Digimon: When Worlds Collide

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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby Littlemankitten » Mon Jan 20, 2020 8:36 pm

Deliverance paid no mind the the planetary system that looked like boobs in front of her, Deliverance didn't really know her, and wasn't exactly interested in getting to know her. The only thing that Deliverance remotely cared for was that they went to the same college. When it was her turn, she gave the clerk the biggest friendly smile she could manage. The smile only faltered a tiny bit when the clerk gave her the rather unfortunate news that even they had no idea how to get back to the real world at this point. Though when the clerk offered the opportunity to help, she thought about it for a bit. Sometimes in order to get what you want you have to do it yourself after all, but she had only a baseline idea for what this group was about, as well as the others. While she wasn't exactly interested in staying in this game, she didn't want to join a group she shared no common interests with. "Well, I'm new to this entire world still, and I like to know what I'm getting into before joining some mysterious organizations" She says with some playfulness in her voice. "Can you tell me about the Blue Falcons as well as the other groups?"
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby Embers » Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:55 am

Valai smiled as she bolted her way out of the cave grateful for her exceptional luck today, she keeps her eyes focused on the path ahead and maintains an impressive sprinting pace. The sound of her Elecmon crying out as it crushed causes her to gasp and turn her head towards the poor thing, her expression contorts to a sad one as she feels intensified guilt for the creature's suffering since she had gotten the chance to name it just yet. In the brief moment she looks back to lava chamber Valai notices a the three Tyrannomons chasing her.

With an audible gulp Valai shoves her fear aside and decides to push her body to its athletic limit with this sprinting. The fact she was only wearing a bra and skirt helped her sprinting pace into full speed. Heat from the volcanic area, and the memory of the Tryannomon's gigantic cock still fresh in her memory Valai's body was building up sweat from both the temperature and the fear that was slowly creeping back into her thoughts, disrupting her focus despite her best efforts to press on. "Ghaaaa not again! not againnnn~" Valai groaned and complained as the stomping of the three monsters grew closer and closer despite her best effort at sprinting.
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:26 am

Michelle LaDroix/Mark3000
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As Michelle takes the written test, the timer continues to tick down, and she just barely manages to complete the test before the timer ends. When she moves to transfer the test back to the clerk, after the line had cleared, she quickly scans it with her Digivice, and hands Michelle a score of 75/100, with 84/113 correct. The clerk looks shocked at the result, and turns back to Michelle "Well, boo-, I mean Michelle, it seems that you've passed. In that case, I'll send you to the next part of the exam, where a Tamer will take you into a dungeon for the active portion." she says, with a fake smile, while motioning towards a door on the right.

When Michelle enters the next room through those doors, she finds herself in another large room, though this one had golden lines traveling across the white tiled floor, originating from a Blue Falcon Emblem in the center. Along the walls were strange machines, and on the other side of the room were two sets of doors. As soon as Michelle entered, one of the many Tamers inside the room made their way over to her. The man had short black hair, sharp eyebrows, and bright purple eyes, and was wearing the fur-lined brown leather jacket of the Blue Falcons, over a white button-up with vertical green stripes and a green collar, as well as brown dress shoes and white dress pants. "Hello, miss Michelle, I'm Gregory Johnson, the Tamer who will be proctoring the next part of your exam." he says, in a tenor-like friendly voice, with the very slightest hint of a lisp. "The first thing we're going to be doing is climbing into my Digi-Beetle and traveling to a Dungeon, where you'll be faced with a series of challenges. Depending on how you meet those challenges, I may make you one of us." he says, with a smile.

Deliverance McCalmont/LittleManKitten
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When Deliverance asks for the Clerk to explain to her all of the different Tamer Groups, she inhales deeply, then begins "The Silver Cross like Vaccine Digimon, generally, and launch what they call Crusades against the AOA, they like to lick the Data Squad's boots, and are very strict with all of the other Guard Teams about following their Code of Conduct. We, the Blue Falcon, prefer Data Digimon, and most of us don't like the Sivle rCross, because they're boot-licking fascists. We prefer to only defend ourselves rather than attacking people. The Black Swords like Virus Digimon, they value strength above all else, and only care about themselves. The Night Claw like Dark Digimon, are only loosely connected, and organize tournaments for rare items and prize money, and don't really hold their Tamers to any strict rules or standards. The Light Fang like Light Digimon, and hold their Tamers to a strict code of conduct, and are basically diet Silver Cross, also licking Data Squad boots." she says, all in one breath. After she catches her breath for a solid minute, she leans forward on her desk and asks "Did you get all of that?" in a not-unfriendly manner.

Sera Evans/Blue56
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As Sera explained that she couldn't help her, and looked to Sofia for support, the girl looked as though she was about to cry. Sofia looked as bothered by the fact that they couldn't help her as Sera was, but wasn't really offering any solutions. When asked if they had talked about what they would do next, the girl shakes her head "No, we were so tired that we went to sleep when we got here, and then she left before I woke up." she says, tears forming in her eyes. When Sera then mentions that she could use the BBS to try to contact her, she cheers up very slightly and takes her Digivice out to do just that "O-okay, I'll try that..." she says, as she taps at the screen. When Sera introduces herself, the girl nods, then replies "I'm Soldeen, it's n-nice to meet you, Sera." she says, before turning to Sofia, who hesitantly replies "I'm Sofia, nice to meet you Soldeen." she says. With that, the two part ways with Soldeen, Soldeen looking after them and waving as she walked further into the city.

When Sera and Sofia enter the Inn, the floor was covered with white metal tiles, with blue metal tiles forming the Blue Falcon emblem on the floor in the dead center. On one side of the room was a row of white leather couches, each with blue leather cushions, while the other side of the room had the pure white reception desk with the Blue Falcon Emblem on top, with the clerk standing at it. The walls were white, with Blue Falcon banners draped across them. She was a girl with long dark hair, fair skin, and pink eyes, wearing a white blouse with a black skirt, pantyhose, and black boots. She greeted the two as they entered. "Hello, and welcome to the Avian Inn! Would the two of you like a room?" she asked, before adding "Rooms are 1 Trident per-night, regardless of how many people stay in it." cheerfully. Sofia turned to Sera when she heard this "I suppose that means it's better for us to share a room, then." she says, before asking "Is that fine with you?" as she fished out her Digivice to check her account.

