Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:06 pm

Sundown smirks as you give her ass a grope. She reaches out and grips the zipper to your jumpsuit, pulling it down the front to open it up by quite a generous amount. "You look better like this." she says with a wink, tugging the sides open a little to expose your bra clad breasts, squeezed to look even larger than normal thanks to Mayer's bra. Her finger then hooks around the front of the bra, tugging at it slightly while she moves in closer, her lips inches from yours... before she pulls away with a teasing wink. "Resting sounds good... lets get back to your outpost and work on getting this Euphoria out of our system for good. Lead the way, Snow."

Wasteland Travel - 1 Hour to Longhorn Ranch - 52% - 1 Possible Encounter

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Luck Roll: (4)

As your making your trek back through the wastes towards the path to Longhorn ranch, you spot an eyebot in your path. Possibly an enclave scout, it doesn't seem to be following a particular path - probably just sent out into the wasteland to roam until it found something of interest to the enclave. No doubt it would attack if it saw you. You could try to get the jump on it now and destroy it to try and salvage anything useful from it. Or you could try and hide before it saw you. Either way you would need to act fast as it was getting closer and would detect you and Sundown soon. Unless you wanted to take the gamble that it wasn't an enclave drone.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:42 am

Victoria was more than happy to play a bit of grab ass with her new ranger friend though she was thankful she wasn’t too upset about the whole, getting drugged and nearly fucked up portion of their meeting. But she was more ham happy to get back to her squad. Hopefully Mayer was already back at the ranchHer mind briefly flicks back to a memory of Mr.Longhorn, her owner~ she bit her lip and looked at sundowner. She definitely knew a way the two of them can work off the euphoria for sure~

But that was going to wait as she had to deal with this eyebot the two of them spotted. It wasn’t uncommon to see these things out in the wastes just spouting their messages. A seemingly endless supply of the things, always good for a bit of scrap. Victoria wasn’t too sure of what to do, though she decided to err on the side of caution and tried to find a place to hide to let the scout past. If they attacked it, it’d only alert the enclave to their presence in this region so close to the fort.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Oct 15, 2019 12:41 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sneak Roll: (1+1=2): Critical Failure

Attempting to slip behind a derelict car on the side of the road, you trip over on some loose debris, sending you tumbling out onto the ground in the eyebot's path. Alerted to your presence, you hear some sort of energy device start to charge up as a radio message starts to blurt out, demanding surrender. Lying face down on the ground, you're in a hurry to scramble to your feet when you hear Sundown yell "Snow!" and start firing her gun at the eyebot as she runs to cover you.

Sundown fires off several shots - most of which strike the eyebot with surprising accuracy. You hear something blow off of its side and it struggles to stay in the air. Before it goes down, however, a purple light flares up. In the process of getting up, you don't see it directly, only the shadows it casts on the ground, however you hear Sundown drop her gun. The eyebot falls to the ground destroyed. Perhaps you can grab some useful salvage from it to bring back for Rosie to examine, unless there you felt the risk was too high that there was an enclave tracking device or other trap that was still functional inside the thing.

Turning to look at Sundown, she has a dazed, vacant expression on her face, her mouth hanging slightly open. The burst of light must have been some kind of enhanced version of the mind numbing technology the Enclave were using on the Brotherhood to allow for the radio message to reprogram anyone it captured. You could perhaps snap Sundown out of this or wait for the effect to pass. However this also gave you a unique opportunity. You only had a few moments before she came back to her senses, so you wouldn't be able to do much. But you could try to make her more loyal to you, or the Brotherhood. Or make her more open about her past and herself. Or make her more sexually open, or find some other way to bring her down a peg. Her mind was yours to modify and tweak in whatever way you wanted to, provided it was a change you could instil quickly.

Regional Awareness
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The Enclave is still searching for the Brotherhood Survivors. There search efforts are spread across different regions in the Wasteland. Certain activity can lead to Regional Awareness increasing - such as using the Vertibird to travel from one region to another, repeated visits to a settlement while wearing a Brotherhood outfit, or being identified by Enclave allies or scouts. Regional Awareness can be lowered by laying low for a while or making enough noise in another region to refocus the Enclave's attention. As the Enclave become more aware of you in a certain region, eyebots, scouts and eventually recovery teams will start being encountered. Until you are ready to take on the Enclave and have defences against their mind altering weaponry, this should be avoided.

