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Generating Map
Turns (or Actions. Whatever you wanna call ‘em)
Auras proc when something important happens somewhere on the map, letting people know of said events. Most Auras only last for 1 post.
Generating Map
- Using, create a map spanning either 144 tiles (12x12) or 225 tiles (15x15).
- Use a maze creator to create the walls.
- Roll d144 to determine the locations of all items on the map. First determine the Dungeon’s location, then the 9 Chains on the stage followed by 7 Generators and 2 Doors. Move Doors to the closest edge if it doesn’t roll an edge. Then a 1d20 amount of Pallets, Chests, Windows, and misc clutter that a Survivor can hide behind. Then the location of the survivors and the Rapist.
- Re-roll for any item that lands on top of another. Re-roll if too many of the same items end up clustered around each other. Re-roll if any generator ends up within 4 tiles of another one.
- Create unique aspects for the map and roll appropriate dice to figure out where they go
- A survivor will have a 3d20 rolled on each turn they are doing the action. Any roll between 1 and 7 is a failure. If a survivor fails 2 out of 3 rolls, they get a Skill Failure and must take an extra post to complete the action. In addition, if it was a generator they botched then the Rapist is alerted to their location. If a survivor gets 3 successes and one of them is between 18 and 20, it is a Great Skill Success and they need to spend 1 less post completing the action.
- It takes 1 survivor 6 turns to repair a generator, 2 survivors take 5 turns, 3 survivors take 4, and 4 survivors take 3.
- It takes 4 turns to pick someone up and summon new clothes for them. It takes 2 turns to summon new clothes and 2 turns to pick someone up from zero. If the downed survivor takes 2 turns to recover themselves, then if another Survivor comes by they don't have to use a turn to finish picking the downed survivor up
- It takes 4 turns to Summon Clothes for oneself using a Needle. Using the Perk Never Nude adds turns based on the level of the Perk.
- It takes 4 turns to fully Sabotage a set of Chains using a Toolbox. Using the Perk Saboteur adds turns based on the level of the Perk.
- If the Rapist strikes at a Survivor from close enough, the Survivor takes damage. The first strike strips the Survivor, leaving them Naked.
While Naked, a Survivor shivers in the unnatural cold of the Rapist's Realm. If the Rapist is within 7 tiles of them, then a d20 is rolled for both the Survivor and the Rapist. If the Survivor's roll is greater than the Rapist, then they suppress the shiver enough for the Rapist to not hear it. Otherwise, the Rapist is alerted to their approximate location. - The next strike, unless they Summon Clothing for themselves via Item or Perk or a fellow Survivor does it for them, will imbue the essence of the Entity into them and Overwhelm them with desire. They fall to the ground in their arousal and the Rapist can pick them up and carry them.
- If the Rapist loses them or is otherwise distracted and they do not pick up the Survivor, that Survivor still bears the Entity's mark, slowly increasing the pleasure they're under. If the Survivor is Overwhelmed for a combined total of 10 turns, they become Insensate and lose the Trial.
- If the Rapist does pick up the Survivor then they have 6 Survivor turns to either deliver a Survivor to their unique Chains or throw the Survivor down to the ground, otherwise the Survivor will break free and stun the Rapist for 2 Rapist turns while they get away.
- If the Survivor fails to get away, they are locked into the Rapist's Chains and the Offering Ceremony to the Entity begins.
Stage 1 lasts 6 turns and is the only one that the Survivor can escape from themselves. The Survivors, if they choose, will have a 1d20 rolled for their escape and must roll a 20 in order to do so. Basically there's a 5% chance.
Perks that increase the Survivors luck will also increase their chances of escape. For example, if a Survivor has Tier III Up The Ante, they have to roll between 17 and 20 in order to escape instead by boosting that 5% up to a 20%. For every failed attempt, the Survivor loses their turn and an additional turn, setting a limit of 3 attempts without the Ruby Tuesday perk. - After 6 turns or all attempts have been used, the Chains move to Stage 2. The Survivor can no longer escape by themselves at this point and the Entity's attention is now called upon them, inflicting a form of pleasure based on the Rapist in question. The Survivor now turns all their focus to resisting this.
- If they are not rescued by another Survivor within 6 Survivor turns or if anything distracts them from resisting (AKA, the player choosing not to) then they have an orgasm (Stage 3), completing the Offering and drawing them into the Entity's realm.
Turns (or Actions. Whatever you wanna call ‘em)
- Survivors get 2 turns per post and Rapists get 3.
- Some actions take multiple turns. For example, a Rapist breaking a pallet takes 2 turns, giving the Survivor a chance to run after dropping it. Some actions also interrupt turns. Using the previous example again, if a Survivor dropped a pallet on a Rapist’s head, then the Rapist would lose 2 turns off of their Post.
- Some actions take no turns. For example, it doesn't take a turn for a Rapist to open a Pallet. What DOES take a turn is finding a Survivor in it or closing the door in rage.
Dropping a Pallet, jumping through a Window, and sliding across a Pallet all take no turns.
A Rapist interrupting a Survivor's action takes no turns. A d20 is rolled for both the Survivor and the Rapist and the higher roll is prioritized in the event of an interruption. For example, if a Rapist goes to search a Locker and a Survivor goes to leave said Locker, then a dice is rolled for each. If the Survivor is higher, then they get out of the Locker before the Rapist reaches it. Otherwise the Rapist yanks them out of the Locker and they are instantly in the Overwhelmed state. - Survivors move at 1 tile/turn while they're walking and 2 tiles/turn while Sprinting. Rapists move at a constant 2 tiles/turn. This sets the Rapists speed to 150% of a Survivor's thanks to the Rapist's extra turn.
- After entering the Naked State, the Survivor gets boosted to 4 tiles/turn for 1 turn in order to create space between them and the Rapist.
- Sprinting allows the Rapist to see a trail if they pass it within 5 Rapist turns of the Survivor having run past it, though the longer it's been since the Survivor was near, the more faint the tracks are.
Auras proc when something important happens somewhere on the map, letting people know of said events. Most Auras only last for 1 post.
- A Generator becoming active reveals an Aura to everyone on the map.
- A Survivor becoming Overwhelmed, a Survivor being Chained, the Exits becoming powered, or having certain Perks reveals an Aura to Survivors on the map. An Overwhelmed or Chained Survivor's Aura will stay revealed to all other Survivors until their status changes.
- Being Overwhelmed, being carried by the Rapist, or being Chained will reveal all other Survivors' Auras to the afflicted Survivor. These Auras will stay revealed to the afflicted Survivor until their status changes.
- A Survivor quickly vaulting a Pallet, dropping a Pallet, quickly jumping through a Window, getting a Skill Failure on a Generator without the Technician Perk, getting out of the Chains, or having certain Perks reveals an Aura to the Rapist. Incomplete Generators outside of the Rapist's line of sight will also have an Aura while they don't have an Overwhelmed Survivor in their hands. Usable Chains will have an Aura as well while the Rapist has an Overwhelmed Survivor in their hands. Certain Survivor actions may also reveal an Aura to the Rapist based on GM judgement and accompanying dice rolls.
