Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Hugh mann » Wed Feb 20, 2019 12:57 pm

bobmarley24 Wrote:my god with kingdom hearts 3 release I really hope gorepeat might continue on this, I miss gorepeat's work soo much :( miss all the work especially this one cuz aqua is a wifu.

Ironically, Gore is probably too busy playing KH3 to be making porn...
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby UnsungHero » Thu Feb 21, 2019 3:27 pm

Shouldn't take that long Kh3 is ridiculously short compared to vanilla kh2
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby kingofbrocoli » Fri Mar 01, 2019 11:44 pm

ThIs MiGhT bE a GoOd SpOt To FiNd SoMe InGrEdIents
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby GoRepeat » Fri Mar 22, 2019 1:19 am

Hmm guess I should finish this at some point
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby blackcore11 » Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:43 am

GoRepeat Wrote:Hmm guess I should finish this at some point

Please do. also it's good to see that your still alive.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Ilverin » Sat Mar 23, 2019 6:50 pm

memory-oh-wait-hes-alive-19162461.png (46.54 KiB) Viewed 3217 times
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Bunnyav » Tue Mar 26, 2019 6:32 am

GoRepeat Wrote:Hmm guess I should finish this at some point

Really looking forward to that... maybe the Breeding game if I really dared raise my hopes.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Hugh mann » Wed Mar 27, 2019 3:43 am

GoRepeat Wrote:Hmm guess I should finish this at some point

Oh, well then, guess i'll share the typos i found.

(34% corruption dialog) Jasmine. Truly your oasis RUN deep.
(Expose dialog)(name)! PUTH them away!
(Dock scene) "Targeting" has an extra 'T' in itt.
(75% Suggestion) What's up,name? (missing space)
(Ariel; 16% Suggestion) N-no! LAVE me alone!

I'll have to go through it a few more times later, i doubt i found them all. ...Uh, no offense lol.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby wHaTxAMxi » Fri May 10, 2019 9:50 pm

I've run through this a few times trying different strategies. I can not figure out how you're supposed to get all the girls. For that matter I can't figure out how youre supposed to get half of them. I have micromanaged enough to get 6, but I either get 6 on one line stopping just short of the pure one. OR 6 from both lines but not the 7th. I'm not really sure what the corruption bonuses are for these after the fact, but I never dropped an input. If the game is this complicated perhaps it should be toned back. The last version of the game allowed you to get every girl upon literally perfect inputs. This one doesn't seem to even do that. It takes away from the overall game if you have to make a full spreadsheet of strategy to still fall short.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Bunnyav » Mon May 13, 2019 1:54 am

Here's the consolidated hints from earlier posts around page 17

Each play through will be different, so will have to describe the technique:

Step 1, create a table detailing which people will be with which other people, morning, mid day, afternoon (same as mid day) and evening (same as morning).
Use this information to create the two 'chains' to the pure heart. I will use my last play through as an example:

Pure heart = belle
belle meets elena and pocahontas
elena meets kida (and belle)
kida meets ariel
ariel meets elsa
elsa meets jane
jane meets moana
moana has some time alone.

There would be a similar chain to follow for pocahontas, but the above chain is the one we are interested in because moana in this play through is alone in the morning and evening, which means if no doors are unlocked she will be outside.

We now want to corrupt these individuals in reverse order up to 28%, but save corrupting moana until night times. As soon as moana will be able to voyeur jane to above 28%, make sure jane's door will be open that night, that way jane will be in a position to corrupt up to the point where she can voyeur elsa and so on.

As soon as you could get belle to 100%, do so, so that you get the corruption bonus. Now work your way back down this list until all are corrupted. Once all 7 are corrupted, a special event will kick in as soon as everyone goes to sleep the next time.

To add a little detail to Laden's great notes:
16 acts per day , 8 acts night
14 acts to softcap at 28 (each act deals 2 until this point, must have their friend in voyeur to break the cap if they aren't the loaner)
+2 acts to 34 unlocks night door (these acts are worth 3, as are the next 4)
+4 acts to 46 fondle (acts are worth 4 after this)
+4 acts to 62 voyeur others (despite the text dialogue occuring at 66)
2 acts to 70 penetrate (acts are worth 5 after this
6 acts to 100 for Futaassist
Taking the pure heart to 100% makes all lewd acts deal 9 points corruption, so 5 acts to finish off your line at 62%, or 11-12 acts on people from 0-2%.

Thus if you make all the right moves (boost people to 28, unlock their doors same day you break their softcap, and use the night to make them voyeur), you can have "Character 2" unlock her door for night 2, and have the pure hearted character unlock her door on the same day you unlock the door of her friend. Corrupting her on day 8 will give you plenty of time to fill up your 7, but there's nothing special I observed from that.