Current Awareness in Known Regions:
Fort Worth Area
: 47%

Squad Loyalty
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When dealing with a foe that can influence minds and wills, its useful to have everyone as loyal as possible by the time you start taking the fight back to them. While the other Brotherhood Survivors will do as you say, true loyalty needs to be earned - often by going out of your way to prove yourself to each member of your squad. Getting to know them better will help you learn what you need to do to earn their loyalty. This isn't the only way, however. If you are comfortable using the same tactics as your enemy, then - whenever you have the means yourself - you can use enhanced Mesmetron technology to gradually enforce loyalty - and whatever else you wanted - without needing to earn their loyalty. No party member, current or future, will require this to earn their loyalty, but all will be susceptible to it.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Sat Oct 19, 2019 3:24 am

CHA roll: 6

Victoria was stumbling onto her feet as she hears the flare go off and Sundowner's gun hits the dirt. For a brief moment she thought the worst had happened by thankfully only saw that the eyebot was out of commission thanks to her new friend's excellent sharpshooting. Looking over the situation she makes a mental note to pick up the eyebot and take it back home, if there was a tracking device she was confident her scribe can pull it apart and they can even ditch the tracker away from the farm to buy themselves some time.

Once that preponderance was over she turns to her friend and spies a unique oppertunity.. this could give her some insight into how the Enclave mesmetrons worked.. she wondered what sort of thing she'd wish to instill into her new friend.. But then her mind returns to Mr. Longhorn~ and she knew exactly what she had to do. Sashaying up to her friend she pull down her bra and cupped the ranger's breasts as she spoke softly. "Just so you know Sunny Our Owner is going to be really pleased you accompanied me back to the ranch, and because Mr. Longhorn is Our owner if he wants you, he gets you~ If he wants to fuck you, you say how hard~ So lets hurry home to Our owner got it?" Victoria licks her lips as she pecks her friend on the cheek. Only going to pick up her friend's gun and hand it back to her once she's snapped out of it. Then grabbing the eyebot's carcass as they head home.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Thu Nov 14, 2019 5:46 pm

Sundown stared vacantly ahead as you approached her, lightly swaying from side to side on her feet. She gasped as you cupped her breasts, her nipples stiffening against your palms, and proceeded to moan softly as you spoke to her. "Mr Longhorn~ ... Our owner~" she parroted in slow, breathless moans. "Gets me~ ... Fucks me~" Focus seems to start returning to her eyes after you peck her on the cheek. She takes her gun from you, still not completely back to her senses, and holsters it before following you, groaning a little. "What... what happened?" she murmurs, rubbing her forehead. She only seems to notice her tits hanging out after a couple of minutes of walking with you and covers them back up with a confused expression on her face.

When you get back to the Ranch with the Ranger and eyebot salvage you find both the strike team and Mayer have already found their respective ways back. Scribe Cotton and Paladin Hull were both pressing themselves against the now depowered Power Armor, the fusion core presumably exhausted during their raid. The two of them grunt and pant as they shift the hulking suit further into the barn while nearby ranch hands linger and chuckle amongst themselves at the sight of the two young women propped up against the armor and moaning so much. Mayer and Decker stand at the front of the barn, seemingly debriefing each other.

"-so I was all like, 'well what if you get the wrong guy?' And she was all like... 'I Don't!'" said Mayer rather enthusiastically, putting on a gruff voice at the end in what seemed to be an attempt at imitating Sundown.

"That's..." Decker responds, rubbing the back of her head.

"Super fucking badass, right?" Mayer interjects, jumping up and down.

"I was going to say irresponsible... and dangerous. And... just not answer to your question at all, really."

Mayer pouts, and lightly thumps Decker in the arm. "How are you still no fun?" she grumbles, before turning to see you and Sundown arriving. "Ah, they're back!" Its good to see recent events don't seem to have dampened Mayer's spirits. Or at the very least she's not letting it show in front of the other Brotherhood members.

