Nights on the Maltese

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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby lilbooth » Thu Jun 27, 2019 9:24 pm

Olivia followed pretty closely as Theresa walked towards the back of the big sleep. For all she knew once her back was turned all these crazies out here in the robes would jump them. Thankfully they made it to their destination untouched. Olivia took a quick moment before she sat down to check the room, anything she could check without walking around that is. Obvious defenses or a place where a hidden weapon might be. Once she sat down she felt around under the table to see if Theresa was strapped. Once she was sure they weren’t deeper inside an ambush she sat down and begin her negotiations.

“Ya toots, there’s alot we’ve got to cover. If you feel like starting with ‘how’ and ‘when’ thats fine. Really that don’t concern me all that much. If there is some weakness you exploited to get in of course we got to deal with that, but do tell, I like a good story.”

Henrietta had to admit, these cultists had really managed to clean the place up. Though their choice in decormae was something to be desired. But she figured that what you get when dealing to fanatics. Of course Henrietta kept an eye out for trouble. But with the changes they made to the Big Sleep, the place felt less like a safe house and more like a makeshift church. And she had a hard time believing these fanatics would wanna start a fight in their place of worship.

“I must admit I’m curious as well” Henrietta added as Olivia finished talking “How our organization caught the attention of a group like yours.”

The room was pretty sparse. There didn’t seem to be any hidden weapons of the like that Olivia could spot. She also felt nothing under the table except for smooth wood. Looked clean.

“I wouldn’t quite say there was a singular weakness, per se,” Theresa begun as she placed down her teacup, “I will admit that we took it with some semblance of force. The previous tenants of this property were… not very kind to my sisters, and we were in need of a new property to worship The Progressors within. I decided to ‘kill two birds with one stone,’ as it were.” The mysterious religious leader then looked to Henrietta with a smile. “We hadn’t known this belonged to your family until one of those men shouted “You’ll pay for fucking with the Alfonsi, you bitches.” We dislike murder and had spared most of your men, but I’m afraid I lost my temper with that one. Please excuse me.” She bowed briefly. As she spoke, her voice remained the same neutral yet smoky tone, and she didn’t show any signs of dishonesty.

“So how many did you kill exactly?” Olivia asked in a monotone voice. Unfortunately, death was a pretty occurrence among low-level members of the Alfonsi. “We have a flat rate reparation that is to be paid to each family of the men that were killed. It’s usually ₡1000 but that can sometimes be increased if the member was a large earner. You can pay that to us, or have it delivered to The Loft. Depending on the amount, we can set up a payment plan, have you pay 10% now and the rest over 9 weeks. Whatever works really, I’m pretty reasonable, don’t want to give you a plan you can’t stick with. Now onto allowing you to lease the space… First I’m going to know how you intend to make money. Or any special skills you or your ‘sisters’ have. We are going to take a cut of any income, the amount depends on how much you can pay for the land. We’d be looking to for a minimum of ₡12,000 a month for the space and then 20% of your revenue. Now if you can’t do the ₡12,000 we can knock that down but up a bit on the percentage. Capeesh?” She said ended off a touch long-winded.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Jun 30, 2019 8:21 pm

Henrietta wasn't as concerned by the death of one of their own as Olivia was. From the sounds of it, the idiot misjudged the situation and got himself killed. Al that little story proved was that violence wasn't off the table for Theresa. Though she didn't make her disinterest known to either Theresa or Olivia as she took in aroma of the tea. Not drinking it lest it be spiked.

Olivia put down the financial terms quicker then she'd thought. It was no wonder everyone saw her as a top fixer in the organization. She had to admit, despite her ambitions Henrietta was only modestly business minded. She was more interested in the 'service' side of running a Brothel. So she'd never pass up a chance to Steal learn a thing or two from a fellow Alfonsi. She would wait for Theresa's response before adding to the pitch.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:42 pm

When Aesha and Raelia entered the building, Raelia looked around. There didn't seem to be any mole people visible at the moment, which meant she should try to find the people that were selling the uh... stuff. The stuff that they shouldn't be selling. That stuff. As she looks around, she sees the girl's flashy jacket, and thinks to herself how pretty it is, then, grabbing Aesha's hand, she points to her "Look, she has a pretty jacket!" she says, over the loud music and the sound of people dancing. She then tried to tug on her arm so that she could take her over to talk to her, adding "You should dance with her, she's pretty!" already getting sidetracked by something totally irrelevant to their current mission.

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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby mrblah » Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:14 am

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[Perception check; Easy. Jenny = 11.] The hole was perfectly cut, with nothing sticking out except for a few non-lethal wiring. She should be careful with stepping around those, but nothing else seemed dangerous enough that she'd have to be mindful of it.

"Eh... might've seen somethin' or another..." Jenny heard the man grumbling from behind her in a distracted tone. A hiccup came from him, along with the subtle noises of footsteps that drew closer to where she was. "And I'm thinkin' something a little more fun if you're catchin' me, eheh..." Then, as if punctuating those words, Jenny felt two rough hands grab onto her hips and pull her back, until her backside was pushing up against something stiff and... well, it was probably clear exactly what this was. The drunkard kept talking in a tone of voice he probably thought was seductive. "Already in position, right? You can pause that silly ole' search for a little and have some fun, lady!"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

[Roll for heal; 2d12. Rolled 2, then 4. 6.]

The series of not particularly gentle slaps succeeded in waking up the hurt pyromaniac, breaking her from her slumber and forcing her to jump up to attention. Immediately, her hands traveled to her cheeks and she held them with a hurt puppy look. "Ooowww! You really didn't hold back at all, big girl... but that's what I like about you!" And again, her mad grin spread out on her face again, despite the many injuries both healing and not that she sported. With her awake and attentive, Rosella was able to ask her question, all as Charli smiled and nodded along with interest. "Um... I'm pretty strong! I don't think I'm strong enough to lift someone your size, but it's worth a shot, right? What's the worst that could happen?" With that said, the pyromaniac bounced to her feet and headed over to the balcony, standing underneath it and waving a hand to beckon over Rose, and the plan was underway. [Strength check; Difficult. Rolled 3, plus 7. 10.

The plan shortly crashed and burned. Charli tried her best to lift up Rose, but as hurt as she was, she couldn't handle the muscle strain and shortly dropped the taller woman down onto her, forcing them into a rather compromising position. It didn't help her injuries much. Charli takes 2 damage! Rose takes 1 damage!

"Ow... you might want to burn off some carbs before we try that again, Rosie!" Charli laughed without a care from her position down under, her head firmly affixed in Rose's cleavage.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The priestess looked slightly confused, as apparent from the tilt of her head and the blank look she was giving Olivia. A hush came upon the room, and then, she started to laugh quietly, her hand raised to her mouth in an attempt to stifle the noise of amusement. "Oh... oh ho, forgive me..." Theresa reached for her teacup again, taking a slow sip as she calmed herself. "I'm afraid I've rarely heard such business talk in person, so I became a bit amused at hearing it. I humbly apologize for my misconduct. I meant no disrespect with my laughter, but..." [Perception check; Hard. Olivia rolled 15. Henrietta rolled 13.]

The world around seemed to get blurrier as Theresa spoke, her voice sounding further and further away... "I'd like to present a counter offer. That's what those were called, yes?" Henrietta felt herself shaking. Tilting, as if she were on a rocky boat. Dark spots began growing and shrinking in her sight, and one such spot grew right where Theresa's head was. When it shrunk... the woman's formerly hidden part of her face was revealed, showing a hypnotic eye with rings that pulled inward to the center, and a strange glow that ominously pulled attention to itself. "I offer you two a higher purpose. You came here seeking money, yes? Riches... fame... mere worldly desires that don't matter. Won't you let me help you and show you a greater meaning to your existence?" Theresa smiled. It was a wide smile that seemed only slightly maniacal. Just what was going on..? "Now, I believe it's time. Sleep."

And as she spoke that command, Henrietta's vision blacked out as the light in Theresa's eye grew, and she was swallowed by the ominous light.

... Drip. Drip. Drip.

She would awaken again later, roused awake by the sound of dripping water... but she was having trouble seeing. Why was it so dark? She couldn't see a damn thing as far as her vision would go! And... she felt cold. Naked. Henrietta was intimately aware of how it feels to be naked, so she knew immediately that she was missing all of her clothes. Even worse, she could feel the telltale cold hard grip of metal cuffs holding her wrists and raising them up, as well as a metal collar around her neck. Was she... imprisoned?

Henrietta then heard the sound of a moan piercing through her thoughts, and that voice... sounded like Olivia's.

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The priestess looked slightly confused, as apparent from the tilt of her head and the blank look she was giving Olivia. A hush came upon the room, and then, she started to laugh quietly, her hand raised to her mouth in an attempt to stifle the noise of amusement. "Oh... oh ho, forgive me..." Theresa reached for her teacup again, taking a slow sip as she calmed herself. "I'm afraid I've rarely heard such business talk in person, so I became a bit amused at hearing it. I humbly apologize for my misconduct. I meant no disrespect with my laughter, but..." [Perception check; Hard. Olivia rolled 15. Henrietta rolled 13.]

The world around seemed to get blurrier as Theresa spoke, her voice sounding further and further away... "I'd like to present a counter offer. That's what those were called, yes?" Olivia felt herself shaking. Tilting, as if she were on a rocky boat. Dark spots began growing and shrinking in her sight, and one such spot grew right where Theresa's head was. When it shrunk... the woman's formerly hidden part of her face was revealed, showing a hypnotic eye with rings that pulled inward to the center, and a strange glow that ominously pulled attention to itself. "I offer you two a higher purpose. You came here seeking money, yes? Riches... fame... mere worldly desires that don't matter. Won't you let me help you and show you a greater meaning to your existence?" Theresa smiled. It was a wide smile that seemed only slightly maniacal. Just what was going on..? "Now, I believe it's time. Sleep."

