Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

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Society for Latent Unnatural Talent: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Thu May 21, 2020 5:32 am

Metro City!

Corruption: 5%

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Sister Game: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=9876

In recent years, Metro City has grown to be the largest metropolis in the continental United States, boasting a massive population, full of commerce and culture. This rocketing expansion is not without it’s own set of growing pains, however, as seen by the complex and ever expanding criminal underbelly that plagues the city. These threats are beyond what might have been considered conventional in the past. While common thugs, pick pockets and gangster might have once been the only threat facing such a large city, Metro has to contend with all manner of bizarre and otherworldly phenomenon. Thankfully, they are not without a means of defense.

Introducing: The Society for Latent Unnatural Talent! (or S.L.U.T.). This organization cropped up alongside the rise of villainous paranormal activity, to give civilization a chance to strike back! Or at least hold itself together. Numerous individuals with assorted special powers gather behind the walls of the society, to defend the weak and keep the streets of Metro City clean.

They will certainly have their task cut out for them, however, as there is no shortage of wicked factions lurking in the shadows. An army of bestial humanoids have set up their establishment within the city walls, caring little for human laws as they take what they want, using natural pheromones to get the helpless citizenry to agree to their own subjugation. Elsewhere, thronging hives of bizarre alien matter have begun cropping up, and missing civilians are on the rise. The shady, cult like Order Tenebrae Sanctus is recruiting members for who know what sort of God forsake misdeeds. Even the usually friendly CyberSafe Megacorp (who helped finance the city through rocky years) have been a little more aggressive than usual.

Will The Society for Latent Unnatural Talent prove themselves up to the task, or will evil win the day? Let’s dive in to Metro City and find out!

The Team

Freya (Raina Harper)- Addiction: 13%
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Sacred Sword (Elle Riggs)- Addiction: 25%
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Beacon (Naomi Reese)- Addiction: 10%
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Artemis (Heather Faust)- Addiction: 3%
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Quake (Jessica Houghton)- Addiction: 3%
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Other S.L.U.T. Characters:

Nemesis(Nichole Tudor)- Addiction: ???% Most Afflicted: Cybersafe
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Hat Trick (Alaena Morton)- Addiction: 12% Most Afflicted: Ravenous Horde
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Shuffle (Danielle Fontaine)- Addiction: 20% Most Afflicted: The Hive
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Flora (Eliza Lakewood)- Addiction: 13% Most Afflicted: The Hive
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Glitch (Sofia De Leon)- Addiction: 21% Most Afflicted: The Hive
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Djinn (Rayah Tahj)- Addiction: 21% Most Afflicted: Cybersafe
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Non-S.L.U.T. characters here: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=9877&p=800414#p800414

The World

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CyberSafe Inc.
- Power Level: 6
-Home District: Unknown

The Hive
- Power Level: 3
-Home District: Unknown

The Order Tenebrae Sanctus:
- Power Level: 4
-Home District: Unknown

The Ravenous Horde:
- Power Level: 6
-Home District: Unknown

Location Status:
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The Center:
- Corruption:
- Ruling Faction:

- Corruption:
- Ruling Faction:

Market Street:
- Ruling Faction:

The Stacks:
- Ruling Faction:

The Gates:
- Ruling Faction:

College Town:
- Ruling Faction:

Track District:
- Ruling Faction:

The Harbor:
- Ruling Faction:

Halfford Square:
- Ruling Faction:

Location Images
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The Center


Market Street

The Stacks

The Gates

College Town

Track District

The Harbor

Halfford Square

Corruption Rules

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1. Addiction increases when characters have sex or are corrupted/brainwashed
2. Every 10% addiction, a character passes a threshold
3. When crossing a threshold, a character gains a trait based on what pushed them past the threshold
4. There is also a perk which tracks the maximum level of addiction a character has experienced, which increases vulnerability to all sex effects
5. Addiction decreases by 10% of it's current value at the end of every mission, or if a character chooses to skip a mission
6. Lowering addiction level will not remove traits or decrease the level of the addiction perk
Last edited by NeedAMedic on Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:27 am, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Thu May 21, 2020 5:32 am

