Ivan-Aedler Wrote:A small incident occurred with me (I wont call if accident because I am almost intact).
I am resting those days.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Feel free to do it : )
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Oh I meant to put the house INSIDE the ghost castle level, not in the worldmap directly.
Why put a bonus area after each level? Its better to put it in a given level so the princess can revisit it for more scenes, for example. Like toadsworth in Peach's Castle. Its strange to see, for example, Peach finishing up the moon level (world 9) and re-entering this bonus level.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:So I see this entire concept working like this:
- The princess goes to the ghost house castle, but she sees a woode house in the background and go there. She can talk to Flurry and have a scene or two.
- Those scenes will unlock the possibility of Flurry visiting Peach castle. If we go there, a scared toad in the stairs (next to her bedroom) will warn 'there is a ghost inside' !!
- Among the embarrassing scenes, we surely can have this idea of an option: 'make myself beautiful', making the princess brush her hair if not nymph/horny, but brush her pussy if so (if virgin, it wont break her hymen, this dont need to be clear in the game). The lipstick is also a great idea.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I like the ideas, but the above perhaps work better after the initial scenes with Toadette, then make it happen like with Flurry (event trigger). It can work like this. Each 'triggering event' in her bedroom will activate it when the princess revisits her bedroom. So in the case of Flurry, if this was the latest event that will continue in her bedroom, the scared toad will be in the stairway (not all the time, just once, so the princess will need to revisit Flurry house to call her again). In the case of Toadette, when Peach just masturbates in her bed, it will activate peeping when she masturbates in her bed (perhaps a dialogue option: 1) with toadette peeping through the door hole, 2) with toadette right in the front of her, SPACE) just continue.
I like the other ideas, thank you.
As for the last one (Peach talk to Toadette) this can untrigger the last scene, that one can be repeated over and over, as Toadette will be always in her bed now. The embarrassing talk ('P...Princess, wh..'what can I do for you' will change to 'Welcome back, Princess! Do you need help?' and we can just go to the scene directly. Toadette then will be always in her bedroom for the rest of the game.
I like the idea of randomness, where Toadette might be touching herself, like in her bedroom, closet, bath area... But I prefer a dialogue option in order to start the scene. Also this randomness should not occur with peeping the princess in her bed. Its better a dialogue, where we can skip peeping. There will be situations the player just want to see the princess 'doing it' alone in her bedroom for many times.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Surely it can. If this ending is eventually in the game, it will count all female NPCs that we can interact with and have a scene.
aclgrafix Wrote:can't waithope it doesn't take too long cause i really wanna play around the new version
OtakuTomo Wrote:This game is great. Love the character selections and variations. Is it just me or is it really laggy though?
metaro Wrote:Just tell me what situation you want a dialogue and i'll see what i can come up with
metaro Wrote:Actually there was a kind of misunderstand here. I meant the bonus area could be the model for flurry house. You would just have to edit the Inside and outside of the house, it would save you some time, well i think? As for being on the world map or Inside the ghost level, i didn't get it that way, but yes sure it is better in the ghost level.
metaro Wrote:Maybe we can even decide to keep the lipstick mark on?
metaro Wrote:Anyway i'm not an expert in hair or make up Tools, but a hair straightner / curlier look a lot like dildo. And i know they can be burning as hell, so if the princess decide to masturbate right after using one of them, she would burn herself and need to see the toadctor (pun) then there would be a small scene where he rub her pussy with Healing balm with a really embarassed princess. (right now he is only used for swollen ass). Ad she won't be able to masturbate until she heals it or until it heals itself, except if you decide she can't leave the castle until she is burnt .
metaro Wrote:Burn? Did someone say burn? And what if fire peach decide to masturbate with one of these burning hair Tools, well, she could love it, after all her body is onf fire! i mean is fire. It could be a "secret" masturbation scene
metaro Wrote:Sure, adjust it as you like, my hole point is to make a little story Inside the big story, a new romance starting to grow (still a better love story than Twilight)
And if you need the dialogue just mp me ^^
metaro Wrote:Well it's okay if this ending is not ready for the release of the game. In my opinion there are major ending and bonus endings.
Major are Bad ending / Virgin / normal / nymph
Bonus are Unexperienced / lesbian / savior.
I think this endings have to come out at one moment or another because they add a goal to the player with a bit of challenge. This will be even more important if you find a way to get and collect ever endings. And once the game will be mostly complete (i mean like 99% complete) it will be possible to add things from other mario/Nintendo games or decide new endings, but this will be in a far futur, lets not talk about that for now, you have enough to do like that.
metaro Wrote:Anyway, rest well, good luck with the work and see you ^^ I'll send you a nurse in sexy outfit to help you get better
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:[b]Version 3.47 updated!
skyp00t Wrote:Dude, when I'll b able to increase her ass??? I've registered here just to ask 'bout it)) Can't wait for this option!
dryer3 Wrote:yes finally i've been checking the page daily for the past 4 months for this thank you Ivan Aedler you just made my day (which is pretty sad if you think about it that a porn game made my day).
aclgrafix Wrote:noticed some bugs, these all happened in normal mode: first: when you have the game set to not allow anal, and toads able to fuck her set to always, they still do the anal scenes (same with the left door of the closet in her room)
aclgrafix Wrote:second: after you bake the cake and hide in it, then choose for the toads to take it away, the screen ends up being in a weird place
aclgrafix Wrote:third: in the level 6-4, when you run into chuck near the toilets at the club, he drags the princess off screen and then you are stuck watching chuck run backwards and forwards and you can't do anything (trying to move brings up the crosshair thing that appears in scenes when you try move)
aclgrafix Wrote:fourth: this 1 isn't really a bug so much as an annoyance, in the new level (8-3), it is basically impossible to get past the music notes jump part on PC's that suffer from high cpu usage lag, so i would like to suggest adding another way to get past that section, like a pipe or something similar that will put you past it
aclgrafix Wrote:thats all for the bugs, now for a question: in regards to the gloryholes, the ones in the trees, cupboard and 6-4 clubs toilet work fine, but i have never managed to get the 1 in the prison to work, how do i get that 1 to work, or am i just unlucky with the RNG for that particular 1
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Okay, so let me organize how Toadette will act in the game first. Although I prefer to think about 8-4, so I can finish it faster.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Hmmm got it. So when we 'press up' in the ghost house outside area, the princess will go 'far away' from our screen and the 'bonus area' (like the bonus toad house level) will appear, with her house to get in.
Actually..... I feel its better to be outside Boggly Tree (perhaps a small iconed house in worldmap 4), so it can resemble Paper Mario more. Flurry lives nearby Boggly Tree.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Its not planned to have lipstick types, but its not impossible to do.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Interesting idea. I'll save it. We can let her leave the castle, but then the player wont be able to masturbate until returning to see the doctor or losing a life. But it can heal by itself too, perhaps after 100 seconds.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Now we are going towards a new idea. I'll save this one but I cant promise it.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:A way to collect endings like achievements are interesting. But this is NOT 'Keep Playing' mode, where the airships are already beaten up, Mario is already saved, etc. The idea is to start a new game (this wont erase the collected ending).
dark777 Wrote:\Please make a Japanese translation of this game.
dark777 Wrote:Is there a scene with Goomba king?
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