Carnival of Rust

For free-form roleplay about anything and everything!

Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby MiscChaos » Sun May 26, 2019 6:49 am

The Fight
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"As I said last we discussed this, I do not trust the place that has grown in the place of Monsteropolis. If I never go near it, I feel I would be happier with life in general. Annie, please keep us appraised of any further rumors. Specifically if the qualities unique to it spread elsewhere. It would not surprise me if it expanded far beyond this point."

Any answer Annie might have given is lost when the detective suddenly focuses. Ophelia isn't sure what she might have found, but she trusts Annie's instincts so her hand goes for her weapon when Annie's reaches for her gun. She makes a sound of annoyance when the creatures burst from the snow. Ice Stalkers Annie calls them. They seem hostile, so she prepares for battle. It is pleasant when things are that simple: Something wants to harm her and those she cares for, so she will harm them to protect them.

"I hate Ice Stalkers, they swim through snow like it's water!" shouts Alice as she readies her Vorpal Blade, at which point, as if on que, one of the creatures dives under the snow, prompting Alice to sigh heavily "Like that, exactly like tha-" mid-sentence, one of the creatures dashes over to Alice, so quickly that it became a blur, then swats her with its claws, cutting off her sentence and sending her tumbling through the snow towards the third creature, which prepares to bat Alice aside mid-flight, however she recovers in the air and spins around, blocking the strike with the pommel of her blade, then as she shouts out "JUSTICE KICK!", kicking it across the snout, knocking it back, and causing it to stumble, and fall backwards into the snow.

"We shouldn't let them dive like that, they absorb the cold and send it out in bursts, submerging into the snow causes their next attack to grow stronger." says Annie, trying to hide her relief that Alice had gotten out of the series of attacks okay, despite the fact that her sigh of relief was totally audible.

More than what Annie said, Ophelia knows the dangers of having an enemy out of sight. Her entire fighting style revolves around fading out of sight, targeting an opponent's weakest points while they look for her, and then slaughtering them before they get the chance to attack her. Having an opponent attempt it is... concerning. Yet, due to their fur matching the snow they dive into, she finds she cannot locate the missing Stalker. Worried and annoyed, she calls out to Annie "Please keep an eye out for the missing one. I do not want such a thing suddenly appearing at our back. Afterwards, Alice has managed to stun one of them. It would be for the best if we finished it before it regained its feet. Alice, let us show them what JUSTICE looks like." Advice given, she slides Alice a Potion in her concern because the attack Alice took didn't look good. Afterward, she pounces upon the stunned foe Alice served to her, her attack doing decent damage but... well, the thing still looks hale and hearty. This fight is going to be more trouble than she hoped.

Alice accepts the Potion with a smile, and looks slightly better after taking it, her arm, which had previously been bent at a strange angle from the previous attack, moving back into place. She then slides in next to Ophelia and strikes a pose, sitting on one leg, fully bent, and straightening the other, while pumping her fist in the air.

Meanwhile, Annie slips a red light out of her pocket and throws it, hitting the creature hiding under the snow just as it surfaces the slightest bit. "There it is." she says to Ophelia, as the red light reveals it, even as it travels through the snow. She then jumps to the side and fires three shots at the recovering Ice Stalker that Ophelia had attacked, the first missing just barely, while the second hits it in the eye, and the third travels right through the creature's chest, blowing off a chunk of its body.

Seeing Alice enter her pose, Ophelia does the same, turning her back to the enemy then turning her head to face them, left arm and spreading her right one straight out, on the toes of one foot while steady on the other. Right out of the pose, she makes herself unseen and continues her assault on the previously attacked Stalker. Despite getting the drop on it, it seems to know where to dodge for her attack on it is infuriatingly glancing

Annie takes aim at the wounded creature again, however before she can pull the trigger, the one that was hiding in the snow leaps out, firing a stream of freezing cold air. While Annie sees it coming, she's not fast enough to evade the attack, causing her to gain a coat of ice on parts of her body, while Alice charges down the ice stream and attempts to strike the creature with her fist, shouting "JUSTICE punch!", however the ice that coats onto her slows her down enough for the creature to evade. While they're both distracted by the freezing attack, the wounded creature charges at Annie, and jams its claw into her chest, then pulls its claw out of her chest, drawing immense amounts of blood, then grabs her by the shoulder, before slamming her against the ground with a loud thud, causing her to cough up blood. The creature then begins running forward, repeatedly slamming her against the ground as it runs, before flinging her, causing her to slam against a nearby boulder. After impact, she ceases to move, blood slowly seeping from her wound and her mouth.

Meanwhile, the third creature charges at Ophelia, flailing its claws at her wildly and roaring loudly, icy wind shooting out of its body in all directions.

"ANNIE!" Ophelia cries as she sees the detective be impaled. Her rage only grows as she watches her be slammed into the ground like a particularly filthy rug. Due to the enemies between them she can't run to her friend's side and can only watch in horror as Annie is brutally defeated. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" she shouts, winding around its flailing claws and attempting to strike it down where it stood. Unfortunately it dives out of the way of her blow, wild and fueled by rage as it was. Before, she wanted them dead to protect those she cared for. Now she wants to see them torn apart and begging for death, a death she will refuse them for as long as possible just so they suffer tenfold what Annie has. Dodging around the creature that stood between her and Annie, she then disappears and attempts to cut down the fiend who dared put hands on Annie. While it seems to do harm and the thing is on its last leg, it does not go down like she wants it to. Infuriating, as she cannot begin their torture until all of them are down. This close, she can see Annie is somehow still hanging on to consciousness. "Annie, keep them away from you as best you can. We will end this swiftly. Alice, try to beat them all back!"

Nearby, Annie digs a black device out of her pocket, then lobs it forward from her position on the ground. The device lands on the ground in the midst of the creatures, where it fires harpoons at each of them, latching them in place, then tugging them closer, after which it detonates, killing one creature and damaging the others.

With the creatures staggered by the explosion, Alice charges in and swings her weapon at the creatures, cleaving a wide arc around herself, crying out "JUSTICE Rising!", however she only lands a glancing blow, and the creatures escape the brunt of the damage.

One of the creatures, angered by the bomb attack, fires a jet of freezing cold breath at Alice, Ophelia, and Annie. The cold breath strikes Alice and Annie, causing Annie to lose consciousness, and freezing Alice in place, causing her to shiver, and struggle to move. While Alice is struggling against the cold wind, the remaining creature charges at her, swinging its mighty claw at her, however she leaps into the air, landing on its head, then kicks off of it, landing near Ophelia, readying her weapon, however standing shakily on her feet, barely clinging to consciousness.

Ophelia feels her gut drop when Annie goes down once again and Alice stands on her last leg. Unless something drastic happens, there's no way they're pulling out of this fight alive. That is unacceptable since, in her world, defeat means death. And she refuses to allow these two women, those who have grown close to her heart, to die here. Now while she's able to prevent it. "Alice, look within your pack. If you have anything to bolster your health, please use it immediately." With a deep breath, she prepares herself for being attacked and then draws upon the power within the momento she carries and allows her new form to take hold. "HEAR ME NOW, YOU TREMBLING MORTALS!" She intones, trying to invoke fear through her new form. "I WILL REIGN SUPREME!" Her attempt at intimidation through, she bolts for the Stalker who dared separate her from Annie during her hour of need, breaking the ice from her flesh as she goes, and strikes at him with all the power of her form and the rage coursing through her. It doesn't take the blow well, but it stays on its feet. She can only hope that she can keep their attention for now

Alice, barely standing, searches through her pack and holds up an Elixir "All I have is an Elixir!" she says, rushing towards Ophelia to hand it to her, however, as she attacks the first creature, the second charges to Alice. She holds the Elixir in one hand and tries to strike the creature with her Vorpal Blade, using her other. The creatures strike at her twice, with Alice evading both and trying to close the gap between her and Ophelia, however the Ice Stalker attacks her from behind, clawing her across the back, the strike sending her tumbling across the snow, with the Elixir flying from her hand, and tumbling down the side of the mountain.

Both creatures then attempt to attack Ophelia, however in her new form, using the power of Chaos, the creatures seem to be moving in slow motion, their claws moving so slowly to Ophelia that she could merely walk out of reach to evade the strikes.

Seeing Alice succumb to her wounds unlocks a level of fury she did not know Ophelia had within herself. A red haze settles over her eyes and all she can think about is how she will savor their suffering. It will be such that the gods will weep seeing what has been done to their twisted, horrid corpses. With a scream of rage, she throws herself at the creatures. Her anger makes her sloppy, however. It takes an infuriating amount of time just to kill one of them and by the time it is done, the power of her momento wanes, leaving her weakened against an enemy who hasn't be harmed save for what her aura of pestilence has done to it. Still, she refuses to allow this thing to live given what it has done to her friends. Gathering herself and her blade, she prepares for what can only become a slugging match with her being as exhausted as she is

The creature takes Ophelia's attacks, however it roars with fury, seemingly tired of it regardless of how effective they are. The Ice Stalker rears back, then swipes both claws at once, slamming Ophelia hard, causing her to skip across the snow, like a pebble on water, until she collides with heavy bolder jutting out of the mountain, the force of the impact cracking the boulder and knocking a sizable chunk off of it. The creature then slowly starts to close the distance between itself and her, releasing a low growl as it does so. In the distance, Ophelia can faintly hear foot-falls in the snow, growing louder with every step.

Pain like Ophelia has never known courses through her as her body makes contact with the boulder. Pain enough that, despite her attempts to get up, to make the thing before her suffer for what it has done to Alice and Annie, she can barely make it to her knees before falling back as dizziness takes hold of her. She glares at the creature as it approaches and gathers additional forces. If this is to be her end, then at the very least she will not go into it sniveling and crying out for mercy. She will stand defiant of her fate until the very end and if she could raise her blade to leave at least one more scar to remember her by, she would.

The Six Man-One Woman Gangbang
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

As the creature approaches Ophelia, Alice was face-down in the snow, now, attempting to crawl her way to Ophelia, while shouting weakly at the creature "G-get back here, evildoer, I'm n-not done yet!", however from how she was failing even to drag herself forward, one could easily conclude that she was most certainly done. When the creature reaches Ophelia, it leans over her, its mouth twisted in a tooth grin, as it starts using its claws to work Ophelia's body armor off, tossing it aside into the snow once successful.

With her body armor off, the creature then runs its tongue over its razor sharp teeth, then slips it out of its mouth, long and snakelike, it sloppily runs the slick, wet, cold tongue over her breasts slowly, leaving them slick and sticky, then it begins focusing it on licking her nipples while it grabs her sides with its claws, digging them into her skin.

As Alice witnessed this, she shouts louder at the creature, her voice sounding slightly less heroic, and slightly more desperate "H-hey, don't you ignore me, cur, I'll cut you to pieces! G-get over here and face me one on one!"

Ophelia makes sure to continue her glare as the beast strips her of her armor. She assumes that it does not wish to chew through the metal in order to taste the flesh underneath. She does her best to ignore the chill of being in the snow completely naked. The shivering of cold looks too close to shaking in fear, and she refuses to show fear to the vile thing that is about to take her life. She does shudder, however, as the thing tastes her by liking across her breasts. She only just discovered they could be used for more pleasurable purposes, so having this craven animal ascertain her flavor using them is unpleasant. Then again, many things are unpleasant for her right now.

She supposes she deserves such an end, the many lives she's taken resulting in such an inglorious end, but, as she's lifted in its arms and hears Alice's voice, she only wishes her friends weren't dragged into it. Annie, who could be bleeding out in the snow this very moment and hopefully is blessedly unconscious, and Alice, brave, strong and devoted to good and unfortunately very conscious. Neither of them deserve to meet their ends alongside her and if she had any method of making it so the other Ice Stalkers arriving focused solely upon herself to spare the others, she would. Unfortunately, she does not believe she will have the option for much longer.

As the creature continues running its tongue over Ophelia’s breasts, and especially around her nipples, circling each one with the tip, a second creature soon begins approaching, its head appearing over the edge of the mountain as it rushes towards them on all-fours. The creature first notices Annie, laying on a broken rock in a puddle of blood, then Alice, attempting to crawl towards Ophelia through the snow, despite clearly having no strength left in her body, and lastly notices Ophelia, being licked by the first creature. It resumes moving at the same speed as before, only stopping to stomp on Alice’s back, causing her to cough up a large volume of blood onto the snow.

The creature quickly reaches Ophelia and the other Ice Stalker, then grunts and growls to it, as if communicating, at which point the first creature bites Ophelia’s ankle, its teeth digging into her gray skin through the rusted metal of her boots, then lifts it upwards, forcing her to open her legs, the new position that the creature had taken allowing Ophelia to get a good view of the creature's gigantic cock, covered partly in white fur, and with a tip similar to that of a horse's. Then, using its claw, the creature tugs the crotch of her panties aside, stretching them and momentarily seeming as though it would rip them, however stopping just on the edge of actually doing so. With Ophelia’s legs split and her pussy exposed, the creature wastes no time in ramming its cock into her pussy, hilting it immediately without bothering to make her wet at all, tearing her hymen and stretching her pussy painfully in the process.

The second creature makes its way near her head and gropes her breasts with its claws, digging them into her skin while it uses its tongue to start sloppily licking her face, leaving sticky slime all over it as it does so. Meanwhile, four more creatures slowly showed themselves over the edge of the mountain, two approaching Annie, while the others approach Alice.

As the beast continues tasting her breasts and nipples, Ophelia finds herself wishing the thing would cease attempting to frighten her by prolonging the tasting process and get on with things. She does not wish for death, but she cannot help but feel it would be better than being left in the current situation. This opinion is only strengthened when, in what could only be a moment of cruelty, the new creature stomps on Alice while on its way to her. Rage fills her being once more as such needless violence is forced upon her friend. "Filthy, vile creatures. I hope your demise is a hundred fold more painful for each drop you forced her to spill." she spits, venting her rage in the only way she can. Her anger only increases when it seems the one who harmed Alice is the one who will get first bite as it draws blood through her boots.

She becomes slightly confused when, rather than tear the limb from her body to begin its feast, it lifts it out of the way. She is not sure why it is putting her in this position, nor why it bothers to move her underwear out of the way without removing them. And then all thoughts are removed as it suddenly it feels as if she is being torn apart from the inside. Her eyes widen and her breath is stolen from her before she even fully registers what has just happened. With understanding of just why the first beast has been tonguing her breasts and the second has positioned her the way it has also comes the full sensation of the pain of being violated. She had prepared herself for it. Had thought there would come a time where she would be ordered to use her body to the fullest in order to make a kill. But she had no idea it would bring about this much pain. Before she has a chance to recall it, a high, lasting scream of pain tears its way through her.

A new wave of understanding and horror washes through her as, trying her hardest to ignore that the second beast has begun toying with her breasts, she sees 4 more creatures move for her fallen friends. Despite the horrid, consuming pain that feels like it is splitting her in half, she would rather feel it a dozen times over than allow such harm to come to them. Gathering every bit of grit she has, she forces herself to stop screaming and sound unaffected. She digs through her memory and tries to find the worst insult she can to draw their attention to her. "Is that all, you limp dicked bastards? No wonder you must violate the helpless. Attempting to please your own mates would leave them utterly unfulfilled and running to another for more."

The creature doesn’t waste any time. Rather than waiting for her to get used to its size, it begins thrusting in and out of her hard, each thrust not even managing to fit its entire cock into her, merely pounding her into the snow and shoving her around as it holder her mostly in place by her leg, with its teeth. The second creature squeezes her breasts hard, while she shouts at the four others. The creatures take notice and immediately drop Annie and Alice, instead making their way towards her. One of the creatures pries her mouth open with its claw, while holding her head with the other, one of its claws splitting her lip, then at the same time, two of them force their cocks into her mouth, overfilling it and making her feel like her jaw was VERY close to being dislocated, while a second creature moves in alongside the first and rams its cock into her pussy with the other, causing her to bleed far more profusely from her hole, the two starting to thrust in and out of her hard and fast in the same rhythm, growling and grunting in pleasure. Meanwhile one of the remaining two creatures thrusts its cock between her breasts, using its claws to press them together, before thrusting back and forth between them, while the last remaining creature lifts her hips up, pulls her panties down to her upper thighs, before ramming tis gigantic cock into her ass, causing immediate bleeding, due to not even remotely being close to fitting. All of the creatures thrust hard and deep, with no consideration for her whatsoever, as if she were an object.

Ophelia has only a moment to consider that she perhaps did not consider the full ramifications of her plan succeeding before the pack is upon her. Her discomfort and pain already drastically increased when the first beast begins fucking her into the snow, but that sensation is almost pleasant compared to what comes next. Her jaw has never burnt more than it does now attempting to accommodate the large members of two of the beasts at the same time. She is actually rather surprised she still has teeth with how forcefully they pressed their members into her mouth. She is immediately distracted when another forces its way into her vagina and her pain increases what feels like a hundred fold. Her untouched passage wasn't meant to take one of the beasts, let alone two! Another scream of pain forces itself from her being, muffled as it is by the obstructions in her mouth. She's actually rather pleased one of the creatures targets her breasts as while the friction of its movements are unpleasant, they aren't brutalizing her insides like the others. And then her pain is magnified once more as not even her anus is safe. She can feel tears pour down her face due to the immense strain her body is under and the agony it causes. She almost rather wishes she had just been eaten. But she is not. She is being forced to copulate by 6 Ice Stalkers and must keep her wits about her enough to please them or else they will move on to Alice and Annie and this ploy will have been worthless.

So, despising the necessity of it but knowing it must be done, she sets about trying to bring more pleasure to her rapists. She attempts to tighten her orifices so that violating them will feel better for them and tries to drag her tongue along the members keeping her mouth open. Sucking them just is not going to happen given how wide her mouth is, but she is hoping the soft nature of her tongue will make up for this lack without allowing them to seek more tightness down her throat. The one playing with her breasts seems to have things in hand, so she reaches back and attempts to reach the member of the Stalker behind her, hoping to manually stimulate it to keep from using Alice or Annie for pleasure. She hates every moment of this, but the better she does, the less her friends must suffer.

The creatures don’t seem to notice Ophelia’s efforts to pleasure them, however they do seem to be enjoying themselves, given the creatures start leaking warm, sticky liquid into Ophelia’s mouth, ass, and pussy, as well as all over her chest. The creatures increase their intensity even further, making Ophelia’s jaw feel like it really has been dislocated, and that her hips are about to break, that her pussy is being slowly torn open. The creature with her leg in its mouth starts to bite down harder as it growls in pleasure, at which point Ophelia can feel her ankle cracking beneath the pressure, feeling like it was slowly breaking.

