Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Forum for publicly viewable but closed-group role-playing.

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Nov 03, 2018 5:57 pm

The two women could only lie there, panting heavily as their lower halves were covered in Alex's spunk, almost fucked unconscious by Alex and each other
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:08 pm

Alex smiled at them before using Aisha's dress to wipe his dick off. Once he was sufficiently clean, he spoke as he gathered up the weapons from earlier. "I'll take your silence as a yes. I'll be by next time I'm off to make sure you've been behaving. I'm taking these."
Alex wrapped the weapons up with his jacket so he'd have an easier time carrying it all. He left with a cheerful smile and headed straight for the castle. Those girls had given him and itch to scratch, and he knew just how to scratch it. Lagherta and his lovely Empress best be ready for a fun night.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:41 am

The guards present recognized him so it wasn't hard to get in. Now, it was a late evening, the sun had set and most people where heading towards their beds.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sun Nov 11, 2018 2:09 am

Alex rushed through the castle to Yue's room. He had to give her his present before going to see her mother. He wondered if she'd be happy with his gift and his news. He knocked on the door before turning the doorknob to see if it was locked. If it wasn't he'd enter while speaking. "Hey luv it's Alex, and I have a gift."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:49 pm

"Ah! Greetings!" He'd find Yue sitting on the floor of her room, performing her daily maintenance of her gear, polishing her armor and weapons "So, what you got for me?!" She asked with a grin, looking up at him
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:56 pm

Alex walked over to her and smiled. He kneeled down before grabbing the sheathed blade and holding it out so that she could draw it. He spoke as he looked up at her. "A beautiful blade for a beautiful swords woman."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:00 am

"Oooh! Where did you get this?!" Yue exclaimed with excitement as she rose up and grasped the finely wrapped hilt of her weapon, and drew it from it's lacquered wooden seathe, holding it up to let the blade reflect lamp light "Wow... Heh, this couldn't have been cheap... Thanks man!" She grinned and pushed the weapon back into its sheath before hugging Alex
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:27 am

Alex gave her a hug back before giving her a kiss on the lips. He smiled and spoke. "I've also got some good news, but you'll want to sit down for this. Do you have time for a story?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:16 pm

"Hmm? Sure, why not?" She shrugged and sat down on the bed "So, what's this shocking story gonna be about?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:54 pm

Xavier told her everything about what happened this morning. He told her about taking the new maid to the Empress and about the confession. He told her about the deal he made and his test for her tonight. He spoke as he stood up. "I'm going to...well I'm going to have sex with your mom in front of her. If she accepts that along with my conditional about no involvement with other men...then it'll be official...well it'll be a secret for now, but I will start taking concubines...Which brings me to my question."
He turned to her and crouched down. "Yue, Argentia is my first love, your mom was my first time, so would you be willing to be my first concubine?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:17 pm

Yue stared at him, quite in shock indeed "The fuck? By the gods, okay, let me just melt this... You've actually confessed to the Empress, she got a crush on you... You've been fucking my mom! And now... You want me to become your concubine?!" She took a deep breath
"Sure, why not. But know that my duty as a Celestial Guard will always come first. Until you become Emperor and let me move into the harem at least." She shrugged and laughed "Gods... This turned out to be a weird evening."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:50 am

Alex stared at her surprised and spoke. "I thought you knew I had and was occasionally fucking your mom..."
He listened to her and waited till she was done to speak. "I'm sorry to throw all this on you. It's partially because I have a bad feeling. I never know when I might...well you know..."
He thought about her answer before asking. "I don't think I'd make a good emporer, but you answered that kind of light know I'm serious right? I'm not just asking you to be my concubine because I like the sex."
He leaned forward and gave her a deep kiss before finishing. "I want you to be mine and mine alone because I love you..."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Thu Nov 15, 2018 2:03 am

"Wow..." Yue... Actually blushed as she heard the words love you. "Well... Though I have to admit being a bit disappointed I wasn't your first when you were mine... I have to say I love you too. Ever since we were kids."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Thu Nov 15, 2018 2:26 am

Alex heard her confess back and joyfully tackled her onto the bed. He spoke as he kissed her neck. "You probably would have been my first love to if I hadn't seen the Empress back then. I'm sorry that I've been so ignorant."
He sat up and spoke. "I do have one request...should I die during my duty, you have to protect the Empress and make her smile for me. My rules as a member of my harem. Also you have to keep your smile too. Can you do that?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:05 pm

"Oh please, we are all fated to die one day, some sooner than later. When that day comes, we'll just have to deal with it. Besides, I'll just have to find your reincarnation afterward!" Yue smirked as she tilted her head to bare more of her neck "Cause, to be honest, I doubt you have done enough to become a god just yet."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:16 pm

Alex chuckled and spoke as he closed the distance again. "Hopefully my reincarnation will be more handsome than me."
Alex gave her another kiss on the neck before breaking away and speaking. "I need to go sorry. Time to test if the Empress can handle a relationship with someone who tends to have sex with a lot of the gods I'm a slut."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:23 pm

"Yep you are. See ya later!" Yue laughed out and started to push him towards the door "I need to take a close look at your gift to me, and test it out a bit."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:48 pm

Alex grabbed her hand and pulled her into a kiss before stepping through the doorway. He spoke with a warm tone. "Remember I may give my body for fun, but I only give my heart to those I love. Goodnight luv."
Alex waited for her response before turning to leave.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:32 pm

"See you later!" Yue grinned after kissing him back "You know I'm not great at romantic stuff. But have fun with mom and our Honored Empress~"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:43 pm

Alex gave Yue a warm smile before he ran off to Lagherta's room. He smiled as he knocked on the door and spoke. "It's Alex are you busy?"
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