Rapist Perks (Subject to Balancing)
{FYI: Custom Perks are acceptable so long as they're reasonable. Basically I'll check over any customs and strike down any that make the Rapist TOO OP)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
- A Tailor’s Senses- When a Survivor attempts to summon clothes or summon clothes for another, they are revealed to the Rapist if they're within (4/8/12) tiles
- Anticipation- When carrying a Survivor, the Rapist’s movement speed increases by (1/1/2) tile(s). Their Terror Radius also increases by (4/8/8) tiles
- One’s Not Enough- After Chaining a Survivor, all other Survivors’ location are revealed to the Rapist if they’re more than (30/25/15) tiles away from the Rapist for 2 posts.
- Beast of Prey- If a chase goes on for long enough, the Rapist loses heartbeat for (1/2/3) post(s), allowing them to potentially sneak up on prey that thought they had gotten away.
- Bitter Murmur- Survivors’ location are revealed for (1/2/3) posts when the Exit Gates are powered.
- Poonhound- The scent of a Survivor’s arousal is much clearer to the Rapist, allowing them to follow the Survivor’s trail for (2/4/6) turns longer than normal while they're Overwhelmed
- Locked Dungeon- Once per match once an Exit Gate has been opened, Chaining a Survivor blocks the Exits for (2/4/6) Survivor turns. Survivors inside of the Exit Gate have their location revealed to the Rapist
- Brutal Strength- Destroying Pallets is now only takes one turn from the Rapist.
- Pheromone Tracker- Without the barrier of clothing, the Rapist can smell the Survivor’s arousal that much clearer. Naked Survivors are revealed to the Rapist if they are with (3/6/12) tiles.
- You're The One I Want!- The Rapist becomes Obsessed with one Survivor. The Obsession helps others much quicker than usual (certain actions are reduced to half turns instead of full turns), but if the Obsession is Offered or Raped then every other Survivor suffers (1/2/3) turn penalty to repair, healing, and sabotage speed.
- Enduring- Being Stunned only takes 1 turn away from the Rapist.
- Fire Up- Each time a Survivor completes a generator, the Rapist gains a speed bonus to picking a Survivor up, dropping them, breaking pallets, breaking generators, and vaulting.
2-3 tokens, the actions have their time reduced by half (Introduced in Tier I)
4 tokens, the actions no longer take a turn (Introduced in Tier III) - Wardrobe Malfunction- The Rapist’s tearing of the Survivor’s clothing surprises them so much that there is a (25%/50%/75%) chance to drop the item they were holding.
- Stalker Experience- If the Rapist stands still for (6/5/3) turns, their Terror Radius reduces to nothing until they act again
- Iron Grasp- The Rapist has a solid hold on the Survivor. It takes an extra (1/1/2) turn(s) to wriggle free from their grip and wriggling does (a bit less/less/less) to knock them off course.
- Curse: Building Lust- Each time a Survivor is rescued from their Chains, the Rapist gets a token. Once (6/5/3) Tokens build up, the Rapist can Rape the Survivor instead of Chaining them for the Entity. The Curse disappears if the Soaked Cloth empowering it is Cleansed
- Curse: Sniper Focus- Each time a Survivor is Chained, the Rapist’s focus is enhanced. They can pick out the sound of a Survivor working on a generator or Summoning Clothes for another Survivor and track them to it from (8/10/16) tiles away. The Curse disappears if the Soaked Cloth empowering it is Cleansed
- Curse: A Fucking For Everyone- Once the Exit Gates are powered, this Curse is applied to a Soiled Cloth. While the Curse is active, attacks down the Survivor instantly and movement speed is increased by (1/2/3) tiles. The Curse disappears if the Soiled Cloth empowering it is Cleansed
- Curse: Butterfingers- While the curse is in effect, Survivors take (1/2/3) turns longer repairing generators, the Curse making their fingers less dexterous
- Curse: The Entity’s Focus- The curse is applied to a Soaked Cloth. While the Curse is in effect, if the Rapist strips a Survivor then their arousal begins to build and build as they feel the Entity’s attention on them. If they don’t Summon Clothes for themselves have another Survivor do so within (8/6/4) Survivor turns, they’ll automatically become downed as the arousal Overwhelms their legs. The Curse disappears if the Soaked Cloth empowering it is Cleansed
- Curse: Shredded Cloth- For every Soiled or Soaked Cloth still on the map, Survivors’ take (1/2/3) turns longer Cleansing the cloth and the Rapist is notified when someone starts working on a Soaked Cloth.
- Drowned in Desire- The arousal the Rapist inflicts on the Survivor is such that they have trouble calling out for help, their voice caught in their throats. The range other Survivors can hear a downed Survivor is reduced to (4/2/1) tile away.
- Monitor and Abuse- While chasing a Survivor, the Rapist’s Terror Radius increases by (4/4/8) tiles. Otherwise, the Terror Radius decreases by (2/4/4) tiles, but the Rapist can see more of the area around them.
- Shrine of Lust- Dungeon Chains lure the Entity to the Survivor faster, are more difficult to escape, and penalizes the Survivor more for trying to escape. If a Survivor is Chained down in the dungeon, it takes 1 post less time for them to be Offered to the Entity. (Tier !) The roll needed to escape goes from a 17-20 to a 18-20. (Tier II) Each escape attempt reduces the amount of attempts left by 2 rather than 1. (Tier III)
- Lust Bang- The Rapist hides distilled Lust in the nooks of the generator as they pass by. If a Survivor fails (Skill check with a chance to fail of 50%/65%/65%) to notice it, they are stunned for (2/2/4) turns while they attempt to shake off the effects. The Rapist will hear if the Survivor fails.
- Overwhelming Presence- Survivors in the Rapists’ Terror Radius have a (60%/80%/100%) increased item consumption rates.
- Remember Me- Become Obsessed with one Survivor. Each time the Rapist strikes the Obsession, the opening time for the Exit Gates is increased by (1/1/2) turn(s) up to a max of (4/5/6) turns. Obsession is not affected.
- Don’t Run, Senpai!- Become Obsessed with one Survivor. Every time the Rapist chases their Obsession for 6 Rapist turns and let them escape, the Rapist receives a Token up to a max of (3/3/6). Each token up to the 3rd increases the Rapist’s movement speed by (1/1/2) tiles. An offensive action removes a Token. If a Rapist allows their Tokens to build up to 6, they may Rape the Survivors themselves.
- Predator- Footsteps stay visible (1/2/3) turns longer than normal.
- You Belong to Me!- Become Obsessed with one Survivor. As long as the Obsession is alive, after chasing a Survivor for (7/6/4) turns, the Rapist’s next successful attack recovers fast enough that it does not take a turn. Next attack must be made in the post after a chase stops. Starting another chase resets the Next attack timer.
- Delicate Touch- The Rapist’s strike inflicts the Dripping status effect, making it easier to track the Survivor as they leave a (somewhat/visibly/very) clear trail in their arousal.
- Deep Chill- Survivor’s shivering becomes much louder. Naked Survivor's noise can be heard from (4/8/12) tiles away
- Dungeon Master- Survivor’s location is revealed to the Rapist for 1 post when they enter the Dungeon and the Rapist is a (40/32/24) tiles away.
- Agoraphobia - For each Survivor naked, downed, or Chained, all Survivors suffer a penalty to repairing generators, Summoning Clothes, and sabotage.
