PokéMorph (Discontinued)

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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby WalkThruMaker » Fri Mar 08, 2019 4:26 am

Update: I have completed 95% of the walkthrough! The other 5% is confirming that you can fish (using the rod) for Krabby, Psyduck, Goldeen, Poliwag, Horsea, and Slowpoke around Cerulean. I have seen none of them on Route 4 (right outside Cerulean) or Route 24 (right outside Cerulean near Pokemon Tech), finishing up Bill's Lighthouse and Cerulean Gym events.

You can find Slowpoke in the wild grass on Route 4 and you can steal all the others from Pokemon trainers along the way, but I haven't found Poliwag at all. And from what I can tell, there's no space in Cerulean City proper where you can fish. So, "around Cerulean" is presenting its challenges for the Walkthrough's purposes of confirming certain pokemon. Does Val (or anyone else) remember which of the two spots (Route 4 or Route 24) is the one that has the other wild Pokemon for fishing purposes? This way, I can focus and fish in that particular area until I get lucky lol
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby generalakil » Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:57 am

when the update is coming
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby ValturNaa » Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:44 pm

Dapper Gent Wrote:It was an engine issue. Part of the many reasons we decided to move on to our own engine. In hindsight, trying to find work arounds for the bugs would have been much easier.

Yes, you should be able to level up to get the stage 3s. I think the issue here is that we weren't to a point where the players could level the pokemorphs high enough to reach stage 3.

Sadly, neither of these statements is actually true. In order to fix or work around the bugs and the design choices we were making in contrast to Humbird0, we would have had to find a programmer who knew flash, or I would have had to learn it myself and acquire a program capable of editing it, neither of which I had any interest in, and lock ourselves into a dying engine, which also seemed like a bad idea. One of the biggest coding issues we ran into in this last update is the way Humbird0 set up the evolution system: he had 3 slots to add an evolution, which would automatically occur, in combat, the moment a pokemon reached the single specified level, and would then be shown with no image in the selection menu. The latest engine update did add a second level-up point, which worked better for multi-stage evolutions, but still locked everything into the same level-up timings. Butterfree won't evolve faster than Nidoqueen, for example. Item, trade, and other special evolutions were simply not possible, and the only way to bypass this system would be to write a new script object that scanned the party for any applicable pokemon breeds after every battle, then tested conditions to level them up and played a hand-written evolution screen built out of raw code and images. Changing evolution back to after battles and allowing you to cancel evolution would require doing that for every single pokemon that has an evolution, creating a very bulky script that might freeze the game even if it doesn't generate an error. This was sort of the "final straw" in deciding we needed our own engine, where we could build support for the systems we wanted rather than essentially rewriting everything in raw code because we didn't like the way it was done before. So in the end I'm pretty sure I disabled final evolutions by setting the level requirement too high to reasonably achieve.
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby ValturNaa » Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:30 pm

WalkThruMaker Wrote:Update: I have completed 95% of the walkthrough! The other 5% is confirming that you can fish (using the rod) for Krabby, Psyduck, Goldeen, Poliwag, Horsea, and Slowpoke around Cerulean. I have seen none of them on Route 4 (right outside Cerulean) or Route 24 (right outside Cerulean near Pokemon Tech), finishing up Bill's Lighthouse and Cerulean Gym events.

You can find Slowpoke in the wild grass on Route 4 and you can steal all the others from Pokemon trainers along the way, but I haven't found Poliwag at all. And from what I can tell, there's no space in Cerulean City proper where you can fish. So, "around Cerulean" is presenting its challenges for the Walkthrough's purposes of confirming certain pokemon. Does Val (or anyone else) remember which of the two spots (Route 4 or Route 24) is the one that has the other wild Pokemon for fishing purposes? This way, I can focus and fish in that particular area until I get lucky lol

