eyes scanning her gothic frame. In particular, the bouncer gave Shork a distrustful glare. With a nod, she steps aside to let Rei inside.

Once she was past the front door, Rei could hear the music filtering into the hall. The Lucky Peacock had the feeling of a bar trying to hang with some of the more high end establishments in the area. The bar had a slick modern design with an impressive liquor shelf. Nothing too expensive, but impressive all the same. It was clean, well lit and had a relaxing atmosphere which put it above half the bars in the Den. Looking around it didn’t look like Robin was at the bar, but there was no shortage of people to talk to. There was the bartender, a rather tall beauty with long raven hair and a classy outfit. She might have seen him during her shift. There were several groups of patrons stationed at the various tables around the bar. She could try her luck and just go table to table showing them Robin’s picture. Of course if she wanted to keep a low profile, Rei could always just hide out on the second floor mezzanine. It provided a perfect vantage point of the entrance and the entire ground floor.
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby CondorBoH » Wed Jul 29, 2020 1:19 am

Theresa had made to join in the procession of cheering cultists, but had quickly been pushed aside by the ones that went to hold Allison aloft. She reached out, as if to grasp her, but to no avail and was separated. How lucky of her! To have seen the Masters as none living had before. Hopefully she would survive this ordeal and rough handling, it was clear that she had a bright future ahead of her, one at the side of X'adu. How nice!
She tried to get in closer to the masses, but was drawn out by the words of the Divine One. His praise once again made her flush with something akin to pride as she clasped her hands and inclined her head to him.
"You have my thanks, Divine One. Allison clearly has a bright future before her. I would gladly return with you."

Despite her want to stay and celebrate, she was deeply curious about what her spiritual leader wanted from her. As he departed, she cast a glance back to the mass and the Sightless Oracle as one of the Divine One's warrior-consorts extracted her from the crowd. What future, she wondered, would unfold from here?

With the remainder of the celebration drawing to a close, it was simple for Theresa to leave as her leader did earlier, letting the lesser members of the Followers clean up the mess of ascension - both the ashes of the failures and the puddles of jizz from the successful. Standing before the ancient doors was somewhat thrilling - Theresa had been invited to the Divine One's quarters only once before. His chambers gave him a different level of attraction, probably due to the perpetual musk of org-
There it was.
Theresa kept her hands clasped before her, deliberately ignoring the tenting sensation in her robes and the array of beautiful bodies on display. Against her better judgement her gaze was drawn towards the Divine One's massive member and the lucky consort that was chocking on it. She gave a quick shake of the head, now was not the time. X'adu would return, it was imminent. To give into her lusts when the time is nigh would be a disaster. So the Follower smiled warmly at the Divine One, giving a low bow when she was greeted.

With the map placed, she silently took her place beside the red-haired woman, staring down at the map and trying very, very hard to ignore how beautiful she was and then pointedly ignoring the actions one of her fellows took. With another bow towards the Divine One, Theresa finally spoke, reaching to her neck and loosening part of her dress to breathe a little easier in the heated air. Not to mention the excitement she felt of the prospect of being the first to view the Masters in many centuries.
"Divine One, it would be an honour. This location in the swamplands was clearly set aside by X'adu to be where they would return. As this is a dangerous path, I ask who shall be joining me on this holy pilgrimage? While I do not question my worth, I question my ability to fend off heretics and beasts."
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:23 pm

‘Well, that was a wholly unsatisfying fight.’ Sonya thinks as reinforcements show up and take out the two remaining bandits. “Tch. No wonder ya’ll have to kidnap ladies. If ya’ll can’t even satisfy one in a fight, how the hell can ya’ll pull it off elsewhere? They prolly find someone else as quick as possible.” She says, spitting to the side. It feels like she just barely warmed up and they didn’t manage to touch her. She’s pretty confident she could’ve taken out the knife wielder and then there’s nothing stopping her from there from just hoppin’ on the minigun. Just because she kinda wants to try one.

Still, one good thing came outta this: Now she’s in Evie’s presence. That woman can make a shit day glorious sometimes. “Damn girl! Beautiful shootin’ as always.” She says as Evie comes into hearin’ distance. They’re on the job, so she keeps from huggin’ the woman, but she’ll get it later. Evie’s not the type of woman to refuse (unless you’re a creep or a perp, but that’s obvious). When Evie turns to the sniveling technician, she knows he’ll be easy to break. After all, he was so cowardly that he didn’t even attempt to fight her with the idiots he brought in. And she’s right. All Evie has to do is put the squeeze on ‘im a little bit and he’s spewing his guts. While Evie has the right idea to process the 4 morons in front of her, Sonya’s got a more pressin’ question. “Is there anyone besides these 3 you showed how to get past the walls? I like surprises as much as the next gal, but, well...” She pauses, cracking her knuckles threateningly. That technician should know exactly what she can do with those fists at this point. “Momma always told me it’s rude not to welcome guests.”

Regardless of how he answers, she turns to Evie. “Hey, Evie, should we frisk one of them for the keys to their car? Havin’ a minigun out in the open where anyone can get it strikes me as a bad idea.”
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby mrblah » Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:30 pm

The medic glowered with a pout. "You said I was charmed... it's not like I knew I had to keep my guard up." That was probably a weak defense. Odds are, Ophelia probably told him something about steering clear of the cultists in sector A-6 and he just forgot. Still! Forgetting just means they didn't do a good enough job of telling him, so again, deeefinitely not his fault. "... And she was really quick, too. I didn't even see her coming..." Whatever. Operation 'Blame Game' looked to be a semi-fail, so Johann cut his losses and just kept quiet for the rest of the ride. Time passed in the elevator as more civilians boarded and departed the rising platform, the regular change in occupation going mostly unnoticed by the aloof young man as he took to daydreaming instead. He would still note the amount of 'Hellos' Claire got. As always, his adoptive mother was popular in a way that still baffled him... after all, she's a slave driver! And also didn't give him strawberry milkshakes on the regular! These two facts meant she couldn't have been THAT cool, but his patients are always going on about how lucky he was...

He liked to jab them a little less gently with a needle whenever they went too far with that. Johann might be sinfully lethargic, but he gets irritated too.

