Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

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Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby mrblah » Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:40 am

another idea i had. i was inspired by an older RP CondorBoH started to do this. this rp's gonna have three phases, and will probably last a few months, depending on how quick everyone can get their replies in. if that sounds like a long time, then i'll assure you that i'll try my best to keep things interesting for the estimated duration of this. but for what i have planned, a few months is about the shortest length of time this could be completed in. or at the very least, get to the good part.


The Holy Grail War. A traditional bloodshed of epic proportions, in which a certain number of men and women summon various powerful heroes to battle to the death, with the prize being none other than a wish from the Holy Grail itself (hence the name). And once again, it is time for another great battle, where blood will be spilled and lives lost, all for the sake of the victor's wish.

... Or so was the original plan. But times change, and even bloody traditions are subject to this rule. This new Holy Grail War will not be a bloody one... though, bodily fluids of another type may be spilled. No, this Holy Grail War will be far less dangerous to participate in, with a wider selection of Servants to choose from. The punishment for losing is no longer death, but temporary enslavement! The losing Master will be forced under the command of the victor, who can use said loser and their Servant as they wish, be it for battle or for sexual purposes, your options are endless with your new temporary slave!

Now, you are involved in this. Whether you are servant or master, you are apart of this war. It will be a long one, it will be a hard one, but no matter what, it will definitely be an entertaining one. Go forth, and obtain the Unholy Grail! I mean the Holy Grail!


This war will be taking place in Lincoln, England. This city is mostly owned by the Mage's Association, so Masters have more freedom with exhibiting their Magecraft than usual. Nor will anyone need to worry about property damages, as the Association will take care of it. As is typical in Holy Grail Wars, certain territories in this area have been designated as "safe", meaning any who enter it will not be harmed by the war outside for up to 24 hours, and they will have a brief grace period in which they cannot attack nor be attacked after exiting this safety zone.

Battlefields have also been set up in certain spaces a little outside Lincoln in the Lincoln Cliff, where Servants seeking to cut loose may enjoy themselves with other Servants for as long as they need to. The surrounding area has been fortified with wards and is under protection, so there will be no chance of anyone uninitiated noticing it.

The Lincoln Cathedral is open to any whom wish to either quit the war or talk to the man in charge of overseeing it. It is also a safe zone, so feel free to visit. Another safe zone is the Lincoln Castle, but no participant in the war is allowed entry without the overseer and the Ruler's permission.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Since you'll be participating in this war, you should know what to do and how to do it. First things first, since combat will be a major component in this; let's discuss that. Combat is a situation in which you and one or more enemies are having an altercation. The proceedings usually go; someone makes a turn, the other responds, and so on and so forth. Simple as that. What you can do in your turn however, is the deciding factor. When it is your turn in Combat, you can use an ability, use a healing item, defend, attack, or attempt to flee. Whichever option you go for, your enemy will get the chance to respond afterwards during their own turn, or if you're running away or attacking, immediately after said actions. Example; Archer shoots Lancer on Archer's turn, and on Lancer's turn, he gets to immediately respond with an attempt to automatically defend against it, then gets the rest of his turn. Lancer runs, Archer gets to immediately respond by automatically attempting to chase him, UNLESS he doesn't want to.

To put it in another way I'm sure you'd understand better; Attack(Power + Necessary Die(like a d6) x 100 + whatever other modifiers) against Evasion(Agility Stat x 40 + Necessary Die(like a d4 but can be upgraded) x 100 + whatever else). Evasion has to be within 90% of Attack to dodge successfully. 80% to have a 30% chance of dodging. 70% to have a 20% chance. And 60% to have a 10% chance. A successful evasion gives the defender a 20% chance of immediately countering.
OR Attack(Power + Necessary Die(like a d6) x 100 + whatever other modifiers) - Defense(Endurance x 40 + Necessary Die(like a d4) x 100 + whatever other modifiers). If Attack is higher than Defense, then Defense is reduced to 20%, and that 20% subtracts from the attack's power. IF Attack is reduced to negative integers, then Defender has a 20% chance of countering immediately for twice the amount in the negatives. (800 Attack - 1200 Defense = -400. Counter = 800 Attack.)
A Servant will either Defend or Evade depending on their highest stat between the two.

Makes for an interesting waltz, really. But, that was Combat for Servants (unless said Servant is a Caster). Magi obviously battle in different ways, since they don't rush up and punch each other. No, we have MAGECRAFT. But of course, you'll still get the other options Servants get in Combat. Except attacking doesn't follow those same mechanics. These are ours.

Attack(Spell's Damage + Magic x 20 + Elemental Advantage if there is one + whatever else) - Defense(Magic x 10 + d4 x 20 + whatever else). Defense subtracts Attack, and the remainder is the damage that will be done to the defender.. If (somehow) the remainder is less than zero, then Defender gets to immediately crit counter. IF NO SPELL Attack(Magic x 20 + d4 x 20 + whatever else) - Defense(Magic x 10 + d4 x 20 + whatever else).
OR IF MELEE, Attack(Strength x 20 x Weapon Advantage (multiply by 1.5 if user has weapon) + d4 x 30 + whatever else) - Defense(Endurance x 10 + d4 x 20 + whatever else).

Now, there's also different types of damage. Normal damage, and critical damage. Critical damage means it completely bypasses defenses for the full damage's worth. Most Noble Phantasms deal crit damage. Normal damage means it can be defended against.

Speaking of defense, odds are an enemy might be smart enough to not go for your Servant and instead target you, if you're on the battlefield. Naturally your Servant won't let them run past and go straight for you. They'll undergo an agility contest against the first attacker, and if they win, immediately counter for a full attack's worth. The second and third attackers on the other hand... well, that's where the option to defend comes in. If your Servant's on defense while multiple attackers are going past them to you, they'll contest up to three of them. Furthermore; defending also bolsters their normal defense with a small boost (equal to 1d4 x 50).

Finally, running. To escape from combat; you must perform an Agility save against your opponent. Bonuses will be applied depending on the condition of either of you, environmental stuff, and distance. Usually, it'll be improv, but what's for certain is; at short distance, the attempt suffers a -2. Medium distance, no merit nor demerit. Long distance, the attempt gains +2. If your opponent is seriously injured or under a status effect that might make their tries against you harder, you'll gain a bonus usually +1 or +2.

If you think this is all complicated, don't worry, it is. Luckily for you; I'm the one who has to mind this stuff. But what you should keep in mind, is your...

Now you know how to attack. But did you know that there's a limit to how many actions you can do in a turn? No, no you didn't.
All actions have a Stamina Cost, which is the price paid to do them. Your Stamina is what allows you to do this or that on your turn, and what limits you from doing too much. Everyone starts off with 3 full points of Stamina, with every action taking from this Stamina pool. Attacks take 2 points, abilities take 1, using an item is none, defending is 2 and running is all of it. Your stamina will replenish by 3 points on your next turn.

Because you won't be allowed to fire spells from a football field away; this system here is in place to impose some limitations on what you can and can't do. We've kept this simple as this is honestly a last minute detail; originally, we didn't even think of the possibility of this sort of thing happening. Distance is your and your enemy's positioning in Combat. There's short distance, long distance, and medium distance. Most Magi prefer medium distance, but some can fire from long range and have their spells still be fine.

A Magus can attack from any distance, however. The only issue is that most spells will suffer a 20% power decrease upon being cast further than they were intended for, and you'll take 50% splash damage for attempting a big, long distance spell from short distance. The effects of the spell will be included with the splash damage. Medium distance spells can be cast at any distance, but they'll suffer a 10% damage decrease if not used at medium distance. Attempting a short distance spell at long distance just means it's not gonna work, and at medium distance it'll do 30% less damage.

Melee fighters usually can only fight from short distance, but most have a means of closing that distance quickly and getting in range to fight. Especially Servants. Ranged fighters, like an archer, can fire arrows from any distance as well, but short distance arrows have a 70% chance of missing... well, that is, usually. You can never really tell with Servants, there's just no average for them.

To change the Distance, you character has to spend a Stamina point to move either closer or further from your opponent. Some abilities and spells bypass this.

So we've explained combat quite a bit. You know how to hit, how to take a hit, and how close you have to be to hit. Maybe you're already planning on ways to use this, but you should think carefully. Replenishing your HP after a fight isn't easy without items or abilities to do so. For Servants, it's easier. They only have to take a second to rest or get pumped with Od from their Master (through a tantric ritual), but for us who AREN'T spirits, we have to be more realistic. After combat, your safest bet to heal is by finding a safe room to rest in, like the Church, one of your safehouses, or your base. But there are other means. Something a little more dangerous is going to the hospital, which is NOT a safe territory (as in, not protected and thus you can be attacked there) but will fully heal you, as opposed to healing you to 75% which resting anywhere else will do. Lastly, and this should be a last resort, but for the truly desperate Masters who need to be healed immediately, you can perform the usual tantric ritual with your Servant and reverse the Prana transmission process.

To explain why this is dangerous; your Servant's manifestation upon this world is dependent solely on Prana, and you supply most of that. By taking their Prana, you're basically stealing their life and de-powering them. Literally. By doing this, you reduce their maximum HP and drain their Power, and also inflict them with the special status effect of 'Drained', which means their Defense and Attack in Combat is halved. So now you know why you should probably never do this. But hey, they'll eventually heal back up to normal stats in a day's time.

I should have mentioned this earlier when I could have transitioned to it smoothly, but the other things fitted better there, I thought. Anyhow; statistics. Every participant in this war has them, including Masters. We use these for conventional purposes and the like, and we obviously won't tell you yours or the others, this is entirely for us to know. But of course, you can know your Servant's. Now,

Their are six important parameters that a Servant has to calculate their Power. Strength (Bodily Might), Endurance (Ability to withstand damage), Agility (Quickness and speed), Magic (Ability to handle magical energy), Luck (Simple fortune), Skill (General finesse), and though it's not used to calculate their Power as a number and more used to calculate their threat level; Noble Phantasm, your Servant's ultimate weapon. I shall now give a simplified explanation on their functions.

Strength affects... well, actually I don't even know why we care about this. A Servant's strength matters little, especially since just about every Servant is strong enough to lift a tank. Regardless; it says here that a Servant's Strength is their literal physical strength as opposed to other Servants. So, I suppose it's helpful for when two Servants have a fist fight or arm wrestle each other, plus it is made part of the Power calculations.
Endurance is how much damage a Servant can handle before they die. Or rather, it would be normally. For this Holy Grail War, we've made some arrangements to supply any Servant near death with enough Prana to sustain them long enough for them to naturally heal. It was a pain to do. Still, Endurance just means how much damage it takes to get a Servant to that point, in which they'd be defeated.
Agility is a Servant's speed compared to other Servants, because once more, every Servant is fast enough to rival race cars. The fastest Servant in combat always gets the first attack, unless surprised. It also affects their evasive abilities.
Magic is a Servant's skill in Magecraft and a measurement of their control over their magical reserves. It decides their resiliency against Magecraft, too. So it's about as important for them as it is for us.
Luck is a Servant's general fortune. It affects any ability that has anything to do with percentages and defends against status effects.
Skill is a Servant's simple finesse, with such things that require it. Necessary for not missing attacks, sneaking, and being charismatic. A Servant with decently ranked Skill is pretty good with their hands, for sure. This is something us Magi can actually beat most Servants in, but I digress.

And we also share these stats with Servants, all of them but one. That is a Servant's Noble Phantasm; their pride and joy. Every Noble Phantasm is a different, unique weapon that can wreck untold amounts of damage onto anything in its path. We calculate the power of Noble Phantasms to better understand how threatening a Servant is to another, since this is their best bet for easily defeating one of their own.

Now, while not necessarily STATS, one's HP and MP fits well here for me to explain about them. No doubt you know what your HP is. It's your health in mathematical form. Your MP is similar; the amount of magical energy you can safely spend without straining your circuits (do note that MP is a slang term we've adapted to help simplify things). Both are values that will no doubt be drained during combat, and both are important to keep high. Now, I'm going to reach out a little more on the meta level, and say your HP and MP are literally just the same old HP and MP you see everywhere else and there's nothing special about them. But your MP in this war can only be replenished naturally through time or quickly through meditation. Both can't be done in combat, obviously. You already know about healing so I won't explain that again and just move on.

Since we've just had a lesson about stats, it's only right we talk about the ranking system. It goes as follows from highest to lowest; A, B, C, D, E. All of these ranks have a quantifiable number attached to them, and each has their own extra stages before it's ranked to the next rank. For example; E+ is right between E and D. A+ is no doubt going to be the highest rank you see, BUT there's a chance you may encounter a rare EX. This rank is for when whatever has it is too much for a standard rank and can't be quantified. For example; if you ever encounter a Noble Phantasm with an EX rank, most likely that Noble Phantasm is capable of breaking the fundamental rules of life. The numbers for the ranks goes as follows from highest to lowest; 15, 12, 9, 6, 3. EX obviously is over 20.

Yes, this is a new thing that should be explained. Something new we've added to the Holy Grail War, is the concept of rounds. Every time a Master is defeated, a round ends, and a day of rest is given to all the participants. With this day, all combat is prohibited, but you are allowed to gather intel on your enemies and maybe form allegiances. Whatever you do, just make this count. Days of rest will be rare, so it's important to figure out how to best spend the breaks. And you didn't hear this from me, but Assassins can still initiate Combat during breaks.

Status Conditions
Status Conditions are conditions you or your Servant could find themselves under. Usually detrimental, there's quite a few sources that you could get one from. Enemy abilities, Noble Phantasms, Skills... even normal things like being sick or being aroused, all counts as Status Effects. There are quite a few, but I'll list the most common ones you'll encounter. Most of these won't last too long, and you can try for a 40% chance of clearing it for a single stamina point.

Poisoned; you've been poisoned. You will take damage equal to 15% of your health per turn. Lasts 3 turns.
Burned; you've been burned, or are burning, doesn't matter really. Your Attack's damage is reduced by 30% and you'll take 5% damage per turn. Lasts 3 turns.
Frostbite; you're dangerously cold. Your Agility is halved, as is your Defense. Lasts 4 turns.
Aroused; you're in a different kind of heat. You'll find it difficult to focus on much else other than things of a sexual nature. Your Attack suffers a 20% debuff. Lasts 4 turns.
Stunned; for whatever reason, you've been stunned. Your Stamina is reduced to 0 on your next turn. Can't be chained (used in succession). Lasts 1 turn, naturally.
Blinded; your vision has been tampered with. All attacks have a 40% chance of missing, and your Defense suffers a 20% debuff. Can be cleared for 3 Stamina points. Lasts 3 turns.
Enraged; your vision is blinded with red. You want blood, and you want it now. Attack receives a 40% boost, and Defense suffers a 30% debuff. Obviously won't affect Berserkers. Lasts 3 turns.
Charmed; you are under the command of the one who charmed you, and will do their bidding. After one turn, you are given a chance to break out of this by completing a Magic save against the charmer. Lasts until you break out of it.

Command Seals
Something not new but needs to be explained all the same; all Masters are given three Command Seals, which is their way of securing dominance over their Servant. Command Seals can be used to command your Servant to do things they would usually not, either because they don't want to or because they can't. These Command Seals have few limitations, but limitations it has all the same. For example; you can't use a Command Seal to command your Servant to love you. It has to be an actual action that they can take, rather than a demand for them to feel something or any of the sort. Once a Master uses all three of their Command Seals, their Servant is basically allowed to do whatever they wish. Which means no protection for the Master should their Servant turn on them. It's also possible to increase the amount of Command Seals you have and regain Command Seals. But this is so rare you might as well not even think about it.

Now, there are a few basic commands that will get some pretty general results, as a little tip. If you command your Servant to put all of their power into an attack (or anything similar to that), they'll receive a 50% damage boost. If you command your Servant to protect themselves at all costs, their defense will be boosted by 50%. If you command your Servant to keep attacking a target, they'll receive an extra stamina point which will allow for two attacks in one turn. Do note however, that a command like "defeat this enemy at any costs" isn't something your Servant can reliably do if the enemy is simply too powerful for them. Not too mention, they might just end up pulling out a Noble Phantasm. So, be careful. Speaking of...

Noble Phantasms
Yes, the ultimate weapon of a Servant. These awe-inspiring abilities come in all shapes and forms, from physical objects to abstract concepts, just about anything could be a Servant's Noble Phantasm. Now, how would one defend against such an awesome level of power that Noble Phantasms grant? The easy answer is, you don't. If you're a human on the other side of this, you're probably dead. If you're another Servant, then you'll have to try your damnedest to survive it.

Noble Phantasms usually fall within two groups. The ones that activate and work their effects immediately, and the ones that activate and work their effects over a period of time. Both of these have different advantages and disadvantages to balance them enough for a Servant to combat them.

Now, for the former (immediate effect Noble Phantasms), you only really get one shot to defend before it comes at you, and they are usually quite hard to defend against. Let's say, for instance, it's an Archer's Noble Phantasm that fires a supercharged arrow of assured death. You get one chance to do whatever you can to survive it, or its effects will come into place. These Noble Phantasms usher in an immediate cost, that cost depending on the NP's rank. At E, it starts at 15% MP cost, and raises by 15% until it maxes at 90% for EX. This is charged to the Servant, but the Master can split the cost with the Servant if they wish. Do note that this percentage, even if entirely taxed to the Master, is equal to the Servant's MP, not the Master's.

For Noble Phantasms with "passive" effects, you'll have to defend against them for as long as they stay active. But don't worry; they shouldn't manage to be so for long. The longer these NPs are active for, the more they'll drain from the user, the cost once more dependent on the rank. At E, it drains 10% per turn, and raises by 5% as it ascends in Rank, until it maxes at 35% for EX.