Lina Hayes/MiscChaos
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Vale was laughing right alongside Lina as she watched the series of events that led to where they were now. When Lina says that she worries about King Crab's intelligence levels, she snickers even more "I think it's best not to worry about him, it's a miracle that boy isn't dead or in jail." she says. When Lina then grants her request to go see Lunaria, she grins and practically hops up and down in excitement. The two then quickly run to the edge of the cliff and slide down.

As the two get closer, Lina may recognize the pink-haired girl as a student as the college she works at, and Lunaria turns to face them, watching them make their way down the cliff, her expression friendly.

Reina Shiraishi/MrBlah
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When Reina asks Lina about her Gate Disc, she patiently replies "You can get these as a reward for defeating Digimon." softly.

When Reina tells KingCrab, sarcastically, that his screaming while dropping in on them clearly indicated that he had things under control, he gives her an extremely nasty look and stomps to his feet. "Oh yeah? Let's go, one on one, you, me, our Digimon, I'm gonna beat you bitch ass, you noobtar-" he shouts, but before he can finish, Iryna steps between him and Reina and gives him a look as if he's a tiny bug and she was about to step on him. he steps back and spits on the ground in response, without a word.

When Reina turns to Lunaria and thanks her, as well as complimenting her, she smiles in a friendly manner "You're welcome, I'm always happy to help. This game is really punishing to new players, and Analogman's Digimon are very strong." she replies, then to Reina's comment, she blushes slightly "Thank you, I... uh... like purple." she says, after which she turns towards the mountain behind them, which had two girls sliding down the side towards them. One girl had short white hair and slightly tan skin, and was wearing a black and pink bandana, with a white T-shirt with a black cross design beneath a black jacket with pink edges and bone designs, and a pair of black jeans with a pink spiked belt around one leg and pink boots. Reina may have been able to identify her as a teacher at her school, Miss Lina. The other was a purple-haired, amber-eyed girl with her hair tied back, with fair skin. She was wearing a striped shirt under a white blouse, with a green jacket, a jean skirt, and blue sneakers with short black socks.

Reina and Lina:
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"Lunaria, it's Vale!" says Vale as she and Lina reach the bottom of the cliff-face. Lunaria smiles at her "Hello, Vale, it's nice to meet you face to face." she says, with a friendly smile. When she and Lina get within a close enough distance, Vale asks "So, who are your friends?" motioning towards Iryna and Reina. Lunaria starts to reply, however Iryna replies instead "I'm Iryna. That's Reina." she says, completely emotionlessly. Meanwhile, her Digimon, MadLeomon, makes its way over to the group and crouches beside Iryna, KingCrab taking a step away from it when it does. Once situated, the MadLeomon looks directly into Lina's eyes, silently, without saying a word.

Lunaria doesn't seem to pay the MadLeomon any mind, she instead continues to focus on the newcomers. "I don't imagine you slid down that mountain just to say hello and make introductions. What can I do for you?" she asks, in a friendly tone. At this point, KingCrab seemed to be healing himself and his Digimon with his Disks.

Vaylie Xavili/Embers
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:00 am

Michelle beamed as she passed the test. "Thank you miss!" She said giving the receptionist a bow. With Vee in tow, they proceed to the next room to find a rather handsome man with purple eyes. She listened to Gregory's instructions and nodded. She would put her all into these challenges, not just for her sake, but got Vee's as well. The two of them had to get stronger if they were to survive being trapped here. Plus it wouldn't hurt to have a few friends.

Looking to her partner, Michelle could she that her Viximon was raring to go. She let out an excited yip and she turned her attention to the instructor"Alright Gregory, I'll show you what Vee and I are made of" She said psyching herself up, unknowingly jiggling her giant rack in front of the instructor. Without any hesitation, the two jumped into his Digi-Beetle to make for the dungeon.
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby mrblah » Mon Feb 17, 2020 6:23 pm

Reina would shrug at KingCrab after Iryna stepped in (as expected, really). "There you have it. So sorry, Mr. Crab, but maybe another time~" The pink-haired tamer had honestly disregarded him pretty much entirely, though she knew that even he was stronger than her at her stage. That's something she'll definitely need to fix... at a later time, when she's not flirting with the nice super tamer. "Purple is a nice color, isn't it~? I'm a big fan of pink myself... but purple would be my second primary choice~" Reina smiled beatifically. "But really, I see more style choice than just with the color. We should totally trade tips—"

She'd quickly realize her target for "friendship" was more concerned with something else than their conversation... Reina made to follow the girl's gaze. What could be so interesting about the mountain? As she turned to regard it, she immediately learned just what Lunaria was looking at, maybe even waiting for? Two new tamers were trailing down the side to meet them—one of which whose jacket she had to critique for not meshing well with the other cooler colors, and the other... who she recognized as a teacher from her college. "Ms. Hayes??" She was honestly confused for a moment, characterized by the tilt of her head and the blink of her eyes. That reminds her... she had seen the economics teacher at the start of their journey, hadn't she? An amused smile blossomed on her face. "Small world~"

Oh, but introductions with the others, first! A curtsy was offered to Vale and Lina in greeting as she pointedly ignored that green jacket (the economics teacher had better and oddly cuter style than her!) Vale was wearing. She hadn't much else to offer to the turn of the conversation, so she simply stood by and watched with her own building curiosity and excitement. So many people! So many topics to talk about! Oh, she could make so many friends among them if she played it right, and she knew one of them was pretty strong, too!

