Magnadimension Neptunia: Nation of Fragile Faith Re;Birth IC

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Magnadimension Neptunia: Nation of Fragile Faith Re;Birth IC

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Wed Jul 03, 2019 4:55 am

Chapter 1: The Wreckage of Your Life

Holly Rosaria/Kitty
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When Holly woke up that morning, she was given a message from the village elder, informing her that they're running out of food and she's needed to go hunt for more. The message would go on to say that she should bring back as much as she can, due to winter soon arriving, when food would be far more scare due to gardens freezing over. Though, her village often wouldn't get much from the gardens, due to Crusaders destroying what little they have.

She would go about her morning routine, before setting off into the woods to hunt. As she travels through her village, towards the woods, she would be reminded of what a sorry state their village is forced to live in, the various housing being thatch-roofed domiciles constructed from unbaked brick, and even those that they did have weren't nearly enough. People often died from disease, or were taken away by the Crusaders, by order of the Inquisition, often for no reason at all The huts they were forced to live in were usually incomplete, due to the Inquisition's Crusaders coming to destroy what little they had in terms of housing, forcing them to rebuild it all anew.

As Holly travels through the woods, however, she soon feels a strange force, tugging her deeper into the woods. As if a ghostly hand had reached into her body, and began gently pulling her heart beyond the trees, and to the river. It felt as though destiny was calling, and she couldn't bring herself to say no.

When Holly arrives at the river, a place that was heavily polluted by the Inquisition, the fish slowly dying and the water having become an odd yellow color, she discovers an object which looks like a crimson disk, sticking out of a rock. The object glowed with a red light, which seemed to draw her towards it.

Upon touching the disk, the typical modified potato sack that all villagers tended to wear would immediately be replaced with a hooded white dress, black stockings, gray shoes, and a veil with a rose on it. Additionally, she felt overwhelming power coursing through her body. With this overwhelming power came the knowledge that she must now rule, as it was her destiny. Immediately after her transformation, information began filling her mind at a dizzying rate, Holly suddenly became acutely aware of numerous facts that were previously unknown, it felt as though everything she once knew was replaced with an encyclopedia of the unknown.

Priscilla Commons/Misc
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After Priscilla had gone through her morning routine, she suddenly got the worst headache she had ever felt, before the pain left her just as suddenly as it had started. The instant the pain was gone, she could feel a tugging on her heart... or deeper, a tugging on her soul. This tugging was not just a longing, but a powerful force that made her feel as though she MUST make her way out into the nearby woods, as if her destiny had suddenly begun and could not be stopped by any physical force one could conceive of.

The force brought Priscilla out of her thatch-roofed domicile made from unbaked brick, out under a sky that was black and gray whether it was day or night, which never showed the sun or stars, though the elders would tell people that it once did, and down the dusty road, which had not been made with gravel or paving of any kind, such an undertaking required resources that the inquisition did not allow them to have, all resources used by the village had to be found in the area, and even then, it was very frequently confiscated by the Crusaders.

The force brought Priscilla off the dirt path and away from the mud huts, away from the village and into woods. Walking through the lines of shriveled gray, mostly dead and dying husks that the villagers called trees, and through the dry, brown, brittle growths that the villagers called grass, Priscilla eventually came upon a Violet Disk, sticking out of a rock, in the middle of a clearing. Around the disk, the grass was green, lilacs grew from the ground, and the trees were thick, leaves actually growing from the branches, something that was an anomaly, even to the village elders.

The disk radiated a purple light, and seemed to call directly to Priscilla, and nobody else. Gazing upon the disk, Priscilla could see visions of her leading a great and powerful nation reflected upon the surface. She could see better life for herself and what would be her people. She could hear the disk calling to her and telling her that her destiny started here, the empty life she had been living up to this moment was a past life, her true life is that of a Goddess.

Reaching out and touching the Disk, she would be bathed in a purple light as her modified potato sack that she had been wearing, just like any other villager, was replaced with white, gray, and violet dress with a violet ribbon, a pair fishnet stockings, and black shoes. Her body was flooded with overwhelming power that she had never felt before. Her mind was suddenly flooded with immense knowledge that she could never have fathomed before, as if her mind had suddenly become an index of infinite hidden facts that no one human could have ever known.

Daphne Strauss/Blue
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Daphne was in the midst of returning from a bit of mercenary work, walking along the dirt road, beneath the sky which was always gray and black regardless of the day or night, past rows of shriveled and dying things which passed as trees and grass, the yellow liquid with dying fish in it, which passed as water, and the numerous thatch-roofed domiciles constructed from unbaked brick that passed as houses and buildings, when suddenly she felt a tugging in her soul, and her mind began to scream. The scream within her mind caused immense pain, but it carried a message which informed Daphne that her true destiny was about to begin, the scream itself sounding as though it was Daphne telling this to herself.

The tugging would bring Daphne directly towards the water that she was passing, and directly through it, into the disgusting water until she had sunk to the bottom, and back out of it onto the bank, then into the woods beyond, where the brittle weeds which she walked through snapped on contact. The trek through the withered woods would take her through a dense black fog, which made it difficult to breath, and into a large clearing.

In this clearing, the fog surrounded the area, but would not enter, the grass was green and alive, and the trees were full and actually grew leaves. In the center was a large boulder, with an azure disk jutting out of the top, emitting a blue light which called out to Daphne. Gazing into the surface of the disk, Daphne could see visions reflected, visions of a nation which she ruled, worshipping her immense and unparalleled power. The Disk called out to her through the visions, it sounded as if Daphne were telling herself that this is her real destiny, and that the life she had been leading up to now wasn't even a tiny fraction of what she was truly capable of, screaming at her to become her true self, which she was always meant to be.

When she reaches out and touches the disk, she would be bathed in a blue light, her modified potato sack that served as her clothing being replaced with an orange and black jumpsuit with a black top beneath, black straps around her thighs, neck, and wrists, as well as fingerless gloves. Her body was overflowing with limitless power, and her mind was immediately filled with seemingly endless knowledge, knowledge of things which no human could have ever known, as if it was given a hidden index of the secrets of the universe.

Beli Odyss/Blah
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The final base for The Defiance was a large thatch-roofed domicile, made from unbaked brick, in the middle of a dense wood. Much like every other area, the trees here were shriveled up gray husks, and the grass was similarly shriveled and brittle. Running through the middle of the base was a yellow river full of dead fish, much like every other river Beli had ever known. The remaining members were sitting around a large rock, in a back room, discussing what they can expect from the Inquisition's Crusaders next, how they had just finished mopping up the only other base just an hour ago, how the Crusaders would likely be on their way here the next day.