1-2 naked, downed, or Chained Survivor increases the action by 1 turn (Tier I)
3 increases the action by 2 turns (Tier II)
4 increases the action by 4 turns (Tier III) - Unnerving Presence- Survivors within the Rapist’s Terror Radius have a greater chance of botching a repair, Summon Clothing, or sabotage (Roll to fail increases from 1-7 to 1-8/1-9/1-9). Successful rolls needed (are not/are not/are increased) from 1 to 2.
- Unrelenting- Attacks that miss can be re-rolled (25%/50%/100%) of the time.
- Whispers- Occasionally (10%/10%/25% chance) the Entity will whisper to the Rapist if they are within (4/8/12) tiles of a Survivor.
Survivor Perks (Subject to Balancing)
(Custom Perks are acceptable so long as they're reasonable. I'll check over any customs and strike down any that make the Survivor TOO OP)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
- Ace in the Hole- When getting an item from a Chest, there’s a 50% chance an (Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare) add-on will be attached to it
- Adrenaline- Instantly heal one Health State and move 4 tiles for 3 turns when the Exit Gates are powered.
Causes Exhaustion for (10/8/6) turns - Alert- When a Rapist breaks a pallet within (4/8/12) tiles of the Survivor, the Rapist’s location is revealed for 4 turns. Can only be triggered once every (10/8/6) turns
- Bond- Allies are revealed to the Survivor if within (8/10/16) tiles of each other
- Iron Will- When saving an Ally from Chains within the Rapist’s Terror Radius, if either you or the Ally are hit then they are put into the Frigid status for (2/4/6) turns. Getting hit again or letting the time run out will put them into Overwhelmed
- Seamstress- Summoning clothes now takes 1 turn. Needles get (1/2/3) additional uses before being consumed
- Dark Sense- When the Exit Gates open, the Rapist’s location is revealed for (2/4/6) turns
- Oiled Up- Once per (8/6/4) turns, Survivor can activate this Perk to avoid damage
- No Means No!- Once per match while being carried by the Rapist, the Survivor gets a Skill Check. If they are the Obsession, they can do so instantly and if they succeed, they escape the Rapist’s Grasp and stun them for (2/3/6) Rapist turns. Anyone else must wiggle for (4/3/2) turns before the chance becomes available and it only stuns the Rapist for (2/2/4) Rapist turns.
- Déjà vu- 2 Generators’ Locations are revealed to you for (4/5/6) turns at the beginning of a Trial
- Empathy- Naked Allies’ locations are revealed when within (8/10/16) tiles of you. Allows you to see an Overwhelmed Ally even if the Rapist has the Ally in hand.
- Hope- Movement is increased by (1/1/2) tile(s)/turn as soon as the Exit Gates are powered for (4/5/5) posts.
- Warm Thoughts- Grunts of cold caused by being naked are less audible to the Rapist. They must now be within (6/6/2) tiles of you before they can hear them and (2/4/4) is added to your resistance dice when they're in range.
- Kindred- When Chained, all Survivor’s Locations are revealed to (1 random Survivor/All other Survivors/All Other Survivors and the Rapist's Location will be revealed while they're within 4 tiles of the hook).
- Leader- Allies within (4/8/8) tiles have a (1/1/2) turn reduction in Repairing, Healing, and Sabotaging.
- Left Behind- If you are the last Survivor left, Repair time is reduced by (1/2/2) turns for every (2/2/1) Generator(s) still unrepaired
- Lightweight- Footsteps stay visible (2/3/4) turns less than normal
- Lithe- After vaulting, move 4 tiles per turn for 2 turns. Activates in Chases only. Causes Exhaustion for (10/8/6) turns.
- Nudist- Survivor starts off Naked and cannot be clothed no matter what. Because they are used to being naked, they do not are not aroused by it, leaving no trail for a Rapist to follow. Their shivers of cold are audible from only (6/4/2) tile(s) away. Allows the Survivor to fully recover from being Overwhelmed
- No One Left Behind- Once the Exit Gates are powered, gain a 1 turn reduction for Altruistic actions. Survivor also gains (25%/50%/75%) more Cumpoints for these actions
- Object of Obsession- If you are the Rapist’s Obsession and look in the Rapist’s direction, your link reveals your location to each other. Must be within (6/8/12) tiles from each other. If you’re not the Rapist’s Obsession, the distance is (2/4/6) tiles.
- Open Handed- Increases the ability to locate objects by (2/3/4) tiles.
- Tailor- Guarantees a High Quality Needle on your first complete Chest search. Reduces time needed to search through a Chest by (1/2/3) turn(s).
- Plunderer’s Instinct- Chests within (4/6/8) tiles of you are revealed to you and increases the chances of finding higher rarity Items within them
- Premonition- GM will warn you when you are looking in the Rapist’s direction and they are within (4/8/10) tiles. Cooldown of (6/4/2) turns.
- Prove Thyself- Reduce Repair, Healing, and Sabotage actions by 1 turn per Survivor within (2/4/8) tiles.
- Quick and Quiet- Make no noise when vaulting over obstacles or hiding within a locker. Cooldown of (8/6/4) turns
- Hyper Focus- Reduces Repair, Sabotage, Healing, and Searching by (1/2/2) turn(s) while Naked.
- Saboteur- Allows the survivor to sabotage without a Toolbox in exchange for an additional (6/4/4) turns needed to do so. Toolbox sabotage takes (4/4/2) turns less time
- Never Nude- Allows the survivor to Summon Clothes for themselves in exchange for an additional (4/4/2) turns needed to do so. Using a Needle to do so takes (1/1/2) less turn(s).
- Ruby Tuesday- You cannot be chained! Not without consequence anyway. Grants 2 extra escape attempts from the Chains. Odds of escaping Traps are increased by (5%/10%/15%).
- Scavenger Hunt- GM will warn you when looking in the direction of a Rapist Trap or Cloth within (8/12/16) tiles. 3 turn cooldown.
- Stay Away!- Each Survivor Raped or Offered reduces the Rapist’s ability to find object’s locations.
1 reduces the range by (2/3/4) tiles
2 reduces the range by (4/5/6) tiles
3 reduces the range by (10/12/16) tiles - A Sudden Turn-On- GM will warn you when the Rapist is looking directly in your direction and standing within (8/12/16) tiles of you. While Turn-On is active, the chances an action will botch is increased to 1 to 8
- Sprint Burst- When breaking into a run, move 4 tiles/turn for 2 turns. Causes Exhaustion for (8/6/4) turns
- Streetwise- Increases the amount of turns an Item can be used by (1/2/4) Survivor turns for you and Survivors within 4 tiles of you
- Unexpectedly Freeing- Great Success range is increased to (17/16/15) to 20 when Naked.
- Technician- Noises caused by your repairs are reduced by (2/3/4) tiles. On a botched Generator Skill Check, 1d20 is re-rolled. If the roll is between (16/16/14) and 20, the noise from the failure is prevented.
- Up the Ante- For each other Survivor alive, grant a (5%/10%/15%) Luck bonus to all Survivors
- Inner Strength- Grants the ability to recover from being Overwhelmed (once/once/twice) per match. Reduces time needed to do so by (1/2/2) turn(s).
