Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

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Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:12 pm

Tierwach.png (33.4 KiB) Viewed 6294 times

Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Drake.png (269.31 KiB) Viewed 6294 times

Greeting and salutations, my friends! I am Sir Amadeus Drake. Welcome to the world of Ather, a place where humans live alongside great and powerful creatures known to us as Guardians. There are six countries in known Ather. Each has their own customs, their own traditions and their own views and names for the guardians. Being from Eisenheim, you will be most familiar with calling them the Tierwäch, or Tiers. Though no matter what we call them, what we have in common is our reliance on the guardians.

For as long as there has been recorded history, humans and guardians have lived alongside each other. The two entities have had nearly a symbiotic relationship. The guardians have played a significant role in the development of each nation, to varying degrees. From helping to cultivate the land, to protecting our families, and, of course, to acting as tools of war. In turn, we have given them purpose and a home as we strive to better our lives and their’s.

I am a field researcher, a Warden and Freelancer. I, like many others, seek out guardians to study and learn from and understand them in hopes of bringing humanity and guardians closer together. Of course, not many people share this sentiment. There are plenty of people out there who want to take the powers of the guardians and wage war on those who they deem as their enemy. Sadly, this has been a consistency throughout our shared history. The most recent war ended in a ceasefire only weeks ago.

The Great War, as it's being referred to, was the largest and deadliest war we have ever seen. Each nation came at each other in what could only be described as a free for all onslaught. Every nation was out for themselves and everyone was the enemy which resulted in wanton violence rampaging across the one territory that refused to fight, Tiaotzen.

The war ended in a ceasefire after one of the warring states unleashed a virus that sickened all of the guardians, resulting in all forces having to pull back. Given the grace period, all nations retreated from the central region which had been devastated by the war and returned to their respective borders to tend to their wounded and prepare for fighting to begin anew.

You are a survivor of the war and one of the last to return to our region of Eisenheim. The world is not the same one you left and the results of the war is still unknown. However, each nation has already set up a training circuit, preparing its soldiers and youth alike for future battles to come in hopes that powerful trainers will emerge. Go now, become the strongest trainer out there because the fate of man and guardian alike will be in your hands. May the Goddess light your way.


Game Information

Tierwäch is a monster catcher role-playing game where the layer takes on the role of Lucas Wolfe or Sophie Kaiser, childhood friends, who have returned from the Great War. The creatures you will be encountering have been exposed to an unknown virus that has altered their biology and forced them to become anthromorphs.

You will be part of the last wave of troops returning to Eisenheim where you will be discharged from service and returned to civilian life. As the game goes on you will be opted to join the Statesmen (anti-virus) or Freelancers (pro-virus) as you go through the country's newly established training circuit.

Plans for the game:

-Extensive story line between those who support the virus and those who are against it.
-Tier number still a WIP. Currently at 112. All art is still in concept form.
-Scene numbers still a WIP.
-14 training centers with different themes and puzzles to solve. 8 medals to challenge the Officer Corps, 14 to challenge them again. Story continuation after they are defeated a second time.
-Two release types: Map pack will have basic game play elements and no story or scenes, Story pack will have all of the goodies.
-7 planned "expansions", one into each region and then a finale.

Next release: TBD. Engine still a work in progress.
Team Members: Dapper Gent (Team Leader & artist), ValturNaa (writer and coder), Phoenix (coder), Whitepulse (artist), Ninjician (sprites), Deadman (quality assurance)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DarkImpulses
Discord: https://discord.gg/gf82Xed - Now open to everyone! Tier releases are posted here as well as our monthly stories.
Last edited by Dapper Gent on Mon Jul 15, 2019 6:33 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:12 pm

Main Characters

MC.jpg (72.61 KiB) Viewed 6216 times

Training Facility Officers


Eisenheim Starter Tiers

#001 Pupleaf.jpg

#002 Bushund.jpg

#003 Briarwulf.jpg

#004 Spawnelli.jpg

#005 Piscei.jpg

#006 Salmonite.jpg

#007 Kidkoal.jpg

#008 Firhorn.jpg

#009 Cinderram.jpg
Last edited by Dapper Gent on Mon Jul 15, 2019 1:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:13 pm

