Nights on the Maltese

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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:59 pm

A disgruntled look appears on Ali's face as well. "Lia" She's just as unhappily. Lia has always been annoying and she can't even remove fingers to make her more bearable. She's just a touch too important for her superiors to allow her to make the other woman more humble. If she were ever to leave the family, she would most definitely be taking the computer woman's hands with her in order to make her useless. Maybe that would settle that attitude. It'd also make her helpless and Ali can think of quite a few people who'd pay a lot to torment a helpless Lia Romano. But that's an idea for another day. Or maybe another lifetime if the Romano family continues to be her best option.

"As fun as your suggestion is, I was on my way to the Staff room cause there was someone on the coms over there. Seemed kinda important. So unless you can convince me that your project is just as important I'mma keep doing that." She says with cross-arms and a raised eyebrow. She knows the pod would be good for getting out, but whoever was on the coms had information they felt important enough to share with the class. Information like that could save her life. She should at least have that kind of information before she decides between staying with the com girl and Lia.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby mrblah » Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:40 am

RandomRoninKitten and Littlemankitten

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"Ow, ow, ow, ow~" The masked woman giggled in a nasally tone, apparently not too phased by Raelia's actions, though she played along. "Alright, Miss Interrogater... I'll tell you everything, just please withhold this dastardly torture!" More giggling. The unnamed woman took a momentary pause, then continued. "I didn't attack you because you weren't my target. Neither of you two were important to our grand scheme, so... I wanted to let you go, haha... isn't that nice of me?" Another pause. "As for my mask, well... I can't see it, why would I know when or why it's glowing?"

VI presented the directions to their desired location, doing her job properly of working as the ship's Virtual-Intelligence Assistant. The ship's med bay was a ways away from their location, meaning they'd have some walking to do... at the very least, the android waiters were perfectly fine with helping them carry Mattia's unconscious form, though only one was necessary, so the rest of the androids remained in their place.

The group of five (counting the android) made their way to the medical facilities of the ship. The journey was particularly tiring, with the masked woman giggling for no reason and murmuring to herself like a creep. The android kept pausing and beeping too, and they've already had to dodge past a few firefights between some gangsters. Needless to say, Mattia getting his ass grilled was really starting to be a bigger bug than expected. [Perception check; Hard. Aesha = 13. Raelia = 21.]

Halfway on the trip, Raelia began to feel a little... paranoid. The shadows seemed to dance when she glanced at them. Barely audible footsteps sounded off every now and again. Sometimes she could even feel eyes on her back, prompting her to check behind her... only to find nothing. While at first she attributed the weirdness to simple paranoia that came from a long trip coupled with carrying both a prisoner and an injured teammate, she suddenly found the reason behind her suspicion greeting her.

A small object had been thrown at their feet, but the quick-sighted Raelia had seen it coming and kicked the offending grenade away. It exploded into smoke, covering up their view of the hall ahead... but at least they weren't in it themselves.

Both girls prepared themselves for further retaliation... and found themselves annoyed by the following events.

"Oh? Oh, oh! Hol' on there, ain't that them those... Raelia? Aesha?" A high-pitched elderly voice sounded from the smoke, followed by the appearance of a dark silhouette. The form walked towards them, and out from the smoke, came one grey-haired man in a trench coat, carrying a suitcase. His name was Bartolomeo Romano, or Dr. Bartolomeo, and he was the Romano family's resident creepy doctor. His name had been in the family for many years, even dating back to before K.K was around. He was known for his second-to-none knowledge of the medical field and his creepy perverted nature, making him both a respected figure in the family, and someone basically no one ever wants to see. Still, with their injured friend, Bartolomeo's presence could be more than helpful.

"Well, if it ain't so, I need new eyes! Very, veeeery nice to see you two... especially you, Raelia! You're looking as youthful as ever!"


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Annie seemed to mull over Jenny's proposition, crossing her arms and looking off in thought... though the Alfonsi woman still had the impression that she was being watched by her. [Charisma check; Easy. Jenny = 9.]
"Somethin' tells me moving would just be a waste'a time..." She finally decided, shaking her head. "I mean, I'm already rarin' to go and I don't wanna lose my steam! But look, I'm nice, so we can compromise and go in the hatch." Annie walked over to what had been the second entrance she'd used to flank Jenny, pointing down in it nonchalantly. "The smell or nothin' would get down there, but I'll be honest, it's kinda cramped. Not that it's much of a bother for me, hehe..."

"Ughhh," Jenny groaned, slowly side stepping towards the hatch as she kept an eye on the woman, "You seriously don't have any problems with having sex next to a bunch of dead bodies?"
Taking her eyes off the woman for the second, she bent down to look inside the hatch, wary of any other surprises that might be inside.

The cocky woman stepped up behind her, pretending to look over her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around Jenny's waist and pulled her in for a surprise hug from behind. "Not when I got a nice catch like this waitin' on me!" Jenny could feel something... that she wouldn't have expected from a woman from where Annie was touching her. And it wasn't small. "You better hurry up though; ain't known for my patience, even if I'm tryna be nice." She said with a grin.

Jenny tensed as suddenly felt the arms wrapping around her, locking her jaw to stop herself from yelping in surprise. She tried to calm her breathing, panicking now could put her back in danger... and oh god what was that? Squirming, she tossed her head about, trying to see what Annie was poking her with or even if it was still Annie holding her, her plan going down hill fast. "Wait... stop... what... what is that?" She gasped.

"Whatcha talkin' about?" Asked Annie, sounding genuinely confused by Jenny's own confusion. "... OH! Haha, what, weren't you expecting me to have something in my pants? You're a silly girl." She pulled back, letting Jenny turn around to face her. Where there'd normally be nothing but simple flatness present, was a very noticeable bulge in her shorts. "And if you think it's fake..." Annie reached for Jenny's wrist, grabbing it and bringing it to the hem of her shorts. Roughly, she pushed the woman's hand down under, and... her fingers brushed up against what was no doubt a cock, or rather, the head of one. "Now if you're gonna be done with these questions, could ya get moving down the hatch? My tiger's roaring something fierce, if you get me."

Jenny cringed as felt her hand touch the hot, fleshy head of the cock under the shorts, eyes going wide. She driven enough clients to the red light districts to see all manner of sex workers with cybernetic prostheses, but this... this had felt real.... what was this woman?

Backing into the hatch, she quickly glanced left and right, trying to pick a direction to run.

The hatch was just as narrow as Annie had said it'd be, so much so that Jenny was sure anyone particularly heavyset would be a little claustrophobic fitting through the hall. It could barely fit two people walking side-by-side, and the dim overhead lighting painted a slightly glum picture. Both directions Jenny checked seemed almost endless... she couldn't see the end, but she could just barely see what looked to be the ladder of another hatch.

Just before she could think to run in that direction, the cold arms of Annie had wrapped around her once more, with the slightly taller girl's head resting on her shoulder, pink eyes staring into her own. "You were thinking of running just now... weren't you? You glanced several times back and forth..." She didn't seem angry, but she did pull Jenny close to her again. "Nah, I get that. Most people in your situation do try, but... hey, when I want somethin', I'll get it." Emphasizing her point, Annie's hand reached for the sides of Jenny's jacket, and she was quick to pull it off, dropping it to the floor. "Now, get to strippin'. Do it reeeeal slow, too." She stepped back to allow Jenny room. "And if ya even try runnin', just know I was made waaay faster than a normal person. Ya wouldn't get far, even if you were a track star."

"Wh-what are you?" Jenny shivered, trembling slightly at how easily Annie was able to push her around and pull off her jacket. Hands shaking, she fumbled with the buckle of her belt, gnawing on her lip as she unbuttoned the top of her jeans and started to slide them down the curve of her ass.

The leering eyes of the woman watched with interest, her pink eyes almost seeming to glow in the dimly lit maintenance hall. "Mm... what, ya don't think I'm human or something? Guess those scientists didn't do as good a job as they hoped, haha..." Her tone of voice was vacant. She was pretty focused on Jenny. Idly, her hands went to work stripping her out of her clothes, starting first with her black top, and she apparently didn't wear a bra. Her full breasts were large enough to fill a hand, and her perky nipples stood out proudly. "I don't remember the exact term for it, but I'm basically like a superhuman thing or whatever... and that's all you're gonna get on that, now keep stripping."

Yeah.... because creepy glowing eyes in the dark is totally what got her motor running, Jenny sighed inside her mind as her jeans slid down her thighs to drop around her boots.
Turning to the side slightly, she tried to keep her eyes from wandering over the other woman's body and breasts as grabbed the hem of her t-shirt in both hands. Breathing deeply, she quickly yanked it over her head and tossed to the side where she had kicked her jeans. Shivering slightly as she stood in the dim hallway in only her plain black bra and panties, she crossed her arms over her chest self-consciously. "You have protection... right?" She muttered.

Annie stared at her for a second. "Pft, what? Protection?" She sounded incredulous, almost breaking out of her admiration of Jenny's mostly nude body to laugh. "Ya worried about me puttin' a baby in you? ... Actually, nah, guess that makes sense. Don'tcha worry about it. Docs said my sperm or whatever ain't actually sperm... or somethin' like that. Still don't know all those science-y details." She waved off Jenny's concerns as if they weren't important. "And you've still gotcha underwear to go... but hey, maybe you want me to even the playing field. I don't got a bra as you can see, but let me just..."

Her hands went to the skull buckle on her shorts, and she unbuckled her shorts, before unceremoniously letting them drop to the floor. Underneath them were black boyshorts with a white heart in the center. The girl's cock was pushing the heart out, with its head poking well out of her underwear. She hooked her thumbs on the hem of her boyshorts and pulled down, letting her cock proudly sprout free, while also revealing a noticeable trickle of liquid running down her thighs. Her dick had to have been 8 inches at least, and it throbbed with excitement clear from the small bead of pre coming from the tip. "Finish dropping those clothes for me, right? I like seein' my ladies totally naked."

Jenny bristled slightly as her concerns were swept aside so nonchalantly, her hands clenching and her mouth opened slightly as if to speak but she said nothing. Her eyes went wide as the 'girl' dropped her shorts to reveal her cock, cheeks flushing red as she tried to deal with the fact that it would should be inside her while their were literally bodies next door and all around.
Turning her back to Annie, she nervously unclipped her bra and shrugged it off her shoulders, her athletic B cups standing perkily from her chest as she bent down to slide her panties down her legs, unknowingly giving Annie of clear view of her sex and ass.

"Nice..." Murmured Annie as she stalked forward just as Jenny's panties dropped. One hand went to grip Jenny's hip while her cock rubbed against her ass, the insistence of her rough movements and her audible breath telling tales of her excitement. "I can barely hold it in... get up against that wall, now." Before she'd go any further, Annie pulled back, swatting Jenny's ass to emphasize her command.

Jenny yelped as she was spanked, trembling as she braced herself against the wall, looking back to see the thick cock bobbing up and down as Annie approached. "Wait... I'm not wet enough..." she tried to protest as she compared the size of the cock to her tight, little pussy.

"What, really?" Asked Annie, sounding genuinely surprised by the fact. "Man, you're really gonna hurt my feelings, here... fine, we can do a little foreplay." A little roughly, the girl with the 8 inch dick grabbed Jenny's shoulders and spun her around, then pushed her back against the wall. Her hands met the wall, landing next to either side of Jenny, and Annie leaned forward to take the driver's lips in a surprise kiss, pressing their bodies together in the cold of the hall. Annie's own lips were somewhat cool as well, and her kiss was forceful and needy.

Jenny's eyes went wide as she felt her mouth get invaded by the woman, her strength still shocking Jenny. She eked out a soft moan around the kiss as she felt her breasts get squished against Annie's, nipples grinding almost as if even they were struggling against each other as well. Jenny gasped as she felt Annie's thigh press between her legs, rubbing against her sex as her hips began to roll lightly back and forth against her will.

Her response went unnoticed by Annie, who continued to work her magic, eventually involving her tongue in the violation of Jenny's mouth. The muscle-y appendage slipped past the woman's lips, tasting her much warmer mouth with a quiet noise of satisfaction coming from the forceful woman. Her movements were energetic and not very refined, but she at least seemed to know a lot about french kissing. Her tongue played with Jenny's, rolling and twirling around it with a strange dexterity, while she moved her thigh a bit to rub against Jenny's lower lips.

Jenny closed her eyes and tried to pretend this wasn't happening like this, she wasn't pinned against the wall in a floating murder boat being forced to fuck some escaped science experiment... she was... she was....

Her thoughts were stolen as a long moan escaped her lips, feeling her pussy start to moisten as she felt Annie's thigh rub back and forth over her clit.

Annie broke the aggressive kiss with a huff, taking a moment to breath while a single strand of evidence remained between their lips. "I'm feelin' something on my leg..." She started with a slowly blossoming grin. "Ya ready for me now?" She emphasized her question by her hand darting down to Jenny's pussy, with two of her fingers just barely rubbing against her entrance.