Decker salutes you. "We got a decent haul from the raid... shouldn't be getting any problems from those bandits any time soon. Used up our last fusion core in the process though, so we'll be going armorless for the time being. How did things go on your end?"
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Thu Nov 14, 2019 9:24 pm

A small piece at the back of Victoria’s mind knew what she did was probably really bad, but she couldn’t help it, she just loved Mr. Longhorn’s cock even more.. the mere thought of it made her tingle with arousal. “The.. enclave struck at Fort Worth with these things..” Victoria holds up the light bulb the purple light emitted from on the eye bot. “They do weird things to your head, made you wanna take off your shirt.” She looks down and giggles at her friend’s bare chest. Hopefully that explanation would tide her over as they get back to the ranch.

She was happy to see her whole team was back though losing the suit does definitely suck. For now though they might actually be close to finishing their first objective. “Decker.” She says with a smile though she still can’t get over how cute her guardian has become. “Thing went fairly well, we had a run in with a gang in town and a new drug going around apparently, but we managed to deal with that, we also have a lead on the Arsenal so tomorrow the whole team is going to search for it. Sundowner and I.” Victoria introduces the Texas ranger. “Encountered an eyebot on our way back Cotton can you salvage this maybe we can figure out how the mesmetrons work. But that also means the enclave probably saw that not go offline so we don’t have long. We’re going to use the bird to drive to Arlington, but the Arsenal, grab what we can, though we’re leaving some for the sherif to make a militia who’ll help us in the future. Then we’re going to move further from Fort Worth we need to lay low and maybe do some recruitment. For now though get some rest Sundowner and I have a chat with Mr. Longhorn~” Victoria slaps Sunny’s ass and gropes it as she leads the ranger to the plantation house wondering what sort of reward she’ll get for this fine slut.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:41 am

Cotton takes the salvaged eyebot wreck from you and looks it over wide-eyed. "I can already spot a few tweaks from the old eyebot model. Can't make the Brahmins horns from its udders just by ogglin' it, though. Well, actually you can, but my momma always used to say stuff like that whenever- ah, she also used to say, 'Don't ramble, so much, Rosie. You keep your mouth runnin' like that you'll just tire yourself out!' Heh, which was kinda funny, cus-" she pauses, takes a deep breath, looks at you, back at the eyebot and then back at you. "Sorry, I get excited when I get handed new toys! Yeah, I'll get a good look at this thing overnight. Would be nice if I had a proper work space or tools, but I should be able to learn something useful from giving this a good shake down." She holds the eyebot under one arm, its weight tilting her to the side slightly as she salutes you before walking off. She stops as she takes her first few steps away, turning back hesitantly with a blush in her cheeks. "...Its good to see you back, safe and sound." she says, before scurrying off with the eyebot in her arms.

"Awww, she's adorable." Mayer says once Cotton is out of earshot. "Like a puppy... Only hot... and able to make bombs out of tin cans and paperclips. Which is also hot."

"Knight Mayer." Decker grumbles, crossing her arms - the motion puffing up her chest awkwardly. She's clearly still not used to her new body and her clothes were not designed to hold her cleavage as they threaten to just pull away and leave her exposed at a moments notice.

Mayer rolls her eyes and thumps her fist against Decker's shoulder. "Oh, don't be like that. You're hot too! Just less puppy like... and more in a grumpy way."

The two of them continue their back and forth as you and your new ranger companion make your way towards Longhorn's ranch house. Sundown gasps and smirks as you slap her ass, doing the same back to you. "Damn, Snow. I'm starting to suspect you might like me." she says with a smirk before giving your ass a teasing pinch. "Although I think your cushy, brotherhood butt is begging to be spanked much more than mine." she then whispers into your ear.

You are let in to speak to Clayton Longhorn shortly after you arrive at the door. After the doorman says "Mr Longhorn will see you now" Sundown gets a misty eyed and confused look on her face as she follows you into his office. Your owner sits at his desk with a smile, beckoning the two of you into his office. "Well if it isn't my favourite member of the Brotherhood of Steel! And whose this ravishing beauty you've brought with you this time?" He takes Sundown's hand and kisses it. When he bent forward to kiss it, he took the opportunity to not so subtly ogle Sundown's chest. Something the ranger would surely notice, yet she doesn't object.

"Annie... Annie O'Donnel. Texas Ranger. I go by Sundown mostly, though Snow here's taken a liking to calling me Sundowner. The pleasure is mine, sir". The Ranger blinks afterwards, as if confused by her own words.

