Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

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Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby porne » Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:19 pm

Character details:

1st life:
Crown Princess Loren Bright of Eclan
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Loren is the older twin of Teresa, and as such is the crown princess of Eclan by tradition. However unlike her sister, she is far more reserved and a lot of the time passive, preferring to watch and wait rather than become the center of attention being shy around strangers, as such hates social events. Partly due to this she, while pleasant and well-spoken, does have a tendency to leave less than a great impact on people, leading many to prefer Teresa for the crown. Teresa, however, resisted any attempts to change this, as not only does she feet it would be cheating her beloved big sister out of her birthright, Teresa fundamentally disagrees with the common contention that she would be a better queen than Loren, rather Loren just needs to come out of her shell more.

That common contention, however, was solidified when Verend began their war with Eclan, as Teresa lead the Crystal Knights onto the battlefield while Loren refused to fight, instead doing more dealings with the royal court, trying to come to a peaceful resolution, which was viewed as naive and idealistic since many believed Verend were untrustworthy and couldn't be reasoned with. That turns out to been a more accurate view of Verend as they sent an assassin after the crown princess, hoping to cripple Eclan's morale, causing them to surrender or at least put up a weaker resistance. Loren, once again, refused to initiate violence despite staring down an assassin, instead trying to talk him down, opening her up to be stabbed in between the ribs, damaging the heart. This finally caused her to retaliate, shattering the assassin's left knee and dislocating his right arm, before she bleed out. Despite the semi-successful assassination, since the assassin couldn't escape due to his injuries, the effect was exactly the opposite of what Verend expected, angering the people of Eclan, especially Teresa. The result was a massive counter offensive, lead by a very vengeful Teresa, right to one of the Verend king's auxiliary estates, and the capture many high ranking officials or relatives to the crown, including the Verend princess.

---Highly trained in hand to hand, though also has been trained in using small concealed blades. Is capable of defending herself against a half dozen armed and well-trained combatants simultaneously and killing people with unarmed strikes... though she is reluctant to do either, nor does she come to level of elite troops like the Crystal Knights.
---Has highly honed awareness, primarily for spotting potential assassination attempts, as such not only covers spotting concealed people or items, but noticing if things have been tampered with or taste/smell slightly different, but also reading facial expressions and behaviors to tell if someone there officially might try to suddenly pull a knife.
---A master of court events, she is capable of dancing 74 different styles of ballroom dancing and a handful of more exotic cultural dances, singing, as well as playing the piano, violin, flute, and the harp. In addition she is familiar with the history and culture of every country within diplomatic reach, though is mostly focused on the ones that are closest or best disposed to Eclan.
---An expert rhetorician with prefect etiquette, she is quite capable of eloquently articulating and persuading people of her positions... though this is significantly handicapped by her introversion. As such her family, the household retainers, and her few friends are the primary recipients of her fully capabilities, though a few individuals outside that circle have been verbally defeated by her, much to their surprise. In fact she is so assured that if she just gets over her fears of speaking, she could convince people of anything, that she is overly reliant on it to the point where she will try to use it on people who aren't willing to her debate her... say assassins. On a tangential note, this is the primary reason Teresa believes she is entirely outclassed by Loren as a candidate for the queen.
---As she sometimes really wants to be alone, Loren had gotten use to finding little nooks and crannies to hide in from a very young age. Zoey, her caretaker growing up, ended up nurtured this innate talent for hiding into a useful state by teaching her a several techniques that Zoey refuses to explain where she picked up. As Loren grew up, Zoey, who believed that the crown princess needed broad horizons to be an effective leader, taught Loren how to disguise herself and bypass the locks on the castle so she could go on small adventures into the capital without the escort of ten royal guard, as per the usual requirement for her leaving the castle. Now she is fully capable of disappearing on people if they don't pay close attention and get in or out of places she's not suppose to, without even leaving a trace.

