Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Forum for publicly viewable but closed-group role-playing.

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:14 pm

"Oh? Well, whilst I'm sure there are quite a few ladies looking for good men all over the district... Me included, I doubt any of us are what you'd call homey." The girl giggled as she followed them in, nodding at the large muscular man, seemingly a bouncer, who hid behind a pillar "Besides, you are Honored Sirs, I doubt it be seemly if they took a commoner as a wife~ Or are they looking for concubines~?"
The doorway opened up into a large salon, pillows strewn over the floor, clients sitting around tables of dice and cards with beautiful women and men draped over them, thin curtains hanging from pillars being all that separates the sections. Waitresses walked between the gamblers, serving drinks and refreshments to the clients and hosts from the bar to one side, adjacent to a small scene where a band was playing.
In the back was a pair of big, closed doors, and at the opposite wall of the bar was a staircase leading up, a heavily trafficked one, as hosts and clients kept going up and down.
And in each corner, and sometimes passing between the tables, were guards, making sure noon caused a ruckus or cheated.
Right next to the entrance however, was a desk, behind which was an older, if still beautiful woman, who greeted the quartet.
Kiyan took the lead, and told her that they wanted tickets to the play, some drinks, and some companionship, though before finalizing the order he turned to Alex "Oy, you want a girl as well?!"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:11 am

Alex chuckled at Kiyan's question. He spoke as he stepped forward and patted their heads. "No I'll just take the ticket to the play. I'm here to babysit, not to join in the misbehavior. Do me a favor miss and make sure the girls know they'll only be here for a couple hours and that they are not going home with them."
Before either of the guardsmen could argue, Alex spoke to them. "If you're not going home with a girl worth your time then you're going back to the barracks, and you know the rules on bringing ladies there."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sun Oct 07, 2018 1:27 am

"Come on man, we just want some fun!" Ayan sighed as he took the tickets, and the cashier called out for two beautiful young women, who arrived to the trio and all but wrapped themselves around the two Guards, kissing their cheeks.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sun Oct 07, 2018 2:24 am

Alex spoke to the two as the girls walked up. "Look I'm the responsible one, and the responsible one doesn't let two of his friends gamble away their life, drink themselves stupid, and wake up in a random bedroom having to check if they have all their stuff or if their one night stand took off with it."
Alex gave the two young ladies a smile. He didn't care that what he said could be offensive to them. He spoke as he closed the distance and held out his hand. "I almost forgot, your wallets please then we can head to the gambling floor. Mama Alex's orders."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sun Oct 14, 2018 1:56 am

"Come on, brother! You know how rare it is for us to get days off!" The two guardsmen complained, but they could not rightly disobey someone of superior rank, and so they handed over their coin pouches
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:00 am

Alex spoke as he placed their coin-purses in his large belt pouch. Normally it'd have any useful items for when on duty, but right now it only contained his and their money. Shackles weren't something normal people carried in town, so Alex preferred not to when off duty. "Yes and a day off from work doesn't mean a day off from responsibility. You two are adults, and I intend to make sure you behave as such. Don't worry though, I'm going to let you gamble plenty, but no more than half the money you currently have. So here is a hundred silver each."
Alex reached in and pulled out eighty silver from each of their pouches and handed it to them. He pulled forty out of his own coin-purse and handed twenty to each. He kept a warm smile on his face as he spoke. "Alright now let's try to leave here with more than we entered."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:12 pm

The gambling went surprisingly well, with despite them being urged on to bet higher by the beautiful young women on their shoulders and the drinks they were offered, the two Guardsmen Alex watched over left the tables and headed towards the theatre stage with a bit more money in their pouches than they started "See! We know how to gamble, man!" Ayan smirked, shaking the pouch
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:38 pm

Alex gave them a smile and spoke with a sarcastic tone. "Ah yes cus my constant no to the lady's request for you to ante up had nothing to do with it. You two are too weak to the temptations of flesh. You need to experience more personality."
Alex looked at the theatre stage and spoke. "Where we sitting boys?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:19 am

"Our seats are over here~" One of the young women that had accompanied them during the evening smiled and all but drag them towards the chairs, the two ladies taking place in the laps of the guardsmen, feeding them snacks and drinks, whilst rubbing their hips against the crotches of their customers.