After your first 7 are at 100%, one of the girls you've never touched doors will be unlocked at night, and she'll be missing/outside just like your first corruption victim was. You'll get a new action that instantly does 100% corruption in 1 hour action, then the next girl in the "chain" to the pure heart from the other side will act the same. This means you only need 6 of the last 8 hours to corrupt the last 6 girls. Nothing happens even with everyone corrupted once time runs out.

TLDR version. Find the person alone on first morning, ask her who she'll be with next. Corrupt aloner's friend during first day and aloner at night- get aloner to 62% so you can get aloner's friend bedroom key before night 2 (or was it 3) (if ever you can't progress, start on the next friend in the chain). Stop corrupting anyone at 62% until you hit the Pure heart girl. Once Pure heart is full corrupted, corrupt everyone else that was at 62%. Once you have 7 corrupted people, check for unlocked doors among the untouched girls, then find them outside to oneshot them. This plan gives you 4 wasteable hours.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Galgano » Tue May 14, 2019 6:12 am

Hey guys, I got bored and decided to crack open a save file to see what made it tick. I understand most of it and could post it on here to give people the option to cheat the game if they want to. Certain changes require a complex string of changes. But as long as you determine what values you want to change before editing the save file, you should be able to avoid screwing anything up too badly. This could be useful if you want to absolutely just get 100 corruption on every character and you don't want to spend the time to get there yourself. You can also set the order of the girls you need to seduce. Have you always wanted Rapunzel to have futa sex with Ariel but she keeps getting paired up with two other girls? Well you can edit that if you so choose. Wanna give yourself a few extra days to corrupt everyone? Sure, easy as pie. Wanna see Kida make a suggestion to Pocahontas in the Dining Room (with the candlestick) while talking to her as if she were Merida? That's a bit specific but is entirely possible through the power of save editing.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Troopage » Wed May 15, 2019 2:33 am

Bunnyav Wrote:Here's the consolidated hints from earlier posts around page 17

No matter how many times I restart the game, the loner is not outside at night even though all of the bedroom doors are locked. Is the .swf file bugged?
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Angel Kiya » Wed May 15, 2019 4:15 am

There is 1 persons door unlocked at night by default, this girl is the one that is by herself the second you start a new game. They are only outside once you have 7 girls fully corrupted.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Angel Kiya » Wed May 15, 2019 4:20 am

Bunnyav Wrote:
There would be a similar chain to follow for pocahontas, but the above chain is the one we are interested in because moana in this play through is alone in the morning and evening, which means if no doors are unlocked she will be outside.

Might wanna fix that last line. She'll be in her room, not outside.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Angel Kiya » Wed May 15, 2019 8:45 am

Ignore me, have to check the girls room first, THEN shes outside. sorry @Bunnyav and @Troopage
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Troopage » Thu May 16, 2019 11:36 pm

Troopage Wrote:
Bunnyav Wrote:Here's the consolidated hints from earlier posts around page 17

No matter how many times I restart the game, the loner is not outside at night even though all of the bedroom doors are locked. Is the .swf file bugged?

I figured it out, it is indeed a bug. What I assume it is, is that if you go to the Outer Yard at night before visiting the loner's bedroom, the loner's door stays locked and she never goes outside.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Galgano » Fri May 17, 2019 8:59 pm

Really? That's weird. I've done that before I was never locked out. Are you sure you checked the right loner? There are 2. But the one that is alone in the morning and evening is the one that goes outside
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby Troopage » Sat May 18, 2019 10:49 pm

Galgano Wrote:Really? That's weird. I've done that before I was never locked out. Are you sure you checked the right loner? There are 2. But the one that is alone in the morning and evening is the one that goes outside

Yeah, I'm sure. Just in case, I checked all of the doors once it turned night and they were all locked. I haven't tested my theory again since I got the loner to appear outside, so maybe there is another reason why I couldn't get her to be outside before.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby ShinyandChrome1331 » Wed Jun 12, 2019 12:58 am

Hey GoRepeat, any plans to include order selection for the princesses as a post-completion bonus, so that people can set interactions they'd like to see? Or is that more trouble than it's worth with the game's coding?
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Re: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light

Postby GoRepeat » Wed Jun 12, 2019 1:18 pm

ShinyandChrome1331 Wrote:Hey GoRepeat, any plans to include order selection for the princesses as a post-completion bonus, so that people can set interactions they'd like to see? Or is that more trouble than it's worth with the game's coding?

Yeah I set up a gallery mode that lets you freely select what you want to watch with who, its just not on this posted version - I keep forgetting to circle back and update this
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