Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sun Feb 17, 2019 2:48 pm

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Pretty sure I got everything. Let me know if I missed something though!

Joy's Inventory
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White tank top: 0/2 HP-------------------------Scraps worth 1 cap
Durable Jeans: 0/5 HP---------------------------Scraps worth 1 cap
Light Duster: 3/5 HP-----------------------------worth 90 caps

Hunting Rifle: 98%--------------------------------worth 294 caps
M4 Assault Rifle: 70%-----------------------------worth 280 caps
10mm Pistol: 67%----------------------------------worth 80 caps
10mm Pistol: 65%----------------------------------worth 78 caps
Snub nosed 357: 76%-------------------------------worth 76 caps
Combat Knife: 70%---------------------------------worth 35 caps
Plasma Grenades: 2--------------------------------worth 120 caps each
Frag Grenades: 2-----------------------------------Worth 60 caps each

.308 rounds: 31--------------worth 1 cap each
5.56mm rounds: 40---------worth 1 cap for 2
10mm rounds: 87------------worth 1 cap each
.357 rounds: 6---------------worth 1 cap each

Water Canteen(+1 HP, outside of combat only): 5 uses---------------------N/A
Travel rations(+2 HP, outside of combat only): 3----------------------------worth 2 caps each
Pre war food: 4 Cans (+2 HP outside of combat, +4 when cooked)--------worth 5 caps each
Gecko Eggs: 5 (+5 HP when cooked)------------------------------------------worth 15 caps each

Flat tip screwdriver---------------------worth 1 cap
Fission Battery--------------------------worth 80 caps
Preserved packs of Cigarettes: 2-----worth 20 caps each
Electronic Scrap: 3----------------------worth 4 caps each

Caps: 448

"Alright sounds good. I'll uh, take those Jeans from you.", McCraw says, her cheeks a slight pink as you hand over the scraps as she realizes that your probably naked under your duster. "I'll get those other things too while get what you want to sell.", she says as you go about picking out what you want to sell off. "I have to say though I'd certainly recommend the bikini as underwear! If you tie it right it just slips right off. Now I know that doesn't sound ideal and all, but it's pretty unlikely to tear, so the next time you have an, uh, unfortunate encounter, especially with mutant creatures, you'll at least have something to wear afterword... probably.", she adds on. It's a little embarrassing, but she does have a point. It would offer almost no protection of any kind(not that much underwear did anyway), but at least having the bikini reduced the odds you might have to walk back to town completely naked in the future.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:24 pm

Joy nods and hands over her ruined jeans before digging through her bag and for what she wants to sell. First she takes out what she has no real use for so she takes out the Fission Battery and the two packs of cigarettes and puts them on the table, which should make up for her jean repairs and give her 20 caps extra. However she still needed to buy the bikini set and maybe lighter clothes for the hotter climate. Going through the other things she found the assault rifle and while it's a good weapon it would eat up ammo, ammo she didn't have much of. So she places the M4 Assault Rifle and it's ammo on the counter which equaled to 300 caps in total. She also puts up one of 10mm Pistols, the one that was more worn, and the two frag grenades. As much as the extra grenades would help she knew it's better to travel light considering that her main income is whatever she manages to scavenge. To top everything off she adds the electronic scrap to the pile and her ruined shirt.

"Alright...That should be... 631 caps, 531 after the repair to my jeans." She smiles at the amount she just made. "And...I'll take that bikini set I suppose... And a new tank top and a pair of shorts." She says for clothing. "How far is it to the next settlement?" She asked incase she needed to stock up on rations and ammo if it's a long trip.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:44 pm

"Well look at all of this now! Not a bad haul indeed for a grimy critter cave! Must've been some old scav living there at some point! Sort of surprised that no one found it before you did considering it wasn't all that far away.", McCraw says as she takes the goods your selling off and hands over a simple black bikini as well as a white tank top and simple tan coloured shorts. The tank top and shorts weren't very durable at all, but at least it would be something to cover yourself with. With your goods exchanged McCraw counts out the rest of the caps she owes you, leaving you with another cool 381 caps in profit.

