What have you done? (IC)

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Re: What have you done? (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:17 am

Vivi gives a sigh of relief when she notices that her destination is a mechanic's shop. Usually when she's meant to meet with a client, it's in some seedy bar or a brothel or something of that nature where she has to fend off amorous attention in the middle of negotiations. A respectable public place like this is much better for these types of meetings! Then the only one she might have to fend off is the client and, being her own boss, she can just tell them to shove the job where the sun don't shine if they piss her off too much. She probably won't in this case cause the money's too good, but she can.

When she gets her first look at her potential client, she registers his choice in attire and becomes slightly nervous. While businessmen usually pay well, they're also the ones who are more likely to add "extra services" to any given job. Then she has to put her boot up their ass and remind them of their place, which is usually awkward. Except for that one time that it turned out that was exactly what the guy wanted. Then it was REALLY awkward. But she's stalling. And trying to distract herself from the fact that her contact just dropped something on his foot. No need to bring that up or let on she saw that. Men and their pride after all. She looks over the younger girl and wonders if this is who she's going to be in charge of protecting. That's usually the way this works when the client brings someone else along. Still, no point in coming to false assumptions when she can clear things up right here.

"Ya'll put in for a protection service?" She asks. If they say no, then she can just carry on her day and try to find her actual clients. Otherwise, that should be a fairly tame way to tell them that their bodyguard has arrived.
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Re: What have you done? (IC)

Postby mrblah » Fri Jul 06, 2018 1:31 am

Bella simmered down at his response, even if he made a fool of himself again towards the end. He didn't seem to be lying... she'll trust him, for now. "Alright alright, I get it. This is my best option and all that... you sure you're not a door-to-door salesman? You pitch like one." She tried to lighten the mood a bit, saying her joke with a smile. "Well, I had a few more things to do today but if this is as urgent as you say, then it's definitely better to get it over with now. Let me just get a sign to close up shop." After saying that, Bella walked back into her shop to grab a piece of paper and a pen. Walking back over to the door, she placed the paper against it and wrote down "GONE, COME BACK LATER" on it. She dropped it to the ground and threw the pen back into her shop. "That's good enough." Less expensive, too. One could never say Bella wasn't smart with her money!

"So, where we headed and how're we doing this? You use me somehow to track it then you capture it or whatever?"
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Re: What have you done? (IC)

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 3:12 am

Alexander wasn't surprised by the answer so much as Sephera's tone. It was different then what he was expecting. Especially that sultry smile he caught near the end. In true, he didn't know much about Sephera. She seemed to spout off what ever came to her mind, but not much about herself.

As the second patron entered the restaurant, Alexander could feel himself being stared at. Then a though occurred to the young man. What if the person school administrators and now these patrons were interested in wasn't him but ...

Alexander was so lost in though that he almost didn't notice the waitress ready to take his order. Trying to regain his composure, he smiles at the waitress. "I'll have the Fettuccini Primavera please?" Alexander said as he closed the menu.

Alexander waited quietly for their food to arrive. There was a bit more he wanted to know about Sephera. But he didn't want to push too much.
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Re: What have you done? (IC)

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:49 pm

Salsa thanked the person willing to help her and accepted their help. While she doubted that just getting to look over the wall would be enough, it was better than nothing, and if she got to meet the actual guards, she might be able to negotiate with them. Maybe find out why they wouldn't let her out on the other side.
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