WARNING, THIS POST IS LONG!So I am back. I was in my vacation (as the first post of this thread - NEWS - said it) and I was kind of worried (stressful events).
So I was just a bit out of PUT.
But I am back. Still slowly making changes for the next version.
But we should FOCUS now. MY PLAN IS "RIGHT NAO":1) FINISHES PUT game (in the way it gets a 'RELEASE VERSION', a 'FULL' version with all levels and PLANNED SCENES).
- The rest of 4 levels (world 8)
- Peach backside mode (dialogues) by TripFlip
- some scenes to be made by Blargh and me (the rest of Patreon vote results).
2) Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, AFTER THE GAME IS COMPLETED (version 4), I will see if I can add FUTA Princesses and more leftovers in my TODO list (so small updates like 4.01, 4.02) is possible.
Then I'll RUSH to make the new game: WONDERFUL SONJA. I'll create a new post in LOK, and we will 'delve' into it.
PS: I read everything and I am answering everyone as I always do. If I skip a question, thats because I am neutral (or I have no answer, or I dont like the idea).
metaro Wrote:Is there a way to check which ending we unlocked? That way trip could make an achievement like "You really get all endings? Well the princess has a reward for you" With a special art? Maybe peach in a very sexy pose and some of most important character of the game in the background like Toads, bowser, Mario, some Koopaling and the other princess, and a few basic monster like goombas and koopas
Although its a great idea, it will delay the completion of the game even more :/ Perhaps as an future add on (a kind of service pack).
metaro Wrote:just wondering why you focus on koopaling so much

in my opinion, for now, goombas are enough for the released of the ending. You'll have to make the script, but you'll have some scenes ready so less work.
Then in a second part, you make your koopaling humiliation scenes. There you have three choices,
1st : you replace goombas by the koopaling in the ending, and the goomba humiliation come as a do over,
2nd : you replace goombas by the koopaling in the ending and the goombas humiliation come in the peach's castle prison with koopaling from time to time
3rd : you keep the goomba in the ending and the koopaling are locked in peach"s castle prison with their humiliation scene.
Well, the focus here is the Savior Ending 'at it purest form', when the princess fucks all koopalings, like said in former posts:
<!--savior ending: the princess will marry mario (cut scene) but they are adventurers. Each one will have sex with a koopaling, then they cum, those koopalings sleep like the others (zzz) then Mario has sex with the Princess-->That makes sense. I am just worried about those 'new endings' not be in the game BEFORE its in 'completed' mode, but the scenes are feasible to be done.
metaro Wrote:The prison model is already in the game, you add a door to get to the prison next to toadworth room (because he is ... kinda the gate keeper? ... well he is useless si at least he'll have a real job in the castle) and then, it's done ... easy to say right?

... i don't know if it's hard to do though but you have almost everything aready in the game. i vote for 2 or 3 personnaly