"The next settlement?" McCraw says, thinking on your question for a moment. "It's a good trek. About 25 miles to a place called Zellwood at the outer edge of Orlando. It's dangerous road these days though. More dangerous then usual I guess. All sorts of chasms have opened up on the road, meaning there are quite a few detours. Some that even go through some caves. Nothing to long however, but the area is prime ground for Cazadors among other things. Not to mention there is a splinter of the Viper gang in the area apparently, along with whatever else random bandits.", McCraw explains. "Still though, with a caravan at a reasonable pace you should be able to do the distance in a couple days. But if you like going faster then average walking speed you can do it in a day on your own."

Well, that was good information to have. McCraw then informs you she'll have your pants ready by tomorrow.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Thu Mar 14, 2019 4:38 am

"Yeah, looked like someone set up camp in those caves before the geckos moved in. Decent amount of scrap and abandoned items." Joy says as she comments on what she found in the gecko nests. When she was given the clothing she puts on the bikini under her duster before pulling on the shorts and shirt and lets out a sigh of relief to be properly clothed again. She counts her remaining caps and finds she made 381 in profit so far though she might need to buy more still.

The storeowner then tells her that the next place is about 25 miles away; not too bad since that's only a couple days at most to get there. She grimaces when she is told there are Cazadors down that way. They used to only be around the Mojave Wasteland but migrated some years ago and are said to be the bane of anyone that comes across one. "I think I rather take on a deathclaw over a cazador…" She mumbles. "Any caravans heading that way soon?" She asked, thinking that might be safer than going alone.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:35 am

"I don't think I'd trade a Cazador for a Deathclaw on a strictly one for one bases, but I'd certainly rather deal with a single Deathclaw then a group of those flying bastards, which more often then not is the case. Heh, makes you glad that Deathclaws are usually the solitary sort huh?", McCraw replies, making friendly conversation. When you ask about caravans though she's quick to give you some useful info. "Yeah there's usually a convoy coming through here about every five or four days. Pretty regular, and its been a few days since the last one. The road might be getting more dangerous, but she as shit still a lot safer then just going through the wild wastes.", She tells you. "Anyway, if you're lucky, there should be one coming in tomorrow heading south like you that you can tag along with. Hell they'll probably even pay you. Can never have too many shooters these days. Plus uh, you know how the beasties can get a little fixated on us ladies. Can be useful if you position yourself so that your fellows can blow them away while they fixate on you. Till tomorrow though there is plenty of space to sleep over at Joel's. I imagine you'll probably want a hot meal and shower judging by the state of your poor jeans."
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Wed Apr 17, 2019 2:00 pm

"Yeah, though even a single Cazador can be annoying; they're hard to hit and if you get stung you're as good as dead." Joy comments about the Cazadors before she is told of the caravans and that one might come in tomorrow, with the bonus of being a possible gun for hire for her time riding along with them. Also there was the added protection considering how the... as McCraw put it, 'beasties can get a little fixated' on them. "R-Right. Well anyways, thank you for the help and your business." She said to the shop owner as she blushes some about the comment about her jeans.

Soon she leaves the store and heads over to Joel's place of business because McCraw was right, she needed a good meal again as well as a shower from her earlier encounter.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:15 pm

Heading over to Joel's place across the street you enter to see it quite a bit busier then earlier in the day. Not a ton mind you, the bulk of the tables and booths set up still empty, but there is about dozen people inside now including Joel and yourself. There was what appeared to be a security guard likely under Joel's employ smoking quietly in the corner near the bar, a couple of farmers enjoying some of Joel's cooking. A quartet consisting on two men and two women playing pool and having some drinks. There was another couple men laughing at something or other at the bar. The last was person however looked to be either another adventurer, or another security guard working for Joel. You can't tell their gender as their back is too you as the hover over a juke box, however it's clear this is another 'changed' person like Joel. You can't really make out a ton, but there was no mistaking a long smooth tail coming from their back side. Like that of a sharks tail fin.

