Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 6:29 am

Raina was aghast... it was happening right in front of her... and..and all of this in the middle of downtown! The business, tuxes, highclass stuff... Was this how city goers lived. All of the elite just happily getting her wicks dipped or eaten out.. it was more than she could take. She'd also be lying if she wasnt even the slightest bit turned on.. But then someone of interest approached her. This man was not to be trifled with, she may have been a heroine, but if she ever recognized a villain it was this man.

"Y-yes sir.. Im the newest girl.. A week though." Freya flashes a glance over to Beth, did she start enjoying it or was she still in agony.. Is there anything i should know? Anything off limits to the new girl?" The aura that came off of this man.. this didnt seem good one slip up and who knows where she might end up.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 6:51 am

"Well it's your first night in!" the man says. The smile never leaves his face. "Everyone's first night is a bit of a test, you know. A chance to get you feet wet, and for us to see just how well you can handle yourself," he waves a hand in front of his face dismissively. "Just greet people when they come in the door. Be polite, and if they come up to you with a girl they'd like the check out, write her name down, take their card, and send them up to a room. Then swipe the card when they come back down, wish them good night, and send them on their way. I'm sure you'll figure it out. A well trained gerbil could do the job."

You see of flash of skin, and glance over to see the men having their way with Beth have adjusted themselves. Her face is streak with mascara, made runny be tears. The men have turned perpendicular to you and a new man has taken over at Beth's mouth, this one with the head of a hawk, and an equally strange dick to match. He prods Beth's face with the avian member, and she still resists, at least until he grabs her cheeks and forces her mouth open, then stuff's his cock inside. Her face is still a look of horror as the man behind her bucks his hips more aggressively against her. Beth tries to kick at him, but she's a pretty petite girl, and she manages to do little more than annoy him. The man growls and smacks her ass. Hard. Beth lets out a whimper, and stops struggling, but the man is already pulling something out of his jacket.

As it glints in the dancefloor lights, you recognize what it is--a needle, full of some viscous pink liquid. The man pulls a cover off of it, wipes the tip, then presses it into Beth's arm. As you watch, the horror fades from her eyes, replaced by an empty nothingness. As the man starts thrusting, that emptiness is filled, rather quickly, with eager lust. Soon a empty headed Beth is grinding back against the man behind her, eagerly bucking her hips as her mouth slobbers down on the hawk-man's cock.

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Deception check(hard): 4 vs. 9-- failure!

When you turn back, the Boss is watching your expression carefully. You immediately try to hide you scowl, but you're certain he's gotten some sort of read on you. Regardless of what he's thinking, the smile doesn't change. "One more thing. There's going to be an event, of sorts, this evening and we'll require some entertainment. And, it just so happens that three of our girls are overdue for a..." he pauses, studies your expression once more, then says, "promotion."

The boss hands you three business cards, with the faces of three of the dancers on them. You immediately recognize the three women you met earlier, Moriah, Rachel, and Beth. "Pick whichever one you liked the best, or the least, I suppose, and send them up to room 6 at 9:35 precisely. Don't fuck this up, and you should walk away with a nice bit of cash this evening, and probably a bonus as well." With that, he turns, heading up the stairs.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 6:58 am

All Raina could do was watch on in horror, that was has to have been the x that Marcus mentioned.. no wonder he drinks his sorrows away at Blondes her could probably hear everything that goes on. But shes too slow to hide her shock and disgust and the boss must have caught a glimpse of it. She curses herself in her mind, that was a rookie mistake. She turns back to the boss trying her best to remain, ditzy, eager, and happy. Taking the cards she's handed she speaks up for the first time in what feels like an eternity.

"You've got it boss! Room six 9:35, is there anything else? Should i send up drinks and stuff along with a girl?" She shouts after her boss who probably couldnt even hear her over the roar of the music. For now she needed to concentrate on the job. She fucked up once, this man tasted blood in the water, any other slip ups will easily mean the failure of this mission. When she heads up at 9 she'll need to be extra careful. The club probably had bouncers.. then a thought crossed her mind.. what if she sent herself up there. No thats a stupid reckless idea..right?
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 7:10 am

"Yeah, good idea. Host's don't usually come up with ideas. Maybe you'll be a good fit." he says. "Pick something good from the bar, and surprise me."