"A Texas Ranger, huh? Don't normally get on well with you folks." he said, although kept his smile and his grip on Sundown's hand. "Why just the other day I heard 'bout a troublesome ranger that was stopping some of my boys from collecting payments from certain folk round here. Claimed she was stoppin' the injustice of me taking advantage of poorer folk."

Sundown blushes and lowers her head... an odd look for the normally stoic or cocky ranger. "I- sorry. I think that was... me, sir... I guess I wasn't thinking straight... if you want, I could go collect that money for you myself." Sundown paused again, shocked once more by her own words and pulled her hand back from Clayton's grip. Although immediately after pulling her hand away, she looked like she was fighting the urge to apologise once again and instead simply lowered her head so the brim of her hat hid her expression. After a hesitant pause, she murmured "Would that please you, sir?"

It would seem your hypnotic programming was causing some issues with Sundown's moral compass and that in turn was making her scrutinise her own actions. Perhaps you could nudge her in one direction or the other.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon Dec 16, 2019 3:50 am

[I would assume Without a Slap applies here]

Victoria was quite happy to finally be back at the ranch, it felt like the remnants and herself were finally getting back onto their feet now that they had a plan and possibly now more supplies to use. But a part of her felt like after they clear out the armory they may need to move on now that they've confirmed the eyebot is brand new. "Go ahead and get on that Rosie, we're counting on you, hopefully we can work some counter measures out of it." Victoria smiles at the scribe before looking to Mayer and Decker have a nice little exchange. Mayer was too cute for her own good, She still needed to figure out how to get her to agree to letting Mr. Longhorn fuck her brains out, but that was a concern for another time as she walks with Sundowner to the plantation house.

"Oh i think it's safe to say that Sunny~ You're quite the looker. I wouldnt mind letting you spank me, but i have someone better in mind to do that to us~" Victoria continues to play with the ranger's ass all the way to house and even while they're let into the house and toward Mr. Longhorn's office.

Victoria watches the little exchange between her Owner and Sunny before piping up as she sees that theres a bit of an issue with what she had done to her new companion. "Well Mr. Longhorn, we arent really here to do you bidding." At least not yet~ She thinks to herself "But im sure you remember our little.. Arrangement." The white haired knight takes Sunny's hat to reveal her face. "Sunny, Mr. Longhorn here is willing to help us out a little, im sure you can... turn a blind eye to some of his...mmm activities." Victoria leans close into her friends ear as she eyes at Mr. Longhorn, a hand creeping up her friend's stomach until her fingers grasp the thin shirt Sunny wore that barely covered her breasts

"After all he's our Owner, right sunny?" Victoria smiles at her friend as she lays a kiss on her neck then turns back to her Owner. "but also Mr. Longhorn, we could really use a couple Brahmin as packmules tomorrow, in exchange" Victoria pulls down Sunny's top to reveal her breasts then unzips her own suit. "we'll be all yours tonight~"
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:10 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Speech Roll (Sundown) [WAS]: (15/7+6=21): Success
Speech Roll (Longhorn): (13+6=19): Success

Sundown looks startled as you remove her hat, her shoulders tensing up. However the more you talk to her, the more she starts to relax and you notice a purple shimmer to her eyes as you trace your hand across her stomach. "Owner~" Sundown repeats, biting her lips and shuddering slightly. Mr Longhorn seems confused, although amused by how the two of you are acting, but quickly smiles eagerly as soon as you expose the ranger's tits to his gaze. Sundown gasps as you kiss her neck, a smile pulling at the corners of her lips. Once you move to reveal your own body to your owner she turns to give you similar treatment, her lips going to your neck while one of her arms wraps around your body.

The two of you pressed close with Sundown's tits hanging freely and yours squeezed enticingly by Mayer's bra, Clayton leans back in his chair and starts unbuckling his belt. "Well, well, well... first my very own Brotherhood slut, now my very own Ranger slut. Women... always drawn to where the power is. Fine, I can spare you a couple of Brahmin. I've been hoping to teach one of those damned rangers a lesson for some time now."