Anyway, it seemed that Claire wasn't going to tack on some punishment for him after the thing with Gretchen, so Johann supposed he was half in the clear and she understood he was completely innocent with the thing with Gretchen. While she was talking to some millwrights about something Johann didn't care about, he casually leaned against the elevator's wall, relaxing a little bit with that realization... and as his hands dipped into his pockets, he'd feel something light, thin, and—it's paper. Why is there paper in his pocket? Pinching the corner of the paper, Johann pulled it out to read over it... oh. That's why.

Pink eyes drifted up to eye Claire... who was still absorbed in her conversation and seemed to pay no mind to the little note in his hand. Well... if she doesn't know about it, wouldn't be bad to keep it for now? Not that he had any intention of using the number. Why would he? Gretchen was a creepy cultist, even if she was nice and comfortable. It'd be a pain to contact her so that she could do something like try to convert him. He didn't really believe in any Gods... but the note smelled nice though. Not that he was smelling it, but there was kind of a draft in the elevator and—

"!" Claire's voice startled the lethargic medic. If he were any more energetic, he would've jumped in place or crumpled up the note. As it were, Johann merely pinched it a little tighter and quickly turned to her, offering a slow nod to her word... Claire turned back to head out the door. She didn't seem suspicious, Johann decided. So he followed along a bit stiffly. Whew.

The rest of the journey passed by in the blink of an eye, as things would when you don't bother to look up from the ground. Johann suddenly found himself in the meeting room, where a small bit of curiosity had him looking around to note the captains and their assistants. Luke, Hamilton, Alexis and Janet, like always. And again, there's Alexis saying something that would annoy his adoptive mother and Luke cutting in get things back on track. Things seemed pretty lax... he could probably get away with totally conking out the whole meeting. It'd be hard because the seats were always a bit uncomfortable (as they were now, Johann would obviously note), but it'd just take unfocusing his vision and blocking out noise. He'll just have to keep his eyes open and listen enough to nod if they say his name for some reason... wait.

Why the hell is he here? Johann blinked twice, his confusion breaking through his veneer of disinterest enough for him to hear the topics at hand... he might be a little interested about this object. Maybe he'd pay a bit of attention.
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby Blue56 » Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:28 am

Jane meets the farmer's grin with one of her own as he announces he's buying. She wasn't really fishing for free drinks, but wasn't going to turn him down either. Either the sisters had paid up front or this poor sod was going going to be very disappointed after she busts the pair and the deal falls through. "Well, well, thank ya kindly for yer generosity, sir." She tells him before joining him in downing a shot of rum. Ahhh, that hit the spot. Booze from Utopia didn't have shit on the stuff they served in Bread Bowl. With a smile, Jane begins to drain her mug of ale as she listens to the man spill everything. These gals weren't even trying to hide their trail. Either they never expected anyone to be after them... Or they had something up their sleeve. This was almost too easy, and she would have to proceed cautiously to avoid walking into a trap. "Ooh, a midnight rendezvous. Sounds a little scandalous." She comments simply as she finishes her mug. Her intel about the lake had been solid apparently, but having a time they would be there helped out a lot. Now, she just needed a more specific location, and she'd be set.

When the old man puts a hand on her thigh, she manages to keep from stiffening, but only barely. He thought she was a whore? Sure, she'd put out for the right person when she'd had enough to drink, but she wasn't some thing to be bought, and she'd have to be black out drunk for this guy to even have a chance. Still, this could be used to her advantage. "Why, sir!" Jane mock gasps in a playful tone. "A lady like myself shouldn't be talking such crude things as price in public like this... But what say we head upstairs and see what we can work out?" She tells him with a smile and a wink. If she could lure this drunk old fuck upstairs, she would be able to tie him up and work a more specific location out of him. It would be better to get a third party out of the mix so then she could just leave him and head to the meet up location to scout it out and possibly set up an ambush ahead of midnight.
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby cliffracer » Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:43 am

It's no real suprise to Liah that she's not being taken seriously at first, but the sooner that these meatheads learn the reality of how she is, the better. In fact, leaving it to those present to see her taking charge like this is almost better, because it'll DEFINATELY fuck with them when she goes straight back to innocently being an 'accessory'. But damnit, she was sent out here to get their shit together, and that's what she's gonna do. She's getting ready to start working on the wounded when the scout comes back with news. Third floor... But there's a pretty significant bit of exploitable damage. With the amount of punks crawling along the other floors, Liah's gonna have to get creative to get to the hostage.

"Certainly. I plan to act as both a mediator and a medic- I can use the guise of getting THEIR wounded fixed up as a way to keep their guns trained on me. It'll take long enough on its own that it'll be a more plausible way to stall than just talking alone- and convincing them I'm here to help is going to take time on its own." She waves her hand dismissively, starting her work on the Marseilles wounded as she continues. "Not to imply it matters to me if you gun down anyone I've worked on. Practice is practice as far as I care... I might rig some sutures, though, who knows the sort of subtle advantages I could get us?"

The grin she gets is... dark. But, she doesn't let talking distract her for long. She gets the medic work out of the way quick, and looks back to Oliver. "Pull the perimeter back a little and tell these punks that I'm going to come in to negotiate and fix up their wounded for their escape. I'm ready."
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:15 am

On her way to the Lucky Peacock, Astreiya could hear a group of men beating on some rando. Of course, she'd like to help, but such acts would be pointless, given the way this place worked. If she saved the guy she'd be putting herself in danger, and even if she succeeded in saving him, he'd likely get himself into other trouble. Someone who exposes themselves to such a problem would likely get themselves killed later on. Besides, to have a motivation like that, to risk getting hurt or killed in the process of beating up some rando, they most likely had some kind of incentive, such as having been scammed by him or wronged in some way, or they were being heavily financially incentivized by a powerful organization, otherwise they'd choose safer and more profitable line of work. Either way, best not to get involved. Similar thoughts echoed through her mind when she heard the woman getting raped. This one hit a bit closer to home, but logically it'd be a terrible decision to help her. She really should have got her hands on some body guards, or carried a weapon to dissuade potential attackers. It's really hard to be threatening with your head blown off.