Name: Raina Harper
Heroine Alias: Freya
Age: 24
SuperPower: Elemental Control, given enough training and aptitude Raina can control, the 4 elements, fire, air, water, and earth. Currently only has access to Fire. Can Use different martial arts to enhance her elemental control.
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Bio: Raina comes from a mixed background with her father being an American police officer and her mother being a Japanese Martial artist. As such she lived a rather strict life, but a loving one as her parents cared for her and nutured her into a woman with a righteous sense of justice and with the skills to even carry that out. She was well on her way to becoming a police detective when her abilities manifested to her. All of a sudden while she was practicing her forms at home she shot flames out of her hands and set off the fire alarm. Ever since that day she could feel the pull of the elements, the heat within her own heart, the gentlest wisp of air, the rumbling of the ground beneath her and the pull of the moon. She knew that she could be destined for something greater. She cancelled her studies and traveled to Metro City where the Society for Latent Unnatural Talents existed. Once there she'd begin her work as a Heroine for the City ready to do what she could against the forces of evil.

Corruption: 16%
Stats: 15 Points to spend all Stats start at 0
Strength: 2
  1. Brawling: 2
  2. Athletics: 1
  3. Constitution: 1
Resolve: 2
  1. Willpower: 1
  2. Charm: 1
  3. Deception: 0
Intelligence: 1
  1. Investigation: 1
  2. Medicine: 0
  3. Technology: 0
Dexterity: 2
  1. Acrobatics: 1
  2. Ranged weapons: 0
  3. Sleight of Hand: 1

Talents: Budding Detective: When investigating crime scenes alongside Metro City's police Freya receives a bonus to her Investigation checks. (+2)
Elementally resistant: When enemies try to strike Freya with elementally enhanced attacks she can use her heroine abilities to aid her.

  1. Flame-Attuned: Solar powered, the sun is the main source of of her flame powers, at night she suffers -3 to resolve as the light of the sun is unable to power her engine and she has to draw from within, which is taxing and distracting.
  2. Water-Attuned: Electrical weakness, even the smallest shock can have an adverse effect on the heroine when she's attuned to water. A full blown taser will make easy work of her. (Can suffer from instant loss effects if she comes into contact even the weakest goon who manages to touch her)
  3. Earth-Attuned: Earthly Pleasures: When attuned to earth Freya will find it hard to resist the pleasures of the flesh, giving into her attackers if they managed to stick a dick into her. -2 resolve and willpower if raped while earth attuned
  4. Air-Attuned: Fall From Grace: No clear weakness when attuned to hair, but will find herself more easily corrupted by brainwashing and illicit acts despite wishing to detach herself. 1.5x more corruption should she gain any while air attuned.

Lightweight: -1 to con rolls when resisting the effects of alcohol.

Cybersafe Slut Trigger Lv.1: Whenever you look at a screen, there is a 15% chance that you will be compelled to get yourself off immediately. Whenever you encounter a Cybersafe robot, there is a 20% chance you will be compelled to fuck it. Both of these effects can be potentially resisted if you are already on alert (i.e. in combat)

The Society was something to look up to--upholders of peace and justice, and with your powers, they were a much more natural fit than the police. You were assigned to a cohort--a group of five women with a shared mentor-- and went to basic training together. The five of you graduated without issue, and now nearly a month later, were given a shared apartment to live in, courtesy of the Society. After a few days to get settled in (right when Quake was starting to get particularly restless) missions started to show up.

You were sitting at the breakfast table in front of a bowl of cereal when Quake came striding out of the shower, a white towel haphazardly placed to just barely cover her modesty as she dried her hair with a second. "You get anything yet?" she asked, leaning against the wall. "Nemesis wants me to go beat up some thugs over on the east side--nothing I can't handle, but it's a little boring, you know?"