And soon enough the play began, the erotic retelling of the life of an Empress famed for her promiscuity, and though the actors stopped short of actual Sex on stage it was still full of titillating, and funny, moments. But soon enough, it was over
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:28 am

Alex had a serious look on his face during the play, and took in every detail of the play. He always enjoyed these kinds of stories, and the thought that this might soon become important knowledge for his future. Once the play was finished, he stood up and spoke. "Alright that was definitely worth it. Now tell the ladies good bye. I'm gonna take you to a nice tavern in the market district where all the good single ladies gather."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:35 am

"Heh, you sure Yue ain't waiting for you in the barracks? Don't worry about us, we can handle some merchant women on our own." the two guardsmen patted Alex on the back "We'll make it back in time for the curfew, do not worry."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:54 am

Alex chuckled and spoke as they patted him on the back. "Alright alright, momma Alex will go home. You boys behave and find yourselves some good women. I hear shopkeepers give better deals when you take them to bed. Might not be bad for you guys with your bad spending habits."
Alex handed them back their wallets before waving them goodbye. He chuckled as he began his journey back to the palace. He wondered if it was too late to show this sword to the smithy.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:01 am

Looking at the sun, it was probably not too late, but he was ripped from his thoughts as he heard a muffled cry from a nearby alleyway. It was hard to hear over the sound of crowd around him, but Alex did pick it up
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:06 am

Alex's next motions were instinctual and required no thought. His blade slid from it's sheath as he headed for the noise he heard. His blade drawn tended to have some useful effects on people due to it's markings. Civilians got back and stayed out of his way, guards were form up on him in case he needed back up, and petty criminals knew to surrender on sight. Any other type of criminal would be facing a guardsmen with a drawn blade, so it tended to give him the upper-hand. He moved quickly but kept his eyes alert for danger as he moved in on the origin of the noise.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:13 am

"-Shut it you stupid bitch...!" He could hear a... Feminine voice threaten someone else, and soon Alex could see the scene that was going on. A finely dressed woman was pushing another girl, much less elegantly dressed however, up against the wall with a hand over her mouth, and she was flanked by two large men "You are going to be quiet and take your punishment. Understood?!"

It seemed like the group hadn't noticed him yet
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:16 am

Alex held his blade at the ready as he charged up a lightning spell. He spoke with a clear and commanding voice. "Alex Randall of the Dragon Guard. Surrender yourselves or I will use force."
Alex would let loose the lightning blast if either of the men charged at him. He had not plans to use it as a warning shot either, he'd aim center-mass at whoever charged.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:20 am

The woman and her guards spun around as they heard the voice, and immediately shrugged back, though the woman soon gathered her courage and put on a fake smile "Ah, hello Honored Sir, this is nothing you need to concern yourself with~!" She spoke with a sickeningly sweet tone "This is simply a matter of this dumb girl being an indentured servant of mine, and she ruined some merchandise, so I was thinking a punishment, as stipulated in the contract, was due!"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:24 am

Alex knew that the woman was lying to him, and he knew how to handle the situation. He spoke with a warm smile as he kept his ready stance. "Alright then, I'll need you to bring me proof. Oh I'll also need the two gentleman to remove all of their weaponry and hand it to you. Last but not least, I'll be needing you to release the little miss over to my custody until this is all settled. Any issue with that? Oh wait before you try lying some more let me make something clear. I can and will kill all three of you should any one of you try something."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:30 am

They were breaking out into a cold sweat, clearly not expecting to have to deal with this today "B-But it is not a lie Honored Sir! My companion here has the contract with him!" The woman explained, gesturing to her guard to the right, as their poor victim shuffled towards Alex, seeking cover behind him.
The thugs however were already in the process of unstrapping their blades from their hips
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:33 am

Alex moved the girl behind him and watched the guards remove their weapons. He answered the woman with a cheerful smile. "Oh that's fantastic! Well then you can take the contract and all their weapons over here while they stay over there like good gentleman. You two are okay with sitting on the ground right?"
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