You were left there, the three cards with the three girls staring back at you from the podium. Moriah, the one close to the boss, who watched you like a shark looking at a carcass throw into the ocean, but who was now just another girl bent over and fucked like the rest. Rachel, who hadn't wasted a minute in talking down to you and bossing you around, now on her knees, fully submitting to the whims of any passing rich business person. And Beth, the only one who had actually been nice and helpful--the sweet friendly girl who was now drugged out of her head and being gangraped by beastmen. Or maybe you could sidestep the whole thing by sending yourself up instead? The Boss had given pretty specific instructions (he didn't seem to have much faith in your intelligence), but maybe by ignoring them you could learn something for the mission, or get an advantage of some kind. You could also try sending up some random girl you didn't know, but it was hard to imagine how that would be to your advantage.

Before you can reach your conclusion. You are approached by Moriah. She's practically wrapped around the arm of an older man in a nice suit, and she smiles at you as she approaches. "Hi sweetie!" the bubbly voice is such a hard contrast from her earlier tone that you nearly jump. "Room for two, please--the nice one."
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 7:21 am

Raina had a minute to think over her plan, at least freshly in her mind. With the boss's final words that might actually be her way in. After all if she were to follow his orders to the T.. he did say surprise him. Enternainment probably was just fucking some guy as well. As long as she remained eager she probably wasnt going to get doped up. Okay it seems like she was going to put her own ass on the line literally! She was about to run to Marcus to get something ready but then Moriah came up to the podium.

"O-oh! Heya Moriah, sure, could i please get the gentleman's card?" She waits for him to hand her his card then sets it aside and fishes for the number 5 key. "Here ya go sugar, best room in the building for the two of you~" Freya faked a smile as she hands of the key to Moriah and watches them leave hoping the pink-haired bimbo wouldnt try to kick up a fuss. If she was in the clear she'd go to Marcus and ask him about the boss' favorite drink and begin to prep herself for 9:35 though she focuses on doing a good job to avoid suspicion.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 7:43 am

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Hostess Mini Game!
Charm to do good customer service: 6- poor
Int to keep track of what you're doing: 8- good!
Investigation to pay attention to the clientele: 7- fine

As soon as Moriah walks away another girl has already taken her place--this one being someone you haven't met before. You're not an expert at this transaction just yet, but you know what you're doing well enough and send her on her way no problem. Another girl pair quickly takes her place, and you quickly realize that at this rate it'll take a bit of focus from you just to keep a line from forming!

You spend most of the rest of the evening like this, taking cards and sending girls up to empty rooms, while keeping careful track in your head of who's been sent to where. You have a few slip ups with Moriah and a few of the other girls where you say something that they don't like, and they shoot you a sour look behind their partners back, but overall things are going perfectly manage-ably. By paying some attention to the clients being sent back, you recognize a few local celebrities, an up and coming business man. No one too powerful, but still enough that if you can find evidence of them being here, you might be able do do some good for the city. Even just launching an investigation would be a start.

At one point you send Rachel up with what looks like an entire college football team. The look on her face as they each hand you their cards is somewhere between excitement, resolve, and apprehension. Later on in the shift, you finally get a lull, and manage to sneak back to question Marcus about the Boss's favorite drink (he's gotten worse as the night goes on, and now seem on the border of passing out, though he's still handling his work admirably), and return to your station with the information in tow, only to find that in the 3 minutes you were gone, a line had formed. You spend the next while catching back up.

As 9:30 approaches, you notice that in the three hours you've been hosting for, you haven't seen Beth go upstairs even once. And with a brief glance around, you don't see any of the visitors... 'using her services' either. You feel a surge of dread in the pit of your stomach, and the thought of leaving your station to look for her briefly crosses your mind. You'll have to go get the drinks made in a minute anyways, so maybe you'd have time? Or perhaps that time is for the mission, and not something you can afford to waste.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 7:53 am

'I should have taken on more waitress jobs...' This was al she could really thing about as she worked her butt off for the next 3 or so hours, but things seem to be going... well enough. At least no one made complaints just some o the girls making some snide remarks. If that was going to be then she knew she could push through this night and hopefully get something done. Aside from that she took note of the most interesting clientele. Powerful types to say the least.. all just engaging in this as if it were completely normal. Was.. prostitution legal in Metro City? It was in some places but she honestly cant remember.

Regardless she kept at her job and even managed to gather the info she needed and when another lull approached she did her best to psyche herself up for an obviously bad idea. But something was wrong. Beth was missing. Freya bit her lip. She'd only been here a week. Something had to be done. Taking the last few minutes she had she went out and looked for Beth under the guise she was going to prep her gig for the boss. The first place to search was going to be the dressing room then she'll look in the bathrooms. If she couldnt find beth in 3 minutes she'll need to give up, get the drinks and move upstairs with herself as the girl of choice tonight. Or maybe use the excuse of Beth being missing to her advantage.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 8:06 am

There wasn't a minute to lose. If you were going to look for Beth, get drinks made, and present yourself as tonight's entertainment, you'd have to be quick... and lucky. As you burst into the dressing room to find it completely empty, the apprehension you felt only deepened, luck wasn't treating you very well. You stepped back out of the dressing room and pushed open the door to the bathroom. It wasn't locked, and from what you found, maybe luck was on your side after all. But it definitely wasn't on Beth's.

