Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

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Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 17 Jan 2012)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:19 am

Hey everyone, been watching here for a few months and I love some of the projects that have been going on here, especially stuff like Dusty's Castle, Mario Is Missing and some of the many platformers.

So I decided i'd give it a go. My new project is based around the Yu-Gi-Oh anime series and is most likely going to be a slideshow style animation as opposed to a game.
The project will follow the character Mai Valentine as she encounters duelists during a tournament. Some elements of the Yu-Gi-Oh game featured in the anime have been altered, ie. When monsters attack a players 'Lust Points' they decrease (the monster also has sex with the duelist). Currently the story and therefore number of sex scenes that will be included is being revamped. I will update details here once this is finalized.

There is currently no set timespan as to when I will actualkly release this game. I work on it regularly and hope to have it completed as soon as possible (Got another project that i'll start once this is finished) but I can tell you it will be a slideshow style animation (inspired by Mr D's work). But don't expect a completed animation in the next month or whatever - it'll take longer than that, but i'll try and post examples and stuff as I go

ATTENTION: I will consider requests for sex scenes in this game, ideally the characters must be based on the first, original series of the anime (ideally Duelist Kingdom and Battle City seasons). However others will be considered as extra 'bonus' scenes at the end (although I don't know how many of these i'll add to the end of the animation).
- scenes as they stand in the game will be the following:
Mai + Saggi, The Dark Clown (With the trap card Shadow Spell)
Harpie Lady + Harpie's Brother (Brain Control)
Mai + Swamp Battleguard + Lava Battleguard
Mai + Baby Dragon/Thousand Dragon
Mai + Red Eyes Black Dragon
Mai + Two headed King Rex
Mai + Rex Raptor
Mai + Tea Gardner
Mai + Kuriboh (With the magic card Multiply)
Dark Magician Girl + Harpie Lady (With the magic card Cyber Armor)
Dark Magician Girl (Trap Hole)
Mai + Exodia, The Forbidden One
- I am looking to have a total of 11 scenes, - i'll consider any suggestion that is based around the first series (duelist kingdom/battle city etc). I'm also willing to change scenes if the suggestion is better than what i've got
- There may also be a bonus scene or two...depends how generous I feel once i've finished most of the game...and how anxious I am to start the pokemon game

Hope you like it!

P.S I apologize if progress is slower thanpeople would like (i'm always going to keep working on this on as close to a daily basis as I can manage but I have band commitments and uni work etc...plus i'm also working on my next game - basically sorting all the pokemon stuff for the game bar the actual animation etc, mainly to stop me getting bored with only having one project on the go...although this project is my top priority)

Edit: Jan 17th - 2012
-First full scene is...FINISHED!!!
-Let me know what you think, i'd love to hear opinions

Edit: Jan 12th - 2012
- New Scene Teaser In Place. Mai and Saggi, The Dark Clown w/ Shadow Spell. I've used a part of the full scene as a teaser until I learn to how do all the flash bits to link the scenes together - then you'll get the full thing! Same with the scene between her and Rex (Which has also had the legs corrected)

Edit: Jan 2nd - 2012
- New Scene Teaser In Place. Mai and Saggi, The Dark Clown w/ Shadow Spell
- Sorry i've been dormant with this for about a week, got a little sidetracked with the pokemon sprites...hope this teaser makes up for it!

-Second Completed Sex Scene (there'll be no more teaser scenes after that...justs till shots...can't give too much away can I?)
-More Sprites

-Intro Movie
-Menu's, story segments etc to make the game flow
Click to Play
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Mai Shadow Spell.swf [ 490.36 KiB | Viewed 77122 times ]

Last edited by HairMetalIsGod on Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:51 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby BlueLight » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:28 am

So by the looks of this you don't know how to use motion tween do you?
It's fine if you don't it's just that you should as soon as possible. This looks to be done frame by frame and that's okay but at this point it's harming your animation is and it's hard work to make the 30 frames per second.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby omp123 » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:54 am

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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby Lucky777 » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:21 pm

Her face is pretty hideous, bro.

I've got no disrespect to offer to ANYONE who wants to make porns for people to enjoy for free.

But you might want to work on your drawing skills.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby Secretsense » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:27 pm

I would be very happy with a adult Yu-Gi-Oh game and the concept is great, the starting image isnt too bad. It could be tightend up though. Mega praise though for actally doing this x
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby BlueLight » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:33 pm

Lucky777 Wrote:Her face is pretty hideous, bro.