Final note on NPs; they are not all equal, so some may diverge from the average cost, costing more or less depending on their specific functions or the level of their power.

Servant Matrix
The power of knowledge is great, and for some, it can turn the tides of war. Knowing your enemy's abilities makes it easier to deal with them; which is why it's important for a Servant's True Name to remain a secret from the enemy. Once another Master or Servant knows this information, the Master will automatically be aware of that Servant's every hidden ability, including statistics and their Noble Phantasm. They can relay this info to their Servants quite easily, you see. And with this information; that Servant would have an advantage against their enemy. In this case; this would translate as the Servant Matrix.

The Servant Matrix is a concept all Masters in this war are aware of. It's a spell that helps them organize information based on other participants in the war. With this handy concept, you can easily store and organize important information regarding all Servants, with perfect memory of everything stored. But this information can, quite literally, be used in Combat. If you or your Servant are aware of enough information regarding the enemy, you will receive a bonus whilst fighting against them. Keep in mind that some Servants or Masters may have methods of nullifying the effects of this. Of course, this cannot be used on Masters. I will now list the bonuses for the amount of knowledge you will store in your Servant Matrix. This would also come into effect against your Servant, as well.

[EX Rank] You have an intimate connection to your enemy, knowing who they are on a personal level. Receive a 100% boost to all offensive and defensive measures against this opponent.
[A Rank] You have the enemy's True Name. All of their abilities are known to you, and you can plan accordingly against them. Receive a 50% boost to all offensive and defensive measures against this opponent.
[B Rank] You have a few ideas of who your enemy is, and you know a few of their abilities. Receive a 30% boost to all offensive measures against this opponent.
[C Rank] You know the class of your enemy, giving you a rough idea of how they fight. Receive a 10% boost to all defensive measures against this opponent.
[D Rank] You know nothing. No bonus.

Something brief I should mention before the closer; every Servant has an upkeep. I mentioned this before, but as Masters, you supply your Servants with a certain amount of Od to sustain their existence on this plane. Usually in Holy Grail Wars, the upkeep of a Servant is more steep and you'd be supplying much more for their stay, but in THIS war you need only worry about 20% of it, thanks to our arrangements. However; there's a little more to it than that. You may not know this; but the power of a Servant often reflects the power of a Magus. Masters can actually overpay for their Servant's upkeep to increase their power, which would afford them higher parameters and the like.

You can do this by using a passive ability every Master starts with, which is called Burnout. When using Burnout, you're basically dumping whatever amount of MP you wish to power your Servant up. But keep in mind that this would leave you defenseless or under-prepared if you were suddenly attacked. You can find more on Burnout below, in the part of this I'm not supposed to know or talk about.

Now, I believe the last thing I'll need to explain to you, is victory. This is what you've came for, isn't it?

When you defeat a Master and make them apart of your harem, you get access to their Servant, their base, their safehouses, and all other belongings of theirs. You get to do whatever you wish with them, from sex to having them or their Servant fight for you; you can really do anything. One catch, is that they can turn the tides in a number of ways, if they're not loyal to you. A Master under the command of another is still a Master, meaning they'd still have their Servant. I won't spoil anyone's future plans, but just keep this in mind. I will also mention that if another Master were to defeat you, they would take anyone under your command, including your subordinate Master.

This war will be concluded when only one Master is left, and you will be invited to the Lincoln Castle to claim your prize. You and your Servant's wishes for the Holy Grail. That should be about everything. Now you know the how-to, it's up to you to put this to use. With nothing more to say, I'll end this here. - Z

Final Notes This is going to need about 6 players at maximum. I'm going to add in however many NPCs as I need to fill it up to 12 participants in total, and you're allowed to play both a Servant and a Master, with your Servant character belonging to someone else if you wish, or with them being paired with yours. I highly encourage pairing up with other players, but if you want to go solo, I can make an NPC to pair up with you (or as mentioned you can pair with yourself).

As stated previously; the story will unfold in three phases and I believe it'll probably last a few months. Since the passage of time will affect so much in the RP, there will be time limits and the passage of time will be recorded. It'll be a little more difficult with multiple players, but I believe we can coordinate well enough to manage. Furthermore; if you have any ideas, corrections or questions, feel free to PM me them. My knowledge on the Nasuverse is a bit rusty, so I wouldn't doubt it if I mixed something up. And I'm always open for any creative thoughts anyone has for their characters.

This also does have a plot in place, and minions to fight. Who may or may not attempt to rape you. But I mean, honestly, that should be expected.
Last edited by mrblah on Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:07 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby mrblah » Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:41 am

edit; changed spells a bit.

Character Creation

Servant Creation

Name: (Their true name.)
Age: (Must be over 18. 'cause... reasons.)
Appearance: (Picture or description works.)
Sex: (Are you a boy or a girl?)
Background: (Who they were.)
Personality: (Who they are.)
Alignment: (Moral alignment. I don't know how important this is but it is.)
Catalyst: (A memento, piece of a memento, or some other item symbolizing who this object is connected to. Your Master will use this when summoning you.)

Class: (Any listed below. Do note that there can only be one of what class.)
Class Skills: (Honestly, this is just for convenience's sake. You don't have much choice for this.)
Personal Skills: (Any skill you make starts at D, but can be increased using stat points. You're allowed one free Personal Skill and you can buy more with tokens. These skills can do anything a Class skill can, and more. It's formatted the same, though. You get to make your own, but PM me them beforehand. If you need references; check the references section below.)
Abilities: (Separate from your Skills; these are special techniques you can employ in battle. You get to make your own abilities, but PM me them beforehand. You're allowed one free Ability, and you can buy more with tokens. No ability is passive.)
Boons: (If you buy anything from the Token shop, list it here, so as to avoid any confusion.)

Stats (A is 15, B is 12, C is 9, D is 6, E is 3.)
HP: (Take your Endurance and multiply it by 400.)
MP: (Add up your stats and divide the sum by 2. Then multiply it by 100. Don't divide it if you're a Caster.)

Power: (All of your stats added up and multiplied by 10. Ignore the usual ranking system for this, it doesn't apply.)
Strength: (Your strength. Affects physical might. Useful if you're style of fighting requires you to be physically superior.)
Endurance: (Your endurance. Affects how much damage you can take.)
Agility: (Your agility. Affects evasive abilities, turn order, fleeing chances, and anything else needing speed.)
Magic: (Your magic. Affects the power of your spells, your resistance to Magecraft, and your control over your own magic.)
Luck: (Your luck. Affects status effect chances, chances in general, ability damage, and the like. Only really useful if it's high.)
Skill: (Your skill. Affects sneaking, charismatic pursuits, and miss chances. but basically you'll never miss if this is d or over.)
Noble Phantasm: (Your coup de grâce. You make your own, and can have up to four. Each one starts at 5 (E+), and one point put to increasing one NP's power can be duplicated for your second one, but not others. You can only have one EX ranked Noble Phantasm, and do keep in mind that EX Noble Phantasms are usually incredibly powerful weapons of godlike proportions.)

Servant Classes
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Saber: You start with 64 stat points to spend, and you start with the Class Skills of either Magic Resistance (A) or Riding (B). You get a free A rank to spend. You get 2 tokens to spend.

Lancer: You start with 55 stat points to spend, and you start with the Class Skill Magic Resistance (C). You get two free abilities instead of one. You get 3 tokens to spend.

Berserker: You start with 37 stat points to spend, and you start with the Class Skill Mad Enhancement (C). No other bonus, you get Mad Enhancement. You get 4 tokens to spend.

Archer: You start with 43 stat points to spend, and you start with the Class Skills Magic Resistance (D) and Independent Action (B). You get an extra ability. You get 4 tokens to spend.

Rider: You start with 46 stat points to spend, and you start with the Class Skills Magic Resistance (E) and Riding (A). One of your Noble Phantasms is A Rank. You get 3 tokens to spend.

Assassin: You start with 49 stat points to spend, and you start with the Class Skills Presence Concealment (B). You get the special skill Law Breaker (C). You get 4 tokens to spend.

Caster: You start with 52 stat points to spend, and you start with the Class Skills Territory Creation (C) and Item Construction (C). Offensive magic used against you is 60% less effective. You get 3 tokens to spend.

Class Skills
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

This is mostly for explaining what does what, rather than for choosing things.
Magic Resistance - Magic is less effective on you, starting at 10% less effective at E rank, and raising by 10% until it's maxed out at 50% less effective on A rank, and completely ineffective on EX rank.
Riding - You are magically skilled at... riding. At E rank, you can ride simple vehicles, maxing at A rank, in which you can ride all vehicles, all non-magical creatures, and most magical creatures. At EX rank, you can ride more stuff (except for Dragons, that's its own skill).
Mad Enhancement - Your power is increased through your madness, but the higher this is, the lower your sanity and ability to communicate. At E rank, you're a little unhinged but get only a 40% power boost. At C rank, your power is doubled and you're crazy. This maxes at A rank, where your power is multiplied by 2.6. At EX rank, your power is tripled.
Independent Action - You can operate without a Master. At E Rank, you can exist for about 5 hours without a Master. At D Rank, you can exist for a day, if you don't expend any mana by fighting. At A rank, you can operate and take actions without command from a Master, and resist Command Seals for a time. You can also use your Noble Phantasm once without your Master's permission. At EX rank, you can fully operate without any need for a Master, deny any minor commands they give you, and supply your own exist for about a year.
Presence Concealment - Your presence is hidden. At E Rank, enemies will have a sneaking suspicion that you're near, and a pretty good idea where. At A Rank, you're extremely difficult to detect, and anyone attempting to do so will have to pass a very hard ability check. You can sneak right in front of a guard and steal their clothes. At EX rank, anyone not seeing you will forget you even exist.
Territory Creation - You can create your own dimensions and territories to operate or hide in. At E Rank, you can make an out of place trash bin. At C Rank, you can make a small room that you have control over. This maxes at A rank, where you can make an entire building. At EX rank; you can quite literally create a separate dimension layering over the real world.
Item Construction - You can create items of a magical variety. At E Rank, you cannot create items of a magical variety, you can only make normal objects. At C Rank; you can make enchanted knives and potions with some time. At A Rank; you can easily form magical objects and create potions within minutes, if you have a few materials. At EX Rank; you can literally form enchanted objects out of air and potions come to you in seconds. You can also replicate weaker forms of Noble Phantasms.
Law Breaker - While not a Class Skill or a canon Skill, this allows you to break the rules set by the Ruler. This starts with the ability to temporarily resist commands given by your Master, and you're allowed to outright deny a single Command Seal at C Rank. This maxes at A Rank, where you can break some of the laws of the war. If you're creative, that's an incredible Skill to have. At EX rank; you will never see this Skill with EX rank ever.

Token Shop
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Rank Up: Choose one of your Abilities or Skills and rank them up by one rank. Costs 1 Token. 3 in stock.
Noble Phantasm Rank Up: Rank up all of your Noble Phantasms by one rank. Costs 2 Tokens. 4 in stock.
Extra Ability: Gain an extra ability to add to your list of abilities. Costs 1 Token. 2 in stock.
Extra Personal Skill: Gain an extra Personal Skill that starts at Rank C. Costs 1 Token. 2 in stock.
Upgraded Personal Skill: Gain an extra Personal Skill that starts at Rank B. Costs 2 Tokens. 1 in stock.
More Points: Get 10 more stat points. Costs 1 Token. 3 in stock.

References (for those who want it)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Servant List: http://fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Servant_List (you can still make a servant out of the entity you want even if there's already a canon servant for them)
Skill List: http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Skill (if you wanted some ideas for skills)
Noble Phantasm List: http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Noble_Phantasm (same as above)

Master Creation

Name: (Their name.)
Age: (Must be over 18. 'cause... reasons.)
Appearance: (Picture or description works.)
Sex: (Are you a boy or a girl?)
Bloodline: (Most Magi descend from an old magical family. Though you don't necessarily NEED to have one; what's yours?)
Background: (Their history and the like. They can be from anywhere around the world, but that would mean they were contacted by 'Z' and invited to England, all expenses paid.)
Personality: (Their personality.)
Alignment: (Moral alignment. I don't know how important this is but it is.)

Element: (The classical four. Fire is normal, Wind is noble. Gives a slight boost when you use spells of your elemental affinity, and a debuff when it's the opposite.)
Spells: (You start off with Resistance, and you can choose two more in the Spells list.)
Abilities: (You start off with Burnout, and you can make two more. There's three pre-made abilities in the Token shop, too.)
Boons: (Bought with Tokens. Roll a d6 to see how many Tokens you get and buy whatever from the shop.)

Stats (You get to spend 60 stat points. Ignore the Servants' ranking system, just use flat numbers.)
HP: (Take your Endurance and multiply it by 120.)
MP: (Take your Magic and multiply it by 100.)

Strength: (Your strength. Affects physical might. This is important for humans, obviously.)
Endurance: (Your endurance. Affects how much damage you can take.)
Agility: (Your agility. Affects evasive abilities, turn order, fleeing chances, and anything else needing speed.)
Magic: (Your magic. Affects the power of your spells, your resistance to Magecraft, and your control over your own magic.)
Luck: (Your luck. Affects status effect chances, chances in general, ability damage, and the like. Only really useful if it's high.)
Skill: (Your skill. Affects sneaking, charismatic pursuits, and miss chances. but basically you'll never have to worry about missing if this is 5 or over.)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Flame Magecraft
Flame Bullet [A basic fire curse meant to trick the victim into thinking it's a mere fireball. Once this curse lands on the target's skin, it will cause their body to heat up. Deals 1d4x100 damage and has a 40% chance of applying Burned. Medium to Short distance. MP Cost: 300]
Sowilo [This complex fire rune requires the Magus to make contact with it, and to damage themselves with its flame. But it will have the beneficial effect of focusing and quickening the user's thought processes, allowing for better reaction speed. Take 1d4x50 damage but doubles your Agility for five turns. Boosts defense by 30% for five turns. MP Cost: 400]
Heat Flare [Create a ball of light that emits enough heat to warm the body. This spell is a basic one that most don't bother to use, but if one was creative, it could be used to devastating combat effect. Removes Blinded and Frostbite. Doesn't cost a Stamina point. Short distance spell. MP Cost: 200]
Searing Flare [A curse meant as a sort of upgraded version of Heat Flare, it has a 60% chance of applying Burned to whoever touches it, and will passively move to the nearest enemy. It takes the form of a floating orb that looks very similar to the mostly harmless Heat Flare, but slowly moves to a target, unlike Heat Flare, which slowly moves in one direction that the user wishes. Short Distance. Moves towards an enemy, taking two turns to cross one distance. MP Cost: 200.]

Water Magecraft
Uruz [A complex Water rune, this will speed up the healing process of anyone it's touching, but burns through Mana quickly. Heals 1d10x50 per turn. All distance. MP Cost: 400 per turn.]
Cold Air [This spell combines both the Water and Air elements, requiring one to have a dual-affinity for full usage. The user directs a cold burst of air at their target, that will deal 1d4x100 damage, apply Frostbite, and reduce their Attack by 30% for three turns, IF the user has a dual-affinity. If not, then it just deals 1d4x100 damage. Long distance spell. MP Cost: 500.]
Disrupt Flow [This Water curse cannot be evaded, and slowly ebbs away at the victim's MP for 1d8x50 per turn. Lasts as long as the user can manage it. All distance. MP Cost: 400 per turn.]
Crushing Water [This spell is a pure water spell, using the power of torrents of water to push down on a victim and crush them under its weight. It's a special spell that has an adjustable amount of damage depending on how much MP is dumped into it. The damage is 1d6x100, with every 300 MP after the cost raising the dice by 2 until it caps at 1d12x100. Has a 30% chance of applying Stunned. Medium Distance. MP Cost: 300.]

Wind Magecraft
Air Maneuver [A simple Wind spell that was made to replicate the effects of telekinesis. Allows the user to push and pull things with the wind. It's a weaker spell that can easily be resisted by those who wish to, so it's not popular. If used to dodge, boost's evasive maneuvers by 20%. Medium to Short distance. MP Cost: 100.]
Titan's Wind [An extremely dangerous Wind spell, this was created solely for the purpose of combat, making most Magi see it as a failure of Magecraft. It allows the user to create a massive force of air to replicate a hurricane that blows away everything the user aims at, but has the negative effect of seriously tiring out the user. Deals 1d12x100 damage, but the user applies Stunned to themselves for a turn. All distance. MP Cost: 800.]
Algiz [This Wind rune is meant to create a chaotic wind around itself to protect any entity within its radius. Any harmful magecraft attempting to pierce it will be reduced in damage by 50%, and any entity attempting to pass through it will take damage equal to 1d4x100. Short distance. MP Cost: 400 per turn.]
Aerial Ace [This wind spell is a quick one that was built to be a favorable and speedy method of harming a target. It sends a slice of magical wind aimed at a target, capable of cutting through most defenses (including wards and Algiz) to deal 1d6x100 damage. This attack always goes first. All Distance. MP Cost: 300.]

Earth Magecraft
Jera [This Earth rune attempts to convert the mana in the air into your own supply, but due to its long incantation, it's not used often by most Magi. Replenishes your MP for 1d6x200, but costs an entire turn. Short distance. MP Cost: Free.]
Raidho [An Earth rune, this hardens the mind of whomever makes contact with it, making them impervious to Enraged and Stunned conditions. It's often used by Magi who specialize in Runes, but it's fragile and can be easily disrupted by physical or magical tampering. Medium to Short distance. MP Cost: 100, then 20 per turn to power.]
Decaying Touch [A rare Earth curse, once the user makes contact with the target with this rune, the target will slowly lose integrity and wither away each turn. If used against an enemy, it will cause them to weaken and take 1d10x40 damage per turn that will persist until the user stops it or a Stamina point is spent by the target to focus their MP and burn out the curse. Medium to Short distance. MP Cost: 200.]
Othala [Another Earth rune, this will inscribe a passive rule to one's mind, which allows the user to ignore one status condition entirely, for an entire battle. It only costs 1 SP to use, and can only be used once per battle. MP Cost: 200.]