This is, of course, when the silver battering ram of a Crusader Squad busted down a wall in the next room, with a loud crash. As the sounds of wood-armored The Defiance members screamed out their last breaths as they died, the members around the boulder gasped and began to panic, they were most certainly not prepared for an assault this early, and their plans, scraped out into mud on a wooden frame was immediately forgotten, as the Crusaders broke into the room, blades in hand. The Crusaders were clad in their typical armor, a light blue cloth, dangling from the front of their armor, the rest of their body covered from head to toe in silver plate, with glowing blue markings on the chest, arms, and feet, and one in the shape of a cross in the front of their helmet. They were wielding swords of the same metal, with rings build into their cross guards.

The Crusaders didn't offer them a chance for surrender, and they were far from intimidated by the out-gunned and out-manned The Defiance, Beli was forced to watch as each member fought bravely, only to die at the hands of a Crusader. Not a single Crusader was lost that day, all The Defiance had in terms of armaments was stone weaponry.

One of the Crusaders found Beli in the corner of the room, and as he began to approach, she heard a strange noise calling out to her from behind her, through the wall. She couldn't repeat what it was saying, but she understood it all the same, it told her that now was not the time for her to die, only for her previous life to end. The Crusader grabbed her by the through, and rather than run her through as he had with the previous members of The Defiance, the Crusader instead was oddly compelled to slam her through the wall behind her, crushing it to bits along with several of her bones.

The attack sent her tumbling across the ground, until she slammed into a boulder. While she was dazed and confused, as well as barely capable of basic movements, she was compelled to turn her body to face the boulder she had struck, despite the Crusaders beginning to make their way out of the former base, and towards her grievously wounded body. What she saw behind her, sticking out from the boulder, was a Jet Black disk, emitting a light that was blacker than the darkest night. The light compelled her to reach out for it, and reflected on the surface of the disk were visions of her leading a great nation, of people worshipping her, calling her Goddess. Upon touching the Disk, she was bathed in a black light, her bits of wood armor and potato sack clothing were replaced with a pair of black jean shorts and a white hoodie, her body was not only suddenly healed, but she could feel overwhelming power flowing through her body. Her mind was immediately filled with vast knowledge, including what felt like the secrets of a universe that nobody could have even begun to understand.

Upon turning to face the approaching Crusaders, she saw that they were retreating, one of them yelling at the others that they were told nothing of a CPU.

Upon returning to the structure she had been thrown out of, she would find Ralph on the floor, slowly bleeding out from the wounds sustained from the Crusader attack, not only with his guts spilling out of his body, but with a stab wound through the left side of his chest.

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Re: Magnadimension Neptunia: Nation of Fragile Faith Re;Birt

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:01 am

"Ugh. That's the last time I drink whatever that shit was. Mouth tastes like fuckin' death." Priscilla, otherwise known as PC, mutters to herself, slight headache from whatever the fuck that stuff was. What did Samantha say it was? "Shit-tastic Sake?" Who the hell comes up with the idea of making alcohol out of rice anyway? For that matter, how the hell did they make alcohol, period? She isn't too savvy, but she thought that shit took tools and shit. The best tools they have is made out of fuckin' stone. Maybe that's why it was utter garbage? The taste of rocks invading the brew? Meh, the fuck ever, she just knows she's not doing it again. She pulls herself out of the pile of coarse cloths she calls a bed and grabs her dress. It's just as rough as her bed, but it's all she's got so it's whatever. She needs to get a new one soon though as one has tears in it from the latest dust up she had. Her protection ring has paid out in spades, it really has, but when she gets called on to push a wild animal out of town by herself since the rest of the gang is spread through town, she really has second thoughts about not just mugging people. Eh, too deep in this shit now. Pulling out would just make those under her suffer.

Before she can really contemplate what she should do with her day, she feels a throb go through her head that makes the hangover from the shitty sake seem like a mental massage. Thankfully it's brief, but it has her look around for if someone's lamped her in the back of the head or something. Probably for the best she doesn't find anyone since she sleeps naked and if someone managed to make their way in here, they'd have gotten a show she was not ready to give. Then she feels a pull. A pull like someone is trying to share the juiciest secret or lead her somewhere private to "thank" her for her service. Only a thousand times more persistent. "Well, instinct has never steered me wrong so far." She says with a shrug. It wasn't like she had plans anyway. Well, maybe she would have gone by May's house to see if she was in the mood, but that can still happen later. Probably. If the bitch isn't already dick deep in someone else. She has second thoughts, but she can tell the tug in her soul would annoy her while she's trying to get laid so ignoring it would probably be a very poor idea. With a sigh, she walks out into the... is it morning? Noon? Night? Fuck, she can never tell and only the really old people have those "watch" or "clock" things that would tell them. They aren't that reliable anyway since they all seem to say a different time and the elders can never agree which one's right. Whatever, she walks out and lets the instinct pull her to wherever she needs to go, grabbing her broken but still serviceable naginata. It's not as sharp as it could be and there's very clearly pieces that used to be there that isn't anymore, but it's gotten her through a shit ton of rough scrapes so she trusts it. Armed and ready, she walks out into the wilderness.

When the tug pulls her off the dirt and into the woods, she suppresses a wince. The grass and roots of the forest never agreed with her feet and the village currently doesn't have the resources to make cloth shoes to make traveling across the dead, dry grass and brittle roots any less painful. With a sigh, she resigns herself to her fate and walks forward. "Ouch, ouch, ouch." She constantly mutters under her breath as the sharper fragments manage to cut through the toughened hide of her feet. Not enough to draw blood, but more than enough to make her uncomfortable. She's glad the force doesn't make her climb any trees. As hungry as they are, they're really only good for kindling since they're too weak for any kind of respectable weapon or armor. She's glad when her journey is completed and she finds... she's not sure what the hell that is. She knows it glows purple, it's circular, and it's weird, but that's about it. Still, it calls to her, filling her with visions of a nation far more than the collection of mud and dead forests that she knows. A beautiful nation of metal and high technology where only the truly lazy live like she grew up. With the promise that her people would be happy and safe... well, worse case scenario she's gone nuts and none of this is happening anyway. So what does she lose grabbing the thing? There's a sense of finality as she touches the glowing thing, like her life as she knew it is over and a new chapter has just begun.

She doesn't have time to dwell on it for long as she's swallowed by a purple light and she draws her naginata as her fight or flight reflex kicks in. But nothing happens. Her dress changes before her eyes, replacing itself with clothing much fancier than she's ever worn before. It's softer too, feeling like it's caressing her skin after a lifetime of wearing rough clothes made from the sacks the Inquisition delivers potatoes in. Her legs feel supremely odd as cloth covers that too. She's never known what "socks" or "stockings" are, so having them cover her legs suddenly is going to take a lot of getting used to. Her skin's not getting beaten up by the sun anymore though so that's a plus she guesses. She jumps up and yelps as she feels something hard cover her feet. While she's wearing them, she can't feel the grass under her feet at all! Are these what shoes are actually supposed to be like!? She could kick down one of the trees around her and not even feel it! She's not sure what she's wearing and she's even less sure about where it came from, but she knows she likes it. A lot. It's leagues above what she was wearing before and some part of her mind that was created when she touched that... disk, her mind tells her, informs her this garb is much more fitting for a Goddess.