When Astreiya reaches the Lucky Peacock, well, naturally, she finds the sign a bit to bright and cheery. Sure, it made sense to give people the idea of a good time in such a place, and it needed to be able to be seen in the dark, that was all understandable, but the brightness and the illusory idea of happiness made Astreiya feel like the sign was trying to trick her. Despite how hard she tried to keep an emotionless expression, she couldn't help but scowl at the sign. If Shork wasn't such an irredeemable asshole, she'd have probably considered blasting the sign for more than a millisecond, but luckily she has better self control than tha- her thoughts are interrupted by the bouncer looking her over. She feels the desire to squirm, but once again her self-control is better than that. She remains still and expressionless, even as she gives Shork her little glare. Well, yes, he isn't the least bit trustworthy, but not for the reasons she probably had in mind.

Once inside, Shork finally spoke up "Ya know, a goth bitch is going to look out of place here, even with that pretty dress." he says, naturally the first thing out of his mouth after all this time had to be an insult. "Shut your metal trap, we're on an assignment, so maintain radio SILENCE. We don't need more attention drawn to your metal ass. The bouncer already found you suspicious." she says, quietly, with a glare. Shork could sass her all he wanted later... for now, she needed to locate her target. As she moves through the bar, deciding where to sit, she quickly begins scanning the place for her target. Nope, nope, nope... she thinks as she checks all of the tables, looking at each individual face. Before she finishes, Shork whispers to her "He's not here... not yet. None of the men here match his profile." he says, quietly. Good, Shork saved her some time by scanning the room, this meant that she would be able to cut the amount of time spent finding a place. This, however, also meant that she'd need to decide what to do until he got here. It'd be dumb to draw attention to herself and give away her assignment by asking around for information on him, since if she did that, people would suspect her to be a Bounty Hunter, Assassin, Investigator, Debt Collector, or really anything besides a girl here to enjoy the bar. That would, of course, be the opposite of what she wanted... which meant she needed to hang out or mingle until she spotted him. If she left the room, she'd miss him coming in, which meant she needed to find a place where she could watch the doorway. If she grabbed a seat that wasn't facing it, people would be able to notice her turning to face the door... which meant she needed to find a seat FACING the entrance.

She casually made her way to a empty table, then took a seat facing the doorway, then slouched a bit and began watching the doorway. She didn't need to tell Shork what she was doing, she had done this before, and if the fucking asshat felt like it, he'd scan people as they came in just in case she missed him. Of course, during her time as an investigator, she had learned not to rely on Shork too heavily, since he was a very obstinate shark robot and would slack off if he felt like it. When or if someone came over to serve her, she would politely ask for the cheapest drink with the least alcohol content, and simply hold it while swishing the liquid around in her glass while she watches for her target.

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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Aug 19, 2020 3:47 am

Theresa Kelis
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The Divine One ran his hands through the hair of the consort that was kneeling at his feet. “You needn’t worry my sister. I will provide you with three of my wives to travel with you and receive our saviors” he said snapping his fingers. Immediately, three women appeared before Theresa.

First was the red-head who had presented the map of the swamp to Theresa. Her pussy was still dripping with savila and her own juices. Despite this, she stood before the two of you with a serious expression. “You’ve met Andromeda. She is a born leader as well as a skilled cartographer. It’s thanks to her that we even know what lies beyond our temple walls” He said as she gave Theresa a polite bow.

The second was a tall, dark-skinned woman with luscious hair and a muscular body. She was without a doubt one of the largest of the Divine One’s wives. Not just in height, she was a futanari like Theresa with a near foot long cock. “Tempest knows no match when it comes to physical strength. I once saw her rip a Desert Worm in half straight down the middle.” The Divine One said with a smile while Tempest merely blushed.

The final of the Divine One’s wives to step forward was shorter than the other two. But what she lacked in height she more than made up for in curves. She gave Theresa a playful smile before joining the line. “Luna is a special one. She is filled to the brim with energy. I can think of no better follower to welcome the X’adu to our lands”

Luna gave a mock curtsy, which was impressive while naked. “It’s a pleasure to work with ya Sister Theresa. Your precognition is amazing. But not as amazing as that body of yours.” she said with a whistle

“Hopefully these three will give you all the aid you need. Along with Allison, my hope is for you five to guide the masters back to Exodus”

“If you’d allow us, Divine One. I would like to check on Allison’s condition before we depart. There are also preparations to be made before embarking on such a journey.” Andromeda said as she adjusted her glasses and looked to the rest of the team.

Sonya Saylor
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The technician let out a yelp as Sonya threatened him. “No! Noone else. This was just a test run. Just to see how things would go. But once they find out what happened I’mma dead man”.

Evelyn merely grabbed the coward by the hair and pulled his face towards her. “You’re lucky I don’t put a bullet through your face right now for the stunt you pulled. But the law actually means something around here. After you tell us everything you know, you’ll be put on trial and judged accordingly” Evelyn said with a stern tone as she stowed her rifle.

Turning back to Sonya, she gave the fighter a knowing smile. “One step ahead Sonya. YO JAMES!” Evelyn shouted to one of the other Defense Force members. The two had already been rummaging through the bandit’s pockets. He reached down until he felt something jingle. Lifting the keys, James handed them to Evelyn who then quickly tossed them to Sonya. “You think you can handle bringing that bad boy back to C-lot? Can’t have too much fire power. Plus there may be something else in there these idiots stowed inside. Oh and it might be best to take the back roads. Don’t wanna scare the locals.” C-lot had the closest Defense Forces garage to this part of the wall. It also served as a base of operations.

Liah Valois Bowers
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

With the recently patched up foot soldiers pulled out of the line of fire, Oliver gives his men the order to pull back. “Looks like they're ready for you little lady” He said as he motioned to the front of the building. One of the entrances had been unbarricaded and a small crack was pushed open. As Liah entered the building, the doors closed behind her. Soon she felt the familiar cold steel of a revolver press against her head.

The one with the gun to her head wasn’t like the other punks that she’d faced. Like Oliver said, he (link) had rather soft features and looked out of place in the lower levels of Utopia. “So you wanted to negotiate? Fine, here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to patch up my boys. Then we’ll walk out the front door. Unless you want us to start chucking bodies from the third floor. Understood?” He said in a threatening tone.