Ah. And... there's Crab. He can stay to the side, honestly.
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby MiscChaos » Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:04 am

Lina can’t help but do anything but shrug as Vale mentions Crab being dead or in jail. Honestly, either would probably be better than the existence he’s eking out right now. Or at the very least he’d definitely be out of her hair with those. But that’s a later thought for when she’s not in such a great mood from seeing an utter idiot getting destroyed. And maybe when thinking of it doesn’t make her break into chuckles. For the moment, it’s probably best to follow Vale in meeting Lunaria. She can’t get information from up here after all. As they slide, she finds her eyes widening as she makes out one of her students at the bottom of the cliff. One Reina Shiraishi if she remembers right. From what she knows, no real connections to make much noise about her if she were to disappear from school and just reckless enough that such a disappearance could be blamed on a passing fancy for a while. Cute enough, but never really on her radar as product. Which is probably a good thing since she’s apparently somewhat friendly with Lunaria. Or at the very least they have been traveling together for a time. Either way, it’s an in that she’ll take. “Hello there, Miss Reina. Keeping out of trouble, I assume? Keeping safe internet practices in mind?” She says, not so subtly hinting that she would very much appreciate not giving her name out to complete and utter strangers. She uses her student’s first name since that’s apparently known to the party at large and she isn’t sure if Shiraishi is comfortable with others knowing her last name. Then she makes a visible show of scanning her student as if to make sure she’s OK. As a teacher, worrying about her students is something that is expected of her and Shiraishi is just young enough to still trip into her more maternal side even if she’s escaping that age range. “Well, at the very least, it’s good to see you’re unharmed. Things get concerning when you read board posts about people getting their arms ripped off.”

Her concerns with her student aside, she’s startled when she realizes the MadLeomon, who she absolutely can’t fight both literally and if she wants to be aligned with these people, is staring her dead in the eye. For no reason that she can figure out. It’s more than slightly unnerving. “Can I help you?” She says to the Digimon, trying to diffuse the tension. Thankfully, she’s distracted when the Champ herself speaks up. “Ah, sorry, didn’t mean to ignore the both of you while I checked on my student. A pleasure to meet you, Iryna, and you as well, Lunaria. We came down because we were hunting Analog Man and thought you’d be one of the best ways of doing that. Or at the very least keeping us safe while we search since you took apart the MetalGreymon that almost sunk our boat without an issue. Well, that and tips. I can’t seem to get Beast EXP to save my life right now and it’s getting a bit frustrating.” With a sly smile, she teasingly adds, “Well, that’s why I’m here. Vale’s here because she has a minor case of heroine worship.”

She rather pointedly ignores Crab’s existence for the moment. Talking to him is useless and, given what she saw as she was sliding down, he’d use it as an excuse to pick a fight with someone he could probably beat since she’s been playing for a lot less time. That and she’s in a good mood right now. For basically the first time since waking up this morning. Speaking to him would almost assuredly ruin that.
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby Blue56 » Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:56 am

It was hard for Sera to watch this poor girl on the verge of tears as she explained more about her situation. Sofia didn't seem to have anything to suggest, not that Sera could blame her, but they still had to do something, right? If Sera couldn't help her, maybe she could at least comfort her. With that in mind, she reached out and gently rubbed the smaller girls head. "There, there..." She muttered soothingly. "You'll find each other again. This city isn't that big after all." Once the girl seems to brighten up a bit as she seems to take Sera's advice and start using her Digivice to post a message, Sera withdraws her hand and gives a warm smile. "I hope it helps, Soldeen. It was nice meeting you, and I hope I can meet Deliverance when we bump into each other again!" She says, waving goodbye to Soldeen before turning to head into the inn with Sofia.

"I hope that works out for her. It's hard being separated from your friends in here..." Sera mutters, casting one last glance back over her shoulder before they stepped inside the inn. She hoped Reina and Michelle were okay wherever they were... But just like she had told Soldeen, she would just have to do her best to make sure they met up again soon. A city like this was the best place for that, after all. Resting came first though, and this inn sure looked like a nice place to do it. Sera rarely got to travel, and when they did, this place already looked like it would put any other place she'd stayed to shame. She hoped the rooms came with a shower, this was only a game but she felt like she definitely needed one after everything that had happened to her so far. Only 1 trident was super affordable too! Sera was pretty sure she had some from the battles she had won. Seeing Sofia grab her Digivice, Sera quickly grabbed her own. "That's a great idea, but since you used a healing item on me, let me get the room. It's only fair." Sera insisted, turning to the clerk and holding her Digivice out to her with only a little uncertainty. She had never paid for anything here before, but the clerk must be able to scan it or something, right? "Yes, we'll take one room please."
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby Littlemankitten » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:17 pm

Deliverance smiles at the clerks very biased portrayal of the various groups. It was clear the clerk thought the group she was representing was obviously the best and the others were objectively inferior, which was adorable but not at all helpful. The only real use she got out of the descriptions was only the most surface level details. Light Fang or Silver Cross seemed to uphold a manner of law, Black Swords and Night Claw did their own thing, and Blue Falcon fell somewhere in the middle. Blue Falcon didn't really seem to offer a good sales pitch, so Deliverance simply nodded at the clerk's question then would ask the clerk the location of the HQ for the other guilds just so she knew where they were, then would leave the building without much in the way of answers. Light Fang seemed like the most interesting bunch to her. Deliverance would then head back to her room to see if Soldeen ever woke up.
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:47 pm