2nd life

Talren Blackhorn

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Dragon form: Image

Human illusion:Image

---While it is very obvious that dragons and dragonborn have much higher innate physical characteristics, what is less obvious is their drastically improved senses. Visually they have vision akin to eagles and for the same reason, being able to spot prey while they are cruising miles above the ground. They also have incredibly powerful hearing, giving them echolocation to navigate in the dark and near lightless environments of the caverns they usually call home. In addition they have potent noses that can pick up and separate individual smells and pheromones, which, with training, can be used to identify certain conditions of creatures, like fear.
---Talren in a natural hunter, capable of either stalking through the brush or flying above the target unnoticed, before striking and killing the prey usually before they are even aware they are being hunted. As such he is naturally dangerous with his claws, however since being trained under his eldest sister, he has picked up a martial arts focused around his claws and draconic features. This covers anything from using his harden scales or claws to deflect weapons to cutting tendons to reduce the opponents range of motion to simple techniques to improve the force he can deliver with a blow. In addition, he has been trained in a modified form so that it can be used as a hand to hand style, using one's fingers to focus the force of a strike, allowing him to be dangerous even in human form.
---Another result of his training with his sister is a very high tolerance for pain and physical discomfort, since his sister really likes training until the point where he can't anymore, especially in extreme environments like at the mouth of a volcano, in the middle of a blizzard, or while wearing bands that pushed needles into his skin, as she is a very firm believer in the concept that the more extreme the training the better the results.
---Dragons, and thus dragonborn, are inherently magical creatures and thus capable of using magic in a variety of ways, though mostly affecting things within their body. In addition because of this, they do not get fatigued or out of breath for the same reasons non-magical creatures do, instead they analogize effects due to overuse of their magic. Another result of their magic being so closely tied to their biological functions is that their magical will naturally resist any foreign magic attempting to affect them, even if beneficial. Examples of how it can manifest follow.
~~~Dragon Breath: By focusing magic within their lungs dragons can produce elemental magic, which is then discharged through the mouth as, for example, a breath of fire. While it can take different forms, most dragons find one type of breath they prefer and use that almost exclusively. It is however, highly intensive and will exhaust the dragon if used repeatedly in short succession.
~~~Strength Body: While dragon's innate strength and durability is great, they can use magic to amplify it even further, though only a limited amount at a time. They can increase the hardness of their claws and or scales, increase their physical strength for a blow, or even to heal injures sustained. Overuse of this will cause fatigue.
~~~Shape-shift: Dragons innately have the ability to change their form into any humanoid form, including the form of a dragonborn. This change is so perfect that they are capable of reproducing when shape-shifted, though dragon blood is always inherited. Despite this power, they can not change their true draconic form, and they have a 'common form' that serves as a template where the various racial features are added to, making it possible to recognize them even when the change race. For dragonborn, the common form is also their true form, meaning their transformations appear to be 'human' or 'elven' versions of their true form. In addition because of that commonality, they can hide individual draconic features without having to change to an entirely different race, for example, turning their claws into fingers for more dexterity, or their talons into feet so they can put on footwear, but can not turn into a full dragon form.
~~~Draconic presence: Dragons are well known for their appearance causing incredible fear to the point of panic, though it is observed that even before being seen, there is a sense of foreboding. The reason for this is actually because dragons and dragonborn, can at will release pheromones that carry an enchantment that can induce certain reactions, like fear. Other reactions that can induced are awe, Peace which induces a sense of serenity, Allure which cause the dragon or dragonborn is become sexually attractive(This doesn't overwrite sexuality, rather it makes the person feel that the dragon is a highly attractive specimen of what ever form and gender they currently hold, though this will make people who normally doesn't think of such things to notice it), Paranoia, Anger, or Hope. It should be noted the pheromones trigger this as a natural reaction, and thus will not cause someone to loss themselves to it if they they can control it. For example a well trained warrior who is use to fighting giant monsters can resist the fear caused by this, as it is simply an amplified version of what would naturally occur when facing a giant monster. This also means effects that lower this response, like a magical 'Calm Emotion' effect would also largely negate this effect. Dragons and dragonborn are immune to the effect, but can smell that it is in the air, and what kind of effect it would have. Talren only has an instinctive understanding of this power so when confronted with humans and is nervous, will use Allure as his understanding of it is that it makes humans like him more and thus less likely to get violent.

