Tentacles Thrive v4

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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby Nonoplayer » Fri May 11, 2018 2:45 am

Flotus Wrote:Hi there! I've really been enjoying this game since its public release. I've been wonedering if maybe you were interested in traslating it to Spanish, since I'm a native speaker and, although I'm currently busy with college, I still have some free time every now and then and I would be very pleased to help out with the translation of these project or any other project you happen to be working on for that matter lol (for a negotiable price of course, I'm after all, a broke college student xd).

Thank you for the offer mate! We will have lots of text from bonding stories, I doubt we will have enough funding ever to translate to too many languages while keeping the quality. But I will surely keep that in mind.
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby Seracjuze » Thu Jun 21, 2018 7:53 pm

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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby loshi1505 » Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:46 am

hmm, I have a few idea suggestions for the tentacle game.

would you be willing to implement some sort of automatic food gathering group? for example how you designate which monster is in the battle army, could a similar process be added for food gathers? I predict it'll be quite tedious later on in the game to not have such a feature.

add a sorting method by species/level/ect in order to prevent tabbing though multiple pages to get to that one you want or need to select. (most definitely needed for this sort of game)

population caps? maybe for each species? with the cap expanding when you conquer a new area?

tutorial of how to use bonding and monster breed mixing? (it's a pain to learn how to do this one with how much stamina it uses) [and I'm still not 100% sure how to make the cross breeds.. though I have a rough idea]

adding a sort of recipe list for how to make each cross breed. one that needs unlocking either though events or bumbling across the right mixture. (probably pretty important)


if you have 2 or more of the 80% chance explore stamina reduction monster than you can cheat your stamina up by exploring in your garden where a monster doesn't reside. (doesn't 100% work every time, but does just enough so I can regain max stamina AND BEYOND!!!! :shock: )

in relation to this bug if you glitch your stamina past the max capacity the round number changes even though you've yet to rest.
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby OtakuTomo » Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:57 am

Freaking amazing art/animations
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby Nonoplayer » Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:53 am

loshi1505 Wrote:hmm, I have a few idea suggestions for the tentacle game.

would you be willing to implement some sort of automatic food gathering group? for example how you designate which monster is in the battle army, could a similar process be added for food gathers? I predict it'll be quite tedious later on in the game to not have such a feature.

add a sorting method by species/level/ect in order to prevent tabbing though multiple pages to get to that one you want or need to select. (most definitely needed for this sort of game)

population caps? maybe for each species? with the cap expanding when you conquer a new area?

tutorial of how to use bonding and monster breed mixing? (it's a pain to learn how to do this one with how much stamina it uses) [and I'm still not 100% sure how to make the cross breeds.. though I have a rough idea]

adding a sort of recipe list for how to make each cross breed. one that needs unlocking either though events or bumbling across the right mixture. (probably pretty important)


if you have 2 or more of the 80% chance explore stamina reduction monster than you can cheat your stamina up by exploring in your garden where a monster doesn't reside. (doesn't 100% work every time, but does just enough so I can regain max stamina AND BEYOND!!!! :shock: )

in relation to this bug if you glitch your stamina past the max capacity the round number changes even though you've yet to rest.

Sorry for the lack of update~

1st) The idea seems really creative! I think I can incorporate something like that through some species's specialty/benefit.
2nd) Ay, I will add it to my task list, but can't say it would be priority
3rd) Food is currently in use as population limiter
4th) Got cha, I will improve UI/UX this month.
5th) As above

I think you could be playing an older version consider you mentioned 80%(now its 50%). That bug should have been fixed for a while.
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby Nonoplayer » Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:58 am

July's Public release is ready! Give our battle gameplay a try:


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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby loshi1505 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 6:22 pm

hmm, any chance the combat could be something other than lane based?
I mean I don't hate it, but it lacks originality which the rest of your game has in surplus.

personally I think a hybrid reaction time / team turn based combat might fit best, so something similar to the first 2 paper Mario games?

some other options might be light RTS like battles, street fighter like fighting, and though I doubt this one is feasible without near tripling the game size but maybe something like pikmin's battle mechanic?

idk just my 2 cents. just feels like lane based combat is done to death and is bringing down the game's overall potential. *shrug*
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby Nonoplayer » Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:07 pm

loshi1505 Wrote:hmm, any chance the combat could be something other than lane based?
I mean I don't hate it, but it lacks originality which the rest of your game has in surplus.

personally I think a hybrid reaction time / team turn based combat might fit best, so something similar to the first 2 paper Mario games?

some other options might be light RTS like battles, street fighter like fighting, and though I doubt this one is feasible without near tripling the game size but maybe something like pikmin's battle mechanic?

idk just my 2 cents. just feels like lane based combat is done to death and is bringing down the game's overall potential. *shrug*

Thank you for your lovely suggestions. I have taken a look into those games. They looked quite fun. Though I have been revising the core battle gameplay for 4 years now...I have to say its time to settle for one design. On top of that, I really love what I am making. And I am quite confident we have some originalities compare to other similar types of games.