Jane Goodall
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The old man gave Jane a wide grin, showing off his crooked teeth. “Say no more” he said before finishing his last mug of ale. “Buster, I’m gonna take the usual room. Add it to my tab along with the drinks.” he tells the bartender who merely nodded as he arranged his glasses. Following the farmer’s lead, he takes you to a room on the far North-East corner of the saloon. It was markedly bigger than the other rooms sporting a Queen sized bed and a pair of decorative lamps hanging on the wall. The window gave an amazing view of the trading post, but the farmer was to close the blinds.

“That’s right I haven’t introduced myself. Name’s Tex.” He said sitting on the edge of the bed. “Now that we’re alone, why don’t you give me a little peek at what I’m getting” Tex’s grin widened as Jane could see the bulge build in his pants.

Strength Check (True Success Rate: 12)
Skill Check Roll:6

It doesn’t take long for Tex to get a little handsy. He starts rubbing Jane’s arm, his hands reaching out for her blouse. But before he can even get a peek at Jane’s goods, Jane gripped his arm and pulled behind his back. “Hey what the hell are you doing?” he said as he was now at the bounty hunter’s mercy.

Johann De Veen
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This wasn’t the first time he had been to a Captain's meeting as Claire’s second. More often than not, he had managed to weasel his way out of them. As for why he was invited, Claire always talked about Johann taking on more responsibilities as a member of the De Veen family. Though he might have forgotten about that as well.

Once they were seated, the meeting began.

“With all members present. I will call the meeting to order” Luke said as he banged a small gavel on the table. “First order of business, bladed moles and other pests have been found in the lower maintenance halls. We’ve been fortunate so far that they haven’t eaten through the electrical wiring. But they need to be taken care of. Alexis, have your men found out how they managed to sneak on board?”

Alexis leaned back getting ready to put his feet on the table until a sharp look from Luke and Claire dissuaded him. “They did. There’s a small opening on the bottom level they used to sneak in when the Bermuda slows down. Though the little bastards made their nest around it . My boys can’t get close without getting attacked. I’d send back up, but I’m already spread thin as it is” he said with a sigh.

“If it’s men you need, I can send a few of my own to clear out the maintenance hall” Claire said glancing at Johann for a second before turning back to the captains.

“Why thank you kindly” Alexis said with a wide grin. “It’ll make repairs a lot easier without those bladed moles around. But let’s cut to the chase. The real reason for this meeting was to discuss what Hamilton found.” He added looking to Luke’s right hand man.

With a nod from his Captain, Hamilton stepped forward and brought up a few sets of maps via a projector. “The navigation team has spotted a number of anomalies trailing Bermuda” He said as he pointed to the landship, then to three spots following to the south east several yards away.
“Don’t those usually turn out to be marauders half the time” Alexis said with a dismissive tone. “Usually just some thrill seekers trying get on the Bermuda”

“These were taken a month ago” Hamilton said as her put down map after map. With each new map, the smaller dots disappeared one after another. Finally on the last map, all three dots are gone, replaced with a large object on Bermuda's tail. “This was taken two weeks ago. I believe the large object is some kind of desert behemoth. At its current pace it will catch up to our ship in one week. With Captain Luke’s permission, I sent a team to investigate the beast and this is what we found.” Hamilton said before throwing a few photos down for all to see. It was a large two horned monstrosity with scales along it’s back that resembled jagged cliffs.

“I’ve dubbed the creature Cetus. Fully extended it’s half the length of the Landship. In terms of height it reaches the lower maintenance levels. But reports indicate that if it jumps it could easily reach the upper levels, perhaps even the bridge.” A small silence fell over the room before Hamilton continued. “I have drafted a few options to repel Cetus’s approach. First, we deploy a decoy squad to draw the creature away from the ship here.” He said pointing to a spot on the map with an X. “A Sand Worm den is located right here. While Cetus feeds we can escape and randevu with the decoy team. Alternately we can engage the enemy while it’s still far from the ship with a small force. While big Cetus is still an animal. If enough force is shown, we may be able scare it off. The final option would be to engage with Cetus when it’s within range of the Bermuda’s cannons. While we have enough firepower to fend off the creature, there is a high chance of the ship being damaged. Worst case scenario we defeat the behemoth while expending all our firepower and the ship ends up dead on the sands, unable to move.”

With his presentation finished, Captain Luke bangs his gavel and speaks. “Before making a plan of action, we will take 10 minutes for deliberation with our seconds.” At that moment Luke and Alexis turned to their assistants and began to speak among themselves.

“Hopefully you were paying attention,” Claire said to Johann, her stern glare on the young medic. “I have my own ideas on the matter, but I want to hear your take. Which plan is best suited for taking on Cetus?”

Astreiya V. Zora
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Perception Check (Mentality Rate, True Success Rate:12)
Skill Check Roll: 10

Astreiya found the perfect spot to keep watch on the entrance. I was just off to the side of the bar behind a few other tables housing larger groups. Each seemed more interested in their own discussions than in Astreiya’s arrival. There she sat, waiting for her mark to arrive. Eventually a server did arrive. They were rather cute, but couldn’t upsell the investigator on a more expensive drink. True to her order, the server brought back a mug of beer. Just looking at the mug, Rei could tell it was more water than alcohol.

She waited for about half an hour before her mark arrived. The young man entered the bar looking around the Lucky Peacock. He wore a worried expression as he clutched a brown leather bag. Once it seemed like everything was clear, Robin let out a sigh and relaxed. Moving from the entrance, he stopped by the bar stand first and chatted up the barkeep first. It was a short conversation which ended with Robin sitting down with a glass of gin.