Before you can respond, you feel your pocket buzz, and hear the society's ringtone. They had insisted you each were able to respond to their messages in particular as quickly as possible, and apparently a custom ring tone was part of their plan to make that happen. Quake crosses her arms as she looks at you, waiting for you to respond or check your message.
Last edited by NeedAMedic on Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:40 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Thu May 21, 2020 6:29 am

Basic training, meeting the cohort. Its been an interesting enough experience and not one she wasnt unfamiliar with from her time at the police academy. Though this felt much more intimate and all of the other heroines were.. well women compared to the academy when there was maybe 5 dudes for every gal training. It was a bit of a relief but also strange. She wondered how well she would get along with the other heroines, but she saw no reason to play nice with everyone at least. That and her parents taught her better than to cause trouble when there was no cause for it.

Especially not when she was confronted by 2 time Olympian Jessica Houghton. The woman was a female Adonis. "I just got my first alert, gimmie a sec and i can fill you in." The purple-haired woman then took out her Society issued smart phone to see the message, noticing the bold red lettering from Nemesis signalling her mission alert. She clicked it open examine the message's content and thumbed back a quick affirmative to let the liaison know the message was received. Flipping through the contents she saw the photos of the target and mission parameters. Backroom dealing involving potentially illicit activities, discretion is advised. Determine validity of claim. The heroine closed out of the message and slipped the phone back into her pocket which thankfully these tights had compared to a few she wore during her days training for the force. "Looks like im going on a bit of a sneaking mission this time in downtown, not sure you'd be interested in that, not to mention people would recognize you pretty quickly Quake." She tries her best to sound warm with the former Olympian, the urge to do something- anything was fairly strong even within her, for Jessica it must be 10x worse, spending all those hours training and now she was told to settle in for a couple days. Must of been hell. "Maybe next time Nemesis will put us on a mission together, but from what i understand your outing is with Artemis? Its good to have backup.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Fri May 22, 2020 12:58 am

Quake uncrossed her arms, then recrossed them behind her head, shrugging her shoulders, and paying little attention to her towel's dwindling resolve for clinging to her bosom. "Yeah, not my kind of scene. Weird they'd send you in alone, though-- maybe you should bother one of the others for back up. Not sure who'd be good for it though--cute little Beacon's probably never been to a club in her life. That angel girl and Artemis probably aren't much better."

"Good luck with your thing, though,"she says, raising a hand as she turns to step back toward her bedroom. "I'm gonna go see if Artemis is ready to go finally have some fun."

And she's gone with the click of a door latch.

Downtown is a bit of a drive, but, according to the message, the meeting won't take place until this evening. You've got plenty of time to make your way over to 44 Roses and get comfortable before you'll need to be in position. The only question is how best to spend the day--maybe you have contacts in the police who might be able to lend a hand with your investigation? Or perhaps it's best to just case the joint or figure out some back up? As you finish your breakfast, thinking about what to do, Quake walks past, grinning, with Artemis in tow. The two wave to you as they head off on their own mission, leaving you in the quiet apartment.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Fri May 22, 2020 1:08 am

Raina happily waves off her two cohort members as they leave for their first mission. It was an exciting day and all she had to do was wait around for her own mission to get started. "44 Roses huh, sounds familiar." She says to herself as she goes to do a bit of background research on the internet first. It'd be smart to figure out some sort of way to get into the meeting whatever it was. She thought about hitting up some academy buddies, but crossed it off the list. This was her first mission as a Professional for S.L.U.T. she should try to do this solo. Maybe that was cocky but she felt confident in her talents.

After her spot of research she decides to head to downtown early, taking the famous Metro Line instead of using a society car. She'll also need to go in civi clothes to not stand out. Hopefully her abilities wont burn her clothes up if she's caught in a fight. But she opts for a business casual look as she heads to the nearest station tunnel and gets ready to board the line and transfer over to downtown. Maybe she can case out the club then see if she could get a job posing as something.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Fri May 22, 2020 2:52 am

The Metro Line was busy--it always was. The locals seem to make it work somehow, but you're still not used to the chaos of it all. You get your ticket payed for and printed, and wait in line to board the train as usual, but the rush of people getting on and off is something else! You nearly lose yourself in the crowd as you move to get on, brushing roughly past countless strangers. They mostly seem to ignore you, pushing past like you weren't even there, but you swear you feel one or two hands reach out to grope at your butt. That's Metro for you, not a place for people who pass up easy opportunities.

