by AcetheSuperVillain » Sun Feb 04, 2018 8:46 pm
With my limited knowledge of programming, and admittedly, looking through the lens of how I would program it, losing party members in this way may be a pretty minor bug to fix. When you have a save file, there are two points where data can be lost or messed up. One is when the save data is made, the other is when the data is loaded. So it may just be that nobody programmed a line of code to save the party members in the location, or that the party members do go to the saved data, but no data is loaded to these locations when the game is started, or it may be that there's a simple typo or mistake like save_data(){saved_data.location_party_members = current_data.locationPartyMembers;} followed by load_data(){current_data.locationPartyMembers = saved_data.locationPartyMembers;} (so there is no "saved_data.locationPartyMembers", so it loads nothing) Which is actually pretty easy to do if you have a different naming convention for the variables in current_data and saved_data, and depending on how they do it, may be something like locationPartyMembers[0] = saved_data[38][1].characterInfo();
So yeah, it can be understandably challenging to approach these things if you're coming back to something you haven't worked on for months and didn't leave yourself any breadcrumbs about how you set it up the first time, or worse, if someone else set it up, possibly in a language you're not too familiar with, you might be looking at something like sokhranennyye_dannyye() or even an abbreviation of that.
To sum up, yes, potentially game breaking, but possibly not a big deal to fix, the challenge is more managerial than technical, and it's a mistake that I, as a quasi-programmer, consider understandable.