First things first though, and you head up to the bar counter and take a seat. It doesn't take Joel long to get to you. "Hey Joy! Nice to see you back! How'd the thing with the gecko's go? Also still got plenty of space if your interested. 10 caps for a room, 20 for a nice room, and five caps to use the shower room in case you forgot.", He tells you with a friendly voice. Something that sort of amuses you to some degree, considering how scary the dragon man looked, even if he was short. The next moment though you notice his nostrils flare as he takes in a deep breath through his nose. The next moment though he seems to... brighten? Blush? He doesn't react outwardly a lot besides that, but you wonder if he can... smell the gecko on you so to speak. He did have a rather big nose after all.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Wed May 01, 2019 3:49 am

Walking into Joel's place of business Joy sees that it's busier now, which makes sense as it was evening and that most people tend to go to wherever they can get a drink or food after working all day. Despite not being crowded it was certainly more lively than it was before. She spots another person that was 'changed' like Joel at the jukebox, the only clue of this being the tail coming from their backside and it looks like an aquatic tail of some kind.

Joy walks over to the bar and takes a seat as she sets down her bag. "Yeah, I took care of those geckos so they shouldn't be a problem." She said before she notices his nostrils flare and he seems to blush a bit as he looked at her. It takes her a moment to realize that he can maybe smell the gecko stench on her with that big nose of his. Joy now blushes a bit but tries not to show it as she reaches into her bag. "I uh, can use a meal right now and then use the shower followed by a room for the night. Also I have these to sell to you." She says as she starts to take out the gecko eggs.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri May 31, 2019 8:34 pm

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Sorry for the long delay again. Starting to get more in a routine after my move though, and hoping to get a post out at least every 8(ish) days from now on.

Joel is quite happy when you pull out the eggs, doing a fist pump that seems extra silly coming from her considering his dragon like appearance. "Nice! Five eggs? I'll give you 40 caps for the lot, and let you have a nice room, use the shower room, and some hot food on top of it. What do you say?", Joel asks you. It's a pretty good deal all said for the both of you, as Joel would be able to make some pretty good omelettes or fried eggs out of those. One he could sell for quite a bit! You make the exchange, feeling like you came out a little ahead on that one with the inclusion of some free food. "So would you like the food now or would you like to clean up first?", Joel asks as he reaches under the counter a moment. When his hand comes back up he hands you a simple key with the a red painted 7 on it. "There's your room Joy. It's upstairs. I'm sure you can find it.", he says.

Whatever your answer, a simple glance to your right shows the shower rooms doors near near the wall where his bar counter ends. There are two doors, one with a male sign, the other with a female sign. No one would probably care which one you went in though.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:48 am

Joy couldn't help but giggle a bit at Joel's reaction to seeing the eggs which she is happy to hand over for a room, access to the showers, a hot meal, and 40 caps on top of it. "Sounds good to me." She said as she hands over the eggs and then accept the caps and then the key to her room. "I'll...go clean up a bit before eating." She tells him as she stands up and takes her bag and heads to the showers, going to the one with the female sign on it. She was more than happy to get a shower now, especially after what happened to her with the Geckos earlier that day.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Jun 15, 2019 7:19 pm

"Sure thing! I'll have some hot food waiting for you when you get out.", Joey says before giving you a friendly wink. Just before you walk off though he reaches under the counter and hands you a towel and a simple bar of soap. "I imagine you'll want these.", he says. You a nod a simple thanks, then head for the shower room.

When you open the door it leads to a small locker room like area that immediately opens into a small shower room with four arranged shower heads. There is a slight wall to partially block the view, but you also note there is no way to lock the door or anything. At the very least though the room was empty, leaving only yourself inside. You strip down and head inside, turning on one the nozzles and are greeted with a spray of hot water. You cannot help but sigh on contact. The heat is therapeutic on your sore body, and hot showers were certainly few and far between these days. Might as well take the time to enjoy this right? As far as you knew there was no time limits!

And so you stand under the faucet for five minutes or so till you finally decide you ought to clean up all this somewhat dried spunk clinging to your inner thighs when suddenly the door swings open. In somewhat shock you cover yourself as you turn to see who enters, and see it is the aquatic like person who had been at the juke box. Thankfully it's a female now that you get a good look at their front end. A rather tall and busty woman with a appearance of a shark. A surprisingly attractive appearance! As well as hair too, funnily enough, a mix of teal and red. She quickly meets your gaze though before letting out a short laugh. "Ha! Did I scare you? Sorry about that. No need to worry about me though. Not too much anyway.", she says, flashing you a smile that shows off her rather pointy looking teeth. She makes a biting motion at you then, before laughing again. "Just kidding!", she says, before starting to strip down herself.