There are no seats left on the train by the time you get on board, so you are forced to stand. Luckily it isn't as packed as you would have guessed from the crowd, so you're not forced to press up against anyone. The train lurches forward, slowly building up speed as it moves toward it's next destination. "Three minutes to the Gates. The Metro Line will stop at the Gates in three minutes" a synthetic voice chimes over the speakers. Your stop will be a few further down the line--you just have to make sure you're paying attention so you don't miss it.

The door at the front of the car opens up, and a MCPD officer walk through. "Routine ticket check!" he says, not quite shouting, but loud enough to be heard clearly over the din of conversation and the rattling of the cart against the tracks. Instinctively, you reach into your pocket to finger your ticket, only to find... nothing?

It's gone--completely missing, and the officer is getting closer. It's time to think quick, before you know it he'll be at your spot and spending the day walking to downtown would throw a serious wrench in your plan
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Fri May 22, 2020 3:02 am

Raina was a little more than frustrated using the Metro line. Having never experienced anything like it before, this was certainly an unpleasant first impression of the whole thing. But she was rather surprised by the cleanliness as well as the absolute volume of people. She probably saw more people boarding and exiting the Metro than lived in her hometown and that was something that took her aback when she gave it some thought. Thankfully the subways were bigger looking on the inside and she was able get a nice spot, even if she was left standing.

What surprised her the most though was the speed though. She heard some stuff about traffic in cities like this, taking hours to only go a mile, but the Gates was supposed to be miles from headquarters and they were going to be there in minutes. She could feel the excitement well up inside her, maybe if the mission went off without a hitch she could spend sometime explore MC a lot more. 'Oh a ticket check' She says to herself in her mind then she thumbs through her pantsuit's pocket only to find it empty and her heart immediately sank... 'Oh no.. Im never wearing these pants again!' She panics somewhat as she watches the officer slowly run a scanner over everyone's tickets.

'Crapcrapcrap! Do i pull the im with the Society? Do i distract them? Do i hide?" She ran through the options quickly through her head deciding that when the officer approaches that honesty is the best policy. "H-hi officer, look i know how this goes and you've heard it a billion times, but i lost my ticket, i can just buy another at the next stop, its my first time on the Metro Line and i think it just got shuffled around too much in the excitement." She says trying to be upfront, but underneath she was rather embarrassed and the officer can probably hear the bashfulness in her voice.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Fri May 22, 2020 3:17 am

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Charm roll to convince the officer: Raina: 4 vs Officer: 4. Tie!

"Is that so...?"the officer frowns at you. You're certain he's heard all of this before, and you have no doubt that he's kicked plenty of people off the train without a second thought after hearing it. So why is he spending so long thinking?

You shift awkwardly as the officer stares at you, like he's puzzling out a riddle. He places a hand on his chin, then all of a sudden his face lights up with understanding and excitement. "Oh, you're with the Society!" he says--a little too loudly. A few heads turn nearby at the mention of S.L.U.T. Seemingly recognizing his mistake, the officer lowers his tone of voice. "Make sure you keep track of your ticket next time, okay ma'am?"

He tips his hat to you, and moves on down the line. You've made it through one crisis, though his outburst isn't exactly ideal for maintaining your cover. There's just no way to know who could have heard him, or who would be able to put two and two together. "Five minutes to Downtown. The Metro Line will stop in Downtown in five minutes."
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Fri May 22, 2020 3:30 am

Raina's eyes twitch at the officer's outburst. Thinking to herself that she'll need a better disguise the next time she's assigned this sorta undercover mission. "Thanks officer, i'll do what i can." She says with the utmost politeness. But now that her cover was maybe blown Raina goes on full alert. She pulled out her phone to seem casual but put her head on a swivel to see who in the car might be paying extra attention to her now that she's been outed. If she didnt spot anyone of particular interest she'll try to calm down since she'll be in downtown in just a second. If she spot someone she'll exit the car as soon as she can and make a bee-line to the nearest restroom to isolate the person.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Sun May 24, 2020 9:15 am

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Investigation Check: Raina: 7 vs. ???? Outcome Unknown

You go into full alert as the Metro races its way on toward Downtown. The officer finish up his round of ticket checks and moves on to the next compartment, tipping his hat to you once more before he vanishes. You can feel eyes on you from elsewhere on the cart, but you're not sure where--maybe it's just in your head?