And as she spoke that command, Olivia's vision blacked out as the light in Theresa's eye grew, and she was swallowed by the ominous light.

... Drip. Drip. Drip.

A moan would come from her lips as she stirred awake, her head feeling a bit light and woozy still for whatever reason. Still, Olivia recovered quickly and was able to start assessing the situation... and she found that hard to do when it was dark as all hell. Why was it so dark? She couldn't see a damn thing as far as her vision would go! But... she felt cold. Naked. Olivia was no fool. She couldn't feel the slight bit of weight that was accompanied with wearing clothes, and she could feel the wind brushing parts of her it usually couldn't. Even worse, she could feel the telltale cold hard grip of metal cuffs holding her wrists and raising them up, as well as a metal collar around her neck. Was she... imprisoned?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The man quickly raised his hands, back straightening in shock and no doubt surprise. To the side at the other entrance of the kitchen, Carmen walked in. She was twirling her pistol in her finger, and had a carefree smile on her face. "Turn around, guy. Slowly." Her voice was cold and free of emotion. It brokered no argument from the man—only compliance that he gave in full. Turned around as he now was, they could see his face. He looked serious, and showed no sign of nervousness... but that bead of sweat that rolled down the side of his face and the subtle shaking of his body proved that he was merely throwing up a poker face. "W-what do you want..?" He squeaked out, eyes glancing back and forth between Carmen and Hal. The bartender chuckled, then gestured to the chair with her pistol. Again, he complied and took a seat. Carmen glanced to Hal, then back to him. "We're just here to... talk a little, pal. Maybe do something after that depending on where this conversation goes. Since we're guests in your house, I hope you show me and my friend here a little hospitality, alright? Don't lie to us."

"Would you want to start?" Carmen looked to Hal as she spoke. "I think this guy's a little confused as to why we're here, so it's probably best we introduce ourselves and all that." She walked over and grabbed a chair from the kitchen table, setting it down close to the man and taking a seat. Her gun was still trained at him, ready to end him the moment he made a move.

Hal's practiced, friendly smile never faltered as their target turned to face them. He was trying not to show it, but it was obvious to someone like her that he was about a minute away from pissing himself. Hal kept her pistol pointed firmly at the man as he took a seat and Carmen went to grab a chair, then went to grab one of her own and taking a seat next to him as well. "Name's Hal. Hal Alfonsi." She introduced herself at Carmen's suggestion, pausing a moment to let the Alfonsi name sink in before continuing. "And this is my friend Carmen. You don't know us, but my understanding is that you had a deal goin with some of our other family members... And it didn't go so well..." Hal said, shaking her head sadly for dramatic effect, tilting her sunglasses down to peer at the man over the violet rims. "That ring any bells, pal?"

"..." His eyes shifted between the two of them, but when Hal introduced herself, his back straightened in his chair as a light went off in his eyes. He knew what was going on. "... L-look, if- if you're here about... that, then I-" He didn't get much longer before Carmen shushed him with a gun to his lips. He shook again when the cold metal made contact, and looked to her with fear. "You wanna explain yourself? Go right ahead. Because from our understanding... you made a deal and tried to sell us on some bullshit info. It turned out fake and went bad for a few of our men, y'know? Their hard time is on your head." She pushed the barrel of the gun against his lips, making the man shake further in fear. Then, she backed off, and he breathed a slow sigh of relief. "Talk."

"I- I didn't know it was bad info! I just... I heard it in the bar from one guy and I didn't think it'd be like- like a trap or... or anything! I'm not the guy you want!!" That poker face of his was breaking down the further he spoke. All the while, Carmen just rolled her eyes and looked as if she's heard it all before. She looked to Hal. "So, just to catch you up; this guy told some of our guys that we could find a good shipment of contraband passing through Matera from foreign lands for the Silver Millennium. Boss hates those guys, so he hatches a plan to hijack the shipment and steal or blow up the goods. Turns out, when we get there, the bastards were expecting us and they had jack all in their truck. It was a goddamn set up."

"O-one that I had nothing to do with!" Added the panicked man. "I- I just... I heard it'd be good pickings so I spread the word!"

Hal was content to let Carmen do her thing, simply sitting back and watching the guy slowly break down. Carmen was playing the bad cop pretty nicely, so it made sense for Hal to take up the good cop role so to speak. Hearing just what went down to land this guy in a world of shit gave Hal a new angle to put the screws the on this guy. "Damn...." She said, shaking her head as if saddened by the trap her fellow Alfonsi had walked into. "How many boys did we lose in that one?" Hal asked, readjusting her shades and looking to Carmen, nodding slightly in hopes that the bartender would pick up on what she was going for. Even if there weren't actually any casualties, if this guy thought he had gotten some of their family members killed, he'd really be shitting himself over all this.

"Just the messenger, eh? Easy money sellin info to the mafia." Hal said, looking back to the man, her smile turning a bit more sympathetic. Not that she actually felt sympathy for this chump of course. "Unfortunately, someone's gotta pay when shit goes down like this. Your sob story ain't gonna recoup our losses." Hal explained, leaning back in her chair, but keeping her pistol aimed at the man. "So go ahead and make us an offer. How are you gonna make it up to us?" She asked, rubbing her chin with her free hand thoughtfully, as though she couldn't imagine just what could be done to resolve this.

"Two dead, three fatally wounded and in recovery... there's one guy who lost an eye in that trap. Even if he survives his other wounds, he's gonna need a costly replacement, and I know his Missus won't like it." Carmen scoffed, glancing back at the scammer with a frown. "You hear that? That man's life is on the line, but even if he lives his marriage might go too. Can't you feel sympathy for him? We know you've got a wife and kids too, pal."

That dropped his heart. He stopped shaking entirely, his mouth feeling dry as he stared at Carmen in pure horror. "Y-you..." He glanced between the two of them, then he closed his eyes and his poker face shattered. "P... please don't hurt them, okay?! I'll... I'll do anything you ask! Just don't make them pay for my mistakes, it just- it'd be wrong!" As he spoke, Carmen looked more and more like she was about to burst out laughing. "Wrong..? We don't wanna hear that from the guy who trapped 6 of our boys and got two killed. You know that guy lost his eye, right? I almost feel like we should go for an eye... for an eye, yeah?" The heated tip of her laser pistol reached to his eye slowly, and the man nearly looked like he was about to break out in tears.

He looked to Hal desperately. "P-please, help me! I'm... I'm better alive than dead! I can find the guy who sold me on the info! I can... I'll- I'll pay your family back in full! I'll give you my next ten paychecks! Just... d-don't hurt me or my family! What do you want?!"

Hal let out a sigh, smiling sadly as she listened to Carmen list off the damage done by this ambush. Listening to this punk bitch grovel for his family now really pissed Hal off, but she made sure to hide it. Carmen was doing great putting him under pressure, Hal would just ruin it now if she switched tactics. Still, if this guy loved his family so much, what the fuck was he doing playing around with the mafia?! "It just wouldn't be fair to make your family pay for your mistakes." Hal nodded in agreement with the man, though she made no move to stop Carmen from threatening him with hot metal to the eye. "But it wasn't really fair to send our guys to their deaths like that either." She continued, running a hand through her hair and pretending to look conflicted as to what to do in this situation.

Thankfully, the guy made it easy on them. His will was completely shattered at this point. Hal smiled a little brighter and reached over to rest a reassuring hand on his shoulder, waving for Carmen to back off as she did. "Alright pal, let's calm down a little. I believe that you're sincere, so let's do what we can to make this right. Just losing an eye ain't nearly enough to make up for what happened. And ain't no way in hell our boys are gonna wait for ten paychecks to get the funeral costs and medical bills they need." Hal told the man, chuckling lightly as she did. "No, we see you got some nice shit here. You're gonna need credits, and fast, so you're gonna wanna sell some of that off to get what you need. We'll give you... let's say a week to get the money together while we figure out how much it comes to with funeral expenses... medical bills... lost goods... not to mention a refund on what we paid to get the bad info to begin with." She explained, removing her hand from his shoulder and leaning back in her chair, looking much more relaxed now that they reached a resolution. "Oh, but for now, go ahead and give us what you've got on that guy who gave you the info. He's probably with the Silver Millennium, so we'll rip his eye out instead, sound good?" Hal said rather casually for talking about dismembering someone, a broad grin spread across her face.

"Y-yes!! Yes! Fine, I'll- I'll do it!! Just please!!" He cried out, desperate for any exit from the situation. At Hal's gesture, Carmen did back off to let the man have his space, but she kept the gun trained on him. "... Alright, sounds good with me. Glad to hear you're making some sense now, pal. I didn't want to scare your kid when he comes home from school and he sees his poor dad- ah, well... hey, I don't gotta say the D word, right?" Carmen shrugged. She then stood up and moved her chair back. "Listen to my friend and tell us who that guy was, 'kay?"

The man fell silent as he tried to compose himself, taking a deep breath and nodding. "His... I- I don't know his name, but... he's a regular at the Golden Goose! He's- his hair is red, a-and he wears a hat usually... a-and he's got one of those cybernetics! You couldn't mistake him for anyone else!" That was all he offered. "Are... are we good?" Carmen merely stared at him in response.