In this instance you try not to stare too much, but these anthropomorphic folks who had been popping up were damn hard to not look at! They were just so different! Something you'd learn especially so, as when she finally strips bare and turns around, you nearly blanche as you realize the shark woman had a dick! A huge pink dick! That was pointy and shiny and smooth! And half hard by the looks of it! She walks into the shower, making no action to acknowledge your brief stare before taking the spot across from you and giving you a great full frontal view. "So whats your name hun? Never seen you around here before? I'm Aeriscilla, though most just call me Aeries.", she says.

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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:37 am

Joy is a bit surprised when Joel hands her a towel and a bar of soap but she was thankfully surprised and accepts the items with a smile. "Thanks Joel." She said before heading towards the shower room again. In the small locker room before the actual showers Joy finds a good place to place her bag and weapons before stripping down her clothes and placing them with her things. Taking just the soap with her for now she walks into the showers and while it wasn't as private as she would have liked but she wasn't going to complain about it considering how much she needed this. She turns on the water and lets out a heavy sigh as she feels the warm water going over her worn body. It's been a rather long time since she's had hot running water to clean with.

After a bit of just soaking under the shower head she finally decides to fully wash up, using the water and her hands to clean the heavier mess like the dried gecko cum from her inner thighs. Before she can even start with the soap she heard the door swing open and her hands quickly move to cover her beasts and crotch as she turns towards the door. What she saw was nothing she would have expected, even after meeting Joel. The person that entered was some kind of humanoid shark, though very humanoid considering they were more human than animal like Joel. She could also tell that they are female from the obvious female anatomy they have. "It's...fine, I guess." She said before relaxing a bit and tries to not look too much at the change andromorphic person. However she does have to do a double take when she sees that the shark girl is not as female as she thought because this shark had a dick! She blushes deeper and looks away as the shark person takes a spot across from her. "I'm Joy...A traveler and scavenger" She said, introducing herself to Aeries. "I only got into town earlier today. Took care of a Gecko nest nearby for a reward." She adds on as she now was using the soap to more thoroughly clean herself.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:22 am

Aeries listens as you introduce yourself, though it seems you've peeked her interest as well. When you look away from her shaft you realize that you had been staring a bit longer then what might constitute simple curiosity. She tilts her head at you curiously as a hard blush erupts on your face, only to smile a knowing smile, her eyes suddenly going half lidded. "Ahh, a drifter I see. Nothing wrong with that. Used to that for a time before I settled down here. Now I just fight off mirelurks and keep them away from our water supply at the lake a few miles away.", she replies to you, eyes running up and down your form as she lets the water run down her form. You have to admit she's damn alluring, as her skin takes on a shine when wet that regular skin doesn't. "But thanks for taking out the gecko's. Probably would've been my job if you hadn't done it. Always had bad luck when it came to geckos... though I guess I'm not the only one.", she adds on, her gaze shifting to your thigh and cum there before you can use the soap to completely scrub it away. "Still I'm sure you did better then I would've of. When I say I have bad luck with gecko's I mean really bad. I've had easier times with deathclaws.", she finishes with a short laugh.

That said, there is a short minute or so of silence as you scrub yourself down and Aeries just seems to soak. During this time though you cannot help but notice her cock comes to full mast. A near foot of almost alien looking dick! The whole time though she gives you a calculating while simpering half lidded look. She seems to be sizing you up almost, but you don't exactly feel threatened either. As you go about cleaning yourself though you once again find yourself in that curious position in the shower where you had to clean your back. Yours actually quite dirty after getting fucked on a cave floor. And as if right on cue Aeries speaks up. "Need a bit of help hon? I can get your back for you.", Aeries says. Before you can jump to any hasty conclusions though she talks again. "Joel kind of gave you the only soap he has at the moment so I'm sort of waiting for you to finish with it, just in case you were wondering."

Oh. Well that sort of made sense. Still though her interest is pretty clear if her raging hard on is any indication.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Thu Jun 27, 2019 10:21 am

Joy couldn't help but blush red as she found herself looking a bit too long at the strange shaft coming from this strange...well she wasn't sure if 'woman' was the right word now considering the cock. The half lidded look Aeries was giving her didn't help her flustered expression much either. Her blush only deepens as Aeries points out the gecko cum on her inner thighs and knows just what bad luck she had with Geckos earlier today. "Really? Deathclaws? I mean geckos can be...unnerving with how they run and move, and... do things to females but... at least I know my chances of being alive and in one piece are much higher with gecko than a deathclaw. To each their own I suppose." She ends with a small chuckle.

