save point?

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save point?

Postby raffiice88 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:54 pm

I dont know if there was already a topic about this but i would really say that maybe the cheat bar in lok should be removed and also putting somethink like a save point so some more playfunn rather then cheat and pass maybe something good in the v0.3!
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Re: save point?

Postby DemonFiren » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:17 pm

Oh, why. Cheating is for these who aren't into watching the same scenes over and over again. Remember, it's a PORN game and should be fun for as many people as possible.
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Re: save point?

Postby bobsen » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:18 pm

Because if the game is going to be long and have any sort of story, a save point might prove handy? Yes, I think that's why.
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Re: save point?

Postby DemonFiren » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:27 pm

Saving, yes. Cheat disabling, no.
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Re: save point?

Postby raffiice88 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:43 pm

ok thx for quick reply ^^ i know already that v0.3 will be awesome!
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Re: save point?

Postby kuja » Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:05 pm

I agree with save point and cheat disable. Of course the game must be bigger. Cheating like that makes the game... makes ppl finish it fast n i dont think is fun... I agree with a PASSWORD/cheatcode area. Cheatcodes can be earned with dunno, missions in the game... something like that.

Thats my opinnion, n i really think that can make the game even better.
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Re: save point?

Postby Renara » Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:58 pm

We haven't really thought much about cheats yet, but they're likely to make it into testing versions, not sure about keeping them in final versions though. I mean sure, this is a porn game, but a game has to have some element of challenge. Not that we want it to be frustrating, but we want just enough challenge for the game to actually be fun to play, rather than just a glorified interactive animation.

The ability to save your game will definitely be in, and auto-saving too so long it doesn't become too disruptive (Flash isn't multi-threaded so it's tricky to auto-save without lagging the game).
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Re: save point?

Postby raffiice88 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:05 pm

ok, but if its laggs maybe is there a way to turn the swf file in a exe? just asking dont missunderstand me^^
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Re: save point?

Postby Renara » Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:05 pm

raffiice88 Wrote:ok, but if its laggs maybe is there a way to turn the swf file in a exe? just asking dont missunderstand me^^

Making a flash into a .exe just bundles in a copy of flash player; so the only difference is that a Windows user can run it without installing flash-player separately, so it doesn't really change performance.

I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve for making auto-saving a possibility, but in v0.3 we don't really need it :P
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Re: save point?

Postby raffiice88 » Tue Jun 15, 2010 2:04 am

ok i see ur pro^^ xD
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Re: save point?

Postby crimson1989 » Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:59 pm

this is off topic but i noticed raffiice88 avatar has a picture of kenichi shirahama from history's strongest disciple kenichi. i friggin love that manga.
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Re: save point?

Postby raffiice88 » Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:36 pm

nice i love it too^^
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Re: save point?

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:32 pm

I am sorry for my bad english - but why save - load the game can not be made for example for local use ? I mean the flash have option to save text information in speshial file - that is linked to FlashLink (I meen to site - For example and to computer thet it is used.
// It will be create on computer of that man who loads the game - not on server so it will not need to be worried about.

You can for example save some information Like that:
FoxDirtness=123 ...;
IDontKnowWhatToWrite= 123456...TraTaTa;
And Some Thing Like This.

You only have to put some code or make speshial function on each frame - you have to use it and make loader - that loads variables on first enter to game (i mean when you enter the game and choose load game).
Or it will be even better - to make Save Button like i do in my example. (May be user do not whant to save =))

It will not be bad progress it play.

For example = you can try to use this fragment of code:

Only change Variable Like TraTaTa1 for what you need.

But If It Will be that way - you can not load saved values - if the name of game changed - if for example you want to upload your game with name it will not work - you have to upload it with name - then it will work. (I mean save load values)

If the game will be planed as a one big progect i think it will be better to make the game with Fox and seporate it from mario and etc. - to make it more optimized or use them in story of fox - for example to get some key - when i do not know you fuck some body with mario (Character Changed - fox is in cage and you need to help her or some think like it).
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Re: save point?

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:57 pm

If save will be made like that - you can for example - save - go for a walk, turn of your computer - and play from that point where you save the game for next day. I played Play shapes game about mario - i do not like their save points =( I lose and after that i have to play from the beggining - it is not right =) i think.

Their moement algoritm in that game is not optimized too - it is much better algoritm - that also is used in arcade games - for example - it is very good to use - it may look not good but it is very comfortable in use when you need to make avtomatic thinking of enemy - or gravity - or hard moving progect - but i think that the flash like that will work little slower.
In AS3 it can be make on timer.

I tryed to make game like battle city on dandy - that algoritm was very good for games like that - but i made some program mistakes in code - the sorse of normal version was gone =( becouse of format C =) - i get virus in internet =( and only old version was saved on my storage flash drive =).

I did not remake that fragment of game to normal game becouse i try to program on AS3 now (but i think it is not the best choise - Action script 2 is much more comfortable to make progs - then Action Script 3 - it is very booring to use =)).
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Re: save point?

Postby Renara » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:07 am

The new version of LoK is going to have a fair amount of information it needs to save, combine that with ActionScript's current limitations and it makes it a challenge was all I was trying to say; don't worry I've done this sort of thing before though.

