A Beautiful Lie (OOC) 6/8 Filled

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A Beautiful Lie (OOC) 6/8 Filled

Postby MiscChaos » Tue Aug 04, 2020 1:54 am

What if you were told there’s a whole section of the world being hidden from you? A world with its own history, its own people, its own customs? What would happen if the deception just… ended? For thousands of years, the powers that be decided its people would be safer (read: more pliable) if they didn’t know the existence of the world of Deiturn and instead focused on what was going on in Cestia. The folks of Deiturn were entering into a war against the Demon Lord that spanned millenia at the time, so they had no problems with upholding this deception. Using magic, they hid Deiturn from the people of Cestia and Cestia updated their maps, destroyed all records of the true maps, and killed anyone who insisted they were wrong.

Cestia continued on its path, abandoning magic for fear of accidentally undoing the illusion spell and instead turning to industry. They developed guns and motorized vehicles and factories to provide for the people, all while demanding their unquestioning obedience and respect. Magic was bred out of the people and all books on the subject were destroyed, save for fairy tales. The Overmind that made up the original government split into many smaller countries over the years, all with different ideas of how to rule. And of course, with ever growing populations to control, they needed more. More like the land another country was holding. Wars became commonplace as different countries vied for what another had. So busy trying to grab more that they began to fail to maintain what they had. Communication between countries grew and the people began questioning their allegiance to their leaders. Civil Wars began breaking out as well as the people tried to take matters into their own hands and their leaders tried their hardest to suppress them. In the midst of all this, they forgot. They forgot about their beautiful lie that held an entirely different world. The alliance of leaders decided to drop an orbital strike on a pocket of Resistance Fighters. The Fighters got wind so the loss was minimal, but it was basically a knock on the door they had hidden for so long.

And Deiturn was quick to open the door. They dropped the Illusion magic holding the deception in place and greeted their neighbors for the first time in 2000 years. The first thing Cestia attempted to do was shoot the outreached hand. Deiturn, united under the families of the Great Heroes of the Demon War, responded with overwhelming force. The battle continued for 20 years before a ceasefire was called. With the fighting over, now is the time to actually learn about one another and see how they have changed. As long as you can anyway. The Demon Lord was defeated 400 years ago and there have been rumblings that they are set to return soon. The Alliance of Leaders have never dropped their lust for power either. They are merely biding their time, waiting for an opportunity to not only seize what they lost in the civil wars, but what has just been unveiled to them. And there are many people who would love to just snatch up whatever power they could without either of those concerns.

Character Sheet

Name: (Character’s Name)
Player Name: (Self explanatory)
Gender: (Male, Female, Herm)
Race: (Duh)
Age: (18+ Only)
Personality: (How does your character generally act?)
Appearance: (Pictures or text will do)
Background: (How did they live up to this point in the story)
Home Country: (Where were they born? Is this different than where they currently are?)

HP: 10+ CON
Stamina: 15+ DEX

Stats: (25 points to spend)
Strength: (How much brute strength you have. Mostly used for melee damage calculation)
Constitution: (How hardy you are. Mostly used for resisting damage and certain status ailments. Also determines your max HP)
Dexterity: (How nimble you are. Mostly used for hitting opponents and determining your max STA)
Precision: (How good your eyes are. Determines where your ranged attacks land, therefore how much damage they do, and your ability to find things)
Agility: (How fast you are. Determines both how much you move and how hard it is to hit you)
Intelligence: (How smart/mentally resilient you are. Determines ability damage, resisting certain status ailments, inflicting status ailments and your ability to find things)
Charisma: (How convincing of a speaker you are. Used for making people see things your way)

Movement: (2+ Agility/5)


Upper Body:
Lower Body:

Crystal Shards: 1d6*10

The Goddesses

While Cestia is a mostly godless place, Deiturn places heavy belief in the 5 Goddesses. These Goddesses rule every aspect of life to those who believe in them and, for a heavy cost, can even be summoned to the mortal plane. Such a thing is not done lightly and while they are on the mortal plane, they are just as mortal as anyone else. It’s just really, really difficult to do so. Some Goddesses are more favored than others, but such a thing cycles in and out.

Aethra Siderea- Goddess of the Heavens

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Aethra is a Goddess who had mostly fallen out of favor with the populace until the events of the Reunion War. She is the Guardian of that which is outside of mortal understanding, such as the Heavens in the night sky. It is believed that when a being dies, she is the one to welcome them into the afterlife if they’ve led a just life. Because of the vague nature of her domain, she wasn’t widely renowned unless someone was praying for a loved one who had passed or hunting for knowledge beyond their limits. This changed in the Reunion War when, to counter the Orbital Strikes of Cestia, she was summoned to assist her followers. In response, she opened and closed Singularities to destroy space stations and orbital laser cannons. On the final round of this, she used her own body to block a strike she was unable to prevent, annihilating her form. Her death, along with the destruction she had wrought across the Cestia forces, caused the ceasefire the land currently has.

Due to her, in Deiturn’s eyes, snatching glory from what had previously been a crushing, unavoidable defeat, she has begun to be celebrated as a Goddess of Victory.

Aquatilia- Goddess of the Aquatic

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Aquatilia is praised as the Goddess of all things related to the aquatic. From the water in the sea to the rain from the heavens to the collection in a tub, Aquatilia commands it all. During times of drought, it’s judged that something has been done to displease her and she must be appeased as quickly as possible. When sailors go out to sea, they send a prayer to her for a safe voyage. Because of the ever present quality of her domain, she is always a mildly popular Goddess, revered more by those who make their livelihood by the water than anyone. She’s also perceived as very mercurial with no one being able to predict her moods. She could be loving one day, she could unleash a new species of horrid monster the next. It is also believed that those who are drowned are added to her domain as nereids, so no one is really interested in swimming since she could instantly decide she was in need of a new servant.

While she was never summoned during the Reunion War, she made her presence known by creating fatal whirlpools around Deiturn. While their forces could deploy to run expeditions or deliver supplies, Cestian forces couldn’t approach in order to use their naval superiority to their advantage. Smaller vessels could weave through to deliver soldiers, but larger destroyer class vessels would be dragged to the ocean floor. While bad for the majority of Cestian forces, Nadi felt the effects of this the most and were effectively useless for the Reunion War.

Messis- Goddess of the Land

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While Aquatilia could be called mercurial, Messis is the Goddess who truly seems not to care one whit about the races of Deiturn as a whole. As mistress of the land, she really only cares about nature itself. Those who take care of nature may get a bit of consideration from her, but anyone else at best gets a cold stare. Those who actively harm nature may wake one day to find themselves tied down with mysteriously appearing vines, a treant about to stick some bark somewhere bark really doesn’t go. Fear of being violently sounded is why industry hasn’t really taken off in Deiturn and most everyone prefers to work with nature rather than co-opt it. The exception was the Demon Lord, but since she was capable of killing Goddesses, she could pretty much do what she wanted. She is also a beast mistress, but so long as it doesn’t get out of hand, she’ll let the killing of animals slide. She understands the food chain as well as anyone else and if the animal couldn’t defend itself, it deserves whatever happens to it. Because of all these characteristics, while very few pray to Messis, all citizens of Deiturn hold some measure of fear for her.

Following her lack of care for most sentient life, she had very little to do with the Reunion War. This caused her follower count to plummet, but she’ll always have followers among farmers, druids, and bestiality aficionados and really, those are the only ones she cares for anyways.