Void Magecraft (if choosing any, can only choose one)
Tiwaz [This Void rune absorbs all spells cast in one round of Combat and restores the MP used to whatever it's touching. All distance. No MP cost, but every successful use decreases the success rate by 40%.]
Entropic Pull [All attacks made will be redirected to the target of this curse. The success of this curse starts at 100% and dwindles by 20% for every successful use. All distance. MP Cost: 200.]
Clairvoyance [The user of this spell closes their senses and focuses their mind's eye, seeing the entity they wish to see, and the route they'd have to take to get to it, or the route it's taking. Can only be used if you know the identity of the target. All distance. MP Cost: 400.]
Perthro [This mysterious Void rune is said to operate on a separate plane of existence, supposedly influencing the very fabric of reality itself to influence future events. Once activated, it'll manipulate the probability of success of all chances, working on an unknown set of rules to make things that will fail, work, and make things that'll work, fail. Changes the chances of anything that has a chance. The higher your luck stat, the better, with this one. MP Cost: 532.]

Misc. Magecraft
Counter Magic [This difficult Magecraft allows the user to interrupt the spellcasting process by disrupting the Magus' magic circuits. Attempted automatically upon the first time the enemy tries a spell. The first time is an automatic success, and every use after will have a 30% chance (boosted by 3% for every 6 points in Magic) of working. MP Cost: 200.]
Resistance [This is a power inherent to anyone with magic circuits. It enables them to automatically both notice and resist magic, and has no MP cost. Allows you to defend against magecraft.]
Nauthiz [A basic rune, this is taught as the first rune to all budding Rune specialists, as it's quite simple yet useful. This rune enforces a defensive rule that blocks damage equal to the MP dumped into it. Medium to Short distance. MP Cost: Varies.]
Ward [A basic spell, this is taught to most Magi in a bloodline as a means to combat against Curse specialists. Once a Ward is active, it will block against most curses so long as they require magical or physical contact between the curse and the target. Lasts 4 turns. Short distance. MP Cost: 100.]
Reinforcement [Another basic spell; this allows one to temporarily reinforce their bodies. Grants a 30% bonus to one stat, excluding Magic and Luck, for 5 turns.]

Token Shop
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

More Points: Get 10 more stat points. Costs 1 Token. 2 in stock.
Dual-Affinity: Choose another element to have for your affinity. This also means you get the debuff for your second element's opposite, unless it's the opposite, then in which the buffs and debuffs cancel each other out. 2 Tokens. 1 in stock.
Odd Affinity: Your elemental affinity is not one of the Great Five Elements. Pick either Darkness or Light. That is now your element. 1 Token. 1 in stock.
Prodigy: You were born with a special grasp on magic. +5 to Magic and Skill. Take another spell to learn. 3 Tokens. 1 in stock.
Prestigious Family: You were born in a prestigious and powerful family, and you've been given many opportunities in life. That's your bonus. 1 Token. 1 in stock.
Signature Spell: Pick one of your spells and mark it with (Signature) after the name. You have trained extensively in the usage of this spell and you know it well, halving its MP cost. 1 Token. 1 in stock.
Specialist: You've focused your learning on either Runes, Curses, or Spells. Whichever you pick is 20% more effective when used by you, and 10% less effective when used against you. 2 Tokens. 1 in stock.
Designer Baby: You were created with artificially manipulated DNA. Your MP and HP is increased by 30%. 2 Tokens. 1 in stock.
Handcrafted Spell: You've made your own spell. Make your own spell. 2 Tokens. 3 in stock.
Associate: You are a member of the Mage's Association. +3 to Magic and Luck. 1 Token. 1 in stock.
Preparations: You knew beforehand that you'd be chosen for the newest Holy Grail War, and you prepared. Start with 3 healing potions, 2 elixirs, improved safe houses, and a Will in case you don't make it. 2 Tokens. 1 in stock.

Breathing [You've been training, attempting to learn the Eastern Magi's Breathing and Walking technique, which takes most people decades to master. You've made some leeway with the Breathing part, allowing you to better focus your mind and clear your thoughts. Removes all status conditions afflicting you, once per Combat. Can only be used by those of Eastern origins.]
Taunt [Do something to bring attention to yourself, for whatever reason. Boosts your Defense by 10%.]
Brace [Quickly take the most defensible position you can using your body and prepare yourself for anything heading your way. Uses the rest of your turn. Reduces incoming damage by 30%.]
Burnout [Dump whatever amount of MP you're willing to into your Servant to boost all of their parameters. 1 point increase if the MP given is over 300, 2 points if over 600, 3 points if over 900. You must remain immobile while using this ability, with any movement disrupting the process and cutting the flow.]

Example Characters

Example Servant
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Circe
Age: Looks 24
Appearance: Image
Sex: Female
Background/Personality: A majority of Circe's origins were shrouded in mystery, with some seeing her as a Goddess, and others as a witch. Many tales have been spoken of her exploits, but from what's been pieced together, it is known that she lived on an island and would transform men. The truth of Circe's story ties mostly in between all of the stories. Circe was the wife of the prince of Colchis, or better known as a trophy wife. It was an arranged marriage between her father Helios and the king of Colchis, as she was her father's gift to the king. Her life was assured for luxury, and she hadn't wanted for much more, riding her way into the life she knew her father wanted for her.

But there was a catch, that turned her tale around. The prince of Colchis was an insufferable brat, always wanting even when he had so much. He'd often cheat on her with other women and disrespect her, a demigoddess. She felt insulted by his behavior, but tolerated it for her father. Her patience had been run thin, however, when he attempted to strike her in a fit of rage. She made up her mind then that she couldn't accept something so disrespectful, and the next night, she had made him dinner. And she laced it with a toxin.

It was a slow and painful death that weakened his form enough for his final punishment. Circe transformed him into a pig, which was exactly what she saw him as. She felt empowered, feeling as if she finally took back some measure of dignity. But she didn't stop there. Afterwards, she found his father, and did the same to him for allowing his son's behavior. With a few servants as collateral, but she figured that was a worthy sacrifice for her revenge.

Her father didn't take too kindly to this, however. And as soon as he could, he banished her to an island called Aeaea, where she'd live the rest of her life. In her time, she had practiced her unique magic more, transforming those who came to her island and hadn't given her proper respect. At some point, Odysseus showed up, and the rest follows the famous tale of Homer's Odyssey. Her happy life with her new husband, however, ended in tragedy when her son-in-law murdered her in an altercation they had over his treatment of his wife, her daughter. Cassiphone, said daughter, then exacted revenge on her husband, killing her and avenging Circe's death. Odysseus soon killed himself due to the grief this brought him.

Personality: Circe was always a polite but prideful woman, finding anything resembling disrespect to be unacceptable, and punishing those who'd dare to do so to her. As she was a demigoddess who enjoyed the luxuries of comfortable living all her life, she saw the lives of those lower than her to be expendable. But she was not as cruel as she was depicted, and often she'd treat her new pets with dignity and care in their new lives. She had many lovers in her life to satisfy her divine libido, and her sexual life taught her to be rather shameless, much like most other Greek gods and goddesses. A less well-known fact about Circe was that she was honorable, the type who'd forsake her pride to uphold her word, hence why killing her first husband was something difficult for her to do.
Catalyst: The goblet she used when she attempted to poison Odysseus.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Class: Caster
Class Skills: Territory Creation (C), Item Construction (C)
Personal Skills: Mistress of Witchcraft (C) [Circe has been heralded as one of the greatest witches of all time, even teaching the great Medea a few of her tricks. Thus, only the most powerful of Magecraft can have an effect on her. All Magecraft is 90% less effective when used against her.] Divinity (B) [Circe is the daughter of Helios and Perse, and is related to other Gods. This makes her nearly deserving of Godhood.]
Abilities: Frozen Air [Circe, though prideful and scornful of modern magecraft, had appreciated the spell Cold Air. So she made her own version. This spell will fire shards of ice that upon contact with a body, will slowly freeze her target, dealing 1d8x100 damage, apply Frostbite, and stun them if the attack hits the same target 3 times consecutively. All distance. MP Cost: 800.]
Boons: More Points, Upgraded Personal Skill

HP: 4,000
MP: 5,200

Power: 520
Strength: 3 (E)
Endurance: 10 (C+)
Agility: 12 (B)
Magic: 15 (A)
Luck: 5 (E+)
Skill: 7 (D+)
Noble Phantasm: Transmogrification (A) [Circe had a reputation for transforming men into swine. She used to do this through her potions, but she's since learned to bypass that through bull-forcing through the process via her powerful magic. Circe's staff lights up, applying Blinded on all enemies seeing it and cursing them to slowly transform into an animal in four turns, with each turn lowering their Attack and Defense by 33%. This can only be broken by Circe releasing it, Circe losing her staff, Circe being knocked unconscious, or by the victim eating a petal of moly.]

Divine Powering (A) [Circe is a powerful witch, and a demigoddess. Her power is nothing to laugh at, but with this spell gifted to her by her teacher and godmother Hecate, she can increase her or another's Power by 20% every turn. However, this has the added effect of applying Aroused, which intensifies as the target grows in power.]

Example Master
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Kobayashi Yuuki
Age: 24
Appearance: Image
Sex: Female
Bloodline: Costa
Background: Yuuki was not born Kobayashi Yuuki, but was Rosa Costa. The Costas are a small Italian family of Magi who trace their origins back to a common ancestor between them and a far more powerful Magi family, making them distant cousins. The Costa family, however, weren't as lucky as their cousins. Though they had a long line of powerful Magi with far more circuits than the norm (making them a family of prodigies), they all had to suffer the price of terrible health issues. Every Costa had some form of health complication that no magecraft could solve, leading most to suspect that they were cursed.

Clearly, the Costa family believed this as well. Yuuki's mother, Ada, had believed that the only way to save her family from their curse was to create a powerful Magus who would start a new generation of powerful Costa Magi, by any means necessary. So she sold a great many family secrets, all to afford the process of creating a single great Designer Baby, and that baby was Yuuki, who was to be their hope. But something had, of course, gone wrong. Ada's business partners in creating the Designer Baby had tricked her. They gave her the healthy baby daughter she wanted, but they also made certain Yuuki would have little potential as a Magus. Ada never even knew.

It soon became clear that Yuuki was a terrible Magus as her tutoring began. She wouldn't understand complicated problems, she didn't have the patience to pay proper attention to the lessons, and worse of all; her magic circuits were below average. She was hopeless in magical pursuits, to the despair of her family, and to the anger of her mother. She was livid that Yuuki had no hope in magic, after all she spent for her. She viewed her as a failure, and after another one of her many failed attempts at learning anything more than simple magecraft; her mother had disowned her at the age of 5.

Ada wanted nothing more to do with Yuuki, so she made sure she'd never have to worry about Yuuki ever again. She took a trip to Japan with Yuuki, abandoned her there, and went back to Italy as if nothing had happened. Yuuki was heartbroken, but was too young to understand that she had been abandoned. She searched for her mother, going for days on the streets before she was found by a kind man. His name was Nakamura Benjiro, the owner of a Dojo. Out of the kindness of his heart, he allowed Yuuki to stay at his place until she could find her mother. It took a month for him to lose hope.

Long story short; he eventually ended up adopting her, raising Yuuki all alone in his Dojo - even training her at her request. She couldn't be happier, with a parent that loved her and a great deal many friends. But she never forgot her past. Yuuki has always wondered about the truth of who she was, or maybe more accurately; what she was. She found that she was far stronger than the average person, with greater senses than one would expect from her. Her physical capabilities and skill in combat only heightened when her training had concluded at the age of 18, with her now being quite adept at the usage of a sword. She was a fearsome opponent, to be sure.

On a normal day after work, she received mail from someone named 'Z', asking her if she was curious about her past. He told her that who and what she was - and who her mother was - would be revealed all if she came to England. So, unable to defeat that nagging need to validate her creation and recognize her past, she went to England, where she'd become a Master in the Holy Grail War.

Personality: Yuuki's always been a kind and honest woman, though not the most patient. She's honorable and loyal to a fault, though she doesn't see this as a flaw. Yuuki's also very cautious, but throws caution to the wind if her curiosity's stoked enough. She's timid and usually incapable of hurting people, but when in battle, her demeanor changes entirely. She becomes serious and focused, borderline ruthless with her combat style, almost robot-like in her desire to remain apathetic, as well. She has an unsaid policy to not harm those she deems innocent, no matter the cost, as that's what Benjiro taught her.
Alignment: Neutral Good

Element: Earth
Spells: Resistance [This simple technique is a power inherent to anyone with magic circuits. It enables them to automatically both notice and resist magic, and has no MP cost.]
Nauthiz [A basic rune, this is taught as the first rune to all budding Rune specialists, as it's quite simple yet useful. This rune enforces a defensive rule that blocks damage equal to the MP dumped into it. Medium to Short distance. MP Cost: Varies.]
Fortification (Signature) [A spell Yuuki accidentally created while meditating, this allows her to use her MP to increase her Defense by 30%. MP Cost: 200.]

Abilities: Quick Takedown [Yuuki was taught martial arts at a young age, to better hone her body and teach her discipline. With this knowledge, she can quickly perform a takedown on most opponents caught unaware. Deals 1d4x100 physical damage to a stunned enemy.]
Blowing and Marching [Yuuki was trained by Benjiro to learn his version of the Breathing and Walking technique, which takes most people decades to master. To get around its difficulty, his own version focuses on maintaining a strong front and steeling the mind, instead of clearing it. This allows for the user to ignore all damage taken for four turns, and ignore the effects of most Status Conditions.]
Burnout [Dump whatever amount of MP you're willing to into your Servant to boost their power. 10% if the MP given is over 300, 20% if over 600, 30% if over 900.]
Boons: Designer Baby, Handcrafted Spell, More Points, Signature Spell

HP: 1,800
MP: 500

Strength: 15
Endurance: 15
Agility: 15
Magic: 5
Luck: 5
Skill: 15

Character List (7/6)

RandomRoninKitten & Littlemankitten

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Sinclaire Archibald
Age: 18
Appearance: Image (Pink-haired girl on the left, minus the bandana)
Sex: Female
Bloodline: Archibald
Background: As a member of the Archibald bloodline, and Kayneth's niece, she experienced a rough patch in the family's history when Kayneth, the family's ninth head and a prodigy Magus, died and lost the Holy Grail War. During this time, Sinclaire was kidnapped by a rival family in the Archibald lineage, who held her hostage and tortured her while demanding talents, lands, and mystic codes in exchange for her release. This experimentation resulted in the growth of appendages belonging to other creatures, turning her into a chimera. While most of these other appendages were removed, she retains feline ears and a tail, due to the tail being connected to her spine, and the ears replacing her own human ears. Her family never paid the ransom, resulting in Sinclaire being thrown out on the street. Now on her own, Sinclaire used what few skills she learned from her family to sell her services as a bounty hunter, while enrolling herself back into the academy, where she was picked on by the other kids for being abandoned by the Archibald family, and being inhuman. On a completely normal day for her, she was contacted by a person named "Z", telling her that she has the chance to compete in the Holy Grail War. No so much interested in the Holy Grail itself, but victory in the war to gain the respect of absolutely every Magus, she would gladly accept.
Personality: Selfish, rebellious, highly intelligent, a loner, she wants to be respected by everyone, but has also grown jaded and distrustful due to her treatment.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Servant: Sirius Andromeda

Element: Wind/Water(Dual Affinity)

Air Maneuver
Cold Air
Volturnus Anarchy Spear(Fires an ice spear at the target, medium range)(1d3x200/300 cost/Applies Frostbite after 1 turn delay)

Daylight Dies(Stealth)
Power Slide(High-Speed Baseball Slide for closing distance)

Handcrafted Spell
Dual Affinity

HP: 1200
MP: 1000

Strength: 15
Endurance: 10
Agility: 20
Magic: 10
Luck: 0
Skill: 5

Inventory: Small Healing Potion x2 (heals for 30% health), Origami Crow, Elixir x2 (fully replenishes MP)

Name: Sirius Andromeda
Age: ~22
Sex: Female
Background: Sirius was the daughter of Orion Andromeda, who was a famous inventor in the 28th millennium. Orion was well renowned for the invention of mecha suits. Though technically it was a 5 person project, he was the lead designer and engineer and quite greedy so he got almost all the credit. Much to the distaste of his companions. A few years after the first production models came out, Orion was a multi-billionaire while the other five were left millionaires. At that time, millionaire was only upper middle-class. Most of those 5, while not exactly happy, we're content enough with the money they got. One though, Cassa Virgo, was not content. He felt what Orion did to his once friends was a capital offense, and must be dealt with by his own hands. After scrounging up a small armory worth of weaponry, and a mercenary group, he raided Orion's home and killed Orion. He then took the research and designs for the suits and burnt the Andromeda household to the ground.

Sirius was in university at the time, studying to become a spacecraft engineer to help her father work on the mecha suits. When she learned of her fathers death, she had a pretty good idea of who it was. Cassa was very vocal about what he thought about Orion, and rumors were spreading beforehand he was planning something like this. Unfortunately the Andromeda's dismissed the rumor, thinking an "old friend" would never do such a thing. Having been proved wrong, Sirius set a plan for revenge. Having the train of thought "oh people die all the time in movies and in games, how hard can it be" and having lived a life of relative luxury, Sirius didn't prepare much for the "assassination." Commandeering a prototype mecha suit that could shoot time-warping munitions and had a reality-distorting shield usually reserved for capital ships at the time. It would prove to be more than capable of doing what she wished, but at a great cost.