A few minutes later, the train pulls into it's stop. You've been undisturbed so far, but that feeling of being watched is keeping you on edge. The officer didn't explicitly say you were a super heroine, much less your name, but being associated with the Society could still paint a pretty big target on your back if the wrong person overheard. You try to keep your wits about you as you get off the train, but in the rush of the crowd it's nearly impossible to keep track of what each person is doing, and you find yourself more turned around than anything else. You're just thankful no one tried groping you this time.

Soon you're in the streets of downtown, standing near a large park, just a quick few minute's walk away from the nightclub. It's broad daylight still, so the club probably won't open for several hours. Hopefully, this will give you time to do what you need to do
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Sun May 24, 2020 9:25 am

Freya keeps her head on a swivel as she exits out the Metro, but she doesnt seem to spot anyone in particular is following her. Letting out a small sigh of relief she ends up in a small park doing some people watching as she thinks about her next move. '44 Roses is just a few minutes that way. They're probably closed, but maybe some dancers or wait staff might be in. Maybe i can impersonate a staffer or maybe see if they have a job available?' Freya thinks to herself as she plans out her next move. Looking around she actually realizes this is her first time in Downtown and it was much cleaner than she was expecting, the district seems similar to the Center, but there was obviously more skyrises and the shade was plentiful.

She takes a moment to sit down on a bench nearby soaking in the sights a bit and letting her guard down. After a small break on the bench she scouts out the area around the club looking for escape routes she can use in case things got hairy within the club itself. Once that was done she was going to head to the club's front door and give it a knock to see if she can inquire about a job posing as a simple country gal looking to make some money in the big city.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Sun May 24, 2020 10:17 am

The park is busy, but overall a pretty relaxing place to take a break. This time of day, it's mostly office folk on lunch break, hitting up stands or local restaurants for a bite to eat, talking busily on headsets while they try to work in bites of hot dog or gyro between sentences. Freya notices a few passers by taking note of her, but nothing outside of the usual 'creep staring a bit to eagerly' type stuff she was used to. Oddly enough, there were even a few Cybersafe drones floating around picking up trash and sweeping away dirt--a much nicer set up than Freya might have been expecting.

A few more minutes of planning out her strategy, and it was off to find 44 Roses.

The club itself was nestled in the side of a long alley, with an underground entrance at the bottom of a short staircase. From the looks of it, however, the club building went all the way up, at least 4 or 5 stories. After checking around, Freya noted the underground front entrance, a back door labeled 'Staff Only'' on the opposite side of the building and a balcony window which she might be able to jump to another building from. There was likely roof access as well if things got too out of hand. Options for egress were plentiful, she would just have to make sure she was close to one of them if things went south.

The front of the building was a flickering neon sign in the shape of a rose, with the stem folded into the number 44, pointing down to the underground entrance. With her reconnaissance done for the time being, Freya followed the sign up to the door and knocked.

A few moments passed and... nothing. Further knocking only got the same result. The thought of breaking in briefly flashed through her head, but... Maybe she'd have better luck at the staff entrance instead?
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Sun May 24, 2020 11:00 am

Freya felt relieved to see the many points of escape, though if she has to chase someone down this might also prove to be a problem. But she made a note of all of these routes and set out to initiate her plan. She could feel the excitement well up inside of her. Her first real mission. She had to make a splash or at the very least not fuck it up. She sucked in a few breaths and then *clang clang clang* she hit the door and waited...and waited and then knocked again rolled her eyes and let out a huff. She quickly looked around to see if there was a camera keeping an eye on the front door before sighing and leaving.