The ideas require another major revision, I am afraid I would prefer to focus on the more important aspect of the game from now on, the H-contents ^O^
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby loshi1505 » Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:14 pm

heh, maybe the suggestions might help you with the next game you make. (considering it sound unlikely you'll stop at these 2 alone)
ah well, at the very least I gave you some new game titles to play and enjoy. :P

on the topic oh sex content, any ideas how you might approach the incest aspect of it? I mean she is banging her own children with the bonding feature. >_>

but the question I suppose I'm asking is will there be an effect with the birthing of the next generation? hmm, better said maybe will inbreeding be encouraged, discouraged, or be ignored like it has thus far. (aside from the gene splicing thing to create new species I mean)

for example say you have Lilith bone and give birth to the same species as the parent, and the parent was also a child of hers. game mechanic wise will this be encouraged, discouraged, or just plain ignored and have no noticeable effects that differ form Lilith breeding with a random tentacle monster that's not one of hers?

personally I think the best way to approach this might be high risk high reward. so maybe have a 70/30 chance that the first generation become better than their parents and the ratio lower with each successive generation. this should not only create a soft cap on any bonuses (stat or otherwise) but also forces the player to deal with the occasional/frequent duds incest breeding without gene splicing might bring.
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby ragnaroek0000 » Sun Aug 12, 2018 7:28 am

Really interesting game I have to say. Really curious what is still going to come.
But the exploring is quite random sometimes. Some kind of "markers" for already explored monsters and their areas would be awesome (like with the loot fields once you found them)
Otherwise I think I'm going to back this one.
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby musical74 » Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:15 pm

I'll second some kind of tutorial system, it'll make things somewhat easier. Lilith seems content to enjoy just about anything that moves and it's quite hot!

One thing, on the bonding: some have detailed explanations, and some are "encounter1, encounter2", it's a little weird. Barring that it's fun and enjoyable, just...needing some help for beginners would be helpful.

The game seems to freeze occasionally. I was wanting to bond with the slime eye but it said "monster not here" then I couldn't appear to do anything. Also not sure what good the herbs are for right now since while I can collect them I can't seem to do anything with them

I do love the game, I just think the beginning could use a little direction better instead of more or less put on the player to find things out the hard way
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby Nonoplayer » Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:14 am

Sorry, been busy working on expanding the team as well as the new update. Your feedback has been heard! I just have gotten a little lazy on replying, sowwy >_< There are a few things to work on before I can get back to you guys. But I will read and appreciate your inputs secretly!

New releases are available: https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-release-21523648

Public version v3.02:
    Features UI reconstructed
    Added Skip button
    New evolution mechanism - any form of breeding will now prioritize creating new Tentacle species
    Added 2 new species - Dionaea and Wolfong
    Added Wolfong bonding events
Major Bug Fixes:
    Fixed resource spots not functioning sometimes

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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby Neil112799 » Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:27 pm

Can you please send me the cheat sheet for the monster locations? It really hard for me and time consuming to locate those monsters :((. Thanks!
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby Nonoplayer » Sat Oct 27, 2018 3:24 am

I no longer produce cheat sheet for them sorry ^O^ But the most effective way is to scout out the territories, then find a match with the region of the species listed in the encyclopedia.
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby imadude » Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:46 am

Is the gueen's nest supposed to be inaccessible? I clicked on it and nothing happened, and I was pretty much stuck there and had to restart the whole game.
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby EyeOfCthulhu » Sat Jan 19, 2019 6:26 am

imadude Wrote:Is the gueen's nest supposed to be inaccessible? I clicked on it and nothing happened, and I was pretty much stuck there and had to restart the whole game.

pretty sure it's a bug. it happened to me the first time i tried to access the nest. made me save more frequently (not sure if that fixed it but my next playthrough it worked just fine going into it right after i saved).
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Re: Always a Good Business Deal + Tentacles Thrive

Postby Nonoplayer » Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:54 pm

Yes Queen's Nest had two game crashing bugs. The bugs are fixed now but if you play v3.06 and below, you need to avoid the below two situations:
1. Make sure you have at least one non-injury unit available before entering Queen's Nest.
2. Make sure no eggs remain unhatched before entering Queen's Nest.