Meanwhile, nearby, Alice was unconscious from being stomped on, while Annie still hadn’t awakened from being slammed around and used to break a boulder, her blood was slowly running down the sides and pooling into the snow, making a large red patch.

Ophelia almost gives a sigh of relief as the beasts begin leaking fluid into her. It causes her to learn that the pain of being violated is lessened by the orifices being lubricated, though she is still more than a touch disgusted by the source of said lubrication. However she will take what she can get in regards to this. It doesn't help the sensation of being overfilled that she's being split in two, though. And she begins to worry that the beast with her foot in its mouth will chew off her foot. Her Lesser potion is spoken for, its use dedicated to making sure Annie doesn't bleed out in the snow. She's unsure if a Potion can repair an amputated limb to begin with. Still, she will not stop masturbating it with her hand since otherwise it could get bored and move on to one of the others, which is even more unacceptable. So to speed things along since she's becoming severely worried about Annie's wounds, she attempts to speed things up. She tries to move along with the creature's thrusts and bob her head on the penises in her mouth, hoping the extra movement will get them off quicker so they'll leave her alone to check on her friends

As if the creatures had sensed that Ophelia was starting to get less uncomfortable, even if only slightly, they begin ramming into her even harder, slamming her into the ground with every thrust, starting to crack the rock beneath her, through the snow. After what feels like an eternity, the creatures finally start to spasm, their thrusts becoming much harder, and haphazard, until finally the creatures release a massive volume of cum into her pussy, ass, mouth, and all over her face and chest. By the time the creatures are done, her holes have overflowed several times over, most of her body becoming soaked and sticky, as well as her remaining clothes. The monsters each suddenly pull out of her and drop her on the ground fully, then as if she suddenly stopped existing once they were done fucking her, the entire group of creatures tramples her on their way back out of the area and down the mountain, apparently having forgotten Alice and Annie entirely.

Ophelia cannot help but begin screaming anew as the creatures undo what relief she obtained from the release of their fluids by rutting into her ever more fiercely. She can feel her spine being beaten further and further out of shape as it is used to break the rocks underneath her due to the force of their violation. Her discomfort becomes greater as somehow their genitals become larger inside of her, taking up even more room in orifices that already don't have any to spare. She learns very quickly what that means as they begin to release their seed on her and in her. It feels like there isn't a part of her that is not covered in a flood of their sticky, white semen. Due to the beast behind her, even her back is drenched in the stuff. She can feel the exact moment her orifices begin to fail holding the flood and it feels like she has not been able to take a breath in hours under the semen pumping down her throat and spurting out of her nose. It's blessed relief when the deluge of sperm ceases. Even more when she's dropped, meaning they're done with her. Her relief is short-lived when the entirety of the hoard steps through her to retreat.

Holding onto consciousness by the skin of her teeth, she drags herself by her arms over to her fallen comrades. Agony coursing through her very being, the only part of her fully operating is a primal part who needs the comfort her friends offer to her. Grabbing Annie and Alice's hands, she finally allows herself to lose the fight against unconsciousness and passes out, smiling with the knowledge that because she has suffered they have not.
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Mon May 27, 2019 7:05 am

Anastasia Ursa/LittleManKitten
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When Anastasia wakes up from her sleep, she finds that only Idalia and Aranya are in the room. Idalia was speaking with Aranya, who was picking leaves from a nearby potted plant, and throwing them at the ceiling, causing them to cut into it and hang there, paying only a tiny amount of attention to what Idalia was saying. "They had agreed that it would be better use of time to go find and complete some missions from the guild so that they have some [C] to spend, and can possibly find a house to buy with it. They'll be able to find us again, when they decide they need to. The important thing is that taking on missions makes them independent from Lord Barton." she said, as she was twirling her bangs around her finger. Aranya seemed to notice that Anastasia was awake immediately after she opened her eyes, and Idalia seemed to notice when Aranya's eyes shifted in her direction. "Our new friends went to take on Guild Jobs, and will join back up with us later. Since we have the day free, is there anything you want to do?" she asked, all at once. As she was speaking, she seemed slightly nervous, as if she thought Anastasia may be upset that she let the others run off without Anastasia's input.

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After Ophelia loses consciousness, she begins slipping in and out of that state, only becoming vaguely aware of her surroundings and what was happening for a blink at a time. First, she feels only the snow around her, and the resulting cold against her body. The next time, she feels her body being dragged backwards by her armor, across the ground, through the snow. The third time, she's no longer in the mountains, she's being dragged through the grass and woodlands, and she can see the trees slowly passing by as she's dragged along the ground.

The next time she briefly regains consciousness, she can hear the person dragging her as she shouts weakly "My friends and I were attacked, help! Please, open up your gates, we need healing!" however she loses consciousness before she could hear more. When she regains consciousness again, she's being carried instead of dragged, and she can feel armor against her side. When the surroundings come into focus, the area looks dark, as if it's night, and she can see purple orbs slowly floating around above her head, gray and black structures all around them of various sizes and shapes, the black stone streets are only lit by the metal posts, with purple lights at the top. All around her, people were roaming back and forth, going about their businesses, though showing concern for her when she was carried passed them. When Ophelia looks up at the woman carrying her, she sees a woman with extremely pale skin, long hair as black as raven feathers, and an equally black metal visor over her eyes, with a skull on each side, connecting a pair of metal bat wing-like designs to it.

When Ophelia finally regains full consciousness, she finds herself in just her bra and panties, her armor and other clothes on a black table beside her, matching the solid black room, with a gray bed and sheets, as well as pillows. She was surrounded by a gray curtain, blocking her view of the rest of the room, and her only company was a pair of guards who looked exactly like the woman who was carrying her. After a moment, a pale-skinned girl pulls the curtains aside and walks in, carrying a clipboard in one hand, and a massive needle in the other. She had long white hair, green eyes, and was only wearing a white overcoat, typical of medical personnel, and bandages wrapped around her breasts and hips, forming a sort of make-shift tube top and skirt. She looks mildly surprised when she sees Ophelia awake "Oh! I see you're awake. How are you feeling?" she asks, crouching by Ophelia's bedside and very gently touching Ophelia's ankle, slowly rubbing it, the ankle that the monster had crushed earlier that day, however it doesn't hurt much when the woman touches it, more like it was sore, much like her jaw, and most of the rest of her body, very sore and throbbing "Does this hurt? Are you still in pain?" she asks, softly.

Lilith Rose/Mark3000
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Lilith attempts to remain unseen while searching for a corpse.

Due to the battle taking place in and around a city with an incomplete while, much of the fighting had taken place on the outside to prevent the Goblins from getting in. The Guards and Goblins, even the few that were left outside the front gates, were so focused on the battle at hand that they certainly wouldn't have cared if they had seen Lilith outside. Due to the combat outside being mostly complete, finding a corpse, or more like numerous corpses, was extremely easy. Outside of the city walls wasn't just a corpse, or several corpses, or lots of corpses, but a hundreds of corpses. Numerous Goblins and Dartmoore Guards had died outside of the city walls, making picking or choosing a corpse an easy task, since there were many that were missing as many or few limbs as Lilith wanted, or simply having minor injuries that they had bled out from, would be a simple task, especially while staying out of view of the guards. Particularly, one city guard, in wood and leather armor, had died against the base of a thick tree, from a wound directly to his heart, which caused him to die pretty quickly, and with no other wounds.

Looking at the body, Lilith could faintly hear the nails-on-chalkboard in her head, it was as if it was calling her to the corpse. Despite not understanding the language, she could feel that she understood the Goddess perfectly; "You know what to do, my little shadow." it said, playfully.

Selvaria Vaimel/Blue56
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Selvaria finds that most of the construct's compartments are roughly the same, piles upon piles of corpses, and otherwise empty besides the seats. When she reaches the back of the construct, she finds that it's one of the few that has no corpses in it, and that it also has a red-tinted window there, which she can use to look directly behind as the the construct travels through the darkness, however she can only see the ground for a short distance due to the lack of lighting in the tunnel.

When the construct finally stops after, several hours, Selvaria an hear the doors to some of the compartments opening, and the creatures making their way out. After the area is empty, and Selvaria chooses to make her way out, she can see through the red-tinted windows of the compartments, that the corpses have all been collected and carried out by the creatures. When Selvaria makes her way out of the construct, she finds that rather than having the elaborate tunnels of the previous place she had entered the construct from, this location has just a platform made of gray and black tiles, solid black walls, and metal posts with purple lights at the top, to light the room, and a staircase leading upwards.

Following the staircase up out of the room brings her to a strange sight. She finds herself in the middle of a city, full of black structures, made of stone and wood, with pointed roofs, the corners of every structure lightly glowed purple. The streets were crowded with grey or red skinned creatures, with stitches across sections of their exposed skin. Some of them were missing one or both eyes, the sockets instead having purple glows to them, and all of them wore black and grey clothes. They were all going about their business as if this were any other city. The streets were lined with black towers, with purple lights at the top, keeping the streets and citizens visible, despite the fact that there was no natural light in the city, as if the light from the moon was being bent away from the city. Above her head, round purple orbs, emitting purple light, slowly hovering around and bouncing off the spaces above the walls, as if there were an invisible barrier there.

In the center of the city was a black castle, with eight towers, the gates open, and black semi-transparent windows along the walls.
The city itself was also complete with two guilds, one with a grey hand as the emblem, and one with a Gravestone emblem. The city also had a tower with a sign in italics referring to itself as the "Silence Inn", and a sign out front stating that the place also had a bar inside. Beside the inn were several shops, one for armor, one for weapons, one for food, and at the very end of the street, before the square, was an "Alchemy Shop". The square had a fountain, but with glowing purple liquid instead of water, darkwood trees growing from the ground, and grey-colored grass, as well as several benches to rest on.

On every street corner, and in front of every structure, as well as all around the black castle were a pair of female guards, wearing black armor chest plates, gauntlets, shoulder armor, boots, over black skin-tight body suits, with black visors hiding their eyes, with a skull on each side, connecting a pair of metal bat-like wing designs to it. Each guard was also armed with a large, long, black, double-edged blade. The creatures that Selvaria had been following were walking down the streets to a structure, made of black wood and stone like the rest, with a sign that displayed the typical hospital emblem in the front, beside the door. When one of the guards nearby spotted Selvaria, she smiled and gave her a casual wave as she strolled towards her "I see you took a less conventional entrance." she says, teasingly, "Welcome to Vitra, is there anything I can assist you with, my lady?" she asks.

Saphira Perinther/Randomizer
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Skyrille smiled and laughed when Saphira showed her enthusiasm towards the subject, though first turned to CeeCee "I'd like an artificial lifeform, I'm really not picky. If you can bring me a cute one, I'll be all the happier, however you're not obligated to do so.", she then turned to Saphira "I'll be happy to ensure your curiosity is sated, however just like CeeCee, I'd like you to do something for me, before I do something for you." she starts to say something, but stops before a word comes out of her mouth, and a look of deep concentration crosses her face. After a moment, that look of concentration turns into a smile. "Why don't we make this a game? You can both go out and retrieve for me, an artificial creature, and the one who makes it back first gets a prize in addition to the lessons." she says, smiling wider. The smile, of course, was not at all malicious, it was entirely playful, as was the tone of her voice. She then looks over the group for a moment "I suppose, since there's three of you, you can send her with the weaker of the two of you, leave her here until you return, or tell her not to interfere in your... game." she said, before suddenly straightening slightly. "Take your pick. In the meantime, I have a people waiting in the Recovery Center that I must attend to." she says, as she walks passed Saphira, dropping the key around her neck, one exactly the same as that which she gave to CeeCee, then briskly leaves the room.

Amun Khufu/MrBlah
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Camilla followed Amun without question, however the tears and fear in her eyes made clearly apparent how she felt about the situation in the shed. She started to speak to him, however before she could get a single word out, she was interrupted by the thundering footsteps of the Goblins chasing them down the steps from the shed. It was at this point that Amun can see all of the chaos going on around him, where Goblins were fighting against numerous, wood-and-leather-armored guards, outnumbering them at least ten to one. Nearly every shed in the area was being besieged by more Goblins. The ones that had originally attacked Amun gave chase, however before they could get close, a scream of rage alerted them to the presence of someone else. Before the closest Goblin could fully turn towards the source, it was engulfed in an explosion which sprayed its charred remains and blood-soaked innards outward, soaking Amun and the area in red. All that was left on the spot was its blackened rusty armor. The remaining three Goblins cried out in horror and started to back away, however the source of the flame, a woman with black hair, horns, red eyes, a flowing black skirt, and black armor with gold markings was already running the creature down with her polearm, and swiftly beheaded him, as well as the Goblin beside him, spraying their blood in all directions. The remaining Goblin attempted to fight back, however she bashed his weapon with her gauntlet, breaking the weapon into a thousand rusty pieces, before kicking it in the chest, denting its armor, followed by cleaving it clear in half. Once the creatures were all dead, she only gave Amun and Camilla a quick glance, then charged towards a second group of Goblins which were trying to break into a different nearby shed, where she immediately began burning them to death with fire breath, and ripping them apart with her polearm.

Camilla tugged at Amun's sleeve, however all of the chaos of dying villagers, guards, and goblins drowned out her voice. She seemed to realized this and stood on her tip toes, shouting louder "THAT'S METIA! I DON'T THINK SHE RECOGNIZED ME!" she yelled, pointing at the black-armored Dragon Were-Beast that had ripped the Goblins apart and burnt them to cinders, as she was slaughtering a group of seven that were trying to break into the nearby shed.

Amun chooses to go looking for Lilith, bringing him running towards the gates, however he sees her nowhere nearby, just numerous Goblin and Guard corpses, as well as numerous battles taking place. As Amun and Camilla approach the gates, however, three Goblins tear themselves away from the battle and start running towards Amun and Camilla. Camilla immediately hides herself behind Amun as the creatures approach, speaking in a language Amun doesn't understand.

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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby Mark3000 » Thu May 30, 2019 1:33 am

The voice of the Goddess still caused Lilith much pain. But the Nomad could bear it in order to hear her message. With a smile she approached the corpse laying under the tree. She ran a hand over the guard's heart. Had it been a death? Or perhaps he suffered till the very end. It mattered not as his body now belonged to her master.

The only question was how did she raise this undead corpse? When she took control of the one from the horde, she merely went with the flow and called it. Lilith figured it would be best to just go with her instincts. Adjusting the guards helm, she gave the bleeding corpse a deep kiss. Her tongue playing with his lifeless mouth. Pulling back she whispered. "I command thee in the name of Zalaam, Rise."

When Lilith speaks, a black fog fills her lungs and is expelled into the air, jagged purple lights pulsing across the cloud once it has filled the area around her. After a moment, the fog flows into the mouth of the corpse, causing the body to jolt. The body then settles back down, and jolts again, the eyes suddenly open, blood running from them as the corpse slowly stands up from the ground. After the corpse creaks and cracks, getting used to moving again, it lowers itself onto one knee, bowing its head to her as it awaits command. While bowing, the newly undead creature opens its mouth, a voice flowing from its lips without using its breath, mouth, or tongue to articulate the speech "I am at your service, servant of Zalaam." says the undead.

The black fog feels so natural that it doesn't bother Lilith one bit. As it flows into the undead body, Lilith's eyes go wide as she watches the corpses begin to move. She fully expects it to assault her then and there. But instead it bows to her and acknowledges the Nomad as it's master. A sense of power flows through Lilith like she's never felt before. To think that she could raise the dead. The control she felt was better then any high she'd felt in her entire life.

As she looked down at the resurrected solider, she wondered what her first command should be. She could use the undead to search for her companions or make a break for it. Though upon looking at the litany of corpses spread over the battle field, another idea . "Rise my Minion" Lilith said giggling to herself. "We're going to give your former comrades a helping hand" She said as she commanded the her undead minion to walk towards the closest skirmish between the goblins and humans. Lilith stayed hidden but followed close behind.

The undead makes its way towards the battle, moving robotically, stiffly, drawing its sword from the sheath as it approaches. The Guard that its approaching, who is busy fighting off three Goblins at once, being forced back, doesn't seem to notice that the creature approaching isn't just a normal guard, but with so little wrong with the creature's body, this isn't a difficult mistake to make. The undead, once in range, blocks a Goblin's strike, which would have been fatal, then punches the Rust-Armored creature in the face, causing its full-head helmet to spin around backwards, blocking its vision, and forcing it to stumble back.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Lilith was positively giddy as she watched her minion go to work. It was time for her to enter the fray as well. Slipping into the shadows, Lilith slipped a bear trap under the first armored goblin before slashing at it's neck. Even though it looks like the hidden dagger will miss, Lilith's glows wildly as her hand changes the attacks arc and buries itself into it's shoulder. When the goblin tries to respond, the trap goes off and severs a major artery in the goblin's leg as it bleeds out on the ground.

Meanwhile, Lilith's Zombie Guard confronts the two other goblins. While the undead misses, the other two opponents strike their target. But the Undead Guard brushes off the attacks like they were nothing. Just as Lilith was about to attack the next goblin, a flaming corpse falls on to the enemy. " ... " Lilith stood there silently for a moment unsure how to respond. To be honest, the thought of being crushed by a burning body made her want to find cover. But she had to finished these two off. However it seemed the two forces had come to a stalemate. Neither Lilith or her undead minion could hit the two goblins. In turn, the two goblins could barely leave a mark on Lilith or the undead guard. Her eyes continues to glow, draining the strength from the remaining foes.

Just when the battle seemed like it would drag on, a second body fell on the third goblin. The two creatures were so shocked that it gave Lilith and her guard the opening they needed. In sync, the two buried their weapons into the goblin's guts. The third one stumbled to the ground, not from the wound but due to some unseen force. Frightened, the last goblin swung wildly as it's weapon clinks off the zombie guard's armor. Lilith moved forward, deftly evading a burning corpse as she thrusts her hidden dagger forward. She misses and the last goblin steps back to attack. But the minute it sees Lilith's red eyes it stops. Coughing up blood it falls to the ground, dead.