'Well that was dumb, either no one was home or they couldnt hear it...' Raina gave it a bit of thought. 'Maybe if i just wait a couple hours?' Raina lets out a deep sigh then decides to head to a bar or something to hang out in for an hour then come back hear and try out the staff entrance. 'Good things come to those who wait' She said to herself as she look around for somewhere to hangout and maybe even get something hard to drink.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Sun May 24, 2020 11:31 pm

You saw a camera looking back at you, but it was an old fashion sort with a wire running down from it, and red light that would indicate power was dull. You doubted it was running right now, if it even worked at all.

You left 44 Roses, and made your way through the nearby streets, checking for a good place to kill some time. The closest open bar was only about a block and a half away, thankfully, and they weren't busy. Victoria Blondes was the name of the place, and it was about as shabby as they come. This part of Downtown was much less nice than the park you had been at before, the street was littered with trash, and the walls were covered in graffiti. Some of it was the normal stuff, gang signs and cursewords, but much of it took on a more fantastical design, eldritch even. There were pentagrams, strange runes, and sigils. You would never guess that Downtown would be a superstitious place, but...

The bar was near empty when you got inside, only the barkeep-- a serious looking young woman, who you would guess was only 18 or 19, not quite old enough to serve alcohol on her own, but here she was, and there didn't seem to be anyone else on staff. There were a few other patrons as well. An older man with a grey mustache and beard, who nursed a drink by himself in the corner, and a younger man with a large build and equally rough face. The younger man is sat at the bar, hunched over his drink. His eyes keep flickering from the half-full cracked glass in front of him to the clock above the bar, then back again.

As you enter, the barkeep glances up at you, holds your gaze for a second in acknowledgement, then goes back to fiddling with her phone.

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Old Man:
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Young Man:
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Sun May 24, 2020 11:41 pm

Seeing the various bits of graffiti, trash, even the strange pentagrams felt more like what she expected from a bit city like this. Though maybe this was just more feeding into her preconceived notions of what a big city was like having come here from her cozy town. She took a second to examine the more fantastical tags before moving on into the bar which had a curious name. 'Victoria Blondes, name of the owner?' Raina thought to herself as she moves in and sees a near empty bar, three unique figures though really this was ideal for the budding heroine.

Stepping up to the bar she flags the barkeep saying "Moscow Mule, go heavy on the ginger beer." Before taking a seat at the bar and occassionally glancing at the two strange men who occupied the bar at this hour. They looked like oddities especially for Downtown, not looking like business people in the slightest she asks the barkeep when she comes back around with her drink. "Whose the geezer and the twitchy guy at the end of the bar?" in a low tone to avoid drawing either's attention.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 12:01 am

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Resolve(Charm) Check 10 vs. 8. Success!

The young woman sets her phone down and deftly picks up the appropriate bottles and sets to mixing your drink. Her hands move with expert skill, and she doesn't even bother looking at them while she mixes. Instead, keeping her eyes on you. She looks you up and down with suspicion at first, but as she pours the drink, you see her crack the slightest smile. She has an unpolished nametag, rather old and worn down, but you can just barely make out the name Maria through all the faded letters.

She slides the drink across the bar to you and sets the bottles back in their place, wiping down the counter from any spills and handing you a coaster for your drink. She stares at you for a moment before speaking up. "They're regulars," she says, a little loudly and bluntly. Neither of the men seem to notice.

She starts to turn away, but takes one last glance back at you. You see something in her disposition change ever so slightly, and she leans in toward you. "The old guy's Vincent. He used to work for the government, something military, or so he says. The young one's Marcus, he's just a prep cook for some club around here, no one important." She pauses, looks you up and down, then speaks again. "Now, I told you something, so you tell me something. Who are you? I've never seen you around here before, and you're too peppy and sane to be day drinking."
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 12:17 am

Raina watches Maria intently, admiring her skills and sort of reminding her of an old friend back at home. Its been a while since she's had a drink, she wonders how hard it'll hit her. "Well i wouldnt say Preppy, but i'll take the compliment, especially from someone as cute as you. The name's Raina and im new to town so im just looking around. But... She shoots a glance at Marcus. "He works at a club? A friend told me about a spot that was a must see called the 44 Roses, does he work there?" She tries her best to give Maria a winning, if deceptive smile. Once she's gotten the information she wanted from Maria she'll order Marcus a drink and saunter up to him.

