Dead2112man Wrote:MaxTheDark Wrote:Did not like.
Well Well, Maxy, you have not even gotten done with 25 minutes of the game and your calling it quits?
Indeed WASD does not work unless you set the controls to WASD, in the low corner you should see a keyboard looking thing, click it and drag the movement key from the arrows to WASD.
You clearly arn't a reader also for you would know what to do after getting the Eevee, but seeing how you are impatient. Go to the end of what you can in route one with the broken bridge, head back, spearow episode one tribute, then head to vermillion city.
As for the problems with damage and other messed up mechanics, we can't fix them and are the reasons we are swapping engines.
As far as bad design or boring, we have hundreds of fans whom would disagree with you for us.
ValturNaa Wrote:Actually the problems with damage are visual only and have to do with rounding in the flash engine. Humbird0 set it up to round down when reporting damage, not round while dealing it, and round down again when reporting health. So you're probably dealing 3.5 damage, reporting 3, and showing 4. But as for not respecting dialog...that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but there are plenty of people who would disagree, myself included. You want to skip through all dialog and get a nice little quest summary telling you what to do? Play an MMO. Even the original pokemon games make you read through the dialog to know what to do next, though the early games have a lot less dialog than we do (but by White/Black, I think they're getting close). If you're going to skip text in this type of game on a first run, you're going to get lost.
Dapper Gent Wrote:You obviously don't play a lot of old school RPGs where limited 2D resources have storytelling in the form of text dumps, either narrating or through dialogue.
Your first mistake was picking up the game and expecting it to be just another run of the mill parody Pokemon game with no real story or point and mostly just with anthro Pokemon pinups. Our game is story driven, be it in what visuals we can create or what we have to add in using text. We're not making just another pokemon porn game, we're making a Pokemon game with porn in it. There's a difference and when you realize that you can either enjoy the game for what it is or detest it for the same reason. Either way, you can't really complain about a game unless you actually play it. And you didn't even make it through what is essentially a prologue that shows why Pokemorphs came to be and the results from it.
NCFancypants Wrote:I was going to make a big, overly rant-y comment on this little issue, but I'd prefer not keep it going.
I do have two things to say though.
1) Max: If you don't like a game, there's no need to insult it, which is basically what you did. You mentioned problems and called it poorly designed. If you were trying to give criticism, you should have offered a solution or two. It just sounds like you're hating on the game 'cause it doesn't instantly give you action, in a game where the main method of storytelling is text.
2) Deadman: Did you have to egg him on? There are two lines that sound like you're TRYING to turn it into a fight.
Both sides did something unnecessary, but let's call it there and keep the thread clean. IF it must continue, please let it be in PMs where it won't bother or involve others. (That includes responses to this)
Now. On topic: How's it going Dapper? You guys getting any closer to actually making progress? xP I could have sworn you said you'd be releasing the game in March last year...oh wait...I was the one who said that..>.>...Anyway, Happy New Years to all here! Even if I'm quite late to say it. xD
Dapper Gent Wrote:We'll be making an announcement on the 15th though it's a big good news/bad news post.
Dapper Gent Wrote:My apologies. It appears the announcement I made here didn't go through.
Edit: I'm going to go ahead and post a spoiler for some of the Tiers. The ones on the left are the starters. The ones on the right are on our 'tentative' list.
Akhera Wrote:
These look amazing. The sole fact you intend to characterize both male and female versions of the Tiers show great potential!
444blade5 Wrote:I'm super excited actually. Keep us updated!
WalkThruMaker Wrote:
Please let me know if that would be something you would like to see posted.
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