Chapter 2: Everybody, Cry


Michelle LaDroix/Mark3000
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When Michelle tells the instructor that she would show him what she and Vee are made of and jiggles her rack around, he stares at her GIGANTIC TITS for a moment, before seeming to realize he was staring and straightening back up. "I look forward to seeing what you're capable of, Michelle. If you happen to run into trouble, I'll be there to bail you out. I'm sure I won't need to step in, though." he says, before leading her to his Digi-Beetle. He leads her through the door and into a massive room with lines and lines of Digi-Beetles, each one parked in front of a dome-shaped device, with hinges to allow it to open. As they passed by, Greg points at them "Each of these is a gateway, designed to take these Digi-Beetles the pilot's destination, limited by the positions of other Gateways. The Digi-Beetle doesn't necessarily need to be transferred to another Gateway, only to a position within a few miles of another Gateway. In this way, we bypass the need for garages." he explains, placing his arm across Michelle's lower back, his hand resting resting on her hip, under the guise of guiding her around. While most of the Digi-Beetles had a blue and white color scheme, matching the Blue Falcon's colors, many of them had customized color schemes. Greg pointed to a few of the Digi-Beetles, explaining "A lot of Tamers who prove themselves capable are given Digi-Beetles by the Guard team, in order to help them get around the Digital World, however there are Tamers who can afford to construct or purchase and customize their own Digi-Beetles." he says, as he guides her to one of the many blue and white Digi-Beetles. It was a large machine creature with an eye on each side, which watched them approach, a large gun on the back of its top, and six legs with wheels on the end. As they approach, a ladder descends from the side, which the two of them climb, Gregory ensuring her climbs up directly after Michelle, and staring up her school uniform skirt as they ascend.

Once ontop of the Digi-Beetle, he opens the hatch and the two enter. The Digi-Beetle interior is spacious, with a silver metal floor, fuzzy dice hanging from the hatch, a three person seat in front of a control panel at the front, beneath a screen that displayed what the Digi-Beetle itself could see. After sitting down, Gregory pats the seat beside him. Once Michelle is seated, Greg presses a button on his panel, which causes the orb in front of them to open, revealing a swirling vortex is digital matter, which shifts colors rapidly. Greg pushes a joystick forward, which causes the Digi-Beetle to spring to life, taking them through the portal, after which they exit into a large stone hallway. Upon entering the stone hallway, Greg turns to Michelle, resting his hand on her thigh in a way that seemed somehow natural "Alright, use this joystick to move the Digi-Beetle. Your task is to navigate through this domain and defeat the boss Digimon." he explains, before adding as an afterthought "Oh, and don't worry too much about steering, what you press on the control panel is technically a suggestion to the Digi-Beetle, who actually controls itself. It makes the piloting a bit easier." he says, in a friendly tone.

Deliverance McCalmont/LittleManKitten
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When Deliverance asks for a location of the other cities, the clerk marks each one on her map, using her own Digivice. Her trip back to her room is uneventful, however when she does reach her room, she discovers that Soldeen isn't present anymore. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she sees Soldeen making her way down the hallway, and when she sees Deliverance, she perks up. "There you are!" she says, running the rest of the way to her, before adding "You left me alone, and then I searched all over this city for you! Where were you?" she asks, frowning as she crosses her arms over her chest.

Suddenly, the Digivices of everyone present begin to beep, before projecting screens which once again displayed Analog Man's face. "Hello, Tamers. I want to play a game. I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm contacting you again. You deny culpability, no doubt, for the circumstances in which you now find yourselves. Rather than cleansing yourselves of the lies that you've submerged yourselves in by playing this game, you have sought to defeat me. As your reward for refusing to atone, I will now make your stay here all the more painful for you." he says, before cutting the feed.

As this was happening, the world around them flickers, producing a strange, baleful wailing sound, as well as strange creaking noises. For the duration of the flickering, Deliverance feels nauseous, a feeling that Soldeen seems to reflect as she rocks from side to side, before falling to the floor.

Sera Evans/Blue56
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The clerk scans her Digivice, then replies "Your room is number 69, just hold your Digivice up to the lock and it'll unlock for you. Have a good night!" she says, smiling. The hallway is painted white with a blue rug, with a blue feather design decorating the walls. Each of the room doors are white metal with the Blue Falcon Emblem on them, and an electronic lock with a red light dancing across a black bar above the knob. When the two reach the room marked 69, and Sera holds out her Digivice, the door unlocks, just as the clerk said it would. The room was decorated with a white carpet covering the floor, with the Blue Falcon Emblem in the center, a bathroom with a blue tile floor and white walls, the shower curtain designed with blue feathers on a white background. The bed had a white mattress with blue pillows, blankets, and sheets.

Sofia looks wide-eyed at the interior of the room, clasping her hands together "Wow, this looks great! Oh, but it only has one bed." she says, cocking her head and turning to Sera "Do you mind sharing, I guess?" she asks, uncertainly, before adding "If we get a second room, it's double, and it'd be less comfortable to sleep on the floor..." she says, thoughtfully.

Suddenly, the Digivices of everyone present begin to beep, before projecting screens which once again displayed Analog Man's face. "Hello, Tamers. I want to play a game. I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm contacting you again. You deny culpability, no doubt, for the circumstances in which you now find yourselves. Rather than cleansing yourselves of the lies that you've submerged yourselves in by playing this game, you have sought to defeat me. As your reward for refusing to atone, I will now make your stay here all the more painful for you." he says, before cutting the feed.

Suddenly everything around them flickers strangely, as if it was all being displayed on a monitor, and someone was hitting it, and produces a strange, baleful wailing sound, as well as strange creaking noises. Sera is suddenly forced to double over and dry heave, until the flickering and noises stop. After this repeats several times, everything returns to normal, however if Sera checks her Digivice, any In-Training Digimon would suddenly have been Digivolved to Rookie-Level.