The mecha suit required a neural connection to function, meaning she had to connect wiring to her neural receptors. This caused one of two major problems that ended in her death. Because the suit was a prototype, the neural interface had yet to be tested, and when she connected, her personality changed drastically. She went from a innocent, nice girl into a cold blooded, ruthless killer. When she made it to Cassa's place of work, it became a slaughter. Not caring about who was innocent and who was in on her fathers death, she ruthlessly killed all who worked there, believing they were all responsible for her fathers death. The suit, incorporating technologies usually reserved for high wealth nations military fleets was able to take on what little resistance was thrown at her. Finally, in a act of rage, she fired a temporal missile that engulfed the complex, and most of the world it sat on, in a time and reality bending storm that sent many pieces of her into different times, realities, and dimensions. One piece in particular landed into the past, just a few months before the Grail War. The power core of her suit.

While non-magical for the first few weeks of its new timeline, in the future Sirius's raid and subsequent destruction of a planet spread across the galaxy fast. Sirius's friends and professors knew she was planning something to get back at Cassa. But Sirius was a girl that, in their minds, never resorted to violence. Being quite timid and shy. In fact, she for the most part abhorred the idea of violence, seeing it as an archaic and useless means of getting what someone wants. Obviously not realizing the extent she went to avenge her father, the story that people ended up going with was that Cassa was the one who destroyed the planet. After all, Cassa was known to be bitter and willing to go the extremes. There was also no way Siruis would have the power to destroy half a planet without a capital ship or planetary weapon. Or so they thought. The suit Sirius used was never revealed to anyone, so no one would have a reason to suspect Sirius did it. In the end the story settled on Sirius attempting to talk or perhaps sabotage Cassa, but out of pure rage Cassa detonated a extremely powerful bomb. Sirius would go down in history as a innocent young girl who attempted to avenge her famous father, but was killed, along with most of a planet, by a madman. Of course, the government and military were very interested in how Cassa might of attained such a weapon, and the notion it was Sirius was never fully dismissed to them. Leaving an air of mystery unsolvable because there was nothing left to investigate.

Personality: There are two sides to Sirius. There is the timid, shy, scared Sirius which can be considered the "true" Sirius, and then there is the armed version, who can be considered the polar opposite. The "fake" Sirius. "True" Sirius abhorred violence and, while having had sexual encounters, is still innocent. Having lived a life of luxury even for the distant future, she is ignorant of the hard life. She is very intelligent however, and loves to learn new things. "Fake" Sirius is a weapon. The suit and her become one and the same, and she feels nothing when she slaughters those she sees as enemies. However she wont attack those she deems innocent unless ordered and still has a very loose sense of a morale code.
Alignment: "True" Sirius: Lawful good. "Fake" Sirius: Neutral evil
Master: Sinclaire Archibald
Catalyst: Power core of her mecha suit. Small enough to fit in your hand. Contains antimatter, do not break!

Class: Archer
Class Skills: Magic Resistance (D) Independent Action (A)
Personal Skills: Technology enthusiast (D): Having been the daughter of an inventor from the future, Sirius knows quite a lot about technology. She will be able to create and modify any kind of tech, operate most vehicles, hack most computers, and so on. She can create weapons, shields, body armor, among other things. How strong these are depends on how much time she invests into them, which could last for days or weeks.
Abilities: A tergo: Latin for "From behind," this ability allows Sirius to instantly teleport behind an enemy within a certain radius and stab them in the back 2 to 4 times with her sword, then teleport back to original position if she so chooses. Mid to long distance. Number of attacks based on a 1d4 roll. Enemy will receive a 20% Defense bonus (stackable) for every time this attack is attempted against them.

Scutum opes imperil: Latin for "Shield of Empires," This ability transforms her suit of armor into a large shield that blocks all conventional attacks and dampens the power of more powerful ones. Makes her actual body naked except for a bra and panties. It takes first priority above any abilities that don't do the same, with a 60% Defense increase for a single turn. It also ignores all status effects while this ability is in effect.

Boons: More points (3), Rank up

Stats (A is 15, B is 12, C is 9, D is 6, E is 3.)
HP: 7600
MP: 3900

Power: 680
Strength: E (3)
Endurance: A+ (19)
Agility: A (15)
Magic: C (9)
Luck: C+(10)
Skill: B (12)
Noble Phantasm: Cladem inevitabilis est (A+ - 17): Latin for "Defeat is ineluctable," this phantasm turns Sirius's suit of armor into a giant energy cannon. Magically duplicating the anti-matter core of her suit, the gun channels and overcharges the energy produced by it and discharges a powerful beam of energy of the same magnitude of a large scale gamma-ray burst. All that comes into contact with the beam will be instantly vaporized, the air around it will ionize and create a highly charged static field that shocks all nearby with such intensity all the lightning in the world gathered up into one bolt would still be a small spark compared. This energy also produces tremendous amounts of radiation and the local area will be completely irradiated for a short period of time, potentially killing all normal life nearby. Automatically crits and deals 8,000 damage to enemies within a line of fire. Inflicts Radiated (subtract 10% of max health from afflicted target) per turn on all targets within a long distance.

Ex omnibus angulis contentis (C+ - 10): Latin for "From all angles," Sirius teleports to her enemy from a random angle, stabbing them, then teleporting to another direction and stabbing them again about 6 times.


Lazy Kitsune & CondorBoH

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Rosanna "Rose" Miller
Age: 19
C.jpg (48.65 KiB) Viewed 2826 times

Sex: Female
Bloodline: Escardos
Background: Growing up in England, knowledge of her magical abilities and bloodline came as quite a shock to Rose Miller only a couple of years before she became involved in the Holy Grail War. Up until that point, Rose had lived a troubled, although ordinary life. Her mother, whom for the short time Rose knew her made no mention of magic or of her rather distinct heritage, passed away due to a drug overdose. Both of Rose's parents were addicts, and reached a point of being near incapable of sustaining themselves. From a young age, Rose was taking care of herself and her parents, working double shifts at whatever establishment would be willing to hire someone so young and when that failed, stealing what she could, however her earnings were often used by her parents to fuel their addiction. Her mother's passing was a sobering wake up call for her father, who was finally set on the path to kicking his addiction. This, however, also came with the discovery of Rose's living conditions, leading to her being taken into foster care, only able to occasionally visit her father in prison, who, in one of his few acts as a decent parent, claimed full responsibility for all the stolen goods the police found in their apartment that Rose had brought in.
Rose became quite the troublesome child, moving from foster home to foster home with no one feeling comfortable taking care of her. The truth was, she felt more than capable to take care of herself already, and didn't quite like the idea of her mother and father being replaced. As poor parents as they were, they were still nice to her, and it wouldn't be easy for her to accept anyone new. In the end, it became irrelevant, as it wasn't long before she was old enough to live on her own. Making a living for couple of years as a boxer, she earned just enough to get by, but made some more on the side by participating in street fighting rings. Her extra earnings were never for herself though. Instead, she put forward whatever money she could afford to not keep for herself into helping support the local community, in particular in helping recovering drug addicts. While she left out her involvement with street fighting out of her conversations with her father, her donations and participation in these charitable acts often became the topics of their conversations during her visits and he became increasingly proud of his daughter, incredibly grateful for how she grew up despite how much of a terrible father he had been.
Things changed, however, when she was contacted by a relative of her mothers. Rose and her father knew very little about her mother's family, with her mother rarely speaking of them, nor having any family photos. Even after her death, her side of the family didn't attend her funeral, leaving it just Rose, Rose's father and a few close friends who were there. Rose's disdain for them only grew as she learned and came to terms with what they were.
The Escardos family, the bulk of which were located near the Mediterranean, were a very old family and provided Rose a rather luxurious apartment in Lincoln, England. After coming to terms with magic and her own magic capabilities, the Escardos family apparently desperate for capable mages in the latest generation and eager to recruit Rose to their numbers, Rose was furious that all of this magic existed at these people's fingertips, yet they never used any to help people who suffered from the everyday problems Rose had experienced throughout her life. While Rose's studies in magic had only just begun, she already vowed that she would find whatever way she could to improve the lives of those overlooked by both society and the mages. When the Escardos family eventually brought up that, despite her limited training, her magical potential still left her as one of their best candidates for the upcoming Holy Grail war and informed her of what this meant, while she held little interest in fighting with others or gaining anything for herself, she understood that this would be her best chance to gain the power necessary to change the world for the better.
Personality: Despite her often hotheaded and aggressive temperament, Rose is, at her core, a kindhearted person. She often puts the well-being over others beyond herself and has no desires to use the Holy Grail war for personal gain. To help express issues developed over the course of her childhood and to solidify her sense of independence and personal strength, she took up boxing, learning how to swing, take and dodge a punch if needed. What she lacks in magical ability, she makes up for in physical skill and determination.
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Element: Fire
Resistance - [This simple technique is a power inherent to anyone with magic circuits. It enables them to automatically both notice and resist magic, and has no MP cost.]
Flame Bullet - [A basic fire curse meant to trick the victim into thinking it's a mere fireball. Once this curse lands on the target's skin, it will cause their body to heat up. Deals 1d4x100 damage and applies Burned. Medium to Short distance. MP Cost: 300]
Heat Flare - [Create a ball of light that emits enough heat to warm the body. This spell is a basic one that most don't bother to use, but if one was creative, it could be used to devastating combat effect. Removes Blinded and Frostbite. Doesn't cost a Stamina point. Short distance spell. MP Cost: 200]
Ward - [A basic spell, this is taught to most Magi in a bloodline as a means to combat against Curse specialists. Once a Ward is active, it will block against most curses so long as they require magical or physical contact between the curse and the target. Lasts 4 turns. Short distance. MP Cost: 100.]
Burnout - [Dump whatever amount of MP you're willing to into your Servant to boost their power. 10% if the MP given is over 300, 20% if over 600, 30% if over 900.]
Brace - [Quickly take the most defensible position you can using your body and prepare yourself for anything heading your way. Uses the rest of your turn. Reduces incoming damage by 30%.]
Sucker Punch - [Short range melee attack that deals 1d4x100 damage with an 80% base chance of stunning the target, with the enemy having a chance to resist.]

More points - Get 10 more stat points.
Prodigy - You were born with a special grasp on magic. +5 to Magic and Skill. Take another spell to learn.

Stats (You get to spend 60 stat points. Ignore the Servants' ranking system, just use flat numbers.)
HP: 1800
MP: 1500

Strength: 20 (Your strength. Affects physical might. This is important for humans, obviously.)
Endurance: 15 (Your endurance. Affects how much damage you can take.)
Agility: 20 (Your agility. Affects evasive abilities, turn order, fleeing chances, and anything else needing speed.)
Magic: 15 (Your magic. Affects the power of your spells, your resistance to Magecraft, and your control over your own magic.)
Luck: 0 (Your luck. Affects status effect chances, chances in general, ability damage, and the like. Only really useful if it's high.)
Skill: 10 (Your skill. Affects sneaking, charismatic pursuits, and miss chances. but basically you'll never have to worry about missing if this is 5 or over.)

Inventory: Elixir x2 (fully replenishes MP)

Name: The Genie of the Lamp
Age: Several hundred, if not thousand, years old.
Appearance: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2604690
Sex: Female
Background: A long time ago, a powerful Magi bound a mighty servant of the Roc, a Genie, to his will. The genie was bound to an oil lamp, and was forced to obey the owner of the lamp. One of her lesser cousins was also taken and bound to a ring. The greater genie was capable of granting wishes, and was bound by the Magi in a foolish attempt at creating his own Holy Grail. It failed, naturally, and the sealed lamp was hidden in the Magus' vaults somewhere within China. This genie spent centuries languishing in her prison, ultimately forgetting her name to the ages, never believing she will be free in any way, since time had taken the memory of the hidden vault.
However, an African magi found the location of the lamp, but he himself could not gain control over the lamp, for it's power could only be wielded if it was gifted to another. He deceived a foolish young boy in China, named Aladdin in some stories, and had him fetch the lamp - gifting him a magical ring to help guide him. However the scared boy would not hand it over, and the Magus sealed the vault with the boy inside. He would get it off of his corpse in a few days, and trick some other fool into handing it to him.
Aladdin could not escape, and rubbed his hands together in worry and fear after two days in the dark. The ring on his finger unleashed a genie, who rescued him from the cave and returned him home. The boy regaled his mother, who found him foolish and elected to sell the lamp. Aladdin turned the lamp over to his mother, who began to rub it to clean it...
The Greater Genie rose from the lamp, preparing to take vengeance on the Magus who sealed her away... only to discover a starving peasant family cowering before the demon. She took pity on the terrified boy and the fainted mother, granting their wish for food with a simple flick of her wrist.

Over the next few months, the genie would grant the boy's wishes, helping him woo the Emperor's daughter, Badroulbadour, and granting him many slaves and jewels. It was simplicity, and a kind of freedom. The genie was free of the lamp at times, granting the selfish requests of a poor family - far more joyous than being forcibly experimented on by a foolish mortal mage. The days were happy, she formed a friendship with Aladdin and his bride. While the African Magi returned and hounded the loving couple, Aladdin and the lesser genie were able to outsmart him and regain the Greater Genie's power.

Happy times again followed, but the African had a brother who also lusted for power. By his machinations and disguises, he tricked Badroulbadour into desiring to hang a Roc's Egg from the ceiling of their palace as decoration. Aladdin summoned the genie, who was happy to see her cherished friend and asked him what he would desire of her. He wished for a Roc's Egg!
The genie was said to have unleashed a terrible scream, enough to shatter every window in the palace.
"You wretch! It is not enough that I have done everything for you, but you would ask for me to bring you my Master and hang him up!? You, your wife and your palace deserve to burn to ashes."
Feeling betrayed by the mortals she had come to love, the genie never answered the summons again, unless she was forced by the lamp's power. When next, Aladdin's child rubbed the lamp and called the genie her parents told her of, the genie granted only three wishes and toyed with them all - bending the meaning of the words until they brought disaster. The lamp was locked away once more, never to be heard from again...

Personality: Jinn are wicked spirits, and the Genie of the Lamp is no different. While she does have a soft side and wishes for earnest love and friendship, that side of her was quashed by the perceived betrayal of her closest friends. She has given up on freedom, and has resigned herself to the duty of the lamp. That said, she makes the most of every time she's summoned, loving the fresh air and the greedy wishes of mortals that she can torment. Those that raise her ire are dealt the worst hand, while those that amuse her gain only minor pranks and might have their actual wishes granted. She enjoys messing with people, but can be reigned in.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Catalyst: An old oil lamp, Arabic in origin.

Class: Caster
Class Skills: Territory Creation (B), Item Construction (C)
Personal Skills: Shapeshiting (D), Jinn spend most of the time with bodies of gas and smoke, almost invisible on the wind. They can change their from to become solid, or take on monstrous features to better fight. The Genie of the Lamp is no different, as such she can change her features from a wind demon to a human woman, become gas or sand, small animals like rats or snakes or become something akin to an ogre with fangs and claws - which replaces her magical power with physical strength.
Abilities: Sandstorm - Cost = 400: Jinn have control over the wind and sand, and this one is no different. The Genie conjures a storm of sand, dust and water (depending on the location of course) to surround and blind her target. For every turn the victim remains within the vortex, their vision is impaired and they suffer 1d8*50 damage.
More Points (x2)
Rank Up (Territory Creation)

Stats (A is 15, B is 12, C is 9, D is 6, E is 3.)
HP: 4800
MP: 7700
(0 Point remaining)
Power: 620
Strength: E (3)
Endurance: B (12)
Agility: B (12)
Magic: A+ (17)
Luck: B (12)
Skill: D (6)
Noble Phantasm: Rank A - A Palace, from China to Africa and Back - The Three Wishes of the Genie: Indeed, the greatest myth of the Genie of the Lamp is the masterful Three Wishes that ownership of the lamp grants. Limited by the Holy Grail War, but still powerful enough to warp time and space, all the Master needs to do is stroke the lamp (sensually) and demand! The limits are, of course: Cannot bring the dead back (as living, zombies armies is another story), cannot force one to fall in love with another, and cannot be used to kill. Some things can't be wished for, the Genie is weaker than the Holy Grail after all. It's best to think carefully before wishing for something she cannot do, because she'll grant whatever is closest to the desire. Due to the potential power of this Noble Phantasm, a Master has to sacrifice a Command Seal to provide the Genie enough Prana to grant the wish.



Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: أَنوق ذَهَبيّ Golden Vulture
Age: 42, died in 1760 B.C
Golden+Vulture.jpg (79.05 KiB) Viewed 2837 times

Sex: Male
Background: Golden Vulture, the Hand of the Dunes, Breaker of Mages, Thief of Babylon. These were just a few of the titles that the Babylonian man that would come to be known as Golden Vulture gained during his life. Born in squalor, Golden Vulture had few opportunities to survive and flourish but he was determined to do so. Deciding he rather make enough money not have to worry about food anymore or die trying, he joined up with a small band of grave robbers. The highest targets were the tombs of dead mages, filled with signs of their wealth and mystic codes that could be worth fortunes if sold to the right person. They were also the most dangerous as treading upon the resting spot of mages in the Age of the Gods could not only invite punishment from the gods but also be protected by a myriad of spells, curses and familiars created through formidable magecraft. Luckily he proved to be good at it, or perhaps it was luck that initially carried him through, but grave robbing marked the start of his career, legends, and eventual sublimation into a Servant as he earned his first title, Golden Vulture in grave robbing circles for his eagerness to strip anything of worth from tombs. He continued it for several years, learning many ways of defending himself against magecraft as well as how to identify, operate, and price mystic codes. For him it was all that he could have dreamed of; an abundance of wealth gained from whatever loot he could bring out of the tombs, the rush from bypassing and surpassing whatever tricks of magecraft stood in his way, and the fame that came with each successful raid. So, of course, he wanted more and to go bigger. What could be bigger than penetrating the treasury of the fabled and deceased demigod king, Gilgamesh?