Baratrum- Goddess of the Infernal Realm

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Deep below the surface of the world, there’s another plane. A realm where creatures of the dark roam, demons run free, and those who lead lives full of strife and harm to others call home after they die. At the last moment of their life, they see Baratrum’s horrid visage and know that there is no escape from the Infernal Realm that she commands. There is debate on how to see Baratrum. Some see her as simply a custodian, doing the job of keeping those evil souls in one place. Some take that a step further and see her as a Guardian for the races, sealing evil in her realm so that they cannot plague the living. Still others see her as the incarnation of all the world’s evil and is merely gathering like to her so she may lead an army to the surface and cover the world in darkness. Her unwillingness to speak to anyone lends her an aura of mystery and her habit of only appearing to drag the souls of the damned to the Infernal Realm makes sorting her like the other Goddesses close to impossible. Everyone knows what Messis likes and dislikes, that Aquatilia is unpredictable at best, that Aethra wants what’s best for the races. No one knows a thing about Baratrum. Her follower base is the smallest out of the 5 Goddesses as a result and those that do follow her usually see her as a Guardian. That or they see her as a Doomsday Goddess and pray for the end of all things by her hand.

It was originally theorized that the Demon Lord came from the Infernal Realm, hence why she was named as such. When those who said such things were publicly dragged to the Infernal Realm well before their time, regardless of the state of their souls, it was very quickly inferred that Baratrum was not pleased by the assumption and such talk tapered off almost instantly. During the Reunion War, Baratrum imparted knowledge to a select few of her followers on how to summon just a portion of her horde to the Mortal Realm to fight. Between the two incidents, it can either be inferred that she does not wish for someone to conquer the Mortal Realm before she does or that she cares on some level for the living. Given her silence, no one can be sure which it is.

Bellum- Goddess of War

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While the other Goddesses have ifs and mysteries around them, Bellum is very simple. She enjoys conflict. She enjoys fighting. She enjoys winning fights and she enjoys losing fights, just so long as there are fights. She likes verbal wars, she likes physical wars, she likes informational wars, she likes technological wars. She doesn’t care if they are nonlethal or kills almost everyone involved, just so long as they are fought in one way or another. The past few millennia has made Bellum very happy indeed with the constant conflict against the Demon Lord that instantly transitioned into the Reunion War. Part of this is a sense of bloodlust that is a force of nature in and of itself, but another part is the belief that conflict brings out the best in all who participate, provided they survive. Technological wars can bring advances that surpass decades of calmer study, information wars create cyphers and breakers at a breakneck pace, physical wars breed combatants a thousand times stronger than anyone born into peace. The stronger the breed of being produced and the better the technology is, the better the ensuing war becomes in her eyes.

The only exception she’s ever made is the tail end of the Millennium War. She was content to sit back and watch as the Demon Lord conquered Deiturn when it looked like conquer and subjugate was her end goal. When it switched to slaughter, Bellum became unamused. After all, if there’s literally no one left, who is going to fight the next war? There had to be some survivors! So at this point, she cheated. Not only did she manifest herself, stealing the power to do so from the millions of souls who died in battle, she empowered a group of warriors to act in her stead in the case of her falling. Fall she did, unable to best the Demon Lord, but the warriors, called the Bellian, succeeded where she failed, slaying the Demon Lord and ending the Millennium War.

The Land


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The Nadian League has always held the sea in the highest regards. It’s how they eat, it’s where they sleep since a good portion of the population will spend extended amounts of time on ships, for some it’s where they’re born. And in the beginning, it was where they conquered. Nadi started as a small mass in the corner of Cestia and, using naval warfare, expanded out into what it is today. While they do have some land forces, the mass majority of their power comes from their command of the sea. Rivers leading in from the sea are only extensions of their power. That land they didn’t take over using their naval might, they convinced to join them using more peaceful means. These lands are the ones further inland and make up the mass majority of their land army. Even as big as they are now, they still hold the sea as the highest authority.

While on land, rules and laws operate as normal, but since they believe the sea decides all, they make no attempts to police naval activity. Because of this, not only are they the greatest naval power, they are also the main source of piracy. There’s also an outrageous amount of other countries having their women abducted and either returned to them pregnant or not returned to them at all. In other news, they are also the premiere source of the slave trade in the country. Despite this, slavery is illegal according to their laws. So is piracy. But, you know, officials can be bought rather easily and there are no rules on the sea.

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The Ridian Empire believes in the Holy mandate decreed by the Originator that it is their destiny and their duty to spread across the continent and place all under its rule. They are under the belief that they are the pinnacle of civilization and that it is only benevolent that they bring everyone else under their rule so they may share in being the best on the planet. To that end, they were also the most aggressive and would most often be the one to start conflicts with other nations in an attempt to bring them under their banner. For the most part, they were successful and they absorbed many of the lesser nations. This only fed their faith that they were doing the right thing, so when they ran into a challenge in the current nations, they were not bothered. Every trial has its tribulations after all and they would overcome this just as surely as any other.

On the other hand, during the Civil Wars, Rid also suffered the worst. It’s citizens became disillusioned with the mandate when they heard how much better the people of other countries live than them. Taking the wealth they earned assimilating smaller countries, the Empress lived lavishly while the people were basically living hand to mouth with very little to call their own. While they believed in the mandate, this was fine as when all was part of the Ridian Empire, they would live better. Once that faith was destroyed, they were no longer content to wait. The Reunion War distracted the people for a time and the Empress is more than happy to let them be distracted, but the disquiet is still festering under the surface.

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With a mass majority of the mines holding valuable resources and wood best for the creation of weapons located in their borders, the Oligarchy of Chu may hold 12% of the continent, but it commands 80% of its wealth. Its people are ruled by whoever holds the most money out of the population, so entire generations of people can be raised for nothing besides merchant work to maximize the profits they make. With rule of the country, everyone else becomes labor to further increase your wealth, making it even less likely you’ll be deposed in that manner. Chu is a very dangerous place to be since it’s a place of deception, backstabbing, and doing whatever is necessary to get ahead.

While normally the other nations of Cestia would gleefully take the opportunity to take their resources, Chu’s wealth makes that a bit of a tall order. If one nation decided to attack them, they would pay the other nations to repel the attack and allow them to keep any land they take from the invading nation. Nations won’t cooperate to take Chu down because they can’t agree on how the resources would be carved up between them later. In the end, it simply isn’t worth it to attack them at this time.

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The Horde of Blokadia is a collection of tribal people where the rule is “Might makes right”. The one tribe that rules over all others is, following this logic, the strongest tribe which is determined once every 10 years by a contest called the Mos. The Mos occurs in the empty province of Uljahia which shares a border with Nadi. It is considered a sacred ground and to attempt to conquer it or to go against the decisions made here is an insult to the God of War itself and the offenders will be struck down. During the Mos, the strongest warriors of each tribe fight an all out, free for all war where they attempt to be the last warrior standing. They attempt to do so nonlethally as slaughtering the strongest among them weakens them to the point they cannot protect their independence from other nations. The fighting has a time limit of 5 suns and 4 moons and if a victor has not emerged before then, they select the fighter they believe is strongest and have them fight it out. The winning tribe is called the Modus and they select the strategy and laws all other tribes follow. The strongest warrior of the winning tribe is called the Lex and has great say in these policies. Because really, who’s going to stop them? They’re the strongest warrior in the land. If they wanted to dictate all policies in the land, they could get away with it.