A Goddess!? Her!? She almost feels like laughing at the thought. Aren't those supposed to be benevolent being who do no wrong or some shit? She's a fuckin' gang leader who went on to become the closest thing to a leader of a militia her village is gonna see! She literally started protecting people because it got her and her people more food and shit than robbing them did. She's not a good person. Not remotely. She literally just got done doing with a bender last night where she can't remember everything she did! With a sigh, she just lets it go. They want someone like her to be a Goddess? Fine. She'll be a Goddess. She'll be one in her own way. That means her people come first, her wants come first, and by... well, her, if she finds someone she wants to fuck, she's getting fucking laid! The world better be fucking ready for what she's bringing to it. But first she needs to sort through all the shit she just learned from the Disc. That means going home, she guesses. Following the path she took to get here, she makes her way home to start turning her hovel of a village into the glorious vision she had when she picked up the Disc. Nothing less is acceptable.
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Re: Magnadimension Neptunia: Nation of Fragile Faith Re;Birt

Postby Littlemankitten » Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:59 pm

Holly woke up just as the sun peaked over the horizon, she could hear a few of her fellow villagers rustling around outside, and almost on que, the village elder walked into her little hut, looking as dreary as ever. She not envy him, he was a tired old man that always did his best to make sure that the villagers would have food and shelter. He was one of the oldest people outside of the Crusaders according to what a few of the passing Crusader bands have said, because of that the Crusaders knew him decently well, and would often leave him alone during their routine raids. His name was Neville. Neville looked down at Holly's form and drew a long sigh. "Holly, the food stores are running dangerously low, all of the usual gatherers are already out but have reported that the surrounding landscape has been providing even less than usual, we need as much as possible before winter arrives. Check by the river down to the east, something tells me you will find something there." With that, he slowly turns around and leaves her hut to further instruct the villagers to the best of his ability. Holly slowly rose out of her sorry excuse for a bed and began covering herself in dirt. It would help protect her skin against the rays of the sun as well as mask her scent against the animals that roamed outside. This was the only self-care she knew how to do, and so she left the tent and began walking towards the river.

She mostly ignored her fellow villagers as she passed by them. She didn't really talk unless she had to say something, and really preferred to keep to herself. They, along with her all had that same dreary and ragtag look that seems like everyone asked why they still try to survive in this wasteland. Regardless, everyone did their best to make sure they would all survive. No one bothered building anything meant to be permanent. Mud was easy to find and work with, and the crusaders would destroy whatever they built anyway. On her way to the river, she started feeling a strange tug on her soul, as if there was something calling to her in the direction of the river. Naturally, she followed the call. As she neared, she swore she could hear birds chirping, a rare sound. The air began to feel cleaner, and as she followed the yellow river, it seemed to slowly clear. Finally, she came across a rocky outcropping, of which a single red plant of some sort grew, wavering softly in the wind. Above this plant, a glowing red object was stuck to the rocks, it whispered to her, and faint visions crept across her minds. Visions of things she didn't understand. She was no longer in control of her body, and despite her growing apprehension, she reached towards the object. Just before her hand touched it, something became clear in her mind. The red plant was a flower... A rose. Suddenly, flashes of visions swam across her vision, sounds and smells and tastes and knowledge. So much knowledge. It all came in a tidal wave of information, so much that it felt as if her brain shut down, she couldn't breath, she could think. She could feel her legs give way but she barely registers the impact of her back hitting the ground. After what seemed like a eternity, the visions stopped. She shut her eyes and quickly reopened them, and found herself staring at the sky, red rose petals fluttering in the air around her before softly falling to the ground.

Holly looked down at herself, she was in a dress of incomprehensible beauty and luxury. It felt so incredible soft to the touch. She slowly rose, a blistering headache formed as she did so in her head, but it slowly began fading away. She looked towards were her sorry excuse for a village was, and in the distance she saw buildings she couldn't comprehend just a few moments ago. Large and intricately built cobblestone castles, mansions with spires and immaculately cared for gardens, huge stone cathedrals dedicated to her, cobblestone roads filled with luxurious cars. Large steel behemoths on tracks made with the same ornate care and intricacy as everything else meant to defend her people. Yes, her people now. She was a goddess, and she would lead. She blinks once more, the large structures replaced with the dying and decayed trees once more. Her destiny was clear, her vision was clear. The path of salvation was paved with cobblestone roads and adorned with roses. Holly took the first step, she would be the first bloom in the field of flowers that would cover the lands. Behind her was a single rose.
I hurt you, I heal you, I hurt you again. That's the pattern.
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Re: Magnadimension Neptunia: Nation of Fragile Faith Re;Birt

Postby mrblah » Sun Jul 07, 2019 5:38 pm

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She knew this day would come, but Beli was hoping she could've prevented it still. She'd been in the middle of a meeting with several of their last remaining members of The Defiance and struggling to convince them of a retreat. With only one base left and not even 1/4th of their group left alive, they stood no chance to offer any further resistance to The Crusaders. But... Ralph wouldn't hear of it. The stubborn fool had declared retreat to be an unacceptable plan, much to the befuddlement of his short white-haired friend. Beli was on her last nerve as she tried to convince him, speaking with a few others on her side to back her play. Now wasn't the time for idealistic hopes and a lack of forethought. They had to carefully decide their next move, or else...

The first sign that something was wrong was a dreadful cold feeling in the air, and proof of it came soon after. Beli heard a crash from the next room, then she heard the steady beat of heavy metal boots marching on the ground. "Crusaders!!" A loud voice shouted from the next room in warning, and the sounds of combat followed it as the members within that room tried to fight off the invaders. It would be for naught, and everyone knew it. Not one member of The Defiance could take any Crusader in combat. Their training, experience, and superior firepower so far outclassed The Defiance that it was a guaranteed death sentence. Beli knew they were just trying to buy time for them. For her, and Ralph, and the others in the room. She muttered a brief thanks under her breath, then cursed them as the invading party was soon marching into their room. Couldn't they have bought a little more time?! Beli drew her nigh useless weapons, glancing over to see the others doing the same, then glancing specifically at Ralph. Ralph... that stubborn fool. He was heading to the front of them with a determined and hopeful look. Didn't he know their position?! She tried to shout at him to stop, but her voice was droned down by the sound of his battlecry. Seven others followed him, while three stayed back with her to watch their slaughter. The common sight of Defiance members' deaths didn't disturb Beli so much by now. Various failed missions in the past taught her that fighting The Crusaders with violence was doomed for your death. Ralph should've known this too.