Almost immediately into his pursuit of the ultimate prize, problems arose. It wasn’t like the storehouse of Gilgamesh had a physical location on Earth, let alone a geographical entrance so it wouldn’t be as simple as traveling somewhere then working his way in. Also, Golden Vulture wasn’t the first one to consider finding a way into the King’s Treasury, nor was he the most powerful of them. Ever since Gilgamesh had died, mages of all kinds had been trying to crack the mystery of the Gate of Babylon to lay claim to his vast and powerful arsenal, and many had their own theories or experiments to try and find a way in. Golden Vulture figured those mages would be his best shot at finding any clues or possibilities to getting in the divine vault, so he changed his profession from stealing from dead mages to stealing from live ones.

His exploits became folklore as he hunted down and assassinated mages in the hundreds in search of a key. Mages thought he was a demon or wraith that killed mages for mana, truly a creature of terrifying proportions, whereas many commoners considered him to be a form of divine punishment against mages that abused their powers or committed taboos. Some gave him trouble, but he learned from his mistakes, becoming quicker, more quiet, taking more countermeasures to nullify magecraft before striking. He became a true mage killer, an assassin of high caliber that feared little. Then finally he was rewarded for his effort. Tearing the item from the stiff fingers of the latest mage, Golden Vulture claimed Bab-ilu, the Key of the King’s Law. It was the pure gold key dagger that legends said Gilgamesh had ordered to be made but then later threw away because he had no need for it. It hummed with power as he slipped his hand around the hilt… But that was all it did. With no understanding of magecraft, Golden Vulture couldn’t even begin to comprehend the ever-changing mystery of the key and its connection to the Gate of Babylon, another dead end. Despite his failure, knowledge of him possessing the key spread across the land, creating many stories of him being able to finally enter the treasury of Gilgamesh or harnessing the power of the key to be able to open any lock, stories that would lend themselves to crystallize into a noble phantasm that only his Assassin form would possess.

With his greatest ambition crushed, Golden Vulture turned back to gathering material wealth and reputation. Using his amassed fortune to open and buy shops in several city-states to provide a steady influx of wealth for himself. Rival business owners didn’t take kindly to an outsider moving in on their territories and they turned to mages and governors, many of which held a great dislike for one that had assassinated so many priests and mages. Once some of his shops were ransacked and caravans slaughtered and robbed, Golden Vulture decided to take action and respond in kind. Taking a large portion of his fortune, Golden Vulture recruited every bandit, cut-throat and mercenary he could find, amassing a small army and sheltering them in a large tomb that he had previously raided. He became a bandit king and the Hand of the Dunes, teaching his soldiers all he could then sending them out to raid every other caravan and merchant that ever dared to leave any of the city-states that he had owned shops in. It was brutally effective as he squeezed the cities for every penny from every person, then reopened his shops with the addition of the stolen goods while hiking the prices up to exorbitant levels to teach them the folly of trying to reign him in. It turned out to be a little too efficient as it drew the attention and ire of King Hammurabi, who had just finished warring in the south and now had to send his armies up north to quell the revolts and skirmishes that were forming from the forced economic crash in the city-states.

Writing up laws governing the etiquette of the marketplace, in addition to other spheres of living, Hammurabi sought to put an in to the chaos that Golden Vulture had caused with brutal and immoral business practices, as well as remove many of the judges that he had bought to keep his stores open and from being persecuted. These laws would come to be known as the Codes of Hammurabi, some of the first laws to govern society and act as the template for future civilizations. By playing his part, Golden Vulture had accidentally become a Pioneer of the Stars, paving the way for future civilizations by taking the immoral path and forcing civilization to improve rather than collapse back into anarchy. His reward was Hammurabi vocally and quite publicly denounce Golden Vulture for his actions, tarnishing his reputation as a businessman and calling into question his loyalty to Babylon before spreading the news to every city-state in the empire. Forced into a corner by potentially losing all the rights to his “legitimate” businesses and being labelled a conspirator that wished to destroy Babylon, Golden Vulture did one of the few things he could and lambasted Hammurabi for daring to vilify such an upstanding citizen before challenging him to a personal duel to clear his name and force him to recant on all the things he said. Golden Vulture could have simply left the empire in the dead of night to make his fortunes elsewhere, or used his bandit army to even lay siege to Babylon, possibly win, then oust Hammurabi and put into power someone that wouldn’t care what he had done in the past, but this was his way, who he was. Golden Vulture had never let anyone stand in the ways of his fortunes or wants, never ceded to another, never turned tail and never indulged the whims of someone he couldn’t stand. As he was when a child, he rather try to win it all or die trying.

Hammurabi accepted, because he couldn’t afford not to with how delicate the power of balance was after establishing his codes of law, and dictated that the fight would take place before the gates of the mighty Babylon city-state. Golden Vulture was as prepared as he could be, decades of combat and tactics ingrained into his mind and his body fit, trained and prepared to go back once into the fray. He took none of his assassin tools, instead opting for modest armor that wouldn’t slow him down too much while providing ample protection. For him, this wasn’t an assassination of a king or even a murder; this was one man bringing all of his worth, all of his experiences and trials to stand against another. So he took up one of his greatest treasures, a symbol of what he had accomplished through willpower and talent. The Sword of Renewal, a weapon of Gilgamesh that he had claimed from a mage during his search for a way into the divine treasury. Golden Vulture strapped it to his back and ventured out to Babylon, to his fate.

Everything else is well-recorded in the history books. The Bandit King, Golden Vulture arrived before the gates of Babylon and when they opened, instead of Hammurabi, the king’s army came out. Too late to flee and too stubborn to surrender, Golden Vulture drew his sword and plunged into the army of soldiers and mages. His battle-cry was proud and full of spirit as he fought well for the first day. The fighting continued through the night and it was only when the sun reached its zenith on the second day was the first fatal blow struck. One of Hammurabi’s generals strode through with his sword drawn to claim the Bandit King’s head, only to find his own head flying after Golden Vulture leaped back up and jammed the hilt of his now shattered sword through his eye before taking his sword to do the deed. He fought even harder after coming back from the land of the dead, often breaking and snapping weapons through his enemies only to grab another from someone and continue the fight. His magical sword took a whole day for the blade to regrow, by then welcoming the rejuvenating energy that came with every slash and thrust. It was said that the army of Hammurabi almost completely lost their moral on the fifth day, after all, hundreds lay dead and their single opponent was still standing. But then a quartet of mages finished their high thaumaturgy incantation, creating a beam of pure mana that seared its way past his magical resistance and penetrated his skull. This time they cut his head off before resurrection could even occur, thus ending Golden Vulture.

His legacy lived on in several ways, his existence is recorded in history books, his character and exploits being the inspiration for some of the stories in 1001 Arabian Nights, folktales that are still spread and told in the Middle-East, and having a tomb of his own that was created and housed the remains of his body until it was completely ransacked years later in a war.

Personality: Being summoned as a Saber instead of Assassin as he normally would be, changes a few things about him as he only qualifies for the Saber class if being summoned with the legend, Duel of Babylon in mind along with his death. Instead of appearing in his prime years, his “assassin” years; he shows up as he did in the days before his death.

As he was in those days, Golden Vulture is far more patient and calculated in his thinking and disposition, owed to many years of experience and tribulations that tested him. He could be called grandfatherly as he took great care to comfort those in need of comfort within his retinue and encourage others that he saw the spark of potential in, an attitude he picked up after many years of tending to the maturation of his order of bandits. After spending most of his life in pursuit of a pathway to the Golden Capital and ultimately failing, he knows the worth of enjoying the small things in life and take whatever pleasures one is offered and is willing to share them with others that have proven themselves deserving of such gifts and attention; a revelation and opinion that his Assassin version would not agree with or partake in. He’s proud, but often not to the point of hubris; critical, yet rarely abusive; and spirited while mindful not to slip into battle-lust or throw caution to the wind. One wouldn’t be wrong to say he mellowed out with age, but he still has the fire of his youth now coupled with the matured ambitions and desires of one who knows exactly what they are capable of. However, regardless of his summoned class, his utter dislike for betrayal, mages, and cowards remains. His tolerance for mages and their ways is extremely low, having witnessed plenty of overindulgence in Babylon from his clients while he has none for the other two. He is indifferent to how he met his fate, glad he stuck by his principles to end and amused how much of his legacy still exists in modern times.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Catalyst: The Code of Hammurabi on a clay tablet

Class: Saber
Class Skills: Magic Resistance (EX) (20)- [Possessing a substantial magic resistance in life, its potency has only increased with him being summoned into the Saber class.]
Personal Skills: Item Appraiser (A) (15)- [Not only was he good at stealing the things that were worth the most, but also determining their exact value and how they worked. Whether it was for a client or himself, he would figure out all there was to know about an object and the best way to use it.] Upon seeing a Noble Phantasm or the container for one, the skill gives him a high chance of figuring out what it does when activated and its True Name. This chance is increased based on the rank of the Noble Phantasm and the level of renown it carries. He adapts quickly to items and weapons that he didn’t use in his own lifetime, although he won’t be able to master them easily.

Abilities: Mimicry- [A popular trick used by grave robbers that wanted to loot the tombs of mages, by concentrating the mana within oneself, they could create a hollow clone of themselves to enter rooms and hallways before them to trigger any traps. While it worked well against hidden familiars and movement-based traps, it has no life-force of its own and wouldn’t be able to set off ones that only reacted to living things.] Creates a construct that is completely identical. Its attack, skill, and agility are the same as Saber’s but lacks any defenses, capable of being destroyed with ease should an attack land.
Boons: More Points (2x)

Stats (A is 15, B is 12, C is 9, D is 6, E is 3.)
HP: 7600
MP: 4800

Power: 760
Strength: A (15)
Endurance: A+ (19)
Agility: A (15)
Magic: E (3)
Luck: B (12)
Skill: B (12)
Noble Phantasm: EX (20) Shameless Looter, Anti-Treasure Noble Phantasm: The crystallization of his profession and life’s work, Shameless Looter allows him to attempt to disarm and take a noble phantasm, weapon, or item from a person (forces the other person to make a strength save against Saber to keep the item). The only limitations on Shameless Looter are that the object can’t be a divine construct or a phantasmal beast, and has to physically exist. His chance of successfully stealing the object increases if he’s wounded the victim at least once, has successfully appraised the item with his skill, or has seen the item used. Once in his possession, his mana upkeep increases slightly based on the rank and mystery of the item. If the object is a Noble Phantasm and he already knows its True Name he can activate it for a slightly higher mana cost than what it would have required for the former owner. He isn’t limited to a single stolen item, but each item will increase his mana upkeep and the mana cost to unleash any of them.

A (15) Sword of Renewal, Anti-Unit, Anti-Unit (Self): The Sword of Renewal is said to be one of the many weapons that Gilgamesh used to slay the Divine Bull of Heaven back when he was alive. For reasons unknown, he never reclaimed the sword, leaving it in the world well after his death. A very capable sword, its main power lies in the ability to restore its owner’s health and stamina with the vitality of their opponent’s with every successful attack. However, the true power of the sword is resurrection. When the wielder dies, if the weapon is still in his hands the blade shatters, releasing a divine blessing that brings the holder back to life. The user is restored to half health and only the sword’s hilt remains, the blade taking several days to regrow to the same potency as before.


Name: Pridolia Torvald
Age: 26
Pridolia.png (472.94 KiB) Viewed 2837 times

Sex: Female
Bloodline: Torvald
Background: The Torvald bloodline is a somewhat old yet unimportant and unassuming one that has only been around for several centuries. Their sorcery trait allows for the magic crest to be split between two successors, functionally only gives each half of all the archived thaumaturgical knowledge in the bloodline. Naturally, this leads to infighting as usually, neither successor is willing to accept only half of the magic crest, breeding competitive and determined mages that know from youth that they either have to be the best or receive nothing. The division has never allowed the Torvald to gain much influence as any resources and allies often get split between rivals for the inevitable claim to the magic crest. Pridolia is the latest heir presumptive, having killed her older sister, but not quite deemed ready to inherit the magic crest. She has spent several years studying at the Magic Foundation in the Middle-East preferring its facilities and lower level of politics to the Mage’s Association Clock Tower. Mostly learning curses and fire magecraft in preparation for receiving the magic crest or having another rival to fight for it, Pridolia is expected to make a breakthrough in curse magecraft once she gains the magic crest and takes a few years to reach her potential. These expectations are based on her latest dissertation on the nature of curses and Geis in particular that turned a few heads, even impressing the Mage’s Association enough to send her an invitation to the Clock Tower with expenses paid.

Personality: Pridolia is considered to be rather “intense” by most that interact with her. She’s very forward, preferring not to beat around the bush or utilize subtly if it can be helped. While she can initially be very off-putting in how she may greet someone then immediately tell them what exactly she wants or expects from them, she is fairly amicable and always has a variety of subjects on her mind she’d love to discuss, seldom turning down the chance to engage in magecraft theories or debates with another student or teacher. Despite having killed her sibling in a power struggle, she’s fairly spritely, seeing it as an inevitability that shouldn’t keep her from enjoying her studies and other activities. Incredibly curious, there are few things she won’t try if she thinks it’s an experience worth having or can grant her knowledge. Many make the mistake of assuming her bluntness to be a product of lacking cleverness or smarts, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Pridolia approaches most things in an analytical manner, weighing the pros and cons before deciding on what action to take. Personal principles or ethics rarely ever factor into her decisions, seeing them as impediments to what could be something far greater than societal norms. That being said, Pridolia isn’t completely a cold and calculating magus, possessing proclivities of her own. Her sadism is well-known at the Magic Foundation, readily testing each and every tweak to her curses and fire magecraft on whatever test subjects are available, or even on students if she thinks she can get away with it. Very few ever get through all her social barriers, but if one did, they’d find a woman that hasn’t dedicated herself to anything in life yet is already willing to take human lives to find out what she does want.

Alignment: True Neutral

Element: Fire
Spells: Resistance, Fire Bullet, Entropic Pull, (Signature) Exquisite Cinders- A short-range fire curse that blinds and burns. Deals 1d4x200 with a 300 mp cost.
Abilities: Burnout
Bonfire- The chance of a burn status being added is increased and DoT is increased to 10%
Fuel for the Fire- Seizing on the opportunity created by an opponent on fire, Pridolia swings her thermite hammer at her opponent, the flames on the person igniting chemicals in the hammer and causing a small explosion. Deals 1d4x100 physical damage and extends the fire status effect for longer.
Boons: Handcrafted Spell, Curse Specialist, Signature Spell

Stats (You get to spend 60 stat points. Ignore the Servants' ranking system, just use flat numbers.)
HP: 1800
MP: 2000

Strength: 5
Endurance: 15
Agility: 10
Magic: 20
Luck: 5
Skill: 5

Inventory: Medium Healing Potion (heals 1d8x100), Elixir (fully replenishes MP)

KittyCatCake and KnightVanilla

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Sylvie Gabrielle
Age: 21
Appearance: Image
Sex: Female
Bloodline: Scladio
Background: A member of the Scladio Mafia family, she voluntarily requested their assistance when her family's reputation was damaged beyond repair during a test run of a new magical spell. The spell had gone berserk and killed and wounded many, including her parents, causing her to have to flee in shame. When contacted by Z to fight in the Holy Grail War, she was happy to comply, intending to hand the Grail over to the Mafia to thank them for their protection and assistance.
Personality: She is mostly selfish, depressed, and distant, however she would do anything for the Mafia Family, without question.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Element: Water
Tiwaz [This Void rune absorbs all spells cast in one round of Combat and restores the MP used to whatever it's touching. All distance. No MP cost.]
Cold Air [This spell combines both the Water and Air elements, requiring one to have a dual-affinity for full usage. The user directs a cold burst of air at their target, that will deal 1d4x100 damage, apply Frostbite, and reduce their Attack by 30% for three turns, IF the user has a dual-affinity. If not, then it just deals 1d4x100 damage. Long distance spell. MP Cost: 500.]
Avatar of Lord Cthulu [This water rune forms up to four slimy purple tentacles that will wrap around any target that touches it to hold them in place. The grappled target will have a 20% chance of evading, and when grappled, will perform a Strength saving throw every turn to break out. This decreases in difficulty by 20% each attempt. Has a 40% chance of poisoning the target. Medium distance. MP Cost: 400.]
Uruz [A complex Water rune, this will speed up the healing process of anyone it's touching, but burns through Mana quickly. Heals 1d10x50 per turn. All distance. MP Cost: 400 per turn.]


