Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

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Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:46 pm


Welcome to the Uslane Region, a land where migrating Pokémon settle or use as a resting point between other regions. Because of this unique feature, the region is filled with Pokémon from all corners of the Pokémon world making it THE place to fill a Pokédex. With such a draw, Trainers from every Region can be found here. Some of them want a pure Pokémon experience. Some just wanna have fun, fuck the cost to anyone else. And some see all the foreign Trainers pouring into the region and see fun ways to profit off their pain.

Team Native is a group who believe that the Uslane Region is for Uslane natives and will do anything and everything to oust outsiders. Their crimes range from thief to stealing Pokémon to human trafficking. There’s word that they’re developing a new technology that will prove even more effective in their fight. They’ve also become even more radical recently, spreading their terror from just outsiders to natives who don’t share their ideology.

Team Lost Love is a group who formed in opposition to Team Native, dedicated to the defense of non-natives from the other Team’s threat. If they were crime free, it’d be admirable, but the bulk of their numbers come from recruits forcibly brought into the organization and required to do whatever it takes to further their goals. Whether this is prostitution for funds, blackmail, or assassinations, they’ll do whatever it takes to make sure the Uslane Region is free for whomever wants to come to it.

Then there’s also an Underground League who believe that the League in the light are too soft, too restrictive in their battle formula. They just can’t have fun like that. So they raise the stakes. Pokémon can be brutalized or even killed and the Trainers themselves aren’t safe even if they aren’t attacked. For losing has a whole new set of troubles to be concerned with. The more territory they conquer, the less they have to hide. While they usually don’t actively compete with Team Native or Lost Love, usually preferring to pit them against each other and reap the benefits, lately Team Native has begun trying to appeal to them.

------------Uslane Region------------

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

------------Game Rules------------

Starter Pokémon:
To keep things from getting out of control, Players are only allowed one starter Pokémon, but they are allowed to choose others beside the standard Treecko, Torchic or Mudkip. So long as the Starter is a low-tier 1st evolution stage, it is allowed. Also, different characters may own the same starter, so if someone grabs a Pokemon you want, don't worry about it, you can still have one of your own as well. Also, you're not allowed to grab a Pokémon that evolves into a Pseudo-Legendary. This list includes
  • Dratini
  • Larvitar
  • Bagon
  • Beldum
  • Gible
  • Deino
  • Goomy
  • Jangmo-o

Pokemon Levels:
Basically will be handled just like the game. I have the formulas and everything behind it, so whenever anyone wins a battle, I'll plug things in as need be and we'll go from there. And yes, I do mean anyone. Losing to an NPC might just make them harder to handle down the line, in addition to whatever else they have planned for you.

Party Limitations:
Just like in the original series, a Trainer may only carry 6 Pokemon with them at any time. Any excess captures will immediately be beamed away to "Someone's PC"

  • As all other combat-based RPGs, there is a strict no Auto-hitting, God-modding, or Power-Playing rule constantly in affect as well as a no-killing policy unless the act is a mutual agreement.
  • All standard Pokemon Battle Rules Apply: Battles will either be One-on-One or Two-on-Two. The battle is finished when the opponent runs out of battle-ready Pokemon. Items can be legally used during battle, but at the Trainer's own risk, for in this game, the Trainers can come under attack.
  • Realism is also very much encouraged. If you're thrown into an unofficial no-holds-bar battle, feel free to use every dirty underhanded trick you can think of, even if you've gotta have the trainers duke it out themselves while their Pokemon are also fighting!

Trainer Skills:
Sitting around shouting commands at your Pokémon can be dull for a Trainer. So instead of that, there are things you can do to give your Pokémon an advantage (or at the very least give the opposing Trainer a disadvantage)! Skills are unique to each Trainer so shoot any ideas to me for approval.

I will count you as inactive if I go 2 Posting Cycles (I plan to make a post every 2 to 3 days unless everyone posts before then) without any input from you. After that, you'll be thrown from the Active List into an Inactive List unless you let me know ahead of time that you'll be unable to post for a while. If you return before I go through 2 more Posting Cycles, then you'll start off having blacked out and will be recovering in the nearest PokeCenter. After that, you get thrown from the Inactive List to the Reserve List and someone on the Reserve List takes your spot.