For the record though; LoK v0.3 is going to be entirely ActionScript 3.0, as it's a much nicer language for something as detailed as what we're doing; ActionScript 2.0 may be just fine for simple things but it becomes unwieldy very, very fast as a project grows. Also, timers in ActionScript aren't multi-threaded, as as with javascript. While Flash my use another thread to track timers, once the timer fires it causes an event to queue in the ordinary ActionScript execution thread, meaning that if other work is currently in progress then the timer has to wait before it can do anything. Ultimately ActionScript (all versions), just like Javascript, is a single-threaded language with some asynchronous operations, but ultimately all code that you run will run in a single thread.
We can get around this by simulating multi-threaded execution by breaking large tasks into small pieces and only doing as much work as we have time for, but that only works if you have all the data you need on-hand, as any data that you access "live" might have changed since you began.

Anyway, summary; I'm not worrying about auto-saving for v0.3 (and neither should you!) as it's not likely to be long enough that it will matter that much, but I'm confident we can have some form of auto-saving for later versions.
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Re: save point?

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:09 pm

Hm it will be very nice if project will be in AS 3 version too. May be it is silly guestion - but may be it will be good to remake Fox movement in new project - for example Make it like procedure with 3 tipes of use:
1)When it only walk use it like function with parrametr - walk - fnd use only left and right button.
2)With parrametr Action - when you need to walk like in games of some thing like that ... re=related
In action script movment like that is simple to make (You can change speed / Jump height - for example i dont know of fox dirty consts - and player have to go to speshial points to Recharge/ Clean / etc - to make his jump and speed abbility better). I made some thing like that on AS2 version - but in can be made on AS3 like that or even better if it will be make on timer - i made it on scene change.
3)Or make RPG like Final Fantasy movment. It is very easy to make to.

AS3 is very different from AS2 - the structure of game will be changed a lot, to bring it work i think. If the work by recoding of the game from AS2 to AS3 only starts - may be iw will be good to remake structure of game of that way:

If the game is planning like one big project - it will be booring i think - if the game will be based only by one movment type. The size of the game will be scary too. But for example if it will be based on complex move runner - game can be remake in very long story about fox.

For example game can be little changed in RPG style game with separete story. You have a map where you can choose your way.

In menu you have X zones - one when you only start the game - for example DinoIsland - when you chose it - you will begin game like it is now - But - when fox fly on Spase Ship - can be remake in a shot little game - for example you get controll of ship - and can fire. The enemy Dinos that jump to your ship is already animated - so you can use them.

This way any object from library can be used without lose of memory (i mean the size of game project will not grow).

This mini games will not have any impact - on the main story of the fox but the game become more interesting - the ship will be destroy any way, but when you strike some body with it you can for example get something like Gold - to buy clotheth and other items for fox. If it is porn game - it is more logical - that fox is naked after Ship falls or her clotheth are tear.

With mini games you can get Exp and gold - like by Enemy Fuck for example - to buy goods for fox in shop. If it will be made that way any user that is interested in game future - can write his mini game o part of game - that will not change main story - but make game more interesting i think. Player will have choise play that part of mini game or not and go on main story.
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Re: save point?

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:09 pm

You can make player go to zones that player had already go throw - o get some keys he will need in other zone. With a little changes in old zones- for example remove ship / new NPC or remove NPC - you can make player thing that world has changed - but the true work on that new-old thone in code will be very small. It will be silly for example / or may be not - to make player go to DinoIsland to wash the fox if hes new zone is desert, but very logikal to get some key - that player saw in (i do not know) - Galdons room - and he did not know that it is a key. But in mini movie it wil be for example showed.
But if the game will go that way = it have to have logical Save point structure - and can be saved on computer of user - to let him turn of / turn on computer and play from his last point.

I do not know how you work on the game - but i think you have the main programmer (i do not know is it right or is it true) who compile the main project from parts. The other part of community as i understand draw characters / make some chenges in their part of code - and main programmer compile the full version from a parts. If i am wright - it will be logical to remade strusture of the game on this way if the work with version of game on AS3 only starts:

Main project is seporate to :
1)Main library - it will be very useful to make your own mini game / jr part of progect without loose memory in global project. (To make movie from aleady exist parts).
2)Full project game (Library + code) that can be compiled = to know how the game is done.

The scene structure of game have to be like some thing like that: Room1 - 4 frames / R1Minigame1-4 frames/R1Minigame2-4 frames/R1Minigame3-4 frames/.../Room2- 4 frames / R2Minigame1-4 frames/R2Minigame2-4 frames/R2Minigame3-4 frames/ ... .

For one room or mini game it is good to do 4 frames or more (it can help to make mini game if it will be hard to do).

That will be easy to make global project from parts and minigames (or a little movments - that show where is the key or some thing like that). On that way - all players ideas can be realize in global version of game without any loose to main team of game.

May be i am wrong. Sorry for my bad english =)
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Re: save point?

Postby Renara » Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:04 pm

You've obviously thought a lot about it, but don't worry, so have we!
The project structure has been designed so that it is in more manageable chunks for the size of the game, to avoid bloated .fla files and make it easier to re-use parts and collaborate. ActionScript 3.0 of course is class-based so those files are a lot more separate and easier to edit, and will hopefully be much easier to use in the long-run.

As for save "structure", the intent is to allow you to just save whenever you want, though the feature may be disabled in some places if it would make a boss or puzzle too easy for example.
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Re: save point?

Postby raffiice88 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:30 pm

that would be cool i cant w8 to see the 0.3 (i mean with all the things i did see in the creative corner hmmmm awesome!)
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Re: save point?

Postby Valaska » Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:09 am

DemonFiren Wrote:Saving, yes. Cheat disabling, no.

Sounds reasonable.
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