Boons: http://prntscr.com/imr23n
Handcrafted Spell
Dual Affinity (Air and Water)
Signature Spell (Cold Air)

Stats (You get to spend 60 stat points. Ignore the Servants' ranking system, just use flat numbers.)
HP: 1200
MP: 1500

Strength: 13
Endurance: 10
Agility: 12
Magic: 18
Luck: 3
Skill: 5

Inventory: Elixir x2 (fully replenishes MP), Small Healing Potion x2 (heals 1d4x100), Origami Crow

Name: Bradmante Este (Prefers to be referred to by her Surname)
Age: 18
Appearance: Image[
Sex: Girl
Background: Although much of the renown known within her era was of her brother Rinaldo and his fellow Paladins of Charlemagne. Bradmante was a devoted child eagerly following her brother into the ideals of battle and knighthood. However as it is not often known, her start wasn't as grand as she had hoped or had thought of. After her first taste of battle and excitement she has craved more and left the safety of her encampment to scout their perimeter but instead she had encountered Ruggiero the man who field both her brother Rinaldo, and her cousin Orlando to a stand still. Both of which were paladins of Charlemagne.

It was hard to say who fell for who first, but she had been amazed and awed by his ability to hold his own against her brother and his peer. Lost in the moment of their meeting she was struck and wounded by an arrow from one of Ruggiero's men. To her surprise he had moved to aid and defend her from his own troops thus starting his own betrayal. As the battle was dying down Ruggiero was abducted by his step-father, the wizard Atlante. Held hostage within a fortress hidden away from the world by the wizard's own magical enchantments. Journeying into enemy territory alone she did her best to learn of the whereabouts of Ruggerio. To her fortune she had tracked both the location of her lover as well as a stolen magical artifact. The ring which was beholden to the maiden Angelica, was purposed to dispel/nullify false manifestations of magic. Navigating the keep to encounter both her lover and the wizard she was able to make short work in defeating the Wizard, sparing the elderly man's life on the wishes of her lover.

In their escape however Ruggerio was once more made to be a captive of another as he was spirited away by the Enchantress Alcina. Unlike the wizard before this magi had warped the mind of her lover into being compelled into loving Alcina. Seeking the aid of another magi by the name of Melissa, a deal was struck in where the magi would have influence over her family line as well as her own personal crest for later use. Once the deal had been made Bradmente could do nothing but until the sorceress had dispelled the enchantment placed on her lover. Being told to serve in her war and protect the maiden Angelica.

As time passed fate would separate Bradmente and the maiden she had sworn to protect. Locating her upon the day she was about to be sacrificed by a water dwelling orc. To her own surprise she had encountered her lover once more. Rescuing the maiden before she had the chance to leap into her defense. Rejoicing in their reunion she had learn in the escapades of his escape with the aid of the Sorceress. As he had gifted the young maiden a ring of invisibility to safe guard her when Bradmante's service was over.

Once the war was over they had both returned to her family Villa where it was that she expected to be betrothed to a noble. Provoking a trial by combat where the suitor either win or survive the battle to marry her. Through the sorceress trickery, Bradmente was the one dueling both of her suitors. Besting and killing off the noble with the disguise of her lover and fighting to a draw when it came to dueling her lover. Once the illusion had been dispelled and the agreement was met she was shortly wed to Ruggerio before his untimely death.

In the later years of her life she would bear her first and only child to raise up the noble lineage of Este with the magi Melissa.

Personality: Energetic, Proud, A bit selfish/envious, Honorable.... well there is a lot of ways to describe her however she is a youthful woman eager to prove herself on the battlefield. Having chosen the one she would had been wed to by withstanding her ability within combat and surviving. To her own hard headed nature she insisted that the Sorceress, Melissa disguise her as her suitor's rival. Not wishing for her opponents to hold back should they they know that they were fighting Bradmante herself. It wasn't any surprise that her lover had actually went up and above expectations when it came to almost beating her in single combat as it came to a draw.
Alignment: Nuetral Good
Catalyst: The Family Crest of Este

Class: Lancer
Class Skills: Magical Resistance (C)
Personal Skills: Eye of Mind (A)
Abilities: Ring of Angelica- The ring used to aide in locating Ruggerio both in his isolation and in his entrapment with his step-father. The ring has the ability to nullify the "visual" manifestation of magical enchantments/illusions. Depending on the what it is nullifying it can either completely dispel an illusion or modify/distort a manifestation to reveal it's true nature. This had aided Bradmente in both navigating the wizard's keep and discerning the wizard's true nature of a terrifyingly powerful wizard to an withered elderly man. (The ring provides protection from enchantments within the nature of illusions or mental effects. Charm effect cannot be induced on those that art targeted by this ring. Although the ring has to target a specific subject to lift the magical effects. This ring cannot target the same target as Melissa's ring.)

Meilissa's Ring- Due to Melissa's own interventions another magical ring that can be used is that of an illusion. In this instance she can alter the appearance of anything that encompasses the physical manifestation of the ring's target. (This ring can be used to switch the appearances of those she targets. Often time she uses this to have others think that she would be where her shadow is. Or she can use it to disguise others. This Ring can not target the same subject of Angelica's Ring.)

Boons: more points x3

Stats (A is 15, B is 12, C is 9, D is 6, E is 3.)
HP: 6000
MP: 3300

Power: 660
Strength: B+ (14)
Endurance: A (15)
Agility: A+ (19)
Magic: E (3)
Luck: D (6)
Skill: C (9)
Noble Phantasm: Fated Lover: Anti-Unit(self)/Phantasmal Beast (A) - Even in Death her lover comes to her aide. A Saber servant that Bradamante can partially manifest within her shadow. Fated to protect one another his is a shared noble phantoms between the two. The drawback however is that although the manifestation is always present within her shadow of still draws upon the reserves of mana to keep them corporeal. As such they work far more as effectively as a secondary set of limbs to conserve mana use. The shadow while reliant on the will of the user can sustain a limited amount of independent action so long as it is within the defense of another or the assault of a target. The rather passive and creative use of this noble phantasm cloaks both Bradmante and her weapon to aid keeping her identity a secret. As often she was often obscured by the greater legends around her, but knowing full well that the children that proceeded her grew in far greater renown she had. (A versatile Noble Phantasm that provides a list of different functions. Can only perform one at a time.)
Full defense; deploys a large bubble shield that protects against all attacks, but all within it cannot exit the shield nor attack outside opponents from within it. This shield can be applied to others. 10% mp cost overtime with an extra 4% for every hit it absorbs. Protection can be extended to allies within short distance with no bonus cost.
Enhanced attack; increases damage made with attacks by 70%. 25% mp cost overtime for the duration of the effect.
Extra senses; while the Noble Phantasm is active, Este's lover will be able to help her spot things, giving her advantage with sense-related rolls. 0% mp cost, automatic upon activation.
Cloak; Este can cloak herself in a shadow veil that makes it hard for one to figure out her identity. Will not work if they see her put it on. 10% mp cost overtime.
Weapon creation; create up to 4 weapons of the usual type (swords, axes, medieval stuff). Cannot be thrown and will be projected from Este's shadow. 6% mp cost per weapon.
Enhanced action; gives a 30% bonus to all rolls made while this is in effect. 12% mp cost overtime.
Battle Continuation; after being knocked down to 0 health, Este's lover will use her MP to keep her capable of combat. All damage made while Battle Continuation is active will be ignored, but big attacks have a 30% chance of stunning Este, the bigger attack the higher the chance. 30% mp drain until escape.

Trap of Argalia: Anti-Unit (D) - A lance that once belonged to Astolfo. It was given to Bradamante on a whim, with the knight having no idea of its abilities. Targets attacked with this weapon take damage equal to 1d12*40 and are afflicted with the Stunned status effect.

Devotion of Atlante: Anti-Unit (D) - A shield that belonged to Bradamante's lover. It is covered in cloth, but when used, it will immediately blind the attacking party and cause their next attack to miss. Blocks damage equal to 400.

Last edited by mrblah on Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:30 am, edited 40 times in total.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby RandomRoninKitten » Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:21 am

Name: Sinclaire Archibald
Age: 18
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(Pink-haired girl on the left, minus the bandana, hides a sheathed Ninjaken on her lower back)
Sex: Female
Bloodline: Archibald
Background: As a member of the Archibald bloodline, and Kayneth's niece, she experienced a rough patch in the family's history when Kayneth, the family's ninth head and a prodigy Magus, died and lost the Holy Grail War. During this time, Sinclaire was kidnapped by a rival family in the Archibald lineage, who held her hostage and tortured her while demanding talents, lands, and mystic codes in exchange for her release. This experimentation resulted in the growth of appendages belonging to other creatures, turning her into a chimera. While most of these other appendages were removed, she retains feline ears and a tail, due to the tail being connected to her spine, and the ears replacing her own human ears. Her family never paid the ransom, resulting in Sinclaire being thrown out on the street. Now on her own, Sinclaire used what few skills she learned from her family to sell her services as a bounty hunter, while enrolling herself back into the academy, where she was picked on by the other kids for being abandoned by the Archibald family, and being inhuman. On a completely normal day for her, she was contacted by a person named "Z", telling her that she has the chance to compete in the Holy Grail War. No so much interested in the Holy Grail itself, but victory in the war to gain the respect of absolutely every Magus, she would gladly accept.
Personality: Selfish, rebellious, highly intelligent, a loner, she wants to be respected by everyone, but has also grown jaded and distrustful due to her treatment. She hides a Ninjaken on her lower back, and tries to keep her usage of said weapon a secret.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Element: Wind/Water(Dual Affinity)

Air Maneuver
Cold Air
Volturnus Anarchy Spear(Fires an ice spear at the target, medium range)(1d3x200/300 cost/Applies Frostbite after 1 turn delay)

Daylight Dies(Stealth)
Power Slide(High-Speed Baseball Slide for closing/creating distance)

Handcrafted Spell
Dual Affinity

HP: 1200
MP: 1000

Strength: 15
Endurance: 10
Agility: 20
Magic: 10
Luck: 0
Skill: 5
Last edited by RandomRoninKitten on Sat Mar 03, 2018 3:08 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby Littlemankitten » Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:09 pm

Name: Sirius Andromeda
Age: ~22
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Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Sex: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sirius was the daughter of Orion Andromeda, who was a famous inventor in the 28th millennium. Orion was well renowned for the invention of mecha suits. Though technically it was a 5 person project, he was the lead designer and engineer and quite greedy so he got almost all the credit. Much to the distaste of his companions. A few years after the first production models came out, Orion was a multi-billionaire while the other five were left millionaires. At that time, millionaire was only upper middle-class. Most of those 5, while not exactly happy, we're content enough with the money they got. One though, Cassa Virgo, was not content. He felt what Orion did to his once friends was a capital offense, and must be dealt with by his own hands. After scrounging up a small armory worth of weaponry, and a mercenary group, he raided Orion's home and killed Orion. He then took the research and designs for the suits and burnt the Andromeda household to the ground.

Sirius was in university at the time, studying to become a spacecraft engineer to help her father work on the mecha suits. When she learned of her fathers death, she had a pretty good idea of who it was. Cassa was very vocal about what he thought about Orion, and rumors were spreading beforehand he was planning something like this. Unfortunately the Andromeda's dismissed the rumor, thinking an "old friend" would never do such a thing. Having been proved wrong, Sirius set a plan for revenge. Having the train of thought "oh people die all the time in movies and in games, how hard can it be" and having lived a life of relative luxury, Sirius didn't prepare much for the "assassination." Commandeering a prototype mecha suit that could shoot time-warping munitions and had a reality-distorting shield usually reserved for capital ships at the time. It would prove to be more than capable of doing what she wished, but at a great cost.

The mecha suit required a neural connection to function, meaning she had to connect wiring to her neural receptors. This caused one of two major problems that ended in her death. Because the suit was a prototype, the neural interface had yet to be tested, and when she connected, her personality changed drastically. She went from a innocent, nice girl into a cold blooded, ruthless killer. When she made it to Cassa's place of work, it became a slaughter. Not caring about who was innocent and who was in on her fathers death, she ruthlessly killed all who worked there, believing they were all responsible for her fathers death. The suit, incorporating technologies usually reserved for high wealth nations military fleets was able to take on what little resistance was thrown at her. Finally, in a act of rage, she fired a temporal missile that engulfed the complex, and most of the world it sat on, in a time and reality bending storm that sent many pieces of her into different times, realities, and dimensions. One piece in particular landed into the past, just a few months before the Grail War. The power core of her suit.

While non-magical for the first few weeks of its new timeline, in the future Sirius's raid and subsequent destruction of a planet spread across the galaxy fast. Sirius's friends and professors knew she was planning something to get back at Cassa. But Sirius was a girl that, in their minds, never resorted to violence. Being quite timid and shy. In fact, she for the most part abhorred the idea of violence, seeing it as an archaic and useless means of getting what someone wants. Obviously not realizing the extent she went to avenge her father, the story that people ended up going with was that Cassa was the one who destroyed the planet. After all, Cassa was known to be bitter and willing to go the extremes. There was also no way Siruis would have the power to destroy half a planet without a capital ship or planetary weapon. Or so they thought. The suit Sirius used was never revealed to anyone, so no one would have a reason to suspect Sirius did it. In the end the story settled on Sirius attempting to talk or perhaps sabotage Cassa, but out of pure rage Cassa detonated a extremely powerful bomb. Sirius would go down in history as a innocent young girl who attempted to avenge her famous father, but was killed, along with most of a planet, by a madman. Of course, the government and military were very interested in how Cassa might of attained such a weapon, and the notion it was Sirius was never fully dismissed to them. Leaving an air of mystery unsolvable because there was nothing left to investigate.

Personality: There are two sides to Sirius. There is the timid, shy, scared Sirius which can be considered the "true" Sirius, and then there is the armed version, who can be considered the polar opposite. The "fake" Sirius. "True" Sirius abhorred violence and, while having had sexual encounters, is still innocent. Having lived a life of luxury even for the distant future, she is ignorant of the hard life. She is very intelligent however, and loves to learn new things. "Fake" Sirius is a weapon. The suit and her become one and the same, and she feels nothing when she slaughters those she sees as enemies. However she wont attack those she deems innocent unless ordered and still has a very loose sense of a morale code.
Alignment: "True" Sirius: Lawful good. "Fake" Sirius: Neutral evil
Catalyst: Power core of her mecha suit. Small enough to fit in your hand. Contains antimatter, do not break!

Class: Archer
Class Skills: Magic Resistance (D) Independent Action (A)
Personal Skills: Technology enthusiast (D): Having been the daughter of an inventor from the future, Sirius knows quite a lot about technology. She will be able to create and modify any kind of tech, operate most vehicles, hack most computers, and so on. She can create weapons, shields, body armor, among other things. How strong these are depends on how much time she invests into them, which could last for days or weeks.

A tergo: Latin for "From behind," this ability allows Sirius to instantly teleport behind an enemy within a certain radius and stab them in the back 2 to 4 times with her sword, then teleport back to original position if she so chooses.

Scutum opes imperil: Latin for "Shield of Empires," This ability transforms her suit of armor into a large shield that blocks all conventional attacks and dampens the power of more powerful ones. Makes her actual body naked except for a bra and panties.

Boons: More points (3), Rank up

Stats (A is 15, B is 12, C is 9, D is 6, E is 3.)
HP: 7600
MP: 3900

Power: 680
Strength: E (3)
Endurance: A+ (19)
Agility: A (15)
Magic: C (9)
Luck: C+(10)
Skill: B (12)
Noble Phantasm: Cladem inevitabilis est (A+ - 17): Latin for "Defeat is ineluctable," this phantasm turns Sirius's suit of armor into a giant energy cannon. Magically duplicating the anti-matter core of her suit, the gun channels and overcharges the energy produced by it and discharges a powerful beam of energy of the same magnitude of a large scale gamma-ray burst. All that comes into contact with the beam will be instantly vaporized, the air around it will ionize and create a highly charged static field that shocks all nearby with such intensity all the lightning in the world gathered up into one bolt would still be a small spark compared. This energy also produces tremendous amounts of radiation and the local area will be completely irradiated for a short period of time, potentially killing all normal life nearby.

Ex omnibus angulis contentis (C+ - 10): Latin for "From all angles," Sirius teleports to her enemy from a random angle, stabbing them, then teleporting to another direction and stabbing them again about 6 times
Last edited by Littlemankitten on Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby CondorBoH » Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:57 pm

Name: The Genie of the Lamp
Age: Several hundred, if not thousand, years old.
Appearance: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2604690
Sex: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

A long time ago, a powerful Magi bound a mighty servant of the Roc, a Genie, to his will. The genie was bound to an oil lamp, and was forced to obey the owner of the lamp. One of her lesser cousins was also taken and bound to a ring. The greater genie was capable of granting wishes, and was bound by the Magi in a foolish attempt at creating his own Holy Grail. It failed, naturally, and the sealed lamp was hidden in the Magus' vaults somewhere within China. This genie spent centuries languishing in her prison, ultimately forgetting her name to the ages, never believing she will be free in any way, since time had taken the memory of the hidden vault.
However, an African magi found the location of the lamp, but he himself could not gain control over the lamp, for it's power could only be wielded if it was gifted to another. He deceived a foolish young boy in China, named Aladdin in some stories, and had him fetch the lamp - gifting him a magical ring to help guide him. However the scared boy would not hand it over, and the Magus sealed the vault with the boy inside. He would get it off of his corpse in a few days, and trick some other fool into handing it to him.
Aladdin could not escape, and rubbed his hands together in worry and fear after two days in the dark. The ring on his finger unleashed a genie, who rescued him from the cave and returned him home. The boy regaled his mother, who found him foolish and elected to sell the lamp. Aladdin turned the lamp over to his mother, who began to rub it to clean it...
The Greater Genie rose from the lamp, preparing to take vengeance on the Magus who sealed her away... only to discover a starving peasant family cowering before the demon. She took pity on the terrified boy and the fainted mother, granting their wish for food with a simple flick of her wrist.