The Ferry:
The Ferry, porting in Brightstar, Fairsage, Clearwater, Moorpoint, and Wildmarsh, will take 1 Posting Cycle relative to your position to drop you off to your destination unless everyone on board has some reason to take longer (like a conversation or a Pokemon battle or something). Relative to your position means that if it's reasonably close (Like Brightstar to Moorpoint), then you'll make it in 1 Cycle. If it's a bit further (Like Moorpoint to Wildmarsh), then it'll take 2. It'll also change based on everyone's destination. Say someone wants to be dropped off in Brightstar while someone else wants to depart from Clearwater. The Brightstar Trainer will get dropped off in 1 Cycle and Clearwater person will get dropped off in either 2 Cycles or 1 real time day after the Petalburg trainer (Don't want ya waiting for too long!). It's luck of the coin if the ferry will be in your area when you want it, me simply flipping a penny (or rolling a dice and picking even or odds) to decide. If it isn't in your area, then it will be next Cycle. Yes, that makes the Ferry seem super fast, but I don't want to eat up a lot of your time on Ferry travel. You'll be putting in a lot of footwork as it is... If someone on board the Ferry is doing something while someone else isn't, the idle person will be dropped off at their destination and the active one will be dropped off when they're done.

------------Character Application------------

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


30 Points to Spend. Points into HP are doubled.
HP: 10
SP: 5
Strength: 1
Toughness: 1
Dexterity: 1
Will: 1
Charisma: 1
Speed: 1

Ability 1
Ability 2
Ability 3

Desired starting Pokemon:
Home Town: (Starting Town as well if the two don’t match)
Starting PokeDollars: (1d6*20 +500) ₽

For more information, check out this google doc.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby mrblah » Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:38 pm

edit; don't know if you wanted backstories or not, but uh, i kinda rambled and did one by accident while doing his personality, so i just decided to commit.

Name: Acer Redfeather
Gender: Male
Personality: Acer Redfeather is the son of Rubrum Redfeather, a well known business magnate with strict principles, lots of money, and a hand aimed at the politics of Uslane. The Redfeather name is a respectable one in the wine industry, being one of the top brands selling their product. But its company wasn't born nor maintained from legitimate practices. Rubrum Redfeather had many ties into the criminal underworld of Uslane, and had been funding criminal organizations in exchange for protection services, targeted assassinations and shakedowns, theft of competitor secrets, and extortion of rivaling companies. He was a man who didn't believe in working anything by the books, and only cared for results.

Living life under such a man is a deeply changing experience. Rubrum had a strong conviction in his beliefs that could be crushing, and his cold business heart made him seem much like a heartless monster; so naturally, his son didn't like him much, despite their similarities. Still, Acer obediently and quietly followed his father's orders, fulfilling every expectation made of him (there were many of those) and performing his duties as he grew, until the age of 16 when he got his first Pokemon from his father. Apparently, his latest trial before he could acquire the family fortune, was to complete his Pokedex. Which was a totally reasonable expectation because trainers actually try to do that.

More on his personality; Acer is somewhat similar to his father, in that he's just as coldly logical, focused, and strong-willed as Rubrum is. But unlike his father; he's loyal to the law and somewhat has a sense of sympathy for others. He has a polite and dryly sarcastic sense of humor that's hard for some to catch, though most jokes are still seen as unfunny by him. Acer also has no respect nor mercy for those who derive pleasure from the suffering of others and work above the law. He is a model citizen, after all.
Age: 19
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


HP: 10
SP: 8
Strength: 5
Toughness: 5
Dexterity: 4
Will: 8
Charisma: 7
Speed: 4

Absolute Authority - Perform a Will contest against the enemy trainer. If successful, inflict Confusion on them. If failed, inflict Confusion on yourself. (2 SP)
Power Moves Only - Buffs the power of the target's next move. (2 SP)
Cold Order - Perform a Will check to make the target ignore its current status effect. (2 SP)

Desired starting Pokemon: Rufflet
Home Town: Brightstar City
Starting PokeDollars: 560 ₽
Last edited by mrblah on Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:48 pm

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Name: Della Telestra
Gender: Female
Personality: She pretends to be a sweet, friendly, innocent, caring person, but she's just hiding her other side, which is sadistic and cruel. If given the opportunity with no chance of negative impact on herself, she would gladly hurt others. She doesn't want to kill anyone, just hurt them badly for her own pleasure.

Born in Lavender Town, her life was incredibly boring, and it's exactly that boring life that drove Della to this lifestyle. In her drive to find something interesting to do with her time, she decided to kidnap one of her neighbors and torture them. Her parents never found out, because the victim was blindfolded the entire time.

Loving the feeling that she got from torturing this individual, she decided that she wasn't done, and started developing tools and equipment that she could use to make this hobby of hers easier. She started sneaking out at night, and sneaking back in before her family woke up in the morning.