"Hey there, need a refill? She slides the glass to marcus and takes a seat next to him. "Getting psyched up for your shift?" She tried to sound genuine and empathetic, watching him and adjusting herself as she needed to accommodate the sort of dazed looking cook.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 12:29 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Charm roll 7 vs 4 Success!

"Yeah, that's the one. Not sure what kind of friend you've got that's telling you that place is a must see... Bit of a dump if you ask me, but I guess to each their own." She shrugs, but doesn't question further, just pours you the drink you ask for and offers you a refill on the Moscow Mule.

"`preciate it." Marcus says, catching the drink. "Trying to drown it out is more like. If I drink enough of these things, maybe I'll skip right over the whole damn shift. Some of the other guys like harder stuff, and most of the girls are on some kind of x, but that's not for me. It'll fuck up your brain real quick if you're not careful. I just stick with this stuff."

He lifts the glass you brought him and downs about three quarters of it in a single pull. if you had to guess, you'd say he's had more than a couple drinks since he's been here, and though he's a bit wobbly, he doesn't seem quite drunk just yet--not far from it either, though. Setting the glass back down on the bar, he glances over at the clock once again, then back to you. "Who're you anyways? Not a lotta girls in bars in this part of town buying a guy drinks this time of day."
Pssst: here's a super smutty thing I'm writing!
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon May 25, 2020 12:42 am

Raina takes up the offer for a refill, taking a small swig of it as she moves down towards Marcus."I know the feeling, during my academy days i tried to skip who weekends with this stuff because PT made my body feel.. wobblier than i'd like." She shrugs her shoulders in a way that emphasizes her breasts as she takes a swig along with Marcus. 'What was this x thing he mentioned? That was the first she'd ever heard of it, maybe this was related to the mission?"Well im actually between jobs.. and i was thinking you could be my foot in the door for a job.. maybe you could call in sick and i can be your replacement for the day?" She takes another sip of her vodka laden drink, the heat starting to pick up in her face.
Con roll: 4 Lightweight Trait gained: -1 to con rolls when resisting the effects of alcohol.
The two get to chatting for just a little bit so she can soften him up, but during the meantime she repeatedly takes drinks with Marcus to seem interested in him and the conversation. She could feel her whole body begin to pick up as her head gets a little light. "R-really.. any job would be nice.. i just gotta see that club~ Come on~ i.. i'll do mmm~ anything~, you name it." Without really thinking about it Raina then downs the rest of her drink and sets of a cacophony of funny feelings in her head as she wistfully stares at marcus.
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Re: Society for Latent Unnatural Powers: Freya (Lorielle)

Postby NeedAMedic » Mon May 25, 2020 12:50 am

"Hah! Let you take over for me! There's a joke," Marcus snorts. "I might hate the damn place, but it's not like I don't need the money and there's nobody in the damn city that chops onions the way I chop onions." He finishes his drink, then looks at you. His gaze is kind of intense, and for the first time you feel like he's actually looking at you, really taking in your appearance and presence. He tilts his head, then cracks a slight grin.

"Tell you what, I'm not gonna hand over my shift, but you do a certain... favor for me, and I'll put in a good word with my boss." He adjusts the way he's sitting, and a growing bulge in the crotch of his pants gives you a hint as to what sort of favor he might be talking about. "They always need new dancers, but if I say the right things, maybe you can be a server or hostess or something more dignified, yeah?"

Marcus adjusts his shirt as he waits for your response. Out of the corner of your eyes, you faintly notice Maria watching the two of you with something akin to blunt curiosity.
Pssst: here's a super smutty thing I'm writing!
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