Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 10:43 am

Raina just gives the old man a nod of thanks. Words probably wouldnt do much more for the heroine tonight, but she was grateful for everything that has occured so far. She could feel her own light fading.. but she had more pressing matters. Whatever was occuring at 44 Roses had to be reported immediately. Raina touches her waist then remembers she wasnt wearing her usual tights then dug into her bra cup to brief a sigh of relief that her phone was still on her. She sends an urgent message to Nemesis telling her that occult magics were occurring at 44 Roses and that she had a survivor of the antics that were going on.

Once the message was thumbed out she turns to Maria who managed to disentangle herself from Beth. "Thanks Maria.. We should be good, i'll be down if i need anything, maybe get a couple of cool glasses of water ready for myself and Beth." She gives the young woman a smile as she waves them off.

Raina stays in the room, looking out the window for at least 30 minutes before heading down stairs to collect those glasses of water and bringing them up to the room. She takes a deep swig of hers and lays the glass down on the nightstand next to the girl. Whenever she could confirm Beth was fast asleep Freya snuck out and hailed the first cap she could get to head back to the Society Headquarters only to see a sleek white vehicle pull up with the words CyberSafe on the door.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 11:41 am

You wait for tense 30 minutes watching for any sign that you were followed, but there's nothing, just black streets full of drunk strangers, and flickering neon lights. Beth was already asleep by the time you returned with the glasses, so you drink one, and set the other on the bedside table, in case she wakes up thirsty. She would have a strange morning when she woke up, but you're hopeful that Vincent and Maria will take care of her, at least enough to get her back on her feet.

You head downstairs without making a sound, save for the creaking of old wood. Vincent hasn't returned yet, by the look of things. Maria gives a slight frown as you leave, but the bar is busy, and she's got her hands more than full just taking care of customers. Then you're back outside, standing in front of a white car. The door opens, and you step inside, sliding your card through the scanner as you tell the robot the address of S.L.U.T. HQ in a hushed and hurried voice. The car goes speeding off, and you can finally let out your breath--safe on the three hour car ride back home. A gentle and pleasant music comes on over she speakers, and you lean back into the comfort of a faux leather seat, closing your eyes and letting your mind drift away.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Willpower check: 3 vs. ??? massive failure

Some time has passed. You don't know how long. You aren't sure where you are or how you got here, just that... You're a good girl. You're a good slut--the perfect CyberSafe Slut. There's a screen in front of it, and it's very important. It's very important that you look at the screen, and so you do, and you don't look away. You just stare into the spiral, as it spins in on itself, forever chasing perfection. Slut, Perfect, Slut, Consume, Please, Cybersafe, Please, Live To, Please, Slut, Slut, Slut. The words drift from the screen into your head, where they live now. They dance around your head, fixing things that weren't quite right, and changing you, making you what you were supposed to be. A slut.

"Slut, Perfect, Slut, Consume, Please, Cybersafe, Please, Live To, Please, Slut, Slut, Slut." it's your voice now, coming past your lips, speaking the truth you always knew somewhere in the back of your head. You are a slut. Visions pop into your head. Or are they on the screen? Thinking is hard, so you don't bother. The images are you--things you remember. Being bent over a table and fucked in the middle of the dance floor, as your huge tits bounced in front of you, and anyone who wanted to watched with greedy hunger. You feel a buzz between your legs. A little ball covered in nubs has emerged from the seat, and pressed itself against you juuuust so... perfectly against your clit. It buzzes are you remember how you came again and again moaning as your pink hair bounced. A Slut for all to see.

Another image. Now you're in a room, which is to small for you and all these men. You're laying on the bed--you remember this-- you're laying on the bed between two of them--their bodies are nice to look at so muscly and strong--they're built like you'd expect football players to be. You can feel a their cocks inside you, splitting you and filling your pussy and ass as they thrust. You accept one in your mouth--he tastes so good! And feel a buzz between your legs. They keep moving, and you feel the pleasure washing over your, the buzzing so intense as you look at the images on the screen-- in your mind?? As you remember. You are a slut. A Slut for all to share.