Hal listened closely to what the man had to say about where he got the info, which wasn't much to be perfectly honest. But, even if this guy at the Golden Goose was a dead end, as long as they could get this other guy to pay up whatever they asked, it was still a mission success anyway. She doubted the guy was just making it up anyway, he seemed too scared shitless for that. "Well, I dunno if I would say we're good... Not until we get this guy and the credits we're owed anyway. But this is a good start." Hal said, standing up as well. They were pretty much done here. "Pretty good deal though, right? Our boys are gonna get taken care of, your kids get to keep their dad in one piece, everyone wins!" She told the man, offering a handshake as she did. Hal liked to end every deal in a handshake, it just felt good for both parties that way, although this was less of a deal and more of a highway robbery, but she wanted to keep this guy feeling good so it would be easier to get him to keep up his end of things. "Oh, and you're not stupid enough to try to skip town before paying up, right? That didn't work well for the last guy. Don't think they ever found all the bits of him we scattered around town." Hal gave one last warning, chuckling heartily as she turned to leave, satisfied with a job well done for now.

The man nodded repeatedly, taking the offered handshake. "Th-thank you... thank you!! I- I wouldn't dare try to run, I'll- I'll pay up my end of the bargain!" She could feel the sweat on his palms as he vigorously shook her hand, and as if realizing the rudeness of his action, he abruptly stopped to wipe his hands on his pants. "I'm- sorry, I... didn't mean to offend. Thank you!" The display of thanks seemed to annoy Carmen, who simply rolled her eyes again with a frown. "Fuck up again and I'll scatter your remains personally." She kept the gun trained on him, even as she turned to leave. It didn't return to her hidden holster until after they closed the front door and were outside.

Carmen suddenly burst into a grin, snickering in barely contained amusement. "Dear Christ, he was really about to wet himself!" She headed over to the car and got back in the passenger seat, and that's when her dam broke. The bartender laughed in an uproar, shaking her head as if in disbelief over what happened. "Like, can you believe that guy? Holy shit, he was such a chump! Like, he bought the thing about the guy with the missing eye and everything!!" Carmen was, very clearly, amused by the man's torment. She had to give herself a moment to calm down, ending her bout of laughter with a long sigh of satisfaction. "... Alright, I guess we're back on with the other thing. We just need to pick up a small shipment of the usual from the docks at Old Barby, and we're good. Why exactly the old man gave this job to me instead of one of the grunts, I'll never know..." Carmen shrugged with a sigh, but her look of exasperation quickly turned into a mischievous smile. "Buuuuut... there's a movie theater on the way? Blade Runner 3022 just came out and I haven't seen it yet~"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Ali wondered if this was normal for families, the deliberately talking about inconsequential topics to keep anyone from realizing they're not normal. She doubts it, but the thought still happens as they sorta of wander through conversations to fill the air while they eat their lunch. She's always amazed by how little her mother eats too. Someone as high profile as her getting into high profile things, Ali would think she needs the fuel to keep going, but her mother wraps up half of her sandwich to go while Ali's torn apart her burger and all that's left is a few fries. She wonders if that's a Nea thing or a Vegetarian thing in general. She doesn't know many of those so it's not like she can ask. But whatever. She switches gears as she gets in her mom's car, knowing that the pleasantries are over. Sure enough, once they find a parking lot, business begins.

"So basically everyone that was on the Maltese was called into K.K's office. So first thing I thought was we were gonna be in some trouble. Wasn't completely wrong. She welcomed us into her office. Full of SmartGlass and shit. Looked like we were sitting in a meadow or something. She welcomed us in a monotone and I cracked a joke about how people would dare be late for a meeting with her. You know, usual 'Boss present, try to be casual' type shit. She said the fiasco on the Maltese sparked up the rivalry between us and the Alfonsi and that their boss would be making moves against us. Suggested he would be attacking Thule Island of all places so she's sending us there to prevent it. We don't know what he's planning, though I'm guessing he's trying to break someone out, so we're gonna be infiltrating the prison as a few of its guards to keep an eye out for movement. She gave us a communication channel , an Overseer, and an AA-19 Bishop w if shit goes seriously pear shaped. Then I snapped my two pictures and we were dismissed. The one I'm worried about is the little retarded girl. She was over there talking about mole people and Santa Claus for fucks sake. No way she's gonna be able to pass as a guard!" She gives the layout for the meeting as concisely as possible, but still has to address her biggest concern.

Nea listened carefully and silently, letting her daughter talk unopposed with no interruptions. When Ali finished, Nea spoke up with a wry smirk. “You met Raelia then. She is quite the handful, isn’t she?” Nea crossed her arms and looked off in thought, pausing for a brief moment to do so. “It’s... quite the plan—well, if I were honest, I’d say it’s a crazy plan. Thule Island of all places? And instead of sending a tip to the guards, she sends off people she hardly could’ve known enough to trust on an important job like this?” She shook her head with a frown, sighing. “I was afraid of this... but that’s not a normal play for K.K. It’s... amateurish. Unnecessary.” She glanced back to Ali. “Hand me the camera. I’ll take care of the pictures.”

Ali hands the camera over to Nea, hoping that she gleans something useful from them. She doesn't know how K.K. looks so it's useless to her, but maybe her mom will get more from it. "That her name? Handful ain't how I'd describe it, but I guess her guardian would. I have great pity for the woman who has to keep an eye on that enemy headed chick." She says, shaking her head at the thought of Raelia being on this mission. It's easily the worst fit of an already bad fit.

"Sending tips to the guards was also discussed. We brought up doing it anonymously, feeding the line to K.K.'s contact on the Island, warning them that someone they would really like to add to Thule Island's population was on the loose nearby so they would up security. All of them were rejected. She claimed some bullshit about only being able to trust her family so that's why she was sending us. Which, again, bullshit. My entire skillset for her has been 'Point me to a person who needs to be captured or killed, give me strict orders so I don't do anything extra she won't appreciate, let me capture or kill said target'. Infiltration has never been part of that skill set. Hell, out of those gathered, I don't think infiltration was in ANY of our skill sets. Yeah, it's extremely amateurish to send in a team with the wrong skill set to an area as dangerous as this."

Nea took the antique camera, placing it to the side for now as she focused on her conversation with her daughter. "At any rate, you'll still have to do this job, I suppose... do well with it. We could use it to get you closer to K.K and see what she's doing. And while you're at Thule Island, try to find and investigate her contact. Flip the place over for any clues or reasons as to why she'd so strongly want you all there." Her mother's business tone typically brokered for no argument, and she moved on as if there would be none.

"Now, I think you'll need a reward for this favor you've done for me. I'm not in the business of free labor, and this isn't exactly an easy task, so you deserve payment befitting of the job." Nea reached for her Holophone, which took the form of a wristwatch, and she commanded it to turn on and opened up her bank app to wire the credits. "Your number was #05065 again, right?"

The wire transaction was made concisely as Nea did her business, and in 2 minutes, Ali's account was made a whole ₡700 richer. That's a generous amount. "You could use some of that to get yourself something good off the black market, like maybe a more personal secret weapon? I'm sure you know what you'll need for the job." Nea turned off her Holophone and settled her hands down in her lap, crossing her legs as she looked to her daughter with seemingly no knowledge of the inner struggle she experienced. "Now, is there anything else? This mission's a tough one, Ali. If you needed anything else from me then don't hesitate to ask. I'm always here for you."

Ali checks her own holophone, a locket Nea obtained for her shortly after she was adopted that Ali has since attached to a choker, and her eyes widen with the amount of credits her mother just sent her. She knows her mom likes to spoil her a little, but this is nuts. She's not even sure the pictures or information she got will be useful to whatever it is Nea needs it for! Just what kind of operation is she running here!? "Geez! You must really have needed those pics!" Ali says, mostly jokingly. Her mind does go towards want she can grab for the mission though. A weapon of some sort definitely. She has the standard weapons that the Romano provide and then her personal knife she's had since she was The Scarlet Letter. That doesn't feel like it's going to be enough given what she's dropping into. She'll need better shielding too since she's anticipating shit going south and needing to escape a lot of gunfire very quickly. Well, she'll see what's going on in the black market and make her decision based on that.

Her thought process is derailed a bit though when her mother asks if there's anything else she needs. What she needs is to figure out of Nea is wearing a flavored lip gloss today. It wouldn't be so bad to get that answer, right? Would a lip lock be too weird? Usually she uses that as a stepping stone to go further, so does Nea think the same thing? ...she is horribly overthinking this. Nea's a tough chick. If she doesn't like it, she'll let Ali know and things might be awkward for a while but they'll get over it. She's about to go to Thule Island and has no idea if she'll make it back. If she doesn't do it now, she might never get to do it at all. "Well, there is one thing." She says, a nervousness never in her voice coating it now. Before she can work herself up again, she leans over and connects her lips to Nea's. Lightly enough that if Nea doesn't care for it, she can easily escape, but hard enough that Nea knows she's very willing to go further.

Nea seemed surprised by the sudden kiss from her daughter. She leaned back, looking at Ali with astonishment at her action. "..." Things were a bit awkward for a moment after she broke the kiss, with her merely being silent and looking at Ali. Before the awkward silence would stretch on for long, Nea moved back in to return the kiss with one of her own, pushing her lips against Ali's in a not particularly motherly gesture, and answering Ali's question for a second time; her mother was wearing grape flavored lip gloss.

"That was quite sudden... but I'm getting the feeling that wasn't just a spur of the moment thing?" Nea paused briefly, speaking to her daughter with a bit of hesitance in her voice. Likely, the woman was wondering if there was some miscommunication or mistake made.

Ali gets a sinking feeling in her gut usually only reserved for shit going horribly wrong when Nea pulls back in shock. Which she guesses is fitting to this situation. Well, she guesses this is it. Nea ain't into her like that so she'll drop it and continue to find ladies who look like her to warm her bed until she finally gets over this crush. It doesn't feel like a crush, but trying to downplay her feelings is the first step in moving past them in her experience. She can feel her cheeks burning in embarrassment over her blunder and she's about to just hop out the car and walk to HQ to visit the black market vendor they have there when her thought process comes to a crashing halt. She dares to hope again when she feels her mother's lips push against her own in a way no mother would ever kiss their kid. A small whine escapes her as Nea pulls back, but she supposes she deserves an answer to her question.