Because strength makes up their leadership, sometimes stupid decisions are made. Such as the time the Hidden Wolf Kin decided that Blokadia needed to expand and tried to take on Goyal. That was a mistake that, decades later, still affects them as Goyal won’t sell them wares. The Hidden Wolf Kin no longer have much power as after the next Mos, they were nearly wiped out the instant they were no longer the Modus. Since then, there are 5 main tribes that basically trade off power during the Modus: The Broken Sea Tribe, The Steel Fist Children, The Berserk Axe, the Poison Scar, and the Black Shield.

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While Chu contains the mass majority of the continent’s resources, The Goyalenian Confederation, a conglomeration of trading companies, is the technological leader of the continent. With the number of competing companies against each other and the higher average intelligence of the people, their technology advances at an unreal rate, leading to things like putting orbital lasers into space. With such things at their beck and call, everyone finds it safer to leave them alone since they have no drive to expand their territory. That and they’re more than willing to occasionally sell their wares to the other countries, a service they’ll quickly shut down if they’re attacked by said country as Blokadia has learned before.

The heads of each company form the closest thing to a leadership this country has and really, the only hard and fast rule they have is not to physically attack competitors. While they are competing, they recognize that having competitors forces them to do better lest customers buy somewhere else. Without them, their skill levels would stagnate and they’d eventually no longer be the leaders of technology on the continent.

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The Union of Bruryma is perhaps the only country to grow to their current size without fighting a battle at all. Bruryma is, primarily, a collection of farmers simply trying to work the most arable lands in the continent. They are the providers of most of the food grown in Cestia and, for the most part, only want to live in peace. Because of this philosophy, the union has a non-aggression pact and follows it faithfully. The only exception is the province of Mifordia, a county in the northeastern part of the country that shares a border with Rid.

Because of their philosophy, they are horribly defenseless to foreign invasion and have, in fact, been attacked by Blokadia in the past. Rid and Nadi stepped in because they were unwilling to allow the Horde to obtain the majority of the farmland in the country. With control of that land would come control of the foodlines and they trust Bruryma to be fair and impartial about that A LOT more than they trust anyone else to be the same. They also don’t want to fight a war in the union for fear of destroying the land in the crossfire. Because of this, no one will make a move on Bruryma unless they have a foolproof plan to acquire it with minimal damage or they can negotiate it’s assimilation into their country. The Ridian Empire was on the forefront of this before their civil wars destroyed the progress they made.


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The Free City of Tarvenilia isn’t a country so much as a series of ports and launching points. Every single province in Tarvenilia is connected to the water so every one of them can launch ships to different parts of Deiturn. Because of this, and the fact that the fastest air creatures reside there, they are the transportation specialists of the continent. If a package needs to get cross country in any reasonable time frame, contacting Tarvenilia is your best option. Due to their proximity to Eford, they have runners to move packages between the two countries, they have Crytech Communication Devices with every other country so that orders can be called in and either a boat or, for a more expensive price, a Griffin comes by to pick it up and deliver it. Because of this, they are incredibly neutral in all conflicts since they serve all nations equally. The exception to this was during the Millenium War and the Reunion War where they delivered all packages via Griffin for no charge to aid in the war efforts. Because of this, the Demon Lord made especially sure to target Tarvenilia and conquer it as quickly as possible to disrupt the fastest supply route for most of Deiturn. Resistance Fighters still managed to run things under the Demonic Forces’ nose even if it was at a much reduced rate.

Because of the way the country is run, there isn’t any real central power. It’s basically just a collection of people trying to live their lives and the shipping companies that support that. If someone in a shipping company has done wrong, the CEO of the company will usually be left in charge of the punishment. Other CEOs and the free people of the country will keep an eye on it to make sure things don’t go too far, but beyond that no one really minds the outcome. If it does go too far, then that CEO will be forced to step down since they obviously cannot make good decisions for their employees. If a CEO lets something heinous slide, they’re usually forced to step down since their moral compass is obviously broken. If they don’t step down, they’re usually assassinated by a concerned third party. In this way, companies are held to a high moral standard because the ones in charge are eternally in fear of losing all they worked for or worse.

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The Efordian Commonwealth takes advantage of its proximity to the ocean and uses it in nearly all facets of life. The most important use of it, however, is using magic they have created to crystallize portions of it. Combined with specialized lightning magic, they can work technological wonders that have spread throughout the rest of the continent. From lighting to golem security forces to cooking dinner, Efordian Crytech makes the mass majority of Deiturn lives easier. From charge crystals that hold explosive levels of personal magic to barrier batteries that allow mages to not tether themselves to a barrier to crystal weaponry, they also revolutionize the battlefield with their inventions as well. Because of their chokehold on the magic that creates their Crytech, they are the richest country on the continent and because of their distance from Nida, they were one of the 3 countries to remain unconquered by the Demon Lord. Thanks to the distance, they had more than adequate warning to what was coming and drew as many mercenaries to themselves as possible. With their Crytech outfitting the mercenaries, they managed to hold the Demonic Forces at bay until the Bellian defeated the Demon Lord.

The Efordian Commonwealth is supposed to be a nation where all have a say, but in reality it is ruled by the selfish. Those few who have managed to hoard the most wealth and power and keep it to themselves. It’s this reason why, when they had more wealth than most nations put together, they only used it to protect themselves from the Demon Lord and why they charged full price for all their wares in a time where every resource from everywhere else was devoted to repelling the Demonic Forces. If Deiturn could be said to be united, it would more accurately be stated as “Deiturn (save for Eford) is united”. Eford is very easily the most hated nation on the continent and if they were more military minded or simply didn’t rely on their technology so heavily, Eford would have been destroyed or conquered not long after the end of the Millennium War. As it stands, other nations have put more effort into cracking the secrets of Crytech. There is actually a rather large reward to the person that does so. There’s an even larger bounty for the same person in Eford. It’s gotten to the point where Eford has magically sealed the tongues of those who currently work on Crytech so they cannot talk about it with those who do not also carry the seal or are the ones who put it on. This enslavement is causing the citizens to reach a boiling point with the leadership.

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The Tarmouthian Queendom is a country that focuses heavily on the development of magic and its application to everyday life and warfare. It wouldn’t be wrong to call them the country most advanced in magic. If a new spell comes out, it’s usually from them. If a spell is modified to be better suited for a particular task, it’s usually them. As the name suggests, the throne of Tarmouthia is matriarchal and power is passed down the female family line. The family line used to be of the country’s founder, Lilith Newleigh and the capital still lies in a province in her name, but after the events of the Millenium War, the Bellian who came from Tarmouthia, Ida of Clifnal Province, became the new Queen and her family now holds power.

Because of the distance from Nida and their magical prowess, Tarmouthia was one of the final holdouts of the Millenium War, one of 3 countries not under the Demon Lord’s rule. In part, this is because of a magic barrier surrounding the country. The spells that went into the spell are some of the most complex magics the land had ever seen and basically marked those who had been touched by the Demon Lord or her forces and prevented them from entering. This created a safe haven for the Deiturn forces since they could gather there without fear of being hunted by the Demonic Army. Still, the barrier had limitations. Since it could only keep out those blatantly aligned with the Demon Lord, it failed to keep out those who merely thought on the same wavelength as her. It also failed to reject those who became aligned with the Demon Lord while within the barrier. Because of this, sabotage from within became the method that Tarmouthia began to be attacked with. Had the Demon Lord not been defeated when she was, within a year, the Queendom would have fallen due to food shortages and rampant paranoia causing neighbors to attack neighbors. Clifnal was in much better condition because of Ida’s uncanny ability to weed out saboteurs before she left to assault the Demon Lord. Because of this quality, when she returned, the people ousted the then royal family to put her in power.