Jenny gasped as she felt Annie's fingers on her sex, trembling as she realized she couldn't put it off any longer, her head nodding weakly.

"Good..." With that said, Annie reached down to hook her arms around Jenny's legs, pulling them up and spreading them around herself with little effort. She pressed forward, with the head of her dick pushing up against Jenny's pussy, teasing her lips open around the tip. "It's been a bit since I last been with a girl, so uh... if I'm a lil' rough, bear with it!" With that said, she plunged her hard cock up into the depths of the driver's sex, easing Jenny down to near half of her length in only a few seconds.

Jenny cried out as she felt her sex get impaled on Annie's cock, her weight apparently no problem to the 'woman'. She groaned longly as she felt more and more of the thick cock stretch her pussy wide as gravity and Annie drew her down deeper and deeper on it, her lungs emptying as she grabbed Annie's shoulders for support to stop herself from teetering over.

Nnnnngh god, she hadn't been wet enough for this, she thought, biting her lip as she felt even vein and ridge stretching her pussy as it gripped the cock like a glove.

A pleasured moan came from Annie as she felt the warm walls of Jenny's sex stretch around her invading erection, basking in the bliss of sexual pleasure. She continued to ease Jenny down despite her discomfort, until the woman was utterly speared on Annie's large cock. "Oh, fuck... yeah, that's good. You're so tight..." With just a bare moment's pause, Annie got to work. She lifted Jenny up then dropped her back down, at the very least conscious enough of the driver's uncomfortable situation to start off slow. "Bear with it... we both know you're gonna be feeling like you're in heaven real soon!"

Jenny panted for breath as she finally felt the full length of the cock fill her, head lolled to the side as she tried to deal with the sensations radiating out from her sex. She hadn't been laid since joining the Romanos six months ago and this was a helluva way to knock off the cobwebs. Her fingers dug into Annie's shoulders as she felt the woman lift her effortlessly off her cock and started to lower her again, cooing as she felt the way the cock draw and drag back through her, leaving a empty feeling before it surged back in.

Annie picked up the pace as she noted Jenny's response, feeling glee in knowing that the driver was liking what Annie was pitching. She speed up her thrusting, bouncing Jenny up and down on her throbbing, hard cock with increasingly aggressive movements, while pushing her breasts against the driver's as she moved in to lick and nibble on the other woman's neck. The slight pain she felt from Jenny digging her fingers into her shoulders only seemed to encourage her. "Hey..." she spoke up, mid lick, "tell me your name."

"J-Jenny," she murmured, gasping for breath as sweat beaded her brow. She squealed in pleasure as another wave of pleasure broke over, her strength fading as she sagged back against the wall, a ragdoll for Annie to take her pleasure from.

"Jenny, huh..." Annie giggled, her spear of a dick practically hammering into the driver's wet opening with reckless abandon, dropping all pretenses of gentleness. "Well, Jenny... I'm gonna let it all out inside of you, j-just you wait for it..." Annie lifted her head to kiss Jenny once more, then focused on driving her dick home into the woman's pussy while knocking on the edges of her orgasm.

"NNnnnghh no... ahhhhh... w-wait... don't,, gah, ooooh too big, nnngh god," she feebly protested, "Don't cum inside m-GAHHHHH!!!!!!!!"
Jenny roared as she felt the first blasts of hot sticky cum fill her, her eyes rolling back and whole body tensing as her own orgasm shocked and crashed through, pussy clamping down hard around the cock stretching it to milk it for all it was worth.

"Too... late!!" Annie's body shook powerfully as Jenny milked her cock of everything it had, with more torrents of her hot cum spurting in as she rode out her and the other woman's own orgasms. By the time she was coming down, a small pool of her product had formed beneath them after Jenny's pussy had been filled to the brim. Annie was panting heavily, with a satisfied grin on her face. "Oh... fuck... hehe..." She laughed a bit, basking in the afterglow.

Jenny moaned lightly as she started to come down from her ecstatic high, feeling entirely too full from the cock and copious load of cum filling her pussy and womb. Her strength sapped and still too delirious to move, she stayed leaned back against the wall, breathing heavily and praying that was all the little pyscho intended for her.

It seemed her prayers were answered, as Annie began to pull her softening cock out, with an excessive amount of her sticky white fluids leaking out of Jenny's stretched hole. She continued to hold the woman up, knowing she probably couldn't stand on her own... but after a minute's break, her dick was standing at attention again, and she was grinning happily at the tired woman. "Ready for round two?" Emphasizing her point, she pushed her cock up against Jenny's entrance, but just before she was about to push into her once more, she abruptly stopped.

... "Well, looks like I'mma have to cut our fun short, Jen. Duty calls... you, that is. Hehe." With that, Annie rudely dropped Jenny to the floor, stepping back to take one more admiring glance at what she'd done to the woman. "Hey, we should deeeefinitely meet up later... just remember to get off this ship, yeah?" Her last piece said, Annie walked over to the downed Jenny to give her one more kiss, then rushed over to gather her clothes and run off down the hall. "Don't die!"

With Annie's leaving, Jenny was given some time to rest and recover from her hard pounding. She'd been left in a pool of Annie's spunk, but at the very least, her clothes seemed clean enough and were close to her. She'd definitely be needing a shower later, though.

Still, it seemed her misfortune wasn't yet over, as she heard a sudden THUD noise from above. It didn't sound like someone was in the STAFF room exactly... but it sounded like they came across her hastily prepared defenses. The following feminine cry of pain told her that the door did its job of holding up, but that voice also sounded distinctly non-threatening, too. No doubt that person was an idiot of some kind. [Perception check; Trivial. Jenny = 8.]

Wait... there's another voice. Loud, self-important laughter... is that Lia?


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Lia didn't seem happy with Ali's response, but she sighed and shrugged. "Figured you'd say that... and I'm guessing nothing I can say will change your mind." Another sigh. "Fine, then. I'll come with you. I'm pretty sure I know who that was in the STAFF room anyway, and I'm somewhat curious as to what she was getting at too. But afterwards, you really should reconsider. I won't be able to do this on my own, and I know if we can manage this, we'll be getting out of here for sure." She steps to the side, letting Ali pass her and tagging along with her.

The door to the STAFF room was... broken, very clearly. It looked like someone kicked it down, set it back up, then put chairs behind it to keep it holding in a really rushed job. No doubt the person who had was rather panicked... Billy walked up to the door, looking it over with a critical look. "Oh, I think I can get this one, girls. Stand back!" He did the same, taking a few steps back, then rushed the door with a shoulder tackle.

He hit it, a popping sound came from his shoulder, and Billy fell back to the ground with a loud cry of pain. Off to the side, Lia smiled widely, laughing at the man's stupid antics. "N-nice try, idiot... can't even bring a door down! Pfffft! How useless!"

Alfonsi Family

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

VI gave the gang their directions, directing them down a few halls and turns to get to their destination. They noted that it was strangely empty on the road to the control room, which was really rather surprising. You'd think a lot of people would be flooding there too, much like with the pods...

After some time of uneventful walking, the metal double doors of the Maltese's control room was right in sight. The gang of four didn't pause as they made their way to the door, until a man's loud scream cut through the air. [Agility check; Difficult. Henrietta = 13. Rosella = 8. Charli = 4. Olivia = 11.]

The Alfonsi women had little time to prepare for the sudden hail of bullets that burst through the metal door, but most of them managed to dodge to the sides, only taking a portion of its damage. [-5 to Henrietta! -8 to Olivia! -9 to Rosella! -11 to Charli! That's alotta damage!]

Judging from the speed of the bullets and the sound coming from inside, it was probably a big gun, like a minigun. They wouldn't stand a chance if they stood in front of that storm of bullets... what exactly was inside the control room that had something like that in their hands?

"Hehe... you ladies don't look like you know what yer in for." A voice sounded from behind them. All four Alfonsi women turn their heads to see a strange elderly man with a large backpack smiling at them. He was decked out in some very old-fashioned clothing that looked like it was actually made of cloth, and there wasn't any silent hum of a shield present covering him... worse yet, none of them recognized who he was. "Luckily for you young women, I'm here with my wares, ready to sell 'em to ya for the right price... care to see what I have, or will ya want to just jump right into hell without a good gun?"
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Wed Oct 24, 2018 5:04 am

mrblah Wrote:
RandomRoninKitten and Littlemankitten

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"Ow, ow, ow, ow~" The masked woman giggled in a nasally tone, apparently not too phased by Raelia's actions, though she played along. "Alright, Miss Interrogater... I'll tell you everything, just please withhold this dastardly torture!" More giggling. The unnamed woman took a momentary pause, then continued. "I didn't attack you because you weren't my target. Neither of you two were important to our grand scheme, so... I wanted to let you go, haha... isn't that nice of me?" Another pause. "As for my mask, well... I can't see it, why would I know when or why it's glowing?"

VI presented the directions to their desired location, doing her job properly of working as the ship's Virtual-Intelligence Assistant. The ship's med bay was a ways away from their location, meaning they'd have some walking to do... at the very least, the android waiters were perfectly fine with helping them carry Mattia's unconscious form, though only one was necessary, so the rest of the androids remained in their place.

The group of five (counting the android) made their way to the medical facilities of the ship. The journey was particularly tiring, with the masked woman giggling for no reason and murmuring to herself like a creep. The android kept pausing and beeping too, and they've already had to dodge past a few firefights between some gangsters. Needless to say, Mattia getting his ass grilled was really starting to be a bigger bug than expected. [Perception check; Hard. Aesha = 13. Raelia = 21.]

Halfway on the trip, Raelia began to feel a little... paranoid. The shadows seemed to dance when she glanced at them. Barely audible footsteps sounded off every now and again. Sometimes she could even feel eyes on her back, prompting her to check behind her... only to find nothing. While at first she attributed the weirdness to simple paranoia that came from a long trip coupled with carrying both a prisoner and an injured teammate, she suddenly found the reason behind her suspicion greeting her.

A small object had been thrown at their feet, but the quick-sighted Raelia had seen it coming and kicked the offending grenade away. It exploded into smoke, covering up their view of the hall ahead... but at least they weren't in it themselves.

Both girls prepared themselves for further retaliation... and found themselves annoyed by the following events.

"Oh? Oh, oh! Hol' on there, ain't that them those... Raelia? Aesha?" A high-pitched elderly voice sounded from the smoke, followed by the appearance of a dark silhouette. The form walked towards them, and out from the smoke, came one grey-haired man in a trench coat, carrying a suitcase. His name was Bartolomeo Romano, or Dr. Bartolomeo, and he was the Romano family's resident creepy doctor. His name had been in the family for many years, even dating back to before K.K was around. He was known for his second-to-none knowledge of the medical field and his creepy perverted nature, making him both a respected figure in the family, and someone basically no one ever wants to see. Still, with their injured friend, Bartolomeo's presence could be more than helpful.

"Well, if it ain't so, I need new eyes! Very, veeeery nice to see you two... especially you, Raelia! You're looking as youthful as ever!"

Raelia squinted at her and took a full minute to think. In fact, she was trying so hard that one would think that smoke would start coming out of her ears any moment "... Then that mask is not yours." she finally said, slowly. While she'd have liked to keep bothering the girl for answers, Aesha wanted to get moving, so Raelia ran ahead of her, so she could protect her.

During their trip, she started seeing shadows and narrowed her eyes. The mole men... they were after them. It was about time she got payback for them stealing her Pop Tarts, this time... and every other time, it was personal. She waited uncharacteristically patiently and watched for her opening. One of them threw some object at them. Now was her time to strike!

Raelia baseball slid over to the object and quickly kicked it back towards one of the mole men, however it turned out that they had seen through her genius plan and evacuated the area. Shortly after, however, she saw that it wasn't actually her sworn enemies, but it turned out to be Uncle Bert. Raelia's eyes lit up and she ran over to give him a hug "UNCLE BERT!" she said, throwing her arms around him and burying her face in his chest. After hugging him for a moment, she remembered the situation and looked up at him "Uncle Bert, the wimps that the mask lady threw at me to die blew up on dancing guy. Fix him please? He's supposed to dance with Aesha." she said, completely seriously, yet somewhat casually at the same time.