"Um... no. I've been kinda wanting that on and off since... like 13?" Her nerves infect her voice and she's never sounded more uncertain of herself. "Thought, ya know, it was a kid's crush. Lock onto the first beautiful person who gave me the time of day and let hormones do the rest. So I... I didn't do anything with it since I thought it'd go away. It didn't. Hit 20 and realized it was just getting worse. The action was spur of the moment cause, ya know, going to Thule. Kinda worried 'bout not makin' it back in one piece. The desire to do it's been around forever." Her whole face and neck feels like its on fire and she wishes she was as dark skinned as Nea so she could hide the horrendous blush taking over her everything. It's real embarrassing admitting she's been crushing on her own mother for over a decade, but it's probably better to put that in the air so Nea knows what she's getting into if she doesn't reject her.

Nea nodded. Slowly. Then looked away in thought. "Well, that would make sense considering what you had gone through when you were younger. And obviously I don't meant to toot my own horn, but I think most who'd prefer women would see a lot of great things in me." A wry smirk danced across her features for a moment along with her joke. Ali knew her mother was confident in herself, and probably always would be no matter how old she got. It was just the way she worked no matter the situation.

Nea placed a hand on her daughter's blushing cheek, looking to her with soft eyes Ali knew Nea reserved solely for her. "Still... mothers and daughters don't often kiss or feel attraction to one another in that way, Ali. I've raised you for a long time now, and I know more about you than most others do. Someone in my position shouldn't be so involved with their family. I know you know that, right?" She spoke slowly and carefully, wording her sentence in a way that... didn't entirely make it sound like a no, but also wasn't directly a yes.

Ali can only blush deeper, something she didn't know was possible but my she could pass as a firetruck right now, as Nea tells her something she already knows. She is very much aware Nea is a damn perfect specimen of a woman, thank you very much. Her mother wouldn't have captured her attention so completely and thoroughly if she were any less! That confidence is damn near one of her most attractive features, something she used to transform the arrogance of her youth into actual confidence. She licks her lips to wet them as she feels dried out right now, but all that does is remind her of the kiss since she can taste Nea's grape lip gloss on her. Which doesn't help the situation any.

She's not sure how to take her mother's lecture. On the one hand, she hasn't told her to fuck off yet. With Nea, she rarely has to wonder about what the woman means: even if she's a bit cryptic about her aims sometimes, she's usually just blunt enough that Ali can get the general picture. So she doesn't get the feeling that Nea is shutting her down. But she also doesn't get the feeling that her mother reciprocates her own feelings. The uncertainty is going to kill her if the mission she's about to go on doesn't. "Yeah, I know. It's why I really wasn't gonna do anything. Was kinda planning on just taking it to the grave or hoping I'd phase out of it someday. But, well... like I said, I dunno about coming back from Thule alright. So I figure either I take the shot and miss or I just choke it back and possibly never say nothing. So, here it is, I guess. I love ya, Nea. Like, a lot more than a daughter should." She can't find it in herself to stop looking into her mother's eyes, wanting nothing more than to drink in that look saved just for her for as long as she can.

She was silent again as she looked at Ali... then, Nea leaned in and kissed her gently, pressing against Ali's lips with a little more to it. She wasn't hesitating now. "You're being honest about it so I guess it can't be helped. Consider this apart of your reward, my little devil." Nea kissed her again with a smirk, stealing Ali's attention while her hand moves to hit a button on her car. Slowly, the seats they sat in adjusted themselves as the back of the cushioned chairs reclined back and the middle console retreated down into the car. The passenger and driver seat then moved together to make a makeshift bed, and dim lighting lit up the car. This had to have been one of the mods Nea added. Though it was common for some cars to have this type of luxury feature, Nea's car wasn't a luxury ride and wouldn't have anything extra like that packed in.

With their seats moved closer together, Nea was able to reach around to start removing Ali's clothes, starting with her jacket. With a single deft hand, she stripped Ali of the garment and flung it to the side while her other hand reached to caress her daughter's cheek. "Let's get these off... we won't need them right now."

As Nea's lips press against hers once more, she tries not to think about how she doesn't know if this is a more than one time thing yet or how Nea hasn't admitted how she feels about all this herself.Those can come later, if she bothers to think about it at all. For now, she'll just bask in the dream 13 years in the making coming true. She supposes she shouldn't be surprised by her mother modding her car to turn the chairs into a bed and is in fact quite glad for it. Doing this in a chair wouldn't be nearly as good as a bed, she feels. While the car changes, Ali focuses on communicating all her feelings through her lips, pressing them against Nea's in an almost desperate fashion and spreading them to push her tongue into Nea's mouth. All she can think about is she wants to sample all the tastes of Nea, from her grape lip gloss to her salvia. She has a brief moment of worry where she's concerned Nea might taste the burger still on her breath, but she figures Nea will say something if she doesn't appreciate it. She does kind of wish she had chosen something less meaty now though...

For what feels like the millionth time today, her thoughts are derailed by Nea stripping Ali of her jacket. Her blush only intensifies as she realizes holy shit her mother intends to go all the way with this. She's actually going to get something she's wanted for basically the entire time she's known Nea. Leaning back, she all but tears the shirt off of back and throws it to the same corner Nea threw her jacket. Her bra follows shortly afterwards, bearing her breasts to her mother. It's not the first time she's exposed herself to her mother, living in the same house after being used to living on her own would make sure a thing impossible, but it's definitely the first time she's intentionally done so. Especially in a situation like this. "You seem a bit over dressed yourself." She says, voice husky in her lust. She moves to unbutton the suit currently hiding her mother's beautiful chocolate skin from her, just barely managing to control the shaking of her hands in her excitement.

Her mother helped her along, gently reaching over to guide her daughter's hands as she unbuttoned her suit jacket. "I'm glad to have help with that, then." She seemed totally comfortable with the situation as one would expect of her. Nea easily slipped off her suit jacket and threw it in the back with her daughter's clothing. She moved forward again, her hands moving to glide over Ali's exposed chest. Her hands were a bit cold, and her touch was light. She hesitated briefly as her hands neared Ali's breasts, but they soon moved over to caress and tease them. "... You're just as beautiful as I knew you would be." Nea kissed her once more, then resumed the more boring task of getting their respective garments on the other side of the car. Next was her own bra, which she did away with in seconds, then she reached to her belt to take off her dress pants, moving a little more swiftly as she slipped off the clothing to leave her in just a purple lacy thong. She pointed to Ali with a seductive smile and an expectant look.

Ali shivers thanks to both the chill of her mother's hands and the excitement of having her hands on her chest at all. The excitement very easily wins out when her breasts are teased with the hands she's desired for a decade. Her back arcs so she can push more of her tits into Nea's grasp, wanting to feel her touch on every part of her. It's all she can do to suppress a moan of longing as her mother's words penetrate the fog of lust clouding her mind. She doesn't know how to interpret those words in her current mind frame. Has her mother lusted for her too? Has she dreamed of touching her daughter as much as she has? She doesn't know, but as the kiss resumes she finds she can't find it to care right now.

As soon as Nea's bra comes off, her hands find her way to them, caressing them just as thoroughly as her mother did her own chest. A long while ago, she would have bene envious that there was more breast to grope on her mother than there is on herself. That has long since been transformed into the desire to have them in her hands. She pinches one of the hard nubs decorating the breast before backing away from Nea, undoing her own belt to toss her pants away as if they've offended her. Which, given how hard getting them off due to how tight they are on her, they have since that's time she could have spent feeling up Nea. Now thoroughly annoyed with clothes in general, she slides herself out of her red panties and kicks off her shoes , leaving her in nothing but the choker holding the pendant Nea gave her.

And she finds she can't wait to figure out once and for all what Nea tastes like. Bending down, she aligns her head with Nea's still covered sex. And instead of removing them, just pulls them to the side so she as access to something she's wanted to see for so long. With the beauty of Nea's pussy before her, she can't help but take a lick, dragging her tongue from the bottom to the top and giving a quick peck to the still hooded clit. With the flavor of Nea dancing on her tongue, her desire transforms into a need. She NEEDS more! She dives back in, lashing her tongue across her mother's pussy with all the love and lust she's built up over years of suppressing the feelings.

A sweet moan came from her mother's lips the moment she pinched her erect nipples—it was a short noise that sounded like a squeak, and Nea likely hadn't meant to let that out. She chuckled a bit in her silky dark tone as she watched her daughter's eager movements, and merely turned to her to spread her legs for easier access with a lustful look. When Ali took the offer, the dark-skinned beauty's breath hitched as she felt her daughter's wet tongue slide against her sex. That, she learned, was just the beginning of it as she continued, working her mouth against her mother's pussy with a passion that left said mother wide-eyed and almost breathless. "Oh- you... what other sorts of girls have you done this to~?" Nea's tone turned sweeter towards the end, and she smiled down as she ran a hand down a few locks of Ali's hair. "You haven't been taking any of them home..."

Ali bathes in the sounds of her mother's enjoyment, letting the breathless tone in her voice wash over her and fill her mind as proof she's doing a good job on her. Then she finds herself in a dilemma: her mother asked her a question. She's loathe to stop what she's doing, savoring both the taste of Nea overwhelming her senses and still desperately wanting to see what Nea looks like when she cums. But it's also horribly rude not to answer the question, which requires the use of her mouth. With a mental sigh, she pulls her tongue away from Nea's pussy slightly and replaces it with her fingers, teasing 2 fingers into her and seeking out the spots that make Nea feel good. Her thumb finds itself placed on top of her clit, drawing lazy circles around the sensitive nub.

