by Bunnyav » Mon May 04, 2020 2:54 am
If I might propose something to help with the "relationship process", Persona 5 had little notes flare up when you did something helpful (never telling you how many notes you needed), and warning when thresholds were event locked, and had repeated dates between thresholds be super short. I would suggest you have a message that improvements are occurring and likewise make a fully repeated scene shortened or skippable. I went ham on Anya on a save branch and eventually started to see more scenes; specifically the breast potion one and the time she verifies you don't stuff your bra, which feel like they should appear in reverse order.
I enjoyed the two books of the book club very much, was just trying to see if I was missing anything other than MP regen by not re-reading them.
I answered my own question about what happens with Imp babies on delivery, and I was very satisfied, though getting a repeat script for every 10 milk when I had 150 to drain probably could be shortened- maybe they drain 30, since catkids take 20.
Also answered my own question that skipping courses costs some, but thankfully not all, of the scholarship. I'm curious to see if the game is going to have a hard time limit to it eventually, or will it stay "loose" like Violated Heroine, to take all the time you are willing to feed it.
There was definitely a bug in Potion 2 where the assignment appeared before the teacher actually requested Catalysts.
I got a hang of the secret passages more once the lights turned on. Oddly enough, I thought they'd be required to visit the 2nd floor at night, so it was a little off putting that what stood in my way was just guessing the wrong staircase. I absolutely respect the barriers are there to make the floor a "dungeon" via winding path, but maybe telegraph that the player should try other entrances. You might have noticed, but you can easily despawn all enemies by flipping back and forth between screens to not have to fight anything.
Since there's no Exp, good sellable drops, or too many crafts in the game yet, there's not a lot of incentive for fighting. I do hope that changes in the future.
Silly question, but is there battle rape outside of losses? Slimes clearly Game Over rape in first sewer. In the Labyrinth my goes without trap sense meant I was just 1hp and horny by the time I found the catmen, I can't tell if they killed me first or just touched me with the Heart Status active.
Submission to Imp Status- independent of Corruption I guess, hidden stat? Also, corruption and Purity can coexist it seems (nice girl in public, demon in the sheets I guess)?
Any hints on how I can meet the boy student?
The blog mentions "prostitution minigame" but does that actually refer to "Bar one night stand" minigame? If so, I feel extremely underpaid!
Any tips on the values of Stats BESIDES HP, MP, STR, INT, and WIS? Is END only for Prostitution? What will SPeed and Cha do?