Your dreams are interrupted, something wraps around, intense mana blinding you as it rips you from your nest. You don't even cry out it happens so fast, and you spend the next few minutes in absolute darkness, before you're suddenly pressed against what feels like a wall. Whatever is towing you to this location will not be stopped, and you feel the wall bend and contort around you as you're pulled out of the void and into the strange place that emanated this strange mana.

Your senses struggle to adjust, but whatever had grabbed you starts to feed energy into your body, allowing your natural shape shifting powers access to tremendous power to adjust small things and allow your body to work properly.

"...should be a woman, what is this beast? Explain!" You hear part of a sentence and begin to focus, opening your eyes to look around, and only seeing a faint blur. "See here, the soul is almost entirely matched, this must be a reincarnation, it just took too long to reach your sister's soul where ever it wound up. That also explains the damage to the device, it wasn't planned to drag that much beyond a soul and force the transmutation material into form. Whatever form your sister has now, it took much more mana than expected. The entire system is burnt, and we're lucky it didn't explode from trying to adapt something like this." Someone else responds.

Your mind begins to process the new information, the words sounding strange and different, but you understand their meaning. Finally an eye manages to start working, you see what looks like a crystaline tube surrounding you. There's a decent amount of meat piled up nearby, which is thoughtful of them.
Last edited by porne on Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:25 pm

A flash of panic took me at this sudden magical attack, but quickly subsided as my mind calmed, deliberating over the situation. This abyss was strange. And considering how I suddenly was removed from my home, all I could assume is that I had, or perhaps more accurately, currently am the target of some sort of dimensional magic... but it is having trouble bringing me to a destination... something is interfering with it. I doubt it is my resistance to magic, as it pulled me into this place outside reality quickly enough. Of course that also meant it is an incredible powerful spell as well... something like that would have no issue teleporting me from one point of the world to another... meaning something else is going on. Of course, what that is isn't something I can tell from within here... at least not without more than my simple understanding of dimensional magic.

Once again I suddenly felt myself being pulled. What ever the hiccup was, it seems to be solved now! A mass of physical comfort suddenly followed my arrival, as if to emphasis how rough this trip has been. I've heard about teleportation. It shouldn't be this bad... meaning that whom ever is orchestrating this is either a novice who has no idea what they are doing, which seems unlikely considering how powerful this spell was, or more likely they used an experimental spell. Speaking of 'whom' I hear someone that very well might be that someone. Confusion... They weren't expecting this either... so supports my theory that this is experimental. Still their mention of 'beast' implies that they are human... if that is the case I need to escape. Humans are not exactly know for being friendly to my kind, and since I'm not who they expected, I suspect they very well will decide to dispose of me rather then returning me from whence I came.

My first concern is to get free, and thus get mobility. Looking at the crystal tube, I scratch it lightly with my claw... Doesn't look like glass, but it still should shatter if I hit it hard enough, though it might be diamond for all I know. Pressing myself against one side of the tube, I extend one of my claws, before jumping forward, putting as much weight and possible behind that single claw into the wall of this tube.
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby porne » Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:05 am

(STR: Natural 1!)

You slam your claws against the crystaline structure, and the space in front of it seems to bend, crunching your fingers together in a most painful way, before throwing your lightly bleeding hand back at you. You can't help the hissing growl you emit at the structure. Looking around, your sense continue to clear and improve, and you spot a few women standing outside of the clear tube. One of them can be described as oozing curiosity, while the other seems rather upset, glancing to a floating image of solidified light patterns and then looking back at you. "Sister Loren?" she says almost whispering, although your new language skills seem to allow you to read her lips to some degree to help with the isolation of the tube.

The name seems... familiar, and you can't stop yourself from trying to chase the memory down. You're distracted by the sudden flashing of lights on the floating rectangle. "That confirms it, that level of response is definitely from a soul resonance. Even if... he is different physically, it's definitely your sister's soul in there. I've never seen anatomy like this though. Look at the readings here, hardened crystalline structures throughout the entire body, but focusing on the jaw and extremities. Smaller growths covering the back and various structural reinforcements. This is simply a wonderful specimen, it'd be hard to come up with something more suited to combat!" The strange excited woman mentions, playing with a few floating symbols.

