Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Forum for publicly viewable but closed-group role-playing.

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:38 am

"I... See... Who is this woman... If I may ask?" The Empress glanced up at him as she moved her piece. Wondering what his answer would be.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 3:11 am

Alex took a few seconds to think on how to explain to the person he loved that she was the one he loved with out revealing it. He spoke after placing down a piece. "Forgive me but I'll be keeping her name a secret. I will tell you that she is by far one of the most gorgeous women I have met. She's honorable and kind, and handles her position as a noble with expertise that only compares to yours. Me and he met long ago while I was training. I saved her life, but I don't think she even remembers me. It's a curse but a blessing that I work in the same Palace as her."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 3:50 am

"I... Think she does remember you, and care for you deeply as well." The Empress smiled. But the smile quickly faded away as she realized that she was kinda screwed in the chess game, and she desperately started to try find a way out of her current predicament, and embarrassment from having confessed her affection
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 4:20 am

Alex was pretty dense when it came to romance, so when the Empress said that his love remembered him, he merely stated. "That's a nice thought but it is very unlikely. She's got better things to think about than a single lowly guard. Hey let's make this interesting."
Alex had noticed he had a good chance of victory when he looked at the board. He continued speaking with a wicked grin. "Winner of this game gets to make any request of the loser. Sound good?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:36 pm

"Ah... Yes, could be quite fun, as long as the request is reasonable." The Empress nodded, looking over the board once more, trying still to figure out how to break out of the trap she was put in
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:04 pm

Alex nodded at her answer to his challenge and spoke with a smirk. "I guess that means no requests to see your underwear again."
Alex chuckled as he realized how relaxed he had become with her in such a short time. He spoke after staring at the board for a few seconds. "Well it's your move. Impress me."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:13 pm

"It... would not be unreasonable." The Empress smiled shyly and blushingly hesitating for a moment before moving the piece, managing to imporive her situation a little bit "You would have to aid me in putting on my clothes again however."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:41 pm

Alex blushed when she said it wasn't unreasonable. He rationalized her statement as her just trusting that he knows he has no chance. Felt kind of like how someone might humor a child. He spoke after a few seconds of contemplating his move. "You shouldn't tease a man with such words, you might make him believe he has a chance. I'll always be there to help you even if it's just helping you get dressed."
He moved his piece and sat back with a smile.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:45 pm

The Empress stared at the board as she saw that he had finished her. It was over, she had lost to Alex. Sighing she smiled "So... What request are you willing to place?" Slowly she began to pull her outermost robe open
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:52 pm

Alex looked at his victory while contemplating what to do to the Empress. He could ask to see her naked body, but he didn't want to force her to do something shameful. He nodded after a minute and spoke. "I don't know if you're okay with me making two requests but I'll let you choose which one you accept. First, I request that you take better care not to show your body to anybody besides your future husband, maids, and female Companions. You never know how someone might react, and while I'm happy you trust me so much, I must confess that indecent thoughts invaded my mind. Maybe you'll accidentally show a man who wants to steal your maide Hood with out your permission. I'd hate for you to be assaulted and I won't always be there to save you. Second, when you find someone you want, please don't hold back. I want you to find happiness as soon as possible. You've earned it with what you've gone through. Is that okay with you Argentia?"
Alex knew the second request was basically shooting himself in the foot, but he truly wanted her happiness. Saying her name also felt nice since he did it so little.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:02 pm

"You know that in my position I can not really fulfill your first request... But the second one..." Slowly she began to lean over the table towards him, a blush on her face as she prepared herself mentally for a kiss. When suddenly there was knocking on the door.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:05 pm

Alex watched as Argentia leaned over the table towards him. He turned his head as if she were about to whisper something to him when he heard the knock. He spoke as he rose. "Well whatever secret you had planned to tell me will have to wait. Your breakfast is here I think."
Alex placed his hand on the hilt of his sword as he walked over and opened the door.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:14 pm

"Wait!" He heard the Empress call out after him as she too rose up. The door knocked again as the Empress grabbed for Alex's sleeve
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:27 pm

Alex turned to the Empress as she stopped him. "Yes Honored Empress?"
Alex heard the knock again and turned his towards the door. He spoke with a chuckle. "You have been heard, you shall have to wait a minute."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:29 pm

And as he turned... She pressed her lips against his in a kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him into a heated embrace
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:44 pm

Even with the heat from the Empress' attack on his lips, Alex froze. It took him a second but he began returning her kiss before abruptly stopping and breaking it. He spoke with a stutter. "Buh whu?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:46 pm

"You told me to stop holding back. That was the request I could try to uphold." She mumbled quietly, looking down in the floor, and glancing back up to him through her long eyelashes
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 8:02 pm

Alex looked down at her with a bittersweet expression. Yes he was happy that she claimed to love him, but he didn't think it was best for her. They we're in too different of positions. He spoke with a sigh. "I'm not someone you should pursue. I'm not as nice as people think."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 8:20 pm

"You...I could take you as my concubine! But... If not, then who?" The Empress looked up at him "We... Could keep it secret."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 8:28 pm

Alex gently removed the Empress' arms from him. He stepped back as he spoke. "I don't want to share you. If I'm going to have you then no other man shall be allowed to touch you. The kingdom expects you to take a husband, they will not be content with you having a single concubine. Unless you can proudly present me as a husband to the Empress then I don't think we'll be able to work. I'm sorry...I really am, but Im selfish in my love."
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