With the battle over, Lilith calmed herself as her eyes returned to their regular hue. Once done, she turns to the guard they just saved. "Are you alright? You seemed to be having a bit of trouble and thought me and my friend could help." She said as point to the undead guard. "I go by Lilith. A Wanderer in more ways then one way. I would be more then happy to help you with your goblin problem ... for a price. Not [C] though, I'll take those." She said pointing to the goblin corpses. "Let me pick one from the slain and we'll call it even. If all goes we'll, I might even give you a hint on how to protect your city in the future." Lilith finished with a wry smile. She didn't know if the guard had the authority to hire her. But the chances of their superior being killed in the battle seemed pretty high. Never the less, if she could get the guard to accept her proposal she could proceed with her real plan. Getting this bevy of corpses to the Black Spire.

Before the guard could answer, Lilith added one more question. "And you wouldn't happen to know where all these dead bodies are coming from would you?"
Last edited by Mark3000 on Thu May 30, 2019 2:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby Littlemankitten » Thu May 30, 2019 2:20 am

Anastasia eyes flutter open after a dreamless rest, she blinks a few times and the first thing that enters her mind is the image of Ilaria eagerly sucking on her cock, causing her cock to immediately harden again. Thankfully this time it was hidden in the sheets, at least, it was a lot harder to notice. She shakes her head a little to try and clear these invasive thoughts out of her mind, yet they keep persisting. Letting out a internal sigh she slowly props herself up and looks around, at first wondering why there was floating leaves in the air, then noticing the distinct absence of the three chimera's. Before she even could process the few sentences she heard from the two, Idalia explained the situation. Taking a few more moments to process what she said, she looked at Idalia with tired eyes, the green light illuminating Idalia and Aranya. "Guess they couldn't wait to leave us. Well, at least they should find some stability together. Who's the one that suggested it first?" She asked rather non-chalantly, thinking perhaps even if she couldn't speak, Ilaria might have alluded to wanting to leave.

Idalia looked startled by the way Anastasia said it, but replied anyway "Ignia did, but first she wanted to verify that she wasn't allowed to fight in our team. She and the others really wanted to help us in any way they could, so they were bothered by the fact that they'd be stuck in this room until we were done here. they won't be far, they're just passed the water channel, in Kort." She explained, calmly. That's when Aranya chimed in "They'll either find us, or it'll be really easy to find them, don't worry about it." she said, sticking another leaf into the ceiling, by throwing it, her expression bored and carefree.

Anastasia nodded slowly, well, hopefully what happened isn't going to affect her relationship with those three. She didn't know why she cared, but she did. In fact, she cared a lot. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and got up, then walked to the mirror in the room and looked at herself once more, crossing her arms as she does so. She stood there silently for a while, her floating hair blocking the view of her backside for Aranya's no doubt wandering eyes. She thought for a bit, and as she did her anger slowly rose, but it wasn't the same kind of anger she once knew, just like how the thing in the mirror wasn't what she once knew, just like the way she felt towards the others wasn't like what she used to feel. Everything was becoming so warped... Why did she care about the fact the three left her so much? "You know." She started, then was silent for another few moments before continuing. "I may not be the nicest person to be around." She clenches her fists and breaths heavily. "But if I would of been in there position, I would of at least fucking said 'goodbye for now' or 'thank you'" She takes a few more deep breaths, unclenching then clenching her fists again multiple times as she does so. After fully suppressing her anger, she shakes her head and turns around, looking at Idalia briefly before diverting her gaze away from the two and walking towards the door and intentionally ignoring Aranya, her armor still on the ground, though at least she still had clothing on. "I'm gonna take a walk." She stated before walking out the door.
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby MiscChaos » Fri May 31, 2019 9:59 pm

Fighting her way to consciousness is not something Ophelia has any experience in. Her entire method of combat revolves around not being hit at all or, if she is taking too much damage, disengaging before she is knocked out to begin with. What little thoughts she can gather in her barely here, barely there state all scream that she does not enjoy this process and she hopes she never has to learn how better to do so. For one, she does not enjoy only partly being able to understand what is going on around her. The brief snatches and pieces of conversation and scenery would be irritating if she could summon the energy to be annoyed. The powerful surge of worry as she hears either Alice or Annie, she's too out of it to tell which, cry out for help, not knowing what they will have to give up in exchange to secure it. Concern as to just who the woman who is carrying her is and why she is no longer with her companions. Not being able to answer all of these questions will be infuriating when she has the mental balance to feel such things.

When consciousness finally returns to her fully, she cannot remember the things she was worried about nor why she is not waking up within the confines of the Colosseum with Alice in her arms. So her first response to seeing a set of armored unknowns and what could only be a person in a fetish outfit- and a needle large enough to constitute as a weapon- and a lack of Annie or Alice is to attempt to flee and find her friends. Only the dulled, sore pain coursing through what feels like her entire being forces her back to the bed before she can fully commit to the action. The discomfort is the herald to her memories returning and the question of why she is not surrounded by 2 of the only 3 people she trusts answers itself a little. Now the question is where they are now and are they safe. A question Ophelia NEEDS answered immediately. Panic overtakes her as the question stands further and further out in her mind and she finds herself scrambling back and reaching for her weapons to fight her way to Annie and Alice if necessary. It is only at this moment that she notices that she is lacking in her armor and weapons, clad only in her underthings. Her panic only increases as she realizes she is now unable to defend herself adequately.

It is only very slowly that other facts begin penetrating the instinctual part of her brain.The quite, soothing tone of the fetish woman's voice, the gentle, cautious way she approved her, the fact that the guards did not react to her awakening by subduing her or making sure she did not attack the fetish woman. She is still horribly cautious and her first order of business is still tracking down Annie and Alice, but she can at the very least acknowledge that the people in this room current are not hostile. Not yet anyway. If she gives in to her instinct to hold the fetish woman, who might actually be a nurse given her actions so far, hostage and demand to be released from the room then that may change. The instant she begins standing down, her body reminds her that yes, she is still very much feeling the aftermath of losing a fight and then attracting the attention of 6 amorous Ice Stalkers. She sits back down and tries her best to not let her pain show too much on her face.

"I apologize for my hasty actions. To answer the previous question, yes, there is a low grade but persistent pain through the entirety of my body. I have fought in worse and I can stand, so I can deal with it." Her words are somewhat a lie: she has never started a fight in the condition she finds herself in now, but no matter how benevolent their intentions she is still surrounded by strangers. Letting them know the extent of her injuries, especially given the prevalent discrimination against her kind, seems like a poor idea. Or perhaps not. Looking over everyone in the room with a calmer eye, she notices that none of them have a skin type she finds outside of Nomads, the raisers of the dead, or the dead themselves. None of those generally have a problem with Nomads. Still, better safe than sorry. "On the subject of my condition, there should be two others who were traveling with me who underwent similar trials. Is it possible to see them? Or at the very least know where they are. Failing that, I would like my armor and weapons back so I may search for them myself."
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby Randomizer4 » Tue Jun 04, 2019 9:41 pm

Saphira eagerly nodded when Skyrille decided she would give her the knowledge she sought, but she pondered a bit when the woman decided to turn the ordeal into a race. Outbeasthunt the beast hunter. At least there were no real rules, just retrieve an artificial, like Magnolia. Hunting one would be… almost impossible, and Saphira thought back to the creature that was accompanying that other party they met just before entering Vitra. But she had a plan, not much of one, but a plan.
“I don’t think I’d be needing the assistance of Magnolia, CeeCee, but it’d probably be fair to leave her out of it. If you’re up for the challenge, I am!” The young woman than quickly reached for and caught the key Skyrille dropped, before turning back to the wolf-girl. “Well, I wish you the best of luck, I’m gonna stick around here for a few minutes and take a look around.” She sighed, “Although I doubt, I’d be able to read anything. See you later!” She smiled, but there was a mischievous hint in the smile, her competitive instincts were activated and she was eager to get started.
She took a look at a few books, trying to make any sense of the strange symbols, but mostly waiting until CeeCee left. When she did, she prepared herself for a journey back to Barton Castle. She hoped CeeCee would be instinctively drawn to hunting an artificial, while she just intended to ask for one from their creators. Surely the old man would understand, he was a man of knowledge too, perhaps he’d do Saphira a favour…
Once outside the magical city of the dead, Saphira would plan out her route, trying to avoid the most dangerous areas. Then, she was off, ready to win this race!

Saphira's route, if everything goes as planned:
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'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby lilbooth » Tue Jun 04, 2019 11:43 pm

Cee Cee was slightly disheartened when Skyrille decided to make their task a competition. But Saphira seemed excited and happy enough so that made Cee Cee less worried. But she was worried about Saphira traveling alone. Saphira I'd much prefer if you take Magnolia with you. Traveling alone is far too dangerous. She will help keep you safe." She offered, before turning to Magnolia. "Maggie, please follow Saphira and keep her safe. Do whatever she tells you to." She said patting the girl on the head. Once she was certain that Magnolia would follow Saphira she was off. She planned to head for Barton Castle. Off the three other chimera's she knew of, two were going to be impossible to capture, or at least lead, back to Vitra. She would prefer not to actually have to capture anything, rather just convince one or more of the chimeras to follow her back to Vitra and then let Skyrille deal with the rest. Lord Barton might also be able to just create a new one for her, but considering he just created Magnolia she wasn't sure if that was going to happen.

She decided that her best move would be to head back to Isuelt first. Saphira would be traveling on foot so she would be significantly slower than Big Birb. With speed on her side, she could turn in her quest at the black dragon guild and then make her way to Barton Castle. She wasn't particularly interested in beating Saphira back to Vitra. Whatever the reward was would surely be nice but the lesson of the lost arts was really what was on her mind. With little left to do in the city, she made her exit. Sure it was intriguing but also quite ominous, and every time she saw those streams of purple water it reminded her of the roots brought forth from the skeleton king. Investigating the cause the undead was another thing high on her list to do, but she felt quite unprepared to face them at the moment, even with her full party. She stopped just before the gates and turned to one of the guards. "Do you control were the doors appear in my world? She asked hoping to lessen her journey. "If so could you open this to the closest forest near Isuelt?" She asked with a big smile. "I can pay with a favor or echoes if needed, not sure how this works." She said wondering how autonomous the guards were.
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby Blue56 » Thu Jun 06, 2019 3:09 am

Finding a car without any corpses, Selvaria decides it's the best place for her to settle down and wait for the construct to arrive at it's destination. Not only did that mean it was unlikely for the shadowy creatures up front to come back here, but sitting next to a pile of corpses sounded like a very unpleasant thing. And it was a good thing too, since Selvaria was in for a very long ride. Hours went by, and though Selvaria was starting to feel tired, she forced herself to remain alert and vigilant until the construct finally began to slow and come to a stop.

The door opens and Selvaria waits, giving plenty of time for the creatures to unload their cargo before slipping out of the construct and up the staircase that seemed to be the only way they could have gone. She had no idea what to expect at the end of the trail she was following, but to find herself in another city was most unexpected. Especially a city that looked so similar, and yet jarringly different from the ones she was used to. The buildings looked familiar enough, but everything else seemed... dead. Especially the citizens, the way they were stitched up made it clear what these corpses that were being stolen were used for, the only question was what purpose it all served.

Selvaria had been so engrossed in taking in this strange new city and it's bizarre, undead looking inhabitants, that she hadn't even been able to hide herself before she was spotted. The woman that approached reminded her of guards she had seen in Fero, though this city was clearly a different one altogether, and her pale skin reminded Selvaria more of a Death Knight. With similarly dressed women on every corner, there was little chance of being able to run or hide. Instead, she simply stood her ground, still clutching her rifle tightly as the apparent guard addressed her so politely, much to Selvaria's surprise. She was still weary of this woman and this city, but if the guard was offering help, there was no harm in asking questions at least. "Vitra?" Selvaria repeats the city's name, confusion plain on her face. It was hard to believe there was a city like this that she hadn't been to during her time on Cielo. "I've.... never heard of this place. How far am I from Azraq? What was that construct that brought me here? And what are they doing with all those corpses?" She asked, pointing to the creatures she had tracked here, her mind racing with numerous questions and her mouth blurting them all out as fast as they came.

The woman looked puzzled for a brief moment, then pressed one of her hands to her ear and mumbled something. After a moment of speaking to herself, realization hit her and she laughed "Oh, you snuck onto the Dead Railway! My lady, you are far from Azraq. What you snuck onto was a Train, such things are lost arts these days. All of those corpses are being brought to that structure over there-" she said, pointing to the structure with the hospital emblem on it "Where they'll be brought back to life and live here." she explained before motioning towards the black benches near the fountain "Would you like to have a seat?" she asked.

Somehow, these answers didn't really make the situation any more clear to Selvaria. "So this really is a city of undead then... But why assemble so many here?" She utters, mostly to herself, before looking over to the bench. "Very well..." She nods in agreement, still weary but not yet seeing any harm in simply resting for a moment. "So this.... Train. Does it travel to other cities? Can I take it back to Azraq once my business is concluded here?" Selvaria continues to inquire as she makes her way over to the bench and takes a seat, still keeping her rifle at the ready even as she sits. The train was quite the fascinating idea to her, so she would have liked to travel on it again, or even learn how it works.

The woman sits down beside Selvaria and watches the various people around the city conducting their business, moving from place to place. "It does, it collects the dead of several cities and brings them back here, so that they can live in peace. All our Master, Keeper Skyrille, seeks to do is allow them to live comfortably, an ordinary life, for as long as they desire. They're free to pass on as soon as they desire to do so." she says, before answering the second question, just as calmly and softly "Once the train's business has concluded, you may ask our Master, Keeper Skyrille, if she'd be willing to allow you to travel back to Azraq when you desire to leave." she says, with a smile, before pointing at the large black castle "She resides in there, and I can ask her if she'll see you, if you like."

Selvaria watches the people of Vitra as well, as she considers what the woman has told her thus far. She highly doubts that there was no other purpose for reanimating all these dead bodies besides letting them live peaceful lives. On the other hand, they did seem different than the undead she had encountered elsewhere. It really was almost like they were still alive... It sounded as if visiting this Keeper Skyrille might be her best option, both for learning more about this mysterious city, and for learning how Lena's disappearance tied into all this, if it even did at all. ".... If you would be so kind." Selvaria says eventually, nodding to the woman. "If I'm as far from Azraq as you say, it would be nice to take the train back rather than going on foot."

The woman nodded in understanding and put her hand to her ear, mumbling to herself again. After this had gone on for about a minute, the woman looked up again "My master says that if you head to her castle, she'll be with you shortly. She's attending to some patients at the Hospitorium, and once she is done, she'll return to the Throne Room to see you. Until then, make yourself at home." she says, with a friendly smile. "If you have any questions, ask one of the Guards or Royal Guards and they'll be happy to assist you.", then she gave a wide sweeping motion, as if to show Selvaria all of the guards posted at various locations across the city.

Selvaria remains quiet, watching with interest as the woman seems to converse with herself. Perhaps this was another lost art? Once this is finished and she's received permission to proceed to the castle, Selvaria returns the guards smile with one of her own for the first time, though only slightly, and bows her head as a sign of gratitude. "I thank you for your assistance." She states simply before standing up from the bench, her white wings stretching out from beneath her cloak where they had been cramped up for so long as she does so. Selvaria tucks her wings back in once more and slings her rifle over her shoulder, feeling satisfied that these people mean her no harm for the time being, before giving the woman one last nod and walking towards the black castle that loomed in the distance.
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby mrblah » Fri Jun 07, 2019 6:42 am

Amun noticed their pursuers around the same time Camilla had, and he was only more motivated to get out of the city in siege. The familiar situation told him all he needed to know about what was going to happen, and he didn't need to be there when it did. Neither did his young charge. "... Camilla, stay close to me. Don't let go of my hand for a second!" Amun reached over to grab her hand and immediately made a break for it, trusting in his natural aptitude for running away as he lead her through the chaos. The goblins from earlier gave chase... he'd have to lose them.

But try as he might, Amun couldn't shake their pursuers. Every turn he took had them right on his back, and it seemed he'd run out of luck as a previously open venue of escape was blocked off by a falling building. He turned to face his opponents, raring himself for a continuation of the fight—when they were suddenly slaughtered by what he saw as a wild dragon were-beast. The blood and gore from the explosion of the first goblin had rained down onto the shocked and horrified former noble, who could only stare and watch, almost completely unaware of his disgusting state as a feeling of terror gripped his heart. The goblins were bad, but... this was a brutality he'd never seen. "M-Metia?" He barely recognized Camilla speaking, and when he had, he noticed his current state of uncleanliness and gagged. Then he promptly vomited off to the side.

"... We have to go." This Metia person was clearly going berserk. He didn't want to get caught in the crossfire with Camilla, especially if she supposedly hadn't recognized her before. No... as much as he was somewhat wary of it, they needed to get back to someone they knew to be safer than this; Lilith. He reached out to roughly grab Camilla's hand, not bothering to be gentle in the crisis they were in, and he ran as fast as he could where he saw Lilith last. Instead of finding her, however, he'd find nothing but more fighting and death...

He felt sick, and worried. "Damn it... damn it! Where the hell is she?! How could she be gone NOW of all times?!" The stress caught up to him, and he let go of Camilla to briefly vent his frustrations. This... none of this was going well. He reached up to his head and tightly clutched his hair, feeling like ripping it out as he tried to think of some other way out. That's when he notice a few of the goblins breaking off from fights to charge them. "Damn it... damn IT!" Really? This on top of everything? Amun mentally cursed the name of his God, feeling in some way that it was her fault that he was in such a terrible situation. He pulled out his rusty dagger and prepared himself for a fight. These goblins looked weaker than before, so it might be better to try and kill them than to let them chase him and Camilla somewhere bad. "Stay here, Camilla... scream if something happens."

The Fight
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He made the first move, dashing at the closest goblin to hopefully take it off guard. Unfortunately, frontal assaults rarely catch an enemy flat-footed, so it was easy for his enemy to dodge out of the way. He was quick to duck back from the return blow, with the goblin's blade narrowly passing by his vision. The other two pressed his defense, but Amun's had a lot of experience with dodging by now. The second goblin snarled as it tried to stab him, but he danced around the blade as if it were a simple game. The third one, seeing him as too agile, tried to swipe his legs with its sword, only for him to flip backwards to avoid it. He eyed the three, readjusting his grip on his knife and almost smirking with a bit of confidence. Maybe... this was something he could do. Maybe fighting wasn't that bad if he had some better equipment and had a little more exper—

"GAH!" Amun coughed out as something heavy and hot dropped onto his back from behind, sending him to the floor roughly. Instincts kicked in and the were-beast shook as the heat licked at his bare skin, but he was too late. Amun cried out in pain as the fire covered his flammable bits of clothing, and though he got the body off, he was still on fire and distracted. Why, he thought. Why?! How would this even happen in any instance of a... Metia. If he wasn't busy screaming in agony, he would curse the name as he realized the berserking were-dragon probably got clumsy and threw a body over at him. How in Sirius's... no, how in a COMPETENT Goddess's name did she manage to hit him from WAY OVER THERE?