The bathroom was a single stall, just the sink and the toilet. Beth was there, splayed out naked on the closed seat of the toilet, cum practically covering every inch of her body, dripping from her mouth and pussy and ass. There were words written all over her, degrading words in pen and marker, and the word "Fucktoy" written across her forehead might have even been a tattoo. There was money, too, pasted to her by semen or just laying on the floor--quite a lot of it if you were to take a quick guess, but Beth didn't seem to be in any sort of state to recognize it.

She looks up at you as you step into the room, and instinctively moves her hips toward you. You recognize that same strange, vacant lust in her eyes, but it's fading quickly. After a moment, you sense recognition and some semblance of normalcy in her eyes, in a strained voice she says "New... girl?" She tries to sit up, but just groans and slumps back down.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 8:12 am

The panic was quickly rising, but thanks to her quick thinking Raina manages to find the girl completely and utter used by whoever did this to her. This was unfortunate but the least Freya could do was carry her the dressing room and let her get some rest. "Hey.. yeah its okay let me help you up. We're just gonna head to the dressing room." With that she princess carries Beth to the dressing room and letting her down on a mattress. If there was enough time it was now or never to get the drinks and run up to room 6.

Hopefully there was enough time to do everything, but she was willing to be a minute late if it meant Beth was okay.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 8:20 am

"No...nnnoo" Beth was having a hard time speaking, even still as you carry her into the dressing room and set her down gingerly on one of the mattresses. She tries to sit up again, this time trying to get you attention "No, I'm supposed to... it's... my job, I signed--I signed a... need money... I'm just a... just a slut..." Beth mutters, finally collapsing down onto the mattress, eyes closed.

You glance through the doorway, and see a man with the head of a rhinoceros looking back at you. His eyes move from you to Beth, and as he adjusts his pants, you recognize a sizable bulge forming very quickly in the fabric. You have no doubt about what his intentions will be when you leave, and you doubt whatever he's hiding under there will be particularly easy on the exhausted girl behind you. Still, time is ticking. Every minute you spend here is another minute you're not completing the mission. The door has a lock, and the handle is made of metal. The clock on the wall reads 9:32.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 8:26 am

"Shh- its okay, you're okay." She gently whispers to her as she spots the Rhino man.. it wasnt good, but this was an employee area, he should be allowed to mess with her. She couldnt just lock the door though, the other gals need to have access to this room too.. Shit.. She didnt have time to waste talking to a scumbag! It might bite someone in the ass later but she decides when she walks out of the room to lock the door and look directly at the Rhino man. "Sir, this is the employee dressing room you're not allowed her, if you've got a problem i'll take it up with my boss. Im sure he doesnt like people roughing up the merchandise too bad. She doesnt even give him a moment to speak instead turning away from him and rushing to get the drinks and make a run for room 6.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 8:39 am

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deception check: 6 vs. 8

The Rhino man steps forward as you brush past him, going for the door handle. As you round the corner, you hear him yell in a deep, rumbling voice "I know the rules. She's free use tonight!" You hear the lock catch, then the sound of him slamming the door against it's frame.

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int check 11! vs 5--big success!

This is an old building, and while it was built pretty sturdy at the time, it's seen some rough years, and that door's not in amazing shape. You have no doubt that the big man you just passed by could break it down... eventually. If you're really lucky, you might be able to go upstairs, complete your mission, and come back down before he's through the door. Or maybe someone else would stop him, but in this shady place, that's a big gamble to take. Over the pounding music, you're not even sure if anyone else can hear him back here. There's also some possibility that he'd get bored and give up, but... again-- a big gamble.

The clock on the wall reads 9:33
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 8:46 am

'Well i was never told those rules so whatever, the dude can go fuck himself. He'll probably need to pay for damages if he actually breaks the door.. Whatever I cant worry about that anymore.' Raina made a dash for the kitchen where she already set up the tray of drinks and a spare bottle for the boss. Then make a frantic but controlled dash up stairs pushing into Room six with as much elegance as she could muster.