- Urban Evasion- Crouch movement speed is (unchanged/boosted to walking speed/boosted to running speed for 2 turns when the crouch begins then goes to walking speed). Boost has a cooldown of (8/6/4) turns
- Vigil- You and nearby Allies recover from afflictions (1/2/3) turns faster
- Let’s Go!- Once the Exit Gates are powered, they are revealed to you within (40/70/Infinite) tiles of you. While opening the Gates, reveal your location to all other Survivors within (40/70/Infinite) tiles of you
- Make Yourself Decent!- For each Survivor you rescue from Chains, reduce Summon Clothes speeds down to a maximum of 0 turns for (4/5/6) turns.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
- Lewdness- Based around preparing the Survivor for Lewd actions
- Catch- Silly Survivor. You shouldn’t be doing anything but drowning in pleasure! Catch a Survivor mid-action
600 - Stripped- Doesn’t it feel so freeing, getting out of those stuffy things? Remove the Survivor’s clothes
300 - Tagged- You’re in for a good time, now. Hit a Survivor while they’re Naked, planting The Entity’s Mark on them and Overwhelming them. Does not count if the Survivor is in Chains or Overwhelmed
300 - Destruction- How annoying. Just get out of my sight! Break a Pallet or Generator
- Deviousness- Based on clever power use or setting up for easier hunting. More will be added as more powers are suggested.
- Naked- A little chilly are we? Makes hearing you that much easier. For each turn you have a Survivor Naked, you earn a point.
- Insensate- Oh dear. Too much pleasure too quickly. Now they’re useless for the Entity! Obtained when a Survivor is Overwhelmed for too long
50 - Set Trap- Someone’s going to enjoy this VERY soon. Trap based Rapists receive this when they lay a trap
100 - Trapped- Ah! Someone seems to have fallen into my trap. Obtained when a Survivor falls into a Trap based Rapist’s trap
1000 - Grab Trapped Survivor- Hello, dear. How did you enjoy my gift? Obtained when a Survivor is grabbed from a Trap based Survivor’s trap.
500 - No One Escaped- My, what fun was had in this Trial! The Entity must be pleased. Obtained when a Rapist Offers or Rapes all Survivors
- Hunter- Finding, Chasing, and Catching Survivors
- Chase- Don’t run! You’ll only end up tired when I catch you! For each turn the Rapist has the Survivor within a 3 tile range and is following them
- Survivor Found- There you are! Come here! When the Rapist finds a Survivor
200 - Catch- Hahaha! You’re mine now! Pulling a Survivor out of a closet
- Offering- Chaining Survivors for the Pleasure of The Entity
- Chained- Oh, our Entity in Pleasurable Heaven, please grace this mortal. Obtained when Chaining a Survivor down
500 - Entity Summoned- Our lord, the Entity reveals himself! Obtained when the Survivor falls into Stage 2 of the Chain process
200 - Offered Up- Oh, our Entity has accepted my offering! I hope its pleased! Obtained when the Offering is complete
200 - Raped- Our Entity would forgive this transgression… surely? Obtained when you Rape the Survivor yourself
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
- Objective- Repairing Generators and working towards escape
- Coop Action- For every turn you help a fellow Survivor repair a Generator, you earn an additional 5 Bloodpoints
- Great Skill Check- When you get a great skill check
150 - Repairs- Obtained when repairing a Generator. Based on how much work you put into a Generator.
200/turn - Map Scout- Obtained when using a Map to find an Object
150 - Chest- Obtained when completely searching a Chest
250 - Unlocking- Obtained when opening an Exit Gate. Based on how much work you put into the door
200/turn - Hatch Escape- Obtained when escaping via Hatch
2000 - Hatch Opened- Obtained when opening a Hatch with a Key
- Chastity- Staying unsullied
- Rapist Grasp Escape- Obtained when escaping from the Rapist’s grasp
500 - Resist- Obtained for every turn you Resist the Entity while Chained
150/turn - Trap Escape- So you removed yourself from the Rapist’s trap? Well done!
500 - Chain Escape- What is this, a BDSM club!? Don’t need no help getting out neither!
- Altruism- Helping other Survivors
- Assist- Obtained for being nearby another Survivor in danger or on in Chains
315 when the Exit Gates have been powered - Distraction- Obtained after helping a Survivor escape the Rapist
250 - Get Up- Obtained when helping a Survivor get up after being Overwhelmed
500 after the Exit Gates have been powered - Clothed- Obtained when Summoning Clothes for another Survivor
500 after the Exit Gates have been powered - Trap Rescue- Obtained when helping a Survivor escape a Trap
1250 after the Exit Gates have been powered - Rapist Grasp Escape- Obtained when somehow helping another Survivor escape from the Rapist’s hold
1250 - Chain Rescue- Obtained when helping a Survivor escape from being Chained
1875 after the Exit Gates have been powered - Reunited- Obtained after being within 2 tiles of another Survivor. Only once per Survivor
200 - Protection- Obtained after taking a blow meant for another Survivor
- Boldness- Interactions around and with the Rapist
- Bold- Hiding within 3 tiles of the Rapist
5/turn - Chased- Get chased by the Rapist
3/turn - Escaped- You’ve evaded the Rapist!
250 - Rapist Stun- So you’ve hit the Rapist over the head with a Pallet? Nice!
1000 - Rapist Blind- This probably isn’t the kind of flashing the Rapist wants… Blind the Rapist with a Flashlight
250 - Chain Sabotage- Man, fuck those chains! Break the Rapist’s Chains.
500 - Trap Disarm- I’m not sure what that would’ve done, but I know I wouldn’t have liked it. Disable one of the Rapist’s Traps
300 - Cleansed (Tainted)- Ew! How did so much get on these panties? Let’s clean ‘em up. Cleanse a Soiled Cloth
600 - Cleansed (Soaked)- There’s clothing under all this?! I can’t even see it! Cleanse a Soaked Cloth
1000 - Dungeon Time- No one would look for me down here! Right? Get points for every turn spent in the Rapist’s Dungeon
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The Cumweb is concept brought upon by meditation or sleep in Survivors and Rapists. Accessing this space allows them to grow in this stagnant space, granting them Items, Offerings, or Add-Ons. For some reason, Perks are hard to come by in this web as if the Entity is purposefully limiting one's potential for growth. What Perks are grudgingly given are permanent however and are allowed to grow with the Survivor or Rapist that receives it.
The Cumweb is concept brought upon by meditation or sleep in Survivors and Rapists. Accessing this space allows them to grow in this stagnant space, granting them Items, Offerings, or Add-Ons. For some reason, Perks are hard to come by in this web as if the Entity is purposefully limiting one's potential for growth. What Perks are grudgingly given are permanent however and are allowed to grow with the Survivor or Rapist that receives it.
- One random Perk is given every 5 levels. If there is a Perk slot available, then the new Perk will go into that slot. Otherwise, one can choose to replace an older Perk with the newer one for 5000 CP.
- At any time, one can choose to Re-Roll a Perk for 10000 CP. The roller is then allowed to choose between the old Perk and the new Perk.
- Common Items, Offerings, and Add-Ons cost 3000 CP
- Uncommon Items, Offerings, and Add-Ons cost 4000 CP
- Rare Items, Offerings, and Add-Ons cost 5000 CP
- Super Rare Items, Offerings, and Add-Ons cost 6000 CP
- Ultra Rare Items, Offerings, and Add-Ons cost 7000 CP
Character Sheets
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: (The Rapist’s True Name)
Alias: (The Name Survivors knows them by)
Appearance: (How does the Rapist look?)