Amun didn't have any time to complain. He didn't even have any time to deal with his burns, so he had to grin and bear it, but his clothes would definitely not last long. He lunged at one of the goblins with an increased viciousness, dodging past its hastily prepared guard and stabbing it in the shoulder. It cried out and tried to grab hold of the hand holding the rusty dagger to hold him in place as it ran him through, but Amun was a step ahead. He kicked off the goblin, angrily ripping his dagger out as he did and then immediately being charged by his friend upon his landing. Unsteady and not ready for such a quick riposte, Amun was shoulder tackled and knocked down, then had to roll to the side to dodge a follow-up stab aimed for his head. Then another sword tried to pin him in the stomach, but he jumped past the blade and grabbed onto the goblin's sword arm—ACK! His damned friend tried to bite him! Amun pulled back, just barely evading what might've stricken him with who knows what sort of diseases.

But there was no lull in the battle. The goblin who'd been saved thanked his friend by trying to spear Amun as he pulled back. Amun had little time to react, and could only brace for the blow as... instinctively, he ducked, and a flying body slammed into the goblin to send him back. It screamed in shock and pain, pinned down by the heavy flaming body and burning alive. Amun shot it a merciless look. Good riddance, he thought. He still had two other opponents, but it looked like that one would be busy.

His two enemies barely cared for the plight of their other goblin as he was probably dying painfully. One of them actually turned to laugh and point at it. Amun silenced it as he charged it while its back was turned and lodged his dagger down into its spinal cord. It let out a croak of shock, and dropped to the ground with lifeless eyes. He didn't have time to enjoy his small victory as the other goblin charged him, and Amun was forced to side step a down swing of its blade. The clumsy thing passed by him, just as another burning body fell between them to halt Amun's return blow. He dodged past it and rushed in for his hopefully final assault, stabbing at the unprepared goblin and aiming for its neck—

It turned at the last minute, raising its sword to hastily block the tip of his dagger. "What?!" It barely had the time to notice him coming! He couldn't be upset for long as he needed to dodge back as another flaming body dropped between them. Amun actually growled in frustration, tightly gripping his dagger as he glared at his enemy because it should be dead and not alive. He circled it, as it did him, and he readjusted his grip on his dagger as he stared it down... the goblin snarled, taunting him by licking its bloodied blade. He didn't fall for it. In fact, he was incredibly focused right now. Amun was feeling so focused and generally confident in himself that the fact that he was still on fire hadn't crossed his mind in a few minutes.

Thankfully, Metia was still around to remind him of that fact. Another falling, flaming body dropped from seemingly nowhere, hitting him and sending him to the floor. "NOT AGAINAAAAH!" Yeah, no, he should've seen this coming. The goblin didn't let this opportunity go to waste as it charged him. Indiscriminately and violently, it began slashing at the downed former noble, blood spraying everywhere as it laughed in its victory. It kept slashing, and slashing, its blade cutting through flesh and possibly bone as it slashed blindly. After some time, the goblin huffed and puffed with a wild, satisfied grin.

It turned its sights to Camilla, now that it took out the threat, and begun to advance towards her with a sick, hungry look. It hadn't even taken two steps before a pile of flaming bodies suddenly fell from nowhere, crushing it underneath its weight and burning it alive. It let out its horrendous death cries, struggling underneath the pile as it likely cursed the world for its shitty luck. But that was the way of things, and nothing would help it. Suddenly, as if to end it, the blade it dropped when it was crushed stabbed through the bodies, almost impaling it. Then again, it came down. And again. And again. Until it eventually silenced it with a sword through the chest.

... A bloodied, somewhat injured Amun was holding the handle. He panted heavily as he let go of it, lucky to have survived the wild attacks from his last foe. Had the idiot stopped to look at what it was hitting, it would've noticed that the burning corpse on its enemy was moving to block a lot of its attacks, with only a few hitting Amun himself. The fire and being as tired as he was still was doing a number on him. He really was on his last legs, even after getting so lucky with another dump of Metia's gory kills. Amun stumbled over to Camilla and took her hand as he made to lead her away, saying nothing as he tried to think about their next move. Where would they go? Where COULD they go? Trying to return to Lilith didn't work, and with Amun as hurt as he was, it'd be impossible for him to defend Camilla against another attack. They needed a friendly. Someone strong enough to protect her. But...

Metia. It was a long shot, but Amun felt it was their only shot. Lilith was Sirius knew where right now (and Sirius was holding out on him too because she's a bitch) so the only person who could really protect Camilla was Metia. "We're... gonna find Metia. Stay close to me, okay?" He didn't look back at her as he started trudging along. He was desperate now, less for himself and more to save the life he couldn't let himself fail.
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:45 am

Anastasia Ursa/LittleManKitten
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Anastasia chooses to go for a walk.

As she walks out of the room, Idalia looks concerned, while Aranya simply ignores what had happened and continues sticking leafs into the ceiling. As Anastasia moves through the halls of the Colosseum, she can look over the numerous banners lining the walls, all of various colors, with various patterns, and boarders, and emblems on them. After having traveled a short distance through the halls, passing various warriors of different shapes and sizes, she comes to a door, leading out to a balcony. The door stands open, and she can see that the spot is empty, and there's a nice breeze outside. Deciding it's a good place to be alone, she walks out, and looks over the railing at the vase expanse before her. Hills and plains, woodlands, a gray sky above her. After standing there for some time, she hears the sound of the door opening back up, and she's joined on the balcony by Idalia. She stays quiet for a long moment, looking over the scenery before finally speaking up "It wasn't easy finding you, the place is so crowded." she said, quietly "You shouldn't be upset with them, you know. I highly doubt they didn't say anything because of you, but because they had little to no interaction with people during their time with the Bartons, having been locked in a cage and starved. They probably weren't sure how to express their gratitude, or found it too awkward to say 'bye for now', when they had never done it before. I know I didn't when I didn't understand when I first escaped. I do know that the reason they left was to repay us... they're used to being tools, not people." she said, before going quiet.

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None of the strangers seem concerned when she attempts to reach for weapons. The pale-skinned woman with the needle nodes in understanding when Ophelia discusses her pain and starts gently rubbing her body in several places, starting at her ankles, then moving to her legs, being extremely gentle each time, her touch being very soothing, and easing her pain very slightly. Meanwhile, as she starts to answer Ophelia's question regarding her companions, she suddenly stops and tilts her head, as if listening to someone speak, however Ophelia hears no voice. After a moment, she stops tilting her head, and says nothing, merely moving up Ophelia's ankles, to her thighs, then her hips, then up to her sides, her arms, her shoulders, her back, then starting to move back down. The silence in the room is deafening, until suddenly the curtains are pulled aside, and three women enter the room. The woman in the front was a pale-skinned one with curly red hair and lilac eyes, and was wearing a black dress with a black hood over her head, with ear-shaped sections sewed onto it. She was holding a scythe with a hook at the bottom, from which hung a spherical lantern. On either side of her was a pair of guards with pale skin, pink-white hair, lilac eyes, black metal armor, and giant swords. Big black horns were sprouting from either side of their heads, and unlike the other guards, who looked eerily similar, these women had their faces exposed from under their black metal visors, and they were also wearing significantly less, lacking a body suit and only covering their legs, arms, chest, and crotch with armor, exposing very pale skin. When the three women entered, the two guards that had been in there already knelled down and bowed their heads, but when the woman who was massaging Ophelia's body started to do the same, he woman with the red hair held out a hand to stop her, and softly responded "Please, continue.", after which she turned to Ophelia "Hello, little shadow, you've been through a lot, haven't you?" she asked, with a small, friendly smile. "I'm Skyrille, the keeper of Vitra, where you are now located. This place is the Hospitorium, and these are my guards-" she said, motioning towards the two women kneeling on either side of the curtain, before waving her hand over the two other women who had entered with her "These are my royal guards-" she continued, before turning back to Ophelia "You may call me Keeper Skyrille, though the people of Vitra prefer to call me Master, though don't be misled, I only maintain this place, I do not rule it.", she said, before pausing for a brief moment, to let all of the information sink in "I suppose you must be wondering about the two people who came with you, however you need not worry, my medical personnel have stabilized them, and they're now recovering in their own rooms, being guarded by the Vitra Guards. Do you have any other questions that you'd like me to answer, my lady?" she asked, while motioning for the two guards to stand, after which one of them pulled a black wooden stool from outside the curtains and set it down beside Skyrille, to which Skyrille responded with a smile and thanked her, sitting down.

Lilith Rose/Mark3000
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The guard looks exhausted, and hesitates for a moment when he sees Lilith, assumedly because she's a Wanderer, however he quickly recovers, going down on one knee to rest "My lady, you may have whatever you want if you eliminate these evil savages." he says. He seems confused by the follow-up question at first, however another flaming corpse lands nearby, splatting onto the ground, at which point he seems to completely understand. "There's this insane Were-Dragon Mercenary inside the city, she's ripping Goblins apart and/or burning them alive, then throwing them to the side." he said with a shudder "She wears mostly black, has horns growing from her head, and uses two polearms... when she doesn't just rip them apart with her bare hands..." he says, shuddering again. He then looks at the undead guard Lilith had raised "Is that Chet...? Nevermind... just, please, kill all of the Goblins, they formed a massive legion, I've never seen so many in one spot." he said, before standing back up and starting to limp towards the front gates, where more fighting is taking place.

Selvaria Vaimel/Blue56
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The trip to the castle takes the Selvaria through the square, a place built with a stone walkway, taking her around the fountain with glowing purple liquid in it, surrounded by a patch of gray grass, the only gap in the stone walkway, and darkwood trees growing from in the patch of grass. People were resting on the benches, and waved their stitched up hands, attached to stitched up arms, at her as she passed by.

When Selvaria reaches the castle, passing by numerous undead-looking citizens of Vitra as she makes her way there, most of them waving and smiling at her, or just saying hello as they pass by, she is greeted by the Royal Guards on either side of the gates, they were physically identical to the Guards she had seen around the city, though they were dressed in far less and had white-pink hair instead of the black. Their armor only covered their arms, legs, and crotch, and they had purple stockings, and horns growing from either side of their head, and had lilac eyes. They seem to have already known what she was there for, as they immediately slide the gates open, waving their hands towards it. "You're expected, please proceed." they say, with a friendly smile.

The interior of the Castle was just as black as the city, with the floor being checkered in black and gray panels, the walls being made of pitch black stone. A single lilac rug decorated the floor, while numerous portraits of disfigured-looking humans lined the walls, with silver frames. On the opposite side of the colossal-sized room was a silver throne, which sat empty. Numerous Royal Guards were lining either side of the room. When Selvaria entered, one of them raised a hand to her ear, and tilted her head, speaking to herself for a moment. After she had finished, she spoke up to Selvaria "Welcome to Echo Castle, Master is currently at the Hospitorium and will be with you shortly." she said, before adding "If you like, I could answer any questions you may have, or show you around the Castle while we await her return." she says, softly, however because the room echoed so well, Selvaria could hear her just fine.

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When CeeCee tells Magnolia to follow Saphira for now, she looks confused for a moment, then seems to understand "Fowwow Saphwa, yas!" she says, jumping at CeeCee and giving her a hug, the girl's head slamming into CeeCee's chest hard, though unintentionally so. Once she finishes hugging CeeCee, she runs over to where Saphira went.

As CeeCee makes her way through the city, the citizens wave their hands at her and give her quick 'hello's as they pass each other, until she reaches the city gates, where she's greeted by the guards, then asked them a question. The guard smiles when she is asked whether she controls the position of the gates "I have no control over that, I just open and close them, as do the guards outside. If we could help you with that, we would, my lady." she says, with a friendly smile, before moving closer to her and touching her cold cheek to CeeCee's own and adding "You don't need to offer us payment, we're always happy to help you, or you can always help us~" she says, he voice going from friendly to seductive as she gently gropes CeeCee's ass, leaving her hand there for a brief moment, before pulling away and moving back to her post, adding, her voice becoming friendly again "Have a safe trip, my lady!" as the two open the gates.

As CeeCee made her way out of Vitra, she could see that it was night, and as she moved out into the darkness, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that clung to her. The darkness seemed to weight down on her, like heavy weights were tied around her ankles and wrists, however this did not prevent Big Birb from pressing onward through the hills and plains. When CeeCee starts to make her way over a particularly high hill, while passing by the Forest of Silence, the ground begins to shake around her, as if an earthquake was occurring around her. When CeeCee looks around, she sees, quickly approaching, a massive spider-like creature, with six eyes which glowed bright enough for CeeCee to see it in the darkness, and tentacles sprouting from its face, gigantic fangs and pincers, claws sprouting from two of its eight legs. It seemed as though the creature was alone at first, however if CeeCee squints into the darkness, she can see an army of numerous smaller spiders following it, all of them heading straight towards her and Big Birb.

Saphira Perinther/Randomizer
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Before CeeCee leaves, she tells Magnolia to follow Saphira and do as she says, to which Magnolia replies "Fowwow Saphwa, yas!" before hugging CeeCee tightly, then making her way over to Saphira. "Go tooo... hoot hoot?" she says, cocking her head in confusion, showing no interest in the books Saphira was trying to decipher. When Saphira decided to leave, after CeeCee had already gone, Magnolia followed her, as instructed.

As Saphira leaves the city, the citizens and the Guards give her friendly smiles and waves, Magnolia waving back happily and calling out 'hi' to them enthusiastically. As the two step outside of the city, they discover that it's night. This, however, doesn't seem to bother Magnolia, who simply hoots more frequently, as she keeps glancing at the moon. Their journey back to the Barton Castle takes them through the darkness, mostly over hills and through plains, and while they see several creatures out during the daylight, when they see Magnolia and she innocently and enthusiastically waves at them, the creatures flee in terror.

As the two begin moving through the plains, Magnolia straightens up and tilts her head. "Hoot hoot?" she says, looking around suddenly. Soon, Saphira hears it, too, the sound of a creature crawling through the tall grass, and soon Saphira can see the tall grass and weeds parting, and as the parting weeds and grass draw closer, a growling sound can be heard. As Saphira tries to find an escape route, she soon sees that the grass isn't just parting from one side, it's parting from three sides, and all three are converging on Saphira and Magnolia. When they reach roughly a foot away from the two, suddenly three large creatures, covered in grey fur with black stripes, with legs like a wolf, and arms like a bear, erupt from out of the grass. Their one glowing red eye peers at the two from within the darkness and the creatures grin, showing off their long, sharp fangs. Magnolia looks at the large creatures and waves at them, while the creatures drop into a battle stance, their claws at the ready, their wolf-like tail twitching back and forth slowly.

Amun Khufu/MrBlah
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Camilla was trembling by the time the fight had ended, and didn't hesitate to grab his arm when he started trudging back towards where Metia was last spotted. finding her wasn't difficult at all, as her position in the area was clearly marked by swirling flames. When the two reach her, she glances in their direction, looking up from the dead Goblin whose skull she had just caved in with the decapitated head of another Goblin. When she looks up, Camilla calls out to her "Metia, it's me! I missed you!" she says, possibly somewhat dishonestly, though only somewhat, since Metia did keep her safe, and as Camilla said, she was very strong. Evident by the numerous piles of shredded and flaming bodies everywhere. "Camilla! Wait, where's the Gray-skin that was with you?" she asks, dropping the decapitated head and moving towards them, only stopping to breath a plume of flames onto a Goblin that had started to sneak out of one of the nearby buildings, the Goblin immediately going up in flames, shrieking in agony, then dying horribly. When Metia reaches the group, she gently pats Camilla on the head "She stayed in the woods when we came here, and she hasn't caught up yet..." says Camilla, to which Metia nods in understanding "But if she stays in the woods, she'll miss all of the fun." she says, gesturing towards all of the dead Goblins "I guess that's more for me." she adds, with an innocent grin, despite the implications of such a statement. She then seems to notice Amun for the first time "Wow, you're a mess. You should get yourself a band-aid, there, Fox boy. You're supposed to stab the Goblins, not let them stab you, you're fighting wrong." she says. "I don't suppose you came over here to catch up, did you and fox boy need something?" she asks, looking first to Amun, then to Camilla, then back again, though seeming somewhat antsy when she looked passed them, to the fighting at the gate.

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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:23 am

Ophelia's wariness lasts for the entirety of the nurse's massage and she cannot loosen her muscles to save her life. She cannot help but feel that she would appreciate this more if Alice or Annie was doing it, but she will not act hostilely for fear of what the guards would do if she did so. Her unease only intensifies when the nurse begins to listen to something that is not there. Beyond what her Lady has told her, her own experiences have told her that someone who hears voices in their head are not stable people. And she is forced to entrust her wellbeing to someone with that instability. At this point, she would risk the wrath of the guards if the crazy woman's hands went anywhere inappropriate and she is very glad when they don't by the time she finally takes her hands off of her. Of course, the nurse takes her hands back when someone else invades her medical bay and she once again reaches for weapons that are not there. Likely for the best given the scythe in the lead woman's possession. And the extra guards. She did not like 3 on 1 odds. 6 on 1 are much, much worse.

Her first words make Ophelia dislike her since the Nurse's hands are now back upon her. At the very least, now she knows where she is... and knows that she and her party did not make it far at all before their journey completely fell apart. Vitra is basically the closest city to the Colosseum and given how long she guesses she was out, they've wasted all available daylight due to their misadventure. That's an entire day wasted with basically no progress made towards their goal. Her anger towards herself is only eclipsed by her relief that Annie and Alice are well and did not have to suffer like she suffered. If she had been stronger, faster, better then she could have beaten that last Ice Stalker and then allowed her party the opportunity to recover before moving on. Her failing could cost Lady Techra her life. She barely pays attention to the information Skyrille supplies to her. "I have but two questions, one a curiosity, one urgent. The first: I notice that everyone I have seen share a certain paleness to their color. Is this town inhabited by Nomads, Undead, or the like? The second: I wish to see my companions immediately. Is that possible? Everything else can wait until after I have seen their status with my own eyes." With a brief downward twitch of her mouth, she adds on, "Can I also have her stop touching me? Having a stranger feel across so much of me is very uncomfortable."
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby mrblah » Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:15 am

Amun was thankful the journey to Metia wasn't long. With as aggressive and destructive as she was finding, they only needed to head in the direction of the screams and follow the trail of carnage. He stood silent as Camilla called out to her, letting those familiar with one another briefly catch up. He couldn't help but look around at all the violence, both to watch out for anything incoming, but also because... it was terrible. His first opinion of Metia, Amun thought, was correct. She was a violent berserker who shouldn't be crossed.