People get accustomed to power, however. The Newleighs are always looking for a chance to take back what they feel they deserve.

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The Tribes of Norland are a loose collection of peoples who all follow their own laws. There is no consensus on what to do and no real communication between the tribes. They do as they please and if they offend someone, they’d better have the might to follow up on that. Or at least that’s how they used to be. Following the events of the Millennium War, they were both better unified and more looked towards. The one thing the tribes have in common is they are stringent followers of Bellum, so when the Demon Lord brought war to their doorstep, they followed with a fervor that bordered on religious. Despite all other countries having better technology and better organization, the Norlandian Tribes were one of the most central forces against the Demon Lord, providing the mass majority of the ground forces. Their range of strategies ranging from berserker rages to animal-like savagery to traps involving the terrain itself kept the Demonic Forces guessing and, sometimes, prevented them from gaining any group at all. Even when every country around them began to fall, Norland was one of the three countries to never be conquered.

When claimed to be better unified, a loose definition of the word must be used. Every tribe still follows their own laws, but every month or so, a representative of each clan will meet in the Charbotian tribe’s land since it’s in the middle of everything, report generally what’s going on with each tribe and if there’s a threat they need to destroy, then go their separate ways. In an emergency, the reporting tribe will arrive on Charbotian land, relay the issue, and then the Charbots will send runners throughout the country and mobilize everyone against the threat.

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The Nidan Theocracy is the religious center of the country where worship of the Goddesses is venerated above all else. There are cathedrals dedicated to each of the Goddesses spread out throughout the entirety of the land, though the mass majority of the spread is concentrated. Nida can most accurately be divided into 5 chunks, each of them dedicated to the worship of one particular Goddess. Each sector grows and shrinks according to the population of each which in turn grows and shrinks as each Goddess comes in and out of fashion. It wouldn’t be an over exaggeration to say Nida is the most chaotic country, constantly in flux as the borders of the provinces are redrawn over and over again.

Before the Millennium War, there was no oversight to Nida, every sect allowed to practice as they would. Because of this, they missed the advent of the Demon Lord until it was far too late. Consequently, they are also the first land to be subjugated by her. The disharmony between the sects made them easy pickings for the Demon Army as she made sure the only combat capable sects, those who follow Bellum and Baratrum, were taken out immediately. Since then, a council made up of the High Priest(ess) of each sect acts as a loose government of sorts. They don’t make any hard laws, but they do provide an oversight and a link to each other so that if anything like the Demon Lord rises again, they can react quickly enough to mobilize and deal with the threat.

The Dead Lands
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Near the end of the Millennium War, the Demon Lord was more concerned with wanton slaughter than conquest. No one is sure whether this was caused by mounting opposition offered by the Belian, whether this was the plan all along, or some outside factor caused this, but everyone could see the effects. Pieces of Nida, Tarmouthia, and Norland have all been rendered unlivable husks saturated with magical energy. It’s of such concentrated quantities that most sentient creatures who come into contact with it suffer from Magic Poisoning, if they survive it at all. What life DOES live there has mutated to be able to do so in the first place. People try to travel through it as little as possible, but there are a few that have carved out a life there or use it as a way of escaping authorities. On the positive side, the oversaturation of Mana has caused the plant life to thrive, making farming very easy. Of course, some of the flora has taken on a will of its own and become hostile, so maybe not that positive.

The Blighted Lands
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The beginning of the Demon Lord’s campaign. The spot that, as far as anyone can tell, she sprang forth like a nightmare faerie to spread chaos and destruction across the land. It was her base of operations, deep in the swamps of Nida, and it was where she found her doom when the Bellian struck into the heart of her power and killed her. Because it was the starting point for so much suffering, the area around the Demon Lord’s Stronghold has been cordoned off and declared a cursed place where none goes for fear of inheriting its damned legacy. Still, there were those who made off pretty well during the Demon Lord’s reign of terror. They, and those who are so downtrodden they cannot find anywhere else to be, are the ones who make up the population of this land.

It’s a hostile land where everyday is a fight for survival. Between the wildlife, the mostly inhospitable land, and the neighbors, death could come for one from any direction. There is no form of government, no form of cohesion, just a free-for-all for their lives. Once one has crossed into this place, exiting is rather difficult. Nida considers it a national failure that the Demon Lord crossed their borders to terrorize the continent at large, so their vigil over the land is strict to prevent such a thing from happening twice.


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The most numerous members of the realm and considered the standard being as a result. Humans are endlessly adaptable and by far are the quickest breeders. This comes with the downside of having the smallest lifespan out of the known races, but most races consider that a good thing since it’s about the only thing that can keep their ambitions in check. Due to the interference of the Overmind, Humans are the only race to exist in Cestia since all others have been effectively bred out or slaughtered. Cestia humans may have the DNA of other races in them, but that amount is so small after a millennium of being watered down that it might as well not exist.

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Long lived and free spirited, elves are unofficially the police force of Deiturn simply because they cannot help but get into everyone’s business. They roam where they may, usually do as they wish, and stick their nose into everything along the way. Due to their nosy nature, they’re usually good about sniffing out secrets and exposing them if they find it distasteful. From there, mob violence usually takes care of the rest if things are severe enough and they can move on to the next thing that catches their fancy. If they’re not the unofficial detectives, then they’re the best ones to throw them off since, if they get into crime, they know just how to divert attention away from them. As they age and mature, their curiosity generally becomes more focused towards a few particular things. Generally magical in nature. Most of the forerunners in the creation of new magics are Elves and because of similar drives, they generally work well with the Fae and generally compete with the more reckless humans.

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Demons are beings or the descendant of the 700 beings who just so happened to have come from the Infernal Plane. They aren’t sharing why they fled from their homes, but they, for the most part, are peaceful. Sure, some like the Succubus can get a little aggressive when they’re hungry, but for the most part they don’t kill anyone in their hunger unless they ask for it. And if someone is willing to sit through the 10 page contract absolving the Succubus of all responsibility, they’re definitely asking for it. Such interactions are at the crux of demons: they may do something terrible, but they have rules in place for such things. Those rules might just be so that anyone who hears of what happens goes “Yeah, that person deserved it”, but they are rules nonetheless. Of course, there are as many types of demons as there are monsters so this rule might not apply to them all. Demons are pretty universally reviled after the events of the Millennium War thanks to the actions of the Demon Lord. Demons will argue that the Demon Lord was not even a Demon, but due to her title, they are ignored.

-2 Charisma for most interactions. Depending on what type of Demon they are, starting abilities vary.

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The origin of Were-Beings are either unknown or were lost during the Millennium War. The story told in bars are of Bards with a tendency towards sleeping with monstrous females. Whether there’s any truth to the matter is unknown, but it is undeniable that a humanoid had something to do with it since Were-Beings, for the most part, look humanoid. Some of them will look completely human and only reveal their more monstrous origins upon triggering a transformation. Some of them permanently have their origins displayed in the way of claws or wings. Either way, Were-Beings have a monstrous component to them that makes them something more than just a human. Due to a few high ranking generals in the Demonic Army being Were-Wolves, they are looked upon heavily with suspicion, but for the most part the others are treated just like anyone else. Were-Beings can range from just having dog or cat genes (commonly referred to as dog/catboys or girls) to having dragon blood run through their veins. The more dangerous the monster, the rarer it is to find a Were-Being that corresponds to it.