It changes. You can feel your juices dripping throat your leotard and running against the seat. Leotard? Seat? That... doesn't make any sense. You're not in a seat--you're on a dance floor. Well, you were on a dance floor. Now you're being lifted into the air by a bunch of men, big and strong. One has his cock out-- a wonderful, long, thick horse-like thing, and it's up between your legs. He lays it out flat against your stomach God, it would go so deep. So, so deep. It might just split you in half. His hands hold your legs steady as he pushes forward, he moves slowly at first, his cock head stretching you then, once it's in he thrusts all at once. He cock buries itself deep so, so deep! and you're screaming in ecstasy. Another man stands over you. He grins down at you, then stuffs his cock in your mouth. You take it happily--so happy to be a good little slut. A slut for--

There's someone there, looking back at you across the dance floor. She's standing behind the podium, watching you. Black tears streak down her face her--your--her black hair is all in disarray. She's, no... she's--Beth??

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Willpower Check: -1 vs ???

No. She's you silly. Fucktoy. See? It says it right there on her forehead. She's just a silly little fucktoy. There's a buzzing between your legs as the man thrusts and thrusts again, filling and stretching, breaking you with his far, far too large cock, as you scream and whimper pure ecstasy. You cum, and cum again, and each time a word writes itself upon your body. Fucktoy across your forehead, thenCunt on your chest. Breeding Whore on your inner thigh. All of them are true. The man in your mouth cums and another steps up to take his place. This one has the head of a hawk. FuckSlut appears on your stomach as the horse cock cums deep So, so deep inside you, and another man steps up to take his place. His face looks like a rhinoceros, twisted and mangled with burn scars and stitched over wounds. His cock is a thick as your arm, and he stuffs it in you in a single thrust. You scream. And cum, again and again. You are a slut. A slut or all to Break.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Willpower Check: 3 vs. ??? failure.

Then you're back in the car. The leotard is gone, and you are drenched in sweat and your own juices. There's a cock in front of you. So you do the only thing there is to do. The only thing for a slut to do. You lean forward, and take it in your mouth. It fills it so full, and even dribbles out some sweet blue cum as a nice reward. It makes you mouth all nice and tingly, so you take it deeper and deeper, bobbing until it presses against your throat.

You hear a faint whirring, but you don't have to move or adjust yourself. A good slut does as she is told. And something is telling you to stay put. Two cocks drill up from the seat beneath you, spinning slowly, perfectly positioned to spear into your sopping cunt and tight anus. The blue fluid on them mixes with your juices, letting them slide in easily, letting them push themselves deeper and deeper inside you, and filling you the way you were meant to be filled. There's a joy in the back of your head. A wonderful feeling of fulfillment and accomplishment,that grows stronger each time you take the robo cock into your mouth, each time they spray blue cum down your throat and into your cunt and ass. This is what you were meant for. You were meant to be The Perfect Cyber Slut.

Freya Corruption: +8%, new total 9%

* * * * *

The car comes to a stop. You're outside S.L.U.T. Headquarters, and the robo cab driver is waiting for you to get out of his pristine clean cab. You're still naked, butthat's t be expected. Your leotard was destroyed before you got in the cab. At least you have your phone on you still. Figure out how to get some clothes without humiliating yourself might be a bit of a struggle though...
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 11:02 pm

The poor heroine has no idea what she had just gotten herself into when she stepped into this seemingly friendly cab. It's robotic driver hitting a button its console and unleashing a gentle wave of music that coaxed Raina into a false sense of security. The excitement and adrenaline were beginning to wear off not to mention she had used her powers during the night. Her own inner flame was being diminished.. easily replaceable by this.. calm..soothing music. Her eyes drifting off as she licks her lips her body subtly heating up..