Power: (Each Rapist has an ability unique to them. What’s yours?) (Subject to GM approval)
Backstory: (What lead the Rapist to where they are now?)
Perks: (Perks help you violate Survivors in new and interesting ways.)(All Perks have 3 Tiers. Going from Tier I to Tier II requires 7500 CP and you must be Level 10. Tier II to Tier III requires 15000 CP and you must be Level 15. At any time you can discard a Perk and pick or create a new one for 10000CP)
Offerings: (Tokens that change the Trial itself in some way.)(Each level up allows you to pick from 3 Offerings of varying rank for varying CP)
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Name: (The Rapist’s True Name)
Alias: (The Name Survivors knows them by)
Appearance: (How does the Rapist look?)
Power: (Each Rapist has an ability unique to them. What’s yours?) (Subject to GM approval)
Backstory: (What lead the Rapist to where they are now?)
Perks: (Perks help you violate Survivors in new and interesting ways.)(All Perks have 3 Tiers. Going from Tier I to Tier II requires 7500 CP and you must be Level 10. Tier II to Tier III requires 15000 CP and you must be Level 15. At any time you can discard a Perk and pick or create a new one for 10000CP)
- Unlocked Initially
- Unlocked at Level 5
- Unlocked at Level 10
- Unlocked at Level 15
Offerings: (Tokens that change the Trial itself in some way.)(Each level up allows you to pick from 3 Offerings of varying rank for varying CP)
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: (Your Name)
Appearance: (How does your Survivor look?)
Backstory: (What lead your Survivor to where they are now?)
Perks: (Perks help you avoid the Rapist and make it out unsullied.)(All Perks have 3 Tiers. Going from Tier I to Tier II requires 7500 CP and you must be Level 10. Tier II to Tier III requires 15000 CP and you must be Level 15. At any time you can discard a Perk and pick or create a new one for 10000CP)
Add-Ons: (Additions to your Items that change the way they work in some way.) (Each level up allows you to pick from 3 add-ons of varying rank for varying CP)
Offerings: (Tokens that change the Trial itself in some way.)(Each level up allows you to pick from 3 Offerings of varying rank for varying CP)
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Name: (Your Name)
Appearance: (How does your Survivor look?)
Backstory: (What lead your Survivor to where they are now?)
Perks: (Perks help you avoid the Rapist and make it out unsullied.)(All Perks have 3 Tiers. Going from Tier I to Tier II requires 7500 CP and you must be Level 10. Tier II to Tier III requires 15000 CP and you must be Level 15. At any time you can discard a Perk and pick or create a new one for 10000CP)
- Unlocked Initially
- Unlocked at Level 5
- Unlocked at Level 10
- Unlocked at Level 15
Add-Ons: (Additions to your Items that change the way they work in some way.) (Each level up allows you to pick from 3 add-ons of varying rank for varying CP)
Offerings: (Tokens that change the Trial itself in some way.)(Each level up allows you to pick from 3 Offerings of varying rank for varying CP)
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Brown Items are Common. These have a 60% chance of appearing on the Cumweb or in a Chest
Orange Items are Uncommon. These have a 20% chance of appearing on the Cumweb or in a Chest.
Green Items are Rare. These have a 10% chance of appearing on the Cumweb or in a Chest.
Purple Items are Super Rare. These have a 8% chance of appearing on the Cumweb or in a Chest. These do not appear on the Cumweb until level 5.
Red Items are Ultra Rare. These have a 2% chance of appearing on the Cumweb or in a Chest. These do not appear on the Cumweb until level 10.
Needle- Normally they’re used to repair clothing, but it doesn’t work like that in this world. Instead, they are used as a Focus Object, allowing a Survivor to summon clothing for themselves or others at an increased speed. Because of its use as a Focus Object, its magic also helps in relieving other Survivors, draining the Entity’s magic into itself.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
”Your First Sewing” Needle- A rather flimsy needle really only useful for an absolute beginner’s projects. This unreliable nature transfers over to its use as a Focus Object.
”Your First Sewing” Needle- A rather flimsy needle really only useful for an absolute beginner’s projects. This unreliable nature transfers over to its use as a Focus Object.
- Lasts for 1 turn
- Reduces the amount of time needed to Summon Clothes or relieve Overwhelmed Survivors by 1 turn.
- Unlocks the ability to Summon Clothes for yourself, though due to its weakness as a Focus Object it won’t get the job done unless the Survivor gets a Great Success
- Lasts for 2 turns
- Summoning Clothes for others OR relieving an Overwhelmed Survivor no longer takes a turn, but the needle immediately breaks afterward unless you get a Great Success.
- Unlocks the ability to Summon Clothes for yourself.
- Lasts for 3 turns
- Reduces the amount of time needed to Summon Clothes or relieve Overwhelmed Survivors by 4 turns. Basically Summoning Clothes for others OR relieving an Overwhelmed Survivor would not take a turn and you would be able to do this twice unless you got a Great Success. That or you’d be able to relieve an Overwhelmed Survivor AND Summon Clothes for them without taking a turn, but the needle would break afterward unless you got a Great Success.
- Unlocks the ability to Summon Clothes for yourself.
- Lasts for 4 turns
- Reduces the amount of time needed to Summon Clothes or relieve Overwhelmed Survivors by 3 turns. Basically Summoning Clothes for others OR relieving an Overwhelmed Survivor would not take a turn, but you’d only have 1 charge left unless you got a Great Success.
- Increases the Great Success zone for Summoning Clothes or relieving Overwhelmed Survivors to 16 to 20
- Unlocks the ability to Summon Clothes for yourself and increases the Great Success zone to 16 to 20.
Flashlight- The Flashlight is an Item that is used to blind the Killer. If they are carrying a Survivor on their shoulder, getting blinded will make them drop that Survivor and be stunned for a few turns.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Flashlight- A standard flashlight.
Flashlight- A standard flashlight.
- Can be used from 4 tiles away
- Has a 20% chance to blind the Rapist for 2 Rapist turns if flashed on them for 2 Survivor turns
- Lasts for 3 Survivor turns. The battery dies afterwards, making it useless.
- Can be used from 4 tiles away
- Has a 30% chance to blind the Rapist for 2 Rapist turns if flashed on them for 2 Survivor turns
- Lasts for 5 Survivor turns. The battery dies afterwards, making it useless.
- Can be used from 5 tiles away
- Has a 15% chance to blind the Rapist for 4 Rapist turns if flashed on them for 2 Survivor turns
- Lasts for 4 Survivor turns. The battery dies afterwards, making it useless.
Key- The Key is an Item that can be used to open the Hatch when it spawns. It can also be used with Add-ons to enhance its power and show the user different Auras, such as those of other Survivors in their vicinity or that of the Killer. The Broken Key cannot be used to open to Hatch and is of no use without Add-ons.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Broken Key- The bow and shank of a key, vibrating with power. The Broken Key's power cannot be triggered by itself. Various objects can be attached to its jump ring, which channels the Broken Key's power into various effects.
Broken Key- The bow and shank of a key, vibrating with power. The Broken Key's power cannot be triggered by itself. Various objects can be attached to its jump ring, which channels the Broken Key's power into various effects.