There are no "specific fishing spots" in the code. The way it actually works under the hood is that there's an object monitoring the player's position and checking the tile in front of him. If it finds water collision in that tile, it moves to that position and "talking" to it triggers the fishing script, which runs a random chance of finding a fish (percentage chance is fixed at 60%, but then if it generates a fish stronger than your rod the string snaps). Which means that on any map where a fishing object exists, you can fish wherever you can reach the edge of the water. There is no fishing object in Cerulean City, so you can't fish there. Also, I had to check the particulars of the code since it's been so long since I wrote it, and it does look like I was setting it up for the stronger fishing rods already. Everything on route 25 except for Magikarp requires a good rod, which never got added to the game. We were talking about having a fisherman in Cerulean give one up for a photo of Magikarp or something, but never finished that event. Sorry to lead you on like that. I was checking the guide before, not the code.
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby WalkThruMaker » Fri Mar 08, 2019 11:25 pm

So if I'm understanding you, Val, correctly:

In PokéMorph v1.63, there's nothing but Magikarp when fishing because we never get the Good Rod event because the fisherman was never added.

If you catch what should be a stronger Pokemon (i.e. Poliwag, Psyduck, et al.) the line will break rather than revealing the Pokemon it would have been. Said Pokemon would have been visible if you had a Good Rod.

The multi-stage evolution lines are effectively disabled because the levels are too high to reasonably attain.

Finally, Item and Trade evolutions were impossible with the game engine anyway and you never took that item/trade requirement off to let those specific Pokemon evolve via leveling up.

Would you say that's correct?

Does that mean 2-stage evolutionary lines (such as Seel->Dewgong) that can level up to their evolved form in the original Pokemon series of games ultimately can evolve into their evolved form; Meaning Mankey, Seel, Rattata, Spearow, Zubat, Ekans, Koffing, Sandshrew, Magikarp, Paras, Meowth, Slowpoke [the Slowbro line], and Diglett do have their evolutions in the game?

To my knowledge, those are all the 2-stage (only 1 evolution from base form) Pokemon in the game that have evolutions that you would encounter later than the Route 5 cutoff.

Dapper Gent mentioned that any Pokemon that would have come after the Vermilion portion of the story would not have been included. Hence the question of whether the above named Pokemon have their evolutions in the game or not.

Thank you for your explanations thus far. I can now finish this walkthrough tonight.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby ragingPrick » Sun Mar 10, 2019 4:13 am

I love this game!

I hope you guys keep up the great work!
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby Ryuutaku » Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:58 pm

Hi, I'm stuck in Cerulean City, I followed Eevee to the area where there is an "invisible wall" but I don't know what I have to do, can someone help me?
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby WalkThruMaker » Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:35 am

UPDATE: THE WALKTHROUGH IS COMPLETE! I don't know what the rules on double posting are so I will wait until someone else posts something before I release it. I'm not sure if I have the requisite number of posts but I would prefer to show it to the Dark Impulses team before releasing it to the public so as to let them confirm or adjust whatever they like.

Ryuutaku Wrote:Hi, I'm stuck in Cerulean City, I followed Eevee to the area where there is an "invisible wall" but I don't know what I have to do, can someone help me?

Hi Ryuutaku,

You've reached the end of PokeMorph v1.63 and running into the invisible wall does nothing. You can go into the Underground Pass and meet Dedd Manne who will tell you about bugs but that too is just another indicator of the end of the game. Finally, you can go back to where Val and Arcanine are blocking the way, and aside from their dialogue and the Bulbasaur teaser image, you are made aware that you have ended the game.

@ragingPrick, @generalakil, and to anyone who is expecting more versions of PokeMorph: Due to what boils down to copyright issues, the game is not likely to be developed further by the Dark Impulses team. I, WalkThruMaker am completing a walkthrough of the game for new players.

That walkthrough will be completed no later than Tuesday, March 12, 2019 with my intention being to post it on Monday, March 11, 2019 provided there are no emergencies or other relevant distractions.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby Dapper Gent » Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:00 am

You can post it.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby WalkThruMaker » Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:04 pm

Due to the length of the document, I have attached it to this post.