Lina and Reina:
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When Lina asks the MadLeomon if she could help it, Iryna replies "Do not mind him. He is just... intense..." she says, not unkindly, though she keeps her usual detached expression. Lina then launches into a series a spiel about what she had come over to ask, saying "Ah, sorry, didn’t mean to ignore the both of you while I checked on my student. A pleasure to meet you, Iryna, and you as well, Lunaria. We came down because we were hunting Analog Man and thought you’d be one of the best ways of doing that. Or at the very least keeping us safe while we search since you took apart the MetalGreymon that almost sunk our boat without an issue. Well, that and tips. I can’t seem to get Beast EXP to save my life right now and it’s getting a bit frustrating." With a sly smile, she teasingly adds, “Well, that’s why I’m here. Vale’s here because she has a minor case of heroine worship.” the last part causing Lunaria to blush for a moment, but she quickly regains her composure before replying "Thus far, I've concluded that he is either in Infinite Desert, or the Dark Area. I've searched every part of the rest of the available Digital World, and have only run into his Digimon. I have not, however, ruled out the possibility of Analog Man controlling the Digital World from outside of it, though it seems unlikely." she replies, before then addressing her question regarding Beast EXP "If you're searching for Beast Digimon, I recommend the Plains first, and the Forest second. You'll mostly find Insect Digimon in the Forest, but it should still have Beast Digimon." she replies, with a friendly smile, though after she finishes speaking, she turns to Vale and pauses, trying to figure out what to say to her.

Suddenly, the Digivices of everyone present begin to beep, before projecting screens which once again displayed Analog Man's face. "Hello, Tamers. I want to play a game. I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm contacting you again. You deny culpability, no doubt, for the circumstances in which you now find yourselves. Rather than cleansing yourselves of the lies that you've submerged yourselves in by playing this game, you have sought to defeat me. As your reward for refusing to atone, I will now make your stay here all the more painful for you." he says, before hanging up. Just as he hung up, KingCrab comments "Huh. Wonder what he meant by tha-" his statement being interrupted by the world around them flickering just like an old computer monitor being shut off and turned back on. Iryna quietly grabbed Reina by the arm and moved her behind her, while MadLeomon began walking in a circle around the group, his claws extending, and Dianamon floated above them, readying her weapon. "Stay near me." Lunaria says, scanning their surroundings with her eyes as the world continued flickering.

Suddenly a strange creature, shaped like a transparent purple egg with a skull face, purple electricity emanating from its body in rapid bolts. the creature fires an extremely fast ray of purple energy at the group, which Lunaria deflects by projecting an indigo Digi-Soul Barrier over the entire group. The ray deflects off the barrier and strikes a distant mountain, obliterating it to such a degree that not even debris remained. Lunaria's eyes widened slightly, then she shouted "Dianamon, destroy that Digimon, fast!" to which Iryna added "MadLeomon, eliminate it." glaring death at the creature.

MadLeomon moves in a black and red blur, creating multiple sonic booms in his wake, while Dianamon begins launching numerous shockwaves at the creature. The creature becomes more transparent than before, causing the shockwaves to pass through it harmlessly, followed by MadLeomon's leaping strike, passing through it as well. The creature then became solid again, and laughed maniacally as a massive purple pulse erupted from its body, passing over everyone and everything in an instant. As the shockwave contacts the Digimon present, each one turns into a Rookie, while the Tamers are knocked off their feet, the pulse seeming to ignore Lunaria's Digi-Soul barrier entirely, simply phasing through it.

Lina Hayes/MiscChaos
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When Lina wakes, she sees a partly-rotted and collapsing wooden roof above her head, as well as Lunaria's face. She had blood running from one of her eyes, a deem gash across her cheek, a deep cut in her shoulder, and another cut running down her left arm, which was dangling at her side while she shook Lina with her right arm. Upon examining her surroundings a bit better, Lina sees Vale laying against the furthest wall from her, still unconscious. The walls of the structure were just as poorly-maintained as the ceiling, and were constructed from logs, primarily, while the floor was partly caved-in and made from hardwood. The room barely had any furniture, and what little furniture it did have was ripped up with what looked like clawmarks.

To Lina's left, the door to the cabin had been locked, and through the window, Lina could see numerous shadowy figures wandering around, and hear their groaning through the walls. When Lina opens her eyes, Lunaria begins explaining immediately "That Digimon's attack s-seems to have wiped my inventory and reduced the levels of my Digimon to Rookie... th-this place... I don't recognize it..." she sputters, breathing deeply to try to calm herself down. When she stands up to check the windows, Lina can see that she has a deep gash across her side, and another on her left thigh, causing blood to trickle down her stocking.

If Lina checks the windows, she can see that the figures outside are Various rookie and champion level Digimon, who have strange red eyes, decaying bodies, and a single strange hole on each of their bodies where something seems to have burrowed into them.

Reina Shiraishi/MrBlah
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When Reina wakes, she can feel herself being carried under someone's arm as they run hurriedly, each rushing step forward jarring her against the person's side. Upon better examining her surroundings, she can see that the person carrying her is Iryna, who is panting heavily as she runs through an extremely dark woodland area, gigantic spider webs tangled around the trees, numerous patches of deep swamp water intermingled into the dead-looking grass. Iryna leaps over a patch of swamp water, after which Reina can hear someone stumble through the swap water after them, clumsily. Iryna turns her head in the person's direction and shouts "You need to hurry up and quiet down, otherwise I shall leave you behind." in a harsh tone. Looking back behind them reveals that she was speaking to KingCrab's VERY distant form as he struggles to keep up with them, loudly shouting back "I DON'T NEED YOU, I CAN HOLD MY OWN HERE! BESIDES, OUR DIGIMON ARE THE SAME LEVEL NOW!" he screams, as he backhands the swamp water without slowing down. Iryna ignores him, but notices that Reina is awake "You are quite lucky that you are so light." she says, with a completely emotionless tone, and a straight face. She suddenly stops dead in her tracks and looks around, her eyes scanning the trees as KingCrab staggers up to them, panting heavily, nearly falling over from exhaustion, while Iryna had already caught her breath. "I recognize these web formations. We have already been here." she states, flatly, as she sets Reina down on her feet.

Deep in the woods around them, Reina could hear skittering sounds, followed by the growls of hungry Digimon. To Reina's right, she can see the form of a massive spider creature skittering through the trees, though its head doesn't turn in their direction. KingCrab sees the creature as well, and slowly edges closer to Iryna, who side eyes the passing creature, but seems to remain calm, but also continues scanning the surroundings for a path.