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The Fae are, as a rule, a mischievous folk. For being all of a foot tall at the most, their high mental capabilities often leave them bored if they are not pulling pranks or creating new technology. Since most of them consider technology not worth their while, pranks are their most common outlet. Those that do dedicate themselves to technology… well Elina Everwish is the creator of Crytech. As soon as fairies reach the age of reasoning, they are taught their most common shapeshifting spell: the one that allows them to appear as a human. Mostly this is taught to allow them an easier time hiding after a prank, but it really is the only way most of them can defend themselves or conduct business.

Knows the “Shapeshift (Humanoid)” Ability. While in Fae form, ignores floor hazards due to flight, but they do 75% less damage.

The Cursed
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Sometimes, someone leaves the world filled with hatred. In this hatred, they either decided to curse an object or this object absorbed their ill will upon their dying breath. That or, just maybe, this item resided in either the Blighted Land or the Dead Lands for too long and picked up enough malicious Mana all on its own. However it happens, the object is filled with such harmful Mana that it creates a Shadow. While it is a Shadow, it is vulnerable to light and cannot see the world around it, but able to phase through objects like they aren’t there and unerringly attracted to anything that puts out heat. While nothing happens if the heat source is another object or if the Mana fueling the Shadow runs out, if it makes contact with an animal or a sentient being, a battle of wills takes place. If the possessed being wins, the Shadow will back off and find someone else, hopefully before its Mana runs out. If it wins, however, it envelops the poor creature it just possessed. The being the creature used to be is suppressed and eventually erased, leaving only the newly created Cursed. The Cursed has no memories of its former life nor of its time as a Shadow, just a general understanding of the world around it. The Cursed is very easily identified as such being of their shattered irises and skin either blue or dark as the grave and they are universally reviled. Even if it isn’t the Shadow’s fault, in order to create a Cursed, someone else must essentially die and because of that, no one is happy to see one.

-3 Charisma for all interactions. The Shadow has one purpose imprinted in it and, as a Cursed, this imprinted command carries over. This command, different based on who cursed the item and what the item was, directs the Cursed until they figure out a personality of their own.


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Accuracy: 1d20+ Dexterity+ Modifiers
Dodge: 1d20+ Agility+ Modifiers

Accuracy > Dodge, the attack is successful
If the 1d20 is 20, then the attack is a critical hit

Accuracy < Dodge, the attack missed
If the 1d20 is 20, then the dodge is a graceful dodge

Accuracy = Dodge, the attack glanced the dodger
A 1d4 is rolled in the case of a glancing blow

All attacks do a minimum of 1HP regardless of Constitution unless nullified by armor
All attacks take 1 STA to use

Range and Movement
0 Spaces: Engaged
1-2 Spaces: Short Range
3-4 Spaces: Medium Range
5-6 Spaces: Long Range
7+ Spaces: Extreme Range

How many spaces per turn a character can move depends on their Agility and their armor. By default, everyone can move 2 spaces per turn, but this goes up 1 for every 5 points in Agility.

Characters can also choose to Sprint, allowing them to cover 1.5 times more ground (rounded down). By default, this means a Sprint can cover 3 spaces.

If a character wants to escape, they must first either get out of range of their opponent’s weapons and/or Abilities or make them unable to use them during the turn of the escape. Once this is done, they must get 8 spaces away from the opponent if they are not already. After that, the escape is a success.

If an attack is successful, the hit party can choose to spend 3 STA to block, reducing the damage they take. The reduction is based primarily on the class of Armor they’re wearing, though some weapons will assist with blocking as well. A blocked attack cannot Down.

Universal Actions
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Grapple: Requires the user to be in Engaged Range. After a successful Dexterity roll, the user will grab on to the target and has a host of moves they can pull off. A grappled opponent cannot dodge any incoming attacks, but the grappler themself is in the same situation unless they disengage. The grappled must pass a Strength check to break the grapple, but any allies within Engaged range can add their own Strength to the check to assist them. The grappler can do a DEX roll to move the grappled opponent into the path of a successful ranged attack. Stunned targets automatically fail the Grapple check.
  • Toss: Throw the grappled target a maximum of (Strength/2) spaces in any direction and do damage equal to the user’s Strength
  • Beatdown: Do damage equal to the user’s Strength. Can be Chained, but additional attacks can now be dodged.
  • Strip: Remove one article of clothing from the grappled target. If the target is Indecent, increase the damage of Rape by +1d2. If the target is Going Commando increase the damage of Rape by +1d2. If the target is Nude, increase the damage of Rape by +1d6 (None of these stack)
  • Rape: Grappler begins raping the grappled target. Target loses 1d(Strength/2) HP every turn. Grappler may also attempt to Charm the target.

Targeted Attacks: Attacks aimed at a specific body part. While there are benefits to doing this, aiming for a particular target is harder than aiming for the opponent and praying.
  • Head: +2d2 damage, Inflict Stun. -5 Accuracy Modifier
  • Arm: +1d3 damage, -25% Target Dex, 25% chance to Disarm. -3 Accuracy Modifier
  • Leg: +1d3 damage, -25% Target AGL, 25% chance to Bind. -3 Accuracy Modifier
  • Clothes: Does no damage. Damage comes out of the item’s HP value. -4 Accuracy Modifier

Rest: The user takes a turn to recover themselves. Remove one stack of one status ailment, regain 5 STA and 3 HP. Being attacked while resting gives a -4 Modifier to Dodge.

Disarm: The user attempts to remove the target’s weapon. 1d15+STR or DEX vs 1d20+ STR or DEX. Success will Disarm the target and throw the weapon (Strength/2) spaces away. Failure will cause a counter attack.

Sometimes, you lose a battle. You picked a fight out of your league, such a fight found you and you couldn’t get away, or maybe you just suffered from poor luck. Most times out of not, it isn’t anything too terrible. You get violated if you meet the enemies preferences, they steal a few of your Shards, and you move on shortly afterward with 20% of your HP restored.

Status Ailments
Sometimes when attacked in certain ways or under certain conditions, debilitating effects are left behind. They generally clear up on their own given time, but the process can be rushed by using CON or INT to ignore the ailment’s effect. Being hit by an ailment once or twice is fine, but after the third time, the Ailment will most likely evolve, becoming that much harder to deal with.


EXP points are gained via defeating enemies in combat, successful Charisma rolls, crafting, and certain other actions.
You need x3+9 EXP in order to level

After leveling, you receive 2 Stat points to place wherever you’d like. Every 5th level, you gain a new skill based on how you leveled (e.g. leveling primarily via Charisma rolls would net you a skill based in Charisma, primarily via crafting would make crafting easier, etc.)


Crafting is the art of creating an entirely new object out of materials or modifying an already existing objecting with new material. Modifying is easier than creating and is usually used to add an attribute or enchantment to the item.


You may find people willing to help you wherever your journey takes you. Once they join up with you, they are called members of your party and can assist in things ranging from combat to resource hunting to another body to help you turn tricks. A party is split into 3 components: the Active Party, the Secondary Party and the Reserve Party.


As you interact with the people of the world, how they view you will change constantly. For the most part, this means nothing to you as the average folk is below your notice, but party members will have the most rapid growth and the most sharp descents in relationship levels. Figuring out what they like and treating them well is paramount to progressing your relationship with them.