She couldn't do anything more. Beli turned away from them with a heavy heart. She wasn't giving up on Ralph... but she didn't want him to bring her down. She had to save herself or else nothing would matter. Beli called the three others by her side and headed for the hidden emergency exit, secretly merely planning for those taller members to act as diversions for her if the Crusaders caught notice of their attempt. Sure enough, she heard the sound of a sword flying through the air as it stabbed into the spine of a man behind her, and she was forced to listen to closer, louder death wails as the other two fell. Beli felt nothing for those extras who only provided her a momentary shield. They served their purpose as she got to the hidden hatch in the corner, but again, she cursed them as a cold metal hand closed around her tiny neck and lifted her, with the girl kicking and struggling in a vain, scared attempt to survive.

"I don't want to die..." She tried to kick the metal armor of the knight, tears rolling down the sides of her face. "I don't want to die..." The memories of all the pain and struggle she's endured through her life flashed before her, only making her more desperate as she fought to prevent her joining of her brothers in arms and the many others too weak to survive on the streets. "I don't want to die!!" Beli tried to claw at the cold grip of the Crusader, who merely tightened his hold on her with no care of her silent pleas. She could feel her vision darkening... and her consciousness fading. In her oxygen-deprived state, the white-haired girl almost felt she was hearing voices... ones she never heard of before. Beli didn't much listen to what they had to say. To her, these were just the voices of the men and women she's seen die at the hands of a Crusader, like she was. They were calling her to join them, and despite her wishes, it seemed she would. Beli tried to mutter one final curse to the world... this cold, harsh, unforgiving world that birthed her only to kill her when she was so young.

The wall behind her then crumbled and broke as she was thrown through it, and she crumbled and broke with it. This Crusader was particularly sadistic, it seemed, because he prolonged her misery by doing this instead of stabbing her through with his bloody sword. She cried out in pain as her hurt body sailed through the small hall of the escape route, breaking through another wall as it failed a turn and smashing against something hard and even more backbreaking than the walls before. The girl's eyes widened as she coughed out blood and fell limp against the boulder, feeling numerous pains across her form that she could do nothing to allay. Beli stared forward at the Crusader from her position, watching her approaching reaper as he came in to finish the job. She briefly wondered if he had some sort of stigma against her, and if he did, she wondered what she did to deserve said special hatred. Did she rob him in the street? Put hot sauce in his cereal? Kicked his dog? Did he even have a dog? He looked like a Chihuahua kind of guy, and she probably would kick a Chihuahua, so maybe that's what happened. The more logical part of Beli noted these thoughts to be irrelevant and that she was only having them because she hit her head so hard that she was definitely dazed and concussed.

Beli, confused as she was, felt a strange urge like a dying wish to turn to see the boulder she crashed against. Grimly, she thought she'd ought to see her blood splatter on the rock and see if her spine was somehow embedded into the stone. Beli thought their enemies wouldn't be so kind as to give her a proper burial of any type, so the rock would become her final resting place. Yet, despite this justification for her action, she couldn't understand why her eyes first landed on a jet black disk that protruded from the rock instead of the pattern of red she left. It was the darkest thing she'd ever seen before—a more midnight black than midnight black, with a hue no color could ever have. Beli reached for it in mystification with a failing and shaky hand as visions of... something impossible played from the disk into her eyes. Her fingertips ever so gently touched the darkness, and suddenly...

She was reborn with black light. The bits of poor clothe and scrapped armor was torn to shreds as new clothing covered her. Her grievous and life-threatening wounds vanished as it was replaced with a pleasurable and comfortable feeling of capability. Thoughts and messages filled her brain as new knowledge was imprinted into her, and she felt she may have the very secret of everything in arm's length. Beli Odyss lived once more, better than ever thought possible. The white-haired girl looked down at her new form with bafflement, but also... hope. She looked up from her hands to the unrecognizable forms of armored cowards retreating—wait, no, were those... The Crusaders? She didn't recognize them, lacking in confidence and might as they seemed. She cocked an eyebrow at the words they spoke as they fled (CPU? The hell was that?), but didn't question it for long. If they were leaving now, then that was good. She wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, and instead, she would capitalize on the opportunity.

Beli ran forward, feeling much quicker than she had before, as she returned to the final base of The Defiance. Her new capability left her feeling weirdly optimistic. The sudden change in The Crusaders behavior and the sudden power she felt must've been connected. If they knew what that disk was and what it did to her, and they feared it, then maybe... fighting them would be possible—

The stench of death hit her new optimistic self and brought it down to Earth. Bodies of fallen comrades were scattered everywhere, with blood and corpses strung about like discarded goods. Her breath hitched as she saw an even more mutilated body closer to the center of the room, and she ran to it with a cold grip freezing her quickly beating heart. Beli dropped to her knees, grabbing onto the arm of a familiar looking corpse laying on its side, and she turned it to face upward... she was greeted by the horror-stricken face of her first, and only, friend. Ralph's eyes looked up lifelessly as his open mouth held a scream of death. Beli was soon mimicking the expression, with terror and pain in her eyes, as she held his face. "No... no... you- you can't..." That idiot. She knew this would happen. She told him, and he didn't listen. Now... now he paid the price for his foolishness. Now, he joined the rest of his comrades in the abyss of death. Another life, snuffed out of existence. He never amounted to much.

She dropped him, her blood-stained hands rushing up to hold her crying face as she let out her grief. Seconds, then minutes, then a few hours would pass as Beli would simply cry and vent her frustration. She blamed herself, she blamed him, she blamed the world... she blamed The Inquisition. Everyone was at fault for this, and a part of her demanded them all to pay. Ralph paid his price and left her alone. Beli wasn't one for self harm, so that was out of the books. The world... was a big enemy to face. That left The Inquisition to face justice first. She shifted, raising her knees to her chest and hugging them. She stopped crying by now, and only held a cold, indifferent look on her face. They would pay... for taking the only thing in the world that gave her life meaning. She needed them to pay. This was her new purpose. Beli gathered herself, pulling herself up to her feet and offering one more look down at the decaying corpse of her friend. "... Stupid." She kicked him, again trying to blame him for his own death to allay the great feeling of guilt crushing her down. If... if she only tried harder, or even took him by force...

Her white hair shook to both sides as she threw off those thoughts. Her home... her world was done now. She needed a new one for the new person that she was. Beli spun on her foot, collected her dropped weapons, then left to find... somewhere else. She'll need a new beginning, and she'll need to get stronger. Those were her only motivations.
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Re: Magnadimension Neptunia: Nation of Fragile Faith Re;Birt

Postby Blue56 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 2:20 am

It was another day, another barely completed job for Daphne as she trudged slowly along the dirt road. The same dismal sights along the way were ignored as usual, the dull pain throbbing all over her bruised body kept Daphne focusing simply on the road in front of her until she collected her meager reward from her employer and drank herself to sleep. Today's job had been the same as all the others, she had come out on top, though only barely, thanks to her Saikyo-ryu and she was all the stronger for it. It sure didn't feel that way though... Maybe it was just the jobs she took getting tougher, but she'd been at this for awhile now and it took everything she had just to win a single fight still.