Then it all came at once. A dream.. a good dream. A dream where She was a slut~ For all to see, Share and break~ The perfect CyberSafe Slut. She was drenched with sweat and the faux leather seat was dark with her juices. But all the Slut could do was stare and dream that she was going to be the perfect slut. As various toys danced along her body and the spiral on the screen continued to show various images meant to emulate her deepest desires. It all felt real, It all felt true, She was a slut! Fucktoy, Breeding Whore, Fuckslut, Cumpdump. She was all of those and more She was going to be CyberSafe Property~

The last leg of the journey was especially fun as she found her mouth wrapped around a rubber cock that gave her yummy cum to drink. Meanwhile her insides were being churned up by two cocks specially built to break Sluts like her Each orgasm letting more of those words sink in. Each load she drank down and filled her cunt and ass made her believed she was going to be the perfect slut, but not just any slut A CyberSafe one.

Soon enough she was dropped off at S.L.U.T. HQ, her body shivering from the gold of the night, but she wasnt worse for wear. If anything she felt better than ever. A part of her felt like she should be able to walk through the front door no problem after all Her clothes burned up in the fighting So with that out of the way she strides into the building making a b-line for the elevators and rides it all the way up to her penthouse where hopefully the rest of the team was doing just fine
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Tue May 26, 2020 7:33 am

Chapter 1 Start! Recklessly Chasing Shadows

All the girls were gathered in the living room of their shared apartment, chatting when the holo-display in the center of the room flickered on and Nemesis's image appeared in the blue light.

"Good work this week, girls. The five of you handled a lot between just the five of you. You have made Metro City a safer place. You should be proud.

Beacon and Sacred Sword. You did a good job investigating the recent string of disappearances that have been plaguing the stacks. Thanks to your efforts, we now understand that these crimes are being perpetrated not by traditional means, but instead are being conducted by a xenomorphic threat we have come to call "The Hive." It is unfortunate that your mission ended... as it did. But I'm told that our medical staff was able to extract the alien... eggs from your womb, Sword, and that the remains of fluid found in your mouth and on your skin served will help further our research into this new threat."

Freya. You handled your mission admirably--especially given that you were alone. You stuck to mission parameters, completed your reconnaissance, and got out unharmed. The intel you collected will lead to investigations into several powerful members of Metro City, and though we cannot promise that this will lead to their arrests, it's at least a start to cleaning up corruption.

Finally, Quake and Artemis. I apologize for the confusing intel, but not everything is always cut and dry in the hero-ing business. Despite some initial confusion (and a bit of a rough start when you were caught off guard...) you managed to rally against an unexpected threat, and in doing so were able to put some dangerous infected citizens out of commission. Your costumes should be repaired by morning.

Enjoy your rest, ladies. You've all certainly earned it. There will be new missions soon--until then, keep up your training, and stay on your toes."

The message ended, and the hologram blipped out in a wink of blue light.

The Hive Threat Level: -2
The Order Threat Level: -1
Cyber Safe Threat Level: +1
Ravenous Horde Threat Level: +1

All Heroines have had their addiction level reduced by 10%

Meanwhile Freya watched the meeting feeling maybe a little too casual about her nakedness and opted only to put on a white dress shirt as she looked around the holo table at the other heroines. Hearing briefing and wondering what was of really gone down with them. Sacred Sword, a woman able to become an angel and Beacon the one telepath. They completed their mission but something out side of the parameters went down and.. Sacred sword ended up impregnated by this new enemy? That must of been a harrowing experience and reminded Raina of Beth. If she hadnt helped the girl.. she may have been used in some awful ritual. She needs to talk to Nemesis about maybe getting Beth a job as a support staffer for the Society. Im glad we all managed to finish our missions, this hive sounds pretty severe.. But what went down in the 44 Roses was strange. Artemis i want to talk to you about something, can you come to my room later?" Freya gives the witch a nod and a stern look before turning to Sacred Sword Im sorry to hear about what happened to you if you need to talk about it i'll be around."