"Hello! I've brought drinks and as for entertainment the boss told me to surprise him so i've volunteered to come up, i hope i can please you all as best i can." She announces to the regardless of who may be in here. If the boss was here she'd approach him from the side and whisper to him "sorry boss, i was going to send Beth, but she was conked out so i decided to take her place last minute i hope its alright." She tries to say in as bubbly a voice as she could.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 9:01 am

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Acrobatics: 9- good!
Charm- 2 total failure

Without a moment to lose, you dash through the dance floor, dodging around party goers as you grab your drink tray and hurry up the stairs. You slide through the door, right at 9:35, with drinks in hand and only tiny bit spilled. The room is mostly empty, save for the Boss, a pair of men in dark robes who stand in the back of the room, and a bulky fellow in a long, white robe, with a the hood of his robe pulled up over his head. You notice a pentagram medallion hanging off a chain around his neck, and can barely see the ends of tattoos on his neck and wrists--the only bits of skin left uncovered. You have little doubt they cover most if not all of his body. There are some items in the room as well, candles, incense, you can make out the imprint of a large knife at one of the black robed men's hips.

The Man in the White Robe
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


It seems as though the boss and the white robed man were talking before you entered, and they pause to look at you. The Boss turns to the man in the white robe, smiles politely and excuses himself, then turns to you. He steps forward until he's in conversational distance... then just a bit closer than that. He starts speaking, quietly at first, but growing louder with each word. "I gave simple instructions. I said pick one of three for the ritual. You are telling me, that you ignored those instructions and threw away everything I told you on a whim just because some whore felt like taking a nap?!" by the final word his quiet critique has turned to rage.

(unless you stop him) The Boss reaches out a hand, grabbing you by the neck, and pushing you against the wall. "You stupid slut!" he yells, paying no mind as the drink tray clatters to the floor, spilling liquor everywhere.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 9:13 am

Raina couldnt believe what was happening within the room. This wasnt nearly what she had expected, she thought maybe it was a drug deal or maybe worse like trafficing but this was... this was bad. She read Artemis' dossier, she uses something basically akin to magic to control her animals, if these guys were even remotely similar this was going to be a bad situation and she's seen more than enough to get the Society involved. Before the Boss can even lay a hand on her she uses her training to take a step back and throw a small fireball between herself and the boss. Now wasnt the time for small talk either, she quickly lept out of the room slamming the door and made a break for any of the exits she had previously routed.

"This is bad bad bad bad bad!" She did her mission, it was only recon, its okay to run! She psyched herself, she knew that by escaping any of the 3 girls were probably doomed to their fate unless the society had a strike team or something to immediately hit this place. But for now all she needed to focus on was escaping.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 9:32 am

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Superpower Enhanced Brawling: 13! vs 1 for fireball-- huge success!

Time seems to slow down as fire dances from your finger tips. The boss's eyes widen, as something he had never imagined in his widest dreams is happening--a girl is fighting back. The blast of fire catches him square in the chest, igniting his expensive shirt and sending him toppling to the ground, screaming in pain and shock. He hits the floor, desperately trying to pat out the flames as they spread higher, rolling around on the floor.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

pure luck: 17 vs 83 --failure

... and just barely manages to avoid rolling right in the large pool of liquor that spread when you dropped the drinks and fled.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Athletics: 10 vs. ??? Success!

His screams echo behind you as you sprint from the room. The last thing you see is the man in the white robe, pulling back his hood to reveal a surprisingly handsome face. He takes a step after you, raising his hands and moving his lips silently, but faster than should ever be possible. His eyes are full of sorrow.

You rush out of the room, and down the hall heading for the stairs and rushing for the staff entrance. Right as you reach the top of the stairs, a giant sigil appears on the wall. You react just quickly enough as the wall warps into a swirling black portal, and a malnourished, sickly green arm reaches out of the blackness to try and grab you.

Ducking out of the way, you barrel down the stairs, just keeping you footing as you weave your way through the crowd. The pulsing music drowns out the Boss's wretched screams of pain- and down here, no one seems any the wiser than things have gone south. You push open the door into the back hallway and are almost out the back exit when you pass by the door to the dressing room. The rhino is still standing there. It doesn't look like he's moved an inch, but the door has been practically torn from it's frame. One or two good pushes and he'll be through. With the staff door and freedom just out of reach, you swear you can hear Beth's voice give the tiniest, terrified whimper.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 9:44 am

She didnt plan on striking the fucking in the chest with a fireball but he certainly deserved it! Raina watches as the man squirms beneath him and she makes a break for it. Going for the staff entrance as it should be fairly unguarded and free on any obstructions. She will feel terrible for Marcus but theres little she could do about that right now. With the boss still squirming she sprints away her legs moving as fast as she can make them her heart raced a mile a minute as she can feel her soul burning for justice. Though little did she know her opportunity for it would come much sooner than was maybe prudent.