The other woman, the blonde moves toward your crystal container, pressing her hand against the clear structure. "Do you remember?" She whispers, pressing her forehead against the impervious barrier. Looking at the young lady, getting down closer to her and staring in her eyes, (Memory:18) a word bubbles to the surface of your mind: "Te-re-sa" you manage to sound out, your vocal chords not seeming to work right just yet. She looks startled before her face begins to beam. "It worked, she remembered me!" It almost irks you that she's calling you a she, but they did rip you across dimensions, so maybe holding back on correcting her just yet would be wise.

Still, she begins to bustle about seeming to talk animatedly with her hands to whoever the other one is. The other one, wearing some kind of white overcoat and some glasses, that's something that bubbles up from your memory, over a set of pointed ears looks hesitant. "I don't think it's safe..." she starts, eyeing your claws and teeth. It might be time to try and apply a bit of charm.

Scientist: https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/703521

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I can sort of explain what's going on with why their spell didn't quite work.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Thu Feb 01, 2018 11:17 pm

Hunching over, I cradled my injured digit, sub-vocally cursing. Of course it is enchanted! I bitterly think, Considering they weren't expecting anything like me, they sure are ready for me. As my sense refocused, I noticed the females here. One is clearly a human, and seemed to be the quite dissatisfied that their little experimental magic brought me here instead of the intended target... likely the one who referred to me as a beast. The other appears to be an elf. While I had never seen one before, I have heard enough about the 'knife ears' to recognize one from the descriptions. Now from what I remember hearing, humans had a variety of reactions to the elves, some viewing them with the same hatred they treat me and my kind, while others view the elves with awe, and other that view them as equals... Considering the situation I'm assuming this place would operate on the latter view. Especially since this looks more like human construction rather then an elven forest. Regardless, the human seems to be more of a patron, expecting specific results from this and upset it didn't go as planned, while the elf seems to be more the conductor of this experiment, operating what I can only assume to be a divination device as she marvels at what it is revealing.

My thoughts are instantly interrupted by a few words muttered by the human. Something surged forth from the depths of my thoughts, causing my good hand to move to my temple, as if supporting my head. I sound out the words back in my head to the point where it drowned out what ever enamored the elf so much. Sister Loren. Sister... Loren... Loren. Loren. A name I've never heard repeated with uncanny clarity with every slight vocal inclination precisely right, as if I had a lifetime experience with this word, this name. Taking advantage of my distraction the human had moved closer, pressing her forehead against the crystal confinements mere inches away from my face since I already hunched over previously. My eyes immediately snap to her, studying her. Once again her question triggers something else in my head, and involuntarily I let slip a single word, through vocal cords that felt as if they had been dried and had sand grains pressed up against it. But that physical discomfort is quickly drowned out by questions, and anxiety. Why am I having memories of people I've never met? Of words I've never heard before? Who is this Teresa and how is she causing this? For that matter, why was I brought here? They were speaking of souls, and some sort of resonance, did their original target, this... Loren, lose her soul somehow? Did I somehow absorb it? That seems ridiculous but how else am I having these memories?

My existential crisis was cut short by the elf, and I bitterly think that I these two are awfully rude to suddenly pull me out of my home and then not even give me enough time to finish a train of thought. Still, my first concern is to get out of this confinement, from there I can assess whether these two mean me harm, and if they do, escape. I'll have plenty of time to think after that. Still, comes the matter to convincing her. I doubt my draconic presence can pierce through this crystal, nor can I obviously simply break it. And with my vocal cords in their current state, I doubt I'll be able to convince her with my voice cracking and squeaking randomly... Which only left one option. Shapeshifting. With that said, I hate to reveal my trump card so readily... especially since there is no other assurance that that won't cause an even worse reaction, but if I do nothing, the most likely result is that they call reinforcements reducing my chances of escape, so I need to take the initiative now. Letting out a sigh, and ponder which form would be the best to assume. Simply removing my fangs and claws would be simple, but not likely to waive her fears... but by the same note not as likely to alarm her either. I could gamble and take the form of an elf... But then again, the human, Teresa, seems to the one really calling the shots here, so maybe it would better to appeal to her and turn into human. Clicking my tongue realizing I don't have much time I decide to shapeshift into a human form. I do it far slower that I could do it, specifically to give them impression that I can't quickly change back, hoping that if they believed they would be forewarned if I decide to get my claws back, they would be more willing to let me out.
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby porne » Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:27 pm