Hearing about Quake and Artemis's mission was interesting as well, coming across the strange creatures that Sword and Beacon encountered... It was wrong, people forcibly used were the victims still aware of what they were doing? Raina sort of hoped they werent aware. She also made a note to see if she can secure a sparing session with Quake wondering what her combat capabilities are.
If there was nothing else Freya went for a quick shower then sent the message off to Nemesis about Beth. In the shower she let the cool water wash away her stress, the tension and the built up heat in her muscles from using her powers. An observer could see the steam rising off her fair skin and as she cooled off her emotions did as well. This night was probably one of the longest in her life. In some brief moments though she catches herself rubbing her cunt.. the words Slut, perfect slut flit across her lips as she plays with herself just enough to feel good, but doesnt cum.. it felt like she wasnt allowed to cum. So she lets the water cool herself even more before getting out and drying off with a towel. Once that was done and her message was sent out she headed back to the main living area and knocked on Artemis' door. Artemis are you there? I wanted to talk about your abilities.
[Ranking up Charm from 0 to 1]
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Tue May 26, 2020 11:38 am

Other Characters:

City Center


Maria(corruption: none)
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A bartender at Victoria Blondes, bar Downtown. A somewhat serious and snarky sort, but with a good heart.

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A skilled cook at 44 Roses, who spends much of his day drinking at Victoria Blondes. "Friendly" with Freya. Rough and somewhat aggressive, but knows his limits, and tries not to push past them. Current status unknown

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An old man who spends a lot of time at Victoria Blondes. Appears to have some combat experience and access to rare weapons tech. Gruff, but kind.

Moriah(corruption: medium)
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A dancer at 44 Roses. The queen bee of the establishment, who mercilessly cuts down competition. Current status unknown

Rachel (corruption: medium)
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A dancer at 44 Roses. Stubborn and proud, despite her station. Current status unknown

Beth (corruption: medium?)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

A former dancer at 44 Roses, now recovering at Victoria Blondes. The newest dancer at 44 roses, she got on the Boss's bad side, and was punished cruelly before Freya was able to rescue her.

The Boss
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The owner and manager of 44 Roses. He was a hard boss, exploiting his employees for money whenever possible. Appears to have had some dealings with the Order Tenebrae, though the nature of this is a mystery. Current status unknown

Market Street

The Stacks

The Gates

College Town

The Tracks

Nalla(corruption: unknown)
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A friend and contact of Beacon from her days living in the Tracks. Nalla helps her supply her friend with rare mechanical parts she needs for her supportive tech

The Harbor

Halfford Square

Enemy Characters

The Hive

The Ravenous Horde


The Order Tenebrae Sanctus

White Robed Man
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A mysterious figure who seems to hold some sway within the Order. Encountered by Freya at 44 Roses, the man appears to have some control over magic, but the exact nature and limits of his power have not been tested. Current status Unknown.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Tue May 26, 2020 1:44 pm

Locations Throughout the City
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City Center

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The headquarters of the Society for Latent Natural Talent

The team apartment
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An apartment given to our heroines by the Society, with five bedrooms, and a notable living space, it's really more of a penthouse


44 Roses
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A nightclub, run by a man who called himself "The Boss." The sight of Freya's first mission, and of a serious of sketchy backroom meetings with members of the Order. It is unknown whether or not it is still in business after the events of Freya's mission.

Victoria Blondes
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A cowboy themed bar and motel, tended to by Maria. Both Vincent and Marcus are regular customers. Beth is currently resting here.

Market Street

The Stacks

The Gates

College Town

The Tracks

Nalla's Shop
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A little brick mechanic's shop run by Nalla, Beacon's old friend.

The Harbor

Halfford Square
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Tue May 26, 2020 2:25 pm

'We'll take care of it.' is the message back from Nemesis. The rest of the evening passes you by quickly. It's nice to be back home after a stressful and busy day like that. You're finally able to let off some steam.