- Requires Add-ons to be of any use
- Can be used for 4 Survivor Turns
- Can be used to open the Hatch. Anything else depends on its Add-ons
- Can be used for 3 Survivor Turns
- Can be used to open the Hatch. Anything else depends on its Add-ons
- Can be used for 8 Survivor Turns
Map- The Map is an Item that is used to track and mark props in the World. The standard map can only track Generators, but can track different props as well with the use of Add-ons that enhance its power. You can even make the tracked Auras visible to other Survivors and create markers that look like a pillar of bright light (basically, point out something or someone you’d like to remember the location of and I’ll make it so you’ll see its location on the map).
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Map- An old piece of parchment made out of an ethereal material. Is rolled and sealed with an uncoloured leather string. Holding and channeling magic into the map unlocks great potential in one's Aura reading ability which slowly burns the map. Generators' Auras which you have already encountered are revealed to you for as long as the map has charges left.
Map- An old piece of parchment made out of an ethereal material. Is rolled and sealed with an uncoloured leather string. Holding and channeling magic into the map unlocks great potential in one's Aura reading ability which slowly burns the map. Generators' Auras which you have already encountered are revealed to you for as long as the map has charges left.
- Starts with 1 Generator tracked
- Unlocks the ability to track Generators you pass within 4 tiles of. Their auras are revealed to you when you channel magic into the map.
- The map can handle 4 turns of channeling before it burns up.
- Starts with 3 Objects tracked.
- Unlocks the ability to track Generators you pass within 4 tiles of.
- Unlocks the ability to track Chains you pass within 4 tiles of.
- Unlocks the ability to track Exits you pass within 4 tiles of.
- Unlocks the ability to track the Hatch if you pass within 4 tiles of it. All of their auras are revealed to you when you channel magic into the map.
- The map can handle 4 turns of channeling before it burns up.
Toolbox- The Toolbox is an Item that can be used to repair Generators more quickly or as Focus Objects that allow for the sabotage of Chains. Different Toolboxes have different uses and not all of them are good for both uses. Add-ons can be equipped to enhance their speed and durability.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Worn-Out Tools- A metal box containing out of condition tools that could break at any moment. Magic imbued into the tools allows for even the untrained to use them to the maximum effect.
Worn-Out Tools- A metal box containing out of condition tools that could break at any moment. Magic imbued into the tools allows for even the untrained to use them to the maximum effect.
- Lasts for 2 turns.
- Decreases the amount of turns needed to repair a Generator by 2 turns.
- Increases the Skill Failure zone to 1 to 9.
- Unlocks the Sabotage action, though with the weakness of these tools, only a Great Skill check would allow the Sabotage to be successful.
- Lasts for 4 turns.
- Decreases the amount of turns needed to repair a Generator by 2 turns
- Lasts for 2 turns.
- Decreases the amount of turns needed to repair a Generator by 3 turns
- Unlocks the Sabotage action and Increases the amount of turns needed to Sabotage a set of Chains to 5 turns, making it impossible to do with this tool set without Great Skill Checks
- Lasts for 5 turns.
- Decreases the amount of turns needed to repair a Generator by 2 turns
- Unlocks the Sabotage action
- Lasts for 2 turns
- Decreases the amount of turns needed to repair a Generator by 5 turns.
- Unlocks the Sabotage action
- Lasts for 4 turns
- Decreases the amount of turns needed to repair a Generator by 1 turn
- Unlocks the Sabotage action and decreases the amount of turns needed to Sabotage Chains by 2 turns
Add-Ons are tools that empower Items, allowing them to become even more powerful than they were before. They are obtained either by receiving them from the Cumweb upon leveling up or in a Chest attached to an item. There is a 10% chance of finding one in a chest without perks.
Brown add-ons are Common. These have a 60% chance of appearing on the Cumweb or in a Chest
Orange add-ons are Uncommon. These have a 20% chance of appearing on the Cumweb or in a Chest.
Green add-ons are Rare. These have a 10% chance of appearing on the Cumweb or in a Chest.
Purple add-ons are Super Rare. These have a 8% chance of appearing on the Cumweb or in a Chest. These do not appear on the Cumweb until level 5.
Red add-ons are Ultra Rare. These have a 2% chance of appearing on the Cumweb or in a Chest. These do not appear on the Cumweb until level 10.
Survivor Add-ons
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Thimble- A metal cap worn to the protect one’s finger while sewing. The feeling of being protected from failure helps prevent mishaps during the spell casting process
Thimble- A metal cap worn to the protect one’s finger while sewing. The feeling of being protected from failure helps prevent mishaps during the spell casting process
- Decreases Skill Failure zone to 1 to 6
- Decreases the amount of turns needed to Summon Clothes for oneself by 1
- Increases Survivor turns the Needle can be used by 1
- Decreases Skill Failure zone to 1 to 5
- Decreases the amount of Survivor turns needed to Summon Clothes for oneself by 1
- Increases Survivor turns the Needle can be used by 1
- Decreases the amount of turns needed to Summon Clothes for oneself by 2
- Increases the Skill Failure zone to 1 to 10
- Decreases the amount of Survivor turns needed to Summon Clothes for oneself by 2
- Increases Survivor turns the Needle can be used by 2
- Decreases amount of Survivor turns needed to Summon Clothes for oneself by 3
- Increases Skill Failure zone to 1 to 9
- Increases Survivor turns the Needle can be used by 4
- Decreases amount of Survivor turns needed to Summon Clothes for oneself by 3
- Instantly Summon Clothes for either yourself or another Survivor or instantly relieve another Survivor from being Overwhelmed, though without clothes.
- Destroys Needle after use
- Instantly relieve another Survivor from being Overwhelmed and Summon Clothes for them.
- Destroys Needle after use
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Wide Lens- A wide lens in perfect condition. Designed to spread the Flashlight beam at the cost of reducing its range of effectiveness. Casting a wide net and all that.
Wide Lens- A wide lens in perfect condition. Designed to spread the Flashlight beam at the cost of reducing its range of effectiveness. Casting a wide net and all that.
- Increases chance of blinding Rapist by 15%
- Decreases range of the Flashlight by 1 tile
- Increases chance of blinding Rapist by 10%
- Increases range of the Flashlight by 1 tile
- Increases duration of Rapist blind by 1 Rapist turn
- Increases chance of blinding Rapist by 5%
- Increases Survivor turns the Flashlight can be used by 1
- Increases range of the Flashlight by 2 tiles
- Increases duration of Rapist blind by 2 Rapist turns
- Increases chance of blinding Rapist by 15%
- Increases Survivor turns the Flashlight can be used by 1
- Increases Survivor turns the Flashlight can be used by 2
- Increases range of the Flashlight by 2 tiles
- Increases chance of blinding Rapist by 10%
- Increases duration of Rapist blind by 1 Rapist turn
- Increases Survivor turns the Flashlight can be used by 3
- Increases range of the Flashlight by 2 tiles
- Increases duration of Rapist blind by 2 Rapist turns
- Increases chance of blinding Rapist by 25%
- Increases range of the Flashlight by 4 tiles
- Increases duration of Rapist blind by 3 Rapist turns
- Increases range of the Flashlight by 5 tiles
- Increases duration of Rapist blind by 4 Rapist turns
- Decreases Survivor turns the Flashlight can be used by 1
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Prayer Rope- Tightly knitted rope used in praying rituals. Someone of broken faith must have held this because the pious energy within is rather weak. Barely enough to fuel the key
Prayer Rope- Tightly knitted rope used in praying rituals. Someone of broken faith must have held this because the pious energy within is rather weak. Barely enough to fuel the key
- Increases Survivor turns the Key can be used by 2
- Increases range of Key’s Aura reading ability by 3 tiles
- Increases Survivor turns the Key can be used by 4
- Reveals Survivors’ Auras when within 4 tiles
- Reveals Survivors’ Auras when within 8 tiles
- The Entity will take this Add-on instead of the Key upon being Offered
- The Entity will take this Add-on instead of the Key upon opening the Hatch
- Reveals Rapist’s Aura when within 6 tiles
- Using this ability decreases Survivor turns the Key can be used by 4
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Map Addendum- A swarm of magic that attached itself to the Map to extend it. With more to burn, it lasts a touch longer before being burnt out.