Leveling Relationships
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The general rule of thumb is when a relationship event happens, your relationship with the character gains/loses 30 Relationship EXP (REXP). This REXP is divided by your current relationship level to arrive at what your actual REXP gain is, rounded down.
    There are a few things that trigger relationship events. Such things include, but are not limited to:
  • Winning a battle with the person in your Active or Secondary Party
  • Going on dates
  • Having consensual sex
  • Performing actions they approve of
  • Protecting them from fatal damage
  • Gifting them items
    You can lose REXP by:
  • Losing a battle with the person in your Active or Secondary Party
  • Raping them or allowing them to be raped (unless that’s their fetish)(this will not kick in if you’ve already lost REXP from losing a battle)
  • Performing actions they disapprove of
  • Deceiving them (unless they have a personality that appreciates a good deception)
  • Sacrificing them

Whenever a loot roll is done, 3 rolls will be done: 1 for a material, 1 for Crystal Shards, and 1 for anything else on the loot list. That does mean it is possible to get 2 Shard rolls and a material roll. Loot rolls are done after each battle (1 for every 3 enemies killed. Except bosses which are 1 for 1), after a successful Charisma roll, or if a chest is found on the map. 10% chance of a weapon, armor, or accessory being Enchanted.

This is necessary in order to do combat and get links for all the various items and weapons. If you cannot do Discord, you likely will not last long in this RP.
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Re: A Beautiful Lie (OOC)

Postby Mark3000 » Tue Aug 04, 2020 2:20 am

Name: Sabrina ‘Rafflesia’ Moonflower

Player Name: Mark3000

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Age: 24

Personality: Sabrina has a rather lazy personality. She hates to put in effort into anything outside of her interests (Fairy Tales, Plants, Sex, etc). Though the things she does find interesting she studies to an obsessive level. She has a whimsical way of speaking which does well to hide her more cynical nature and dark humor.

Background: Sabrina spent a lot of her early years alone in a small apartment in Goyal. Her mother, Persephone was out at all hours of the night and would come back home with a different man each time. Sabrina didn’t pay these suitors much mind, choosing to focus on her mother’s rather large collection of fairy tale books. She would spend days on end reading about knights and witches and fantastical creatures.

One day Persephone brought Sabrina to where she got her books. It was a small cottage-like shop in the middle of the big city, owned by Sabrina’s grandmother Agatha. Agatha was the one who gave Sabrina her middle name ‘Rafflesia’, just as Persephone had gotten the middle name ‘Hydrangea’ from her grandmother. At the Coven’s Den, Sabrina was enraptured by the various magic books, trinkets, and concoctions Agatha had on display. She was so distracted by the shop that she didn’t notice her mother and grandmother arguing in the other room. Later that day, Sabrina learned that the two of them would be living at the Coven’s Den with Agatha from then on.

The three of them worked together at the tiny shop selling their various wares. Persephone still went out at all hours of the night. And with Agatha’s ailing health, it often fell on Sabrina to manage the shop. She would greet customers in a witch’s robe tailored by her grandmother. But as Sabrina got older, business continued to dry up. So to attract more customers, Sabrina started wearing a more risque version of her old witch’s robe and selling some of the stronger concoctions to her customers. But most days she spends reading the various fairy tale books her grandmother had collected.

Hometown: Goyal

HP: 12
Stamina: 20

Stats: (25 points to spend)
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 4

Movement: 2


Upper Body:
Lower Body:

Crystal Shards: 10
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Re: A Beautiful Lie (OOC)

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Tue Aug 04, 2020 5:07 am

Name: Arsai "Riya" Padriya
Player Name: RandomRoninKitten
Gender: Female
Race: Were-Fox
Age: 23

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Personality: She's a friendly, outgoing, and flirty girl, who enjoys performing in front of an audience, whether it's playing music on her Psaltery, dancing, singing, acting. She rarely stays in one place, instead preferring to travel in order to meet new people, learn new skills, and show off skills she has already learned. Generally, if Arsai is confronted by someone, she would do anything and everything she can to diffuse the situation instead of letting things become violent, preferring to resort to a physical confrontation as a last resort. Arsai also generally lacks pride or dignity, and is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants, whatever that may be. She's somewhat greedy, her attention being easily drawn by money, expensive clothing, drinks, instruments, or sweets. While Arsai generally travels alone, aside from her teddybear, Mister Chonkerson, Arsai actually feels extremely uncomfortable while alone, instead preferring to surround herself with many people. Despite loving so much company, Arsai has trouble opening up to others, which often causes her to push others away, or suddenly disappear from town, regardless of how attached to the individual(s) she is.

Appearance: [X] Clothes: [X]
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Background: Arsai Padriya was born in Tarvenilia, to a wealthy family of business-owners. She was raised more by a maid than her actual parents, and was very early on, starting at the age of 4, given an education that was intended to prime her to hold a high position in her family's company, and have it passed on to her someday. Arsai was happy to learn new things, being a very inquisitive person, and even more excited to learn musical skills such as instruments and singing, but everything that she learned felt like hollow victories due to a lack of people to share it with, a lack of attention from her parents, and deadpan reaction from the Maid and her teachers quickly instilling in her a desire to be told how great she was by someone, anyone. Despite her family having so much, Arsai wanted all of it for herself, as well as people, lots of people, to share her all of knowledge, skills, and wealth with. If her solitary life in her family's mansion wasn't what drove her desire for an audience and general company, it IS what caused her greed, hunger for more knowledge, and general loneliness to drive her to abandon her household. At the age of 9, Arsai began attempting to escape her family mansion, and at the age of 13, four long years later, she finally managed to bust out overnight, her favorite teddy bear and her Psaltery in hand. From there, she quickly discovered that she forgot food, and began putting on performances for donations to buy food and rooms with, not because she had realized that people would pay for a performance, but because she believed that her performance skills were great enough that they would be inherently valuable to witness. After leaving town, having realized that her family would continue searching for her here, making this a less than ideal location to reside in, she began making her way from place to place in search of new audiences, and friends, hoping to learn new skills from books and people, and amass money doing what she loves. This is when she discovered that everything was not sunshine and rainbows, as she was met by muggers. While they were driven off by a helpful stranger, this would teach Arsai that she would probably be better off with a weapon and some combat skills... something that her education had neglected to teach her, due to the fact that she was being raised for business, and would likely have bodyguards to protect her. Luckily for her, the stranger was more than willing to share a few of his techniques, so that she could defend herself to some extent.

The Stranger introduced himself as [url-https://i.imgur.com/NMwG83u.jpg]Dave[/url], a man with short white hair and pink eyes, who tended to wear all black. During their training session, they got along so well that he was willing to accompany her during her travels, until he reached his destination. Every morning, Dave taught her more sword techniques, and when she would get into trouble, Dave would step in to defend her. By observing Dave in action, as well as his opponents, Arsai was able to pick up more techniques to practice in her spare time. Over time, Arsai began to feel a great amount of affection for Dave, though he was oblivious to it, even as she cooked all of his meals for him, played him special songs, and told him of the life she left behind, something she had not shared with anyone. When the time finally came, and they began passing through Dave's destination, as promised, he took his leave and gave Arsai a fond farewell... which left her devastated. If friends that she made would just leave her alone in the end, what was the point of getting close to them and opening up? What was the point of deeper feelings, when they wouldn't matter?

From that moment onward, Arsai continued to try to meet and become friends with as many people as she could, but she kept her feelings to herself, and made sure that they stayed at arm's length, so that they wouldn't be able to break down her emotional barriers. When her friends tried to get too close... she left town without so much as a goodbye.

