Cursed Partygame OOC Closed, 5/7 spots taken.

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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Feb 27, 2019 6:24 am

It's a pool. A fair distance around a pool isn't that far away. And sound carries pretty decently. And beyond that, that was from Lena. Who knows if where Violet picked to sit down was closer or further away. It's like picking the chair at the table furthest away from that uncle you don't like. You're still at the same table.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby Tes » Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:11 pm

It's fine. I see your point and will be more carefull to adress people directly/define the loudness/spacial realations of my characters in the future. No hard feelings ^^
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:23 pm

Right, I should have specified that since Violet was upset, she was unconsciously raising her voice.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby exalted » Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:39 pm

So... I'm waiting for Mark and Misc to have their chance to teply before I post again
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Mar 04, 2019 8:08 pm

Just Misc left then...
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Mar 04, 2019 8:15 pm

Haven't been home the last couple of days. I'll try to throw something up today.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Mar 04, 2019 8:36 pm

Alright. Good to know my worries of this RP dying are unfounded.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby MiscChaos » Tue Mar 05, 2019 3:06 am

Not getting home til tomorrow. Will post then.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:50 pm

So, I want to propose that we time-skip the actual pool-game, in order to get to the actual intended content a bit faster. Everyone will get a post to mention something they do that's special during the course of the game. However, it will have to be something that doesn't result in anything more than a comment or two from others once the game is over, as I wish to move this along, and RPing the actual game feels like it would get a bit repetitive and dull.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby MiscChaos » Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:51 pm

I am behind this idea
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby mrblah » Thu Mar 07, 2019 11:00 pm

imagine a loading screen that loads a new loading screen.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby CondorBoH » Fri Mar 08, 2019 3:48 am

I'm down with that. So we'll just skip to when everyone is inside ready to play the cursed card game?
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby Tes » Fri Mar 08, 2019 6:59 am

I'm also ok with that. I wanted exalted to post something like he/she said before bringing the ball back to the group. After that i guess fantasy can time skip and let everyone post/react.

One question about the game: Since neighbors matter should we try to seat people besides there "interests" or just make it random? I see pros and cons for both but for matt it would look something like this from top to bottom:
-lena, violet
-hanna, penny
-morgan, baxter

P.s.: There is actually a neat math way to maximize such pairings ^^
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby exalted » Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:35 am

Happy for the time skip, though I would suggest we do the card game out by the pool as it gives a reason for people to stay in semi-lewd swimsuits etc.

I'd been holding off my post for when the pool game started or Matt came back with the ball as I really didn't have much to react to.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby Tes » Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:06 am

Oh, Then I misunderstood your last post here...sry for holding everybody up
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Fri Mar 08, 2019 11:10 am

Yeah, the plan was that we arrange seatings here before we begin the game. Also, I was planning to bust out the cursed card game once people were a bit more comfortable at the party. If the ball game was enough, then we can move onto the card game, if not, I had plans for some other things first, like truth or dare, with a rule that would hopefully discourage anyone going too far with a dare or question. However, if we can say everyone managed to bond sufficiently over the pool game, then let's move onto the card game. As for playing it by the pool, it's an old game, so the cards wouldn't be laminated. However, these are teens having a slumber party, so they would likely be too lazy to change out of their swimwear or something if they have a fast way of letting it dry while still on them...

Anyways, they can remain i swimwear if they wish. I think I will do that for Violet.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby exalted » Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:15 pm

Happy with some truth or dare after the pool game to get things warmed up or just jumping into the card game

On a side note, what is the policy on alcohol at the party? Might serve as another way to help get people relaxed for what comes ahead.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sat Mar 09, 2019 12:13 am

I'd say that with the intentions Violet had for this slumber party, alcohol is not on the table. However, with how things will end up going, it is possible that if someone asks for it, she will fish something out from her parents supply.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby Tes » Sat Mar 09, 2019 10:59 am

I also have nothing against either some good ol' truth or dare, since it could entail the card game quite fluently or going straight to the main event.
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Re: Cursed Partygame OOC Open, 6/7 spots taken.

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:37 pm

Right, so... I am going to try and post soon, getting us that timeskip we spoke about. However, I can't do so right away, so bear with me for a bit.
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