Map Addendum- A swarm of magic that attached itself to the Map to extend it. With more to burn, it lasts a touch longer before being burnt out.
- Increases Survivor turns the Map can be used by 1
- Unlocks the ability to track he Exits
- Increases tiles away the Map can track from by 2
- Increases Survivor turns the Map can be used by 2
- Unlocks the ability to track the Rapist’s belongings. (Rapist’s belongings are Chains, Traps Chests, and Soiled Cloth)
- Unlocks the Marker Ability
- Using this Ability creates a mark that can be seen by all Survivors
- Only 3 markers can be active at once
- Increases tiles away the Map can track from by 4
- Unlocks the ability to track the Hatch (once it spawns)
- Every Survivor sees the Aura generated by the map when the owner activates it
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Spring Clamp- Useful tool to clamp hoses or hold wires in place and prevent damage or injury.
Spring Clamp- Useful tool to clamp hoses or hold wires in place and prevent damage or injury.
- Decreases Skill Failure zone to 1 to 6
- Increases amount of Survivor turns the Toolbox can be used by 1
- Decreases Survivor turns needed to repair Generator by 1
- Increases amount of Survivor turns the Toolbox can be used by 2
- Decreases Survivor turns needed to repair Generator by 2
- Decreases the Sabotage Skill Failure zone to 1 to 6
- Decreases penalty of Skill Failure to 1 turn instead of 2
- Decreases Survivor turns needed to repair Generator by 2
- Decreases Skill Failure zone for repairs to 1 to 5
- Decreases Survivor turns needed to Sabotage Chains by 2
- Decreases Survivor turns needed to Sabotage Chains by 3
- Using the Toolbox to repair will create a chain of 6 Skill Checks. Success in all of them will cause the Generator repair to become completed. A single failure will stop the chain at that point, reducing the amount left by the amount of successes before failure. A Great Success before a failure will allow for 1 failure to be cancelled out. The Toolbox will be destroyed no matter the result.
Player Survivors
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Henrietta Sinclair (Age: 26)
Backstory: Henrietta has always dreamed of being a film maker ever since she saw "Night of the Vampirettes" as a child. Seeing the vampire woman hunt their prey in such an erotic fashion lit a fire in her soul. Since then, she's made dozens of home movies with her friends. Most of the films she made were horror films, slashers or thrillers. While her parents found her interests particular, they continued to support her film making. Finally, when she was old enough Henrietta went away to college to study film making. However, her career hasn't gone the way she wanted it to. For the last few years, Henrietta has been working as a part-time barista while trying to find work as a scriptwriter. But her love of film never faded.
Henrietta is a very assertive woman with a rather dark sense of humor. When she's on her own, Henrietta tends to get lost in her own imagination which has only gotten more lewd as time goes on. But when you get her talking, the young film student will go on and on about the latest movies.
Unexpectedly Freeing- Great Success range is increased to (17) to 20 when Naked
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Name: Henrietta Sinclair (Age: 26)
Backstory: Henrietta has always dreamed of being a film maker ever since she saw "Night of the Vampirettes" as a child. Seeing the vampire woman hunt their prey in such an erotic fashion lit a fire in her soul. Since then, she's made dozens of home movies with her friends. Most of the films she made were horror films, slashers or thrillers. While her parents found her interests particular, they continued to support her film making. Finally, when she was old enough Henrietta went away to college to study film making. However, her career hasn't gone the way she wanted it to. For the last few years, Henrietta has been working as a part-time barista while trying to find work as a scriptwriter. But her love of film never faded.
Henrietta is a very assertive woman with a rather dark sense of humor. When she's on her own, Henrietta tends to get lost in her own imagination which has only gotten more lewd as time goes on. But when you get her talking, the young film student will go on and on about the latest movies.
Unexpectedly Freeing- Great Success range is increased to (17) to 20 when Naked
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Merida Augusta
Backstory: Merida is a popular young model who’s still making her way in her modeling career, but started off with a rather strong fan base from the beginning of her career. She's the only daughter of her rich mother who owns a very profitable business, and never knew her father. Merida's mother was grooming her to take over her business after her death, something Merida never wanted. So instead; Merida was scouted and chose to be a fashion model (mostly to spite her overbearing mother), at the convincing argument made by the man who scouted her. She found from modeling that she liked to be admired, and posing in skimpy clothing was more fun than she originally thought. So after convincing her mother that she really wanted to be a model, she just kept doing that sort of thing, becoming somewhat of a workaholic (like her mother) and focusing on her career.
Up the Ante- For each other Survivor alive, grant a (5%) Luck bonus to all Survivors
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Name: Merida Augusta
Backstory: Merida is a popular young model who’s still making her way in her modeling career, but started off with a rather strong fan base from the beginning of her career. She's the only daughter of her rich mother who owns a very profitable business, and never knew her father. Merida's mother was grooming her to take over her business after her death, something Merida never wanted. So instead; Merida was scouted and chose to be a fashion model (mostly to spite her overbearing mother), at the convincing argument made by the man who scouted her. She found from modeling that she liked to be admired, and posing in skimpy clothing was more fun than she originally thought. So after convincing her mother that she really wanted to be a model, she just kept doing that sort of thing, becoming somewhat of a workaholic (like her mother) and focusing on her career.
Up the Ante- For each other Survivor alive, grant a (5%) Luck bonus to all Survivors
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Kankra- Withdrawn
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Yui Momoyama (Age: 36)
Backstory: Yui is your average model housewife who's been divorced for a year and spends her morning at the office, her afternoon at home taking care of her household, and her evening on the streets, enjoying herself in the bars in the hopes of maybe finding a new love, as her dry run has left her quite... needy.
Seamstress- Summoning clothes now takes 1 turn. Needles get (1) additional uses before being consumed
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Name: Yui Momoyama (Age: 36)
Backstory: Yui is your average model housewife who's been divorced for a year and spends her morning at the office, her afternoon at home taking care of her household, and her evening on the streets, enjoying herself in the bars in the hopes of maybe finding a new love, as her dry run has left her quite... needy.