I've got no disrespect to offer to ANYONE who wants to make porns for people to enjoy for free.

But you might want to work on your drawing skills.

Well that wasn't much help.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby Vice-a-Roni » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:28 pm

Don't use Paint. Find some better program to do this in- I would suggest asking some of the people here what they use, because most of the art here turns out quite well.
But yeah... Paint is ruining the animation for you. The hair is a mess, the figure's harsh and rigid.
Judging by the detail, you're not a bad artist. You just need a better palette.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby Allsop2604 » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:32 pm

Lucky777 Wrote:Her face is pretty hideous, bro.

I've got no disrespect to offer to ANYONE who wants to make porns for people to enjoy for free.

But you might want to work on your drawing skills.

As far as critisim goes, that's not very constructive at all. Unless you have some suggestions or a compliment I'd suggest you refrain from making comments.

With that being said, I like the Torso but have trouble seeing the simularities in the face. The knees look a little off as well as far a placement goes. I'd suggest taking an image of her (Is her name Mai? I don't know. Never watched the show - only recognize the character) and importing it into flash, then trace an outline over the image in another layer. From there you can section her into different groups (to help animate her easier), and add your own artistic touch to the way she looks.

The only reason I'll suggest this is because I really liked what playshapes always said. That he was never an artist- he only 'stole' or 'copied' other peoples works. That's one way to look at it, yes. On the other hand, look at how amazing his works are! If his animation quality and creativity isn't art then I don't know what is.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:52 pm

thanks guys, I knew the drawing wasn't quite up to scratch - it was more to show people that something new would be coming out at some point (something that I WILL finish) haha

I am still learning to use flash properly so I haven't discovered the magic of motion tween yet - as you guessed it's all frame by frame - i'll look into that now

would you say any sections are fine and only need tidying up? I know the limbs are pretty poor - but I think the hair and torso are ok (thoughts? if you don't think they are i'll have another go at them)

Shading is something I will implement more as well, I think that adds to the lack of quality in the drawing as well

Also, do people think I should go for a game type project or a slideshow type project? A game would be alot harder to do because of action script etc - plus i'd have to find a way to make the duelling work in game which would be tricky - I just don't think it would necessarily benefit form alot of player control (ie i'd have to make 20-30+ sex scenes if the duels were interactive and up to the player - so it would only be walking to and from duels which wouldn't be that fun)

Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it :)
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby Lucky777 » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:58 pm

Allsop2604 Wrote:As far as critisim goes, that's not very constructive at all. Unless you have some suggestions or a compliment I'd suggest you refrain from making comments.

I'll call it as I see it, and I assure you that I won't refrain from commenting.

That said, I'd have included a suggestion beyond the general "working on drawing skills", but I'm no artist and no programmer, and the process of actually producing high-quality drawings for use in a Flash game is a complete mystery to me, so I couldn't supply specifics. Thank you for supplying a specific suggestion to the fellow which might help to remedy his art's current situation.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby Rooiehaan #2 » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:32 am

in my honest opinion, this image isn't just drawn crude; but a bit too manly as well. The hair should contain more strokes, instead of straight lines, just like the face (for example: the nose). The torso would be fine, if the shoulders didn't have that much dept. But i guess it was a quick drawing, so i'll stop commenting on that.

For the game itself, i'd suggest making a slideshow first, since its your first work with flash. When the project is finished you might have learned enough to take on something as big as a game type project.

That being said, it all up to you of course, and what takes your fancy.
To finalize, i have one little tip for you: browse google for hot pictures of yu-gi-oh characters and monsters. Take a bit of this, a bit of that, some art style from those and voilá: a perfect drawing, with less amount of time needed.

grab a random picture Image
put on union skin (lower part of your screen)
redraw in another frame = instant win drawing

Or, if you dont want to animate, you could always browse for stuff like Image
(even when animating, might still be useful ;) )
(keep in mind though, its always nice to make a credit page where you explain what awesome artists made the art :3)
Last edited by Rooiehaan #2 on Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:03 am

cool, thanks for the tips - had another go at drawing mai today based on the advice i've been given - and she's looking ALOT better - just got to do the hands, calves and boots and then i'll either stick that straight up or try and mess about with motion tween and basically make a good version of the above animation - expect something by tommorrow night haha
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire (Working Title)

Postby BlueLight » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:41 am

So for the card game you'll like want to know about arraylist.

What i would do with is learn how to make a deck of normal playing cards. Just to start off with. You need to be able to suffle them and to be able to deal the deck to 4 people or 1 deck each for 2 people.