"Of course not. None of them deserved to shared the same space you did. I have them take me home instead." She pauses briefly to move her thumb and give Nea's clit another couple of licks before moving the finger back in place. "Shocking or not, a lot of the ladies I find tend to look a lot like you."

Embarrassment begins to filter through her lust, so she decides to put her mouth to a better use, latching onto the top of her mound and suckling on the cluster of nerves, her tongue swirling around it all the while. Her fingers have not been idle, moving faster and faster as Nea becomes wetter. She makes sure to look Nea in the eye as she pleasures her mother, wanting to see everything going through her expression.

"Is-" Her breath hitched from a certain touch from her daughter, and Nea paused for a moment as a sultry moan came from her lips. "Is that so..." She looked down at Ali through half-lidded eyes, watching her work her mouth as she relaxed and enjoyed said work, with the physical proof of her enjoyment slipping out into Ali's mouth. Every few licks and touches, she'd encourage her daughter with another moan and a little tremble in her body, her breath becoming hotter and her eyes looking on with more ardent passion as she became more responsive. This was most certainly the type of fun no mother should enjoy with her child, but it seemed Nea was starting to care less and less about this barrier.

Nea suddenly held out her hand to stop Ali, resting it on her head with a seductive look. "I see what you're trying to do, but I've got a better way to do it." The older woman gestured for Ali to lay on her back. "Trust me, this is one surprise you'd want to see."

And encourage, Nea does. Every time Ali hears another moan, her smile stretches a bit more and her tongue and fingers move even faster. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't stop looking into her mother's eyes. Seeing the passion and lust in them is one of the biggest turn ons she's ever had the pleasure of experiencing. She wants more. She wants to see her mother's eyes drowned in lust and on the verge of cumming. She switches so her mouth is on Nea's pussy and her finger attend to her clit, needing to feast on Nea's juices to keep amping up her desire.

She releases a rather pitiful moan of disappointment when Nea tells her to stop and for one of the first times in her life she considers disobeying her mother. Usually it's less about morals and more about the consequences for doing that is pretty damn dire, but the thought still crosses her mind. Still, her interest in the surprise Nea promises and the lust it inspires just eclipses her desire to lick herself to the center of Nea's tootise pop. So she pulls herself away and lays back, waiting for Nea's next move.

Nea placed a gentle hand on Ali's shoulder and guided her to lay on her back, slowly pushing her down onto the makeshift bed that was the two seats. She leaned down to kiss Ali's neck, then moved south, trailing down from her neck to the edge of a far more private place, parting Ali's legs to get access to her pussy and stopping just as her lips were close to brushing against her clit. The dark-skinned beauty then looked up to her with a playful smirk, and spun around to angle herself in a pretty telling, obvious position, exposing her wet muff to her daughter's face once more and allowing her to get at hers. "Better, no?"

Nea wasted no time as she dragged her tongue down the entrance of her daughter's pussy, languidly licking around at any secretions and poking her tongue in to tease open her folds. She worked with the experience of an expert, clearly showing off her moves to show just what she could do to a woman and enjoying every moment of it.

Ali feels a spark run through her from the moment Nea puts her hand on her shoulder. That spark only jumps in intensity when she feels Nea's lips on her neck. A small noise of need escapes her when she sees Nea move lower and lower down her body, a noise she desperately wishes she could pull back so Nea doesn't realize just how desperate she is, but feeling just how soaked she is she supposes it doesn't really matter. Her embarrassment colors her cheeks when Nea puts herself in a position to see just how wet she is. She can hear a whine building in her throat when she Nea gets so close to her clit that she can feel her mother's breathes on it. She wants more. She wants so much more. She's more than half tempted to thrust her hips up to push the nub into Nea's mouth when her mother swings her body around so that Ali's in a position she was just released from: face deep in Nea's pussy.

Then all thought leaves her as finally, FINALLY, she feels Nea's tongue pull itself through her folds. An explosive moan pulses out out of her at the contact and electricity drags itself from her pussy right into her brain it feels like. She wants almost nothing more than to just lay there and receive her mother's expert attention. She pushes the question just how her mother received that experience for another time. Right now she has a job to do and it'd be a crime to leave her mother's pussy unfulfilled. And while Ali may be a criminal, there are crimes even she won't touch. So she pulls her head up and attaches her lips to Nea's pussy, pushing her tongue in to taste every inch of Nea that she can. Her thumb finds its way back to the clit she was forced to leave and picks right back up rubbing the nub. The entire way, she continues moaning into Nea, letting the sounds of her pleasure in turn please her mother. She figures she should answer her mom's question, but isn't this answer enough?

Another sweet moan was driven from the older woman as she paused on top of her daughter, with her tongue slipping out of said daughter's drenched pussy. "I'm glad we're... on the same page." Not one to be undone, Nea went right back to tongue fucking Ali with no restraint. Her tongue fluttered about like a figure skater on ice, gracefully playing with her clit and teasing open her folds to taste her insides. Her tongue drilled into the wet hole with gusto, filling all the space it could and wiggling around in a passionate kiss. Ali's own motions between her mother's legs already had her shaking in a clear sign of just what she must have been nearing, with beads of feminine arousal coming in large amounts and into her mouth. Perhaps she felt her daughter's nearly devoted love through her given cunnilingus.

With a free hand, Nea reached for a blue button on the car's control panel, pushing it to activate some yet to be known function that was signaled by a beep. Nea briefly paused her tongue invasion to shed some light on her actions. "Here's... ahh, part two. Do you wanna see what your mother gets up to on her free time?" She slowly pulled herself up, reaching over to plant both hands the sides of Ali's pussy to spread it open. A light began to grow in a blindspot Ali couldn't see, considering her position, but she could see it glowing in the reflection of the window... then, she felt something solid and warm pressing against her exposed pussy. It felt like... a hardlight dildo? Ali wasn't given much time to question it as the newly constructed object slowly pushed into her folds, filling her completely as it warmed her inner walls.

Ali is so busy soaking in the sounds, scent, and taste of her mother that she almost doesn't hear it when Nea mentions a part two. She almost doesn't care just so long as she can be assured her mother has a tasty treat for her in the near future. There's a slight bit of curiosity about what she gets up to in her spare time, but nothing worth... that's a dildo. That's a hardlight dildo her mother has built into her car. Like a literal part of the car because she can feel both of Nea's hands on her pussy right now so she isn't the one pushing it into her. Her gasp of surprise turns into a drawn out moan as the construct pushes further and further into her, filling her relentlessly. "How... why is this part of your car!?" she finds herself saying around a moan.

The shock of suddenly getting invaded stills her tongue for a longer than she'd like to admit. Nearly a full minute she stays frozen. Then she remembers that she's not the only one here and gets back to work, resuming her task and upping her speed. This damn dildo is gonna make her cum faster than she wanted to and she doesn't wanna do it before she gets her mother to cum.

A chuckle came from her mother, followed by a moan and a little twitch when Ali flicked her just right on her wet button. "Your mother has needs too, Ali... and when I'm on the job and need of something quick, this works wonders~" That seemed to be all the answer she cared to give, as shown by her lowering her head to front a cruel double attack on Alisaie's poor pussy. The thick hardlight dildo was slowly pumping in and out of her while Nea's tongue languidly licked Ali's hood and ran her tongue against the wet dildo. She could tell it was automatically adjusting to her depth too, since it was going deeper and deeper inside of her, regardless of any tightness or resistance on her part.

But this act seemed to be having an effect on Nea, too. Ali could taste more of her mother's juices as she tongue fucked her, and the more frequent moans and twitching of her body showed she was definitely getting closer to her climax. If this were a race to the finish, Ali just might've had a chance if she were to catch her mother off guard... but that possibility didn't seem to want to stay as the hardlight dildo began to pick up speed.

The dildo by itself would have hastened Ali's orgasm. Adding her mother's tongue to her clit makes her increasingly sure she's not gonna make it. Well, she's gonna make it, but she's gonna make it before her mother does. And that's a problem. And she's not 100% sure how to fix that. All she can do is try to fill Nea like she's being filled. She she moves her mouth to Nea's clit and suckles on the nub while three of her fingers plunge into the wet pussy in front of her, quickly seeking out that place that would hopefully set her mother off.

Only she doesn't think she'll find it in time. Finally getting to be with her mother and all the pleasure that is coming with it... it's too much. Before she can make sure Nea has cum, she does with a heartfelt moan. She doesn't stop her fingers though. Even if she's already folded, she's gonna make damn sure her mother follows shortly after.

As if sensing her orgasm, the dildo offers one more final push into Ali's pussy, plunging her hole as her juices gush around it. And with Nea's face so close and her lips against her daughter's special place, she couldn't have stopped herself from getting her mouth coated in Ali's cum. Not that she would've. The chocolate-skinned woman seemed pleased with herself as she licked her lips clean. She took hold of the dildo and pulled it out as it automatically was pulling itself out, relieving her daughter of the terrible pleasure tool.

Nea then dropped suddenly with a surprised, honeyed moan. It looked like Ali had managed to find her mother's spot just as she wanted, even if she was too late to get her to cum before her. Her targeted assault on her mother's G-spot was getting a very strong reaction out of the normally unflappable woman. Her legs closed on Ali's sides as several passionate sounds came from her lips, and her body shook and quivered as her daughter pushed her to the brink of an orgasm.

Finally, Ali got what she wanted. Nea let out one more long and passionate moan as she finally reached her climax, spraying out her cum all over Ali's face as she trembled on top of her. Her orgasm lasted for a few more moments, before it started to peter off and she came down from it, breathing deeply from the sordid act the two engaged in.

