Top 10 Smut Games?

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Top 10 Smut Games?

Postby DustyStu » Sat Apr 21, 2018 2:08 am

So here's a list of what I think are the 10 best smut games:

1. Violated Heroine
action RPG, pregnancy, rape. Unfinished development.
Although unfinished, this game has the most in depth pregnancy mechanic I've ever seen.

2. Corruption of Champions & Trails in Tainted Space
RPG, body modification, pregnancy. Finished development.
These text based, crowd written, smut RPGs have pretty much every kink imaginable.

3. Honey Select
sim date, harem, dressup. Finished development.
The best of the best when it comes to 3d sex games with custom character creation. Active modding community.

4. Artificial Academy 2
sim date, teen, casual sex. Finished development.
Can recreate any highschool and fill them with custom girls and boys, and watch them fall in love or just have sex.

5. Hunie Pop
sim date, harem, vanilla sex. Finished development.
Somewhat vanilla game when it comes to smuttiness, but the game makers deserve recognition for being one of the forerunners in modern America smut game development.

6. Melty's Quest
RPG, slutification, pregnancy. Finished development.
All around solid RPG maker smut game with lots of agency in how slutty your character becomes.

7. Beat Blades Haruka
princess maker, harem, rape. Finished development.
The best harem rpg I've played. Great voice acting, and fun 'princess-maker' style gameplay.

8. The Sims 3 (mods)
sim date, dressup, pregnancy. Finished development.
It's the sims 3, but modded with nude skins and basic sex positions. This is the ultimate time-sink.

9. New Strumpets
manager, brothel, pregnancy. WIP development.
Probably not in the actual top 10, but I have a soft spot for this game, as it hits most of my kinks, and the developer has been slowly but surely been updating it for the last several years.

10. Sonic Babysitting Cream
visual novel, loli, casual sex. Finished development.
Antho and lolicon trigger warnings! Besides that, it's a fun rpg / seduction / sim date flash game.

Well, that was cathartic. Do you agree? Am I a degenerate weeaboo? Yes to all?
Comment below!
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Re: Top 10 Smut Games?

Postby Lucky777 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:46 pm

Yes you're a degenerate weaboo, is that 195 GIGS, jesus fucking christ.

I vote smut as most important in smut games; I'm an advocate of absolute focus.
(So then why do I sometimes like games more than ordinary porn?
That's because of the interactive element in games.)

I agree with the list as far as this:
1Violated heroine, fuck yes.

2 CoC and Cocalikes done well, fuck yes.
But (apart from its grimdarkness, which I don't really like),I'd also put Jack-o-Nine here.
And if its execution, or the execution of a game like it ever lives up to its scale and ambition, then it's HANDS DOWN FIRST.
"Strive for Power" gets an honourable mention at this point in the list as well as a kind of flipside to J9 more focused on adventuring, but it has to get out of
bug-ridden hell because of its recent change from one engine to another. It's under dedicated development; I'm sure it'll be fine.
(There are some extraordinarily questionable narrative choices in Strive for Power coming down to the end, in my opinion.
But you can edit the files so easily it hardly matters.)

3. Don't really know the rest, but I should probably look up Beat Blades Haruka : D
KITAmaru's "Despair Labyrinth" would make the list at this point (or higher) for basically hitting my favourite fetishes on the head, but it's incomplete.
Stuff like Akabur's "Witch Trainer" and ... the EVENTUAL more complete version of Servus Kingdom are worth a mention here too.
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Re: Top 10 Smut Games?

Postby kvier » Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:38 am

My top games probably include, in no particular order:

* A Dance With Rogues (requires Neverwinter Nights, but you can buy it cheaply from GOG, or the new maintained Enhanced Edition from Steam)
The author freely admitted it was basically aSoIaF fanfic, but the plot, setting, and porn work out really nicely. (Porn is just text)
** Noteworthy: A Dance With Spies is effectively fanfic of ADWR. Porn's a little better, plot's a little less dark, setting feels a little weaker.

* Tales of the Drunken Cowboy (requires free RAGS runtime; also available for a web browser)
Strongly inspired by Cowboy Bebop, but no plot overlap. Basically a "bad end collector" kind of game; you'll have to save lots, intentionally do stupid things, and enjoy the smut as you get a game over. Porn is pictures and text.

* nekonomeme's LAB (for purchase)
* CastleEvil (for purchase)
Smutty platformers with lots of sprite sex.

* Abandoned: A Tale of Forgotten Lives (Unity, incomplete)
First-person 3D porn/romance novel with occasional Parasite Eve style combat. Features gynoids and lots of sex toys + bondage. Two thematic prequels (same kink themes, different setting and characters) are available and finished.

* Violated Heroine, ca 2008. At some point it got overstuffed with random kinks that Weren't For Me and now it's too hard to find the things I do enjoy ... or to even just level up enough to advance the plot. At least the translators have fully caught up by now.
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Re: Top 10 Smut Games?

Postby DustyStu » Fri Apr 27, 2018 8:21 pm

Lucky777 Wrote:
3. Don't really know the rest, but I should probably look up Beat Blades Haruka : D
KITAmaru's "Despair Labyrinth" would make the list at this point (or higher) for basically hitting my favourite fetishes on the head, but it's incomplete.
Stuff like Akabur's "Witch Trainer" and ... the EVENTUAL more complete version of Servus Kingdom are worth a mention here too.

I just found Strive, and it's really good. I Could waste hours and hours getting the perfect dream team ... and load custom images for them too!

I've have to check out j9 at some point. My internet is crap so I'll have to find a good torrent somewhere.

I think Akabur has the best sense of humor of all smut gave devs, but he updates so slowly. Witch trainer was worth a chortle but I somehow got a version that was only about 70% complete, which was about when the smut was getting unlocked. Might go back again.

Another game I have my eye on is Pandorium. It looks like it has a really good foundation, but updates have slowed to a crawl. Also, the Java or whatever oddball code engine they are using somehow causes my powerful cpu to lag. I doubt that issue will ever get fixed.
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