The throbbing pain in her head started to grow even worse, something she attributed to the club that had nearly cracked her skull open. The voice in her head was a new one though, and a worrying addition at that, but the message that she was meant for more than this screaming throughout her mind was a compelling idea. So compelling that her body changes directions on its own before Daphne herself even understands what's happening. The horror of having no control over herself and disgust at being forced to go into the stagnant water and thick fog is somehow outweighed by excitement and curiosity Daphne felt as she wondered just where she was being taken. Once she enters the clearing, she gasps as her lungs finally take in clean air, though all the while her gaze remains on the boulder and the glowing disc that lies embedded in it.

Daphne can feel the power that lies in the disc and her hand instinctively reaches out to touch it, enveloping her in a bright light that fills her with immense power and knowledge. It all made sense in that moment. Why she hated people so much, why the world pissed her off so much. They were all so disgustingly, pathetically weak and they didn't even seem to know it! And Daphne herself had been just like them. It made her want to puke, knowing just how weak she had been. But not anymore, she could feel the strength flow through in a way she had never felt before, and it felt so good. She looked good too, she thought as she looked down at her new outfit. Who knew that a wardrobe overhaul could make such a difference. Daphne knew now that this dying world needed to feel power like this to survive, they just needed someone to show them what true strength is. That would be her, obviously, and it would start by heading over to the nearest town, finding the toughest guy there was, and beating him into the ground in front of everyone. Then they would see her for what she truly is, a goddess, and worship her just like in the vision she had seen. With that in mind, Daphne started walking again, but this time her head was held high.
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Re: Magnadimension Neptunia: Nation of Fragile Faith Re;Birt

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:58 pm

Holly Rosaria/Kitty
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Holly's trip back to her village felt much longer than her trip to the location that she found the disk which made her a Goddess. As she made her way back to the village, plant life seemed to grow at random in a large radius around her, beginning to overtake the lifeless plants that her and those in her village had been accustomed to seeing, through the entirety of their lives. She now knew, thanks to her transformation, that the woods were all dead, that the sky should be blue, and that the water was poisonous, and this wasn't right.

When Holly entered her village, more of the villagers had awakened, and many of them were now going about their usual business, some having been selected to keep watch for the Crusaders to force them to reconstruct their structures, while others were attempting to hide what little they had managed to harvest from their garden, to try to ensure that fewer people would starve to death this winter than last time.

The villagers saw Holly almost immediately, each and every one freezing in place, a look of surprise plastered across their face. The villagers stared for a long time until finally one of the village elders dropped to his knees and spoke in disbelief "A G-Goddess... at long last... ", after which many of the others understood what had happened. A few that didn't believe what they had seen, did so when more plants began to grow inside the village. The very same Elder touched a flower that had grown before him, as if to verify that it truly was not a mirage. "Th-this is life... the Goddess brings life to our village..." and with that, many of the villagers began to Worship Holly immediately, while others came to her and asked what they can do for her, while yet more begged her to protect them from the Crusaders. The Faith that the villagers were putting into Holly made her feel even stronger, not just physically, but mentally.

Priscilla Commons/Misc
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Priscilla's trip back to her village felt much longer than her trek that she had undergone to find the Disk which transformed her into a Goddess. She now knew, as she passed through the woods and the water, thanks to her transformation, that the woods were all dead, that the sky should be blue, and that the water was poisonous, and this wasn't right.

The moment she enters her village, the residents freeze in place, some dropping what they were carrying or stopping in the middle of what they were working on. Others merely peered at her through their makeshift windows, while yet more moved to her and collapsed onto their knees at her feet.

Finally, one of the elders came to the area this was taking place and dropped to his knees, before speaking the words that made everyone suddenly understand what had transpired. "A... G-Goddess... at long last!" he said, others beginning to cry as they gazed upon her, while more began to beg her to protect them from the Crusaders, who were doubtlessly coming to erase any and all progress that they had made since their last visit, while more asked her what they can do for her, practically begging for her orders, and her wise council. Even the elders which used to lead the village seemed to immediately understand that with Priscilla's ascension to Goddess, their positions had practically become obsolete.

Not a single one of the villagers, even as many began to fall on their knees and worship her, seemed to care who Priscilla used to be, so many had already discarded those memories due to the sheet fact that she was now a Goddess. The faith that was being placed into Priscilla, even from this small village, could be felt making her even stronger, physically and mentally.

Daphne Strauss/Blue
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The trip to the next village is very short, and took Daphne to a village which looked just like all others. The path was a dirt road, the houses thatch-roofed domiciles made from unbaked brick, and everyone was dressed in modified potato sacks, which were made from bags that potatoes were delivered in on the rare occasion that the Crusaders are feeling charitable enough to give a village their rotten, discarded food.

As soon as Daphne enters the village, all of the villagers that were going about their business, in preparation for the next Crusader sack, and attempting to hide what they could in order to delay starvation, stop what they're doing and, first, stare at her in bewilderment, then they begin to cry. One of the village elders drops to his knees and cries out "A Goddess! At long last, a Goddess has come!", after which the other villagers begin to take up the call worshiping her immediately. It wasn't long before their cries drew the attention of a group of strangers that were sitting in the largest hut.

The strangers soon exit the structure and make their way over to the crowd, shoving passed them, knocking people over, brandishing the best armaments that most people could get their hands on; BAKED bricks. One had a leave tied to his eye with fabric, as a makeshift eyepatch, while the rest were wearing wooden armor, tied together to cover his potato sack that he was wearing beneath it. In all, the group totaled at six. "Wuz goin' on 'ere, eh?" the man in the eye patch asked, glancing first at the worshiping villagers, then at Daphne. "Dem er sum queer clothes yer wearing, missy..." he says, when his eye falls on Daphne, looking her up and down, as if undressing her with his eyes.

Although there was a part of Daphne that enjoyed the villagers kneeling and worshipping her on sight, it mostly just made her sick to see these people so unashamedly weak and falling all over themselves to grovel before her. She would have to work on that. First things first though, she needed to put on a show to inspire her new followers. As she mostly ignored the worshipping villagers, her gaze scanned the shithole village for someone worth fighting until she finally noticed the group in the largest hut.