Taking the glass, Robin moved to one of the tables with a few other patrons on the other side of the bar. All of them men who looked like they could snap the young man in half. But surprisingly they got on rather well. While she couldn’t hear their conversation, the group of men looked to be getting on pretty well. They talked, laughed, shouted at each other and in general had a good time. This went on for some time, until finally Robin’s friends left him alone at the table. He wasn’t alone for long, as a pair of men in rather nice looking suits joined the young man at the table. It wasn’t just that they were dressed well, they didn’t have anything linking them to any of the Den's known gangs. The two sat on either side of Robin as they began to discuss something. If she wanted to hear what they were saying she would have to get closer. Just as she was thinking about it, the server returned with a tall glass holding a colourful red and yellow cocktail garnished with lime and mint. “A gift from the man at the bar.” She said motioning to a rather dapper looking man looking directly at Rei. He was rather close to Robin’s table, so joining him would help her get closer without suspicion. But the man had a strange air to him.
Last edited by Mark3000 on Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby cliffracer » Wed Aug 19, 2020 5:35 am

Liah nods to her comrade. Looks like it's time to finally get this over with. She's about to start hoping for a calm resolution, but she supposes she should've been expecting to feel a gun against her head the moment it was safe for them to do so. Luckily, she's prepared to be threatened like this... mostly. Still gets a jump out of her. But this upstart... That's not the kind of upstart you usually see down here. A soft face like that tells Liah plenty, and right now, she's seeing an upper-cruster getting bored and playing outlaw. "Calm down, sweetheart. I'd love to have you all out of here just as badly as you want to be out of here. Point me to the ones in worst shape, and get the rest upstairs so I don't have to waste too much time packing my tools back up. I'd hate to see anyone get domed for free because they're woozy and stood up in front of a first floor window." She sighs gently. "And if you want to look like you really care for your crew, you'd be having me frisked right now. Knife on my left thigh, revolver on my right hip. I'm going to have my hands full with saving lives." She smiles, mostly sarcastically.

Once she's allowed to, she starts doing just as she planned to. Working on the folks in worst condition first, especially since that will end up taking longer in the long run. When she can, though, she's going to observe the behavior of this specific jerk. Looking for openings she can prod at, or any clues as to what family he could be from... And most of all, why in the hell he's HERE. Worst-case scenario would be him managing to recognize her, but if he hasn't out the gate, it might be fine...
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby CondorBoH » Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:37 am

Theresa smiled gently, bowing to each of the consorts as they came. Each one she eyed lustfully, flushing slightly and forcing herself to look away. The raw stench of sex in the room didn't help, an a visible tent in her robes would be clear in view to all around her.
"I thank you, Andromeda, for your duties to the Divine One. It would be my honour to be in your care."
After her greeting, she turned and addressed the other two. "I have heard much of your strength, Tempest. I know this journey will be safe with you protecting us. And Luna, I can already see that your smile will carry us through no matter the trials the X'adu has set for us. Thank you for the compliment, truly, but you surpass me in beauty. It is my honour to be among you three. My body is yours to use if you wish, though I shan't partake of my own desires."

The nun flushed at the praise, trying her best to keep her mind off of her lust. It was... rather difficult, all things considering. But the fulfilment of a holy pilgrimage was keeping her mind keen.

A short exhale was made, as she turned once more to Andromeda and gave her a warm smile before turning back to the Divine One. Yes, that was something she desired as well. She took a step forward, hand clasped to her chest.
"Divine One, I too wish to see to Allison and her condition. I may not be a healer, but I feel responsible for her safety and continued blessings. It was my honour to guide her into our fold, I wish to keep her safe thereof. She may no longer be under my wing, but still..."
And throughout those words, while Theresa was concerned for Allison, she was still envious and proud of her. The concern had long since been smothered by zealotry, but it was still there.
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby Blue56 » Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:17 pm

In response to Tex's, perhaps understandable, confusion, Jane takes out her revolver and presses it against his temple. "Ah ah ah, I'm askin the questions here. Now, turn around and on your stomach." She orders, twisting his arm until he's lying face down on the bed like she asked. From there, she works to use one of the bedsheets to tie his arms behind his back with one hand, while the other keeps her gun firmly trained on him. "Ya see, you were just a little off. I ain't no whore. I'm a bounty hunter. And since you're conspiring to buy some stolen hogs off them thieves, I reckon that makes you like an accomplice of sorts." Jane tells Tex in her usual cheery tone, pausing to let that sink in for a moment so the fear would make him more compliant.

"But I can probably overlook that. IF you tell me what I want to know." Once her makeshift bindings were finished, Jane would flip Tex over and look him dead in the eye as she pressed her revolver underneath his jaw. "You said you were meeting them at the lake. I'm gonna need you to be reeeeeeal specific about where that'll be. Do that, and once my job is done, you'll be a free man again. Hell, if you alreadymade some profit off this somehow, that's yours to keep too. The hogs are all I'm after. Pretty good deal, dontcha think?"
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Thu Sep 10, 2020 9:42 pm

Astreiya plops down at a table where she could watch for her target, then crosses one leg over the other as she waits. When the server arrives and tries to upsell her on her drink, she merely stares at the girl, uncomfortably, until she finally agrees to bring her the drink she asked for. Not having actually intended to drink it, she merely swishes her drink around in her mug as she waits. Despite having noticed him as soon as he walked in, Shork whispers to her anyway "Look, goth bitch, there he is." he says, his glowing eyes staring directly at him, so that all Astreiya had to do was follow his gaze. She really didn't need to follow his gaze, but she nods slowly anyway, appreciating this rare moment of semi-professionalism out of him.

Naturally, without turning her head directly towards, him, Astreiya keeps a close eye on him, holding her glass in front of her face as she swishes it, the position looking natural due to the way she slouched and had her leg crossed over the other. She notes the fact that he seemed tense until he checked the room, which suggested to her that he was worried that someone he would recognize was on his trail, someone who he suspected was not present. She watched out of the corner of her eye, with boredom, as he hung out with what appeared to be his drinking buddies. While bored, she was in no way expecting this to be his only activity here. Here suspicions were confirmed when two men in suits took a seat at his table. When she sees this, she sits up slightly, and Shork comments "There we go. Men in suits are always suspicious... you'd think people would stop wearing suits by now." he whispers, after which he added "Oh, and they have no gang indicators, either. Nothing in my data, anyway." he says, which causes Astreiya to cock her head. This was certainly a bit more suspicious, buuut if she can't hear what they're saying, this is a big nothing burger. "Shork, can you hear them?" she asks, quietly, to which Shork replies "Too much background noise, bars suck." in a slightly annoyed tone.