The two of them seem to jump a little at your shape shifting, although they quickly recognize it for what it is. Your contortions also create a strange queasy look on their faces, the human looking away and the elf studying a glowing rectangle and colored lights. She's definitely busy checking over something, as by the time you finish, she comes forward to speak with the human. "High level spell resistance and a crystalline cage around the soul seat, here. The spell should have worked and brought her back, and it worked at grabbing her soul, but the creature clearly resisted having the soul removed and the result was a lack of regeneration of the body. It's not on me that she seems to have reincarnated to something that resisted the spell. I would suggest trying again, but the budge won't support another attempt like that, and it seems whatever she is now can shape shift. If the memory activation complete, she may even be able to regain her normal form."

After a while, the human stares at her, open mouthed. "Why would you say that in front of the subject?" Is all she manages to get out before she moves to a column and begins to tap her head against it quietly, some kind of nervous thinking pattern. A few minutes of this, and she returns, looking into your eyes again, searching for recognition or at least intelligence. "Open the chamber." the human swells with authority, her formerly hesitent voice disappearing in a lower almost barking order.

Finally addressing you. "I don't know how much of that you managed to figure out or overhear. I shall start at the beginning. My sister was assassinated almost a year ago, and it took that long to gather the materials and do the soul search to revive her. Unfortunately, it seems her soul had already been reincarnated and you are the result. My official apologies for what has happened, and we will see what will happen. If the memory retrieval spell fails, we will do our best to return you from whence you came. If it does not, then you may return as a consult to the crown." She is deeply saddened, like the loss of her sister finally hit home. Recalling your own baby sister, you think you'd be devastated if she were killed.

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I don't know how myopic you were planning to play him, so I decided not to mention how you could understand where she was coming from.

Also, she's perfectly capable of defending herself.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Fri Feb 02, 2018 5:07 pm

The elf immediately shot up my list of concerns since it appears she think quite literally nothing about removing my soul and killing me. As strange as it is to think, but I think the human actually doesn't have harmful intents for me. Though with her off face-planting into a column, I quietly sit down, and focus on recovering as quickly as possible, specifically my vocal cords.

I'm a little surprised at the how booming of a voice this human female had when she wanted it. Further more her brief description tugged at my heartstrings more than I would have expected... I too understand the importance of family and the need to do anything for them, so I wanted to help her... but I'm not really sure how I would. But there were several implications of what she said that I had to question, "My apologizes for your loss, I would also loath to loss any of my sisters... But I do have a question... You said your sister was slain a year ago, and that I am her reincarnation... but I'm not one year old."

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It's not so much that he is myopic as right now he's trying not to panic and is making a lot of snap decisions without really understanding what is going on. Remember that he was literally ripped out of him home while he was lazying about, and as he said, he's not exactly given time to figure out what the hell is going on.

Also, yeah... he's not going to start a fight, if anything he'd run away. He doesn't know where he is or how to get back... he's not going to risk injury for revenge or something equally as petty.
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby porne » Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:07 pm

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I meant more that the other characters effectively tried to kill him, which absolutely would have been the normal effect of that spell. The question being would he take offense to that, and if he would hesitate to do the same for his own family, and does he realize that he would be consistent or inconsistent? I'm making a reference to Moral Myopia on TVTropes if you're looking for the basis of that.

The elf woman pulls out a pair of glasses, slipping them on and adjusting them as a small grin spreads across her face at the chance to discuss something educational. "That can be explained with the simple fact that not all worlds move at the same speed. I've never seen your species before, it almost reminds me of a Drake, but I'd guess young adulthood? Likely, a year here equals a decade and a half, or more, on your own world. Now, it's odd that you were brought through so badly damaged... Ah, I see. Your initial resistance to the soul sever and capturing component stressed the adjustment system, which is why it brought your damaged form through, instead of simply rebuilding a body from the provided raw materials." She gestures to the pile of fresh meat and bones in a small chamber.