Reserved for team use.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby RunningAroundInCircles » Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:51 pm

Is the title intentional or are you missing the "ter" in the and by accident?
Guardians: Wächter
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby Dapper Gent » Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:47 am

That was intentional. Shortened in a manner similar to Pocket Monster (Poke'mon).
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby RunningAroundInCircles » Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:18 am

But in japanese that makes sense. They shorten most foreign words. terebi (television), konbini (conveniance store), rimokon (remote controle), pasokon (personal computer), etc.. In german, abreviations of that sort are rear and usually don't include endings, since they tend to be important for the grammar. If it's a creative choice, that's your freedom of expression and I will accept that, but there might be abreviations that actually fit the language you're working with.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby AN0N » Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:38 pm

RunningAroundInCircles Wrote:But in japanese that makes sense. They shorten most foreign words. terebi (television), konbini (conveniance store), rimokon (remote controle), pasokon (personal computer), etc.. In german, abreviations of that sort are rear and usually don't include endings, since they tend to be important for the grammar. If it's a creative choice, that's your freedom of expression and I will accept that, but there might be abreviations that actually fit the language you're working with.

That's actually what I was referring to in my post on the Pokemorph thread. Being german myself that name just sounds odd to me. Ofcourse I also agree that it is up to you to decide how to name your game and everything in it. While I'd offer my help for naming I don't think it would be really appropriate for someone uninvolved like me to do such a thing.
I'm looking forward to seeing how this game will turn out. Can't wait for the first demo altough I suspects it'll take quite some time until then.

What are your plan's for realsing? Ie.: are you going to realease the game in chapters or whenever enough content justifying a new build is ready/ a certain amount of time has passed?
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby Dapper Gent » Tue Apr 16, 2019 6:31 am

Yes, it was a creative choice to do that. Nothing more, nothing less. Same reason we decided to refer to the creatures as Tier (beasts) as opposed to Wächter (guardians) despite them sharing the title of 'guardians' throughout the world, with each region having their own name for 'guardians'.

We'll be releasing the map pack first once it's done, or possibly in stages. We haven't decided yet. The map pack will just be the basic world with little to no story elements, so it'll be similar to a Pokemon game. Go through, collect Tiers, challenge the Training Circuit, beat the Officers of the Eisenheim military, etc. The story pack (which will have all of the good stuff) will likely be released in chapters or after long chains are completed.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby RunningAroundInCircles » Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:32 am

An other thing is the choice of "Tier". If you want beast as in wild or ferocious you could go with "Bestie" which actually means that. In abreviation you could then go to "Beswäch". That makes the intention in the naming clearer since it's dropped the last sillable of both words.
Also, little request: could you use the plural "Tiere", please. You do use the latin plural for latin words as well so why make an exception for german. It just sounds so... wrong...
And then again: just suggestions. It's ultimately your chioce.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby Dapper Gent » Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:44 pm

Although many of the words are taken from German, and are really on the nose in many cases, you have to remember that we're not completely photocopying Germany into our world, only elements from it's culture. The same thing will be done with the other regions. Most notably, the southern region which will draw inspiration from ancient Egypt, ancient central America civilizations and likely even tribal Africa. We want them to feel familiar and have obvious culture references but still want them to feel like they can be their own unique culture.

Of course, naming the cities completely contradicts this as they're literally the German color pallet with things like -burg, -ville, etc tacked on to it. That was more a homage to Kanto utilizing German more than anything else.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby RunningAroundInCircles » Tue Apr 16, 2019 9:50 pm

I am always excited to see my native language used in foreign media of any kind, however, it tends to turn into a cringeworthy experiance commonly when terms are mistranslated or misused, misspelled, misunderstood and so on. That goes especially for the cultural part. There is no single german culture and what somebody understands as german can be vastly different depending on their country of origin.

That being said, I really don't want to criticize your creative choices. I'm just concerned that a potentially good project could become a pain to play for an entire population.
On that note: -ville? Did you mean that to be an example for german or english?