A satisfied smirk crosses Ali's face even through fatigue from her orgasm burns through her. She didn't get Nea to cum first, but it looks like what her mother enjoyed the orgasm she was given. Well, more like the orgasm she deserves, but whatever. As she desperately tries to pull in air after her breathtaking orgasm, the smile refuses to drop from her face. She spends a moment just breathing, not quite up for conversation just yet. Instead she basks in the moment. Even if this whole jail thing goes tits up, she could die happy with how things have turned out. She'd much rather not, she can't do this again if she's dead, but the thought exists. She licks her lips to get her mother's flavor and then cleans the wet pussy in front of her to make it last longer.

With the lingering taste on her lips and her breath finally caught, she tries to figure out what to say. Normally it'd be some semi-sarcastic remark on whether it was as good for her partner as it was for her, but that isn't something she wasn't to expose her mother to. But she doesn't really have anything else to say either about how mindblowing it all was and how she may have just ruined sex for her with anyone else. That feels way too embarrassing. So instead of any of the mushy stuff, she just turns herself around and hugs herself to Nea, enjoying the feel of her mother's skin against her own.

Nea had since moved to the side after they'd finished one another off. She sat in her seat, leaning against the door and looking out the smoky tinted glass as her mind raced through whatever thoughts she was having... who knows how she felt about what they just did. But when Ali hugged her, Nea didn't seem to respond for a moment, merely continuing to look out the window and ponder. Just before Ali could worry about whatever her mother was thinking about, however, she felt Nea's arms move around to return the hug. Together, they remained like that for a few minutes, merely content to share in one another's body heat regardless of their nude conditions.

But all good things don't last forever. "We should probably put on our clothes before we burn any more daylight and I go over my break time." Nea's voice broke through the silence, stating the facts of the situation. They did need to move on. Both women were hard at work and on the clock, so they couldn't laze around together. "You might want to take on a job before your big one tonight. Get a few more credits to buy something helpful."

Ali sometimes wishes she were psychic. Or maybe an Empathic super power? She doesn't so much want to know what Nea's thinking as much as what she's feeling. Does her mother feel guilty? Annoyed? Is this like employee management for her? She just wants a hint of what's going through Nea's mind. She can suppress the feeling while Nea's arms are around her, but given how reluctant she was to start off she worries. Not enough to override the afterglow and the surge of happiness she feels, but enough to piss her off cause it's at the edge of her mind.

With a sigh, she breaks away when her mother speaks up. Yeah, she's right, but that doesn't mean she has to like it. "I didn't know anyone could tell ya when your break time was over." She says instead of any of the many things she wants to say. She sorts her clothes out from Nea's and slides her gear on. Is it normal to feel slightly annoyed at the way clothes feel on her now? Eh, whatever. "Given the break we've been on since the Maltese, I guess I can use the practice. Make sure I'm not rusty or anything." She says, agreeing with picking up a job. Well, that Lessons Paid in Full job looks up her alley so she can take that up. But she really needs to know... "So... are we good? That didn't make things weird did it?"

"Believe it or not, I've got my superiors too. K.K herself is up there." Nea was just finishing dressing as well, slipping on her blazer and adjusting it to fit her form as it always did. While on the job, she always preferred to wear sharp clothing to look professional. A far cry from what she wore around the house back when they shared one—a simple tank top and literally a pair of boyshorts.

When Ali offered her question, Nea paused, looking at her daughter and reading her expression. Nea sighed. "..." Then, she reached out to pull Ali close in a sudden hug, smiling with amusement as she did. "Is my daughter really worrying over a little intimacy with her mother? Ali, you know I'll love you no matter what. I will admit that this is... all very different, but you know odd families are the norm nowadays. This doesn't change anything between us." With her piece said, the older woman let go of her daughter, and moved to have the car adjust their seats.

Once that was done, Nea opened her Holophone and opened up a message, revealing a copy of the mission list shown to Ali before. Some of the missions were crossed out. "I'll do you a solid and forward whatever you're taking to the bot, since I dragged you out here and had my way with you." Technically it was more the other way, but Nea apparently thought the joke was funnier that way. "Which of these were you planning on taking? Don't pick the doctor's request."

A smile crosses her face and relief floods her as Nea says nothing has changed. At the very least that means everything's good. She somewhat wishes things had changed on other ways, but she'll take this over the terrible few seconds where she fucked everything up. She kinda wishes that they were at home rather than on the clock so they could just chill and her mom would be in her much better looking casual wear, but needs must. "I think I'll take the mission about fucking up some idiots who thought they could pull one over on our people. Since the doctor one is off the table." She raised an eyebrow when her mother said she was the one who was seduced, but she decides to just let that comment go without a comment. If she has a rather smug look on her face, however... well, her mother isn't likely to say anything about it so long as Ali doesn't call her out on her BS.

"What's wrong with the doctor's one anyway? I saw it had the potential to get you hurt, but so does beating the shit outta guys who attacked a store."

Nea nodded, closing out the email and tapping a few holographic buttons on her device. "Bartolomeo is an intelligent man... he's brilliant. But, he has strange proclivities that I'd rather my daughter not be the victim of under any circumstances, or else I'd have to seriously harm our family with the permanent loss of his brilliant brain." The matter of fact tone she spoke in was the same she always did. Nea wasn't always the higher up official that didn't have to get her hands dirty. She was on the streets once, too, and Ali knew her mother had no qualms getting back to it if she had to.

Her Holophone dinged a moment later, signifying that the message was sent. "Alright. It'll take a moment for Georgius to confirm it, but the job's yours. Now I'd love to drive you over to where you need to be, but Old Pullman's too far from the office for me to get back in a timely manner. The best I can do is drop you off and let you take it from there."

Ali's other eyebrow raises to join the first. She... doesn't like the sound of that at all. She doesn't know what this dude gets up to, but if it's so bad that her mom is willing to murder someone for practicing it on her, it's gotta be really fucking bad. If she had any inclination to do that job before, it's been completely wiped out of her now. Let some other fuck take that kind of damage or get some kind probe shoved up their ass or whatever it is this guy does! With a shudder, Ali just nods. "Yeah, if it's that bad, I'm fine taking a pass on that. Don't sound like fun even if it sounded like easy credits."

She nods her head to acknowledge the job is sent and that she can't get dropped off at her destination. "Yeah, I got ya. Go do important gang things then." She says with a smirk.

"Yes. I will. Very important gang things, like sending rookies out on death missions to see who's good and who's not." That was partially not a joke. One of Nea's jobs is managing the new recruits, amongst talent-seeking and other such things. She indeed does send some people to die on their jobs. Most typically the ones she hates most. "Now, buckle up. I can still take you part of the way." Nea shifted gears and pulled out of the parking spot she parked in. Soon enough, they were driving on the road down to Old Pullman, where Ali's job would be taking her.

Of course Nea wouldn't drive her too far. True to word, she was pulling up to the curb around the edge of the Belmont, right near a bus stop for her daughter's convenience. "This is as far as I can drive you. You'll have to go the rest of the way on your own, Ali."

Ali just shrugs her shoulders at Nea's flippant statement. It's not like what her mom does is new or anything. And she thinks of it as the ultimate in natural selection. After all, if you piss off the woman in charge of your assignments, you kind of deserve whatever she throws at you. And if you survive, maybe you'll learn your lesson and not do it again.Then again, some of them are testosterone-fueled idiots who hear "single, pretty woman" and think "She must want the D!". And some idiots never stop thinking that until either Nea sends them to their death or Ali removes their testicles so they stop thinking with them. Meh, at least if they survive that, they pretty much have proven they won't get murdered by Ali herself.

While she contemplates, she buckles in and lets Nea take her as far as her mother is willing to. When her destination is a bus stop, she doesn't mind. It's one of the many ways to get around after all. Just having one is easier to track after all. "Well, I'll probably catch you before we get sent off to fuck all nowhere, so I'll catch ya then. Thanks and later!" And says as she gives Nea a kiss on the cheek and hopping out of the car. Now she supposes she just has to wait for that damn bus to show up. Worst part of public transit after all.

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She wouldn't have to wait too long, thankfully. The Matera Meteor bus was soon pulling up to the side and opening its door, letting Ali step on board and ride it to her next destination, which was Old Pullman. The bus wouldn't take her all the way there, though, since none of the public transportation services really liked heading out past the walls of Matera. It was one of those places where the police didn't focus on policing. While there was some presence of protection, they only came in the form of the CopyCops and there was otherwise no real law enforcement. Small, petty crimes were the norm around there, as the people were poor and desperate. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they'd rip the tires from the bus and sell them.

So basically, Ali had to walk the rest of the way after the bus stopped at the gate. "You be careful 'round there, miss. You know those people act like savages." The bus driver offered a brief word of warning before he turned and pulled off, leaving Alisaie alone. She turned and got to walking, passing by the security check at the gate with ease (it was low security, just a bot that scanned for facial recognition) and entering into the district proper. Ali could see the expected and noticeable drop in quality in the architecture after she passed through the gate.

As poor as Old Pullman was in the place that it was, the district couldn't afford proper housing, so all of the buildings were simple shacks made of metal, some rusted and with holes or bent out of shape. The windows either had cracked glass panes or were entirely missing glass, and the road was old and covered in dirt. Dead trees grew through some buildings and around the area, completing the desolate look offered by the vast emptiness of the world Old Pullman was located in. Outside the walls of Matera, the natural scenery was all ruined from the war, leaving dry, cracked land with holes and without grass nor other plant life. The people of Old Pullman have only ever known this depressing desolation all their lives, and no one had ever made an effort to save them from this hell and bring them into the beauty of the city. Not even Matera's new mayor, Edina, who practically re-branded herself as an angel.

But that's just life. It had nothing to do with her or her job. Ali got the message on her Holo, so she knew exactly where she had to go to find her targets. She just had to pass through the streets and keep an eye out. No doubt there'd be a few opportunists who'd try to rob her.