"Still, your anatomy is fascinating. I need samples..." She says, stepping into the chamber and beginning to poke and prod you. At this point, your nose seems to regain function and you're bombarded by her scent in close proximity.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:35 pm

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He's more pragmatic than simply morally myopic, for one thing he won't try to morally posture hypocritically, and will except that other people will do unmoral things for personal reasons, and will make it clear that his criteria will be to protect his family before all other moral considerations. With that said, he will certainly hold that against them, specifically the elf, but he won't try to get revenge unless that actually benefits him, or at least causes him no harm. And right now, he has no idea where he is or how to get back, so he needs these people to answer those question before killing even becomes an option for him. Still doesn't mean he'll warm up to them.

I ponder the thought of the different time speeds. If that is true that means that time progress twenty times faster than for my family, which means they definitely know I'm gone already and likely panicking... I need to figure out how to get back as soon as possible then. She also mentioned why the pile of meat I had hardly considered before was there.

She then approached me, trying to touch me. My hand snapped forward, grabbing her wrist, as I let out a low growl, "I have not given you permission to touch me."
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby porne » Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:25 pm

Her hand snaps back, or tries to, as you grab at her, and she seems suddenly frightened, shrinking away from you. An intense surge of magic, draws your attention back to Theresa. She's looking at you, magic glittering around her, although she hasn't done anything yet. The threat is there though, and the possibility of fighting someone of unknown skill and this level of instant draw magic is not something you're prepared for.

"Let me go." The elf woman squeaks, although she's very clearly cowed after your growl, even if she's got some serious magical power. Before this can escalate, a small surge of familiar magic envelops you, a squeal of rapid words joining the sensation before there's a pause. You feel a similar surge follow up, this more in depth. You can't help but cock your head to one side. Theresa's eyes have gone wide, and the elf is almost gibbering in shock at what's going on. Finally, a third burst of magic wraps around you, "I found you." the voice of your mother rattles the room. "Do you need me?" She asks, and you get the feeling that she would come for you, but it would cost her greatly to do so in the hours or days. Considering the likely cost of the spell, she'd probably be able to gather the magic for the spell normally within a few months.

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I wasn't sure how you were planning to play, so I left it vague.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:53 pm

I am slightly amused that despite my situation, they seem to be more scared of me than I am of them. A good thing temporarily, but can easily switch into something bad. Leaning forward, pulling her arm to force her to turn towards me, as I lock eyes with the elf, explaining as if to a toddler, "Then don't touch me without permission again. I am not your plaything. Let me explain to you why exactly I am in an unfavorable mood towards you. I was having a nice nap, when all of a sudden I was ripped through time and space, away from my family. A process, I will note, which was evidently suppose to be lethal, all to apparently bring back a previous incarnation of me. Now the person who seemed to have no problems with murdering me in my sleep wants to poke and prod me like I am a toy, apparently without even considering to ask me... I have remained calm as you seem to have no ill-will towards me specifically, and thus this harm inflicted is accidental, however... You are testing my patience." That last bit once again drops into a growl before I suddenly let go of her hand.

"Mom!" I call out, my anxiety about this situation immediately vanishing, before answering her, "I don't believe so at least immediately. Because of the differences in time, I've only been here for a few minutes so I'm still figuring out what my situation is."
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby porne » Thu Feb 08, 2018 2:07 pm

The elf woman backs away, scrambling away from you and hiding behind the princess. Theresa frowns at the elf as she scuttles by, but has a good handle on why you acted the way you did. Her seizing of her magical energy was likely purely reflexive, or at the very least a warning not to make this violent. It begins to face when the thundering voice of your mother interrupts. At your answer, a short pause, "I will be along then." She tells you, before the intense energy resonance fades. You can feel a small link of magical energy though, and you're sure that pulling on it would let her know that something has gone wrong.

Theresa eyes you again, this time a bit more respect in her eye, where before there was merely formality.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:07 am

I let out a sigh at the elf scrambling away, but I suppose that that is preferable to her treating me like a thing for her to study at her leisure.