Over the next few months, the genie would grant the boy's wishes, helping him woo the Emperor's daughter, Badroulbadour, and granting him many slaves and jewels. It was simplicity, and a kind of freedom. The genie was free of the lamp at times, granting the selfish requests of a poor family - far more joyous than being forcibly experimented on by a foolish mortal mage. The days were happy, she formed a friendship with Aladdin and his bride. While the African Magi returned and hounded the loving couple, Aladdin and the lesser genie were able to outsmart him and regain the Greater Genie's power.

Happy times again followed, but the African had a brother who also lusted for power. By his machinations and disguises, he tricked Badroulbadour into desiring to hang a Roc's Egg from the ceiling of their palace as decoration. Aladdin summoned the genie, who was happy to see her cherished friend and asked him what he would desire of her. He wished for a Roc's Egg!
The genie was said to have unleashed a terrible scream, enough to shatter every window in the palace.
"You wretch! It is not enough that I have done everything for you, but you would ask for me to bring you my Master and hang him up!? You, your wife and your palace deserve to burn to ashes."
Feeling betrayed by the mortals she had come to love, the genie never answered the summons again, unless she was forced by the lamp's power. When next, Aladdin's child rubbed the lamp and called the genie her parents told her of, the genie granted only three wishes and toyed with them all - bending the meaning of the words until they brought disaster. The lamp was locked away once more, never to be heard from again...

Personality: Jinn are wicked spirits, and the Genie of the Lamp is no different. While she does have a soft side and wishes for earnest love and friendship, that side of her was quashed by the perceived betrayal of her closest friends. She has given up on freedom, and has resigned herself to the duty of the lamp. That said, she makes the most of every time she's summoned, loving the fresh air and the greedy wishes of mortals that she can torment. Those that raise her ire are dealt the worst hand, while those that amuse her gain only minor pranks and might have their actual wishes granted. She enjoys messing with people, but can be reigned in.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Catalyst: An old oil lamp, Arabic in origin.

Class: Caster
Class Skills: Territory Creation (B), Item Construction (C)
Personal Skills: Shapeshiting (D), Jinn spend most of the time with bodies of gas and smoke, almost invisible on the wind. They can change their from to become solid, or take on monstrous features to better fight. The Genie of the Lamp is no different, as such she can change her features from a wind demon to a human woman, become gas or sand, small animals like rats or snakes or become something akin to an ogre with fangs and claws - which replaces her magical power with physical strength.
Abilities: Sandstorm - Cost = 400: Jinn have control over the wind and sand, and this one is no different. The Genie conjures a storm of sand, dust and water (depending on the location of course) to surround and blind her target. For every turn the victim remains within the vortex, their vision is impaired and they suffer 1d8*50 damage.
More Points (x2)
Rank Up (Territory Creation)

Stats (A is 15, B is 12, C is 9, D is 6, E is 3.)
HP: 4800
MP: 7700
(0 Point remaining)
Power: 620
Strength: E (3)
Endurance: B (12)
Agility: B (12)
Magic: A+(?) (17)
Luck: B (12)
Skill: D (6)
Noble Phantasm: Rank A - A Palace, from China to Africa and Back - The Three Wishes of the Genie: Indeed, the greatest myth of the Genie of the Lamp is the masterful Three Wishes that ownership of the lamp grants. Limited by the Holy Grail War, but still powerful enough to warp time and space, all the Master needs to do is stroke the lamp (sensually) and demand! The limits are, of course: Cannot bring the dead back (as living, zombies armies is another story), cannot force one to fall in love with another, and cannot be used to kill. Some things can't be wished for, the Genie is weaker than the Holy Grail after all. It's best to think carefully before wishing for something she cannot do, because she'll grant whatever is closest to the desire. Due to the potential power of this Noble Phantasm, a Master has to sacrifice a Command Seal to provide the Genie enough Prana to grant the wish.
Last edited by CondorBoH on Sun Mar 04, 2018 4:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby mrblah » Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:11 am

that would make 3 players. now, we'll need only one more master (for condor's servant), and we can start.
imagine a loading screen that loads a new loading screen.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby Reaver » Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:42 pm

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Name: أَنوق ذَهَبيّ Golden Vulture
Age: 42, died in 1760 B.C
Golden Vulture.jpg

Sex: Male
Background: Golden Vulture, the Hand of the Dunes, Breaker of Mages, Thief of Babylon. These were just a few of the titles that the Babylonian man that would come to be known as Golden Vulture gained during his life. Born in squalor, Golden Vulture had few opportunities to survive and flourish but he was determined to do so. Deciding he rather make enough money not have to worry about food anymore or die trying, he joined up with a small band of grave robbers. The highest targets were the tombs of dead mages, filled with signs of their wealth and mystic codes that could be worth fortunes if sold to the right person. They were also the most dangerous as treading upon the resting spot of mages in the Age of the Gods could not only invite punishment from the gods but also be protected by a myriad of spells, curses and familiars created through formidable magecraft. Luckily he proved to be good at it, or perhaps it was luck that initially carried him through, but grave robbing marked the start of his career, legends, and eventual sublimation into a Servant as he earned his first title, Golden Vulture in grave robbing circles for his eagerness to strip anything of worth from tombs. He continued it for several years, learning many ways of defending himself against magecraft as well as how to identify, operate, and price mystic codes. For him it was all that he could have dreamed of; an abundance of wealth gained from whatever loot he could bring out of the tombs, the rush from bypassing and surpassing whatever tricks of magecraft stood in his way, and the fame that came with each successful raid. So, of course, he wanted more and to go bigger. What could be bigger than penetrating the treasury of the fabled and deceased demigod king, Gilgamesh?

Almost immediately into his pursuit of the ultimate prize, problems arose. It wasn’t like the storehouse of Gilgamesh had a physical location on Earth, let alone a geographical entrance so it wouldn’t be as simple as traveling somewhere then working his way in. Also, Golden Vulture wasn’t the first one to consider finding a way into the King’s Treasury, nor was he the most powerful of them. Ever since Gilgamesh had died, mages of all kinds had been trying to crack the mystery of the Gate of Babylon to lay claim to his vast and powerful arsenal, and many had their own theories or experiments to try and find a way in. Golden Vulture figured those mages would be his best shot at finding any clues or possibilities to getting in the divine vault, so he changed his profession from stealing from dead mages to stealing from live ones.

His exploits became folklore as he hunted down and assassinated mages in the hundreds in search of a key. Mages thought he was a demon or wraith that killed mages for mana, truly a creature of terrifying proportions, whereas many commoners considered him to be a form of divine punishment against mages that abused their powers or committed taboos. Some gave him trouble, but he learned from his mistakes, becoming quicker, more quiet, taking more countermeasures to nullify magecraft before striking. He became a true mage killer, an assassin of high caliber that feared little. Then finally he was rewarded for his effort. Tearing the item from the stiff fingers of the latest mage, Golden Vulture claimed Bab-ilu, the Key of the King’s Law. It was the pure gold key dagger that legends said Gilgamesh had ordered to be made but then later threw away because he had no need for it. It hummed with power as he slipped his hand around the hilt… But that was all it did. With no understanding of magecraft, Golden Vulture couldn’t even begin to comprehend the ever-changing mystery of the key and its connection to the Gate of Babylon, another dead end. Despite his failure, knowledge of him possessing the key spread across the land, creating many stories of him being able to finally enter the treasury of Gilgamesh or harnessing the power of the key to be able to open any lock, stories that would lend themselves to crystallize into a noble phantasm that only his Assassin form would possess.

With his greatest ambition crushed, Golden Vulture turned back to gathering material wealth and reputation. Using his amassed fortune to open and buy shops in several city-states to provide a steady influx of wealth for himself. Rival business owners didn’t take kindly to an outsider moving in on their territories and they turned to mages and governors, many of which held a great dislike for one that had assassinated so many priests and mages. Once some of his shops were ransacked and caravans slaughtered and robbed, Golden Vulture decided to take action and respond in kind. Taking a large portion of his fortune, Golden Vulture recruited every bandit, cut-throat and mercenary he could find, amassing a small army and sheltering them in a large tomb that he had previously raided. He became a bandit king and the Hand of the Dunes, teaching his soldiers all he could then sending them out to raid every other caravan and merchant that ever dared to leave any of the city-states that he had owned shops in. It was brutally effective as he squeezed the cities for every penny from every person, then reopened his shops with the addition of the stolen goods while hiking the prices up to exorbitant levels to teach them the folly of trying to reign him in. It turned out to be a little too efficient as it drew the attention and ire of King Hammurabi, who had just finished warring in the south and now had to send his armies up north to quell the revolts and skirmishes that were forming from the forced economic crash in the city-states.

Writing up laws governing the etiquette of the marketplace, in addition to other spheres of living, Hammurabi sought to put an in to the chaos that Golden Vulture had caused with brutal and immoral business practices, as well as remove many of the judges that he had bought to keep his stores open and from being persecuted. These laws would come to be known as the Codes of Hammurabi, some of the first laws to govern society and act as the template for future civilizations. By playing his part, Golden Vulture had accidentally become a Pioneer of the Stars, paving the way for future civilizations by taking the immoral path and forcing civilization to improve rather than collapse back into anarchy. His reward was Hammurabi vocally and quite publicly denounce Golden Vulture for his actions, tarnishing his reputation as a businessman and calling into question his loyalty to Babylon before spreading the news to every city-state in the empire. Forced into a corner by potentially losing all the rights to his “legitimate” businesses and being labelled a conspirator that wished to destroy Babylon, Golden Vulture did one of the few things he could and lambasted Hammurabi for daring to vilify such an upstanding citizen before challenging him to a personal duel to clear his name and force him to recant on all the things he said. Golden Vulture could have simply left the empire in the dead of night to make his fortunes elsewhere, or used his bandit army to even lay siege to Babylon, possibly win, then oust Hammurabi and put into power someone that wouldn’t care what he had done in the past, but this was his way, who he was. Golden Vulture had never let anyone stand in the ways of his fortunes or wants, never ceded to another, never turned tail and never indulged the whims of someone he couldn’t stand. As he was when a child, he rather try to win it all or die trying.

Hammurabi accepted, because he couldn’t afford not to with how delicate the power of balance was after establishing his codes of law, and dictated that the fight would take place before the gates of the mighty Babylon city-state. Golden Vulture was as prepared as he could be, decades of combat and tactics ingrained into his mind and his body fit, trained and prepared to go back once into the fray. He took none of his assassin tools, instead opting for modest armor that wouldn’t slow him down too much while providing ample protection. For him, this wasn’t an assassination of a king or even a murder; this was one man bringing all of his worth, all of his experiences and trials to stand against another. So he took up one of his greatest treasures, a symbol of what he had accomplished through willpower and talent. The Sword of Renewal, a weapon of Gilgamesh that he had claimed from a mage during his search for a way into the divine treasury. Golden Vulture strapped it to his back and ventured out to Babylon, to his fate.

Everything else is well-recorded in the history books. The Bandit King, Golden Vulture arrived before the gates of Babylon and when they opened, instead of Hammurabi, the king’s army came out. Too late to flee and too stubborn to surrender, Golden Vulture drew his sword and plunged into the army of soldiers and mages. His battle-cry was proud and full of spirit as he fought well for the first day. The fighting continued through the night and it was only when the sun reached its zenith on the second day was the first fatal blow struck. One of Hammurabi’s generals strode through with his sword drawn to claim the Bandit King’s head, only to find his own head flying after Golden Vulture leaped back up and jammed the hilt of his now shattered sword through his eye before taking his sword to do the deed. He fought even harder after coming back from the land of the dead, often breaking and snapping weapons through his enemies only to grab another from someone and continue the fight. His magical sword took a whole day for the blade to regrow, by then welcoming the rejuvenating energy that came with every slash and thrust. It was said that the army of Hammurabi almost completely lost their moral on the fifth day, after all, hundreds lay dead and their single opponent was still standing. But then a quartet of mages finished their high thaumaturgy incantation, creating a beam of pure mana that seared its way past his magical resistance and penetrated his skull. This time they cut his head off before resurrection could even occur, thus ending Golden Vulture.

His legacy lived on in several ways, his existence is recorded in history books, his character and exploits being the inspiration for some of the stories in 1001 Arabian Nights, folktales that are still spread and told in the Middle-East, and having a tomb of his own that was created and housed the remains of his body until it was completely ransacked years later in a war.

Personality: Being summoned as a Saber instead of Assassin as he normally would be, changes a few things about him as he only qualifies for the Saber class if being summoned with the legend, Duel of Babylon in mind along with his death. Instead of appearing in his prime years, his “assassin” years; he shows up as he did in the days before his death.

As he was in those days, Golden Vulture is far more patient and calculated in his thinking and disposition, owed to many years of experience and tribulations that tested him. He could be called grandfatherly as he took great care to comfort those in need of comfort within his retinue and encourage others that he saw the spark of potential in, an attitude he picked up after many years of tending to the maturation of his order of bandits. After spending most of his life in pursuit of a pathway to the Golden Capital and ultimately failing, he knows the worth of enjoying the small things in life and take whatever pleasures one is offered and is willing to share them with others that have proven themselves deserving of such gifts and attention; a revelation and opinion that his Assassin version would not agree with or partake in. He’s proud, but often not to the point of hubris; critical, yet rarely abusive; and spirited while mindful not to slip into battle-lust or throw caution to the wind. One wouldn’t be wrong to say he mellowed out with age, but he still has the fire of his youth now coupled with the matured ambitions and desires of one who knows exactly what they are capable of. However, regardless of his summoned class, his utter dislike for betrayal, mages, and cowards remains. His tolerance for mages and their ways is extremely low, having witnessed plenty of overindulgence in Babylon from his clients while he has none for the other two. He is indifferent to how he met his fate, glad he stuck by his principles to end and amused how much of his legacy still exists in modern times.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Catalyst: The Code of Hammurabi on a clay tablet

Class: Saber
Class Skills: Magic Resistance (EX) (20)- [Possessing a substantial magic resistance in life, its potency has only increased with him being summoned into the Saber class.]
Personal Skills: Item Appraiser (A) (15)- [Not only was he good at stealing the things that were worth the most, but also determining their exact value and how they worked. Whether it was for a client or himself, he would figure out all there was to know about an object and the best way to use it.] Upon seeing a Noble Phantasm or the container for one, the skill gives him a high chance of figuring out what it does when activated and its True Name. This chance is increased based on the rank of the Noble Phantasm and the level of renown it carries. He adapts quickly to items and weapons that he didn’t use in his own lifetime, although he won’t be able to master them easily.

Abilities: Mimicry- [A popular trick used by grave robbers that wanted to loot the tombs of mages, by concentrating the mana within oneself, they could create a hollow clone of themselves to enter rooms and hallways before them to trigger any traps. While it worked well against hidden familiars and movement-based traps, it has no life-force of its own and wouldn’t be able to set off ones that only reacted to living things.] Creates a construct that is completely identical. Its attack, skill, and agility are the same as Saber’s but lacks any defenses, capable of being destroyed with ease should an attack land.
Boons: More Points (2x)

Stats (A is 15, B is 12, C is 9, D is 6, E is 3.)
HP: 7600
MP: 4800

Power: 960
Strength: A (15)
Endurance: A+ (19)
Agility: A (15)
Magic: E (3)
Luck: B (12)
Skill: B (12)
Noble Phantasm: EX (20) Shameless Looter, Anti-Treasure Noble Phantasm: The crystallization of his profession and life’s work, Shameless Looter allows him to attempt to disarm and take a noble phantasm, weapon, or item from a person (forces the other person to make a strength save against Saber to keep the item). The only limitations on Shameless Looter are that the object can’t be a divine construct or a phantasmal beast, and has to physically exist. His chance of successfully stealing the object increases if he’s wounded the victim at least once, has successfully appraised the item with his skill, or has seen the item used. Once in his possession, his mana upkeep increases slightly based on the rank and mystery of the item. If the object is a Noble Phantasm and he already knows its True Name he can activate it for a slightly higher mana cost than what it would have required for the former owner. He isn’t limited to a single stolen item, but each item will increase his mana upkeep and the mana cost to unleash any of them.

A (15) Sword of Renewal, Anti-Unit, Anti-Unit (Self): The Sword of Renewal is said to be one of the many weapons that Gilgamesh used to slay the Divine Bull of Heaven back when he was alive. For reasons unknown, he never reclaimed the sword, leaving it in the world well after his death. A very capable sword, its main power lies in the ability to restore its owner’s health and stamina with the vitality of their opponent’s with every successful attack. However, the true power of the sword is resurrection. When the wielder dies, if the weapon is still in his hands the blade shatters, releasing a divine blessing that brings the holder back to life. The user is restored to half health and only the sword’s hilt remains, the blade taking several days to regrow to the same potency as before.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Pridolia Torvald
Age: 26

Sex: Female
Bloodline: Torvald
Background: The Torvald bloodline is a somewhat old yet unimportant and unassuming one that has only been around for several centuries. Their sorcery trait allows for the magic crest to be split between two successors, functionally only gives each half of all the archived thaumaturgical knowledge in the bloodline. Naturally, this leads to infighting as usually, neither successor is willing to accept only half of the magic crest, breeding competitive and determined mages that know from youth that they either have to be the best or receive nothing. The division has never allowed the Torvald to gain much influence as any resources and allies often get split between rivals for the inevitable claim to the magic crest. Pridolia is the latest heir presumptive, having killed her older sister, but not quite deemed ready to inherit the magic crest. She has spent several years studying at the Magic Foundation in the Middle-East preferring its facilities and lower level of politics to the Mage’s Association Clock Tower. Mostly learning curses and fire magecraft in preparation for receiving the magic crest or having another rival to fight for it, Pridolia is expected to make a breakthrough in curse magecraft once she gains the magic crest and takes a few years to reach her potential. These expectations are based on her latest dissertation on the nature of curses and Geis in particular that turned a few heads, even impressing the Mage’s Association enough to send her an invitation to the Clock Tower with expenses paid.

