Flash Scriptor
Animation person
Bouncing Board/Art Person
Everything else I have covered but I have issues drawing on computers and therefore will need help.
The basics. [I make names for things by combining random sounds until I like how it sounds, you have been forewarned

Two worlds, both part of a system of mirror worlds and universes (gets very complicated but think of The One [Jet Li]). Ker'aath ("normal world" to Bei'al, your character) has been slowly declining over centuries of crime, pollution, and perversion of morels. The Overbeing (Naazkal) of Ha'at ("Fuckin Demon world thing" in the words of Bei'al) starts sending his army through via some crazy ass machine that needs a name but can only send souls (you can see where i'm going with this). Pretty much anything goes, here is a lot more but until I can type it out from my notebook but the main things have been stated. Your goal is to "survive"
and as a side note, it will be finished not abandonded.