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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby Littlemankitten » Wed Oct 24, 2018 5:51 am

Aesha gave Raelia and the girl some weird looks as they walked along the many halls, both because the girl was being beyond weird about this whole situation and that Raelia was acting like a cat seeing a ghost mouse scurrying across the walls. "Raelia, can you please stop trying to find the molemen that stole your poptarts, we all know it was probably Lia" Aesha sighed in exasperation. Raelia had told Aesha about the molemen quite a bit these past few days, and Aesha was frankly getting a little tired of it. Of course in the end it seemed to help them out cause as soon as the smoke grenade was in sight Raelia was already jumping on it like she knew it was coming for minutes. She instinctively took cover behind the butler before realizing who it was. Of course it was Bart. Aesha was both really happy and really annoyed that they stumbled across him. At least they could trust him to fix Mattia up quickly and reliably but. Well, he's just plain creepy. The most stand out creepy thing he did was during a routine family medical checkup. He prodded her inappropriately and looked at her private parts a bit to much sure, but that was par for the course with him. Apparently he had done some research with her genes and told her, in front of 2 family members, which thankfully didn't include Raelia, that she had a genetic makeup that meant her tongue was both longer and more dexterous than the vast majority of the population, including people that also have long tongues, and her jaw could hinge slightly wider than most people. Even for Aesha she could only understand half of what he was saying. Of course naturally upon hearing this news Aesha thought of all the practical applications, such as being able to hide small objects beneath her tongue for infiltration purposes, and other such things. Can anyone guess what Bart thought of first? He said, once again, in front of 2 family members, that she 'would be able to preform amazing acts of both cunnilingus and fellatio!' That was one of the most embarrassing moments of her life, he's also requested her to 'come in for tests about your oral capacity and dexterity.' He supposedly has already 'tested' many of the family members, but she doubts that.

She hoped he would decided the situation called for being less creepy than normal. "As Raelia said, Mattia has suffered many injuries thanks to explosions. This was all caused by her." She then pointed to the mask women who would probably start giggling uncontrollably at this point if her past behavior was any guess. "Can you please take care of him? I've already preformed some basic medical care to stop the bleeding and hopefully stabilize him."
I hurt you, I heal you, I hurt you again. That's the pattern.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby lilbooth » Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:03 am

Olivia was rather startled by the hail of gunfire. Their whole walk there was rather peaceful, so much so, in fact, she had dropped her guard a bit after she made it past the first few corners. She was equally startled when some crazy old guy sprung open his trench coat behind them and offered to sell them a bunch of actually useful stuff. It all seemed like legit gear, despite its not so legit origin. Olivia pulled out her credit chit and set the amount to 898. "Hey old bones, I'll take a class D, two small proticovers, them there shoes, and a nanocreams." She said as she moved out of fire line of the doors.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby MiscChaos » Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:47 pm

"Ha!" Ali barks as Billy hits the floor with what's probably a dislocated shoulder. "Wow, you're exactly as dumb as you look. Makes a girl wonder how many of your stories of strength were completely made up." It bugs her a touch that she seems to be in sync with Lia at current moment, but Billy's suffering is way more important than that. Besides that, the contest of strength is useless. If there's defenses up, obviously someone's on the other side. Given that she recognized the voice a little bit, it's likely a friendly voice. Really, all they have to do is make contact with the person on the other side of the door and they'll lower the defenses for them. "Hey! Romano family! Open up and let's get moving. We maybe got a way outta here." She yells into the room. Whoever's in there should've heard her and then they can get whatever vital information the woman inside has and get to those pods Lia mentioned. She's not sure what's going on on this ship, but she'll survive easier and be more comfortable as far away from it as possible.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:06 am

"God Damn it!" Henrietta yelled as she hit the deck to avoid the sudden rain of bullets. "Why can't anything just go our way?" She complained as she regained her footing. Looking to the voice that called her, she saw the suspicious old man and his array of items.

Henrietta looked over the items then the man. Despite his age, he wasn't to sore on the eyes. "I think I'll take the Nanocream, Improvised Smoke Grenades, and Two of those Small Port-a-Covers. For a discount, we can have a little fun when we get off this ship." Henrietta said as she hugged her bosom to show off her cleavage.

However this didn't solve the issue of the mini gun.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby CondorBoH » Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:20 am

Getting perforated was all in a days work, but now this was getting annoying. And fucking painful, but when was that different? The strange old man and his merchant cart was a little bit of a shock, but Rose took him in with a glare. No doubt he had a way off of the ship, and was using this time to pick any choice gear off of the corpses of the warring families. Whatever, they needed the help at the moment. Her charge and the crazy chick would probably grab most of the good stuff, but still, those smoke 'grenades' would help.
"Vulture. Whatever, I'll grab a set of those shoes, a smoke grenade and some nanocream to fix my bullet holes."
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby exalted » Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:21 pm

Jenny lay slumped against the wall, chest lightly heaving as her exhausted body tried to recover, a dull throbbing ache still pulsing between her legs. Groaning as she tried to push herself up, she was thankful that whatever Annie was had finished after one round. Giving up, she rolled to her knees instead and lent against the wall to climb her way back to standing and shuffled down the hall, wincing as she bent down again to gather her crumpled clothes.

"That little..." she muttered softly, careful in case the science experiment could still hear her somehow, noticing her panties were missing from the pile.

Looking down at the state of herself, and copious amounts of bodily fluid she was not only covered in but also dripping down her thigh. Shuddering at the thought of having to put her jeans back on over all of that, she took her t-shirt and started to wipe herself down, trying to clean as much of the cum out of her sore pussy before whoever was banging on the barricade made too much progress.

Done as best she could, she slipped her bra back on and zipped up the jacket to cover her lack of shirt, taking extra care with the zipper on her jeans with how exposed she was.

Limping back into the security room, she stashed the cum stained shirt someplace safe out of sight, trying to ignore the ache in her pussy and strange sensation the rubbing denim caused her bare mound, and started to pull back the barricades on the door.

"Yeah, gimme a sec," she snapped back as someone started yelling on the other side, "You slackers couldn't get here 10 minutes earlier... and shit."

Jenny-Lee stared blankly at the two Romano sociopaths on the other side of the door... just great... they'd doubled.

"Well... what's the plan than... cause there's something out there and it aint no man"
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby mrblah » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:47 pm

Well, my readers, it's lookin' to me like we're coming up to the finale of this particular part of the story. The Alfonsis are about to throw down against God knows what on the other side of the control room's door, Lia's apparently tryin' a come up with her own attacking party against the very same location, Aesha and Raelia just met someone's perverted old uncle, and things are just in general lookin' pretty settled on the Maltese. But a few mysteries are left behind as this party's calmin' down... what's happenin' in the control room? Why was only Mattia hurt in that last boss fight? Who the hell's that old guy? Who fucked Jenny? What the hell's really goin' on tonight?

It's likely that these questions won't be answered this time around... maybe some of them ever won't be. But for now, let's just settle this with a big bang. I'm gettin' my popcorn.

RandomRoninKitten and Littlemankitten

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Dr. Bartolomeo grinned widely as Raelia tackle-hugged him, with the old man somehow remaining standing from the weight of the girl suddenly charging him as she did. He hugged her back with a jolly old laugh, though said hug was a little tighter than necessary... "Mask lady? Blowin' up? Sure sounds to me like I was right to be worried when you both disappeared, ha!" He didn't seem at all concerned, laughing it off as if there weren't a problem. "But Mattia gettin' himself surprised like that? Unlike him. The boy ain't that stupid, even if he does act it a lot..." It's well known that Bart and Mattia don't exactly get along, though the exact reasoning is foggy. Most of the animosity comes from Bartolomeo's side, with Mattia's dislike of the old man being a simple response to his own.

Aesha speaking up apparently reminded the old man of something, as his attention snapped to her like a snapping turtle biting food. "Oh, oh, Aesha! Mighty fine t' see ya too! You know, I was worried about ya both when the guns started firin'! I mean, you for one Aesha, we still ain't ever got those tests done, and it'd be a shame if ya kicked the bucket before we could... ha ha!" As if he were joking (of course, to both of the girls it was plain to see that he wasn't), Bartolomeo laughed it off the creepy comment. Aesha's prayers weren't answered.

He released Raelia and went over to inspect the injured Mattia, offering the masked woman barely a glance as if she were nothing but an insignificant thing. Bart whistled. "Now that's one cooked rat! In my youth, we'd put one a these on a stick 'n chow down on it for dinner! 'course this one might be a little much for eatin'... I see your handiwork however, Aesha dear. It ain't too shabby for an amateur..." He turned around to face the woman. "If y'ever were interested in learning the trade, hey, you know the best doctor around's just down the street from ya! I would love to tutor an... eager student, as I know you'd be!" More creepy laughing.

"Eh... anyway, I'll fix 'em. Won't be quick, and I can't do it here, so I'll just take 'em off your hands for now and bring him back when he's fixed... properly fixed."


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

When Jenny opened the door, she was given one suspicious look from Lia, and one completely uncaring one from Ali. Billy, on the other hand, was still on the ground and moaning in pain. [Charisma check; 10 or higher. Jenny = 11.]

Lia stepped into the room first, followed by Ali and then Billy when the latter got up, and Jenny moved to re-secure the entrance for safety's sake. "Hold on, wait, now we both have questions." Lia said, turning to face Jenny. "What the hell happened here? There's no way this was you. The job's too professional, for one thing, and you don't even have the knives to make these wounds... actually, no, tell me later. This is just more reason for us to get outta here as soon as possible, so let me tell you both our best play here."

"I got it on good information that the control room of this whole ship isn't under the control of the crew. In fact, I haven't seen hide nor hair of any crew member, so I can only assume they suffered the same fates as these guys... anyway, deciding to do something and actually be useful in this situation, I gathered up a few guys I found earlier with Billy, and sent them over to scout out the control room. We can go there with them and mount a coordinated attack there for control of the ship, then we can get it to land at the Maltese's landing docks with our men at the scene, and sweep the place for every last Alfonsi we can!" Lia finished her pitch with a proud look, crossing her arms. "I know, I know, great plan. Any questions? Make them quick."


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The door opened to reveal the familiar face of... Jenny-Lee. That was their driver, right? Ali didn't remember much more of the woman other than that, but... didn't something look off about her? [Perception checks; 11 or higher. Lia = 10. Ali = 5.]

Nope. She checks out. "You slackers couldn't get here 10 minutes earlier..." Complained the woman as she swung open the door. "And shit." She didn't look too happy to see them. Lia apparently didn't care as she barged into the room as if she were invited, and soon enough, they were all gathered into the room, with Jenny-Lee moving to secure the door again... or, rather, do what she can to that effect. When she finished, the woman turned around as they were inspecting the room. "Well... what's the plan then... cause there's something out there and it ain't no man."

The first thing Ali noticed about the room, was that it was totally trashed. Six bodies laid lifeless in the room, with their blood coating the walls and puddling on the floor. Sharp cuts and stab wounds seemed to be the culprit of the late crew's demise, suggesting that a knife was used to kill them all... all six of them, with all the wounds being in vital spots of the body? It was certainly an impressive job... but ridiculous to even attempt to pull off. "Hold on, wait, now we both have questions." Lia responded to Jenny, turning to face the woman. "What the hell happened here? There's no way this was you. The job's too professional, for one thing, and you don't even have the knives to make these wounds... actually, no, tell me later. This is just more reason for us to get outta here as soon as possible, so let me tell you both our best play here."

"I got it on good information that the control room of this whole ship isn't under the control of the crew. In fact, I haven't seen hide nor hair of any crew member, so I can only assume they suffered the same fates as these guys... anyway, deciding to do something and actually be useful in this situation, I gathered up a few guys I found earlier with Billy, and sent them over to scout out the control room. We can go there with them and mount a coordinated attack there for control of the ship, then we can get it to land at the Maltese's landing docks with our men at the scene, and sweep the place for every last Alfonsi we can!" Lia finished her pitch with a proud look, crossing her arms. "I know, I know, great plan. Any questions? Make them quick."

Alfonsi Family

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

[Charisma check; Hard. Henrietta = 24.]The man looked to Henrietta with a blank look. "I'm like, 70... ah, fuck it, I'm down for a romp. But the next we meet, I'm holding ya to it, lady." [Henrietta gets 40% off on all purchases!

The group's purchases were made successfully, and the strange man tipped his hat in thanks. "Don't judge me, missy. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have any of that good equipment ya just got... and from what I'm hearing, you're gonna need it." He thumbed back to the control room's door, just in time for the sounds of more gunfire to take place... thankfully, neither the women nor the man had to duck for their lives. This time. "Word of advice from a guy who was just in there... whatever you're doing, it's not worth it." And just then, all four of the women quickly turned their heads to the door as a particularly loud scream rang out. When they looked back to where the merchant was, he was gone.

The four women could tell that this next battle will be very dangerous, possibly even life-changing if they fail. If there's anything they haven't done yet, it's best to do it now before they enter the room... like take those healing items to enter the battle already topped off.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby exalted » Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:45 am

Jenny flipped Lia the bird as the girl immediately resumed her bitch routine, somehow being able to sound whiney and judgey at the same time as he complained about the state of the room and Jenny.

Ignoring the two as she looked around the room for where her rapist had tossed her gun, eyes flicking over the trashed monitor set up.

"No shit, Shirlock," Jenny winced as her tender clit rubbed up against the zipper in her jeans when Lia mentioned the crew didn't control the ship, "I just ran into some genetic freakazoid... like glowing eyes in the dark Freakazoid... and I bet she has friends up that way."