As they made their way over to her, so too did Daphne move to meet them. Just earlier today, the sight of their bricks would have made her think twice about messing with a group that had her outnumbered and outgunned, but now things were different. She knew that she had the power to make these guys her bitches, even as she winced upon recalling the many times she had been beaten over the head by similar weapons. Daphne makes no move to hide her body from the one eyed man’s lecherous gaze, instead placing her hands on her hips and letting him get a good eyeful. “You the baddest motherfucker round here?” Daphne answered his question with one of his own, flashing a cocky grin at the group before her. “You like these clothes so much, why don’t you try to take em off me? I’ll give ya the first shot, bitch boy.” She taunted, never moving from her pose as she waited for the man to take the bait so she could beat him into the dirt in front of everyone.

“As a matta’ o’ fact, WE are da baddest mothafuckas ‘round he-ah, and we’d LOVE to take dem clothes off.” he said, leering, and making a motion to the rest of his group to move in on Daphne with him. The others nodded and grinned, before approaching, however their movements, to Daphne, seemed to be in slow motion, while she herself seemed to be moving at her own normal speed. The first of the thugs, one with a gigantic nose and beady eyes, struck her in the back of the head with his brick, the individual having circled around behind her while she was speaking with the one-eyed man. The brick, however, felt more like the man had poked her, and the brick shattered to pieces on contact with her skull. The man cried out in surprise, however the remaining men either didn’t notice or remained undeterred as they approached her.

Daphne is so fascinated by watching the thugs move so slowly towards her, she doesn’t even notice the brick coming at her from behind until it’s already broken over her head. At first, it just felt like someone was trying to get her attention, but when she turned and saw the look of shock the man wore and the crumbling brick in his hand, her lips twisted into a savage smile. “Really? That’s your one shot? Guess it’s my turn then.” “Daphne asked in an almost mocking tone of voice before balling her hand into a fist and slamming it into the thug’s big dumb nose with all her might. She felt a satisfying crack of bones beneath her knuckles, but even more exhilarating was the way the sheer force of her punch sent him flying backwards through the crowd. Oh, this was going to be fun.

The man flies through the crowd, out of the village, and into the woods in the distance, breaking through and knocking down a tree in the process. From her current vantage point, Daphne could see the tree falling over as the man disappeared. One of the other men, one with his red hair sticking out from beneath a full-head bullet-shaped wooden helmet, was the next closest, and was attempting to slam the brick into her ribs, while a second, one with a massive boil on his cheek and a strip of potato sack with holes cut out wrapped over his eyes, allowing him to see through it, who was reaching out with one hand to grab her, while attempting to strike her in the back of the head with the brick in his other hand. The rest of the men were changing their positions so that they could also attack her from multiple angles. All around her, she could see the shock on the faces of the crowd watching, not only at her strength, but at her speed. The faith that the crowd was putting into her felt as though it was making Daphne even stronger.

Daphne lets out a low whistle as she watches the tree fall over in the distance, all from the force of her single punch. She’s so impressed with her own strength that she almost doesn’t even notice the remaining thugs still coming in to attack. Though she knows now that these punks can’t even scratch her, the fear of getting hit with bricks is so ingrained in her at this point that she finds herself moving to avoid the attacks anyways. Daphne cleanly sidesteps the brick aimed at her ribs, and swiftly brings her hand down atop his stupid looking helmet, the karate chop splitting the cheap wood in two while also sending the ginger fuck boy into the ground so hard he left an indent in the dirt. For the next thug, she grabs his outstretched hand, forcing it backwards with a loud snap that signalled his wrist breaking, while her other hand tugs the strip of potato sack down over his eyes, effectively blinding him. She didn’t need to do this, but it was funnier this way and maybe anyone watching would learn a lesson about wearing such a stupid mask. Finally, she finishes him off with a big uppercut, her fist connecting solidly with his chin and launching him up into the air.

Daphne’s could feel the adrenaline rushing through her body as she turned to face the remaining thugs, now spreading out to try to get the drop on her. It was more than just the thrill of the fight, she could feel the shock and awe of the people watching fueling her every move. People laughed at her Saikyo-Ryu whenever she used it, but here they would be cheering it on and chanting her name! Daphne let out a mighty roar and dashed forward, her upper body twisting and turning in what must have been an impossible sequence for her opponents to follow with her new blinding speed. This was her signature technique, the Daphne Roll. Her opponents had always thought she just looked stupid, ducking and weaving in place like this, but her new powers would unlock this move’s true potential.

As Daphne was ducking and weaving, the man she had just punched into the air was still far above, slowly descending back to the ground. With Daphne’s new speed and power, she could likely finish this beatdown before the man hit the ground. The crowd cheered and worshiped Daphne as the remaining three men all attempted to attack Daphne at once, however when they attempted to strike her with their bricks from three angles, one low, one high, and one medium. The first was attempting to hit her in the head, the second in the chest, while the third was attempting to knock her off-balance by striking her legs. The first two merely stumbled passed her, however, her ducking and weaving being so incredibly fast that she didn’t even have to evade the attack with intent. The third hit her in the legs, the attacking inflicting no damage and feeling like a normal poke, as the brick shattered to pieces on her thigh, the man crying out in shock and stumbling backwards in a desperate attempt to create distance between Daphne and himself.

The pride Daphne feels as her Daphne Roll leaves her opponents even more helpless to stop her is immense. As the two stumble past her, she catches them each with a swift punch to the face, the momentum from her weaving adding extra force that had them knocked out cold and sent flying through the same hut, breaking through the entire structure and off into the distance in an instant. And last but not least was the eyepatch guy. As he stumbled backwards, Daphne didn’t miss a beat, ducking forward and towards him, her fist already extended in a right hook that catches the thug straight in the jaw. That punch doesn’t stop her weaving however, and each time she comes back around, punch after punch lands. The thug’s head whips back and forth from the unending flurry of blows that Daphne unleashes upon him until he finally finishes falling over, his face nearly unrecognizable from how bloody and bruised it is once she’s done with him.

No sooner than his head hits the ground with a loud thud, Daphne has already turned to face her new followers, her fist thrust proudly into the air. “Listen up pussies! Name’s Daphne Strauss, and I’m here to show you little babies what it looks like to really be strong! Don’t fuck with me unless you wanna end up like these faggots!” She loudly declares, only moments before the thug she had uppercutted comes crashing down through the roof of the building behind her.

Daphne's beatdown and speech only causes the crowd to cheer for her all the louder, their faith making her stronger due to her show of power. Soon, people were coming forward, asking her what she would have them do, begging her to protect them from the Crusaders, and praising everything about her.

Beli Odyss/Blah
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

As Beli left the ruins of her former HQ and her comrades behind, it began to rain. Rain here was typically acidic, however her newfound knowledge informed her that it shouldn't be, and this acidic rain did not hurt her, nor her clothes, and it did nothing to hinder her trek. Her trip took her through the nearby woods, which she now understood was dead, and it shouldn't be. The sky above was gray-black, like it has always been as far back as anyone could remember, however Beli now knew it shouldn't be that way.