When she addressed him, Amun straightened up ever so slightly. "I... am not the fighting type. Until very recently, I'd never been in a real fight all my life." He was speaking slowly due to some difficulty breathing. "And, yes... as you pointed out, I am not the most terrific fighter, miss. I've... I've had a hard time with just simple goblins, and I'm not sure if... if I can look after Camilla in all this carnage. She—Camilla said she knew you, so I thought her... best chance was you, and not me." As it was, he wasn't sure if he'd be so lucky to survive another city's death anyway. But this wasn't about him. "If... if you could protect her, that's all I need. Just... all I ask is that you keep her safe."
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby Littlemankitten » Sun Jun 09, 2019 6:48 am

Anastasia underwent a storm of different emotions as she walked down the elaborate pathways of the colosseum. Anger at the chimera's, anger at herself for caring about it all so much, disappointment of what she's become, sadness from the chimera's again, the occasional twinge of lust as she thought about her companions. It was like this ever since she woke up with this damn lantern in her hands, but she swears it's only been getting more intense. She didn't even really see anyone that passed by her or anything on the walls, she was just focused on her mind. Eventually, she found her way to a balcony overlooking the wilderness, she wasn't exactly sure how she ended up there, it just kind of happened as if her subconscious led her there. However, looking out into the wilds pulled her back into reality. She took a deep sigh and just watched the few small critters that could survive in this world mosey around below her. She spends this time to reflect internally, and try to make sense of the chaos that is her mind now. She was always good at resisting enemy attacks that used manipulation and mental trauma, surely she could resist herself from self-destructing. She almost doesn't register the sound of the door opening behind her, and when Idalia comes up besides her she has to blink a few times to regain her perception.
She let Idalia say what she wanted to say, but stood silent for a while. Eventually though, she nodded and looks at Idalia, trying to hide her internal conflicts in her face. "Yea, I'm aware of that, and I shouldn't of acted so brash from the news... I just..." She went silent again, trying to form the thoughts into words and failing. Her attempt at a poker face fails and her face contorts into one of misery. She quickly looks back out into the trees and sighs again, shaking her head. "Do you know what it's like, to completely lose control of yourself? To have your very perception of reality and others change in the blink of a eye? I... I wouldn't of given a shit about this if it was just 3 fucking days ago!" She suddenly slams her fists on the railing, causing the metal to bend at the impact and grey blood to spurt out of the new wound that causes. "I shouldn't care what they think of me! I shouldn't care how they feel, I-I shouldn't be so confused about my actions... I should be proud a-and sure of myself and my c-capability to bring us victory.... I-I should be p-pissed at fucking Ara for what she did! I should... I should..." She trails off at the end, grasping the rails tightly, tears streaming down her face as she just lets the a waterfall of emotions spill out, unable to keep it contained despite her best efforts.

Idalia listens patiently, and although she looks confused briefly when Anastasia mentiona Aranya, she doesn’t say anything about it. When Anastasia finishes Idalia waits a few seconds before replying “I understand being worried about what has happened to you, I wasn’t always like this, much like you haven’t always been like this. I think what’s important is that you stay confident in yourself. You may have changed slightly, but you’ll always be you, regardless of those changes, and we’ll always have each other’s backs. Maybe neither of us can do everything, but where one of us fails, the other can help them along. That’s why I accepted a companion when we first met, I couldn’t do everything on my own. Just like I couldn’t free myself from captivity, and you helped me, I’ll help you where you fail. Just remember, we can only get stronger, and the proof of that is that you’ve gotten so much stronger than when this journey started.” she said, resting a hand on Anastasia’s back in reassurance.

Ana relaxes a little when she feels Idalia's hand on her back, it, like many other things felt nicer then it probably should. But that probably wasn't just cause of what she has now become, she cared about Idalia after all. She saved her from the castle long before she began transforming into what she is now, back when she had full control over herself. It was just another layer to add onto it all. She wanted more of Idalia's touch, partly because of that feeling of lust she now permanently felt, but also partly because she felt like she just needed someone to be there for her. Ana nodded when Idalia finished what she had to say. Deep down she knew they would get through whatever was thrown at them, for some reason they just clicked, or at least did well in battle together. Ana turned around and suddenly knelt down on one knee so she was more at Idalia's height, she then wrapped her arms around Idalia and pulled her into a firm, but gentle hug, burying her face into Idalia's shoulder, the tenseness in her body seeming to just completely evaporate as she does so. "Thank you.... You know I've spent all my life thinking I can do everything myself, thinking that I was the center of the world and that nothing could stop me. I didn't think I needed or wanted anyone for anything. Yet, you've not only shown that sometimes I do need others to succeed... But you've also shown me what it likes to genuinely want someone else around." She instinctively presses herself up against Idalia's body. Her tits pressed up against Idalia's own. Ana takes in her scent, taking in the feel of her body, takes in everything, feeling a deep need inside her. Not like she felt to the others, where she wanted their bodies. No, she wanted Idalia. She wanted her and everything she was.

Idalia seems surprised at first, but after the millisecond of surprise, she hugs Anastasia tightly, resting her cheek against Anastasia’s own. “I’m happy to be around you, too, and I wouldn’t know what to do if we were separated.” she says, gently rubbing her back with both hands as the two embrace, pressing her own body against Anastasia’s. “I don’t know what we’ll do after we’ve completed your mission, but I do know that I want to do it together. I want whatever awaits you, to also await me.” she adds, gently rubbing her cheek against Anastasia’s. As the two embraced, a gentle breeze blew across the area, buffeting the two softly.

(Ana and Idalia have some bonding time)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Anastasia feels a sense of euphoria as Idalia hugs her back, a kind she has never felt before and one she really couldn’t explain. It wasn’t quite lust, it was something much deeper than that. She subconsciously began to push further into Idalia, wanting more of this physical contact. “I never knew words could make me feel so happy.” She breathed into Idalia’s neck, her hands slowly rubbing Idalia’s back and sides, at first affectionately then getting more and more seductive in their nature. Occasionally even finding themselves near Idalia’s thighs. She starts inadvertently pushing Idalia against the railing, mostly accidentally. Her very long, surprisingly resilient and prehensile hair wrap themselves around Ana’s and Idalia’s form, propping Idalia up to make sure she doesn’t fall over, also acting as a rough visual shield for anyone that happens to be below them. She also uses the hair to gently caress Idalia’s back and butt, a few large groupings of strands of hair making their way into her clothing to touch her skin. After a good while of caressing, Ana starts kissing Idalia’s neck, gently and needily. Her cock began hardening, and due to her only wearing some thinnish clothing her bulge began rubbing against Idalia’s stomach. After a few brief moments of kissing her neck she moves onto her lips, giving her a deep, passionate kiss, the glow of her eyes illuminating Idalia as she sticks her black tongue into Idalia’s mouth, exploring it with said tongue.

Idalia shivers from the feeling and lets out a soft sigh, then a moan as she feels Anastasia’s hair rubbing her back and ass, her arms tightening around Anastasia’s body. She started to say something, as Anastasia was kissing her neck, causing her to shiver further, however she was interrupted as Anastasia kissed her lips, and it just comes out as muffled noises into Anastasia’s mouth. As Anastasia touches her body, the moment Anastasia kisses her, Idalia’s hands move to Anastasia’s shoulders and push on her weakly, barely noticeable to Anastasia.

Anastasia’s hair continues to encase the two, forming a pseudo-private space for them to continue onward. Ana doesn’t react to the weak push Idalia did, in fact, she didn’t even register it as a push it was so weak. She continues to kiss Idalia as passionately as ever, if not more so, her hands grab the hem of Idalia’s hoodie and she begins lifting it up so she can access what’s underneath. She runs her hands up Idalia’s body, lifting the hoodie up as she does so and begins cupping Idalia’s breasts, kneading them and gently pinching the nipples occasionally. As she does this the few free parts of her hair wrap themselves along Idalia’s skirt, gently tugging it downward until it eventually falls onto her boots, she then lets go of one of Idalia’s breasts and reaches down, gently caressing Idalia’s vagina through her panties. By now Ana’s cock was fully erect, with Idalia’s skirt now out of the way her hair began removing her own legwear. After a few moments her erect cock was completely free, popping out and slapping itself onto Idalia’s stomach, rubbing itself against her flesh as Ana moves around causing surges of pleasure to course through Ana. Afterword, Ana uses her hair to remove her shirt in order to expose her bra as well. As she does this she grabs Idalia’s panties and begins slowly removing them down so she could rub Idalia’s pussy without the intrusive cloth.

Idalia squirms and releases muffled, unintelligible protests into Anastasia’s mouth, pressing her hands against her shoulders, getting more frantic but still only weakly pushing on Anastasia’s shoulders as her skirt is removed and her hoodie is lifted up, her black and purple striped bra and panties exposed to Anastasia until she tugs her panties off. She lets out a muffled moan in between her muffled protests as Anastasia flops her cock onto her pussy and grinds against it, as her nipples harden from Anastasia rubbing and kneading.

Anastasia takes a small break from kissing her lips to instead begin suckling on her small tits, lapping at the nipples with her tongue. She was completely oblivious to Her hand then goes from rubbing Idalia’s pussy to inserting two of her fingers into it, rubbing the inside of her walls and stopping just before they reach her hymen. She was inexperienced at how to pleasure someone, but it was clear she was trying to please Idalia. Her free hand caresses Idalia’s side and butt as she attempts to please Idalia. Eventually, her lust for her own pleasure takes over, and she retracts her fingers from Idalia’s pussy. She also breaks the suckling away, going back to kissing Idalia on the lips. Muttering faintly “I hope this feels good for you.” Right before she does so, not letting Idalia say anything though. She reaches down and grabs her massive cock and begins leaning her hips forward, positioning the head of her cock at the labia of Idalia’s pussy, rubbing it up and down gently for a while so Idalia’s juices could lube it up before slowly inserting it in. Anastasia let out a deep moan as the head goes inside. She slowly begins to gyrate her hips, inching her cock out then back in, going slightly deeper each time. It wouldn’t be long before it would reach Idalia’s hymen, and Anastasia could faintly feel it against the head of her cock. She stops just before, inching out before thrusting it back in to pierce the hymen. The pleasure Anastasia felt seemed to suddenly increase exponentially, as if Ana knowing she was Idalia’s first truly meant something to her deep down. She hoped Idalia felt the same, she must, she certainly had the capability to fight back after all.

Idalia takes deep breaths when Anastasia breaks her kiss, then through her panting, as Anastasia sucks on her nipple, making both of them erect from her attention, Idalia begins to speak “A-Ana-eeek!” however her statement turns into a pleasured squeak as Anastasia thrusts her fingers inside her, tapering off into moans as she moves them around inside her. After she pulls her fingers out of her, she tries again, but before she can even get a word out, Anastasia begins kissing her again, turning her statements into muffled gibberish again. When Anastasia finally pushes her cock into her, her juices run down her shaft and Idalia’s muffled moans and protests because more frantic, until Anastasia pierces her hymen, at which point they become cries of pain and pleasure, tears running down her cheeks as she closes her thighs in Anastasia’s hips.

Anastasia becomes slightly rougher with her pace now, still trying to give as much pleasure to Idalia as to herself, but the need to fuck became more and more overwhelming. With her virginity lost, Anastasia went deeper quicker, getting a little over half way in, then 3/4ths of the way in, until finally she found herself hilting and putting the full length of her cock into Idalia. She could feel the muscles in Idalia’s pussy strain and try to conform to the sheer size of Anastasia, a sensation that only exemplified the pleasure. Anastasia positions herself in such a way that the most amount of her flesh can touch Idalia’s, she wanted as much as Idalia as possible as she made love to her, doing everything in power to touch as much of her as possible at once. She occasionally took breaks from kissing to move onto her neck or breasts, but these were short lived and Anastasia preferred to simply invade Idalia’s mouth with her tongue. Thick, black pre began to come from Anastasia’s cock, coating Idalia’s pussy. Some drops of her pre managed to slip down at briefly drip down Idalia’s thighs, but their sheer viscosity cause them to stop shortly after leaving her pussy and cling to her skin. Causing a mixture of cum and Idalia’s juices to form.

Idalia’s muffled cries and moans grow louder with every thrust, her body trembling, tears running down her cheeks, her body tensing up as Anastasia pounds her, causing her pussy to tighten on Anastasia’s cock, though all of the juices from her pussy prevent it from getting too much more difficult for her. Anastasia leaning onto her further prevents Idalia from pushing on her anymore, her hands simply grabbing onto Anastasia’s dress. She starts to speak again each time Anastasia moves to her breasts, however she returns to kissing her lips, cutting off any attempts to speak.

Anastasia didn’t let up her assault, only becoming faster and rougher as time went on, mostly due to subconscious desire. She still did her best to pleasure Idalia, but it was clear the priorities were shifting. Eventually though, Anastasia couldn’t hold it in any longer. The dripping of pre-cum had switched from a few drops to a constant stream, and finally, after one final thrust to push her cock in as far as it’ll go, a torrent.The sheer pleasure of the orgasm caused Ana’s vision to blur and darken. It wasn’t quite as intense as the blowjob she got cause now she knew what to prepare for, but it was still enough for her to almost lose control of her body and fall over. She keeps standing though, and despite the fact she unleashed a ton of cum just earlier in the day, there was no less here. Her cum began flowing out of Idalia’s pussy in large rivers, down her leg and onto the ground, a small, pure black puddle forming between their legs. Finally though, Ana breaks away, panting heavily, her cock giving one last spurt of cum onto Idalia’s stomach before finally stopping. Ana looked Idalia in the eyes, searching for some sort of confirmation. She wanted to ask her if she enjoyed it, but the intensity of her orgasm made it so she couldn’t gain enough breath to ask the question, so, she opted to just start re-dressing Idalia, using her hair to bring her skirt and hoodie back up as she also lets her hair go back to its original state, removing what little privacy they had once they were presentable again.

Idalia cries out into Anastasia’s mouth as she reaches orgasm at the same time as Anastasia, her body spasming uncontrollably, as squeaking sounds escape her mouth. When Anastasia pulls back, and her black cum pours from Idalia’s pussy, and a last squirt lands on Idalia’s tummy, she recovers from her orgasm and looks around her, light-headed. She wipes the tears from her eyes, and tries not to let Anastasia know what she had just done, only thanking her as she helps her re-dress herself. “D-did you enjoy that?” she asks, her voice trembling a little. She moves over to Anastasia and wraps an arm around her shoulders for support, due to being worn out from the intercourse. Once there, she pulls her hood up, so that Anastasia can’t see her face as she tries to think about what Anastasia had just done to her, her position taking multiple postures as if she wasn’t sure how to present herself.

It takes a while for Anastasia’s body to regain proper functionality, but after a while she nods and smiles innocently, being genuinely happy she could do such a thing with Idalia passionlity, not just lust. “Yea, I-I really hope I made you feel as good as I did…. I uh..” She trails off for a moment, gathering her thoughts for a small bit. “I… Thank you, not just for this but… For being here.” She says, unable to form anything satisfying in her mind. She then realizes that Idalia seemed a little off. “A-are you alright? Did I go to rough?” She says, worry now slithering it way into her tone.

Idalia nods, from beneath her hood “I’m h-happy that we got to do this, and I’m happy t-to be there for you, and I’m happy that y-you can be here for m-me.” she says, reassuredly, holding Anastasia tighter with her arm. “C-could you help me back to the r-room? I need a s-shower.” she says, using her hood to hide her expression as she bites her lip.

Anastasia sighs in relief, visibly relaxing as Idalia expresses that she enjoyed what has happened. Anastasia was so happy it was almost sickening. She wasn’t sure if this happiness was influenced by her new form, but she was certain it was mostly genuine. She cocked her head a little that Idalia refused to show her face, but she ended up chalking it up to her just wanting to hide the tears from the pain from the loss of her virginity. Anastasia then nods, letting Idalia gain a better supporting position from her. “Of course, I think I’m gonna need one too. Don’t worry, I’ll let you take yours alone if you want.” She chuckles, a chirp in her voice that she never had before as she walks Idalia to their room.
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby lilbooth » Sun Jun 09, 2019 10:32 pm

Cee Cee’s trip out of the city was just as tense as her way in. The darkness and strange citizens still left her uneasy, especially since she now knew they were all dead. But not really dead, because they lived relatively normal lives in the city. It was all rather confusing to her. The dead were supposed to be returned to earth, to be decomposed and help produce more life. Here, in this city, they were walking about enjoying their second life. While Cee Cee didn’t approve, she wasn’t about to go making trouble in a place like this.

She was disappointed when the guards couldn’t release her closer to her destination. She had no idea if it would work but in a place so magical it seemed foolish not to ask. Despite her unease, the guards and Skyrille were quite polite and rather cute. She was not convinced that Skyrille hadn’t used similar magic to Barton in order to create the guards. She also wasn’t convinced that Skyrille wasn’t controlling all of them remotely, or had some link with them. She pondered whether this one guard had made the choice to grope her ass, or if it was Skyrille. Either way, the squeeze to her bottom had lightened her mood significantly, and if she didn’t have a race to win she just may have stayed within the city to get to know the guards a bit more. “What’s your name.” She said while returning the squeeze to the guard’s ass.

The Guard grins when CeeCee asks her name “My name is Null, my lady” she replies, as she pushes her hips back, rubbing her ass into CeeCee’s grip. She does, however, turn her back when she releases her grip on CeeCee’s rump, and begins walking back to her position by the gate. She couldn’t see the Guard’s eyes beneath her visor, however she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had winked as she walked away.

Cee Cee let out a small whimper as the guard walked away. She had the feeling that many of the guards were named Null, and the fact that they were nearly identical didn’t help either. Now a bit frustrated, she mounted Big Birb and headed out into the night.

