by Gorbaz » Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:12 am
Because I tend to end up playing ladies in most things on here, why buck the trend? XD
Name: Myaani
Age: 29
Race: Tiefling (D&D your ass! XD)
Occupation/Affiliation: Professional killer for hire
Physical Description: 5' 9" in height, smooth alabaster skin, slim build with tightly bunched muscles. Totally blood-red eyes, row of very fine and small spines running down her spine. Very small retractable claws on the tips of her fingers
Psyche Prof: Merciless and out for herself, she will happily turn on her friends and allies if the price is right, and if she thinks she can get away with it. Normally quite loyal to an employer until she is given a better offer. Follows the credo of "pay lots now to make sure you don't end up paying later"
Equipment/Gear: Light leather armour with plenty of pouches. Climbing picks (hang from waist), three knives (strapped across chest), garotte (concealed in pocket), short sword (boot sheath)
Background: Daughter of a demon and a human, she inherited more of her mother's looks than her fathers, but is still plainly of non-human origin. She was never particularly kind to those she grew up around, and instead had a tendancy to be the bully more than the bullied. At least, those that would bully her for her looks soon regretted it. As she grew older, she developed poisonous saliva, but not particularly potent unless in larg quantities (say, about, half a glass-full). Apon leaving her home, she took apon the career of a killer, using her exotic looks to get into a victim's home, and kill them in their sleep. Later, she found other ways of breaking in and killing without having to show her face to most of the household
One way, or another, I'm going to find you, I'll get you, I'll get you!