By the time you get out of the shower, the apartment is dark. It looks like most of the members of your team have gone to bed, though you see lights on under a few of the doors as you make your way to Artemis's room. Her room is lit as well, though it's not the normal white light of her lamp, but rather a deep tone somewhere halfway between purple and crimson. The light seems to grow and fade, pulsing in and out almost as if it were breathing.

As you get closer, you can make out Artemis's voice just barely through the door. "Oh fuck.... yes! D-deeper, oh fuck--make me cum, oh, please! F-fuck--make me your bitch... mmmhh~" her voice goes instantly goes completely silent when she hears you knock. The red-purple light fades to darkness, and you hear feet hit the floor, and pace around quickly. A drawer opens and closes, then the light flicks on (an normal white one this time. After a few more moments, the door opens and Artermis's head pokes out. "Do you need something?"
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Tue May 26, 2020 10:24 pm

Raina was instantly curious.. hearing Artemis' cute voice.. it was clear what she was doing.. but how she was doing it caught her attention more than anything. Raina licked her lips unconsciously as she waited. Only to see the blonde open a small gap in the door and stick her head out. "I wanted to talk to you about magic, the enemy i encountered employed something akin to it when i escaped the club..but. And Freya leans in close to the blonde's cute face. "but im curious as to what i heard earlier.. something like, oh~ Make me your bitch~" Raina gives Artemis a devious smile expecting to be let into the room to.. discuss these topics further.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Wed May 27, 2020 4:55 am

Artemis scowled. "You must be hearing things," she said, and immediately shut the door.

A moment later, though, it creaked back open. With a sigh, Artemis stepped back, letting you into her room, and shutting the door behind you. She was wearing a long t-shirt, and from what you could tell, absolutely nothing else, save for a black choker around her neck. With you both inside, she sat on the edge of her bed, legs crossed, and look up at you expectantly.

"So magic? What sort of spells did they use?" You notice a slight flush in her face as she adamantly avoids addressing the noises you heard.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed May 27, 2020 5:44 am

There was only a smile on Raina's face when she was let inside, she just had to learn what made this little princess tick.. But inside she took a seat next to Artemis on her bed hoping to get a good look at that choker to see if it was anything special. "The magic was weird. A man in a white robe stepped out of a room, he had a medalion with a pentagram on it and then his eyes went all back and he spoke some language that i didnt understand and then some weird black portal appeared on the wall and hands reached out to grab me. But i dodged them.

Raina gives Artemis a full dress down with her eyes. 'Despite how petite she looks... her tits are huge for her frame..she'd probably be a good slut..' Freya pushes that thought to the back of her head, but she does look for the drawer that she heard Arti mess with in the beginning.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Wed May 27, 2020 5:56 am

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investigation check vs deceeption: 8 vs. 6 success!

You notice Artemis's gaze as you speak with her. She's nervous, that's easy to tell. Probably eager to get back to what she was doing earlier. Her legs keep adjusting, switching which one's on top--it's a pretty nice sight to see, the stuck up little blonde squirming with interrupted need. You're confident you interrupted her right as she was about to finish. Her eyes keep flitting over to the top drawer of her vanity. That must be where she stashed it.

The choker doesn't seem to be anything particularly special itself, just a normal piece of clothing, though you do note that you've only ever seen her wear one late at night or when she's coming or going from the shower.

"Hmm... some sort of adjusted summoning spell, perhaps?" Artemis considers for a second, then rises to her feet. She raises both her hands, waves them in a circle, then strikes several hand poses. A series of circular runes appear on the floor, spinning around each other in violet light. You note that these runes are quite a bit different in shape and color from those used by the man in the white robe. Much more icelandic than demonic. As you watch, the runes pass into each other, and circle becomes a swirling vermillion portal. Artemis whistles, and a red furred wolf jumps through, sitting obediently at her feet.

