Dragon form:

Human illusion:

---While it is very obvious that dragons and dragonborn have much higher innate physical characteristics, what is less obvious is their drastically improved senses. Visually they have vision akin to eagles and for the same reason, being able to spot prey while they are cruising miles above the ground. They also have incredibly powerful hearing, giving them echolocation to navigate in the dark and near lightless environments of the caverns they usually call home. In addition they have potent noses that can pick up and separate individual smells and pheromones, which, with training, can be used to identify certain conditions of creatures, like fear.
---Talren in a natural hunter, capable of either stalking through the brush or flying above the target unnoticed, before striking and killing the prey usually before they are even aware they are being hunted. As such he is naturally dangerous with his claws, however since being trained under his eldest sister, he has picked up a martial arts focused around his claws and draconic features. This covers anything from using his harden scales or claws to deflect weapons to cutting tendons to reduce the opponents range of motion to simple techniques to improve the force he can deliver with a blow. In addition, he has been trained in a modified form so that it can be used as a hand to hand style, using one's fingers to focus the force of a strike, allowing him to be dangerous even in human form.
---Another result of his training with his sister is a very high tolerance for pain and physical discomfort, since his sister really likes training until the point where he can't anymore, especially in extreme environments like at the mouth of a volcano, in the middle of a blizzard, or while wearing bands that pushed needles into his skin, as she is a very firm believer in the concept that the more extreme the training the better the results.
---Dragons, and thus dragonborn, are inherently magical creatures and thus capable of using magic in a variety of ways, though mostly affecting things within their body. In addition because of this, they do not get fatigued or out of breath for the same reasons non-magical creatures do, instead they analogize effects due to overuse of their magic. Another result of their magic being so closely tied to their biological functions is that their magical will naturally resist any foreign magic attempting to affect them, even if beneficial. Examples of how it can manifest follow.
~~~Dragon Breath: By focusing magic within their lungs dragons can produce elemental magic, which is then discharged through the mouth as, for example, a breath of fire. While it can take different forms, most dragons find one type of breath they prefer and use that almost exclusively. It is however, highly intensive and will exhaust the dragon if used repeatedly in short succession.
~~~Strength Body: While dragon's innate strength and durability is great, they can use magic to amplify it even further, though only a limited amount at a time. They can increase the hardness of their claws and or scales, increase their physical strength for a blow, or even to heal injures sustained. Overuse of this will cause fatigue.
~~~Shape-shift: Dragons innately have the ability to change their form into any humanoid form, including the form of a dragonborn. This change is so perfect that they are capable of reproducing when shape-shifted, though dragon blood is always inherited. Despite this power, they can not change their true draconic form, and they have a 'common form' that serves as a template where the various racial features are added to, making it possible to recognize them even when the change race. For dragonborn, the common form is also their true form, meaning their transformations appear to be 'human' or 'elven' versions of their true form. In addition because of that commonality, they can hide individual draconic features without having to change to an entirely different race, for example, turning their claws into fingers for more dexterity, or their talons into feet so they can put on footwear, but can not turn into a full dragon form.
~~~Draconic presence: Dragons are well known for their appearance causing incredible fear to the point of panic, though it is observed that even before being seen, there is a sense of foreboding. The reason for this is actually because dragons and dragonborn, can at will release pheromones that carry an enchantment that can induce certain reactions, like fear. Other reactions that can induced are awe, Peace which induces a sense of serenity, Allure which cause the dragon or dragonborn is become sexually attractive(This doesn't overwrite sexuality, rather it makes the person feel that the dragon is a highly attractive specimen of what ever form and gender they currently hold, though this will make people who normally doesn't think of such things to notice it), Paranoia, Anger, or Hope. It should be noted the pheromones trigger this as a natural reaction, and thus will not cause someone to loss themselves to it if they they can control it. For example a well trained warrior who is use to fighting giant monsters can resist the fear caused by this, as it is simply an amplified version of what would naturally occur when facing a giant monster. This also means effects that lower this response, like a magical 'Calm Emotion' effect would also largely negate this effect. Dragons and dragonborn are immune to the effect, but can smell that it is in the air, and what kind of effect it would have. Talren only has an instinctive understanding of this power so when confronted with humans and is nervous, will use Allure as his understanding of it is that it makes humans like him more and thus less likely to get violent.