Just as she was considering moving, which would look somewhat suspicious due to not being here for anyone, the waitress brings her a neat-looking drink. A confused look starts to cross her face, the barest hints of it forming just before the waitress explains that the guy near Robin's table, at the bar, had ordered it for her. Astreiya nods, awkwardly, not really wanting to have a conversation with her, but wanting to at least acknowledge that she understood. Once the waitress is gone, Shork chuckles "Damn, that guy has awful taste." he whispers to her, to which she replies "Maybe, but we can move next to him without attracting suspicion. I'm going to take the invitation, you try to listen in on and record Robby-boy's conversation with the two suits." she says, hoping desperately that he'll continue being as helpful as he has been.

With that, she picks up the drink, then casually makes her way to the seat beside the dapper guy at the bar, setting it in front of her and beginning to swish it just like she had the other drink. "Ay, thanks for the drink~" she says, switching from the extremely awkward demeanor she had exhibited towards the waitress, to a casual and overly sweet one. She kept her voice down, but tried to make sure it was loud enough for the dapper guy to hear her, trying to make it easy for Shork to listen to Robin's table. "People call me Vee~" she introduces herself only by her middle initial, before adding "What's the haps or whatever~?" in a friendly tone, as a nice way of asking what he wanted her over there for. Meanwhile, Shork was completely focused on Robin's table, like a laser.

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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:42 am

Sonya keeps up her menacing aura up for a few more seconds. Just long enough to see if the coward is gonna spill anything else. Then Evie does it better by yanking him up by his hair and she knows that any further attempt without actually hurtin’ him is useless. “Shoulda thought about that before tryin’ ta sell out the community. What, did ya think we’d sit ya down, rub ya feet, and offer ya a tea while tellin’ ya we understand and it ain’t ya fault?” She says, various flavors of disgust in her tone. “Ya lucky Evie follows the law so strong or I’d just beat ya head in and end it right here. I feel like you ain’t givin’ us all the information, I still might.” With that juicy little thought to sew in, she turns back to Evie.

She feels a grin coming on when she gets tossed the keys to the car. “Evie, if ya trying to court me, ya really gotta pace yourself. If this is what ya get me for the first date, how the hell are ya gonna top yourself for the next one?” With a wink to the riflewoman, she runs to the car and gives it a once over to see if there’s any goodies in it. Also to see if there’s anything that’s gonna explode on her when she’s least expecting it. That’d really ruin her day and it’s a pretty good day so far. Once she’s done, she hops in the driver’s seat, cranks that bad boy up, and aims herself at the closest back road she can find. As much as she wants to gun it, that might attract too much attention. So she splits the difference and merely speeds.
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Nov 22, 2020 10:02 pm

Liah Valois Bowers
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The young man waves over one of his men over to frisk Liah. He was quite hands on sneaking in a grope or two, but he managed to find the pistol and knife she had stashed on her. Confident Liah was disarmed, the young man pulled back but kept his revolver drawn. His face made it clear he didn’t care for her tone, but he kept his distaste to himself.

Guiding Liah to the injured punks, the young pretty boy left her to work. Most of them were on the first and second floor, meaning they would have the easiest time getting out. From where she was working, Liah could keep an eye on the group’s leader. He hadn’t picked up on her upbringing which was a good sign. It didn’t look like his first time hanging with these lower level punks. He had a good repore with his men on the street. What you expected to be just a scared group of nobodies were being held together by his natural charisma.

As Liah worked her way through the injured punks, she saw the pretty boy leader peak through the window scanning the street. If he caught wind of their plan before Oliver finished setting up it would be trouble.

Theresa Kelis
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The Divine One nodded at Andromeda’s request and Theresa’s conviction. “Very well. She should be in the House of Succor receiving care. Give the Sightless Oracle my regards” He said as he was once more surrounded by his hungry concubines. Once their conversation was finished, Tempest and Luna turned to Theresa and Andromeda. “I guess while you two are visiting Allison. Me and Luna can start gathering the supplies for our journey” Tempest said. Andromeda nodded in agreement, but Luna pouted. “Aww, I wanted to see the oracle though. I don’t pay much attention to new recruits, I wanna check if this one was a real cutie” But before she could get an answer, she was dragged away by Tempest. “We’ll meet at the eastern garden in a few hours.”

When Theresa and Andromeda arrived at the House of Succor, they found rows upon rows of mats. Most were empty, but a few were occupied by fellow Followers as they were treated for a myriad of wounds and ailments. But near the back with the most caretakers surrounding her was Allison. She was in a light white gown that was practically transparent. A black blindfold now covered the scorched sockets that once held her eyes. Just as the crowd of caretakers were asking her any number of questions about what she saw, Allison raised her hand and beckoned them to stop. “Theresa, how good it is to feel your presence. Please bring your companion over as well.” She said with a surprisingly calm voice.

The group of caretakers parted as they allowed Theresa and Andromeda to move closer. “ I see you’re feeling better Sister Allison.” Andromeda stated with a relieved expression. “I had feared that with the … injury you had sustained, you would not be longed for this world. My name is Andromeda”

Allison merely smiled as she touched her new blindfold. “Yes I may well have been if my faith had been weak. But under Sister Theresa’s tutelage, I was prepared for the trials to come. All is as X’adu wills it.” She says in prayer, the caretakers surrounding her follow suit. Once the short prayer was completed, Andromeda moved forward and tapped the side of Allison’s mat. “Sister Allison. We have been tasked with guiding our Masters when they arrive by the Divine One. We need your assistance in reaching the Rendez-vous point.”

“Will it just be us three?” Allison asked with an inquisitive look.

“No there will be two other traveling with us, hand picked by the Divine One himself. You needn’t worry, we will protect you every step of the way” Andromeda responds. Hearing that seems to put the Oracle’s mind at ease.

“The caretakers wish to look over my condition for a while longer. But I will be able to join you shortly” Allison said.

With a slight nod, Andromeda agreed to wait. “Meet us at the eastern garden when you’re ready. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Saying her final piece, the red-haired woman left the House of Succor. There was still some time before their departure, time Theresa could spend with Allison or follow after Andromeda. She could even catch with Tempest and Luna to see if they’ve managed to gather supplies.

Jane Goodall
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Tex was white as a ghost as Jane lay down her terms. The gun aimed directly at him put the situation in clear focus. “The two gals said to meet them at Southwest docks on Cottage Lake. They’re holed up in the old lake house with them there hogs. The place is practically deserted during the harvest season. I gotta meet em an hour past sundown with the credits and I can take the hogs on a transport. They kept things real simple”.