She shook her head as Lia talked about cleansing out the Alfonsi after they had the ship, wondering just how the little pyscho could want to spill even more blood when it was obvious those prats hadn't been involved in this.

"Okay, whatever, if you're gonna hit the bridge with those freaks on it you're gonna need more than balls and overcompensation. Why don't you two take that access way to the Control Room and I'll find your boys and tell them to attack on your signal, hit from two directions at once?"
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Nov 11, 2018 1:47 am

"I've done older." Henrietta said softly before the merchant could leave. But not without an ominous warning. Considering their options, the control room was their best option. Looking at the smoke grenades she bought, this might be their best chance to get in and to cover. The sooner they took out whatever had taken over the Control room, the sooner she could return to her brothel. "When you girls are ready, why don't we face what ever the fuck this is." She said as she prepared to toss a smoke grenade the moment they entered the room.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby MiscChaos » Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:06 am

Really, it doesn't matter to Ali who's in control of the ship so long as she herself remains safe and whole. It looks like whatever does have control might be either her kind of person or a threat to her well-being. Or both. The kind of person who can leave wounds like this across this many people and not leave their own corpse behind seems like they enjoy their knifework and enjoy using it on people they don't know. Which is both bad for her health and is her kind of person. She decides to look through the room to see if they leave behind anything sharp to use seeing as she doesn't have her own knife. She's going to murder the idiot who made her leave it at home. As slowly, painfully, and gorily as possible. She's not even sure gorily is a word, but she's gonna make it happen somehow. She overhears both of the plans while she's making her search, and really only has one problem with it.

"What the hell does picking a fight have to do with getting out of here? Especially if the Alfonsi family ain't the ones cutting people up like prime rib? What happened to your original idea of getting to the pods and getting the fuck out? Sounds like the better deal to me. If there's some super freak fucking shit up, let them deal with it while we laugh from the shore at how many pieces they ended up in."
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby Littlemankitten » Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:39 am

Aesha couldn't understand why Raelia liked him so much, could she not see he was the creepiest thing in a 5 mile radius? Probably not actually, Raelia couldn't tell the difference between a painting and a sculpture sometimes. When he turned his to Aesha she cringed eternally. Of course he would bring it up, he always does whenever he sees her. She also figured long ago it was best to simply not entertain him and act like he didn't say anything. As for the second offer, she just sighed and tried to not let him get to her. She did want to learn medical practice, but she really wished it was with someone else. Having formal schooling was to dangerous as a rival family could just assassinate her in the school if they thought she was a threat. She could also go to one of the less experienced 'doctors' of the family, but they are all associated with him in someone way. So if she does want to learn she wouldn't have a choice in the matter. "I'll think about it... For now though I gotta get to a staff room to try and see if I can hack into the main computer system from there and set this thing down... Speaking of which. VI, please direct us to the nearest staff room." She then looked back to Bart and shrugged. "I'll check on how he's doing when we get out of this mess." Aesha then turned and started heading towards wherever the staff room was, trying to get out of his presence as soon as possible.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby exalted » Tue Nov 20, 2018 7:29 am

"The bridge has the escape pods locked down," Jenny explained, finding her revolver and checking the load before stuffing it down the back waistband of her jeans, "Even tried tricking the system into thinking there was an emergency but these pricks have it down tight. We want off the boat we need the control."
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby MiscChaos » Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:54 pm

Ali lets out a sigh at Jenny's words. Of course it isn't that simple to get out of here. She should have expected it, but it still fucking sucks to hear. Oh well. She can at the very least ease her annoyance with bloodletting. That's always good for a laugh or two. "Fine. If we need the control room to get outta here, then we need to get on that. You sure going off on your own is a good idea though? You just said you ran into a freak so what's the odds you won't do it again? And no, I'm not counting the idiot over there as a viable person." She says, pointing to Billy or whatever his name was when she mentions an idiot. Ali doesn't really care if Jen gets ripped apart or not, but, well, the more allies she has, the better her chances of making it out of here in one piece are. So that requires she at least make small efforts to keep the rest of them alive.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Wed Nov 21, 2018 7:06 pm

mrblah Wrote:RandomRoninKitten and Littlemankitten
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Dr. Bartolomeo grinned widely as Raelia tackle-hugged him, with the old man somehow remaining standing from the weight of the girl suddenly charging him as she did. He hugged her back with a jolly old laugh, though said hug was a little tighter than necessary... "Mask lady? Blowin' up? Sure sounds to me like I was right to be worried when you both disappeared, ha!" He didn't seem at all concerned, laughing it off as if there weren't a problem. "But Mattia gettin' himself surprised like that? Unlike him. The boy ain't that stupid, even if he does act it a lot..." It's well known that Bart and Mattia don't exactly get along, though the exact reasoning is foggy. Most of the animosity comes from Bartolomeo's side, with Mattia's dislike of the old man being a simple response to his own.

Aesha speaking up apparently reminded the old man of something, as his attention snapped to her like a snapping turtle biting food. "Oh, oh, Aesha! Mighty fine t' see ya too! You know, I was worried about ya both when the guns started firin'! I mean, you for one Aesha, we still ain't ever got those tests done, and it'd be a shame if ya kicked the bucket before we could... ha ha!" As if he were joking (of course, to both of the girls it was plain to see that he wasn't), Bartolomeo laughed it off the creepy comment. Aesha's prayers weren't answered.

He released Raelia and went over to inspect the injured Mattia, offering the masked woman barely a glance as if she were nothing but an insignificant thing. Bart whistled. "Now that's one cooked rat! In my youth, we'd put one a these on a stick 'n chow down on it for dinner! 'course this one might be a little much for eatin'... I see your handiwork however, Aesha dear. It ain't too shabby for an amateur..." He turned around to face the woman. "If y'ever were interested in learning the trade, hey, you know the best doctor around's just down the street from ya! I would love to tutor an... eager student, as I know you'd be!" More creepy laughing.

"Eh... anyway, I'll fix 'em. Won't be quick, and I can't do it here, so I'll just take 'em off your hands for now and bring him back when he's fixed... properly fixed."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Littlemankitten Wrote:Aesha couldn't understand why Raelia liked him so much, could she not see he was the creepiest thing in a 5 mile radius? Probably not actually, Raelia couldn't tell the difference between a painting and a sculpture sometimes. When he turned his to Aesha she cringed eternally. Of course he would bring it up, he always does whenever he sees her. She also figured long ago it was best to simply not entertain him and act like he didn't say anything. As for the second offer, she just sighed and tried to not let him get to her. She did want to learn medical practice, but she really wished it was with someone else. Having formal schooling was to dangerous as a rival family could just assassinate her in the school if they thought she was a threat. She could also go to one of the less experienced 'doctors' of the family, but they are all associated with him in someone way. So if she does want to learn she wouldn't have a choice in the matter. "I'll think about it... For now though I gotta get to a staff room to try and see if I can hack into the main computer system from there and set this thing down... Speaking of which. VI, please direct us to the nearest staff room." She then looked back to Bart and shrugged. "I'll check on how he's doing when we get out of this mess." Aesha then turned and started heading towards wherever the staff room was, trying to get out of his presence as soon as possible.

Raelia waited for their discussion to end, not quite comprehending what they were talking about, but nodding slowly as if she did, then as the two turned to leave, she waved at Uncle Bert and Mattia as they left "Bye bye, Uncle Bert, bye bye broke dancing guy." she said after them. She then decided to add onto Aesha's request "ALSO, Vi, what are the current positions of the Mole People and the guys that want to hurt us?" she said. After she had given her orders, she shoved the masked girl over with her boot and sat on her side like she was a bench. She then looked down at her masked face and leveled a startling accusation "You work for the mole people, don't you?" she asked, stone-faced and even-voiced.

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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby mrblah » Sun Nov 25, 2018 7:34 am


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The situation in the control room had most certainly been dire - no, even more than dire. The situation had gone straight to FUBAR. Anyone on the other side of those double sliding doors could have known that much... but when the Alfonsi women had entered the room, they couldn't have known just how fucked it all really was...

The room was on fire. The sounds of frantic screaming, gunfire, and metallic shifting was deafening to their ears. The smell of blood and corpses was heavy in the air, merging with the smoke and making a toxic gas that only someone who'd been in a real battle could recognize. Within the spacious room were tons of computers for the purposes of directing and managing the ship, most of them badly damaged and sparking with electricity, some on fire. The room had two floors, with the first being occupied by the Alfonsi women and a bunch of random gangsters, and the other... occupied by their sole opponent.

It was a giant. A metallic beast armed to the teeth with life-ending weaponry, and even as heavily damaged as it looked to be, it still struck fear into the hearts of any sane, intelligent individual who would see it. And why wouldn't it? That same individual would know that the super weapon was, in fact, a fully functional and likely recently made Knight Armor. Those machines were weapons made back in the older days of the great war, built solely for the purposes of destroying as much as they could, from man to its fellow machines. They were incredibly rare in the present day, since obviously no one would need something so incredibly dangerous... yet, here one was, right before them and clearly on a rampage.

They didn't have time to wonder why something like that was on the ship or even how it was transported. The moment its single functioning eye turned to them, the group of Alfonsi women knew they were deep in the shit. They split up immediately and took to cover, ducking behind computer tables and deploying Port-a-Covers to have a temporary barrier from the metallic monster's gunfire. Rosella was the first to get to firing, figuratively and literally, as she tried to motivate her teammates into action. Olivia and Charli followed her lead after they had gotten situated, with Henrietta soon after. While usually no one could ever hope to take down a Knight Armor while in good condition, their opponent was already severely damaged, with exposed wiring and missing armor. Beating it was still a tall order, but if they didn't try, odds were the damned thing would break the ship even further and cause them to crash. Which would kill them.

It was do and die or just die, really. Likely the other gangsters felt the same way, since they didn't stop shooting even as they were being slaughtered.

But the Knight Armor was still a weapon of mass destruction. Though damaged, its opponents found that its weapons systems were still fully operational, and they had taken a heavy toll as they tried to defend against it. Charli was the first to go down, hurt as she was prior. A missile had exploded between her and Olivia, sending her flying with numerous burns across her body... it was almost ironic, in a way. But true to form; the fires from the explosion didn't do her in, but the heavy landing on her head did. Her body had flopped to the ground, and she was unresponsive to any attempts to get her up.

Of which there were none, though.

Afterwards, just about all of the gangsters were killed by the Knight Armor's lance attack. It locked on to its multiple opponents and, as if it were a master duelist, stabbed each and every one of them with ridiculously high speed. Not one of them survived, leaving the Alfonsi women to fend off the beast alone. Things weren't looking especially bright for their future... and when Henrietta had also succumbed to her wounds, Olivia and Rosella were the last remaining combatants.

But Rosella had a trump card, one she was guaranteed the opportunity to use thanks to Henrietta's sacrifice. The bodyguard had a standard army grenade in her back pocket, which could do a considerable amount of damage to the machine if it landed right. A hole had opened up in the metal monster's wiring in their battle. Rosella only had to get it inside to turn the tide of the battle in their favor...

A well-timed throw got the explosive into the machine's open hole, and true to form, the grenade did its work of blowing up, damaging the already nearly broken Knight Armor to an extent that really only emphasized the danger of the machine, as even with that done to it and after it's already sustained so much damage, it still had the resilience to continue on further, launching several slower attacks at its opponents. They both had managed to evade the beast's attempts to do them in, however. And finally, they were able to overcome it with a good shot landing right into the damaged part of the machine's chest...

Is what everyone thought. Suddenly, the beast began to move again, and it set itself up for its signature 'kill everything in sight' attack, but just before it could take the two women down to robot hell with it... the Knight Armor froze in its stance, its eye shut off, and it seemed to die.

The victory was hard-fought for the Alfonsis. Many unnamed random extras had died for their win, and both Henrietta and Charli almost died, too. Thankfully, everything ended well, and the four were able to then clean up the room, get control of the ship, set it down in a safe place, and everyone lived happily ever after...

I'm joking, that never could have happened.

Just as the fight was wrapped up, one of the doors off to the side opened up...

Alfonsi Family

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

He stepped into the room with a calm gait, his face obscured by his large top hat. The man in the trench coat chuckled at all of the carnage, and though neither Rosella nor Olivia could see it, they had the feeling he was smiling. "'Lotta damage that son of mine did... 'lotta bodies. Gotta say though, I was expectin' maybe... more. Like, two more?" He chuckled creepily as shadowed head turned to their direction. They could feel his gaze looking over them carefully... before it loosened some. Rosella also had the feeling that he had stared at her chest a little too much. "... Eh, heheh, I'm jokin'. I don't like to kill off pretty women, after all!" It didn't sound like he was joking.