While some of this you might not need and most likely wont it's a good idea not to half ass it. I believe their are a few trap cards that require you to deal the other person deck to the enemy.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 14 Dec)

Postby omp123 » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:10 am

Lucky may have been a bit crass but I agree, he's going for a style that's beyond his ability and it's coming off as pretty unfappable for a porn game.

And as you all rip on Lucky for being blunt about improving his drawing skills, Rooie here blatantly tells him "just trace pre-existing art and put it in your game or just fill it with images you find online" and that's all well and good.

C'mon people, we're all adults here. I mean obviously half of you are underage and hiding it, but let's at least try to ACT of-age. Don't turn on people who don't candy-coat their words, yet accept shitty advice by those who do. OP, work on your drawing fundamentals if you want to make art for a porn game.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 14 Dec)

Postby zferolie » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:27 am

I Like her new look alot more then it was before. If you traced it, thats cool, I'm not against it. It would still be good to improve your own work, so you can bring something new. I have been slowly trying to improve my art for my own reasons.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 14 Dec)

Postby BlueLight » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:36 am

It looks much better.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 14 Dec)

Postby Lucky777 » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:57 am

The face is FAR better, though as you are aware, the hands and foot positions need a great deal of work.

As to the slideshow or game question, I'm for the slideshow.

If you undertake a game, you'll get bogged down with many gameplay-related considerations, and their associated extra programming learning.
It would probably be an excellent thing for you to do later, and there's no reason it couldn't be pretty fun, but as a first project, it seems a little too ambitious.
Looking at the time-investment to reward ratio, it seems a little daunting.

With that said, it's up to you, ultimately, and if you really want to make a card-game featuring Yugioh duelling mechanics and porns, then I wouldn't want to try to stop ya.

Also, just to clarify my own position, while I DO think it's certainly good for you to improve your own artistic ability if you wish to, I don't find "tracing" to be shitty advice.

Apart from the fact that I've heard it recommended as one form of artistic training (Though of course I don't know first-hand or even FROM artists whether it's good training or not) there is also the fact that I don't give a SINGLE fuck how you produce good results, as long as you produce good results.
The face on this example certainly is one such result, just as the face on the previous example certainly was not. As long as you can achieve good quality, more power to ya.

Anyway, good luck.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 14 Dec)

Postby HairMetalIsGod » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:19 pm

I completely agree with the hand positions, but I think the feet are ok - they should be easy enough to manipulate to different angles - the hands need alot of work though

yeah I think i'm gonna opt for the slideshow - kinda breaks me into actionscript a bit without having to throw me into it at the deep end - already know what my game project will be though when I finally get round to it.

I too find tracing to be quite effective - my second example is a good example for the benefits of it - my first attempt was entirely freehand without proper use of linebending etc - my second attempt is most definitely an improvement from the first. I found it too difficult to draw without the reference point I used in the trace, whilst being in a programme I had little experience of. If i was drawing it on paper i'd have done a much better job.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 14 Dec)

Postby Rooiehaan #2 » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:22 pm

You did a great job, and as long as you realize there is always room for improvement, you're on the right track!
Personally, i think the feet are a bit too long/too high, but i think if you'd shrink them a tad and add a bunch of shadows, they can be usable.
I would really like to compliment on your progress, and hope you will keep improving in the future.
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Re: Yu-Gi-Oh: Cards Of Desire - (Last Edited 14 Dec)

Postby Zeus Kabob » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:17 pm

omp123 Wrote:Lucky may have been a bit crass but I agree, he's going for a style that's beyond his ability and it's coming off as pretty unfappable for a porn game.

And as you all rip on Lucky for being blunt about improving his drawing skills, Rooie here blatantly tells him "just trace pre-existing art and put it in your game or just fill it with images you find online" and that's all well and good.

C'mon people, we're all adults here. I mean obviously half of you are underage and hiding it, but let's at least try to ACT of-age. Don't turn on people who don't candy-coat their words, yet accept shitty advice by those who do. OP, work on your drawing fundamentals if you want to make art for a porn game.

I'm coming late to the game, but meh.

I understand what you're saying, and I appreciate it. I think that people who want to make art should get good at it before making a full game based on said art. At the same time, Rooiehan gave a lot of advice, as opposed to Lucky's "Her face is pretty hideous". If Lucky had said "You need to work on her nose or hair", or something of the like, not half of the people who were ripping on him would be. I think artists want criticism, but they want to hear how to improve, not that they're bad.
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