When Tex stopped speaking, he started to tremble in place. It didn’t look like he had anything else to add. But Jane had everything she needed to catch her bounty. Keeping her end of the bargain, Jane let go of the frightened farmer and left for Cottage Lake. It had been a possible location to search early in her investigation. But with an actual destination, it made things a lot easier.

Hitching a ride with another trucker leaving Red Rooster Trading Post, Jane managed to get to Cottage Lake with time to spare. It was a small, forested area that stood out among the grasslands and farm pastures that dotted the Bread Bowl. If she remembered correctly, it was a man-made forest and lake cultivated over the years as a way to relieve stress and provide a place of leisure. Following the road signs, Jane made her way to the lake house at the Southwest Docks. But as she approached, she heard a pair of loud squeals with a mixture of moans. Getting closer she sees outside the lakehouse the two Devil Hogs grunting. Jane could also make out a red-head under each pig. One was completely zoned out. Her face was blank as the devil hog humped her prone body. The other red-head was still trying to fight off the other hog. Drool from the pigs gaping maw fell onto her face as she tried to push it off.

“Get off you overgrown pig! Fucking Hell!” She said as she struggled with the hog. Looking at their faces, it was clear those two were the Mcdonnell sisters. James did mention the Devil Hog’s strong libido, but she didn’t think it was this bad. If she wasn’t careful, she'd end up like the two down there.

Astreiya V. Zora
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The dapper man looks at Rei and gives her a gentlemanly nod. “ I just thought you looked a little lonely sitting there on your own” He said as he swirled his drink. Looking at him closer, he was clearly older than most of the other patrons. There was a saying among the inhabitants of the Den, the most dangerous people on the street were the elderly. To live this long in a Den of Fangs you’d have to be exceedingly cunning, unbelievably lethal or just plain filthy rich.

“But how rude of me, I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Peter Molotov. I’m a dealer of ... exotic goods. Though I doubt you’d be interested in an old man’s work.” He said giving his glass a swirl. “The Lucky Peacock just so happens to be near my establishment. It makes for a great place to unwind and grab a drink. And drinks always taste better with a bit of company. Speaking of, how did you find my little gift? Was it to your liking?” He said as his eyes drifted from Rei to her glass. “Why not take a little sip and let me know how you like it. I was assured by the bartender this was what all the youngsters were drinking.”

As Astreiya entertained Peter, Shork was listening in on the conversation between Robin and the two strangers. It seems like the metallic shark had popped in on the most interesting part.

“Here’s everything you need for the job. One last time, you sure you can handle this kid” One of the men says as she hands a large brown suitcase to the squeamish punk sitting between them. Shork couldn’t tell what was inside it. But with the care they’ve been taking with, it was important.

“Look, this isn’t the first time I’ve done this. Just keep up your end of the bargain” Robin said as he brought the bag close.

“100 000 Credits, IDs and transport to Utopia for you and your girl, Tabitha right” the second man said with a cocky grin. “You landed yourself a fine piece of ass young man. I get why you wanna run away with her” He said equal parts mockingly and sincerely. Once the transaction was finished the two men left Robin with the suitcase and his drink. He didn’t get up though. Instead he looked inside the package.

Sonya Saylor
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Evelyn just gives Sonya a playful smile as she jumps into the Jeep. To her surprise, the raiders hadn’t bothered to booby trap their vehicle. Not only that, along with the gatling gun on top, there was a small cache of weapons behind the back set. While Defense Force members were required to hand over all captured contraband, they were offered a reward for whatever they handed in. This policy was more aimed at preventing soldiers from taking items for their own stash. The armored dune buggy also had one other surprise, a map of the Bread Bowl’s outer walls. A few of the gates on the map were marked with a drawing of an eye. What it meant was anyone’s guess.

With the map in hand, Sonya starts the engine and makes her way to C-lot. The back roads of the Outer Bowl make for a serene drive. Waves of wheat, corn and other crops fill the field lining the road as automated farm vehicle harvesting sections of the plot. A young girl with bright blond pigtails was riding on the roof of one of the machines as Sonya drove by. Despite the dune buggy’s intimidating look, the young girl gave Sonya a toothy grin as she drove by.

By the time Sonya had reached C-lot, the sun was already starting to set. Driving up to the gate, a voice came over the intercom. “Name and Business Please?” A young sounding voice said with a half interested tone.
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby cliffracer » Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:18 am

Liah wasn't very suprised at all that the frisk led to her getting felt up, and following what her day's been like already it's not really unwelcome, either. She leans in to his hands a little and shoots him a wink once he's finished up. She's noting just how often this gang tends to lean in to their horny advanced, subtle or not, and is just thinking of the advantages she might earn herself if she could leverage that. So, while she gets to work, she's making sure to be quite provocative. It's easy enough to have her butt sticking out, but for the punks that are in need of the lighter care, she's putting herself well in their personal space. Tits against shoulders, asses within grab range, whatever she can do that won't get her ACTUALLY bouncing in someone's lap. Getting these morons primed and thinking about HER might just dull them to their situation... Of course, it could also lead to her getting taken as a souvenir once things pop off, but she can worry about that later.

The leader definately seems to curry much respect among them all... It's rather suprising to her that someone as well-off seeming as him could get that kind of pull among losers like this gang. Still, it looks like he's gonna make himself a problem... Without looking away too much from the punk she's working on, she addresses him. "I'd be careful if I were you. Our boys are getting jumpy thanks to that detonation, I wouldn't want a pretty face of yours going missing because of some anxious cowboy with a good angle." She finishes with that one, stands, and properly looks at him as she proceeds to the next. "If you're bored, I'm quite good at multitasking. Really, I'm suprised you've chosen not to leverage the opportunity already. You seem like the type to get what he wants."
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby Blue56 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 12:50 am

With Tex's cooperation, finding her targets would now be a piece of cake for Jane. All that was left was to apprehend them and the bounty was all hers! The nice thing about Bread Bowl is that you can usually rely on the kindness of strangers. Sure, she wasn't stupid enough to let her guard down around random truckers, but she was well armed enough that it wasn't a problem to hitch a ride to her destination. With a kind word to the man who had drove her, she made her way to the cottage she had been told about. Sure enough, she could hear the sounds of squealing hogs as she approached, along with.... something else.