As CeeCee made her way out of Vitra, she could see that it was night, and as she moved out into the darkness, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that clung to her. The darkness seemed to weight down on her, like heavy weights were tied around her ankles and wrists, however this did not prevent Big Birb from pressing onward through the hills and plains. When CeeCee starts to make her way over a particularly high hill, while passing by the Forest of Silence, the ground begins to shake around her, as if an earthquake was occurring around her. When CeeCee looks around, she sees, quickly approaching, a massive spider-like creature, with six eyes which glowed bright enough for CeeCee to see it in the darkness, and tentacles sprouting from its face, gigantic fangs and pincers, claws sprouting from two of its eight legs. It seemed as though the creature was alone at first, however if CeeCee squints into the darkness, she can see an army of numerous smaller spiders following it, all of them heading straight towards her and Big Birb.

CeeCee first thought her eyes had betrayed her, perhaps her visit to Vitra had messed with her mind. As the creatures drew closer they suddenly became far too real. All her hairs stood on end and her ears stood alert. There was no shelter nor safety nearby, and they were far too fast to run away from. With no other options, Cee Cee turned Big Birb towards the giant spider and charged forward, praying to Pradera as she went.

The gigantic spider immediately fires a string of web, which wraps around Big Birb, the strings cutting into his skin, dark purple liquid seeping out of the string and into the wound, immediately causing Big Birb searing pain. The swarm of smaller spiders, with CeeCee’s mount now bound, bleeding, and presumably poisoned, charge at her at an even higher speed. First one attempts to leap onto her arm, however she manages to evade it, and another that had attempted to jump onto her from behind, however numerous other spiders begin crawling on her body, each one the size of a large cat, and they begin biting her all over, injecting the venom from their fangs into her body.

Cee Cee was flung from Big Birb as he was coated in the gigantic spiders webbing. She tumbled a few times on the ground before returning to her feet, ready for battle. The small spiders were too fast though, already upon her before she could attack. The three that connected quickly ravaged her legs and ass with their fangs. Within moments her legs were stiff and she tipped over, crashing into the ground. She was shaking with pain as the venom crept up her body. Her abdomen was first, which began to convulse and spasm, feeling as though she was being crushed repeatably. Then it moved to her torso, where her breathing became short and labored. Her arms were too weak to move and soon her neck couldn’t hold her head off the ground. Moments later she began to choke, it took all her strength to turn her head to the side. Upon doing so a weak flow of blood trickled from her mouth and eyes. She could hear the gigantic spider consuming her new companion. She would have sighed if she could manage to, but her whole body was aching and tense, and she didn’t have the strength to move. She closed her eyes and gripped the earth, praying for safety, or mercy, or anything that could be spared, she did not wish to die this night.

As CeeCee was laying on the ground, the colossal spider used one of its legs to push her over so she was laying on her back, then hefted up that same leg, before slamming it down through her abdomen. The creature managed to miss her vital organs, however the wound bled profusely as the creature used it to hold her down, while several of the smaller spiders begin crawling onto her body, using their legs and fangs to tug at her body armor, slowly exposing her body. Once her breasts and crotch were exposed, one of the spiders revealed its rather large ovipositor-like appendage and began immediately pushing it into her pussy, without bothering to lube up first. Meanwhile, two of the other spiders used their legs to pry CeeCee’s mouth open, before forcing their own appendages into her mouth and down her throat, all three spiders beginning to thrust slowly, sticky liquid leaking off the appendages and into her mouth and pussy as the creatures moved.

Cee Cee tried to scream as she was impaled by the gigantic spider. All she mustered was a gurgle and a gasp though. She couldn’t fight the spiders off as they tore at her clothes, though she would rather have them removed than destroyed so shifted best she could to let them pull off her armor. Surely it was what her goddess wanted. If not then the gigantic spider would have killed her outright. She took a deep breath and readied herself for the spiderlings. All she could do was relax though, the venom was keeping her from moving much on her own. Though she offered little resistance as they forced upon her mouth and slid their appendages in. She focused on swallowing and breathing, a gulp of sticky liquid and a quick breath. As soon as she could move again she would begin trying to pleasure the two spiders that shared her throat, while she didn’t quite know how she would do it, but she would try.

As the first spider was thrusting in and out of her pussy and the second and third were thrusting in and out of her throat, a fourth, with the help of two others, forced her hips up to allow for the fourth spider thrusting its ovipositor into CeeCee’s ass, before starting to move in time with the others. Two more spiders crawled between CeeCee’s legs and forced their appendages into her pussy beside the first, their size stretching her painfully, the sticky substance seeping out of her and coating her thighs.

Cee Cee winced painfully as the spider’s forced their way into her ass. Now with two large ovipositors per hole, she was surely at her limit. It was hardly a pleasant experience. Sure she loved having her holes stretched but usually with a bit of lead up. Or at least a nice big burly beast to push up against. The spiders were cold and sharp. The liquid was making the task of swallowing up the appendages a bit easier. If she could reach them, she would grab the base of the two creature’s phalluses that were abusing her throat. She began sliding her hands up down and around the base, trying desperately to get the spiders to climax and be done with her.

The creatures let out screeching sounds as CeeCee, with much difficulty, manages to reach their phalluses and stroke them. As she’s sucking and jerking off the two spiders, who are thrusting in and out of her throat repeatedly, the two ramming into her pussy and one ramming into her ass pick up their pace and thrust even harder. Meanwhile, yet another spider crawls up onto her chest and slips its ovipositor-like appendage between her breasts, slowly sliding it back and forth between them, sticky liquid seeping out onto her body with every movement. The creatures were all releasing even more sticky liquid, showing that this group may be nearing orgasm.

Cee Cee did her best to keep up with the spider’s pace. She could barely move her hips but she pushed as far back as she could manage with impaling herself any further. She tightened her grip on the two spiders in her throat and jerked as frantically as she could. She squeezed her legs together and pulsed her sphincter. Her pussy was already dripping at this point and she couldn’t really make it any tighter than it already was. She was ready for the finale.

The spiders suddenly thrust significantly harder, their movements so forceful that they were practically slamming into her with every thrust, until finally the spiders slow down for the last three thrusts, before finally releasing a tidal wave of sticky green liquid into her ass, pussy, throat, and onto her breasts and chest, the liquid sticking to her skin the moment it makes contact. The creatures then pull out of her and crawl off her body, only to be replaced by several more spiders This sequence of events repeats itself through the entire night, and far into the morning until every single spider that had arrived with the large one has used her body to satisfy themselves. By the time the legion of spiders had finished, CeeCee had the sticky fluid leaking from all three holes, and coating the vast majority of her body, as well as beneath her, being forced by the spider’s leg through her abdomen to lay in a large puddle of the green liquid. This is when the colossal-sized spider pulls its leg out of CeeCee’s stomach, slowly, her blood coating it and dripping off of it as it does so. The spider uses the hands on its legs to grab her and roll her over onto her stomach, then lift her up off the ground, bringing her beneath the creature, where she soon feels a much-too-large ovipositor-like appendage, like that of the other spiders, though small for the creature’s size, touching against her pussy.

Cee Cee was utterly exhausted. The endless number of spiders had done a real number on her. And the sticky green fluid was somehow more putrid than all the cum she’d been covered in before. All she wanted at this moment has a bath, or at least the opportunity to clean herself. Though it seemed like the gigantic spider was done with spectating. As the sun crept over the hills and its warmth hit her body she smiled. Her ordeal was nearly over. Cee Cee simply reached back and spread her ass cheeks apart, ready to receive.

The creature suddenly rams its phallus into her hard, stretching her far more painfully than anything that had ever fucked her before. The creature doesn’t wait, it just hilts itself into her immediately, then begins moving hard and fast, the thrusts stretching her even more, as the creature leaks so much of the green liquid into her that is spills out of her in a green waterfall, onto the ground below, the creature growling with every movement, the creature’s grip on her only tightening.

Cee Cee began to shake again with pain. The stretching was so intense she couldn’t think, move, or speak. He tongue hung out of her open mouth and her arms and legs went limp. Her head pounded with every thrust and lungs could barely draw breath. She endured the best she could but through it all, her tail waggled happily behind her, betraying her intense pain.

The gigantic spider only began thrusting even harder, the longer the penetration continued, moving in and out of her long and hard, the thrusts taking the creature’s phallus into her cervix, and filling her up with the sticky green liquid each time. The creature’s claws began digging into her skin, drawing blood, as the creature has a harder time holding her in place against the force of every thrust. While the creature was roughly pounding her pussy, one of the smaller spiders crawled up the creature’s leg and across CeeCee’s back, positioning itself on her face, ramming its phallus into her open mouth, before starting to thrust heavily down her throat.

Cee Cee’s vision began to blur as the assault continued. The addition of one of the smaller spiders was hardly a delight. Despite this, she craned her neck upward and opened wide for the spiderling. Hopefully, he was not the first of many.

The giant spider makes a strange hissing sound, then suddenly retracts it’s phallus out of CeeCee. It was far from done however, and the tip of its psuedo-cock splits open into a star pattern, and a tube extends outward from it, it then rams the tube back into CeeCee, the split head covering the outside of her pussy, as if to keep something in. Suddenly, large bulges start running down the length of its appendage, much too slow for any liquid. As the first bulge runs down and finally enters CeeCee, it struggles to fit at first, the bulge being larger than the psuedo-cock, but eventually slots in. CeeCee could feel something large and solid being deposited into her, then a rush of hot liquid come in from behind it. This repeats multiple times, with about 6 of these large objects being deposited into her. The smaller spider at her mouth goes through the same motions as this happens, its own appendage splitting open before inserting it back in, covering her face and only barely letting her breath through her nose. The bulges from this spider were smaller, but there was a lot more of them, the tube stuck itself down CeeCee’s throat, so it had a direct path into her stomach. About 20 objects came in a rapid-fire pace, with hot, sticky, green liquid mixing with them. The split heads prevented any cum or eggs to spill out of either her mouth or pussy. Once the two creatures are done, the smaller spider crawls off of her, and down the larger spider’s leg, onto the ground. The larger spider then lifts CeeCee with the hands on its front legs, then flat-out throws her, causing her to hit the ground at high speed, bounce several times, then tumble end over end, only stopping when her path causes her to slam into a rock jutting out of the ground. With CeeCee carelessly pitched aside, and their business completed, the spiders leave her there and crawl away, out of sight, into the Forest of Silence.

Cee Cee’s brief but terrifying flight ended rather suddenly as she crashed into the rock. It took a few minutes for her to stir but as soon as she could manage she leaned herself against the rock. Rather sure that she was full of eggs she forced a finger down her throat and tried to expel as many as she could. Fearful they would hatch and eat her from the inside. The six larger eggs that sat within she was unable to budge. Her muscles were too weak to move them so, for now, they stayed put. She tucked the 20 smaller eggs under the rock and, after briefly getting as much green cum off of her as she could manage, she put her gear back on and buried what was left of her companion. She knelt in the tall grass for a few moments letting the energy from earth enter her body and stitch close her wounds. It was helpful but not enough, so Cee Cee followed it up with a quick swig of a healing potion before she began trecking towards Kort, keeping her head on a swivel the whole way there.
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:21 am

"A Fire-spitting Were-Dragon with two polearms." Lilith said to her self as her mind went straight to Metia. A nervous pit formed in her stomach. While they left on ... terms, the Were-Dragon might not be pleased with how much closer she had gotten with the undead. More over, there is a chance Metia would burn all the corpses before she gets a chance to offer them to the Black Spire.

But so far, the flying bodies had worked out in her favor. As long as she kept her head up it would work out. Resolved to keep fighting, Lilith took a look at her Zombie guard. Was Chet his name when he was alive? She had to admit, the man was rather handsome. It would be a shame to loss him in battle without having a chance to see what he's packing.

"Follow me" Lilith commanded as she lead her undead follower to the tree she found him. Once they were their, she made sure they were in a spot where the tree hid them from the eyes one the battle field. Bending down, Lilith undid the Zombie guard's trousers and fished out his cock. Surprisingly it was already semi-hard. Stroking it with her hand, Lilith kissed the tip and watched as it grew to full length. "Good. Don't worry, I take care of my friend" She said as she took the undead member into her mouth. She bobbed her head in a steady rhythm as Chet merely moaned in pleasure.

Pulling back her head, Lilith stood up and turned towards the tree. Slipping down her panties, she hiked up her dress to revel her pussy. The abused orifice was still leaking cum from the Dusk Claws from before. But Lilith was eager for her next fuck. "Listen, we have to get back to the battle soon. So it will just be a quickly now. But if you survive the battle, I'll lavish you with love." She said spreading her pussy. "Go ahead and fuck me".

With merely a long groan, the Undead warrior grabbed Lilith's hips and thrust his cock deep into her pussy. It only took one thrust to reach the hilt as the undead pressed Lilith into the tree. She let out a soft moan. The two stayed in this position for a few seconds until the undead monster finally started to move his hips back and forth. Each thrust was as forceful as the last. His cold grip on her butt sent shivers down her spine. Lilith braced herself against the tree as she let her servant ravage her pussy. Small moans continues to escape her mouth.

Then her undead minion began to speed up. His body moves with frightful speed and precision as his cock against her inner most walls. Lilith too was reaching her limit as her love juices covered the member penetrating her. She had to bit her lip to keep from screaming in pleasure and giving away their position. Finally with one last thrust, the undead Chet came. His first load filled her pussy to the point that some started to splash back out of her leaking hole. Lilith eyes rolled back as she had her own orgasm. She bit down on her lip so hard that it drew blood.

Like the other undead, her Zombie guard let out more then one load. By the third load, her minion had finally calmed down. As his cock slipped out, a puddle of cum formed underneath her. Letting go of the tree, Lilith let out a refreshed breath. Wiping off the excess semen with her panties, She decided to toss them to the side. She was a lot more comfortable with out them anyway. Adjusting her dress, she helped to get her Zombie Guard's trousers back on.

"Ahh, that was refreshing" Lilith said as she patted her undead minion on the shoulder "Now let's take care of those goblins. Who knows, you might even find a lady goblin you can have your way with." Lilith joked as she lead her minion to the front gate where most of the fighting seemed to be taking place.
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby Blue56 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:11 am

Traveling through the streets of Vitra proved to be a most uncomfortable experience for Selvaria, almost entirely due to the fact that the city was entirely populated by the undead. She had always been taught that such a thing was taboo, and her own experiences with them out in the wild had done nothing to improve her opinion. And yet, the people here didn't seem to fit in with what she knew of the undead at all. Nearly all of them greeted her with a friendly smile and a wave, the kind of treatment she didn't even get in any of the cities she had called home. The stark contrast made Selvaria feel incredibly uneasy as she made her way towards the black castle in the distance, but she did find herself returning their waves, though smiling back was a bit difficult under the circumstances.

Things didn't get any better when she arrived at her destination. A pair that she presumed were the Royal Guard she had heard of were there to greet her at the castle gate. They were certainly dressed differently from the other guards, but why in the world were they wearing practically nothing at all?! Selvaria found it difficult to look at the scantily clad guards for more than a few moments before her face started to flush. She tilted the brim of her hat downwards to hide her blush, offering a muttered word of thanks to the guards as she stepped inside.

The castle seemed fairly normal by Vitra's standards as far as Selvaria could tell, not that she had been to many in the past, though it was curious that she had been allowed to keep her weapon. She had assumed that when meeting such an important person, the royal guards would want her unarmed. Did they place that much trust in strangers, or were they simply confident enough that Selvaria couldn't harm their Keeper if she wished to? The latter seemed more likely as Selvaria entered the throne room and saw the large amount of guards lining the walls. She stood silently as the nearest guard greeted her, keeping her hat firmly over her eyes as she was now forced to interact with one of these scantily glad guards. "I... would be interested to see more of this castle while we wait. I know nothing of Vitra or it's people..." Selvaria eventually replies, the unique acoustics of the room working in her favor as well in amplifying her normally soft spoken voice. Wandering around this strange castle alone with a stranger was not something Selvaria would normally do, but her desire to see more of these "lost arts" like the train outweighed her usual caution, and if the guards here truly meant her harm, they could have taken her easily when she first emerged into the city anyway.
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby Randomizer4 » Wed Jun 19, 2019 7:23 pm

Combat plus scene afterwards:
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Saphira, once she saw the monsters, first tried to run away, but there was no chance to outrun the beasts. They'd have to fight. She drew her guns and ordered Magnolia to engage. She didn't need to feel bad, as she already had seen how badass the girl was in combat. Saphira herself was unsure of her skills, but she hoped Magnolia could knock down these beasts with her magic. "Alright Magnolia, let's go, use your Bleeze Cannon on those things!"

Magnolia isn't sure why Nice Lady wants her to attack the beasts in front of her. Maybe they don't want to be friends with Magnolia and Nice Lady? But everyone should be friends with Nice Lady! She's so nice after all. Well, if they don't wanna be friends then she guesses they might be mean. And meanies should be beaten up! Since Nice Lady said so, Magnolia coats her arm in the tingly coldness and charges at the nearest beasty with a "Wheeeee!".

Beasty doesn't like that much and starts gushy gushy pretty red stuff. Oh well. Meanies deserve it for picking on Nice Lady

The Cyclopian was struck heavily by Magnolia's Bleeze Cannon, the attack leaving a slowly-regenerating massive, gaping hole in the creature's stomach, the hole bleeding profusely as the creature cried out in pain. The creature retaliates by by attempting to slash at Magnolia with it's claws, however she's way too fast, the creature not even coming close to striking her.
The second creature lunges at Saphira while the first is occupied with Magnolia, however its strike misses her entirely, due to Saphira seeing the attack coming before the creature had even launched it.

The third creature repeats the actions of the second, however this one had lunged from behind Saphira, it swipes at her with the force of a cannon ball, battering her across the back, the swing knocking her into the air, causing her to bounce several times and tumble end over end as soon as she hits the ground.

Saphira cheered as she saw Magnolia hurting the one-eyed monster in front of her. They could do it! One of the creatures lunged at Saphira, but she managed to evade its huge claws. Just as she planned to use her gunst to make the monster pay, she felt a sharp pain from behind. She was thrust into the air and couldn't gain her balance once she came down. She was lobbed a few meters away, her frail body battered from just a single strike. Growling as she tried to get her bearings, she ordered Magnolia to continue her attacks. She might be out, but they hadn't lost just yet.

Maybe the beasties were trying to play with Magnolia and Nice Lady after all? Sure, one took a swing at her, but it was so easy to dodge that she added a twirl to the motion, almost accidentally hitting the beastie attacking her in the back of the head with her foot. Well, that wouldn't have been very nice anyway so it was a good thing she missed!