A nearby village eventually came into as she left the woodlands, the village, just like every other, was just a dirt road with a collection of thatch-roofed domiciles, made from unbaked brick. The citizens were moving to and fro as they went about their business, rebuilding from the last time the Crusaders had visited and preparing for the next time, hiding what few valuables they had, primarily food, with several villagers standing on the edges, watching for them to start approaching.

When one of the villagers saw her approaching, they ran to tell everyone else, and when she entered the villagers, Beli could hear the elder state in disbelief "Y-you're right, my child... th-that is a Goddess..." as he fell to his knees. The other villagers quickly joined him on his knees, all of them creating a commotion, as they called out to her for protection, for guidance, for orders. Above all, they were calling out for her to lead them. As they placed their faith into Beli, she could feel herself growing even stronger, mentally and physically.

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Re: Magnadimension Neptunia: Nation of Fragile Faith Re;Birt

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:30 am

PC uses the time she's travelling back to her village to think. Things as they stand ain't acceptable. She never knew how bad shit was around her since she'd grown up in it, but not it just ain't gonna work. Dead trees, a dead sky, a dead landscape, even fucking dead water; she's been living in a dead world all her life and she never knew! The Inquisition has left them as the fucking living dead and no one has noticed! All concerned with keeping what they've got that they ain't truly living, just dying a little bit slower. That's gotta change. And since she's the only one who knows something's wrong, she guesses the change has gotta start with her. Wouldn't be the first time. When she noticed her gang was still starving being thieves, she changed them into guards. Given what she knows now, she can't say they lived well because of that change, but she can say they starved less. She can't believe she thought she was living the high life! She's been living in a mud hut with Ophelia, one of her trusted lieutenants, and eating rotted food if they didn't eat one of the beasts that attacked them, drinking wasted potatoes thinking it was real alcohol! She sighs when she thinks of how foolish she was. That changes with everything else though.

When she enters her village, she finds herself shocked by everyone freezing in place. Did something happen while she was out? Does she have something on her? It takes a second to remember her new outfit and how no one would have seen anything like it, but when she does the stares become a touch more understandable. It doesn't explain them falling to their knees though. When an Elder reveals her Goddess status, she sighs and places her head in her hands. This sycophantic behavior ain't gonna fly. Her people need to be strong, self-sufficient, capable of protecting themselves and those around them. She needs farmers, guardsmen, researchers, not cattle! Looking through the crowd, she only sees 10 people, few of them her Hard Drivers. She supposes they must be off guarding the area nearby, but that doesn't help her now. Still, she's gonna have to impose order somehow.

"HARD DRIVERS! PRESENT!" She says, relying on her previous training to have her people fall in line. When 2 in the crowd stand to attention, she knows it works. "Alright, here's how this is gofa... gonna work." She starts, pushing down her embarrassment at flubbing her words through sheer willpower. "You, you, and you!" She points to 3 random villagers who aren't part of her guard unit. "We're gonna to need more huts cause we're gonna be making a lotta new shit. Get on that. You 3! Gather some stones! It'll be the first step to steppin' it up from squa... sharpened wood for weapons. You two!" She points to a man and a woman who she knows are sweet on each other. "You two will be sharing a hut for a bit. I'll be converting on the huts we have into a Research lab. Grab some of the wood we've got around here and I'll teach ya'll how to make a fire. First step in making bricks in any kind of quick time." That just leaves the 2 she identified as part of her Hard Drivers squad. "Nia, Loren, you two will be protecting the people as they work. If something shows up that ya'll can't handle, scream for me and I'll handle it. In the mean time, I'll be observing progress to make sure everything goes smooth. You've got your assignments! Get at it!" She hopes they move to it. That's so much more useful than kneeling in front of her. Yes, she might be a Goddess now, but ain't shit changed. She'll make them see that hopefully.

She'll also need to look into getting more followers. Not only will more bodies make things move faster, but she felt it when just the 10 in front of her put their faith in her and how that made her stronger stacked on top of her transformation. More followers mean more power obviously and while that means more people to protect, it also, paradoxically, means it'll be easier to protect them. So after she gets this place up to scratch, she'll have to figure out how to expand her reach. Staying just here was fine while she was doing nothing but protecting it, but if she's going to start really building, she'll need as much space as she can get.
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Re: Magnadimension Neptunia: Nation of Fragile Faith Re;Birt

Postby Littlemankitten » Fri Jul 12, 2019 1:00 am

Holly was surprised at how much longer the trip back to her village felt, almost as if the call of the disk warped her perception of time to make it feel like a lot shorter of a distance. She occasionally watched behind her to see the forest around her sprout with greenery, much like a few years after a fire. Not quite lush, and still looking like a tragedy swept through, but like life was making a recovery. She would make the Earth recover from the atrocities the Crusaders committed on a day to day basis. The woods lush with greenery, the sky blue and full of puffy roiling clouds, the rivers crystal clear. Finally after walking what she estimated to be 4 or so miles, she was back at her village. She watched them toil fruitlessly for a small while, pitying them for the absolutely dreadful conditions they, and herself have been living in for as long as they could remember. She would show them the path to salvation though.

Stepping into the village finally, she watched as the villagers her noticed one by one and stared in disbelief before finally realizing what they were looking at was a goddess. She stared down at the elders she once thought were the smartest people and nodded to herself. It seems she didn't have to convince them of anything, they just knew they were in the presence of their new leader. It was strange, she felt like the strongest being alive but the sight of the villagers worshiping her made her feel even stronger somehow. She knew why of course, but it was still a very unique and daunting feeling. When they finally waited for her to speak, she opened her mouth and... Said nothing. Her mind completely blanked. She knew roughly what she wanted to say, which was to go build a castle and stuff, but she knew they couldn't yet. She had to start from the bottom. What was the first thing you teach to people who didn't know how to do anything except die? Fire. Energy. That was the key building block of any situation, and it would alleviate the woes of winter considerably. She would have to show them how to create fire first, then establish a place for her to stay and manage her nation. Holly opened her mouth again, stammering out some gibberish first as she tried to form her thoughts into words before pausing for a moment and taking a deep breath. "V-Village elders, first I wish t-to thank you for what is you have done. Y-you did your b-best to steer our village to the tiniest glimmer of hope, but it is time for you to rest... Everyone, my first order of business is to show you something... uhm, follow me." Her voice was uncertain yet still commanding, not exactly the perfect voice for a leader, but she'd work on it in time. She walked over to the nearest hut and looked at the singular excuse for a bed and picked it up before tossing it out. "T-This hut is now where you shall all learn everything I must teach you. We will expand it, and everything around us in due time, but first..." She reached down and picked up some twigs, she placed one into the other in a small hole, set them on the ground, then began rubbing the stick inside the other stick furiously. The most crude of fire starting techniques, but it would have to do for now. Thanks to her superb strength and previous knowledge, it took no time at all for the sticks to catch on fire and burn for a while. She looked up at the watching villagers and procured to more sticks before tossing them in their general direction. "You shall replicate what I just did to the best of your abilities, you need not worry how long it takes you, as long as you may start a fire we shall be warm come winter, and no longer fear the cold." She stood up and pressed her way between the villagers out of the hut and looked around the village. She pointed at one villager at random then to a hut. "You shall expand that hut to make room for the one who lived in this hut I commandeered. And if you finish in good time shall continue to make huts." She then pointed to another random villager and then to a empty plot of land nearby. "You shall build another hut that will belong to me, and where I shall lead you all. You may build it as b-big as you like, the crusaders will not destroy anymore of our c-creations... You may help each other if you like, as long as everyone learns how to create a fire and those two things are built, I do not care how you go about it as long as it is done." With her first orders told, she walked over to a small path of grass and grabbed a stick before writing the tasks at hand as a extremely rudimentary form of a ledger. With that done, she would go about keeping an eye out for crusaders for her villagers and gathering stones to make sharpened weapons, to arm her villagers.