By donning an entirely black outfit and remaining silent during the torture, she has been able hide her identity while acting at night. Eventually, the residents of Lavender Town and the surrounding towns began improving their security, prompting her to move to Brightstar to continue her hobby.

Age: 18

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Appearance: Image

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: 10
SP: 5
Strength: 3
Toughness: 3
Dexterity: 10
Will: 5
Charisma: 5
Speed: 10

Poison Darts

Desired starting Pokemon: Cacnea with a purple scarf, which covers its mouth
Home Town: Lavender Town, Living in Brightstar City
Starting PokeDollars: 520₽
Last edited by RandomRoninKitten on Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:27 pm

A point has been made to me, so I'm gonna have it said: You can pick your abilities and since I'm not sure how balance is yet, I'm likely to allow it so long as it isn't TOO far out there. But if during play, it turns out that ability is horribly unbalanced, I may ask you to replace it with another one. Just keep that in mind, ya'll.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby Firehead » Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:48 pm

Yeah, I'll go ahead and toss my hat in here. I'm assuming SP is spent to use abilities, so I tried to figure out decent costs for them. I'm a unsure about the balance of Perk Up though, but I really like the idea of my character keeping his Pokemon going for one last attack in a big fight.

Name: Wayne Malkese
Gender: Male
Personality: Wayne is a very happy go lucky man with a smile on his face always ready to have a good laugh. It tends to be enjoyable enough when things are fine, but if things go wrong, he almost seems to lack the ability to take things seriously even when it is warranted. This can lead him to the making of fast friendships that just don't seem to last after a few failed attempts at serious conversations. Of course, he just laughs this off and moves on certain he'll find someone else soon that enjoys his antics.
Background: Growing up in Golden Rod, Wayne was a bit of a jokester, so he found himself regularly getting in and out of trouble and looking for the next new thing. As he got older, he took up Pokemon Training but was never serious enough to try taking on the league. Eventually, he decided what he needed in his life was a change of venue. Go to new places, meet new people. Hearing of a strange region where you could find nearly any Pokemon species, it seemed like the perfect place to get a new start on life.
Age: 20
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Wayne.jpg (107.52 KiB) Viewed 1642 times

30 Points to Spend. Points into HP are doubled.
HP: 18
SP: 11
Strength: 4
Toughness: 5
Dexterity: 4
Will: 2
Charisma: 6
Speed: 5

Perk Up: Can give his Pokemon a second wind with sheer positive spirit(Allows a Pokemon to remain at 1 HP instead of fainting 7 SP)
Distract: Can distract an opposing Pokemon with a shout(Penalize the accuracy of an attack 2 SP)
It's All Good: Orders his Pokemon to act of its own accord(Random Attack selection with an Accuracy bonus 0 SP)

Desired starting Pokemon: Nidoran Female
Home Town: Golden Rod City
Starting Town: Brightstar(Just off of the boat)
Starting PokeDollars: 600 ₽
Last edited by Firehead on Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby MiscChaos » Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:34 am

I'm pretty sure I see the problem, but you have too many points on the board, Firehead. Remember, only points into HP are doubled. Points into SP only increase it by 1.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby Nobudi » Thu Sep 20, 2018 5:22 am

May I placehold?
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby Littlemankitten » Thu Sep 20, 2018 6:34 am

Name: Azur
Gender: Female
Backstory: Azur is the daughter of the gym leader of Summerlin, Paz. Paz is a very protective mother towards Azur, and has sheltered her a lot. Growing up Azur was homeschooled, and rarely went outside because of this, Paz was very critical of all the friends Azur tried to make, and in the end all of them were either scared off or forcibly removed from Azur's life. The information Azur knows has always come from Paz. Paz also happens to be very militaristic, believing everything should be done a certain way, and that Azur be proper at all times and also have the best etiquette possible. Because of all of this, Azur knows very little about the outside world from experience, all of her knowledge comes from maps and books. However, because she is the daughter of a gym leader, one think Azur does have first hand experience in is Pokémon and Pokémon battles. From an early age Paz taught Azur about Pokémon and how to fight with them, including actual battles. This would be the one thing Paz let Azur enjoy, and so Azur relished in it. Almost all of Azur's fun came from Pokémon battles with Paz, and a few guests she brought in. Azur thinks she's pretty damn good at it to. Thanks to this, she desired to become a renowned Pokémon trainer, much like Paz. Now, it's time to make that dream a reality.
Personality: Azur could be defined as a proper lady, she is very polite and well mannered. She has been taught to have a lot of etiquette, and has a good amount of compassion towards others. However, she is quite naïve and can't really read other people's intentions. She tends to be very trusting of other's and doesn't really know that the underground world exists.
Age: 18
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