The real thing that draws you to Clayton is soon pulled free from his pants. His hefty, thick cock is waved in front of you two as it grows to its full size. Both you and Sundown find yourselves swaying your heads in time with Longhorn's cock, mesmerised by his dick. He chuckles as he sees this and taps his foot on the floor. "On your knees, the both of you." he commands "Show me just how cock hungry you sluts are."
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:00 pm

”There you go, isn’t that better? Being Mr. Longhorn’s little ranch slut~” Victoria coos gently as she feels Sunny’s lips against her neck before moving to slip out of Mayer’s bra. They were a size too tight and having her girls free makes her feel all the more like the perfect little ranch wife. Victoria’s shift to their shade of purple when she hears her Owner call her a slut and she settles back into her role as one of his Ranch Wives. Her body tingling all over as she eagerly awaits his command.

”Yes sir~” she the only thing she moans As she places a hand on the small of Sundowner’s back and leads her to Mr. Longhorn so they kneel in front of him and begin to worship that heavenly cock. ”We’re all yours, Sir~ who would you prefer first? Your Brotherhood slut or the Ranger slut~ I certainly don’t mind who you pick first but I’ll let you know the Ranger loves a good face fucking~” she says as she winks at her friend before turning to face her Owner and await his judgement.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:11 pm

Mr Longhorn grins as he looks over the two of you kneeling by his feet. His cock pokes its way between the two of you, rubbing between your cheek and Sundown's and giving you both a heated waft of his musk. Sundown seemed too out of it to object to your comment about her loving a face fucking and instead nuzzles her new owner's cock lightly, moaning softly to her self - the daring and stern ranger reduced to the Baron's pet cocksucker. "Hmm, I think I'll let you both work me over at first... see if my sluts can share. Whichever one of you does better gets the treat of my first load down their throat." Mr Longhorn finally decrees, gently rubbing the backs of both of your heads.

Sundown is quick to get to work, starting with a slow lick across the side of the Baron's shaft, her eyes rolling back in her head as she tastes him for the first time. She gradually moves her head down the side of his cock before planting her lips on one of his heavy balls, sucking on it gently and cleaning it with her tongue.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:23 pm

All Victoria could do is breath in his musk and growl at how much just seeing and smelling her owner’s cock turns her on. Upon hearing his challenge though the slutty knight did her best to “win” the little competition at hand. At first she follows Sunny’s lead using her tongue to lick along the side of Mr. Longhorn’s cock but as she went down to his balls she went up toward the tip of his cock. She purses her lips as she looks up at him and places a long loving kiss on the head of his magnificent dick. Her body shudders from the mere act of worship before she gives some attention to the cock slit with her tongue then travels down the length of his shaft to meet Sunny down by his balls to pay equal respect. “Mmm tasty isn’t it Sunny~ this could mmmph be us every day~” she says before laying a huge kiss on the cum factories before her then gently taking one into her mouth eagerly hoping that she’d win so she could get the first load.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:39 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Cock Worship Competition You vs Sundown - Best of Three.
Round One: 13 v 1 = You Win
Round Two: 10 v 18 = Sundown Wins
Round Three: 16 v 7 = You Win

Clayton is groaning right away from your treatment, his cock happily pulsing against your lips. Sundown, however, is clearly less used to sucking cock than you are, and seems to struggle with getting her lips around Clayton's heavy sack. Clearly being the submissive partner is a new experience for the ranger, or maybe she's just too overwhelmed by Longhorn's cock to focus on her task properly. She gags and takes a moment to catch her breath, giving you a distinct lead in the competition. She may be a better shot and better with card games, but this is your game of choice.

Her competitive side takes hold and she redoubles her efforts. "Mmm... tasty is right, Snow... can't wait to taste that first load!" she then says as she quickly laps at Clayton's cock head, her lips working his cock like an instrument as she moans against his man meat. Her body shifts and slides slightly against his leg and you realise she's not limiting her efforts to just his cock, she's pressing her tits against him as well, letting him feel the warmth of her body against him and the loyalty she shows be rubbing herself against his leg. This clearly works for Clayton who starts rubbing her behind the ears. "Hmm... finally... a ranger that knows her place... you and I are going to get along... very well..."

Enthusiasm and determination can't seem to trump experience however, as your dutiful tongue recaptures Clayton's attention. As you and the blonde service your owner eagerly, he eventually starts breathing heavily and his hand grabs you by the back of your head and forces you down on his cock. Sundown pouts as she left watching you take the load she so desired, but Clayton gives her head a reassuring pet, letting her know she'll get plenty of his cum soon enough.