Then they make sure Magnolia knows they're meanies by knocking down Nice Lady. Oh no, Nice Lady! It must hurt a lot because Nice Lady isn't getting back up, but she isn't splurty splurty the pretty red so she must be fine. And Nice Lady can still talk! Nice Lady must just be tired. Still, its very, very mean to just go and hit someone that nice like that, so Magnolia coats her arm in the tingly again and punches the already gushy beasty somewhere in the back. There's something important back there, right? The breathy thing that makes it possible to scream "Hoot", right? Oh well, either way it'll hurt and maybe he'll feel bad about attacking Nice Lady!

The Cyclopian creature stumbles forward from Magnolia's strike, the attack creating another hole in the creature's body, this one creating a gaping wound in the creature's side, gushing blood like a garden hose, painting the ground red. The creature cries out in pain, and attempts to regain its balance, throwing a quick and sloppy swipe in Magnolia's direction, barely touching her, but still creating a shallow cut across her cheek, blood streaming down the side of her face and dripping onto her shoulder.

The second creature howls and lunges at Magnolia, however the attack is far too slow, and the creature misses by a meter or more, clawing nothing but air. The third creature attempts to use Magnolia's evasion to catch her off-balance, however once again, while still closer to her than the second creature's attack, this one also strikes nothing but empty air, its claws creating a sharp whooshing sound as it shows that nothingness who's boss.

Saphira tried not to think too much of the pain on her back, trying and failing to get back up on her feet. She cursed at the ground for her stupidity, she should have gotten better gear. But Magnolia was still going strong, and she hoped and prayed that the girl would pull her through. "Keep up the magic attacks, Magnolia... you can do it!" She tried to seem enthusiastic for the girl, despite her pain. She knew Magnolia liked that.

Hearing Nice Lady's encouragement, a nice happy feeling tingles through Magnolia. It fills her up more and more and more until she just feels full of the tinglies! She's so full of it that it feels like she just won't be able to stand it if she doesn't get it out! With a happy "Hoot!" and throwing both her hands into the air, the tinglies explode of out her. And then frosty pointies also explode out of her like they usually do her arm!

Maybe because she was wiggling while the frosty exploded, but she doesn't think any of the beasties got hurt from them. Oops?

The Plain Stalkers watched as all of the Ice shot across the plains, and missed them entirely, practically just showering them in harmless snow. When the ice had ended, and all that was left was the passive extreme cold that Magnolia generated, the creatures began slowly circling her.

One of the creatures reared back as if it was about to pounce, only for a one of the other Cyclopean creatures to attack Magnolia from behind, the vicious, clawed strike not only practically rending clean through Magnolia's shoulder, but also slamming her hard enough that it feels like she was strike by a Steam Sledge, knocking her over onto the ground. Once Magnolia begins to stand back to her feet, a second creature is already charging at her, barreling into her, and continuing to move at full speed, ramming her against a tree, before leaping backwards a few inches and slashing her across her side with its paw, knocking her away, and sending her tumbling across the ground, the attack creating a wide and deep gash across her side and stomach.

The creature that Magnolia had wounded starts slowly approaching her while the other two make their way towards Saphira.

Saphira had to watch helplessly as the beasts brought down Magnolia, who fought valiantly for her. It made her feel even worse for being so useless.She didn't have the strength to stand, much less run away from the two creatures approaching her. Was this her end? Why was she so foolish as to leave home? Why did she endanger poor Magnolia... he girl looked up at the beasts and their terrifying maws, hoping they would at least kill her quickly.

If only Cee Cee were here, she would be able to tame the beasts...

Things become very confusing for Magnolia very quickly. One moment she's having fun playing with the meanies, dancing around them when they attack her. The next thing she knows, she's gushy gushy the pretty red out of her shoulder and side and her head feels fuzzy from hitting the tree and her back hurts. She doesn't wanna play anymore. Everything hurts too much and the gushy gushy is making everything... weird. Like it's harder to be happy like she's used to.

"Hoot," she says, waving the beasty away. She'll play with him again some other day when everything's fine again

The first of the two Wolf creatures grab Saphira by the front of her shirt and tugs her forward, into a sitting position, then slams its forehead into hers, causing her to see stars for a moment, then grabs her head, the creature's claws digging into her temples, causing her to start bleeding lightly, as the creature's cock starts to stand up in front of her. The creature slaps her face with its cock, then uses its other hand to roughly pry her mouth open, before jamming its cock into her mouth, hilting itself into her throat. The second creature was tugging at Saphira's shirt, slowly ripping it, before suddenly ripping it open the rest of the way with a single jerk, exposing her bra-clad breasts. The creature roughly gropes her breasts through her bra, digging its claws into them, puncturing both her bra and her skin as it squeezing and kneads them roughly, as she feels its erect cock poking her back.

Meanwhile, the wounded creature slapped Magnolia's hand as she tried to wave it away, then straddled her hips, putting its full weight on her. It grabbed her wounded shoulder with one hand, digging its claws into her, then curled one of its large hands into a fist, its thick muscles rippling before it punched her directly in the head, the force of the blow driving her head into the ground, cracking the rock beneath it. The creature then punched her once more, before starting to repeat the action faster, and faster, raining heavy blows on her head and face indiscriminately, growling with each strike. Finally, after countless blows to Magnolia's head, and a small crater had been created beneath her head, the creature began panting heavily, and finally stopped. It instead grabbed the top of her dress and tugged at it, forcing the buttons open and pulling the dress and jacket down, exposing her bra and skin, before grabbing her right breast through her bra and squeezing her hard while the creature opened its mouth and roughly bit her good shoulder, drawing blood.

The first time the beasty hits Magnolia, it hurts. The second time is mind splitting. The next what feels like hundred times is pure pain. Each time she gets hit, she feels less and less happy and less and less awake. By the time it finally stops hitting her, she doesn't feel happy anymore.
And even more than the head shots, that confuses her. What's going on? Why isn't she happy? No matter what happened before, she was always joyful and cheery. She can't do that anymore. Why can't she do it anymore!? If she could feel her body well enough to move, she'd be panicking, another new feeling to her. But with the headshots she took, she can only feel the beast tearing its way through her clothes and her other shoulder starting to hurt as much as the first one

Saphira gasps at the sudden tusk, looking up with big eyes at the creature’s one eye, before her head seems to break. The ground seemed to move and she grabbed onto anything on the ground she could to try and regain her balance. She screams out in pain as the creature digs into her temples, her eyes shutting as she could feel her own blood covering her cheeks. The ginger girl didn’t get any rest, as soon the creatures cock was jammed into her mouth, forcing it down on her throat. Her warm mouth covered the member in saliva, especially after she gagged on it, almost instantly.
She could barely focus on the creature behind her, who ruined her petite breasts, making her chest spill blood on her as well. Saphira wanted to scream but she couldn’t as her face stuffed, and she squirmed in vain as she felt a second cock touching her back.

The first of the two creatures began roughly thrusting in and out of her throat, each thrust slamming the creature's hips against her face, and hilting its cock into her throat, its grip on her head only tightening further, causing her blood to flow freely down her cheeks. The second creature clawed her breasts as it groped them, its claws shredding her skin and bra alike, until the creature's left hand moved to grab her shorts, tugging her hind quarters up by her waistband until she was sitting up on her knees. The creature uses its free hand to grab the crotch of her shorts, before using its claws to shred the crotch of her shorts, exposing her panties. The creature then, without moving her panties, rams its cock into her, stretching her panties as they're driving into her pussy around its cock, then starts thrusting rapidly, ripping her panties slightly with every thrust.

Meanwhile, the creature gropes Magnolia's breast harder, before seemingly getting annoyed, letting out a growl as it shreds her shoulder, and roughly grabbing at her half black and half white bra, tugging it up and out of the way, exposing her breasts, before groping her right one, and clawing it as it does so, drawing even more blood. It meanwhile grabs her thigh and tugs it upwards, exposing her panties beneath her dress, before grinding the tip of its cock against her slit, through her half black and half white panties, groaning into her shoulder in pleasure.

Saphira’s jaw was opened as wide as it could go, but she still felt like that was not enough for the cyclopic creature, a tear rolling down her face as the skin on her cheeks was shredded. Her breasts jiggled just a little bit as they were clawed away at, her bra being reduced to useless straps of skin. The second creature pulled her on her knees, and Saphira could already guess what its intend was. There was no use in fighting in her state, so the creature had an easy time tearing her shorts apart and exposing her cute red panties. Her screams were muffled because of her filled throat, but she felt extreme pain as her pussy was stretched with her panties still on. The creature didn’t care at all for her wellbeing as it fucked her, making her body little more than a doll for the two monsters.

"Hoot..." Magnolia says miserably as she begins to feel again. All she feels is pain though as the beasty crushes her boobies in its claws and turns her shoulder into those yummy bits of shredded cheese Papa Barton fed her. It only gets more painful as her bra no longer protects her poor booby from the monster's grip. When it's thingy grinds into her privates, she begins to feel panic again. She doesn't know what's going on, but she knows it absolutely can't be good. She knows no one is supposed to touch that place without her or Papa Barton or Mama's say so and this beasty is doing that. "Hoot hoot hoot!" She screams, hoping the beasty understands that she's not allowed to do that and she'll get them both in trouble if it does

The first creature began releasing sticky fluid into Saphira's throat as it continued slamming into it, starting to use its claws to start tugging her face into its thrusts, as Saphira's blood began matting her hair from the creature's claws shredding her temples painfully. The creature lets out pleasured growls, while the other starts thrusting rapidly, matching the other creature's thrusts as it returned both claws to her breasts, tugging on them and groping them as it roughly pounds her pussy through her stretched panties, howling in pleasure as it stretches her pussy.

The creature ignores her hooting and tugs her panties out of the way before suddenly and forcefully slamming its cock into her pussy, tearing her hymen as it hilts itself into her. As it begins ramming in and out of her pussy immediately, stretching her painfully with every thrust, it finally releases her shoulder from its jaws, and instead forces her mouth open, punching her in the face again if she resists, then jams its tongue, soaked in her own blood, down her throat, gagging her with it as it digs its claws into her breast and squeezes it hard.

Saphira had no choice but to swallow all of the fluid the creature was dumping into her, her eyes no teary from the pain and humiliation of the act. There was nothing her small and weak body could do against the beasts and she hated every minute of it. Her face was ruined, her breasts were ruined and her pussy was in the process of being ruined by cock. Her warm and tight insides were easily stretched by the monster’s sheer force, its power bending her to its will. Her entire body ached and her mind screamed at her to get away, but there was no escape.

"HO-!" Magnolia's breath is taken away as it feels like she's being torn apart from the inside. Her mouth is open as she tries her hardest to remember how to breathe, but it's so hard to know anything besides to overriding pain running through her. It hurts and hurts and hurts and hurts and she can't understand why this meanie is doing this to her. They were just playing earlier, nothing that should cause something like this to happen to her. She played like this with the guards at home all the time and no one ever reacted like this.

She feels disgust for the first time when the meanie's red-covered tongue forces its way into her mouth, but her confusion and pain over why this is happening is so great she doesn't bite it like she thinks she should do. If this is a game, she doesn't like it. She wishes they could play a better one
The creature's thrusting intensify even further as both are now leaking warm, sticky fluid into her mouth and pussy, soaking through her panties as both creatures fuck her mouth and throat, clawing her temples and breasts, practically soaking her ripped clothes and hair in blood. The creatures both howling in pleasure by now, as their movements become jerky.

The creature roughly pounding Magnolia's pussy begins thrusting even harder, the only thing keeping her mostly in place being the creature's clawed grip on her breast. It howls from pleasure into her mouth as its bloody tongue moves deeper into her throat, twitching and snaking its way all over the inside of her mouth and throat. Sticky, warm liquid begins leaking into her pussy as the creature fucks her painfully, while its free hand moves to her ass and gropes it hard, sinking its claws into her asscheek.

Saphira tries closing her eyes, trying to imagine being away from this brutal assault and the warm fluids entering her. They were howling in pleasure, she’d be whining in pain if she could, as she was a broken mess of a person right now, barely recognising what the beasts were still doing as the pain and all blended together into a cocktail of suffering.

Magnolia hoped the game would end quickly, but then the beasty begins moving faster and harder and all Magnolia can think is there are better things to do that hurt much less. If she could get free, she could show the meanie some. Like the game where she removes his head and plays catch with Nice Lady with it. That would be such a fun game! She doesn't know it yet, but Magnolia has just experienced anger for the first time as well. She's mad that the meanie is hurting her so much and wants nothing more than to hurt him back. But she knows he'll hit her again if she does and she doesn't want to know if she can get even less happy from another hit to the head.

She can feel tears running down her face and her disgust get bigger as the meanie puts some weird liquid in her, especially since it lets the meanie hurt her even faster. She wishes Mama was here. She bets Mama would make the pain stop

Finally, the creatures thrust several times, extremely hard, then release a torrent of hot, thick, sticky liquid into Saphira's mouth and pussy, then a second, then a third, the excess liquid exploding out of her mouth and pussy, running down her chin, chest, and thighs, soaking into her ripped clothes. The creatures then slowly pull out of her, another shot of the liquid squirting onto her face and hair, as well as her back and ass as the creatures pull back. The first of the two then shoves her over, after which the second gives her a heavy kick to the back.

Meanwhile, the creature thrusted even more heavily into Magnolia's poor pussy, stretching it more with each thrust. It let out a loud howl as it pulled its tongue out of her thrust, as it squeezed her breasts even harder. The heavy thrusting continued for another twenty minutes, before the creature began spasming, after which it hilted itself into her and released a large torrent of cum into Magnolia's pussy, overflowing her. A second, third, fourth, and fifth torrent of gradually decreasing volume flowed into her, before the creature finally pulled out. The cyclopean then grabbed Magnolia by the hair and tugged her into a sitting position, then slapped her with its cock before ramming it into her mouth and thrusting rapidly. This rough thrusting into her throat as the creature tugged on her hair continued for several minutes, before it released another large torrent, though smaller than the last few, into her throat, overflowing it and causing it to leak down her chin and onto her breasts and chest. The creature then pulled out, expelling another load of thick, sticky liquid onto her face and hair. The creature then grabbed her by the chest of her dress and lifted her up, before letting out what could only be a cackle and pitching her to the side, the throw bouncing her off a nearby rock, before landing her in tall grass.

Saphira's small body quickly fills with the sticky liquids, and the warmth almost distracts her from all the pain. The pumping just kept going and if some of the cum didn't flow out of her, she felt like she'd burst. Now her entire body was bloodied and full of cum. She produced a low grunt when her mouth was finally free, and the creature shed even more cum over her. Before she could do anything, the monsters had kicked her face first into the dirt. She cried silently, feeling embarrassed and broken, she was literally reduced to dirt now. She couldn't find any strength to get up, so she kept laying there for a while, wallowing in self pity.

While Magnolia was angry when this started, as the game goes further and further on she becomes too tired and sad to be mad. Why is this happening? Why is no one helping her? Her entire life she's been surrounded by people who will help her when things get bad and now that it's the baddest it's ever been she's by herself. She knows Nice Lady is nearby, but she's not helping Magnolia so she doesn't count right now. It only gets slightly better when the meanie takes its tongue out of her mouth, but then it doesn't take itself out of her private place so it only continues to suck. After so long of this, she gets hopeful when it begins to move different, hoping that it's finally tired of this game. Then it releases some horrible, warm stuff in her and she can only "Hoot" in a way that shows how disgusting that feels inside of her. Not only does it feel bad, it feels like it takes up all space that she has inside of her. It feels like she's full of the stuff and that's not a good thing at all. She almost cries in relief when it finally takes its thingy out of her, but then she learns its thingy really is disgusting when he puts it in her mouth.

Why does it keep playing such a sucky game? Now her throat hurts just as much as her private place. And she can actually taste the disgusting liquid as it spills it into her mouth. As soon as she can, she spits out the nasty stuff and throws up what she can just so no more is in her stomach. She only gets a little bit of time to do that before a rock comes at her very quickly and she sees no more
'The fountain of lewd is within, and it will forever bubble up, if thou forever diggest' -not Marcus Aurelius

Am back here as of february, so do get back in touch if you missed me or if you wanna chat or rp!
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:03 pm

It begins to snow as morning comes.

Anastasia Ursa/LittleManKitten
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

When Anastasia and Idalia make it to the room, Aranya is still sticking leaves into the ceiling by throwing them, and is in the midst of smoking a Deathstick. She notices the two as soon as they walk in, and despite Idalia immediately making her way into the bathroom, Aranya gives Anastasia a look suggesting she knows, or at least has an idea of what just happened. "You were gone quite some time." Aranya says, slowly and coolly, as she holds the next leaf, not seeming to mind that due to her bored throwing, the ceiling had become a forest, basically, all of the numerous leaves spread across it. When Anastasia views it from directly below, she finds that Aranya wasn't just lazily throwing the leaves into the ceiling, she had been drawing. All of the leaves formed a bust-shot of Anastasia before she had become part-Wraith. When Anastasia notices this, Aranya throws the last two, dotting both of the picture's irises and completing the art. "What were you up to?" she asks, casually. It would be at this moment that Anastasia notices that Aranya had stripped down to her lack bra and matching panties, leaving her stockings on as she was relaxing in the chair.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The woman's smile when Ophelia asked her questions was pleasant and she answered happily "The residents here are indeed all undead, of a sort. I worked long and hard to make the undead here as human as possible, therefor they possess a will of their own, can eat, sleep, and conduct business of their own free will. They do not remember their previous lives, however, that is yet beyond my ability to grant, and possibly for the best since they would then desire their former life, despite being unable to return to it." she explained, looking somewhat sad when she mentions that the former lives of the undead living there. When the Royal Guards see her frown, one gently places a hand on her shoulder. Her friendly smile returns when she answers Ophelia's second question "You may see your friends whenever you desire, though their wounds were very grievous, and they're still recovering. My medical professionals are hard at work, healing their wounds." she says, before making a motion to one of the standard Guards, to which she responds by leaving, then returning with clothes for Ophelia. The clothes consisted of a pair of black shorts, a black sleeveless top, and a grey hooded cloak with a Raven on the back, complete with black and white striped stockings, and boots that reach of to her knees. When Ophelia says that she dislikes what the undead medical worker was doing, she looks somewhat hurt, and Skyrille gives her permission to leave, which she does.