The man turned to the damaged Knight Armor, a remote shooting out of his sleeve into his awaiting hand, and he pushed a big red button on it. "Sorry to rush through this so much right when we were about to get acquainted, but it's lookin' like neither of us got the time to chat, heheh..." As if on his word, the room shook right at that moment, causing both of the unprepared women to stumble, and the more tired Rosella to even fall onto a nearby table. "Since you ladies survived that thing's rampage... I'll give ya a present t' show my gratitude, but make sure you don't go tellin' anyone I was around, ha ha!"

In the time they had looked away, it seemed like the creepy Houdini had disappeared back through the door, leaving nothing but a small crate behind. It was certainly strange... but something even stranger was afoot. Something in the air felt... dangerous.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire; an adage that couldn't have been more true at the time. Olivia had looked out through the holographic window at a specific moment, and saw that they apparently had... landed? The ship was on the ground, and a number of people who looked to be crew members were outside. Worse, she saw a large number of Copy Cops on standby, led by a a woman dressed in old fashion clothes, with metallic parts... she had two black swords on her back and was conversing with one of the crew men —

The woman turned her eyes to the ship, and for a second that seemed frozen in time, Olivia had made eye contact with the woman. ... Wasn't the holographic window one-way?

The woman frowned, said something to the crew member, and began to walk towards the ship. Olivia had a bad feeling about her. Whoever she was, they couldn't afford another fight with as hurt as they were, so she and Rosella gathered their two injured family members and hightailed it out of the control room, though not before the curious Olivia picked up the crate and had Rosella haul it with them. The Copy Cops were no doubt gonna storm the place, but they should have a way off the ship now. If they were quick, they can get out before the scene gets too hot. Otherwise...

If that woman was an SETF Officer, those cyborgs weren't known to take prisoners.

RandomRoninKitten and Littlemankitten

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

With another familiar pair of gangsters, things were less heated. Raelia and Aesha had since parted with Dr. Bartolomeo and Mattia at the time of the ship's landing. They had just found a STAFF room and were at the door, with their prisoner still under their control and bound in her own clothing. She had been humming merrily ever since they met with the doctor. When the ship started shaking, all three of them were challenged to suddenly steady themselves against the wall (though their prisoner hadn't even bothered and instead elected to fall down onto the floor), and before either Raelia or Aesha could wonder what that turbulence was about, a tune played over the intercoms.

"Warning. Warning. The Maltese is initiating an emergency landing issued by the MPD. Please remain calm and brace yourself for turbulence. The Maltese is initiating an emergency landing issued by the MPD. Please remain calm and brace yourself for turbulence. The Maltese is initiating an emergency landing issued by the MPD. Please remain calm and brace yourself for turbulence. Warning. Warning." The message repeated itself, rather late to announce half of what it had to say... but the other half was news to the two girls.

The MPD was boarding the Maltese? Why? How'd they know of what was happening? Whatever was the case, this wasn't good for them. The Copy Cops would likely soon be scouring the ship any second now. Even if they resisted, those guys always had the numbers on their side, so they'd soon be overrun and arrested. No... now was the time to run. The ship's landed now, anyways, so they just had to find a good opening and get out when they had the chance.

Aesha was quick to come up with a plan of escape under the pressure. She and Aesha loaded into the STAFF room with their prisoner, locking the door behind themselves and quickly accessing the monitors to view the entirety of the ship. Already, the cops had boarded, and leading their charge was a... was that an SETF Officer? Worse news. Aesha was smart enough to know a little about the common cybernetics of one of those guys. Usually, they had enhanced sight capabilities, like an infrared vision mode. Hiding was likely to be difficult with that cyborg on board... but Aesha, being lucky, just literally stumbled on a hatch in the room that seemed to lead into some kind of tunnel system beneath the floor. It was pretty warm inside... they could use it.

The two dropped into the maintenance hatch, bringing their prisoner with them along for the ride. Aesha closed and secured the hatch behind herself, and they decided to wait a moment for the coast to clear a little. She had hacked into the monitoring system on her phone, and could see everything the cameras could. The cyborg would be passing through a specific area soon that would give them an opening, if they just time it right —

Wait... was that... whistling?

Something suddenly hit Aesha right in the back of the head, sending her down to the floor in a daze. She heard Raelia scream something out in an angry tone, before it was followed by the sound of what was likely her also hitting the cold metal ground. Aesha lifted her head, vision darkening a bit in the already dimly lit hall... "That hurt ya much?" Asked a voice that sounded far too happy.

Her vision cleared a bit to reveal a woman dressed in black with glowing pink eyes smiling down at her. "Sorry if it did, but I had to make sure ya wouldn't be able to stop me from collecting this idiot here," she jabbed a thumb at the also smiling masked woman, "since the boss wanted us all accounted for. We're real precious 'tools' of his after all... but hey, if we meet again, maybe we can chat and get to know each other? You two are kinda cute!" Their assailant smiled widely. Then, with a more serious face, she turned to the masked woman and karate chopped the shirt. Their now freed prisoner laughed. "Aw... Annie, why are you flirting with them when you've got me~?" She asked. Annie responded with a frown and a karate chop to her head. "'cause we're sisters, ya kinky bitch."

She then grabbed the whining masked lady's arm, turned to salute Aesha and Raelia, then ran off. "Don't you two get caught! Maybe we can meet up later!"

... Everything faded to black. The true tragedy of this story, is that Raelia never got an answer from the masked woman about the mole people.

exalted and MiscChaos

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

In mid-conversation, we find the group of four consisting of Ali, Lia, Jenny, and Billy... or was it Ben? Benny? Whatever. The three women of the group had still been discussing their plan of action when the ship started shaking. Immediately, Benny found himself toppling down onto the ground, and the other more competent gangsters had struggled to remain standing. "What the hell?!" Wondered Lia, sounding alerted from the turbulence. It was certainly unexpected for anything of the sort to happen on the Maltese. As it was the world's premier cruise ship, it experiencing any difficulties in flying was ludicrous, especially when anti-turbulence systems have become the norm for aircrafts ever since forever ago. So the only explanation as to why it would suddenly shake so violently would be —

A tune played in the STAFF room, sounding over the intercoms. "Warning. Warning. The Maltese is initiating an emergency landing issued by the MPD. Please remain calm and brace yourself for turbulence. The Maltese is initiating an emergency landing issued by the MPD. Please remain calm and brace yourself for turbulence. The Maltese is initiating an emergency landing issued by the MPD. Please remain calm and brace yourself for turbulence. Warning. Warning."

The late message came in the sound of VI's dispassionate voice, confirming their worst fears. "Th-the fuzz?! How'd they know?!" Billy seemed shaken up by the message, getting off the ground and asking a stupid question. "Shit, guys, we gotta get out of here!" He seemed to be panicking a little, so Lia walked up and slapped him to calm him down... or, well, more like to vent her frustrations. She then turned to the other two in the room. "Stupid here's right, but we need to think this through. The Copy Cops will be boarding the ship through every entrance it has. We need to make a plan so that we don't get caught, like how likely 70% of everyone on this ship will be. I... for one, don't have any ideas at this moment, so I'm... willing, to take some suggestions." She seemed to really struggle with that request.

The three of them continued to discuss briefly, with no good ideas coming to Lia and Ali's minds... but one immediately standing out to Jenny. The maintenance hall she had been in would likely help get around the ship quickly, so long as it also isn't flooded with cops. It would be their best bet, but maybe not all signs of what had happened to her down there are gone. It could even be that the woman from before is even down there too. Needless to say, Jenny-Lee definitely didn't want to bring that up.

But, as time ticked on, it was looking like she didn't have a choice. She eventually brought up what she found down in the hatch, but carefully omitted such details regarding how she found it. Thankfully, with how low they were on time, no one in the group cared to pursue the topic, and they ducked down into the maintenance hatch, using it as cover to provide them the chance to sneak out of the Maltese. At least for them, things went smoothly.

Who the hell knows about the rest of the Romanos though.


And that, my friends, is how we're endin' this reading off for now. Feels like some clues've been left here and there, right? We got to see some trench coat creep, we discovered the relationship between two similar charactas, some of our 'heroes' are in a pinch – or so it seems – and now we've got a good cliffhanger for the story. Heh. That's a whole lot more than what I expected to get done today, at least.

With the ending of this chapter, we get to the next one, and let me tell ya, things ain't gettin' any less crazy in this tale. Strap yourself in for this next readin' when it happens... right after this bathroom break. Go get some chips or somethin' while I'm in there.

This chapter is now concluded. Before we get to the next one, I want to adjust the systems a bit and better prepare myself for what I have planned, since I honestly didn't do enough of that in the first chapter. I'll likely be done sometime early next month, and when I am, I'll send another GM post here to start things off once more.
imagine a loading screen that loads a new loading screen.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby mrblah » Sun Dec 09, 2018 8:22 pm

A cool tune plays on a record player...

Within a dimly lit and spacious room is a rugged stranger dressed in a sharp suit. He's sitting in a rocking chair, rocking back and forth alone in the room. The man has a lit cigarette in his mouth, and in his hands, a large, untitled black book. The man's room was a mess. The floor is covered in newspapers with varying headlines and articles dating from the present to months ago; "Terror in Times Square! Multiple bombings going off around the district?!" "Shocking mystery!! Corrupt politician previously missing for several months turns up dead in the rivers?! Matera Daily has the scoop!" "Big name banking company WorldFeds suddenly goes bankrupt?!"

The furniture of the room was ruined, as if someone had pulled out a Tommy gun and sprayed hell throughout it. The glass of the windows were broken, letting in the fire and chaos from outside of the man's room. Yet, he looked completely unconcerned.

Suddenly, the man tilted his head up to look straight ahead. A bell rings out. "You lot are back so soon? Didja get the chips like I asked?" His voice, like the way he looked, was also rugged and raspy. A puff of smoke came from his open lips. "No? Well, I wasn't hungry anyhow. Sit down. Ya still wanna hear this tale, right? Know it ain't been too excitin' but we only got a couple more pages 'til the action ramps up. You're gonna wanna stick around... heh, so I figured. Sit on down then. Look, got some new chairs over there. 'scuse the burns."

After a moment, the man opens up his book once more. "Now... where were we... no, I know. We're right here, juuust after..."


Chapter II: Winter Blues

Just been a week after the events on the Maltese, on a Sunday morning. It was a quiet sunny morning, contrary to the veeery active week before it as the aftermath of the Maltese's takeover and bloodbath took the world by storm. There'd been a lot of media coverage over it, from private investigations to the rare witness testimony from surviving crew members... the people wanted to know what happened there, and the cops wanted to bust whoever was involved. The streets were hot with blue bots sniffing around for any unfortunate idiot they happened across, making for the smarter gangs to lay low a little to avoid 'em.

In fact, it'd snow just yesterday, and those common people were still shovelin' their driveways and cleanin' off their cars. On a day like this, several of our important charactas were either just wakin' up in the morning, or just hadn't slept. You know how it goes sometimes. Busy people sleep little.

Oh, and some background info that might be good to note; for the past few days, both the Alfonsi and the Romano have been keeping quiet to better avoid the fuzz. Even so, they've been working on investigatin' their own situations on the ship and preparing for the big war they've just got their hands in. Several smaller allied gangs've been preparing too after they were notified, and soon enough, the Dolorosa was about to live up to its reputation for being extremely dangerous.

Our favorite characters'll be havin' a lot on their plates soon enough.

Romano Family


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Just a few hours ago...

It wasn't exactly morning yet. The sun was just starting to raise over the horizon, so it was maybe... 6 AM. Raelia was rolled up in her blankets in bed, which was her clear attempt to stay warm in the winter's night/morning. But unbeknownst to her, she had an unexpected guest visiting... her door creaked open slowly, and a figure slowly stalked into the room, making sure to close and lock the door behind herself. The dark figure creeped up to Raelia's bed and loomed over her. The sleeping girl, for her part, had blearily opened her eyes when she heard the floorboards creak with weight, but she was suddenly shocked by a hand rushing to cover her mouth and a familiar pink-haired young woman entered her vision. "Shhh!" She put a finger to her lips, with a glare sent Raelia's way. "Don't cry now, Stupid Rae. It's just Santa Claus."

Or rather, it was Lia, dressed in her normal clothes and looking nothing like Santa Claus. She kept her hand over her younger sister's mouth. "Now, I'm gonna move my hand, and if you know what's good for you, you'll keep quiet. Blink twice if you agree."

Raelia, dressed in her light pink bra and panties, was confused as to why Santa Clause looked exactly like Lia, but suspected that it may have been the work of the Mole People, she expects this kind of evil from a people as dastardly as they. Believing she understood the situation now, she blinked seven times, because she has no idea how to count, and was eager to hear what Santa Claus' business was.