"Gonna have to give it to the brotherhood lass on this one! She just knows my cock better!" he says before grunting as you taste his seed being pumped against your tongue, filling your mouth and sliding down your throat. "Maybe be a dear and share some of that cream with the ranger. If you can resist swallowing it all down that is."
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:51 pm

“I think we both know who’s gonna get it first~” Victoria giggles as she copies Sunny’s little trick, pressing her tits up against Mr. Longhorn’s leg, her massive breasts practically wrapped around his shin as she keeps working his dick. She couldn’t help but feel more connected to Sunny for the experience though. It was fun sharing this experience with someone else. This experience of being a total cockslut for a man who probably couldn’t give two shits about her. It made her feel all tingly inside.

But soon she was won their little competition and she eagerly accepted her Owner’s cock deep into her throat. Taking a few ropes straight into her belly made her panties wetter than a monsoon and when he pulled back to fill up her mouth it too every fiber in her being not to swallow. Instead she acted like a good lit whore and shared it with her partner. Bringer her lips to Sunny’s as she give her a wet passionate kiss. ”Best cream you’ll have for miles right Sunny?” Victoria licks any remnants of cum off her lips before spinning back to her Owner. ”Mmm so sir~ are you ready to breed us with that trademark mating press you told me about last time? I’m sure Sunny here is dying to try it~” Snow’s mind briefly flicks back to her previous escapades with Mr.Longhorn and the countless orgasms he inflicted upon her and wonders if there was something in the water because he was definitely the best lay she’d had in months.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 16, 2019 1:22 pm

Sunny's tongue wrangles with yours for a while as the two of you share whats left of Longhorn's load, your lips parting with a trail of his cum connecting both your tongues. "Mhmm... You can say that again, Snow!" Sundown replies, wiping up some of the Baron's cum that fell on the corner of her lips with a finger and then sucking on her fingertip. As the two of you turn to your owner, Mr Longhorn simply smiles, his cock starting to stiffen once more to loom over the two of you as you prepare for the night to come...

Within minutes Sundown was cumming her brains out on Longhorn's bed, held in a mating press beneath the rotund baron as he drove his hips down against hers, pumping her cunt with his cock over and over. Most of her clothes didn't make it into the room, discarded across Clayton's office and stairway. You left your suit behind in the entrance hall. All that made it into the room were Sundown's panties, which Clayton decided to keep for his personal collection, and Mayer's underwear - which Clayton also claimed.

Sundown's legs waved in the air as her eyes rolled back in her head. If anything was going to burn off the last of the drugs in her system, this would be it. It wasn't long before you found yourself in her position, only she now sat on your face, feeding you Longhorn's cum from her freshly fucked pussy. The sounds of you and the ranger moaning in pleasure could be heard by anyone who walked by the house as Clayton left his bedroom windows wide open.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon Dec 16, 2019 8:36 pm

All Victoria could do was watch has Mr. Longhorn’s cock stiffened and consumed the entirety of her vision. Her body grew hot with anticipation as she watched and and the two sluts rushed to ditch her clothes and run up stairs. She was more than happy to watch Sunny take her Owner’s cock like a champ. Seeing her experience the same pleasure that had her coming back to him. Now she had someone to share it with~ she could already see Sunny becoming addicted.

But she didn’t really need to worry about that for now as all she needed to care about was getting her own brains fucked out by Mr. Longhorn and lapping up as much cum as Sunny was willing to offer from her freshly fucked pussy. “Mmmm~ Sho tassshy~” she moans as she works her friends pussy with her tongue. All the while her mind floats at the edge of an orgasm waiting for another lovely load.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:10 pm

And soon enough you are rewarded with it. Shortly after Sundown is brought to her own peak, her juices squirting more of Clayton's cum into your mouth, the baron himself starts releasing fresh seed into your womb. Both acts of receiving his cum each bring you to a different height of orgasm, one after the other and soon the pattern repeats. You and Sundown keep him aroused and pleased enough to keep going and he rewards you both by using your bodies as his cumdumps. You soon see Sundown getting the throat fucking you were hoping she would. In this moment, there's no sign of the hard-ass ranger from Arlington, just a cock hungry slut begging to be fucked unconscious by a man she just met. Your owner seems eager to take out all his frustrations against the Texas Rangers on Sundown, fucking her throughout the night as much as he desires and she welcomes every moment of it, eager to please her new owner.