Hearing she wasn't alone, Jane immediately crouched low and started moving between whatever cover she could find. She doubted the pair of hog wranglers were on the lookout for her based on their actions so far, but it couldn't hurt to be cautious. Eventually, Jane catches sight of the two hogs up ahead... and her bounties, getting porked underneath them. "Oh fuckin hell..." She grumbles. Taking down a pair of dimwit thieves would have been easy for her, but she really didn't want to tangle with these devil hogs. Maybe she could just wait until they were finished with the girls and swoop in for the bounty after? No, she still needed to capture the hogs too... Better to do it now while she has the drop on them and hope these tranq bullets James had given her would do the trick. Jane loads them into her rifle and takes aim from cover, luckily having all the time in the world to line up this shot while the hogs were busy.
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:26 am

A small part of Sonya thinks it’s a shame Evie thinks she’s joking when she makes flirty comments. She doesn’t do it enough to have a reputation as an easy girl, she doesn’t think. The smarter part thinks it’s prolly for the best that Evie don’t catch on so they stay professional. Well, as professional as Sonya gets. She’s still pretty casual even in professional settings, like Evelyn being called Evie. The lust stricken part would love to pull over somewhere with Evie and just jump her. ...probably a good thing to listen to the smart part. Just to convince it that she does listen to it every now and again. Yeah. She distracts herself with lookin’ over the buggy, but is nicely surprised to see the bandits made no attempt to trap the thing. She should still get people smarter than her to check it for bugs or whatever, but at least she’ll make it to C-Lot in one piece. Speaking of pieces, holy shit there are a lot of them back there. If Sonya was a greedier person, she might keep one for herself. As it is, she trusts her own two fists (and feet) to get the job done so the urge is actually pretty small. And the idea of hawking them doesn’t even cross her mind. She’d get on the wrong side of Evie if she got caught after all. And Evie’s in the damn jeep so stealin’ em would be a bigger pain in the ass than it’s worth. The map is a bit more worrying though. Maybe the eyes mean they’ve got eyes on those spots? Or keeping an eye on them for ways to get through? She’ll tell someone about it and hopefully they’ll look things over, but that’s about as far as she goes.

But she’s been looking over the goodies for long enough. It’s time to drive this thing! The power of the motor pulses through her as she takes it as fast as she can get away with without irking Evie. And maybe just a bit above that just to see what she’d say. The scenery leaves something to be desired, though. There’s only so many times you can see waving fields of wheat bouncing off the sunlight or the white of cotton poking through the waves of yellow and green just for a bit of variety before it becomes background noise. She wonders how driving the buggy with Evie down a beach would be like. Would the ocean make for a better background? ...that might be going too far into the romantic since Sonya really only sees that shit in the novels her ma pushes on her. Ma trying to push a hint? She has been crowing about being a grandma recently. ...she’s just gonna ignore that idea. She ain’t ready for no kids! The drive to C-Lot allows a lot of random thoughts like that to pass through her head. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t bug Evie the entire way though. Whenever a question pops into her head, she’ll usually just ask it. Questions like “Did that cloud just flip us off?” or “So anyone catch the great and just Evelyn’s eye?”. And then there’s the general “So how ya doin’? Gettin’ by alright? How’re the folks?”. So she keeps thinking and talking up til they finally hit C-Lot.

When she gets to the intercom, she keeps her answer simple, the novelty of driving the buggy running out a few hours ago. “Sonya Saylor and Evelyn reportin’ in. Had a bit of a dust up over by the wall and we captured a bandit’s buggy. We’re just droppin’ ‘er off with the gear in the back. I’d check it for bugs though.”
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Re: Battle for Terra-Duo (IC)

Postby CondorBoH » Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:25 am

Theresa gave a very reverent bow at the Divine One as she was given leave. With utmost control in her movements, she turned and smiled at Luna and Tempest, another smaller bow given to them as they left. Or rather, as Tempest left and Luna was dragged.
"I am sure she would be glad to hear of your words, Sister Luna. I shall give your regards to her along with the Divine One's."
The smile didn't leave her face as she left his quarters with Andromeda. But her body shuddered with need, and he control had been on the verge of slipping in such a room bathed in the sweet scent of sex and the divine touch of their very gods. Theresa tried to keep her gait steady alongside her new companion, but her first few steps away from the Divine One's chambers were shaky and uncertain. The smell and sensation lingered for longer than she would have liked, and it took a significant amount of self control to stop her from just ripping her clothes off and diving into that fuck pit herself.

But, alas, with her dream so close at hand, to give up now would be as heresy!
Once entering into the House of Succour, Theresa clutched a hand over her chest, concern washing away her lust. Concern and pride. Seeing Allison not only sitting up but able to speak and act was a testament to how much their gods loved them. She approached with a warm smile, her tone happy and light.
"Oh I am so proud to truly welcome you as one of our Sisters, Alison. It warms my heart to see you have recovered so quickly." Theresa reached out to squeeze the blinded oracle's hand, not knowing how much psionic sight she was gifted with. The woman was no invalid but to lose sight of the physical realm was perilous indeed.

As one, she echoed the prayer with joy. Yes, the will of X'adu was at hand! But there was travel and trials to do first. As Andromeda left the room, Theresa watched her leave before turning her gaze back to Allison. Again she reached out to hold the blind woman's hand with a strange sense of longing.
"The pride I feel that one I guided has become so favoured cannot be understated, my dear. I wish to stay by your side, but I am no healer and fear I would only intrude. Instead I shall bid you a brief farewell, and pray that strength fills your mind and your limbs."

Theresa stepped back, bringing the hand forward to kiss it before letting go and bowing. She left the room slowly, gazing back at Allison every so often, unable to stop herself at looking at one so touched by the divine. It was truly incredible. With one last glance, she gave chase to Andromeda to walk by her side. When she caught up, she slowed her pace and took to staring at the Divine One's wife with an expression of concern. Her tone matched her face.
"Sister Andromeda, I must ask, you know much of the world beyond our Exodus. What threats are we to face on our journey? I do not doubt the strength of our cohort, but I cannot help but be concerned for dear Allison's safety nonetheless."
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