[The Message]
Recipient: Alisaie Romano
Sender: ??

One of the gangsters was tagged during their escape, so you'll only need to download the attachment in this message to see where they are on your map. There should be 4 targets. Our client specifically wanted them dead, but that's not a priority so much as a preference.

Your tasks;
Find the 4 gangsters.
Hurt them. Make it as painful as you'd like.

You will be paid ₡700 the moment the job's completion is confirmed. Thank you for your cooperation. This message will automatically delete itself upon the closing of this tab.

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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby CondorBoH » Thu Aug 22, 2019 7:10 am

"Hey, its worth a shot right?"
For the record it was, but plans this bad never worked out in the end. Rose gave a grunt as she hit the ground, bracing her fall with an arm on the driveway to minimise the damage to herself. Then a weight hit her in the gut and the air left her lungs. She managed to stifle a growl and the swears that would have followed directed at the little pyromaniac. Looking down, Charli looked like she was enjoying herself there. With a huff, the amazon shoved her off and stood up.
"Whatever, whatever. I'll just try it myself. How bloody hard is it to climb a wall anyway?"

Rose walked up to the wall under the balcony and started looking for handholds or anything that could hold her weight long enough for her to grab onto the overhanging ledge. With a twinge of annoyance she realised that yeah, the pyro was right. She was pretty heavy, even if most of it was muscle.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby lilbooth » Mon Aug 26, 2019 5:59 pm

Olivia was quick to stir once she awoke. The pitch darkness was very worrying. It was never dark in the city, never! True darkness was a luxury. The city that never slept always had a faint glow about it in the evening hours. The nakedness, cuffs, and shackles were her next largest concern. "I thought this job was going to get a little kinky but not this kinky." She said out into the darkness. "Henrietta you down here too?" She asked peering around trying to see if she could locate her fellow family member. Olivia was still calm despite the current situation, they were locked up tight with none of their gear and totally at the mercy of this strange sisterhood. "Whatya think she meant by showing us a greater meaning for our existence? Don't sound quite right to me." She said as she tugged at the shackles a bit.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby exalted » Tue Aug 27, 2019 12:38 pm

Jenny yelped in fright as she felt the hands suddenly grab her hips and yank her back. Over balanced and nearly tumbling forwards on to her face, her hands desperately scrabbled for anything for support to stop her from falling until they made contact with the slightly raised section of the tunnel bottom. It was enough to stop her from falling, but kept her overbalanced and unable to recover with her head down and bum up. Normally she would just drop to her knees to return her center of balance but with how the man held her she was stuck and at his mercy.

With horror, she looked between her legs up at him and saw he had already dropped his pants, his disgusting and filthy cock rubbing against her jeans covered ass. While yes, this was at least kinda better than what happened on the Maltese, and she had wanted to fuck someone else so she could at least say her last time wasn't with some genetic super freak when she died on the prison break... this guy? Nuh uh, no way, she was not fucking some disgusting and smelly homeless guy!

"Gah! Get off me creep!" she hissed between her legs at him.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Sep 01, 2019 8:36 pm

"Fuck" Henrietta said as woke up in bondage. Henrietta was no stranger to BDSM. For the right price and if she was in the mood, she was down for anything. But as far as she knew, she wasn't getting paid for this. And she was in no mood to be locked up in someone's sex dungeon.

Hearing Olivia's voice, Henrietta started to rustle her chains the best she could to draw her attention. "Yea, I'm over here. Where ever here is." Henrietta said as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. "You never know with these religious types" Henrietta said, responding to Olivia's question "Either they're gonna bore us to death with a sermon or brainwash us so we become part of the flock" Henrietta said with a bit of mockery. "All I know is when I get my hands on that bitch, I'll make her regret not killing us out right." She said with a devilish grin.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Sep 08, 2019 2:20 am

She's not sure if it's because she's still floating on cloud nine because of finally getting to be with her mother or if public transit decided not to be a piece of shit today, but the wait for the bus doesn't seem to take long at all. She uses the ride to pull herself together. Yes, she just bedded the most beautiful woman in the world, but she's on the clock right now. More than that, she's headed towards a part of town even The Scarlet Letter rarely bothered to play in because of just how terrible it is. Walking around with her head in the cloud is the best way to ensure she gets everything on her person snatched and her chastity (she has to restrain a small snicker at that thought. Her, chaste. Ha!) ruined. Repeatedly. In every hole. She gives the driver a smirk as she gets off the bus. She doesn't bother saying something like "Sounds like my kind of people" or something else cheesy like that, but she's literally walking in there to murder a few people. She doesn't think she really needs the warning.

The almost decaying architecture isn't a surprise. This is the place so stagnant that the pigs don't even feel the need to help it along in its stillness. The people within it are too selfish to prop up the district as a whole with their ill-gotten gains and said gains are too pathetic to do much with it anyway. Barely enough to net most people a decent bite to eat, much less make this look less like a shit hole. This really is all a fancy way of saying no fucking shit this place looks like the city representation of someone's crack whore auntie. Even an angel couldn't make something out of this shit. It'd take a full on Goddess to make this something to be proud of and the world's been outta those for a long ass time. She doubts the so called Angel of Matera could convince them to move out even if she tried. The light of the city would be nothing be burning to the eyes of scum who have spent their whole lives in the dark. All it'd do is bring their darkness into her "clean" little city. Nevermind both the Romanos and the Alfonsis operate out of them so the city is about as clean as a set of gangbanged cunt, throwing the assholes from here into the mix would be like adding AIDS.

But it's whatever. Not her problem. Her problem are the 4 assholes hiding out in here. 4 assholes that, according to her mission directive, she's allowed to kill as painfully as possible. She doesn't even have to kill them, just hurt them as badly as possible. A psychotic grin spreads across her face and she can feel laughter bubbling up from the depths of her black soul. She's glad she listened to her mother and grabbed this job. There isn't much else that allows her to act with no limits and no consequences! It's a few minutes before she calms down enough to stop laughing and focus on the job at hand. Her bloodlust boils over and demands satisfaction immediately. She makes her way to the closes target, her hands alternating between her knife and her gun. Oh, she's going to have so much FUN!
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby Blue56 » Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:11 am

Try as she might, Hal couldn't keep a look of disgust from slowly creeping onto her face as she felt the man's sweat slicked hand against her own. Sure, her shades could hide the grossed out look in her eyes, but there was no force on earth that would stop her lips from curling downwards into a disdainful frown. Okay, so maybe this particular business method of hers had it's downsides. "R-right..." She muttered, wiping her own hand on his shoulder before turning to follow Carmen back outside. "Might wanna do something about that. Nice stiff drink to calm your nerves maybe? You'll have a heart attack next time we come around at this rate, pal. Anywho, take care and get your shit together." Hal's friendly smile returned somewhat as she gave the poor man a wave and headed out the door, more than happy to have that over and done with.

"Oh trust me, he was plenty wet..." Hal replies, grinning back at Carmen as she walks over to the car and gets back in the driver seat. She didn't find that whole situation nearly as amusing as the bartender seemed to, but seeing Hal couldn't help but chuckle a little herself hearing her burst out into laughter like this. "Heh... Girl, you even had me fooled with that eye thing. If this gangster stuff ain't workin' out for you, you'd make a killer poker player with those kinds of bluffing skills." Hal jokes, starting up the car and driving off towards their next destination. "We oughta do this more often, putting the screws to a poor sap like that was a lot more fun than I was expecting." At first, that guy had just pissed Hal off. Someone like him wasn't generally worth her time, but something about the way she and Carmen had played off of each other to make him crumble had been oddly satisfying. Their next job of a simple pick up didn't seem like it would offer such an opportunity for enjoyment, but catching a movie on the way... Well, it's not like she had anything better to do today anyway. She would probably just be getting trashed back home if it weren't for this. "Blade Runner? I don't really get out to the movies often, so I can't say I've heard of that one. But sure, if we've got the time, I don't mind checking it out. Hell, maybe the Boss gives you these easy jobs so you can get out from behind the bar every once in awhile." She had never had the spare cash to go see movies as a kid after all, and now that she had it, there never seemed to be enough time. This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity after all, since she was probably gonna die in Saudi Arabia tomorrow, so Hal might as well go for it. Worse come to worse, she had a flask of whiskey in her glove box she could use to make sure she had a good time regardless of how much she would like this movie.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby mrblah » Fri Oct 04, 2019 4:50 am

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"..." His wide-eyed look was his reply to her demands, and he did seem to stop doing anything further as he seemed to... wait. For something. "Girl, you really ain't gonna try anything else? Y'just gonna say... 'Stop,' and think I will?" He chuckled, his voice lilting in amusement as he resumed grinding his bare cock against her ass. "Hehahaha! Lookie here, eh? If you wanted me to stop, you'd try something a little more than that! Yer just playing hard to get... but I can tell you're just beggin' for a good fuck, huh??" His wrinkled hands reached for the hem of her jeans, and he roughly grabbed hold of them, pulling them off and back in an attempt to be rid of them. He barely managed to pull them out of the way, revealing the driver's preferred taste in panties and shapely rear, which he was delighted to fondle and slap as he wished. "Don't worry, I'm a quick shot so ya won't miss your job or whatever foolin' around with me! Lemme just blow a few loads in and..." His hand was playing along the hem of her underwear.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

[Strength check; Difficult. Rosella = 16.]