"Was it like that?" she asks, scratching her new companion behind the ears.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed May 27, 2020 6:11 am

'She's so cute.. i bet she's a ton of fun in bed.' Raina shoots a glance at the vanity drawer she suspected the item to be in. The choker was interesting too, why did she never wear it out in public? Was it proof she was owned by someone else? It'll be interesting to discover. For now though Raina watches as Artemis casts her spell taking not of any similarities to the white robed man. Im not sure it was a full on summoning spell.. that animal is interesting.. but the spell the man cast was more temporary. She uses the demonstration Artemis puts on as a reason to stand up and circle the room until she circled over to the vanity drawer. Pretending be interested in the wolf until she was right on the draw and then quickly opens it and pulls out whatever may have been in it.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Wed May 27, 2020 6:31 am

"Hmm, well summoning is really my area of expertise," Artemis says, bending down to look her wolf in the face as she scratches his head. "Anything outside of that, and I'm a bit of a layman. It might have been some sort of modified summoning spell, or a cantrip of some sort, you should--wait what are you--don't open that!"

Artemis jumps to her feet, but it's too late. You've already got the drawer open, and her surprisingly large and abnormally shaped dildo in hand. It's still slick with her juices, and warm to the touch, but what catches you most of all is the shape and color. It's bright red, for one, rather long and thick, fluted, and with a bulbous shape at the bottom that throws you at first, but glancing back at Artemis and her conjured friend sends recognition into your head. It's a dog cock. There's no doubt.

Her face suddenly on fire, Artemis turns to the wolf. "Out of here. Go on, shoo!" a violet portal appears as she waves one hand, and begins to usher him toward it. Her eyes stay on the wolf or the floor, as she refuses to meet your gaze. As you glance back down into the drawer, you see that there's nearly a half dozen different dildos in there, of all different sorts of exotic shapes and sizes, and worst more--they're labeled with cute little names.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed May 27, 2020 6:45 am

'This dirty little!' Raina mind was filled with a certain excitement as she saw what she had in her hand, but not only that she now knew why she wore that choker, no that collar. "Funny thing you've got here.. i was about to say little, but.. i doubt tits that little for you~" Raina giggles as she walks up to Artemis, dog cock in hand then poked the little witch's mouth with the tip of the cock.

"well~ now.. how bout this.. you'll be my bitch from on okay? does that sound good?" Raina pushes the cock into Aretmis' mouth slowly little by little making sure she knew to accept her new position, though if she resisted Raina was going to need to apply a little pressure pulling aside her panties and pushing Artemis' face into her pussy should she refuse to sock the cock offered to her.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Wed May 27, 2020 7:19 am

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Charm Check: 10 vs. 6

"There you go boy. Get on through. Good boy." Artemis said as the wolf's tail disappeared through the portal, and the swirling pool of pink energy winked shut. She turned back toward you, lifting her gaze--you could see the words on the tip of her tongue, like she was finally about to defend herself, but she stopped short, eye bulging open as she came face to face with a dog cock covered in her own juices.

Her eyes narrowed, her shock twisting into a scowl. "Get out of my room, Raina," she says. She's pretty small, though, and her t-shirt is both adorable and rather thin. You can see her hardened nipples poking through the fabric. She keeps her lips squeezed shut as you try to push the dog cock into her mouth, making a small protesting "mm-mm!" and shaking her head. Her eyes look rebelliously up at you, though her rebellion is instantly replaced by shock as you push her to the ground and pull her face into your pussy.

