Kuragari Wrote:Also, whens the next update coming out?
DragonRB Wrote:
KITA's hoping to have something to release by the New Year, I believe. He's currently plugging away at some character specific scenes and their associated pictures. I'm also adapting the scene select script that recently appeared (thanks to ker and some users over at Hongfire) to work with some of DL's unique attributes, like purity. Hopefully we can get that included in the next release as well. I haven't actually seen any of the scenes he's been working on (I'm just a code monkey ) but from what he's shared with me, I suspect everyone will be rather pleased.
DragonRB Wrote:I wouldn't say I'm really working on it. I'm just helping with some minor scripting stuff and giving KITA some tips on how to use RPGMaker as we go. I' m pretty handy at coding, and with RPGMaker in general. I would make my own game, but I suck at map making. Like hardcore suck. That and I often lack the creative spark required. I have to occasional good idea, but that's about it.
DragonRB Wrote:Haha. Honestly, I'd love to be more involved, but KITAmaru seems to have everything well in hand. I'm hard pressed to come up with more ways to help, so I'll just stay in my code-cave until he needs me again.
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