Vaylie Xavili/Embers
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

As Vaylie was sprinting away from the Tyrannomon, her Digivice suddenly projects a screen, once again showing Analog Man's face. "Hello, Tamers. I want to play a game. I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm contacting you again. You deny culpability, no doubt, for the circumstances in which you now find yourselves. Rather than cleansing yourselves of the lies that you've submerged yourselves in by playing this game, you have sought to defeat me. As your reward for refusing to atone, I will now make your stay here all the more painful for you." he says, before cutting the feed. Just as the feed was cut, everything around her flickers strangely, as if it was all being displayed on a monitor, and someone was hitting it, and produces a strange, baleful wailing sound, as well as strange creaking noises.

The next thing Vaylie knows, she's dropping from several feet above the ground, her body striking a heavy stone object, before tumbling off of it and into the dirt with a dull thud. Surveying her surroundings, she finds herself in the middle of a dense fog, surrounding by tombstones. The ground was mostly grass, while in front of each tombstone was a patch of dirt. Rain was pouring from the sky and onto her, the drops incredibly cold and chilling her to the bone. Surrounding the graveyard was a black metal fence, with metal points on the top, and just beyond that was even more tombstones. Otherwise, Vaylie was completely alone, with no sign of the Tyrannomon that were pursuing her.

If she checks her Digivice, Vaylie can see that her partner Digimon had Digivolved to the Rookie Level.

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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby Embers » Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:46 am

Vaylie was sprinting at full speed when her device began to project an image out before her, the hologram of a wrinkle-filled face with white hair begins talking with an undeniably arrogant tone. Given her circumstances, Vaylie has very little attention to offer his speech as her full-on sprint was draining most of the her focus. She does, however, pick up on the self-righteous tone and the threat towards the end. When the broadcast ends and the entire world flickers and stutters, she slows her sprinting to a stop, looking around the sky and behind her to the source of the flickering. Just then, a horrifying sound resounds throughout the world around her, Vaylie's hands instinctively jumping to cover her ears as the bizarre noises worsened.

As quickly as it came, the screaming dissipated and with it the ground beneath Vaylie's feet. Sending her body into a free fall for several feet down, the moment she sensed the feeling of vertigo, Vaylie's panicked, tensing up and bringing both arms to close around her chest and face, gritting her teeth as the brief fall led her to slam into a dense stone. "GHah!" She grunts, her arms coming undone as she tumbles off the stone slab and rolls into the dirt-covered ground with a thud. "Ahhh. Uahhh- what the?" grunting as she looked up into the foggy sky from her spot in the mud. Vaylie's exposed chest could feel the stinging cold of the rain as it dotted her scratched and battered flesh. "Hahhhhh~" After a few seconds of laying still on the ground, she pulls herself up and examines the surroundings.

Despite the dense fog severely limiting the view, Vaylie is able to make out even more graves past the nearby fence, throwing her into confusion as to whether she was inside the graveyard or outside it. "Is this even remotely safer than the island earlier?" Vay grumbled as the rain seeped through her tattered skirt and bra, forcing her hands to instinctively rub her forearm while she walked away from the fence, carefully stepping through the grassy field in search of some cover from the rain. "Hfuffhfhh itsss jussst a game. You'rrrrre not actual colddddd..." She murmurs to herself during the walk. After a few steps, Vaylie notices the flashing light of her Digivice against the tall grass, stopping in the rain and reaching for the device. Navigating through its menus and confirmation screens, Vay learns that Rookie level Digivolutions are basically a free upgrade with 0DS cost. She confirms the upgrade and summons her new and improved Pompom.

"Woaaah~ you look a lot more elegant and diligent than your name would suggest! From now on I'll call you Big Pom, BP for short!" The excitement of her improved partner Digimon distracts the half-naked girl from the chilling rain and the somber atmosphere of the graveyard. "Can you do any tricks BP? Maybe you can like sniff out enemies or hidden loot?" Vaylie asks while patting BP's white and red ears, fawning over it with a child-like grin, all her worries washed away, for the moment at least.
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:51 am

Lina makes a mental note about MadLeomon being intense. So long as he doesn’t mean anything by trying to stare through her, she doesn’t mind. She thought there’d be some Digimon out there with some outlandish ability like being able to see into someone’s soul and determine their character. Well, here’s hoping there isn’t a Digimon actually like that. There isn’t a lie or an act she could pull that’d trick that. At the very least, Lunaria herself is somewhat vulnerable to trickery seeing how easy she was made to blush with Vale’s heroine worship. Infinite Desert or the Dark Area huh? Well, Lina has no clue where either of those places are located so she’ll leave that search up to Lunaria. She’s still way too weak to be trekking across the Digital World and hoping to survive. Hell, the only reason she’s here instead of the starting area is because of Smitty. Because she’s looking for Darkmoon City or whatever and getting stronger while she’s doing it. Well, Lunaria at least points her in a good direction for that with the Plains or Forest idea. According to the map though, the closest Plains, the Gear Plains, is pretty damn far away. She’s surrounded by Forest, so she guesses she can give that a shot for a bit and see what that shakes out.

Before she can think any further, she’s interrupted by Analog Man showing up on their Digivices again and gets annoyed all over again “How the fuck does he expect us to ‘cleanse ourselves of our lies’ if he’s trapped us in the damn game!? Get on our knees and beg him to suck his magnificent cock?” Lina mutters to herself. She doesn’t bother making it quiet though so likely everyone hears her. Seriously, how fucking holier than thou can one asshole be? ...enough to make the world flicker in and out apparently. Grand. Fucking great. She skips over to actually saying the words when the purple egg creature pops out of nowhere to further fuck up their day. She does wonder how powerful someone has to be to project a DigiSoul Barrier that protects everyone around you rather than just yourself. That could be useful in making sure Foxy and Rider aren’t fucked up too badly in the future. The thought is destroyed just as thoroughly as that mountain is. ...she now fully believes Vale when she said that nukes were small pickings in this world. That… that’s closer to a goddamn antimatter attack! Obliteration until there’s no matter left in the area to destroy! She allows herself to relax a little when Dianamon and MadLeomon launch themselves into attacking the thing. They just stomped a MetalGreymon. This thing can’t be too much worse than that. And then the thing somehow just goes completely intangible and the attacks go right through it. Just as she’s thinking something along the lines of “Oh, this is just some straight up hacker’s BULLSHIT!”, it launches the pulse and suddenly things don’t seem so important anymore. Kinda hard to when you’re knocked out.