Should Ophelia choose to put on the clothes, Skyrille and her Guards will patiently wait for her to dress, before leading her out of her room, and out into a hallway. The hallway's design matched that of the room, but with black and white horizontally striped patterns on the walls. Skyrille and her guards lead Ophelia to a set of doors a long distance down the hall, then turns to Ophelia "Your friends are in these two rooms, having their wounds tended to. I'll leave two of my Guards here, please be sure to let them know if you need them. When you're ready to return to your room, they'll be happy to lead you back." said Skyrille, to which the two standard Guards nodded. With that, Skyrille began to leave, stating "I have another visitor that I must attend to. If you have need of me, please speak with one of my Guards, or come see me at Echo Castle. Please, make yourself comfortable, enjoy your time here, and don't hesitate to ask if you need something." she said, with a smile, as she swept out of the hallway with her two Royal Guards, who waved as well.

If Ophelia looks through each of the windows that the doors were constructed with, she could see that there were several closed curtains in each room, and another of the undead doctors, who looked very similar to the first, were sitting at a desk with a clipboard, or leaving the curtains that were set around one of the beds.

Lilith Rose/Mark3000
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When Lilith reached the thick fighting at the front of the gates, none of the Guards seemed to notice that Chet was an undead, they and the Mercenaries were far too busy fighting for their lives against the Goblin threat. It didn't take long for Lilith to see Metia off to her right, heading towards the front gates as well, drawing her two Polearms as she approached the Goblins, the area behind her a mess of shredded and burning corpses. Metia didn't seem to have noticed Lilith yet, however.

From this position, Lilith could also see Amun and Camilla behind her, Amun looking as though he had already been through several battles of his own, while Camilla looked mostly unhurt, aside from some patches of blood on her dress which may not even have been her's. Her survey of the area is interrupted when three Goblins emerge from the melee, heading towards her in their rusted armor, with their weapons drawn.

Selvaria Vaimel/Blue56
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Two of the Royal Guards make their over to Selvaria when she agrees to a tour of the castle, with one of the two, the who was speaking with her earlier, nodding happily. They first guide her through the door on her right, and down a long hallway with numerous other doors, each and every doorway wide enough for three people to walk through. The two Royal Guards first open a seemingly random door, a gray one with silver markings, before leading her into the room. One of the two Royal Guards turns to Selvaria as the other flips a switch to light up the room "This is the Historium" she says, waving her arm behind her as the room is lit up. The room was lined with numerous black bookshelves, loaded with numerous books, each section being marked with a symbol that Selvaria could not recognize, several black tables, with black chairs off to each side of the room, the ceiling of the room was concave, with a single glowing yellow ball in the middle of it, which was surrounded by numerous other orbs, three blue ones, four yellow ones, one that was mostly blue with green patches on it, and a single gray one furthest from the glowing yellow ball. Each of these was marked with a label in a language that Selvaria couldn't recognize. In the expanse around each of these orbs was glowing lights, and all of these orbs were slowly rotating around the glowing yellow orb.

One of the two Royal Guards then grabbed a lever, pulling it down, after which the orbs all lowered as well, so that Selvaria could get a better look at them. One of the two then went to the orbs and started to say something, however she stopped herself and placed a hand at her ear. Almost immediately after, a woman with pale skin emerged into the room, she was holding a black scythe, with a lantern dangling from the bottom of the scythe, had one lilac eye and one glowing red light, obscured mostly by her red curly hair, and was wearing a long gray dress with a hood attached, which she was wearing over her head, with two pointy ears stitched onto it standing straight up from it. When Selvaria turned to her, she smiled "Hello, my lady, I'm Keeper Skyrille, though most who live here call me Master. I apologize for the wait, I had to meet with other visitors, it has been a most busy day. Did you wish to see me?" she asked, cocking her head slightly, a friendly smile on her face.

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As CeeCee makes her way towards Kort, her path takes her passed the Colosseum of Fools, and into more mountains. Despite passing within short distance of a Mountain Kragg in hiding, the creature doesn't seem to notice her, or has already eaten that day, allowing her to pass through the mountains without further encounters with creatures.

Once through the mountainous region, she comes to a stop when her path is blocked by a narrow channel of water, which she could quite possibly jump across, with Kort only roughly a mile from the other side. At this moment, she notices a hand sticking out of the water, waving towards her. The hand's waving is frantic, and the water is bubbling as if an individual were drowning there. Near CeeCee's position is a tree with long branches, which would allow her to pull the individual out if she could get them to grab the end.

As CeeCee was standing there, she also starts to feel strange, as if additional appendages she could control were slowly growing from her back. While the feeling of growth soon passes, she could still feel as though new appendages were still there. Should she turn her head and take a look,she would find that two black Spider-like legs had grown from the back of her shoulders.

Saphira Perinther/Randomizer
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When Saphira finally comes to, she finds that it's now snowing, and she has been almost completely covered in it, the snow reaching high enough to partly cover her head and back, but completely covering her legs and arms. Should she survey her surroundings, she would find that she's completely alone in the area, no Magnolia or Plain Stalkers in sight. That is, until she takes a closer look, at which point she finds bloody chunks of Plain Stalker body parts only partly sticking out of the snow, of which there are three heads in total, indicating that someone or something had killed them shortly after she lost consciousness.

When Saphira looks down at her body, she also finds that she now has red fur with sharp black pin-striping, covering her outer thighs, as well as her outer arms and shoulders. Ontop of her head, she can feel similarly fur-covered wolf-ears on top of her head. Inside her mouth, she can feel that she has wolf-like sharpened teeth. These new additions to her body indicate that something has been passed onto her from her encounter with the Cyclopean Werewolves.

Amun Khufu/MrBlah
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When Amun finishes speaking, Metia looks at him like he had just grown a second head "Are you trying to pass her off on me?" she asked, before laughing, grabbing him with her right hand, by the front of his shirt, then lifting him up off the ground slightly "You just don't want the responsibility of looking after the kid. What happens if I watch her? More people would likely die, because rather than exterminating these disgusting Goblins, I have to watch Camilla for you. I'd rather kill every Goblin here and save everyone, than play babysitter while you go jerk off in a corner. Pick up your damn rusty butter knife" she said, grabbing Amun's dagger off his belt and shoving it into his hand "We have killing to do, these creatures are hurting Sirius' precious creations. Camilla's in no danger if all of the Goblins are dead." she said, with a cackle, before dropping Amun on the ground and starting to make her way towards the gates, firing a puff of fire at a Goblin that had emerged from behind one of the incomplete houses, burning the creature to a crisp as it shrieked in horrible pain.

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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby Littlemankitten » Sun Jun 23, 2019 12:23 am

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Anastasia notices the drawing on the ceiling almost immediately, and so is looking up by the moment she takes the first step in the room. It was a little hard to tell, but it looked like a drawing of herself. Well, her old self at least. She then looks towards the bathroom door where Idalia disappeared off to before finally settling her eyes on Aranya, a very soft scowl forming on her face. “Yea well, I had to cool off and all. We had a conversation which helped as well.” After she finished the sentence she notices Aranya was down to just her underwear once more, with the addition of her stockings. Anastasia could feel her dick slightly harden at the sight of her body, but thankfully it wasn’t that much so it was covered by her clothing. By Avenir why was she always so horny now? She wasn’t one to let it get the better of her through, so she simply crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. “Well, as I said, we talked for a while and just looked out into the forest. What about you? I don’t think it was that hot in here to warrant your new attire.”

Aranya chuckled “Ah, yes, talking. That’s what you were doing.” she said, dropping the remainder of her leaves into the potted plant, then shifting so that she was turned sideways in her seat, her thighs together “The suit isn’t all that comfortable for sitting around, so I made myself more comfortable. It has been quite some time since you left the room, so I figured I may as well if I’m going to be by myself.” she added, as she put out her Deathstick, seemingly just now remembering that Anastasia had asked her not to smoke in her presence. “Would you like to try one?” she asked, leaning forward with a new one in her hand, her new position giving Anastasia a look down her bra.

Anastasia very quickly realized what game Aranya was trying to play. She was starting to get a better handle of Aranya’s personality, which is to say it was completely in the gutter. “Yes, that is what we were doing, I know after this morning you’re mind seems mostly set on one thing, but not everything has to be like that… Also fine, but don’t take anything else off.” She psudeo-commands her. As Aranya offers her a deathstick and leans down, Ana’s eyes quickly flick down to her bra, where she could just faintly see her nipples, which she could tell were already hard. Just as quickly as she looked she looked back to Aranya’s face before sighing and turning around and going towards the desk that held the shattered mirror. “Yea no.” She then turns back around again so her back was face the desk and leaned back, her butt resting on the desk and giving her support, her hands placed on either side of her. “Geez when will we have the next battle? This place offers no downtime accommodation, I didn’t even see a training area or anything like that on my walk, just more and more rooms for teams and who knows what else.” She states, sighing softly and looking at the bed.

When Anastasia moves to the desk, Aranya casually slips out of the seat, and makes her way to the bed, flopping onto it backwards, then resting there with her legs spread apart, hanging off the bed, her arms behind her head as a makeshift pillow. “If you tried more things, you wouldn’t be so bored. Like smoking Deathsticks. You’d probably like it. There are plenty of things to do, though, you just have to look for them.” she said, not emphasizing ‘do’, but there wasn’t much to imagine in terms of how she meant it.

Anastasia stares as Aranya as she lays seductively on the bed, but she didn’t stare at her in the way Aranya might be wanting right now. “What, after what you did to Illaria you decided ‘hey, that’s looks pretty tasty’?” Anastasia shakes her head and looks to the ground now. “What, you think that with my new body I’ll jump at the chance to do something like that?” She scoffs a little and shakes her head again, more intensely this time. “Don’t insult me like that, hell, don’t take advantage of someone like that again. If I wasn’t like this now you’d be thrown of balcony for what you did to Ilaria.” She looks back up at Aranya, the scowl now much more defined.

Aranya sat up slowly, her face still one of carelessness, implying what Anastasia said hadn’t bothered her “Well, first, I have no idea what your new body has to do with how you’re acting. For all you know, you’ve always been this way. Secondly, I don’t see how anything I’ve done is an insult, I’m just working for you and enjoying myself as I do so. Lastly, if you threw me off the balcony, assuming you even could, you’d only be hurting yourself since you couldn’t finish your mission anymore. You’d be kicked out of the colosseum, and your target would get away.” she then waited a moment before continuing “If you think what I did to Ilaria was so bad, I think you’re the one insulting yourself, otherwise you’d have concluded she liked it.” she added, with a wink.

Anastasia’s body tensed up, Anastasia really couldn’t see how Aranya didn’t understand why it was so bad. “It’s insultive cause it’s implying I’m some kind of slut, which is so far from the case. Also please, do you really think anyone from my kind would be so lenient? Also yes, I am aware of that, which is why I haven’t done it, but it’s becoming quite an enticing prospect.” At Aranya’s last sentence, it was outwardly visible Ana was getting angry, the chains that surrounded her started producing a faint rattling sound and twisted slowly in their place. She took a few steps towards Aranya and looked down at her. “Whether or not anyone derived enjoyment out of it is far from the point and means nothing, the point is you decided to take advantage of her, a girl who has just earned her freedom, just learned to trust people, is undoubtedly mostly oblivious to such acts, then drugged her and forced her to commit such an act, and don’t you play the ‘it wasn’t forced’ act with me, you drugged her so as far as I’m concerned it was forced.” Her voice was raised now, most likely audible by Idalia by this point.

When Anastasia steps forward, Aranya casually stands up from her bed and swings one of her arms back behind her, at which point her suit becomes a black mist which wraps around her. After the mist dissipates, she’s fully dressed, hat and all. “I don’t think I implied you were a slut, but if you were, why should it matter? The only opinions that matter are our opinions of ourselves. Besides, I think that whether anyone derived pleasure from the act is most important. If everyone enjoyed it, there’s nothing to get angry over.” She gave Anastasia a cocky look and circled her so that the bed wasn’t in the way. Her wrists were positioned so that she could get her cards out if needed, but her body language was still casual and non-threatening. “Are you going to try to hurt me, Ana? Do you want me to leave, Ana?” she asked, though not in such a way to make either one a legitimate question, her voice was such that she sounded like she was mocking her.

It seemed Anastasia’s and Aranya’s line of thinking were inherently incompatible. As everytime Aranya tried to give her reasoning it just left Ana baffled. How on earth could she not care about what it was she did? The enjoyment was heavily influenced by drugs and Ana’s own warped new psyche, not for any legitimate reason. Not to mention the fact Ara went ahead and decided Ana’s immediate lack of action this morning, the implication she just went and fucked Idalia, as well as the attempted seduction somehow didn’t imply she wasn’t a slut. Regardless, it was already clear to Ana there was no point in arguing with this girl, so instead she just nodded and exhaled heavily. “Yea, as soon as we’re done here, you should probably go back to that inn or wherever it is you usually go.” She says, trying to calm herself down both because she had a job to complete, and because she didn’t want to fight with Aranya in these conditions. She then turns around and goes back to the desk, looking at the shattered mirror, the few bits that remained still allowing her to look at herself, and Aranya behind her.

Aranya stared into the mirror, using the reflection to look into Anastasia’s eyes for a moment. The next time Anastasia blinked, she had a card in her hand, but she put it away and slowly walked to the door without a word. Idalia was standing in the hallway, when Anastasia looked after Aranya, and there was no telling how long she had been there. Aranya stepped out into the hallway and slammed the door. When Aranya left, Idalia slowly opened the door to go back into the bathroom, but seemingly changed her mind, swinging the door shut “Now what?” she asked.

Anastasia hand instinctively started reaching behind her in case Aranya decided fighting was the best way to solve this dispute, but as soon as it was gone and she got up she let her hand fall. She watched Aranya leave, noticing Idalia was standing there and wondering how much she heard. With Aranya gone, Anastasia shrugged. “We still have a long time before the next battle, if Aranya is leaving for good then well… Hey, we can always find something else to do. This job isn’t my life or anything. We can check out the guild of a nearby city, go explore, anything really… I guess it’s just her turn to calm down now though.”

Idalia looked confused “She didn’t look angry at all. Everything she has done looked like more of a calculated decision, rather than an emotional one… it’s kind of creepy. Even when she referred to us as things rather than people, I don’t think she was doing that because of what we are, but because she considers everyone a thing.” Idalia shivered and moves to sit down on the bed. “If we can’t do this job, could we go to a city we haven’t been to?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at the door, as if expecting Aranya to come back any moment.

Anastasia nods and shrugs, really only now noticing it. She was too angry, and still is to have noticed it during the argument, but now that she said something she saw it. “Yea, I’m not sure what’s up with her. She seems to not care about what it is she does as long as pleasure is derived from it… I don’t know, I’m not happy this happened, but I also couldn’t let that stand.” Anastasia sighs and thinks for a moment. A city they haven’t been? There were a lot of those. She didn’t wanna go back to Nirvana that was for sure, cause that meant going through those damn mushrooms again. “Well, that would probably be best, Kort is the closest city according to the map here, but Ara will probably also end up there for that exact reason. Not to mention there is a big river in the way. We could go south to… Alstenisen? Alterstien? Something like that, or north towards Greyhaven I think it was called. Those places sound good? I don’t really know much about any of them anyway.”

Idalia cross one leg over the other and rubbed her chin as she thought about it. “I’ve only really been to Baskerville and Azraq… I’d be okay with Greyhaven, but I’d also like to go to Darkstar someday. I’ve heard a lot of conflicting rumors, but I’ve always wanted to see for myself.” she stopped for a moment and thought about it some more, glancing over at the door again. “I wish she gave us a definite answer so that we could leave immediately instead of wasting time here. She probably did that to mess with us, too.” she says, with an annoyed tone.

Anastasia’s face contorts back into one of anger, then mixes with a little bit of unsureness as well. “I don’t know what her game is now. I wish I didn’t recruit her, and I don’t know what to do with her now. I don’t want to fight her, but she seems to want me to fight her now.” She shuffles around a little before changing the topic back to cities to possibly go to should Ara have really left. “What kind of rumors were swirling around with Darkstar? Also how far away is it? I don’t remember seeing it on the map.” She then goes over to the bed near were Aranya was sitting and sighs again.

Idalia leans on Anastasia “Well, I heard that it’s a city full of Nomads, that it’s constructed by demons and covered in runes, that it was destroyed and no longer exists, that it exists in another dimension, and that it’s home to a madman who mixes people with monsters.” she says, glancing up at Anastasia to watch her face as she goes over the rumors.”Do you think we should see if Aranya left so that we can decide what we want to do sooner? It’s better than waiting for our fight to start, I think.” she says, hesitantly.

Anastasia eye’s rolled heavily when Idalia mentions nomads, not to mention all the crazy stuff Idalia just said. “Everything but the nomad part and I guess the last part sounds heavily falsified, but then again who knows what weird crap is around. I think I’d rather go somewhere more stable for now anyway. But if you really want to investigate it I suppose it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.” If she was talking to anyone but Idalia she would of refused outright, but she was willing to give Idalia a good amount of leeway in her discussions. She then looks back at the door, then slowly gets up. “Yea, I guess we should. But if she’s just cooling off we should probably leave her alone unless you wanna talk to her.” She says, stopping by where her armor was and donning it just in case. Most people in the colosseum walked around with their armor on anyway, plus it’d hide any future boner. She then starts making her way to the door so they could find Aranya.
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Re: Carnival of Rust

Postby mrblah » Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:40 pm

He was caught off guard by her harsh rebuff and the sudden aggressive lifting and dropping, looking over to her leaving form and down at his dagger with wide eyes. "Does... does she not see my current state? I- I can't fight! I'm barely alive as it is!" He harshly bit back, swinging the dagger into the ground. Great... this didn't work as he hoped. Now, he had to fight alongside a crazy and violent dragon lady, as well as keep Camilla safe himself because she cared more for the others. And why would she? These people were all strangers, but she supposedly knew Camilla. She was a younger, more important life than those of these old fools who made such a terrible settlement. Who cared if they died—they're bound to die some day.

... Then the final words of Metia clicked in Amun's head. "Sirius precious creations..?" Peh. Of course. The damned goddess that's clearly long since abandoned him sent one of her hounds right to him. And now she wants to go on a bloody rampage to kill some goblins and save people not worth saving? "Damn you, Sirius... always must you torment me?" Metia was a fool like he once was, following a hypocritical goddess that would only work to betray her at the end of it. He sighed, and made to stand on weak legs. Amun looked to Camilla and reached out to take her hand again. "Come on, Camilla. We'll have to follow Metia for now. Don't go too far from my side, okay?" He followed after the were-dragon.
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