Anyway, I'm happy to serve as a consultant if needed and/or wanted.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby Elaymidoray » Wed Apr 17, 2019 4:35 am

RunningAroundInCircles Wrote:If it's a creative choice, that's your freedom of expression and I will accept that,

RAIC (awesome abbreviation) They're making a deliberate choice based on artistic freedom, no doubt they've already discussed this very topic. Not all forms of art appeal to every person, you said you would respect their choice and yet you've been fighting it for 4 posts now. I'm getting frustrated by it and I'm not even in the development team. Just drop it, a simple thing like mimicking the real world while not photocopying it is a fantastic choice for many people's opinions. I personally love it, Hobo Steve (copyrighted) probably doesn't care, and you have your own personal opinion on it. That's fine, just don't beat them over the head with it please.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby RunningAroundInCircles » Wed Apr 17, 2019 11:29 am

Elaymidoray Wrote:
RunningAroundInCircles Wrote:If it's a creative choice, that's your freedom of expression and I will accept that,

RAIC (awesome abbreviation) They're making a deliberate choice based on artistic freedom, no doubt they've already discussed this very topic. Not all forms of art appeal to every person, you said you would respect their choice and yet you've been fighting it for 4 posts now. I'm getting frustrated by it and I'm not even in the development team. Just drop it, a simple thing like mimicking the real world while not photocopying it is a fantastic choice for many people's opinions. I personally love it, Hobo Steve (copyrighted) probably doesn't care, and you have your own personal opinion on it. That's fine, just don't beat them over the head with it please.

I am sorry about you getting frustrated and for that I apologize.
In many instances people use languages and concepts, that are foreign to them and that is their right and I enjoy that. However, in many of these cases the creators use incomplete information or misconceptions to reach their decision. Choices are ultimately based on a information and if that is faulty it will affect the decision. I am respecting their choices, I just want to make sure they have the best tools to make them. In retropect I took a wrong approach to that in the prior posts.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby Dead2112man » Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:38 pm

RunningAroundInCircles Wrote: In retropect I took a wrong approach to that in the prior posts.

Indeed thou did good sir. ^Retrospect^
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby RunningAroundInCircles » Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:54 pm

Nachher ist man immer klüger.^^

You're always smarter afterwards.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby 444blade5 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:42 pm

Super excited to see you guys not giving up after the Pokemorph legal stuff! I love the new theme of pho-Germany post war.

Do you guys still need more help, team-member wise? I am graduating college soon (May) as a Game Designer with knowledge in C#, gamemaker, level design, 3D modeling, and basic animation. I've also dabbled in 2D art.

If you guys still need help, I think I could be of use. Send me a PM if you are looking for someone :D
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby ValturNaa » Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:54 pm

Yes, I am still feeling rather overwhelmed by the coding demands I'll be facing in this project, aside from the fact that we just got into gardening season here so my list of non-computer tasks just went sky-high. If you think you might be able to help in that regard, I'd love to see what you can do.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby Elaymidoray » Sat Apr 20, 2019 4:07 am

RunningAroundInCircles Wrote:I am sorry about you getting frustrated and for that I apologize.
In many instances people use languages and concepts, that are foreign to them and that is their right and I enjoy that. However, in many of these cases the creators use incomplete information or misconceptions to reach their decision. Choices are ultimately based on a information and if that is faulty it will affect the decision. I am respecting their choices, I just want to make sure they have the best tools to make them. In retropect I took a wrong approach to that in the prior posts.

I appreciate an' respect the humility, thank yeh kindly. I also may have gone a "touch" overboard in voicing my complaint and as such apologize.

In other news, I didn't realize that this was the Poke'morph team. I am now more interested then I was before. Can't wait to see what y'all got planned o'er there.
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby bentsay » Tue Apr 23, 2019 12:05 pm

can't wait to try this out as well
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Re: Tierwäch: Beast Guardians

Postby Xrkerr » Sun May 05, 2019 8:48 pm

Hey there! I am not sure if this has been answered and im really dumb or not, but will this game be 18+ like your previous project?
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