Personality: Pridolia is considered to be rather “intense” by most that interact with her. She’s very forward, preferring not to beat around the bush or utilize subtly if it can be helped. While she can initially be very off-putting in how she may greet someone then immediately tell them what exactly she wants or expects from them, she is fairly amicable and always has a variety of subjects on her mind she’d love to discuss, seldom turning down the chance to engage in magecraft theories or debates with another student or teacher. Despite having killed her sibling in a power struggle, she’s fairly spritely, seeing it as an inevitability that shouldn’t keep her from enjoying her studies and other activities. Incredibly curious, there are few things she won’t try if she thinks it’s an experience worth having or can grant her knowledge. Many make the mistake of assuming her bluntness to be a product of lacking cleverness or smarts, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Pridolia approaches most things in an analytical manner, weighing the pros and cons before deciding on what action to take. Personal principles or ethics rarely ever factor into her decisions, seeing them as impediments to what could be something far greater than societal norms. That being said, Pridolia isn’t completely a cold and calculating magus, possessing proclivities of her own. Her sadism is well-known at the Magic Foundation, readily testing each and every tweak to her curses and fire magecraft on whatever test subjects are available, or even on students if she thinks she can get away with it. Very few ever get through all her social barriers, but if one did, they’d find a woman that hasn’t dedicated herself to anything in life yet is already willing to take human lives to find out what she does want.

Alignment: True Neutral

Element: Fire
Spells: Resistance, Swolio, Entropic Pull, (Signature) Exquisite Cinders- A short-range fire curse that blinds and burns. Deals 1d4x200 with a 300 mp cost.
Abilities: Burnout
Bonfire- The chance of a burn status being added is increased and DoT is increased to 10%
Fuel for the Fire- Seizing on the opportunity created by an opponent on fire, Pridolia swings her thermite hammer at her opponent, the flames on the person igniting chemicals in the hammer and causing a small explosion. Deals 1d4x100 physical damage and extends the fire status effect for longer.
Boons: Handcrafted Spell, Curse Specialist, Signature Spell

Stats (You get to spend 60 stat points. Ignore the Servants' ranking system, just use flat numbers.)
HP: 1800
MP: 2000

Strength: 5
Endurance: 15
Agility: 10
Magic: 20
Luck: 5
Skill: 5
Last edited by Reaver on Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:25 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby mrblah » Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:08 pm

alright, cool. that'll make 4 players. though, we'll still have to wait a bit for another master to pair with condor's servant, but we can start immediately after that.
imagine a loading screen that loads a new loading screen.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:44 pm

Name: Rosanna "Rose" Miller
Age: 19
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Sex: Female
Bloodline: Escardos
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Growing up in England, knowledge of her magical abilities and bloodline came as quite a shock to Rose Miller only a couple of years before she became involved in the Holy Grail War. Up until that point, Rose had lived a troubled, although ordinary life. Her mother, whom for the short time Rose knew her made no mention of magic or of her rather distinct heritage, passed away due to a drug overdose. Both of Rose's parents were addicts, and reached a point of being near incapable of sustaining themselves. From a young age, Rose was taking care of herself and her parents, working double shifts at whatever establishment would be willing to hire someone so young and when that failed, stealing what she could, however her earnings were often used by her parents to fuel their addiction. Her mother's passing was a sobering wake up call for her father, who was finally set on the path to kicking his addiction. This, however, also came with the discovery of Rose's living conditions, leading to her being taken into foster care, only able to occasionally visit her father in prison, who, in one of his few acts as a decent parent, claimed full responsibility for all the stolen goods the police found in their apartment that Rose had brought in.
Rose became quite the troublesome child, moving from foster home to foster home with no one feeling comfortable taking care of her. The truth was, she felt more than capable to take care of herself already, and didn't quite like the idea of her mother and father being replaced. As poor parents as they were, they were still nice to her, and it wouldn't be easy for her to accept anyone new. In the end, it became irrelevant, as it wasn't long before she was old enough to live on her own. Making a living for couple of years as a boxer, she earned just enough to get by, but made some more on the side by participating in street fighting rings. Her extra earnings were never for herself though. Instead, she put forward whatever money she could afford to not keep for herself into helping support the local community, in particular in helping recovering drug addicts. While she left out her involvement with street fighting out of her conversations with her father, her donations and participation in these charitable acts often became the topics of their conversations during her visits and he became increasingly proud of his daughter, incredibly grateful for how she grew up despite how much of a terrible father he had been.
Things changed, however, when she was contacted by a relative of her mothers. Rose and her father knew very little about her mother's family, with her mother rarely speaking of them, nor having any family photos. Even after her death, her side of the family didn't attend her funeral, leaving it just Rose, Rose's father and a few close friends who were there. Rose's disdain for them only grew as she learned and came to terms with what they were.
The Escardos family, the bulk of which were located near the Mediterranean, were a very old family and provided Rose a rather luxurious apartment in Lincoln, England. After coming to terms with magic and her own magic capabilities, the Escardos family apparently desperate for capable mages in the latest generation and eager to recruit Rose to their numbers, Rose was furious that all of this magic existed at these people's fingertips, yet they never used any to help people who suffered from the everyday problems Rose had experienced throughout her life. While Rose's studies in magic had only just begun, she already vowed that she would find whatever way she could to improve the lives of those overlooked by both society and the mages. When the Escardos family eventually brought up that, despite her limited training, her magical potential still left her as one of their best candidates for the upcoming Holy Grail war and informed her of what this meant, while she held little interest in fighting with others or gaining anything for herself, she understood that this would be her best chance to gain the power necessary to change the world for the better.

Personality: Despite her often hotheaded and aggressive temperament, Rose is, at her core, a kindhearted person. She often puts the well-being over others beyond herself and has no desires to use the Holy Grail war for personal gain. To help express issues developed over the course of her childhood and to solidify her sense of independence and personal strength, she took up boxing, learning how to swing, take and dodge a punch if needed. What she lacks in magical ability, she makes up for in physical skill and determination.
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Element: Fire
Resistance - [This simple technique is a power inherent to anyone with magic circuits. It enables them to automatically both notice and resist magic, and has no MP cost.]
Flame Bullet - [A basic fire curse meant to trick the victim into thinking it's a mere fireball. Once this curse lands on the target's skin, it will cause their body to heat up. Deals 1d4x100 damage and applies Burned. Medium to Short distance. MP Cost: 300]
Heat Flare - [Create a ball of light that emits enough heat to warm the body. This spell is a basic one that most don't bother to use, but if one was creative, it could be used to devastating combat effect. Removes Blinded and Frostbite. Doesn't cost a Stamina point. Short distance spell. MP Cost: 200]
Ward - [A basic spell, this is taught to most Magi in a bloodline as a means to combat against Curse specialists. Once a Ward is active, it will block against most curses so long as they require magical or physical contact between the curse and the target. Lasts 4 turns. Short distance. MP Cost: 100.]
Burnout - [Dump whatever amount of MP you're willing to into your Servant to boost their power. 10% if the MP given is over 300, 20% if over 600, 30% if over 900.]
Brace - [Quickly take the most defensible position you can using your body and prepare yourself for anything heading your way. Uses the rest of your turn. Reduces incoming damage by 30%.]
Sucker Punch - [Short range melee attack that deals 1d4x100 damage with an 80% base chance of stunning the target, with the enemy having a chance to resist.]

More points - Get 10 more stat points.
Prodigy - You were born with a special grasp on magic. +5 to Magic and Skill. Take another spell to learn.

Stats (You get to spend 60 stat points. Ignore the Servants' ranking system, just use flat numbers.)
HP: 1800
MP: 1500

Strength: 20 (Your strength. Affects physical might. This is important for humans, obviously.)
Endurance: 15 (Your endurance. Affects how much damage you can take.)
Agility: 20 (Your agility. Affects evasive abilities, turn order, fleeing chances, and anything else needing speed.)
Magic: 15 (Your magic. Affects the power of your spells, your resistance to Magecraft, and your control over your own magic.)
Luck: 0 (Your luck. Affects status effect chances, chances in general, ability damage, and the like. Only really useful if it's high.)
Skill: 10 (Your skill. Affects sneaking, charismatic pursuits, and miss chances. but basically you'll never have to worry about missing if this is 5 or over.)
Last edited by Lazy Kitsune on Fri Mar 02, 2018 8:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby mrblah » Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:45 pm

great. that's 5 players, 1 away from the max. i was honestly expecting maybe 4 or 3 so this is a pleasant surprise.
imagine a loading screen that loads a new loading screen.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby KnightVanilla » Sat Mar 03, 2018 8:45 am

I would like to reserve a spot
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby KnightVanilla » Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:31 am

Name: Bradmante Este (Prefers to be referred to by her Surname)
Age: 18
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Sex: Girl
Background: Although much of the renown known within her era was of her brother Rinaldo and his fellow Paladins of Charlemagne. Bradmante was a devoted child eagerly following her brother into the ideals of battle and knighthood. However as it is not often known, her start wasn't as grand as she had hoped or had thought of. After her first taste of battle and excitement she has craved more and left the safety of her encampment to scout their perimeter but instead she had encountered Ruggiero the man who field both her brother Rinaldo, and her cousin Orlando to a stand still. Both of which were paladins of Charlemagne.

It was hard to say who fell for who first, but she had been amazed and awed by his ability to hold his own against her brother and his peer. Lost in the moment of their meeting she was struck and wounded by an arrow from one of Ruggiero's men. To her surprise he had moved to aid and defend her from his own troops thus starting his own betrayal. As the battle was dying down Ruggiero was abducted by his step-father, the wizard Atlante. Held hostage within a fortress hidden away from the world by the wizard's own magical enchantments. Journeying into enemy territory alone she did her best to learn of the whereabouts of Ruggerio. To her fortune she had tracked both the location of her lover as well as a stolen magical artifact. The ring which was beholden to the maiden Angelica, was purposed to dispel/nullify false manifestations of magic. Navigating the keep to encounter both her lover and the wizard she was able to make short work in defeating the Wizard, sparing the elderly man's life on the wishes of her lover.

In their escape however Ruggerio was once more made to be a captive of another as he was spirited away by the Enchantress Alcina. Unlike the wizard before this magi had warped the mind of her lover into being compelled into loving Alcina. Seeking the aid of another magi by the name of Melissa, a deal was struck in where the magi would have influence over her family line as well as her own personal crest for later use. Once the deal had been made Bradmente could do nothing but until the sorceress had dispelled the enchantment placed on her lover. Being told to serve in her war and protect the maiden Angelica.

As time passed fate would separate Bradmente and the maiden she had sworn to protect. Locating her upon the day she was about to be sacrificed by a water dwelling orc. To her own surprise she had encountered her lover once more. Rescuing the maiden before she had the chance to leap into her defense. Rejoicing in their reunion she had learn in the escapades of his escape with the aid of the Sorceress. As he had gifted the young maiden a ring of invisibility to safe guard her when Bradmante's service was over.

Once the war was over they had both returned to her family Villa where it was that she expected to be betrothed to a noble. Provoking a trial by combat where the suitor either win or survive the battle to marry her. Through the sorceress trickery, Bradmente was the one dueling both of her suitors. Besting and killing off the noble with the disguise of her lover and fighting to a draw when it came to dueling her lover. Once the illusion had been dispelled and the agreement was met she was shortly wed to Ruggerio before his untimely death.

In the later years of her life she would bear her first and only child to raise up the noble lineage of Este with the magi Melissa.

Personality: Energetic, Proud, A bit selfish/envious, Honorable.... well there is a lot of ways to describe her however she is a youthful woman eager to prove herself on the battlefield. Having chosen the one she would had been wed to by withstanding her ability within combat and surviving. To her own hard headed nature she insisted that the Sorceress, Melissa disguise her as her suitor's rival. Not wishing for her opponents to hold back should they they know that they were fighting Bradmante herself. It wasn't any surprise that her lover had actually went up and above expectations when it came to almost beating her in single combat as it came to a draw.
Alignment: Nuetral Good
Catalyst: The Family Crest of Este

Class: Lancer
Class Skills: Magical Resistance (C)
Personal Skills: Eye of Mind (A - 9)
Abilities: Ring of Angelica- The ring used to aide in locating Ruggerio both in his isolation and in his entrapment with his step-father. The ring has the ability to nullify the "visual" manifestation of magical enchantments/illusions. Depending on the what it is nullifying it can either completely dispel an illusion or modify/distort a manifestation to reveal it's true nature. This had aided Bradmente in both navigating the wizard's keep and discerning the wizard's true nature of a terrifyingly powerful wizard to an withered elderly man. (The ring provides protection from enchantments within the nature of illusions or mental effects. Charm effect cannot be induced on those that art targeted by this ring. Although the ring has to target a specific subject to lift the magical effects. This ring cannot target the same target as Melissa's ring.)

Meilissa's Ring- Due to Melissa's own interventions another magical ring that can be used is that of an illusion. In this instance she can alter the appearance of anything that encompasses the physical manifestation of the ring's target. (This ring can be used to switch the appearances of those she targets. Often time she uses this to have others think that she would be where her shadow is. Or she can use it to disguise others. This Ring can not target the same subject of Angelica's Ring.)

Boons: more points x3

Stats (A is 15, B is 12, C is 9, D is 6, E is 3.)
HP: 6000
MP: 3300

Power: 660
Strength: B+ (14)
Endurance: A (15)
Agility: A+ (19)
Magic: E (3)
Luck: D (6)
Skill: C (9)
Noble Phantasm: Fated Lover: Anti-Unit(self)/Phantasmal Beast (A -9+1 ) - Even in Death her lover comes to her aide. A Saber servant that Bradamante can partially manifest within her shadow. Fated to protect one another his is a shared noble phantoms between the two. The drawback however is that although the manifestation is always present within her shadow of still draws upon the reserves of mana to keep them corporeal. As such they work far more as effectively as a secondary set of limbs to conserve mana use. The shadow while reliant on the will of the user can sustain a limited amount of independent action so long as it is within the defense of another or the assault of a target. The rather passive and creative use of this noble phantasm cloaks both Bradmante and her weapon to aid keeping her identity a secret. As often she was often obscured by the greater legends around her, but knowing full well that the children that proceeded her grew in far greater renown she had. (Noble phantasm either provides protection, an offensive ally, and always a second pair of eyes.

Legacy of Este: Anti-Unit (B -6+1) - A Magical Lance tied to her Family's Bloodline and those sworn to serve Charlemagne. A gift from her brother and a reminder of her own envious desire to become as legendary as the Paladins of Charlemagne. As it's legend serves it was said those that were touched by the lance were unhorsed within and instant. Such a simple detail that in truth allowed her to draw upon the magical weapon to penetrate through magical defenses. The weapon was said to be passed down between the lineage of Este and as the repeated exchange of hands has allowed the weapon to rejuvenate mana over time. (Mana Rejuvenation increases when not in active combat and can penetrate magical defenses.)
Last edited by KnightVanilla on Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:57 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby KittyCatCake » Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:05 pm

Name: Sylvie Gabrielle
Age: 21
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Sex: Female
Bloodline: Scladio
Background: A member of the Scladio Mafia family, she voluntarily requested their assistance when her family's reputation was damaged beyond repair during a test run of a new magical spell. The spell had gone berserk and killed and wounded many, including her parents, causing her to have to flee in shame. When contacted by Z to fight in the Holy Grail War, she was happy to comply, intending to hand the Grail over to the Mafia to thank them for their protection and assistance.
Personality: She is mostly selfish, depressed, and distant, however she would do anything for the Mafia Family, without question.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Element: Water
Entropic Pull
Ice Jet Bullets(Freezes the moisture in the air into a hail of bullets to shower a target with)
Extrasensory Tentacles(Creates tendrils of water to scan nearby areas with, similar to Archibald's slime creature)
Wall of Atlantis(Creates a wall of water, which then freezes in place)


Boons: http://prntscr.com/imr23n
Handcrafted Spell
Handcrafted Spell
Handcrafted Spell

Stats (You get to spend 60 stat points. Ignore the Servants' ranking system, just use flat numbers.)
HP: 1200
MP: 1500

Strength: 13
Endurance: 10
Agility: 12
Magic: 15
Luck: 0
Skill: 5
Last edited by KittyCatCake on Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Mar 05, 2018 9:03 am

Damon it I'm too late
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby mrblah » Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:07 pm

alright. we hit the max amount of characters and everything looks set. i'm gonna make a few more minor adjustments to the mechanics, some characters and the story, then after knightvanilla finishes his character, we can begin. i'll probably get the ic thread up tonight or tomorrow.

also, i've been considering making a discord server for this. does that sound like a good idea?
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby CondorBoH » Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:45 am

I wouldn't be opposed to that.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby Reaver » Tue Mar 06, 2018 2:46 am

sure, works for me
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby mrblah » Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:30 pm

alright, i'll be doing that, then.

to kittycatcake; though we've reached the max amount of players, we only need one more master for one player servant to pair up with. if you're fine with it, then i'd like for you to be knightvanilla's master.
also, you should try posting more to get rid of that newly registered brand. it'll complicate things, like giving you a message delay and (if i recall correctly) make you unable to send private messages.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby mrblah » Wed Mar 07, 2018 4:47 am

i'll be making the thread in an hour or so. here's the discord, in the meantime; https://discord.gg/y4qRvZx

it's desolate and empty for now. i'm gonna do more to it later.
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Re: Fate/Unholy War (OOC)

Postby mrblah » Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:47 am

it took me longer because lok signed me out. for the sake of documentation, it's done. viewtopic.php?f=25&t=8824
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