As she continues to wash she starts to feel a bit unnerved as Aeries just seems to look at her while she washed, as if sizing her up. Joy then makes the mistake of looking over and seeing a foot of strange erect cock coming from the woman. Soon she gets to her back and she almost jumps when Aeries spoke up. "O-Oh, yeah I can use some help. And I didn't realize this was the only soap... Guess I'll look out for some to give to him later next time I'm out exploring before I make my way back here." She said as she holds out the soap to the shark girl before she turns around to let her get her back.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:03 am

"Oh I've had bad runs with death claws too. Had to come limping back into town a few times after one had their way with me. Good thing these changes I got maybe, uh, stretchier.", Aeries says. The nonchalant way she says it too does not help you control your blush as your imagination takes hold of that statement. "But overall, I tend to be okay with death claws. Got me a 50 cal you see. So as long as their's one, and I know where it is, and I can get to a spot where I can wait for it to show its face, it's usually not so bad. It's when there's more then one things get a little dicey. That's probably why I have such a hard time with geckos though. There is always a bunch of them!", she says. Well she's certainly not wrong there.

When you give her the go ahead to wash your back though it seems a little light shines in her eyes. "Well that would be highly appreciated Joy. Could always use more soap!", she says before taking the bar from you and letting you turn around. A moment later the bare is one of your back, along with her spare hand rubbing gently along your shoulder. Her touch is... wonderful you find. Her skin is so smooth and silky, especially when wet, that you cannot help but get a case of goosebumps. And as well it seems like she's got some claws on those fingers, quite sharp, but there is a feeling of exhilaration as those sharp tips ghost along your skin. In fact you find yourself being quite relaxed with her massage like touch, her hands soaping up your back in a relaxing motion.

It was relaxing that is, right up to the point her cock prods your butt.

Okay to be fair, it's still relaxing, but that hot tip prodding your skin certainly gets your attention. Before you know it though Aeries has gotten quite a bit closer, and now goes to spreading soap along your sides, going from your hips right to your arm pits and shoulders. Before you know it though her tits suddenly press against your back, squishing against you and letting her feel her stiff pink nipples as her cock slips between your legs, rubbing along your inner thighs and outer lips and through the gap in your thighs. Looking down your own cleavage you see her cock poking out there, the thing radiating heat between your legs but not in a position that threatens to penetrate you... yet. Her head then suddenly rests on your shoulder, her nose pointing toward your ear and letting out a soft breath that tickles you and gives you another outbreak of goosebumps. "So, did you want to try this or what Joy? It'd be a shame to deny your curiosity. I was much the same before I was changed too you know.", she breathes huskily into your ear as her hands snake around to your stomach, her forearms pressing along the underside of your big breasts.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:51 am

"I guess I see your point. Had a hard time with just two at a distance. Picked one off with my hunting rifle and then the second I had to finish off with my 10mm. Still though, at least I know I can kill geckos... A deathclaw though... not sure I can handle that." She said before she lets the shark girl wash her back. "Well if I find some and end up in the area I'll try to drop by and give him what I have. Won't charge him for at least a few bars of it since he's been rather generous to me so far." She says as her back is being washed and Joy lets out a sigh as she just enjoys the shark girl's hands washing her. As she relaxes though she doesn't notice the anthro getting closer to her till she felt something hard and hot poke her plush rear.

She tenses up as she felt the tip of the shark's cock poking her rear and starts to notice the shark girl getting closer, her hands now at her sides and hips before she felt a pair of breasts against her back. Joy's face blushes deeply as she looks down and sees the large cock slide between her inner thighs and she gasps lightly as it lightly brushes against her pussy. She nearly jumps as Aeries puts her head over her shoulder and talks to her. At first Joy hesitates to answer, unsure how to respond. "I... W-well I mean it's not like I'm not curious... J-Just...n-not sure." She stammers out as she looks between Aeries and the cock between her legs.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sun Jul 21, 2019 6:13 pm