It is a FAQ/Walkthrough. The Walkthrough section comes first and covers the bulk of everything that may happen in Pokemorph v1.63

The FAQ section answers some of the most frequently asked questions here on this forum.

It has been lightly edited/formatted for consistency.

If anyone wants a longform post, I can post that as well.
PokeMorph Walkthrough.txt
(208.94 KiB) Downloaded 719 times
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby FallenSaint » Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:34 pm

Is this game still being worked on? I really enjoyed it but haven't had access to a new version for a few years.
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Re: PokéMorph (Update: v1.63 7/1/17)

Postby AN0N » Fri Apr 12, 2019 11:18 pm

FallenSaint Wrote:Is this game still being worked on? I really enjoyed it but haven't had access to a new version for a few years.

They announced a while back they wouldn't further develop Pokemorph because of copyright stuff.
Instead they started work on a similar project. You can find more information on their patreon.

Also(now addressing Dark Impulses):
You don't have a thread for your new game Tierwäch do you? I read one of the comments on your patreon post about the one year difference in age of the main characters and wanted to share my best guess:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

They are siblings.

Don't know why I felt the need to post this...
If this is true I hope you won't change it just because of a stupid comment but you have to admit that this is the most reasonable and obvious explanation.. Or at least I wouldn't have any other ideas.

Another thing:
I can't help but feel weird about the character artwork. Maybe it's just me but Luca's hips appear to high to mea? Also with those pants it looks like he.. isn't well equipped. Those two things just stood out to me.
Is setting inspired by prussia? Got the vibe from the colors of the uniform. And also because of all those german names. TBH I cringe a little bit at the name Tierwäch. Having it end on "äch" sounds weird to me and all those names like Kaiser, Eisenheim, Professor Stein have this "pseudo cool" feel for me.
One last thing: Why arent you spelling Lucas with a k instead when you are aiming for this german like setting? And how do you pronouce Wolfe? is the e silent? Is it pronounced like Wolfie or like Wölfe only with an o?
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Re: PokéMorph (Discontinued)

Postby Dapper Gent » Sun Apr 14, 2019 7:09 pm

We'll let you speculate on that a bit more, ANON. Though Sophie's parents are MIA from the war, Lucas' father is KIA. All of the art is just concepts right now, nothing is permanent, not even the revealed Tiers. They'll be given more dynamic poses in game. For now, it's just about getting the basics done to showcase our work so far. The game setting is a cross between Germany and Full Metal Alchemist. I don't know why it came out that way but I attribute that to having FMA: Brotherhood on as white noise while coming up with the background to the game. Tierwäch is shortened Tierwächter, like Poke'mon is shortened from Pocket Monster. And to make it shorter, the beasts are referred to as Tiers in the game. Though each region that will be in the game will have their own name for Beast Guardians. Such as the northern region may call them Neach (from neach-dìona, which is Gaelic for 'guardian') or something of that nature. As for character names, I looked into German names and surnames and different words to develop the region's name and even used the colors for the city names, similar to Kanto. Eisenheim got it's name from the vast amount of iron it produces and forges it's known for, which gave it the name 'Iron Home'. Decided to go with Lucas as that's what was listed, with his last name being pronounced Wöl-fe, which is a shameless plug of mine since my gamertag for most game communities is Wulffe using the same phonic.

With that said, I have created the thread for Tierwäch though it's empty for the time being. I'll be updating it over the next few days. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=9411&p=763711#p763711

I will be requesting that this thread be locked since this game is no longer being worked on. Any questions you may have about Pokemorph can be answered by searching through this thread. Tierwäch is a separate game so please don't ask any Pokemorph related questions there. If you absolutely need something answered, PM me directly or post on our recruitment and discussion page. viewtopic.php?f=28&t=6380

Again, thank you all for supporting us through the years. It's been fun and we miss Pokemorph a lot but it's time to move on. Hopefully you'll continue the journey with us as we create Tierwäch!
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