New Weekly & Alpha: Bugpocalypse II, the ReckoningHi everyone, the new release this week is another massive collection of bug fixes and quality of life improvements for weekly & alpha patrons alike.
Just a reminder to the alpha patrons, however, that this version will not be compatible with your old version 0.140 or earlier save files on account of the myriad new features.
Still working hard on some new content behind the scenes, so there's plenty more to look forward to. Thanks again for all your continued support, and I hope you enjoy!
- Nym
Public Build and patron sign up for other builds is here:
Version 0.144 - 9-11-2020Made slight changes to all the long-form scene formatting in the library. Enlarged the font from 28 to 30, reduced the page line count from 16 to 14, and added ¼ second delays to the end of every paragraph to reduce the ease of accidental skipping (If this is a popular change, it will also be implemented in the normal scenes)
Added the fishing bait recipe book
Added Hufferpuffer Pie to the Common Seafood Cuisine recipe book
Bruiseweed potions now require bruiseweeds, which can be found in the wild after speaking with Moon about them
Mercy can at last resist Dietrich’s and Moon Lee’s essence, gaining SP instead of essence
Adjusted the Moon Lee & Mercy scene slightly
Fixed an enemy AI bug where some enemies were incorrectly skipping turns
Enemies afflicted by Enrage/Berserker will now use a weapon-specific attack skill instead of the default attack command
Fixed an issue where the Coral Helm could be purchased without coral
Fixed some out-of-date fishing spots
Fixed an issue where red smoothfins counted as consumables and would disappear when used to make fillets
Fixed some missing Beatrix portraits
Added a switch to allow Delilah to resume normal movement after rejecting her essence
Fixed some text runoff
Fixed an outdated cooking fire
Fixed a tile continuity error when on the Carvannah rooftops
Fixed a bug where it was possible to gain access to higher-tier spells the first time you speak with Eva
Fixed a lighting error in the cove
Fixed an issue where some of the bandits recruited from Danforth Crook could show up later even if they fell during the siege
Fixed an issue where visiting the upper dorms if you hadn’t recruited the bandits from Danforth Crook could result in time-traveling back to before the siege when leaving
Fixed an issue where the monument might not appear correctly in the event of siege deaths
Fixed an issue where Hallie could appear in the cove when not rescued
Dalkon can no longer be dueled infinite times for his gold and essence
Fixed a passability issue in the Glass Sea campsite
Fixed an issue where Elijah could appear in two places at once during a cutscene
Fixed an issue where Sabal could appear in two places at once after the final siege
Fixed some issues with rich text to plain text conversion in the longer form scenes
Fixed an issue where the mine cart could go off the rails in the Hawk’s Keep
Fixed an issue where mining the last essence from certain nodes in the Emerald Mines could summon the wrong encounter
Fixed an issue where an image overlay issue in the dream area
Fixed an issue where entering the inn after the siege and leaving again could send Mercy back to before the siege
Fixed an issue where a scene with Leite could still be viewable after the siege was over, which breaks continuity
Fixed an issue where Mercy could visit Beatrix’s office to be healed even if Beatrix didn’t make it in the siege
Changed the Giant Slayer’s name and fixed its visual animation
Fixed an issue where the Potion of Plenty could disappear from Moon’s shop in later chapters
Adjusted the final scene to allow for 1 single yield tolerance to achieve the rejection ending