Aeries lets out a short little giggle as you stammer a bit and confessing how your not sure about this. "I don't blame you honey. Folks like me are still rather rare after all. But tell you what... I'll just keep going for now. Stop me if you want.", she says with a husky whisper before she leans down a bit and starts kissing at your neck. A little thrill goes through you at that, sharp teeth just ever so slightly grazing your skin as her hands continue to rub at your sides. A moment later though her hands come around to your stomach, before coming upward to grab your chest, cupping your big breasts and giving them a bounce in her hands. "Mmm~ If I had to guess though... I don't think you will stop me, will you?", Aeries then adds on, a bit of a dominant tone to her voice. As if daring you to stop her. Her hands then grip your tits tightly, giving them a firm squeeze before she begins to grind herself against you, pressing her own chest against your back and letting you feel her hard nipples pressing against you, rubbing along your smooth skin. Her cock starts to grind against your pussy as she rolls her hips against your ass, gently stimulating you as she holds your firmly against her. The sudden escalation though comes with a undeniable boost in pleasure, your body singing in response to her clearly experienced touch.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Jul 26, 2019 2:15 am

Joy wasn't sure if Aeries was referring to her being an anthromorphic shark or having a cock was her rare but her words still sent a shudder down her spine before she gasps out from having her neck kissed, the sharp teeth making her tense up as they graze against the exposed skin of her neck. She lets out some small moans as Aeries starts to grope her breasts with her clawed hands and it seems the shark is right as Joy had no desire to really stop her from doing what she wanted with her body. Her body arches and she squeals a bit from the rougher and tighter squeeze to her large breasts. When Joy felt that cock rubbing at her pussy her hips began to rock a bit, her pussy still a bit sensitive from her time with the Gecko's earlier and she was moaning out from all the touches.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Mon Aug 05, 2019 9:02 pm

When you start to rock your hips and grind against Aeries you can literally feel her smile. Her lips curving upward against your neck and letting you feel even more of those sharp teeth of her as she kisses at your supple neck. You feel hard cock throb between your legs, a rush of heat against your thighs and lower lips that has nothing to do with the hot water cascading down your body. "Hmm~ You say nothing, and yet you give me all the reply I need. Very well then~", Aeries whispers to you before nipping at your earlobe gently. Her kneading hands then go to the peak of your breasts, fingers pinching your stiff nipples before tugging firmly. You cannot help but let out a short squeal as rush of pleasure and pain hits you, forcing your back to arch and your ass to press against her hips even more firmly. It's a short tug though, her fingers letting go and letting your big tits snap back to place with a delightful jiggle.

However only one hand comes back to continue groping your perky chest. The other goes south, where a single fingers quickly dives into your wet and ready pussy and forces another gasp from you. Pleasure ripples throughout your body as Aeries tests you. "Ah so wet already?~ Guess we'll get straight to it then~", she says, taking her fingers out of you ever so slowly, making sure to press on your love button on the way out. The next moment though she pushes you up against the shower wall, giving you a chance to brace yourself before her smooth hands grip your rear. She gives your ass a short appreciative squeeze before they roam up to your hips, gripping firm. The next moment though ecstasy hits you in an intense wave as smooth and slippery shark cock begins to spear into your pussy, spreading your silky walls around her impressive length and girth. "How bad do you want it Joy? How bad do you want me to fuck you?~", Aeries asks as her hips press against your cushy ass, her shaft fully inside you.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Aug 10, 2019 11:04 am

Joy's body arches and she lets out a squeal as the shark pulls her hard nipples firmly, sending a sensation of mixed pleasure and pain through her body. When she let go her breasts bounced back into place and jiggled a bit while Joy takes a moment to catch her breath a bit. However she didn't get long to catch her breath before Aeries pushed her finger right into her wet pussy and makes her gasp again, her body shuddering from the pleasure as that finger moves around inside of her. She gives one more squeal when the shark pressed her clit on the way out before she grunts from being pushed against the shower wall. Her breasts press against the cold tiles and makes her moan a bit as her hands brace on it while her rear is pulled out towards Aeries' cock. Then that cock enters her and Joy's head leans back as she cries out, her pussy spreading wide around the cock and sending waves of pleasure through her entire body. "I...I need it bad. F-Fuck me hard, Aeries." She moans out her answer to the shark girl.
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