"... It's still a wonder to me how you're so stupid." Lia shook her head in utter contempt for her younger sister, then moved her hand back to let her speak. "I mean it. You so much as raise your voice above a whisper and you will regret it." Ignoring her for now, Lia reached for Raelia's blankets and proceeded to remove them roughly, throwing them onto the ground easily enough. The cold air immediately blew onto Raelia's skin as she'd done so.

This visit of hers wasn't an uncommon occurrence. Sometimes Lia would show up in the dead of night with some steam to blow off and take it out on poor Raelia, and though she came later, it didn't seem like this time was any different. "Do you know what we'll be doing this time, Stupid Rae? I'll let you guess." She smirked haughtily, pulling out a... big red bag.

Raelia shivered as the covers were pulled off of her, but did her best to ignore the cold. She wrapped her arms around her chest to try to warm herself up at least a little, as she watched Lia pull out a big red bag. "Uh we have a secret mission to save Christmas?" she asked, following it up with "Also, did the mole people change you to look like Lia? How does Mrs Claus feel about that? Did it reduce your age?" and during her barrage of questions, she grabbed her pillow and hugged it, since the blankets were out of reach.

Lia reached over to grab the pillow and wrench it from Raelia's hands, throwing it away with the blankets. "No. And I'm not Santa Claus, that was a joke you little... whatever." She opened the bag and pulled out a small pocket knife, then reached over to Raelia's shoulders and held her down while her knife went to the girl's bra. She roughly cut the undergarment in half, the knife also leaving a shallow cut on Raelia's skin, and she grabbed the remains of the bra to throw it away.

"I'm here, dear sister, because I'd like to work off some steam and I figured you'd be willing to help me out again. After all, that's what you're good for." The knife moved to her panties, and with expert precision, the last piece of clothing Raelia had on was ripped and thrown away.

Raelia whined as the pillow was pulled away, then started to cover herself with her arms again, but Lia grabbed her and held her down before she could. "H-hey, Santa, I like that br- ow!" she says, as quietly as she can, even managing to quiet down her cry of pain as Lia cut her between her breasts, a bit of blood trickling from the shallow wound.

As Lia cut away her panties, she whimpered "H-hey, I like those too..." she whined, as her panties were thrown to the side, then she tried to cover herself with her arms.

Lia smiled sweetly at the pitiful attempt, apparently also pleased by her sister's discomfort. "You don't need them. Stupid girls like you don't deserve nice things." She let Raelia try to cover herself for the moment as her attention was directed to her bag of bad things. From it, she pulled out handcuffs, candles, a whip, a... vibrator — she just seemed to have a lot of different toys in her bag. With the handcuffs, Lia grabbed onto Raelia's wrists and restrained her to her bed posts, then afterwards, she looked to her toys placed on the bed. "Next is..."

The sadist then grabbed the candles and her lighter, an old-fashioned classic, and placed the candles onto the bedside table before lighting them. Then, she pulled out... nipple clamps, it seemed. But futuristic nipple clamps that matched up with the times! They were magnetic pieces of metal with adjustable grip. Lia's favorites. "Do you remember these, Stupid Rae? You do, right?" She waved them tauntingly.

She let out a squeak as Lia secured her to the bed posts and struggled against them, despite knowing how this goes. "B-but I've been a good girl this year, Santa..." she whined, then when she saw the nipple clamps, she looked at them in confusion, her memory was terrible "F-fridge magnets?" she asked, sheepishly, despite a look of fear crossing her face.

"No, Stupid Rae. You haven't been a good girl, and these aren't fridge magnets. You've been a very bad, very stupid girl. You're an idiot, and idiots like you need to be punished... luckily for you, I'm willing to help." Lia decided to play along with her younger sister's delusions a little. She slowly moved the magnetic nipple clamps to Raelia's nipples, and she pressed the clamps down onto them. The tight pinch on such a sensitive place was likely not at all comfortable for the girl. Lia made it worse as she used the toy's magnetic feature to tighten. "You better remember to keep your voice down. I won't tolerate loudness for any reason, or this will only get worse."

With the nipple clamps secured on Raelia's nipples, Lia moved back to her whip. It was a small cat o' nine tails with small metal balls at the tips. Raelia knew from experience that getting hit with those metal balls would leave some painful marks. "Ready for the next part of your punishment?" Her older sister smiled.

When Lia clamps the magnets onto her nipples, she bites her lip to stop herself from crying, but tears still run from her eyes. Despite her biting her lip, her muffled cries of pain can still be heard by Lia. After a few moments of squirming, she settles back down, though her fact is still red. When totally-Santa-Claus raises the whip, Raelia's eyes lock on it immediately "P-please don't hit me with that, Santa..." she whines.

Lia looked to her whip, then to Raelia with a fake look of confusion. "You mean you don't want me to use this? Well, if you insist..." Lia opened her bag once more, and pulled out a... was that a cattle prod? She pressed a button on the device, and a small bolt of electricity shocked through the tips. "I suppose I could use this instead, but I thought you might want to take things a little slow. Would you like the main course then, dear sister?" Lia pressed the cold tips of the metal cattle prod against Raelia's stomach, then slowly rubbed circles around her navel, slowly moving it lower and lower...

A sudden jolt of electricity shocked Raelia for a split second, with the cattle prod just inches away from her pussy. "Oops! Sorry, my finger slipped."

Raelia shook her head vigorously when Lia asked about the whip, then looked in confusion at the cattle prod "Wh-what's that, Santa?" her confusion only lasting until she shocked her with it, at which point she bit her lip until it bled, to keep herself from shrieking in pain.

Lia smiled cruelly as she zapped the girl again, eyes watching her pained expressions with glee. One zap, two zaps, three zaps... she stopped at the fourth, perhaps just taking a break for a moment. "This is the only thing you're good for, Stupid Rae. In every other way, you're useless. You're worse than the garbage I throw away, do you understand? There's no need for people as dumb as you on this planet, but I'm giving you a purpose as my toy so kindly..." One more zap for good measure. "I came late so I can't stay for much longer. Still, I'll make sure to give you the full course before I go."

By the time Lia had finished zapping her, she was crying profusely, and her lip was bleeding from how hard to was biting it to stop herself from screaming. By now, she was watching Lia's hands to see what she was going to do to her next, warily. She started to pull her legs up towards her chest defensively, while trembling from both the cold and fear.

Lia moved towards Raelia's tear-stricken and bloody lipped face, staring closely with amused eyes at the proof of her younger sister's pain. "You look better like this..." She lightly slapped the girl's cheek, then with a deep frown, Lia slapper her harder. "Not that there's much improvement." The pink-haired woman straightened herself and turned to grab the vibrator she'd pulled out earlier. She turned it to its highest setting, then moved it to push into Raelia's pussy, making sure to move the girl's legs so that the toy could move into her smoother. The vibrator was once a simple one you'd see in any store, but in the capable hands of Raelia's older sibling, it became a more... powerful toy — uncomfortably so.

Lia made sure to push it in as far as she could, and as the vibrator was doing its work, her hands were moving to pull down and discard her skirt and panties.

Raelia flinched as she was slapped the first time, then started to say something before being slapped again, letting out a little yelp-like "Ouch!". She saw Lia prepare to push the vibrator into her and started to protest, but she suddenly thrusted it into her, causing her to bite her lip to stop herself from crying out, only muffled cries emanating from her. As the vibrator was left inside her, she let out more whimpers and squirmed on the bed, trying to shake it out of her.

Lia frowned, and moved to push the vibrator back in firmly, then swatted Raelia's breast. "Stop that. If you keep trying... actually, no." Lia smiled, laughing silently to herself. "I'm doing it to keep the Mole People out, Rae. If they see your pussy exposed, they'll rape you."

After saying this blatant lie, Lia stepped onto Raelia's bed and positioned herself to straddle the girl's face. Raelia could see that her older sister's pussy was wet with arousal, likely so from her enjoyment of the girl's pain. Insistently, she pressed herself down on Raelia's mouth. "Lick. And don't screw this up."

Raelia's expression softened only slightly and she started to thank her, but then she seemed to realize something that should have been immediately obvious "B-but you cut them off in the f-" she was cut off as Lia pressed her pussy to her mouth causing her to let out a muffled "Mmmph!". She obediently began licking her sister's pussy while squirming as the vibrator stimulated her pussy.

Lia smiled down at her, pleased by her obedience and her active tongue working. She moved her hand down to grab Raelia's hair and pull it, just for fun every now and again. "Good girl. Do your best, and I might leave you with a fun treat... aren't I so nice?" She rolled her hips, sighing softly in her enjoyment.

Raelia did her best to pleasure Lia, while also wanting to ask Santa Claus how she was doing, but being unable to do so because her mouth was full of pussy. Her lower body also squirmed as her juices started to flow profusely onto her bed, creating a large dark spot on her sheets.

Lia pulled Raelia's hair more, now griping with both hands as she was brought closer to her edge. She'd already gotten warmed up already from seeing her idiotic sister in pain, and now that her needs were being more directly satisfied, it wouldn't be long for her. Soft moans were coming from her every now and again, and she was more aggressively rubbing against Raelia's face, practically riding the girl by now... Lia turned around to see the mess Raelia was making of her bed, and she laughed to herself. "Look at what you did... if only you were smart enough to feel as ashamed of yourself — mmn... a-as you should be..."

Raelia squeaked into her sister's pussy as she pulled her hair, but her cries of pain were mostly drowned out by her folds as she obediently ate her out. In an effort to get her off of her sooner, Raelia began eating her out more vigorously. Her hips start bucking erratically as the vibrating becomes more and more unbearable over time, and her mess on her sheets becomes larger and darker.

Lia closed her eyes and openly moaned out her pleasure, her own movements becoming quicker and more needy as she rode the edge of her orgasm. "Good... good... f-fuck, I'm — I'm..!" The sadist bit her lip harshly and pulled Raelia's head forward as her body began to shake, and feminine cum sprayed out over her younger sister's face. She made sure Raelia couldn't move herself as she came. "Drink it, drink it drink it, drink it you bitch!"

Raelia coughed and swallowed as much of Lia's cum as she could her body still spasming erratically as the vibrator continued inside her, her legs clenching together and rubbing against each other as she continues to try to cope with it.

Lia panted, taking a moment to calm herself down after her climax. She released Raelia and moved off of her, sitting on the edge of the bed as she tried to relax. "Hah... hah... alright, you've earned your reward, Stupid Rae..." After she recovered her breath, Lia stood up off the bed and turned to grab the vibrator currently making a mess of Raelia's pussy. She wiggled it around, then started quickly thrusting it back and forth inside of her sister with a cruel smile.

Raelia bit her lip to muffle her squeaks and cries of pleasure, her entire body shaking as her sister rammed the vibrator in and out of her, causing her pussy to make sloshing sounds, and her thighs to fidget as she got closer and closer to orgasm.

Suddenly, all too soon, Lia pulled the vibrator out of Raelia's soaked pussy, tauntingly shaking it in the air. "Aah aah~" She smiled. "Wastes of space like you don't get to cum. You're fine with just staying like this, right? After all, the sun'll be rising shortly and I think my dearest Aesha may be waking up soon..." She moved the used toy to Raelia's mouth and shoved it in there, then she went about packing up her stuff, including her sister's underwear, making sure there'd be no trace of her presence. "Clean that off for me. I don't want anything from you on my favorite toy."

Raelia didn't look so much disappointed, as confused by Lia's sudden stop. She started to ask whether or not she was going to uncuff her, but her question was cut off before it could start by the vibrator being jammed into her mouth, leading to the question coming out as just a confused "Mmmph?". As she saw Lia packing up, she started to panic, but everything she was saying just came out as more muffled 'mmph'ing.

Lia huffed and rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up. I won't leave you like this, no matter how much I'd like to. We have to keep our nightly excursions a secret, dear sister." She pulled the vibrator out of the girl's mouth and threw it into the bag. Then she pulled out a key... but paused for a moment. "Actually... I think I may have something else that may be a little more fun, before I go." Lia went back into her bag and pulled out a smaller egg-shaped vibrator. She looked at it for a moment, then moved to push it into Raelia's pussy. "You couldn't understand what this would do so I won't bother to explain it... but it'll be fun. Don't even think about trying to get it out though, or you'll be in for a nasty shock." Now she's uncuffing her.

When the vibrator was removed from her mouth, she coughed several times, then began breathing heavily "You keep calling me sister, am I related to Santa Claus?" she asked, just before Lia pushed the other vibrator inside her, causing her to grunt softly "Ungh. Is that supposed to keep the Mole People from raping me, too, Santa?" she asked as she uncuffed her.

"Yes, yes... you idiot. That's exactly what it's supposed to do." Lia sighed in exasperation, and put the handcuffs in her bag. She then remembered the nipple clamps and proceeded to tighten the grip juuust a little more to punish the girl further. "Don't touch those either. Don't let anyone see them. Don't tell anyone I was here... well, you know the drill by now." She mockingly patted Raelia's head, as if saying goodbye to an obedient dog. Then, Lia turned with her beg (after dressing herself) and left.