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Research: Crude Fire starting
Construction: Expanded hut, Possible extra huts, crude Basilicom
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Re: Magnadimension Neptunia: Nation of Fragile Faith Re;Birt

Postby mrblah » Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:05 am

It seemed fitting that the weather would pick now to rain. Dramatically, the white-haired girl looked up the moment she felt those few droplets, and just as suddenly as the rain fell, knowledge of what it SHOULDN'T be came with like a memory. She never thought it strange that the rain was acidic until now; it had been so all her life, and that seemed normal. Now, however, she thought it was highly odd. Rain shouldn't be acidic. It was light, sometimes cool to the touch, but never hot like it was in her youth and only harmful in large amounts. She felt no pain as the rain dropped onto her, nor were her clothes damaged, and Beli felt that was how it should be. But... it wasn't like that. "I think it is very strange, don't you?" She glanced to her side, asking her nearly lifelong companion a leading question—

Beli paused, stopping her walk as she was greeted with emptiness. No, she'd briefly forgotten he was dead along with all of their dreams and acquaintances. She'd forgotten that he would only ever be a relic of an old world, one she'd need to leave behind for better or for worse. Never would she see him, nor speak with him again. The Inquisition made sure of that.

... She looked ahead and resumed walking. Step by step, one foot after the other. Her aimless wandering would take her through a forest that also was not as it should be, but this time Beli paid it no mind. She was in no mood to engage in any mysteries, and any attempt to think, she knew, would just end with her getting roped back around to thinking about... Ralph, so it was best to not do anything of the sort. And so, she walked. And walked. She crunched dead leaves beneath her boots, and walked on.

Until she reached a village. It seemed like any other village, with nothing particularly unique about it. The familiar dirt road stretched through the groupings of makeshift homes, all made from dirty unbaked brick. The people looked just as poor as their homes did, and just as malnourished as Beli once was. Not one of them looked unfamiliar, what with their similar builds and the lack of joy in their expressions. All of them seemed to share the same omnipresent misery that all villagers in Vox had... or was that just her incredibly bleak perception of them? She didn't have the time to puzzle through her depressing worldview when one villager in particular took one look at her and ran off as if the boogeyman was hot on his heels. Beli stared, seeming impassive yet terribly curious as to his reaction, and she gave chase to satisfy her curiosity. And... well, maybe this would keep her occupied.

That would turn out to be an understatement. "Goddess?" She repeated the word in her standard quiet and impassive tone, quirking an eyebrow at the village leader's reaction. Why on God's name would she ever be called that, and why was he bowing to her? "You must be mistaken; I am no Goddess. I am just a normal human being." But despite her reply (and despite her suspicion that the old dude was on something), others nearby began to follow suit, dropping what they were doing to bow and worship her. She was understandably taken aback and annoyed. Didn't she just say she wasn't a Goddess? Beli opened her mouth to deny their claims once more, when a sudden... feeling, inexplicably good, coursed through her like adrenaline. Her eyes widened as she looked at her open palms with a sense of refreshment like she'd just woken up from the best rest of her life. She sighed in relief, closing her eyes and giving herself to the comforting feeling... then, she opened them.

"I would like to know what a Goddess is, and I would like to know what they do and why you call me one." She looked at the village elder, the one who started all of this. It's not as if she believed she was what they said she was, but... something clearly was up with her, and perhaps this would link to whatever was really going on.
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Re: Magnadimension Neptunia: Nation of Fragile Faith Re;Birt

Postby Blue56 » Tue Jul 16, 2019 6:51 am

Daphne had never felt anything remotely like this before. She had always shunned other people, and they had shunned her right back. She couldn't remember a time when anyone had thanked her before, and yet here these people were, cheering her on and bowing before her. It felt surprisingly good, and the longer Daphne stood there, fist still outstretched victoriously towards the sky, the better it felt and the stronger she could feel herself becoming..... And then they started begging her for orders and protection. "Wait, what?!" Daphne shouted incredulously, finally lowering her hand. Hadn't they been paying attention? They were supposed to be inspired by her awesome power and work to better themselves, not come crying to her to solve are their problems. This wasn't what her vision had shown her at all.

Daphne began to pace back and forth, fingers rubbing her temples as she pondered this unexpected turn of events. She couldn't just start solving all their problems for them, they would only become weaker by constantly relying on her. But still, if their pathetic attitudes hadn't changed at all yet, then she would have to just keep showing off until her strength finally inspired them enough. "Yeah.... Yeah, I guess we'll have to do it like that then." Daphne mumbles to herself before coming to a stop and turning to address her followers once again. "Alright, alright, listen up bitches! Looks like ya haven't got it through your thick shitty skulls yet, so I'm gonna have to stick around until you do!" She starts barking out her orders loudly, ensuring that she had their focus. "I'm not gonna fight all your battles for you. What I will do, is teach you how to use Saikyo-Ryu. You worms aren't fit to fight beside me, but you can sure as shit follow behind me. Anyone who doesn't pull their weight, gets the boot."

With her missive delivered, Daphne then moves on to giving out orders. If she was gonna live in this shithole, she was gonna make sure it was fitting of her new strength. "Alright, first up. We're gonna split ya into two groups." She begins, raising her hand and making a chopping motion, parting the followers gathered before her in half. "This half is gonna focus on gathering some wood for us." She says, pointing to the five on her left. "And this half is gonna use that wood to build stuff." She continues, pointing to the remaining five. "First up is gonna be a b...basi...basilc.... A Basilcum!" Daphne eventually stammers out, not understanding the word she had just used, despite the knowledge of it being bestowed to her by that disk she had touched. Judging by the blanks stares her followers gave, they didn't know what she was talking about either. "Uh.... It's like a big house for me to live in and do important stuff in. Now get moving! And if you're not eating, working, or sleeping, you had better damn well be practicing the moves I show you. Got it?!"
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