Sprinting towards the door she's follow out by the man in the white robe, spinning her head just a moment to see a chiseled face and a full beard, but she couldnt let him distract her, she just needed to remember it. But then her worse fears came to fruition as magical hands poured out of the walls to assail her, but she narrowly dodges them and practically somersaults down the stairs in a chaotic manner. She then comes across the intersection and the Rhino-man was still there! Her fury was threatening to boil over. When she clenches her firsts flames engulf them as she makes a for a blindly fast dash at him leading the ground for a split second as her right leg extends out in front of her a blinding blue flame creating a comet streak as she tries to connect her foot to the rhino's massive head and backflips off of it.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 10:09 am

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Super Power Enhanced Athletics to kick the rhino: 12! vs. 7 success!
Athletics to pick up and carry Beth 12! also success

Your foot slams into the Rhino's head in a sickening crack and sizzle, sending him crashing through the door and into the other room. He falls down in front of Beth who is huddled up in the corner, knees against her chest and fresh tears streaking her face. In the rush of adrenaline, you don't bother asking if she can stand, and instead, just pick her up yourself in a fire fighter carry. Then it's back over the Rhino man (who hasn't moved a muscle) and down the hallway toward the exit. As you pass by the hall to the dance floor, you can still just hear the sounds of partying.

You don't waste any time, rushing down the hall with Beth over your shoulder, you kicked open the staff entrance, and hurry out into the street. Things look different out here in the night time, all neon signs, and drunks, taxis and yelling. It suits you fine, though right now. You disappear into the blackness, crossing through the alleys on a semi familiar path. The door to 44 Roses swings shut behind you. It won't open again for hours.

Soon you see the signage of Victoria Blondes, a cowgirl with her tits out you realize now that the neon sign's all lit up. It's busy now, crowded even, and you push open the door, getting out of the bleak nighttime city street and into a place of relative familiarity and safety.

People turn to look at you the second you cross through the door. You don't look particularly worse for wear yourself--though you're still wearing your bunny suit. But the girl on your shoulder is obviously extremely out of it. A member of the crowd steps toward you, his face hard to read-- is it benevolence? Malice? Lust? But before he reaches you a strong voice with a southern accent yells. "Now hold up!" And the crowd parts to reveal Vincent, the old man. People murmur quietly, as Maria hurries over with a table cloth. She wraps it around Beth's shoulders, and ushers the two of you upstairs and into a second floor motel bedroom.

Vincent follows in a few minutes later, shutting the door behind him. "Is anyone after you? You bring any trouble along?" he asks, looking out through the blinds to the city street. He has a weapon out in his hand--some sort of fancy Cybersafe pistol. You don't recognize the model. Meanwhile, Maria is busy tending to Beth, who has completely broken down, now weeping into the bartender's shoulder.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 10:17 am

Thankfully her Raina's shoes managed to survive the onslaught of activity she was putting them through. Opting for the flats instead of the heels this time around as she sprints towards Victoria Blondes not really giving the busty cow-woman a second thought as she barges through the front door. She nearly takes a defensive stance with the first man too approach her, but then she hears a gruff old man whom she recognizes as Vincent. Thankfully he seems to only offer his help as they're led up to a room in a old-timey saloon fashion. First off, thank you Vincent. Im sorry to barge in like this, but i got out as fast i can from 44 Roses, a couple blocks thatta way. Im pretty sure no one could have followed us. Look i just need an hour, 30 minutes even to ensure nothing is gonna happen to Beth and we'll be out of your hair and you'll never see me again. The Society will also reward you for your aid of our mission." She tries her best to plead to the old man's sense of honor. If she knew anything about this man, its that he reminded her of her father who as an officer still carried a six shooter.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 10:31 am

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Charm roll 6 vs. ??? Success

"Take the room. Stay the night," Vincent says as he steps away from the window. He starts walking toward the room's exit, giving the cylinder on his pistol a spin. You hear it whir to life. "Make sure she gets a bath and a hot meal."

"But--" Beth speaks up, but stops as she meets the old man's gaze. The two lock eyes for a second, then she nods. Vincent turns and shuffles down the stairs. You hear the door to Victoria Blondes open and shut.

"The old man says you've got a room," Maria sighs. "So I guess you've got a room."

She separates herself from Beth, and rises to her feet. She looks at you both for a moment, somewhat awkwardly. You see her eyes trace up and down Beth's body, really taking her in for the first time, and a slight blush colors her face. "Look... do you two need anything? I've sorta got a bar to get back to."
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