Her eyes are wide as she gives muffled protest, shaking her head, but not pulling away from your cunt. The fall to the floor poofed up her t-shirt, and when it fell back down, it didn't quite cover her as well as it did before. She was bottomless beneath it, as you had guessed, and her pussy is practically drooling its arousal onto the floor. She protests for a moment more, but then you feel something else--her tongue, slipping from her mouth, to timidly lap at your vulva.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed May 27, 2020 7:27 am

"Hmm~ I dont think so, not when you're being so~ hah obedient." Raina allowed Artemis to work over her pussy just a little bit, enough to get her going to say the least. After about 5 minutes of having her vulva tongued Raina let out a heavy sigh and pulled Artemis away from her cunt. "See~ now onto the main course." Raina placed the suction cupped end onto the ground and lifted the witch's chin. "Now~ You're gonna ride that cock you love so much~ and then beg me to make you my bitch got it?" She only waited a brief second before forcing Artemis back into her cunny, it certainly wasnt going to lick itself.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Wed May 27, 2020 8:40 am

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Charm Check: 11 vs. 5 big success!

"I'll do nothing of the sort!" Artemis growls, actually baring her teeth up at you like a dog, but... she doesn't move. Not until you wrap one finger through her 'collar' and guide her over to where the bright red dog cock pokes up from the floor. At your non-verbal instruction, she slowly starts to lower herself down, moaning despite herself as the long member slowly drives itself deeper and deeper into her pussy. With it all the way in, she lets out a satisfied groan, then slowly starts to rock her hips forward and back, almost unconsciously. Each move of her hips seemed to push the cock deeper and deeper, as Artemis's moaning grows faster and louder and higher pitched. You're pretty certain that, by the time you pull her mouth against your pussy once again, her moans have gotten loud enough for the rest of the apartment to hear, and maybe the downstairs neighbors, too.

Before long, she's low enough on the dog-cock that the knot of it is pressing against her, stimulating her even more as it rubs against her lips. You smirk to yourself at just how easy it was to put her in her place. She acted like a proud confident woman, but really she was just a stuck up brat, desperate to be put in her place.
Pssst: here's a super smutty thing I'm writing!
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed May 27, 2020 9:06 am

"Such big words from a small woman~ Bigger words still as you're eagerly jumping up and down on the cock you love so much..mmm~ You're quite good at this though, but i bet you have much more expertience with all of those other cocks in the drawer huh~ Tell which is your favorite and then you can knot yourself on that cock you're bouncing on." Despite Raina's more composed and demanding tone, she was in utter bliss from Artemis' tongue, she was obviously quite skilled, but given she has so many potential partners~ she must have many days if not months of practice.

"Its hahh~ Good to admit you' more than a bitch right? And who's your master Artemis, If you want to do anything ahhhhahh other than.. eating my pussy you'll know what to say~" Just a little more it felt~ A little more and she would be well on her way to breaking this blonde princess.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Wed May 27, 2020 9:23 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Charm vs willpower: 8 vs 4 success!

"mmm~ Shut up!" Artemis scowls at you, but the expression only lasts an instant before she's back to helpless moaning. "You mmmph~ You don't get to --aaahh- to telll me what to oooh~ dooo!" she finally manages to get the phrase out, but it clearly took a lot of focus between licking your pussy and dealing with the cock in her own. A moment later, Artemis has her eyes squeezed shut, still rocking on the dog cock while she eats you out. Her tongue really is quite skilled, and you're starting to find it a little bit hard to focus yourself.

"I... I am your bitch, mistress..."
Atermis's voice is quiet now, little more than a whisper, but the words are clear. "You... you own me--mmm~ yes, you own me mistress" her eyes are still closed, almost like her mind's in another world. "So let me-- please let me take it-- let me come mistress, please?"
Pssst: here's a super smutty thing I'm writing!
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed May 27, 2020 10:27 am

Raina was maybe a little too busy with an orgasm of her own when she finally hears Artemis’ words about becoming the witch’s mistress. Her thighs tightly clenched around the young woman’s head and Raina has to force her hands on to Artemis’s head to maintain her balance. ”G-good job~ now you may Hahh~ knot yourself~ oh but once you do you’re gonna climb into bed with me and we’re gonna make sure you’re knotted all night got it?”Raina lets out a giggle as she removes her sopping wet cunt from the poor witch’s face. Just watching her debate herself for her pleasure.
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