If we are discussing the dungeon in Peach's Castle, okay, it could be a door in Toadsworth's room. It also could be a door in one of the Toad's HQ room, so the toads can be guarding the enemies, but the Toadsworth is the 'main keeper' that comes from time to time there (and also to do some of his 'hidden obscure' fetishes with female toads and even the princess).
metaro Wrote:If you really want to add Flurrie, here are some scenes ideas : She uses her make up tool to masturbate, and will ask peach a hand. "Fuck my pussy with my brush while i put my lipstick" things like this.Once done, the make up Tools turn into masturbating item for peach (with horny flurrie smell) and flurrie could propose to do some hair cut / make up on peach (switch straight to ponytail for exemple)
Nice idea! But its better to just be a scene with some loops (say, three loops) where the second one is the princess being fucked with the tool and the cumming scene. Then perhaps after the game is completed, I can add the 'asshole object' types, as Peach can have other objects in her asshole, not only the key (but for this to work with Flurry scene, she has to have a kind of small loop where she fucks her asshole instead of her pussy).
metaro Wrote:Only if you want to add her, but i see potential.
I want to add her alongside Vivian, but unfortunatelly this will be done after the game is completed (as addons).
aclgrafix Wrote:i found a few bugs that randomly happen while playing hard mode, the first is if a monster from a different world appears (e.g. you're in W1-1 and a guy from the space world appears) it instantly sends you to the prison place (not always but sometimes)
FIXED in 3.47 versionaclgrafix Wrote:the second is when playing on any world peach just randomly drops dead for no reason, the first time that happened to me was W1-3 just before the toads at the start of the level, and again when i got the mission to get the key for the female toad near the end of the level
Hmmmm that might be one of those HARD TO REPRODUCE bugs.....
But I've taken notes to try to reproduce and fix it!aclgrafix Wrote:the third, whenever a new enemy has sex with peach it nearly always pops up saying she lost her virginity, i'm no medical genious but i don't think people have more than 1 cherry to pop
First, I need to know if you were playing in NORMAL or HARD game mode.
If normal, and if 'PREGNANT CHANCE' is LOW, its a BUG.. Even in hard game mode, if Pregnant Chance low, it will have a, say, more than 30% chance, but less than 50%.Hmm actually its not registering 'already lost her virginity' (nothing to do with pregnancy)
aclgrafix Wrote:other than them few issues this is a great game 10/10
Great! Thank you!
Biles Wrote:*pokes out from the darkest recess shadows of the lowliest food-chain*
Has anyone suggested an additional sex scene with Phanto by planting itself as a mask on Peach's face. It would possess Peach and force her to masturbate. >:D
Haha it's already in the game, huh?
GhostyD Wrote:I remember there was a glitch that someone found where peach had a dick added on in the Anuboo and Piranha Plant achievement art. Is there any chance we could see those pieces along with any other futa edits that were made? Doesn't have to be in game, either.
My first question is: Are those 'dick' bugs still happening in the latest version so far (3.46)?
Second is: futa princess IS planned, but maybe not in the 'retail' version (when the game is 'officially completed').
I can surely put a way for you guys to see 'Futa Peach' in all achievements, if the 'Futa Princess' option is 'YES' but the princess in the game wont be futa until I finish it.
tripflip Wrote:In general, assuming those futa edits were intentional, then they were done by Ivan. I don't know what the plan is for those. The Birdo achievement art has a futa and non-futa version made by me, as she's actually a futa character by default. I've certainly made a lot of futa Peach pics over time, but I don't think any are actually in game.
They can be in the game, once we have a futa princess
littlemisshoneyvixen Wrote:With how much fun this game is, I believe you can totally reach 350 scenes!
I love scenes! I was 'kind of crazy, a mad Peach waifu lover' back in 2013, 2015 and 2016. Perhaps I can 'get back in touch' now in 2018, but as 'addons' (it will still be scenes, but officially after the game is completed).
metaro Wrote:The forum is really quite when Ivan isn't around. How is he? I'm missing our discussion about the game x)
I already say to people that chitchatting here (like in the golden days) brings enthusiasm. Aside of my vacation and my stressful events, a few people were discussing recently, so it kind of 'went in hyatus mode' for a while.
random_user Wrote:Will this game ever support more character variations and stuff? I can see a lot of replayability here if it ever does so. Eg. loli peach, milf peach,futa peach, etc... The dialogue images can stay the same, just the character model would matter really.
Hmmmmmmm now that you write about it.... I've never imagined that idea! Milf Peach, Loli Peach... Well, The problem is that 'Loli Peach' needs to be almost the same height of Peach. As of Milf Peach, like GOLD FINDER (from Haydee mods), I dont have any idea, perhaps the same character but with a 'older' face, a black make up, with hairy armpits? Or another idea?
tripflip Wrote:Ivan and Blargh have been really hard at work on the game....But I think Ivan was planning on shifting focus to the Sonja game at that point.
Thats it. I love PUT game, Playshapes was with me (by spirit) as I dont know where he is. He REALLY 'hit me' with a 'cupid', I NEVER imagined I could go SO FAR with this game. But we need (finally!) to breath, with a new game, with different mechanics, features, bodyparts (Sonja will have more fluid movements), and we can still be in Flash (even if 'the haters' say it's almost dead). Thats because we can have a HUGE game with less than 30mb file! That's a "FTW" comparison with other platforms. And people can still play on web (with flash compatible browsers).
tripflip Wrote:For me, I actually have two different completed pictures that I don't think have been added to the game yet (the Nymph achievement pic, and the Slave achievement pic for getting enslaved too many times). I'm working on more, and have the backside models for the dialogue pictures on deck.
You are doing wonders to this game, I already said it! You, DirtyMonkey and all others that have brought LIGHT and LOVE to this game, like I did before. I have no words! All of this are NOT for ME, or YOU alone. Its for ALL the players! Its a legacy of how a hentai game could have been made (for a long time before). So the player can have freedom to do most things, with the possibility to participate in the forums to be able to change the game (adding features he/she wanted). Of course I could not be able to fulfill everyone's wishes, its so hard to get that status. But I am always trying to do the best.