0 Points to Spend. Points into HP are doubled.
HP: 10
SP: 5
Strength: 3
Toughness: 1
Dexterity: 8
Will: 8
Charisma: 8
Speed: 8

Afflict paralysis
Lower the targets will
Buff the chance of afflicting a status affect on a target

Desired starting Pokemon: Gothita
Home Town: Summerlin City
Starting PokeDollars: 540
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby MiscChaos » Thu Sep 20, 2018 6:41 am

@Nobudi- Go for it
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby Firehead » Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:28 pm

Whoops, my mistake. I went ahead and adjusted Wayne's stats.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby MiscChaos » Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:31 pm

@Firehead- Alright, stats check out now. Now all you're missing is the background section.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby lilbooth » Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:59 pm

(i may totally make a character for this)
I really like purple.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:05 am

(I may totally tell you to go for it)
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby Nobudi » Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:18 am

Name: Sydnie
Gender: Female
Backstory: Born to a rather conservative family in Rustboro city in Hoenn, Sydnie didn't want for much during her early years in life. This grew to a sense of stifling monotony within her life, and a craving to seek out new and interesting things. When she visited her extended family in Mossdeep growing up, she and her cousin peeped on her aunt and uncle having sex, and awakened a new frontier for both girls. After the trip, nothing had changed for her on the surfaced, but now a new, dark urge began to take over. While she worked at a pokemon daycare during her more active hours, she began to moonlight as a whore for hire. Secretly, she knew that if she was discovered, she'd become a disappointment to her parents. Sorry, Mom and Dad. Sydnie liked being a whore. Even more than a whore, really. After all, she was often alone in the daycare, with no supervision... Not to mention babysitting jobs.

This all came to a head when one of her regulars chloroformed and kidnapped her, sticking her into a shipping container with other girls. After a while, they were taken to a region she was unfamiliar with and put to work. She didn't really mind, as she got to see new sights and suck dick, but the moment she discovered that her group was to be drugged into compliancy with some sort of plan involved, she knew she had to get out. At the first moment, she bailed. All she had was a handful of cash and no way home.
Personality: Sydnie first comes off as a sweet, big sister type. A bit of a slob, but charming and cheerful whenever it counted. She detests having to use violence to solve any sort of problem, and usually likes to stick her nose into other people's businesses play mediator. Look deeper, however, and you'd find a very different person. One that enjoys deviancy and corruption of innocent things.
Age: 22
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


HP: 10
SP: 5
Strength: 3
Toughness: 5
Dexterity: 6
Will: 7
Charisma: 8
Speed: 7

Flashing Distraction: May flash a single target to distract from properly making their move. Might be able to get discounts at stores.
Sharpened Pin: Using her hairpin, she can make a sneak attack at melee range.
Whore with the Heart of a Whore: Attempts to seduce trainers or wild pokemon to end battle have a greater chance of success.

Desired starting Pokemon: Female Ralts
Home Town: Rustboro City, Fairsage City
Starting PokeDollars: 520₽
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby lilbooth » Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:21 am

so i spent a while looking through pokemon to pick a starter. I haven't played pokemon in forever so before I pick one I'd like some feedback. Options include Totodile, Machop, and Tyrunt. Any advice on these?
I really like purple.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:26 am

I mean, it really depends on your play style and what you catch to supplement your starter. It's really going to come down to your own preferences and that's not really something I can advise you on.

You do bring up a point I'd overlooked though: Some Pokémon are supposed to be extinct and can only be gained by finding their fossil. So I might have to update the Pokémon that can't be started with because of that.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby lilbooth » Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:48 am

ok, so no tyrunt. I will have a sheet up tomorrow hopefully.
I really like purple.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby Nobudi » Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:07 am

Well, the point could be made that there are research labs around the pokemon world that can resurrect said extinct species. However, it is extremely rare for a trainer to be walking around with a fossil pokemon.
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:11 am

That's why they're only disallowed for Starters. Uslane is a region where many Pokémon passed through so finding their fossils is possible though
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Re: Pokémon: Disorganized Fun

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:34 pm

Alright, folks, sign ups end at the end of the day! I'll still accept applications, but I'll be starting the RP with the applications I already have late today/early tomorrow depending on what life does to me
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