Feeling the link, I let a subtle comforted smile slip on my face, before I turn to face Teresa, "You mentioned a potential for me going home, right? As you noticed, I have people at home who will not be pleased with me being gone."
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby porne » Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:36 am

"I noticed. If they decide to come here, let us know and we can provide help to ease their journey. Or if they have a proper mechanism for sending you back, we can help with that as well. As a guest, you may make yourself at home, and we shall find you something to wait if you desire." Theresa gives you a very formal instruction, whether because of your 'backer' or she may simply be acting polite after making a mistake of some kind. You can tell she's hurting though, the mental anguish scent strong on her.

She marches from the room, the elf squeaking and running after her as the resurrection chamber empties of all but yourself. You're left with the choice of following her, wandering about, or simply waiting for a servant of some kind to find you.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:53 am

I feel my heart hurts as I feel the anguish from Teresa... God dammit! I know why she hurts, but I'm not her sister... So why does it hurt me so much? She's just some human I've never meet before. My thoughts are interrupted as the doors swing open as she leaves. I click my tongue as my body moves to follow before I can even think about it. My voice follows, calling out, "Hold on a moment, Teresa. Maybe we could work something out... I might not be your sister, but I understand the pain of being separated from your family, and want to help you... Not to mention it hurts to see you like this. I don't understand why either," I feel my face blush and my hand moves to cover it, but my mouth just continues spilling words, "It's like every time you give a sad smile, you twist my heart. It's strange... We barely met, and not under great conditions, but I'm still feeling this way... Why?"
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby porne » Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:32 pm

She hesitates, seeming to be confused for a moment before a faint smile crosses her face. "I'm sure we can work on something." She tells you, waving to a servant and having a room set aside for you. The servant girl seems a bit intimidated by you. Theresa says she will find you shortly, as she has numerous things to take care of that she put on hold to hopefully deal with her sister. But since you're not her, she needs to get them started. She'll meet you in an hour or so, and the servant takes you to your room.

You can wait in the room, or you can try and explore the castle a bit. Or you can go looking for trouble of some kind.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:58 pm

The pain eased at that smile, but there was still a slight dull throbbing. I nod at her excusing herself, being led to a room, and I try to make myself comfortable. Soon enough though, I am rapidly tapping on a nearby table, and I finally stand up with a sigh... Maybe a walk will help ease my mind.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Why is the maid intimidated? He's still in his human form.
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby porne » Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:58 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Basic mana detection is common among the palace staff as there's a pinch of royal blood in a lot of them. She can tell you're a heavy weight by general standards, and she can detect residual magic from Theresa so she thinks a bit of magical dick waving just went on and she doesn't want to get caught up in it. She might also be dazzled by your handsomeness. I might also have forgotten until shortly after I posted that you'd gone and hidden your draconic features.


The hallway is empty when you leave, and a few quick steps sees a new hallway followed by another. You meet various servants, who look at you questioningly, but don't seem interested in stopping you. Eventually, you find your way to a courtyard where a young woman is speaking. (your choice, I was leaning toward knight).
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:31 am

Walking quickly through, giving slight nods to the servants I pass, trying not to draw more attention then is necessary. Upon hearing the voice in the courtyard, I drew to the nearby corner, listening around it to what she is saying, and to whom before moving forward.
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby porne » Thu Feb 15, 2018 2:59 pm

There's a young woman, short blue hair in rough looking armor. There's no metal, just some weights to simulate the actual armor most likely. She's barking loudly at a few young men, obviously drilling them in combat as they spar. She twitches when you peak out from behind a column to get a better look, but keeps her eyes focused on her students. Her hand does drift towards a weapon, and she begins to edge along the wall, ever so subtly to try and get a look toward where you are. It might be best to step out now, rather than get 'caught' by her.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Dragonborn Isekoi (Sallin Kari)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:51 pm

She isn't bad considering she noticed me so quickly... though she seems a bit more on the... paranoid side. Stepping forth from my cover, I raise my hands in front of me, saying "Whoa now. No need to draw a weapon. I was brought here by Teresa, but she's busy at the moment so I'm wandering around the castle."
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm


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