Every so often the two of you find yourselves once more in a competition to see who can please Clayton best. You give the best tit job and deep throat, Sundown's shakes her ass better and is surprisingly good at giving foot-jobs, you tie on erotic dancing and everyone's a winner whenever Clayton needs to take time to rest so he sets the two of you at each other and watches. Soon enough you're both fucked to exhaustion and lying in Clayton's bed, the baron lying in the middle with you in one arm and Sundown in the other. Giving you a few moments to drift off.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Feel free to describe more of the sex scene and anything you want to say / do before drifting off. I'll do another dream sequence and jump to morning in my next post.
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:21 pm

The night was certainly young when she received the second of many loads to come from her owner~ But it almost felt more pleasurable to egg Sunny on and watch her get utterly reduced to being Mr. Longhorn cocksocket. The two of them lied on the edge of the bed upside down and allowed him to ravage their faces, strings of makeup ruining cockslime coating their faces just as Victoria was declared the winner of the deep threat competition. It was heavenly~ a part of her even wishes her owner had two cocks or something so he could fuck them harder but that’ll need to wait as she watches Sunny get pushed up against a wall and fucked from behind.

Soon enough she’s laying in bed hanging off of one of Mr.Longhorn’s arms his hand moving to stuff a specially made dildo into her pussy as she drifted off into sleep. Just before sleep finally over too her she watched as Mr. Longhorn went to command Sunny get on all fours like a bitch in heat and him mounting her as such. With that she drifts off with a smile on her face knowing her womb was completely stuffed and plugged with her owner’s cum but if he took her while she slept she certainly wouldn’t object.
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:36 pm

Xiphos One floated on the ocean as you sunbathed on its top. Occasionally you would reach out and dip your hand into the waves as they passed by, rocking the vertiduck back and forth. The motion of these waves could rock a baby to sleep... which was good, because Rosie was still in her cradle, the cute mechanic all bundled up in blankets and sucking on a wrench. There was... somewhere you were supposed to be sailing to, wasn't there? Its hard to remember after Hurricane Clayton threw you off course.

Still, with Rosie sleeping soundly and your loyal Texas Ranger lapdog slurping away at your folds like the good girl she was, there wasn't really anything to complain about. Maybe you can even get the others to come and join you on your leisurely cruise. They were in such a hurry to get somewhere... but you can talk them around to it. The blondes are both on board, so why not the others? Hmm... Clouds in the sky... seems like Hurricane Clayton's going to hit again! Oh goody, these waves always rock the vertiduck in juuust the right way~ Oh yeah... just like that...

You're awoken by your owner's cock in your ass, fucking you back to your senses. Sundown was still passed out on the bed next to you, lying on her back and wearing more cum than she ever wore clothes. After your morning buttfuck, Clayton gives your back one last spray of his spunk before leaving you with a slap on the ass and a kiss on the cheek. "Clean up and head out whenever you're ready girls. I'll get those Brahmin to your barn in just a jiffy."
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Re: Fallout: Sisterhood of Steel (Lorielle)

Postby Lorielle » Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:50 pm

Knight Newton was happily sunbathing, wondering how she got her but certainly didnt mind either, she hoped that Mayer would be the next to join their little cruise into nowhere. Maybe she needed give her Pina Euphoria~ to convince her to let Mr. Longhorn to have a go at her. She moaned in her sleep as she continued to dream, but she had a lovely wake up call as she watched Hurricane Clayton approach faster and faster, the excitement rising in her to see where it would blow her off to next.

"Ohh~Ohhh yess~ Just like that Master~" She moans as shes awakened to her morning butt fuck. She felt her pleasure rising and a mini-orgasm rack her body as her back is sprayed with another load of her Owner's cock milk. "Mmm yes sir~" She says as she can still feel the dildo in her pussy and she looks over at sunny. "Come on hunny get up~ Unless you wanna stick around and let Mr Longhorn use you for the rest of the day while i head off." Victoria giggled as she moves to head into his shower and get herself soaped up so they can hit the Arlington Arsenal.
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