Queen's Nest is only available if you have a Slime Eye.
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Re: Tentacles Thrive v4

Postby Nonoplayer » Fri Aug 09, 2019 3:35 pm

v4 has been released! Give it a try and let me know what you think! I especially need some fresh takes on the new Moods/Benefits system~

Tentacles Thrive Alpha v4
Patreon v4
-3 New Mating Scenes (Slime Eye, Oturo, Nodder)
-3 New post-5th-scene graphics (Skitz, Harska, Slime Eye)
-New Bonding events for Scorpse and Skitz
-Added Moods system
-Added Benefits system (only Slime Eye and Dolphy are functional)
-UI Improvement
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Re: Tentacles Thrive v4

Postby Hugh mann » Tue Aug 13, 2019 9:06 am

Sooo... are you planning to add some kind of survival mechanics to this? Because right now its honestly kinda boring, and the mood system is just a minor inconvenience without some incentive to use turns efficiently.

The benefits are a good concept, but its a lot of grinding to get them.

The Dolphy's bonus could be cool if there was a reason to explore, but I conquered all available territories, and barely did any exploring.

The Slime Eye's bonus is probably TOO good, I already had the units I needed before I got access to the Queen's chamber, but I'd imagine that with the breeding prioritizing new species, I probably should have just used it instead of trying to get the ones I wanted through bonding. Will have to restart and test that later.


The combat is also kinda meh. The whole 'feed the monsters hearts for them to get their abilities' thing makes it really tedious... I found that winning basically came down to putting a Tier 1-2 unit in front of an Inuax and using the other units to stall the timer/enemy until I got the 10-12 hearts to get their abilities active in both lanes.

And I don't see how you plan to keep scaling the battles up with this system.. Maybe a skill that increases the amount of hearts you have at the start?
That seems like its just putting a bandaid on the problem though...

I honestly don't understand why you feel the abilities need a cost at all, I don't think I have ever seen a game with classes use a system like this before.. like... sigh.. this is gonna get ranty, but fuck it, here we go:

Let's say that instead of tentacle monsters we have soldiers.

A Sniper class, an Infantry class, and Shotgunner class.

The Sniper has a gun that does 250 Damage with a range of 50 tiles, and has 100 HP

The Infantry has a gun that does 100 Damage with a range of 20 tiles, and has 150 HP

The Shotgunner has a gun that does 250 Damage with a range of 10 tiles, and has 250 HP

And lets say that its teams of four.

Now if we assume the map is well designed, and not just a bunch 50 tile hallways, each unit should have areas where they have the advantage over the others.

Now, lets do something stupid, lets say a unit's weapon must be unlocked by spending credits, otherwise they are stuck using a pistol that does 10 Damage with a range of 5 tiles.

And lets make it even worse, lets only give each team enough credits to unlock one unit's weapon.

Now, the only logical choice is to make a team of 1 Sniper, and 3 Shotgunners, because the Sniper will now have the advantage against everything but an other sniper, and since the other units are limited to pistols their HP is all that matters.

So is this credit mechanic adding anything to the game? Clearly not.
Would giving each team enough credits to unlock 2 units be an improvement? yes.
Would increasing the amount of credits be better than removing this mechanic in favour of balancing the class' stats? No, no it would not.


So basically, this was a needlessly long winded way of saying 'The combat system is bad because it severely limits the strategies available to the player, and you could (and, imo, should) fix this by removing the feeding hearts mechanic and just giving the monsters their abilities and balancing them accordingly'
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Re: Tentacles Thrive v4

Postby Hugh mann » Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:48 am

Sooo funny story.. Y'know how in the encyclopedia it lists type, class, and attack type? And the chart that shows how breeding works lists tier, type, and class?
Weeelll I got these lists mixed up, and thought that attack type was one of the things that carried over to the new monster...
I honestly don't know how I ever managed to get the one I wanted when I was doing it so wrong lol.

Anyway, it turns out I vastly overestimated how useful the queen's nest is. Now that I know how to breed properly, it is much more efficient to just breed the unit I want, rather than rely on RNG to give me something useful.

Bug: the second row of enemy units is just blank portraits - https://i.imgur.com/srZPcVf.png Forgot to mention that before. derp.

Also, I notice that the Butanga bonding scenes seem much more laggy than the others when I try to quickly click through the text.
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