Next thing she knows, she’s being shaken awake by Lunaria. Who has looked better. Did the pulse cause all the cuts and the dislocated arm? And where the fuck are they!? It doesn’t look anything like the woods they were in just a second ago and she sincerely doubts she was out long enough for Lunaria to have carted both herself and Vale a great distance away! But all that seems very much unimportant compared to the gut dropping bombshell that Lunaria, quite technically, is no more powerful than Lina herself now. Lunaria’s greatest value to her was the fact that the other woman was a master Tamer with the Digimon that goes with such a title. Now she’s back at square one in the middle of hostile territory. “Well fuck. Fucking fuck. God-fucking-dammit!” She vents, standing up and pacing as she absorbs the latest in a non-fucking-stop deluge of bad news she’s gotten since she made the colossal mistake of picking this game up. Her pacing stops when her body reports to her that hey, she’s taken huge damage across her side and down her leg. Well, if someone can walk around with no legs and be fine and she’s not bleeding to death or going into shock with the obviously terrible injuries she’s somehow picked up, she’ll be fine to hopefully run. She’ll need to if the Digimon at the windows manage to get in.

“Well, welcome to the fucking zombie apocalypse, I guess. And I bet headshots do fuck all to creatures that casually shrug off nukes.” She growls, trying to turn her fear at the situation into annoyance. It’s not working. “OK, OK. So, there’s no way in fuck we can take on all those Digimon out there. If your Digimon have been bounced back to Rookies, I’m betting everyone’s has so we can’t take on those Champions and survive. So we take the coward’s way and live another day. Figure out if there’s a backway or something the zombie Digimon aren’t patrolling and slip out that way. First, we get Vale up. The more Digimon we have to work with, the better.” She’s mostly talking to herself as she plots, but she’d welcome any input Lunaria has when the woman stops panicking. Another thought flashes through her mind before she quickly discards it. She thought that she could probably get away if she sacrificed one or both of the others. But in the end that would be a spectacularly poor idea. While they’re all on the same level rank wise now, Lunaria and Vale still have a fuckton more knowledge than she does. That’ll be useful in the future, so she can’t afford to throw them away now. That and she doesn’t know if the reset also took away their levels. Yes, it knocked their Digimon back to Rookies, but a level 70 Rookie is still infinitely more useful than a level 5 one. And that’s without getting the Tamers themselves involved. So it’s still more beneficial to keep them around than to throw them away. Mind made up, she moves to wake up Vale. The more Digimon they have at their disposal, the better. While she’s at it, she takes a look at her Digivice. While she didn’t have anything to knock down to Rookie, it’s entirely possible that pulse fucked with her Digimon somehow and she’d like to know if Foxy got corrupted or something BEFORE she runs into battle with her.
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby Blue56 » Thu Jul 16, 2020 12:17 am

Sera smiles and thanks the clerk for her help before continuing to her room. Her family had only ever stayed at cheap motels, so this was way nicer than anything she had ever been in, just like the boat. This game really could be pretty cool sometimes when it wasn't so horrible. The room is so impressive that Sera doesn't even notice there's only one bed until Sofia points it out. "Oh, yeah there is, huh? Well, I have two siblings, so I'm used to sharing. I don't mind if you don't." Sera tells the other girl with a warm smile.

Before they get a chance to rest however, their Digivices start beeping. It's a message from that creepy guy again, and as usual, Sera has no idea what he's talking about, but she knows she doesn't like it. He's blaming them for staying in this game but isn't he the one who won't let them log out? Once she's rested up, she wants to join the effort to kick his butt, but she needs to get stronger before she'll be of any use. Suddenly, the world around her starts to flicker, and Sera feels sick to her stomach, hitting the ground and heaving repeatedly. Was someone messing with her in the real world? Sera was nowhere near tech savvy enough to know, she just wants it to stop. Eventually, it does, and the noise and everything comes to a stop. Sera checks her Digivice, finding the transmission has ended, but she sees a Digimon she wasn't familiar with. "Kotemon...?" She wonders aloud, before noticing that it was listed as Lance. Had whatever happened.... Changed him into something else? He seemed stronger now, if anything, which seems odd given that man had made it sound like he was punishing them. There were more important things to worry about now, however. "Are you okay, Sofia?" Sera asks her companion, before looking around the room to see if anything has changed. "I'm gonna go check outside quick and see what's going on." She tells Sofia, before stepping outside to check on things before they rested.
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:17 am

Michelle followed the instructor, oblivious to the effect her bouncing bosom was having on the man. But Vee had taken not and looked all the more exacerbated. Entering the room Michelle let out an audible 'Ohhhh' looking at all the different Digi-Beetles. She listened to the Gregory describe the gateways, not noticing his hands until it was firmly on her hip. "You mean I could get my own Digi-Beetle too?" Michelle asked as she climbs into the six legged vehicle.

Despite it's appearance, it's surprisingly spacious. As Michelle drops down inside, so does Vee. Bouncing off of Michelle's tits on to her lap. Though once Gregory's hand moves to her thigh, Vee is quick to bat it away with it's tail. "How rude Vee! That's no way to treat another tamer" Michelle said as she lifted the small Viximon off her lap and placed her behind their seats. "I'm sorry Gregory, please continue" the buxom blond asked as Gregory continued his explanation, his hand finding it's way back to her thigh. Despite the easy controls, Michelle had some how found a way to stall out the Digi-Beetle. Which wasn't much of a surprise. Michelle had never learned to drive in the real world, with being driven by personal drivers or by taking public transit once she was cut off from her family fortune. But once she was going, she was filled with a sense of pride. "Alright Vee, lets go find that Boss Digimon"

"Fine, hopefully your navigation skills are better then your skills in battle"

Michelle paused for a moment and looked a Gregory for a moment before looking behind the seat. In place of the petite Viximon was the rookie fox Digimon, Renamon. Lounging in the back of the Digi-Beetle she stared up at the two tamers.