Home Country: Born in Tarvenilia, drifts around but is currently in Tarmouthia
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HP: 11
Stamina: 18

Stats: (25 points to spend)
Strength: 3
Constitution: 1
Dexterity: 3
Precision: 0
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 10

Movement: 3


Weapon: Ninjaken
Upper Body:
Lower Body:

Crystal Shards: 60

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Re: A Beautiful Lie (OOC)

Postby Littlemankitten » Tue Aug 04, 2020 10:06 pm

Name: Nallia
Player Name: Littlemankitten
Gender: Female, can transform into a herm
Race: Were-Specter
Age: 20
Personality: Nallia is a timid and kind hearted soul, very much unlike her father and the species she is part of. She usually tries to shy away from any social interactions, much preferring to delve into her magical work, though she isn't so socially awkward that she cant even ask for directions. She will generally try to help those who seem to be in need, even if said people tend to not want her help. Despite her timid nature she is quite stubborn when she sets her mind to something, and it often takes a lot to make her back down from her goals, which frequently lands her in trouble.
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Background: Nallia is the result of a unholy union of a specter and a elven girl. The union wasn't exactly consensual, as the elven girl was a bit too curious and adventurous for her own good. The girl faired extremely poorly from the subsequent child and magical poisoning. While she survived the ordeal, she was very sickly for the rest of her life, always looking emaciated and malnourished, with a cough that would never go away. She was a compassionate being however, and did her best to raise her spawn regardless of its origins, people's very hostile opinion on it, and her own weak state. For about 2 years the girl managed to keep her job baking pastries in the southern end of the Nidan Theocracy. However eventually she became too shaky to even decorate cookies, and too weak to hold onto cast iron pots and pans and was forced onto the streets. For the next 4 years she did her best to care for the child, begging on the streets to try to sustain even the barest hint of a living. It became an increasingly lonely existence. Few wanted to feed a lowly beggar with the spawn of a specter when they had their own worries, even fewer wanted to fuck the once beautiful, now emancipated elf. None could hire one who could scarcely lift a small bag of hay. There was no form of income for her aside from the few morsels only the especially compassionate 'rich' could spare, and when the childs sixth birthday passed, her mother could finally suffer no more, and gave into the 6 year long illness that her mother tried to push through for so long, with her final words being. "I'm sorry...Nallia."

For the next six years Nallia attempted to find a living of her own, at first resorting to all she knew, which is what her mother tried, begging, trash diving, and asking around for work. Most were fairly hostile to her. though by the time she turned seven, a surprisingly compassionate group of people came to her rescue, these people would end up being staff to the church dedicated to Baratrum. They offered her food and shelter, in exchange for cleaning and other menial tasks inside the church. Thanks to her life so far, she was extremely shy and timid, and had little in the way of understanding how the world worked. Only a few of the staff actually made a real attempt to teach her, though the one that stuck to her the most was a priestess named Ashen. Ashen was not only the one who caught onto how best to teach Nallia, but also break her out of her social bubble a fair amount and reveal her magical aptitude. It turned out being the offspring of both an elf and a being practically made of magical energy gave her quite the knack for it. As soon as she learned of her magical prowess, she became quickly enamored by it. Being the first thing she could actually grasp onto in her life to improve it, it was all she focused on well into her teenage years and adulthood. During this time she learned she could augment objects by infusing them with her magical energy, generally increasing their efficiency, power, or having a random effect all together. While she had a few powers that used the more common technique of focusing pure magical energy, her specialty quickly became that of influencing physical objects to have their own magical reserve/augmentation. A Enchanter as she soon learned. Enchanters were extremely valuable commodities, and when she became a teenager she switched from a menial servant to a valued resource that everyone in the region wanted a piece of, in more ways than one thanks to her elvish beauty. Her wealth and quality of living vastly improved, and when she was an adult she even had a small cottage to call her own. However as she grew older and became more wealthy, her life became more and more dangerous, so she enlisted in a defense course to try and teach her the basics. However it quickly became apparent combat was not her strong suit, and the only way she could even hope to defend herself was to rely on her magical prowess. She had learned to be a laughably weak spellsword user!

Not a few months after she had learned to defend herself, the greatest of enchanter treasure troves opened up to the world. Cestia. Rumors sprung of a people with advanced materials and weaponry, an extremely high population, and no magic. The things she heard of the land were impossible for her to pass up. The possibilities of such a world for a enchanter were limitless, she just had to go there and find out what it was this world had to offer! She had to show this world the power of magic, and perhaps even show Deiturn the power of whatever it was they held. Though her main goal was of course learning about this new world and making more and more complex enchantments on the endless expanse of this new world. The initial war was quite the detriment to that plan, however the power that Cestia was rumored to have possessed without the aid of magic only made Nallia more and more excited. Just days after the war had ended, Nallia had booked a grand expedition across the continent to head to this new world and learn what wonders she could create.
Home Country: Outskirts of the Dead Lands, raised in the Nidan Theocracy, currently travelling to/in Chu.

HP: 12
Stamina: 19

Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Dexterity: 4
Precision: 4
Agility: 4
Intelligence: 7
Charisma: 3

Movement: 3


Weapon: Spellsword
Upper Body:
Lower Body:

Crystal Shards: 20
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Re: A Beautiful Lie (OOC) 3/8 Filled

Postby Blue56 » Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:09 am

Name: Catherine Hawthorne
Player Name: Blue56
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 28
Personality: Catherine is very much a prim, proper, and meticulously organized woman, a reflection of her wealthy early upbringing. Very much a social climber, she knows how to show deference and good manners to her betters and her clients, but is often colder towards those beneath her or who don't have anything she needs. She possesses an almost ruthless dedication to improving her position in the world. Her pride often prevents her from dirtying her own hands, but she is not above doing so as a last resort. Catherine always carries a weapon on her unless strictly forbidden, though she would prefer to avoid combat, but finds that always carrying the bigger gun is the most effective way of doing so.
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Background: Catherine had the fortune to be born in Chu to one of the wealthy families that resided there. In her early years, she wanted for little, being provided with the finest food, clothes, jewelry, and education one could receive in Cestia. Her family's fortune did not last forever, unfortunately, as they prospered throughout the civil wars, but when the war with Deiturn broke out, the same was not true. Being closest to the land they hadn't even known existed until then, the Hawthorne's found themselves caught in the crossfire. Catherine's mother was killed and her father wounded, forcing the family to take would they could and flee the across the continent.

They eventually settled in Goyal, but the journey had left them with little. Their servants found work elsewhere, and Catherine's father fell seriously ill from a combination of his wounds and the shock of what had happened, leaving the young Catherine essentially on her own. Though this reversal was incredibly hard on such a young girl, Catherine found within herself the drive to struggle against her fate and survive. Goyal was the home of scientific advancement and production, meaning there was always a demand for labor in manufacturing, and since there was now a massive war going on, even a young inexperienced girl was able to get a job in weapons manufacturing. Things certainly weren't easy at first. A young girl was easy prey, but when her first wages ended up stolen by some petty thugs, her second went towards a simple handgun to protect herself. Though she never fired a shot from it, seeing a young girl pull a gun on them with such a cold resolute look in her eyes left a strong impression that ensured she wasn't someone to be messed with. Her father did not survive their first year in Goyal, despite Catherine's best effort. Losing both parents in such a short span was difficult, but she had finally found a place for herself in her current work, and vowed to continue on in her parent's memory. Throughout the war, Catherine flourished within the company she worked for, moving up from a simple worker to a floor supervisor, doing a brief stint in R&D with what knowledge of weapons she had learned from her schooling and from manufacturing them for so long, before ending up heading a sales department where she currently resides.