... Did she take Raelia's blankets too? She did.


After Lia had left, Raelia was left alone in the cold for a few minutes. The girl had tried to go back to sleep, but the lingering pains from her older sister's cruel abuse made it difficult to do so, and before she knew it, the sun was already rising and beaming her in the eyes through the window. She had gotten up to go close the blinds and try again to sleep when... oh, wait, Raelia doesn't own a Holophone. She wouldn't exactly know how to operate one.

Guess... never mind? No message for Raelia.

She's got a few other things to do. To the best of her knowledge, this is just a Sunday morning for her. She could dress up, go take a bath, do whatever normal morning stuff she does.


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Aesha woke up early this Sunday morning. Just as the sun was rising, she'd heard a noise which sounded distinctly like someone running down a flight of stairs with a ruffling bag-like noise accompanying it... but the hacker shook it off as probably some auditory hallucination from her dream and not... like, Santa Claus. That'd be impossible.

She'd just finished dressing herself when a ringing noise sounded throughout her room, and her eyes looked to her cracked Holophone Deluxe. For clarification; a Holophone is a device that's much like a normal phone except it's a wearable that comes in many different shapes and sizes. The phone works with non-specific voice commands that will only activate upon registering the user's voice, and a holographic screen that sprouts forth from a small light of variable color. It's common tech, but Aesha's Holophone was special. She downloaded some illegal apps onto it that allowed her to scan other Holophones, decrypt encrypted data, hack into airwave frequencies, and do a bunch of other cool things like that. Plus, she's extended the battery life, AND she's got Splashy Fish on it. This device is probably important to Aesha.

But more importantly, that ringing meant that she'd received a Holomessage. Who could it be? Aesha walked over to check her Holophone — and immediately deleted the message when she found it to be Dr. Bart again. Probably something about how she's overdue for a checkup again...

Oh, wait, there's another one. Aesha opened up the Holomessage, and the light sprouted forth from her device to reveal the visage of a robot wearing a bowler hat.

"Good morning, Ms. Aesha. This is an automated message sent to inform you that you've been summoned by Ms. K.K herself. Please come to the HQ in exactly 2 hours from now, and bring Raelia. Do have a good day!" The message ended.

Aesha recognized the robot to be Sir Georgius Sinbad, or just Sinbad. He's a very complex AI that's always been around in the Romano family, and seems to act as a messenger/representative for K.K. But more importantly... did he just say she'd be meeting with K.K herself? The very same one that people rarely ever see and works through so many subalterns that very few even know what she looks like? Most would see this to be a big deal. And she's got 2 hours to prepare for it.


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Jenny-Lee's Sunday morning was a breath of fresh air after all the excitement of last week... or, rather, last weekend. She and many others had spent the time ducking low as the streets were blazing with cops, though she'd also been staying low and keeping an eye out for any other sources of danger. The whole debacle left things off on a pretty confusing note, so Jenny had also been keeping an eye out for any other gangsters, whether Alfonsi or Romano, and for... shudder, Annie.

Just in case. Their last time together didn't seem like it'd be their last. Thankfully, nothing of that sort happened. It was quiet, and she had a lot of time to simply just work on cars like the old days. It was kind of relaxing, actually.

This morning promised to be different. Jenny woke up normally enough... that is to say, she woke up to the sound of loud animalistic roaring. As used to this as the young woman was, she didn't even bat an eyelash at the sound of crashing downstairs and a louder shout of "FUUUUUCK" following right after it. She better go and... make sure he doesn't break anything more. But just before Jenny could get out of her bed to go do that, her Holophone began ringing loudly. She ignored the scream of "WHO THE FUCK HAS THEIR RINGER ON" as she went to answer it.

But just before she does, a Holophone is a device that's much like a normal phone except it's a wearable that comes in many different shapes and sizes. The phone works with non-specific voice commands that will only activate upon registering the user's voice, and a holographic screen that sprouts forth from a small light of variable color. Jenny's Holophone is actually a cheaper model so it's missing the more fun features like 3D selfies and multiparty Holochatting. Not that she'd need those features anyway.

She opened the message, and was greeted by the sight of a familiar bowler hat wearing robot. "Good morning, Ms. Jenny-Lee. This is an automated message sent to inform you that you've been summoned by Ms. K.K herself. Please come to the HQ in exactly 2 hours from now. Do have a good day!" The message ended.

Well, guess work's coming early today... though, it's rather worrisome that she was supposed to be meeting with the enigmatic and mysterious leader of the Romano family. Jenny knows enough about her employers to know that she knows nothing about K.K, a fact she's tried and failed to rectify. The most she's found was common knowledge from within the family; she's been around for a long time and is likely quite old, she's a woman, and maybe some things one could observe of her personality based on some actions and such. Nothing to work with.

Jenny'd better prepare well for whatever variables would be coming from this meeting.


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

It was an early Sunday morning. No birds were chirping, the sun's rays couldn't penetrate the thick curtains of one woman's bedroom windows, and the smell of smoke was in the air. Alisaie had technically already woken up just minutes ago, when her Holophone began ringing. Of course, she didn't want to deal with it right now, so she'd immediately sent whoever was calling to voicemail.

Unfortunately for her, the world didn't seem to get the memo that she was off for the day. She had a visitor sitting in a chair by her bed. A particularly annoying visitor who wouldn't go away when told to. "You do realize that was work on the other end of that line? It's bad custom to hang up on your employers, especially dangerous employers such as the mafia. You can't just stay in bed all day, Ali." Her unwelcome visitor said, blowing out a cloud of pale smoke from her electronic cigar, right onto Ali's head.

This particular visitor was Nea Romano, Alisaie's 'mother' and main connection to the family. Currently, she'd been dressed in her business suit, likely since she'd just come from HQ. "I'd play the Holomessage for you, but you know these finicky devices don't have inputs for physical commands anymore. It's all 'voice recognition' tech and such. I tell ya, things have changed since the old days, back when everyone wasn't so wrapped up around their privacy..." Nea sighed with a head shake. "Anyway, luckily for you I had Sinbad send a copy of the message over to me." She lifted a small pendant on her neck to her mouth, and spoke into it in German.

A light shot forth from the green circle on the metal device, and the head of a bowler hat wearing robot appeared. "Good morning, Ms. Alisaie. This is an automated message sent to inform you that you've been summoned by Ms. K.K herself. Please come to the HQ in exactly 2 hours from now. Do have a good day!" The message ended and the light faded.

"... That was 40 minutes ago." Oh. So maybe she'd actually went back to sleep after she got the message, then she woke up when her mother got there. "You should know how important this is, Ali. You'll want to get up and get ready."

Alfonsi Family


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The night before...

It was a cold winter's night, much like the last and the one before then, yet even in this cold night, Matera was no more quiet than expected. Particularly, within one Henrietta Rosewood's home was a guest. A naked one, sitting on her bed waiting for her return. He was the merchant from before who had given Henrietta a discount, and at some point in the night, he'd shown up out of the blue, wanting to cash in on the favor. "All ready for ya, Miss Rosewood. Naked, cold, and on your bed, like ya wanted." He chuckled as he continued to wait on the woman, who wasn't in the room, but her dressing room.

Henrietta didn't much care for the cold. The bitter sting of winter reminded her too much of her childhood spent in a run down pit she called a home. But those days were behind her now. And besides, the cold seemed to be a boon to her business. Finishing her make-up, Henrietta kissed her lips and left the dressing room. Her lips were a deep scarlet as an ultra thin white nightgown hugged her figure. "Then allow me to warm you up good sir." She said as she walked seductively to the bed. Going to her knees, she reached out to caress the gentleman's cock.

The merchant grinned at the sight of her, and between his legs, he showed in another way that he was happy to see her. His erection stood proudly, much more than one would expect of his age, and it throbbed at her touch. Seems like he really was raring to go. "Heh... I heard a lot about ya on my way here, you know. You're prime stuff, Rosey. If ya told me before about how ya worked, I might've given a bigger discount!" He seemed fine with going at her pace for now, but his fingers were flexing — the telltale signs of a man younger than him restraining his urges.

Henrietta smirked as she continued to stroke the man's rising erection. "You're pretty impressive yourself." She added as her palm wondered down to his balls. But she didn't leave his shift alone for long. Puckering her lips, she takes the merchant's member into her mouth. It slides in smoothly without any resistance. The soft flesh of her throat wraps around him.

"Oooh..." He chuckled again, watching Henrietta work on his shaft with a lustful gaze she was likely used to. His hands clenched her sheets as he pushed just that little bit upwards down her throat. "That's it... as expected, y'know your stuff." It certainly was impressive that she'd manage to get it all down so easily. The merchant may have been a fairly aged man, but his cock was still a hard and slightly bigger than average erection. "Keep going... show me what you can do, Rosewood."

The merchant's sudden movement didn't surprise the experienced whore. Nor did the merchant's size, though it was a pleasant surprise. Reaching the base of his cock, Henrietta bobbed her head with rhythmic intent. She used every part of her mouth to message his cock as her hands messaged the merchant's balls and chest.

The older man reached out to grasp her head suddenly, halting her movements after a moment of enjoying her work his shaft. "Hold on there, Rosey... might not seem it, but I'm not as young as I used to be. As fun as it'd be to bust in your mouth, I wanna get my full favor's worth, if you catch me..." He seemed to have halted her right at the best time. She could feel his cock pulsating with pent up need and pressure, and more than a little bit of salty pre was deposited onto her tongue.

Pulling back her head, she gave the older man's tip a final lick. Pulling off her nightgown, she showed off her body to her perspective partner. "Tonight I'm all yours, so I'll let you choose" Henrietta said as she lay on the bed. She stroked her body from her lush bosom to her full rump and glistening pussy.

He turned around and moved over to her, laying his hands on her body and gently massaging every part he could. He paid the most attention to her full breasts and her soft ass. "If I were still young... you're just the type of woman I'd be with all night, heh." A little more roughly, the merchant swatted Henrietta's rump, and immediately squeezed it as it jiggled. He made it apparent what his favorite part of her was. "But I'll make do with what I can give." The merchant grabbed Henrietta by the hips and flipped her over onto her front, then moved forward until his hard cock was placed directly underneath her pussy. He slowly started to move his hips, rubbing her nether region.

Henrietta hummed as the merchant explored her body. She moaned as the merchant gave her rump a proper slap. "You're already more impressive then some of the younger men who come by" She smirked as give her hips a little shake once she was flipped over. Her wet pussy covered his stiff cock, waiting to be penetrated.

"Oh, I'm sure... unlike those kids who just wanna fuck ya and be done, I know a proper woman likes you would prefer a smarter, more precise touch, eh?" He kept her waiting for just a minute longer, either because he was storing up his stamina or to tease her, but after the brief pause, the merchant's cock pushed against Henrietta's entrance and slowly slipped into her wet and waiting cunt. The man let out a deep, pleasured noise as he pushed further into her, until he easily bottomed out as his tip reached the end of her pussy. "Whew... here goes, Rosey." The merchant pulled back slowly, every inch of his throbbing meat rubbing against Henrietta's walls as he did, then begun his slow pumping into her with the experience of a man who's likely fucked a lot of women before.

"Now you're getting me all hot and bothered." Henrietta moaned as the old merchant teased her lower lips. She had lucked out finding a man who actually appreciated a woman's body. Despite her profession, Henrietta really did enjoy sex and gave preference to customers that could get her off as well. The experienced whore took in the merchant's cock with ease. Her pussy enveloping his member with a pulsing warmth. She let the old man move at his own pace.

He began to build up speed as he worked his cock around in her pussy, hips slamming into her large ass with force enough to almost push her, at times. He grinned down at her, and swatted her ass again. "Glad to hear I've still got it then..." With a few more thrusts, he was now rapidly pumping into her hole with a type of vitality Henrietta didn't see much of in her older clients. He leaned down some, and she could hear his heavy breathing and see the usual telltale signs of a man nearing his edge. "Already... almost... there, R-Rosey..."

Henrietta moaned with every thrust. Her soft ass giving off a satisfy sound every time it meets his hips. A small whine left her lips each time her ass was swatted. Despite her experience, Henrietta was starting to breath heavily as well. Her own orgasm was well within reach. "Cum inside me! Fill me with all you've got" She screamed. Her slick opening squeezing his pulsing cock.

He roughly slammed his hips forward, pushing his thick erection as deep as he could into Henrietta's twat as she wanted. His cock throbbed harshly inside of her and unloaded a fierce torrent of spunk in her hole. As the man came inside of her, he moaned out and gripped her hips harder, leaning forward to bear over here as the merchant carelessly dumped more shots of his load. It took a a minute for him to come down from his climax, and the older man pulled out slowly, his product dripping from the whore's filled pussy. "Eh... heheh... damn... I guess it was a good thing that I saved up the past few days."

