DARKMASTER Wrote:tendrá mas actualizaciones el juego
DARKMASTER Wrote:tendrá mas actualizaciones el juego
Berizy Wrote:I have a questions about the new engine thou! ...(No, not "when is the new engine done?")
If you are done with the engine, do we have to download a new client?
And can we re-use our current saves from the current game version or do we have to create a new character? (It's not like we have a lot to lose anyway.)
bentsay Wrote:oh nice so this one is still updating cause humbirds one doesnt seem to be updating any time soon
rick134443 Wrote:hello, i am rather new, both to this game and these forums, however, since i recently started playing both pokemon hentai versioan and pokemorph version, a common recurring theme happens, i get lost very easily. i'm probably not the only one to(i hope), but it would be nice if i could get some help with the pokemorph version. I seem to be stuck at the part where you come across an oddish thats been recently infected by the virus and i need to get it help, however my eevee led me to a path blocked by val who refuses to leave even after me setting up with a campfire multiple nights and the underground road is blocked off even though the guy at the end of the route says i should be able to use the underground tunnel to bypass. i'm so confused where to go as the story seems to want me to go to the place blocked by val but he still wont move. maybe i need to backtrack or something see if i missed anything important even though i dont think i did? i dont know, but any help would be appreciated. unless this is just the end of the game and its secretly a demo like pokemon hentai version was(at least when i got it from here)(also help ASAP would be nice if possible)
NCFancypants Wrote:rick134443 Wrote:hello, i am rather new, both to this game and these forums, however, since i recently started playing both pokemon hentai versioan and pokemorph version, a common recurring theme happens, i get lost very easily. i'm probably not the only one to(i hope), but it would be nice if i could get some help with the pokemorph version. I seem to be stuck at the part where you come across an oddish thats been recently infected by the virus and i need to get it help, however my eevee led me to a path blocked by val who refuses to leave even after me setting up with a campfire multiple nights and the underground road is blocked off even though the guy at the end of the route says i should be able to use the underground tunnel to bypass. i'm so confused where to go as the story seems to want me to go to the place blocked by val but he still wont move. maybe i need to backtrack or something see if i missed anything important even though i dont think i did? i dont know, but any help would be appreciated. unless this is just the end of the game and its secretly a demo like pokemon hentai version was(at least when i got it from here)(also help ASAP would be nice if possible)
That is the current end of the game. They're moving it to a different game engine, so new content isn't being added at the moment. Congrats! You've beaten the game! Don't worry, a lot of people have asked the same question.
I know it's not what most people do, but an easy way to find out if a question has been asked/answered before is to search the topic. For instance, if you had searched for 'oddish' in this topic, you'd probably get a lot of hits, a good number of which are likely to be the same question you just asked. Not trying to sound angry, upset, or anything like that, just putting this here so people might read it and think about checking before asking a question that's already been answered a lot.
Edit: Also, Welcome to the worst side of the internet!(In the best way possible xP Ya'll know I'm kidding right?...right?...why do you have pitchforks and torches?...Guys?)
rick134443 Wrote:man, this game must be pretty huge if it's taking this long to finish(unless they've stopped working on it)
MaxTheDark Wrote:Did not like.
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