Heavy though she may be, Rose was able to find a few good footholds along the wall and was able to climb up to the balcony, though this left her pyromaniac partner down at ground level. Charli tried to follow her despite her aching body and wounds, trying to follow the same path Rose took to get up. Unfortunately, she was still far too hurt to get anywhere further, and she dropped down to the ground with an 'Ouch!' [Charli takes 2 damage!] "Urgh... I don't think I can climb that..." The girl whined as she brought herself to sit up slowly, nursing her head. "Alright, I'll have to go through the front door then. Big boobs! When I charge in and beat everyone down, you come from behind and hit them too! THE PLAN IS A GO!" And again, despite her wounds, the pyromaniac bounced back on her feet and charged head first into the fray, shouting out a battle scream as she forced her way through the front door.


Moments later, the sound of gunfire could be heard. [Luck check; Difficult. Charli = 15.] On the bright side, this might help distract some of them while Rose gets in.


Mark3000 and lilbooth
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Their conversation was interrupted as the sound of a metal door being pulled open cut through the background silence. Click, click, click... two pairs of footsteps grew closer to the cages they were in, and as they grew more audible, the sound of something less harsh slapping against the stone flooring alerted them to the third pair of footsteps. "Mm... hm..." They could hear something that sounded like faint grunting, as if someone were struggling just to move.

Finally, the pair of guards came into sight, carrying a naked and injured woman with them. She limped helplessly, grunting audibly as they roughly pulled her into a cell adjacent from the gangsters and threw her in. Her cell doors shut close with a metallic boom, and the following 'click' seemed to conclude the business of the guards as they turned to leave without so much as a peep, leaving the three naked woman alone... why was she unshackled?

"Damn... it." They could barely hear her voice as she struggled to sit up, pushing against the ground with a pained noise as her body struggled against her intents. She slapped the ground with her bare hand, and pushed herself to sit against the wall, panting with exertion as she did. "..." It was hard to see her face nor the expression she had. She hadn't so much as glanced their way as she simply sat there.

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Her Holophone's GPS had a marker leading her directly to where she knew her target would be, so it was no trouble heading through the area, passing deeper into Old Pullman. She had to keep an eye out for the more opportunistic or creepier of the poverty-stricken people as she proceeded—just as she expected, the people of the district all had their eyes on her for one reason or another. She was clearly an outsider so some of those gazes were simply a wary curiosity, but many of them looked at her as if she were a piece of meat, but most worrying were the gazes she absolutely couldn't understand on any level. Those belonged to the crazies who were too far gone.

[Charisma check; Difficult. Alisaie = 14.] Ali had to head off road and pass through a few alleys to get to her destination. This lead her away from the more open area to more closed in spaces, which wasn't exactly ideal considering the place she was in. She turned a corner to head down another alley—and something much smaller than her met her turn with the speed of someone clearly running away from something. [Perception V Agility contest; Alisaie = 9. ??? = 14.] The short person fell to the ground without so much as a whimper. They kept their head down, allowing their long and shaggy hair to cover their face as they quickly stood up and ran past her... "Hold it!" Shortly after, a group of similarly sized kids ran after the one she bumped into, waving their fists in the air as they tried to catch them. Looks like someone's making enemies. Regardless of whatever was just happening, she still had a job to do. Ali continued on to her target's whereabouts, and she would arrive shortly after this incident.

It was a rundown house like all the others, with rusty scrapped metal fortifying the walls, broken windows, and a misshapen roof with an obvious gaping hole. The wooden door was crooked and broken to the point of being unusable, yet it was kept in its frame as if it would really deter someone determined enough to break in. Ali's Holophone told her that this was the exact place. The marker was right over the empty space this building occupied. It was time to get to work, now how will she approach this?

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"I might be good at bluffing but I've got damn awful luck. I'd be the only one to get near Flushes every hand." Carmen chuckled as she composed herself. "But you might be right... so with that thought in mind, he'd have no problem with us catching a movie! Blade Runner's super good so you're gonna like it, promise." She started the car, kicking it in reverse before she pulled out and drove off down to Times Square. "I don't wanna bring you out somewhere and have you pay cash for it so I'll pay for your ticket, but if you wanna make it up to me and my light wallet I like large popcorn with extra butter~"

One drive later... and they were soon pulling into the parking lot of the closest NMC theatre, snagging a spot close to the entrance for a shorter walk. Which would be helpful, as a quick check on the road proved that the next showing was in 4 minutes, hence why Carmen was quick to disengage the magnetic lock on the car and rush out of it. "I don't wanna miss even the previews so we gotta rush quick Hal!" She locked the door once the other woman left the car, and with her vehicle secure, there was nothing stopping her from making a beeline towards the door and barging in with Hal in tow.

The duo quickly exchanged currency for the necessary tickets and other, then fast walked right into their theater where the movie was only a few moments... from starting the previews. "Whew... we made it. Sorry for rushing, I just think seeing what's upcoming is part of the experience, y'know?" God knows why. Carmen and Hal headed up to the furthest seats in the place based on Carmen's insistence, and only once they were properly seated in the plush cushioned seats of the movie theater did it start in full. With, again, the previews.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:19 am

With the sounds of movement in the adjacent cell, Henrietta quieted down for a moment. It didn't take long for their third cellmate to appear. She looked the girl over. She looked like she had been through the ringer and back. If they were planning the same thing for her, Henrietta wasn't a fan.

Waiting until she couldn't hear the footsteps of the guards, The busty madam tried to get the injured woman's attention. "Hey, You." Henrietta whispered in a rather aggressive manor. "You up? If so we could really use a bit of info. Like 'where are we' and 'what the fuck happened to you'"
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby lilbooth » Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:07 am

"Give her a minute hun. She looks like she' s not doing well." Olivia Said trying to calm Henrietta down. "We got people that know where we went and at what time. UG can track us, well at least our phones If we've been here more than a night or so I'd bet someone is going to come looking. That being said, anything you can tell us would be great. You got a name? Let's start with names, I'm Olivia Alfonsi, who might you be dear?" She asked out into the darkness. She was thin but didn't look malnourished, so either she was a pretty new arrival herself or they were feeding her. The strain for her to sit up could be plenty of things, she was injured all over from what Olivia could tell, but they were likely, not life-threatening. Torture was the first thing that came to mind, either that or punishment or penance or whatever name the cult had given it. Why was she being held next to her and Henrietta? Was there not enough space in this facility to store her elsewhere? Or was she placed her intentionally? They would need to proceed with caution.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby Blue56 » Mon Oct 28, 2019 11:59 pm

"Well, that's a damn shame ain't it? Guess you'll just have to work hard like the rest of us. Heh." Hal replied with a chuckle of her own. Truth be told, she wasn't really one for gambling either. Given the way her life had gone thus far, Hal had always just assumed that her luck would be shitty, and quite frankly her love of money made it so she would rather it stay safely with her than risk parting so foolishly from it. "You got the tickets and I got the concessions then? That sounds fair to me. Let's get movin then, yeah?"

Their drive to the theater is relatively quick and uneventful, even more so once Hal looks up the movie showing and finds out it starts soon, causing Carmen to really step on the gas. It was at this point that Hal started to realize what she had gotten into and just how seriously Carmen took her movie going experience. She scarcely had time to shut the door once they arrived at the theater before she found herself practically dragged through the door. As agreed upon, Hal left getting the tickets to Carmen and headed straight to the concession stand t- HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT WERE THESE PRICES?! Hal was very experienced in recognizing highway robbery since that was how she had made her fortune and infamy until just recently, and this made her look straight up generous by comparison. She didn't know how much the tickets were, but it seemed pretty likely that Carmen was getting the better end of this deal. Still, a deal was a deal, and it wasn't like Hal was hard up or anything at the moment. It was painful but, she went ahead and bought a large popcorn for Carmen and some "cheap" candy for herself, as well as a pair of slushies for the two. She had flask of whiskey in her suit pocket that she knew would go great with blue raspberry.

Her purchase made, Hal joined Carmen and made her way to their seats. She had never considered that the farthest seats back would be the best, but if Carmen said so, then Hal wasn't sure how she could even begin to argue at this point. "Hey, no harm done pal. Hell, maybe one of these will get me excited to come back and watch something else." Hal reassures the bartender with a laugh, handing over her popcorn once they're seated. "Got a special ingredient for these slushies, if you're interested." She says holding up her flask before pouring herself a generous portion of whiskey and taking a swig. Yup, that was the good shit alright. With that handled, Hal sat back and relaxed and prepared to enjoy the show as best she could.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby MiscChaos » Sat Nov 02, 2019 12:46 am

Ali grabs her knife and holds it closer to her as she passes through the area. She doesn't like the looks she's getting around here and those are just the ones she gets. She wonders if those would have been here if she didn't become the Scarlet Letter and everything that came with that choice. She don't know and she don't care to know, she just know she don't like it. Her thought process is halted when some kid runs into her and keeps it moving. Moving quickly since he seems like he's being chased. Still, she knows this game so she pats herself down to see if she's just been pickpocketed. If she has... well, she knows where her destination is. It'll still be there if she has to make a detour. The kid, however, is gonna get further and further away the longer this goes and, well, you can't maintain respect around here if people know they can just take what they want from you. She doesn't know how often she'll come around here, but she needs, at the very least, a reputation for not being robbed if she's gonna survive.

If she doesn't have to chase a kid down and beat him within an inch of his life, then she'll head to her destination. And be utterly unsurprised by the condition of the shitty house in this shitty area. Man, there are so many ways to get into this place it's almost hilarious. She almost wants to just break down the door and see what shakes out. Still, that could be a bad idea if her targets have friends. 3 people, she can possibly deal with. If she gets lucky. 7 people? Not a chance in hell. Probably a better idea to pop in through the roof and get the chance to scope things out. Everyone's still gonna die, but only the last dude dies horribly and in great pain to satisfy her bloodlust. The others can die only somewhat painfully in a quiet way that gets them out of her way so she can get the rest. ...fuck it, she know she's lying to herself. Everyone dies horribly. It's just how quietly she can deliver the terrible deaths and how quick she can do it.
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