Henrietta let out a final scream as she felt her inner sanctum filled with his spunk. It was enough to push the voluptuous woman over the edge. Her butt cheeks clenched as she had her own orgasm. Her love juices drenched the old man's cock. Savoring the sensations of his cock until the last minute, Henrietta lets out one final moan as he withdraws. Turning around, Henrietta leans forward to give the merchant a lustful kiss. "Well if you're ever backed up, just drop on by." She said rubbing her chest against his. "I'll be sure to show you a good time. "

He kissed her back as she had, grinning afterwards. "Heh... I'll have something else to save up all my money for, then. Ya kickin' me out so soon? It's so cold outside for an older fella like me..." He reached around her to grip her ass as she rubbed her breasts against his chest, and he fondly massaged it with a little force. "Might have another round in me too, if that favor's good for another?"

Henrietta smiled as she continued to rub her breasts over his skin. "Ohhh, I'm not so cruel that I'd send my elders out into the cold." She said as she wrapped her ample bosom around his wet member. Using her arms she squeezed her breast creating a valley of softness.

"Heh... glad someone's got some respect for their elders these days..." It took a little bit, but with Henrietta's expert touch, his cock was worked back up to a pretty stiff state, and he was raring to go again.

The merchant stayed over with Henrietta for the rest of the night, fucking her repeatedly until he finally fell asleep at the end of their fourth round together. The night was warmer after that.


It was morning now. Henrietta had just recently woken up to find her lover for the night still asleep next to her. They'd been together all of last night, keeping each other warm in the winter. For whatever reason, it seemed like her entire condominium's heating had broken recently, so it was good to have some body heat close by.

A ringing noise went off in her bedroom... someone was calling her on her Holophone. For clarification; a Holophone is a device that's much like a normal phone except it's a wearable that comes in many different shapes and sizes. The phone works with non-specific voice commands that will only activate upon registering the user's voice, and a holographic screen that sprouts forth from a small light of variable color. Everyone in this day and age has one, but Henrietta had two. One for business, the other for more pleasurable business.

The one that was ringing had the standard ringtone, signifying it was business. Henrietta answered the call.

"You've been summoned by the Boss. Come at 09:00. Dash. UG."

... Yes, that automated voice on the phone was familiar. UG, or rather, Eugene. Henrietta knew the man as Crazy Al's right hand. If Crazy Al was the craziness of the operation, Eugene was the brains that made the crazy happen. Every successful criminal organization needed the token genius and Eugene filled that role for the Alfonsi... though, he did have one flaw. He was a perfectionist; obsessively so, and sometimes those tendencies pushed him to push others a liiittle too far. Worse than that, he's a paranoid and suspicious fellow. He's always wearing some sort of mask, and no one has ever heard his real voice. It's likely that Eugene isn't even his name.

Still, if she got a message from him saying that she was summoned by Grandfather Alfonsi of all people... then she should get ready quick and get over to HQ.

Another message was sent to Henrietta, from the same unknown number it always was. "Your ride will be outside at 08:30. Dash. UG."

Well, how... convenient? A quick check of the clock told her that she just barely had enough time to make her breakfast and shower.


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The sun's rising over the horizon on another winter morning. Rosella's still in bed after a long night at work, and she's just about ready to take advantage of it being Sunday to take a break... unfortunately for her, there ain't no rest for the wicked.

A familiar ringtone loudly blares in her room, forcing her to keep awake from the annoying jingle. It was the default ringtone of her Holophone, and she had no idea who dared to call her so early in the morning on this day of all days... but for some context; a Holophone is a device that's much like a normal phone except it's a wearable that comes in many different shapes and sizes. The phone works with non-specific voice commands that will only activate upon registering the user's voice, and a holographic screen that sprouts forth from a small light of variable color. Rosella's Holophone was located on her bedside table.

The tired woman answered the call, ready to vent her frustrations verbally if it were another damned telemarketer, when a familiar automated voice quickly relayed its message.

"You've been summoned by the Boss. Come at 09:00. Dash. UG."

... That was it. A 'click' sounded off, and the call was done. Rosella recognized that manner of directness and that artificial robotic voice. UG, or rather, Eugene was the token genius of the Alfonsi. He was a very intelligent perfectionist with an annoying tendency to expect 140% from others as he does of himself. Worse than that, he's a paranoid and suspicious fellow. He's always wearing some sort of mask, and no one has ever heard his real voice. It's likely that Eugene isn't even his name.

But a call from him with a message like that meant that she had work to do. A glance at her clock revealed it to be 8:00 AM... she has time to do her usual morning rituals, but afterwards, Rosella would have to hurry over to HQ. Otherwise she'll have to face off against Eugene's absurd punishments. She remembered last time she was a mere second late and the man deducted her pay by 40%!

[There's a little something waiting in your inventory...]


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Before the sun had risen to wake up most in her apartment complex, already one Olivia Alfonsi was awake and getting to the day. She started her morning routine off normally, with her alarm playing an older tune by a fairly new band. Then, she'd get up to go make herself a quick peanut butter shake to get some energy before her morning workout, which she did in the apartment's gym... now, most apartment complexes wouldn't have their own gym, but this particular one wasn't a normal complex. Just for clarification, this was The Loft. A privately owned apartment complex in Alfonsi territory that the gang has full and total control over. It was home to many of its gangsters from the top brass in the top parts and the lower scraps quite literally underground. The place was always well fortified and had an absurd amount of weaponry barely hidden outside. Not that anyone would want to attack, anyway. Who the hell would try to mess with the Alfonsi family other than the Romanos?

Back to Olivia, she'd just finished her morning workout when her work Holophone had pinged with a call. To clarify on the nature of the Holophone; a Holophone is a device that's much like a normal phone except it's a wearable that comes in many different shapes and sizes. The phone works with non-specific voice commands that will only activate upon registering the user's voice, and a holographic screen that sprouts forth from a small light of variable color. Olivia's work Holophone was a standard issue one with all the usual features and such.

She answered it, and was immediately greeted by the sound of a somewhat metallic voice. "You've been summoned by the Boss. Come at 09:00. Dash. UG." A 'click' sounded on the other line, signaling that they'd hung up. Olivia knew that voice rather well. That was Eugene, the token genius of the Alfonsi and the resident perfectionist who also lived in The Loft. Olivia had seen the strange man from time to time, though she didn't necessarily know him personally. Likely no one did. He was a secretive and suspicious fellow who'd literally always wear a mask. He's a loner too, and it was likely that he stayed at The Loft only to better manage its resources and those of the other nearby safe houses.

Either way, it seemed like duty was calling. She'll need to get going sooner than normal. Probably didn't even have time to make a stop at the dance studio... she'd met this girl named Amanda who moved in recently. Pretty young thing.

Well, first comes breakfast.

[There's a little something waiting in your inventory...]


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The morning sun beamed through the windows of a small house, right into the eyes of a sleeping young woman... who just turned her head and completely ignored it. A ringing noise sounds off near said young woman... but she instinctively grabbed her pillow to cover her ears. Minutes ticked by... then somehow, another, much more louder ringtone played out, and one Hal Alfonsi was forced awake by the urgent tone of the call. She jumped up in her bed wide awake and alert, but calmed down as she noticed it was just her Holophone... what time was it?

Wait. Holophone. Ringtone. Loud. Hal hurried to answer the call as soon as she realized who exactly was calling her. But for quick clarification as that's happening; a Holophone is a device that's much like a normal phone except it's a wearable that comes in many different shapes and sizes. The phone works with non-specific voice commands that will only activate upon registering the user's voice, and a holographic screen that sprouts forth from a small light of variable color. But more importantly, hers was blaring loudly and she needed to answer it.

"Hal. You've been summoned by the Boss. Come at 09:00. Don't waste time. Dash. UG."

... Yeah, that was Eugene. This was a stroke of misfortune... to have been called by him of all people on a Sunday morning? She's no morning person, and just late last night Hal had been drinking a little since tomorrow was a Sunday, but it seems like her usual day of rest was being interrupted by business.

It didn't help that it was by Grandfather Alfonsi's (her boss) second-in-command, the unusually strict perfectionist Eugene. He'd always seemed to have something against her since she'd join the family... often he'd show his dislike of her by giving all the absurd jobs to her, such as negotiating business deals with former allies of enemy gangs with little backup... of course, the keyword being 'former.' Hal somehow managed to perform most of the tasks given to her in some way, and usually he'd back off after every success here and there. But it didn't change the fact that her relationship with her vice boss was strained, and she'd just annoyed him over the phone.

Well, that's just how it goes sometimes. Checking her clock, she noted that she had some time to get herself ready before she left to HQ... breakfast wasn't gonna get itself. Maybe she should get some water too.
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Re: Nights on the Maltese

Postby exalted » Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:27 pm

Jenny groaned as she tried to snuggle deeper into the twist of blankets covering her, her breath fogging in the cold morning air. She wasn't sure if it was the cold that had woken her or Jansen faffing about downstairs, right now she was just trying to resist acknowledging the fact she was not getting back to sleep, and then the phone rang.

"WHO THE FUCK ELSE WOULD IT BE, TONY!" She snapped back at him as he started shouting, "YOU'RE ALREADY FUCKIN' AWAKE!"

Squirming up the bed, she snagged her sunglasses from the nightstand and put them on, wincing as the chilled air prickled the bear skin on her arm.

"Go for Pettimore," she mumbled, activating the call as the holophone built into the arms displayed the call on the lenses, not saying anything until after the call was over, "Dammit."

Well, looked like her little hibernation was over. She'd seen enough feuds to know that when there was blood in the air the scavengers started to get ideas about moving up the food chain, there were plenty of smaller gangs out there who would have been looking to get a bit more turf or carry favour with the wounded families. Out here in the sticks, Jenny knew just vulnerable she was to some ganger looking to make a name for themselves, so she'd had Jansen out front all week instead of hiding in the back where he couldn't scare away clients. She guessed the other Romanos were safe in their gilded towers with state of the art security, but that wasn't her. She had the wrong genealogy to start with, no half-Asian-half-Irish hill child was ever going to be 'made', and no son of a Romano would put a ring of her finger, those marriages were all about appearance and power anyway.... not that she wanted that anyway. Jenny-Lee was good enough to work for them, but that was it and she knew it, expendable.

The first couple of days she just hid up here in the apartment/office over the workshop, avoiding the cops, thugs, freaks and everyone. She had half expected it to be a Romano bullet that wound up in her head as KK tried to clean up lose threads the cops could pull on. Jenny had even thought of skipping town, but decided that would only make her look more guilty to her own people and where would she go? Her only family left was her brother John but he was away on deployment, and she wasn't going to bring this mess down on his head, so she stayed and waited. When nothing happened she just got back to work downstairs in the shop.

Finally building up the courage, she threw the blankets off and rolled out of bed, hurriedly bundling up her clothes and hobbling downstairs, the cold metal of the stairs biting into her feet.

"I've got to go into the 'Office' this mornings," She shouted to Jansen as she hobbled to the bathroom.

She still wasn't fully sure about how much Jansen knew about her work for the family, or how connected he was to them either. She'd brought him along a few times when a job needed a bit of muscle or to protect her with things got to hinky, enough Romano boys had sticky fingers and felt they were untouchable until you out a buffed out tigerman in the picture, and Jansen did good at the work. A part of her still thought he might have been planted with her by KK as reminder about the threat of her employment, betray the family and get gangraped out of existence.

She shuddered briefly as she sat down on the throne, from both the cold and the mental image, briefly panicking at the thought that Lia might have said something about the manhandling or disrespect during the escape from the ship, but calmed her breathing. If KK wanted that to happen she wouldn't need to lure Jenny to the estate, she would just have Jansen do it here.... and nope, dark thoughts, time to stop right there.

She rolled her eyes as she saw the door open and the Tigerman barge in to check on what she had said, not even bothering to cover up. She'd given up on locking the door after the third time he'd busted the lock trying to get in, though she was fairly sure it was more a cat thing than a pervert thing by now.

"I said I've got to head into the 'Office' in a bit, can you take care of things here?" she repeated, pulling her nightshirt over her head as she stepped towards the shower, wondering in the back of her mind just how much of crazy cat lady she was turning into, "And when are you going to fix that heater? If it aint quick I might just have to skin you to keep warm at night."

The hot water felt boiling on her cold skin until she got used to the temperature as she stepped into the shower as Jansen did whatever he was doing. She'd never slept with the Tigerman, well at least not that she remembered, a few times she got a bit too much into the shine and woke up the next morning with Jansen curled up at the foot of the bed and no memories of the night before. Sudsing herself up to wash off the grime of yesterday, she looked back over her shoulder as Jansen to make sure he wasn't looking to before running the loofah down between her legs, the copious amount of jizz Annie had blasted into her had been dripping out all week no matter how much she cleaned, but she sighed as saw yesterday seemed to have been the last of it.
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