The ceasefire between Cestia and Deiturn put a bit of a halt to Catherine's ambition as production has slowed, at least on paper to avoid openly stockpiling armaments. But with her current customer base starting to become tapped out, Catherine has been pushing the higher ups to allow her to begin making sales to the lands of Deiturn and expand their market significantly. Towards the start of the war, she had felt an intense anger towards Deiturn for how her life had been turned upside down, and took great pride in manufacturing weapons to defeat them. As she grew older, however, she calmed down significantly and the ceasefire allowed her to see the people there not as her enemies, but as potential customers to profit from.
Home Country: Born in Chu, currently in Goyal.
HP: 12
Stamina: 19

Stats: (25 points to spend)
Strength: 1
Constitution: 2
Dexterity: 4
Precision: 3
Agility: 2
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 7

Movement: 2


Weapon: Revolver
Upper Body:
Lower Body:

Crystal Shards: 1d6*10
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Re: A Beautiful Lie (OOC) 4/8 Filled

Postby exalted » Sat Aug 08, 2020 11:32 am

I'm out
Last edited by exalted on Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Beautiful Lie (OOC) 4/8 Filled

Postby Mashugana » Tue Aug 11, 2020 6:34 am

Name: Visharr of the Blighted Lands (no surname so he just rolls with that)
Player Name: Mashugana
Gender: Male
Race: Cursed (human)
Age: 22

Personality: At times quiet and solemn, at others manic and erratic, Visharr is extremely determined, obsessive and willful while also being quite frank and open about his goals and thoughts, if one wants to ask. He's curious about the world around him, and when something or someone strikes his interest or desire to learn, he will likely pursue that thing or person until his lust for knowledge is satisfied, and only his command, which he views as his purpose and reason for existence, can dissuade him from this kind of behavior. When not having his curiosity stoked or when resting, he takes on a more sluggish and dismissive approach, viewing the things that don't interest him with some degree of nonchalance and only acting towards them when he needs to. This leads to some people viewing him as manic, which may not be all that far off the mark.

Appearance: Physically, Visharr would probably be somewhat normal looking if not for his Cursed traits, skin that's dark as night and blue eyes that look like broken glass, a somewhat angular face with high cheekbones and a fairly fit but somewhat malnourished frame, making him appear somewhat gaunt and gangly. His brown hair and beard are disheveled and wild, he doesn't particularly go to great lengths to comb them outside of just to keep it somewhat in line, and his body is covered in what look like faint tattoos or scarification, mostly illegible but a lot of it looks like writing. His movements tend to be quick and aggressive, almost predatory in a way, though this is often unintentional on his part, he does tend to be very physical when he gets to being emotional, with a lot of strong gesturing and body language.

Background: Visharr would not be able to tell someone a whole lot about who he was when he was a human or Shadow for obvious reasons. In fact, he's only been "alive" for a scant few weeks up to this point. He woke up wearing the ratty, tattered robes of a priest of Aethra, wearing a sacred but badly damaged medallion of her faith and having the walking stick he uses as both assistance to travel and as a weapon for self defense lying nearby. As far as he could tell, people tended to avoid him or tried to chase him off, but that ultimately didn't matter to him much, what did matter was his command, his purpose. A statement that would echo in his mind whenever he looked at the icon of Aethra Siderea. "Walk like the sky until it walks like you", and after deliberating on what that meant and subduing a wandering priestess who wore a similar medallion for answers, he learned that the sky was the domain of the now deceased Goddess. In his mind, this meant only one thing: Become the new sky.

Home Country: The Blighted Lands, preparing to journey out

HP: 13
STA: 18
LVL: 2

STR: 4
CON: 4
DEX: 3
PER: 3
AGI: 3
INT: 8
CHA: 2

Movement: 2

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Weapon: One walking stick
Upper body: Shredded robes? (no armor value)
Lower body: same as upper atm
Accessory: Broken amulet of Aethra Siderea
Lapis Lazuli potion of resistance

Crystal shards: 35
Last edited by Mashugana on Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: A Beautiful Lie (OOC) 4/8 Filled

Postby cliffracer » Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:48 am

Name: Quina C. Bradley
Player Name: Cliff Racer
Gender: Female
Race: Demon (Descendant, ice devil)
Age: 23
Personality: Calm and observant, but perhaps a bit too aloof. Enjoys playful jabs and joking around, in general prefers things not to be too serious if they don't have to be. Tends to have cravings for warmth, and can start forgetting what personal space is for the sake of draping herself across people and getting frisky to leech heat.

Appearance: [x (link)] [x (link)] A tall long-haired and single-horned woman with pale skin, Quina is lightly-muscled from her line of work as a mechanic and gunsmith. She's got a solid rack, enough to fill each hand at least, and has an icy sapphire ear piercing on her left ear. Quina's hair goes from white to light blue to green depending on how cold her body is at any given time, and prefers to keep herself in the green to keep her urges at bay. Tends to look more serious and detached than she is.

Background: Quina's life from birth was one of callous rejection. While her devil mother didn't exactly get impregnated by forcing herself upon someone, her father wasn't too happy to be told he was going to be responsible for three little ice pops on top of his job directing one of the security forces at a medical research facility. He didn't have the time, patience, or reputation for three kids. His solution was to take one to raise as his own, leaving the devil to make her own way raising the other two, which was a task she could manage. Quina, of course, wasn't the one that got picked. That'd be the sister that got born first, Ryne. Instead she lived with her mother and older (still by a few seconds) brother, Evard.

Her mother dealt with the way she was shunned in stride, the abuse she endured only serving to solidify her determination to live a 'human' life, thankfully not scarring her too badly in the process. Quina saw what her mother was going through and solidified her desire to be kind and dependable, while her brother got annoyed at the treatment she (and they) were supposed to endure. Their mom eventually found a patient elf woman to marry and finally settle in with while Quina and Evard were eight, and they managed to live more comfortably with her being a more proper source of income for them to live off of. But... Evard's behavior started getting him more attention from their parents, while Quina was assumed to be able to fend for herself. It was true to think so, but... not the right thing to think.

Quina started getting much more independant from her parents, seeking adventure and learning through experience to the presence of her family. By the time she was 16, she'd managed to steal a gun off a mall cop and not only figure out how to disassemble it, but clean it and put it back together all on her own. She found it pretty fun, kinda like a puzzle she can defend herself with... She definately liked feeling dependable at least. Kinda helped her find a way to get around the stigma.

She managed to take this talent straight in to a job as a mechanic as an adult, where she naturally found herself able to work with machines and vehicles in much the same way. She worked with PMCs fairly often, able to run double duty fixing guns and vehicles and get extra pay off it... which she'd usually hand out to her coworkers as a way to look generous. Plus, her naturally-cooling body allows her to work with the hotter stuff. But... there was always a certain yearning for excitement, an itch to find things to do... And lots of technology Eford has that she'd like to get her hands on. If only there were a way she could loosen this country's lips... She'd definately do a lot for that.

Home Country: Eford, but might reach out for opportunities.

HP: 13
Stamina: 19

Stats: (25 points to spend)
Strength: 2
Constitution: 3
Dexterity: 4
Precision: 4
Agility: 3
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 4

Movement: 2


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Upper Body:
Lower Body:

Crystal Shards: 1d6*10
Common Character: Hunter [x]. If we're in an RP/want to discuss an RP, I have a discord for casual contact. PM me about it.
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