"V-Vee, when did you" Michelle tried to ask only to be stopped by her newly digivolved Vee.

"I'm not sure how or why. I just want to put my new body to proper use that's all" She said in a rather embarrassed tone. Was Vee blushing?

What Michelle hadn't realized but Vee and most likely Gregory had was that her form was different from other Renamon. Most Renamon have a rather slender figure with a small bit of fur around their necks. But Vee's mane was thicker then it was suppose to be, barely hiding a set of fully formed breasts. They couldn't compare to Michelle's, but they were a noticeable D-cup. Not only that, her hips were wider, making her hourglass figure even more pronounced. What ever the reason was for Vee's unexpected new form, she wasn't pleased with it.
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Re: Digimon: When Worlds Collide

Postby mrblah » Fri Jul 24, 2020 6:21 am

"Oh, right, right... very much safe with the help of my new friends, Purple Hayes~" Reina offered a conspiratorial wink. She'd forgotten! Not everyone was so open with their identity as she was... for whatever reason. From that point on, she'd mostly checked out of the conversation. Analog Man, the topic was... but she still wasn't too on board with the witch hunt against the madman. Lots of strong people were already on it! Why should she bother when she'd just get in the way?

Then again, it's not like the fashionable college student really had any will of her action. She was kind of enslaved to Iryna, at the moment. Just for the moment though. Reina would keep a bit of an ear in the conversation for information gathering purposes, though! Beast Digimon can be found in the plains and forest... something to note. At that point, the man of the hour would make his own appearance as their Digivices began beeping. Reina was pretty quick to make the connection that this was going to be something involving their game hijacker and his shenanigans, so she wasn't too surprised to see his face on every screen projection. "Want to play a game, he says..." Reina was apparently more concerned by the Saw reference than anything else he was saying, though she had been listening with rapt attention still. This man, as much of a depressing loser as he looked, still held a lot of control over the game world they were situated in so it was better to prepare yourself than disregard him. Yet, even with the thought of being prepared for anything... she was still quite surprised by reality glitching out like a video game. Which it was.

Reina was suddenly pulled behind her "mistress," though she was completely on board with the defensive action. The young socialite threw her gaze about, eyes scanning the surrounding area for nearby threats... which would unfortunately sprout and immediately attack them in a ultimately powerful attack. Quick as it came, Reina was left shocked and extremely grateful for Lunaria's even faster reflexes. The resulting mountain-destroying explosion then cemented that, yes, this is definitely not a Reina-level situation to deal with.

As such, she left it to the pros to handle and settled with cheering. "Go, go, Dianamon and MadLeomon! I believe in you both~" The completely useless girl giggled to herself and settled with watching the resulting battle with various 'oohs' and 'aahs' at the light show. "Do it in the name of... friendship! And justice, or something~!"

Reina was having a lot of fun playing cheerleader until the purple egg decided to up the ante. Quick as its final attack came, she was completely knocked off guard and, in relation, knocked off her feet! The fashionista was thrown through the air with a surprised cry, and then...


The world returned in splotches of color in a black void, an awakening made more uncomfortable and jagged by... well, being carried like a sack of potatoes. When her eyes finally adjusted and the fog faded from her mind, she'd immediately found herself completely lost as to what happened and why Iryna was carrying her under one arm in both a show of amazing dexterity and strength that provided the world's least comfortable carry. Couldn't she have used a bridal carry? There's a lot of bumps and jumps on this ride... Reina decided to make a mention of such. "Mrnff..." Hang on, her head's still kind of spinning. She'll try to pat Iryna instead so that her "mistress" would maybe take a hint to give a pauAAAH—

"Hck!" ... It wasn't that bad of a leap, honestly. But she still didn't really appreciate it. Her savior could've done a better job saving her and this swamp kind of sucks too. Anyway, Iryna had finally noticed Reina was awake though! "... You... could've carried me a little more comfortably..?" She did set her down gently enough, which Reina appreciated. The fashionista took the time to pat out her clothes, looking around much like the other girl did to try and figure out what the hell was going on. Her eyes traced over the doubled over, huffing form of someone totally inconsequential and she carried on. "I'm guessing... we're in no place to catch up with what's going on, huh~?" She smiled at Iryna with a small glance her way. That smile had the smallest look of her nerves as she registered, yes, they were surrounded by a variety of hungry Digimon and a giant spider within a swamp. Needless to say, it's better to get the hell out of this place as quickly as possible. Especially since...

Her so powerful "mistress" had lost her super Digimon. She remembered some parts before she blacked out. All of their strong allies... dashed. Tossed to the wind. Thrown to the dirt, what have you. The point was that her protection had been massively weakened thanks to the actions of that sad man child Analog Man, and now they were trapped in a disgusting swamp filled with hostiles and a giant spider. These facts combined was what finally pushed Reina to acknowledge the useless other man child in the room.

"I'm guessing kicking Mr. Crustacean over and running is on the table if push comes to shove~?" She'd whisper to Iryna. Yes, Reina knew KingCrab was with them. She was just hoping he'd fall into a pit if she ignored him long enough, but maybe he could have some use coming his way. "Like he said... if you're not exactly in top form, we might have more trouble getting out of her unscathed than we can handle." While discussing sacrificing another person for her sake, Reina continued her investigation of the area for the same reason Iryna was: finding some pathway out of this Godforsaken swamp. She'd naturally get to walking if she spotted some place that seemed safe!
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