Seamstress- Summoning clothes now takes 1 turn. Needles get (1) additional uses before being consumed
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Sidney Ferocious
Backstory: Sidney is a rabid fan of punk and rock. So much so that she even picked her stage name as a loving tribute to her one of her idols. She dreamed of making it big one day, and coerced some of her friends into starting a band with her. Unfortunately, reality was cruel. It was almost impossible to land a gig it seemed, and what few they did get were completely void of audience. Unable to pay the cost of playing empty shows, Sid often had to pay the site owners in other ways. After one too many disappointing gigs, her band broke up, leaving her to wander that night in a drunken stupor. She hasn't been seen since.
Leader- Allies within (4) tiles have a (1) turn reduction in Repairing, Healing, and Sabotaging
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Name: Sidney Ferocious
Backstory: Sidney is a rabid fan of punk and rock. So much so that she even picked her stage name as a loving tribute to her one of her idols. She dreamed of making it big one day, and coerced some of her friends into starting a band with her. Unfortunately, reality was cruel. It was almost impossible to land a gig it seemed, and what few they did get were completely void of audience. Unable to pay the cost of playing empty shows, Sid often had to pay the site owners in other ways. After one too many disappointing gigs, her band broke up, leaving her to wander that night in a drunken stupor. She hasn't been seen since.
Leader- Allies within (4) tiles have a (1) turn reduction in Repairing, Healing, and Sabotaging
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Lily "Lilith" De' Angelo
Backstory: Lily was abandoned as an infant on the front steps of a church long ago. The local priest in charge took a liking to the girl, and instead of sending her to an orphanage, decided to take her as his own and raise her. Lily was a charming girl growing, up. However, it was at odds of her inappropriate behavior in both school and her personal life. She didn't like being confined. She didn't like being a prim and proper lady. She didn't even like clothing much. Her attitude led her directly into a Nun Convent, which she got kicked out of, but not before she has noted for her great skills in violence and survival. She was soon recruited by a private branch of the Church that took a... more direct approach to pagans that threatened the Church.
Unexpectedly Freeing- Great Success range is increased to (17) to 20 when Naked.
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Name: Lily "Lilith" De' Angelo
Backstory: Lily was abandoned as an infant on the front steps of a church long ago. The local priest in charge took a liking to the girl, and instead of sending her to an orphanage, decided to take her as his own and raise her. Lily was a charming girl growing, up. However, it was at odds of her inappropriate behavior in both school and her personal life. She didn't like being confined. She didn't like being a prim and proper lady. She didn't even like clothing much. Her attitude led her directly into a Nun Convent, which she got kicked out of, but not before she has noted for her great skills in violence and survival. She was soon recruited by a private branch of the Church that took a... more direct approach to pagans that threatened the Church.
Unexpectedly Freeing- Great Success range is increased to (17) to 20 when Naked.
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Alexandra "Lexa" Palmer.
Backstory: Lexa isn't much more than normal, if nerdy, young woman. She lives alone in a rented apartment and has decent, though somewhat boring to her, office job. She's not very social, it's not that she dislikes people, but she's always preferred books to partying or similar forms of entertainment. With the amount of sci-fi and fantasy she's familiar with, she may be a bit genre-savvy.
Hyper Focus- Reduces Repair, Sabotage, Healing, and Searching by (1) turn(s) while Naked.
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Name: Alexandra "Lexa" Palmer.
Backstory: Lexa isn't much more than normal, if nerdy, young woman. She lives alone in a rented apartment and has decent, though somewhat boring to her, office job. She's not very social, it's not that she dislikes people, but she's always preferred books to partying or similar forms of entertainment. With the amount of sci-fi and fantasy she's familiar with, she may be a bit genre-savvy.
Hyper Focus- Reduces Repair, Sabotage, Healing, and Searching by (1) turn(s) while Naked.
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Player Rapists
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Florence Bates
Alias: Mimic
ignore the tail
Power: Voice Mimicry - After hearing a Survivor's voice, the Rapist is able to perfectly replicate it to lure in the other Survivors within a 8 tile radius of their location.
Backstory: Florence Bates was once known as a kind person who simply had been struck with misfortune. Florence was the child of a kind and happy couple, and they used to live in a small home that was just fine for the family. But tragedy struck when the home of the Bates family went up in flames - with all of the family members inside. Florence was the only survivor of the strange fire, though not even the son of the Bates could survive completely unscathed. Most of Florence's body was burned in the fire, unfortunately. But the misfortune of the surviving member of the Bates family didn't end there, for Florence was sent to live with his grandmother. She was a strict and cruel woman who lived in an old gothic mansion in England, and had a penchant for being mysterious. None had ever seen the inside of her home. And the first visitor she had in a long time, being Florence, was forever changed.
WHAT exactly happened to Florence Bates in the gothic mansion is unknown, but no doubt it was a very unfortunate incident. Those who remembered Florence couldn't even recognize what the child of the happy couple had become, in the rare times said child would leave the mansion. Usually it was to purchase items necessary for survival, like food and the like. But soon; even those rare sightings grew to be less and less, until Florence was never seen again. Florence Bates was last seen walking through the gates of the mansion, wearing a gothic dress and showing a strangely elegant hairstyle, in the year 1900.
Now, there's been sightings of someone with the exact same appearance of Florence Bates before the disappearance of the Victorian mansion, wearing a mask and wandering around in the modern era. They've become somewhat of an urban legend, as those who see this figure three times exactly, are never seen again.
Whispers- Occasionally (10% chance) the Entity will whisper to the Rapist if they are within (4) tiles of a Survivor.
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Name: Florence Bates
Alias: Mimic
ignore the tail
Power: Voice Mimicry - After hearing a Survivor's voice, the Rapist is able to perfectly replicate it to lure in the other Survivors within a 8 tile radius of their location.
Backstory: Florence Bates was once known as a kind person who simply had been struck with misfortune. Florence was the child of a kind and happy couple, and they used to live in a small home that was just fine for the family. But tragedy struck when the home of the Bates family went up in flames - with all of the family members inside. Florence was the only survivor of the strange fire, though not even the son of the Bates could survive completely unscathed. Most of Florence's body was burned in the fire, unfortunately. But the misfortune of the surviving member of the Bates family didn't end there, for Florence was sent to live with his grandmother. She was a strict and cruel woman who lived in an old gothic mansion in England, and had a penchant for being mysterious. None had ever seen the inside of her home. And the first visitor she had in a long time, being Florence, was forever changed.
WHAT exactly happened to Florence Bates in the gothic mansion is unknown, but no doubt it was a very unfortunate incident. Those who remembered Florence couldn't even recognize what the child of the happy couple had become, in the rare times said child would leave the mansion. Usually it was to purchase items necessary for survival, like food and the like. But soon; even those rare sightings grew to be less and less, until Florence was never seen again. Florence Bates was last seen walking through the gates of the mansion, wearing a gothic dress and showing a strangely elegant hairstyle, in the year 1900.
Now, there's been sightings of someone with the exact same appearance of Florence Bates before the disappearance of the Victorian mansion, wearing a mask and wandering around in the modern era. They've become somewhat of an urban legend, as those who see this figure three times exactly, are never seen again.
Whispers- Occasionally (10% chance) the Entity will whisper to the Rapist if they are within (4) tiles of a Survivor.
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: <Unknown?>
Alias: The Beast of a Thousand Tentacles
Power: Tentacle Rape- May act as a mobile chain in exchange for reducing movement speed to 1tile/ post and is significantly easier to escape.
Backstory: Whoever he was before, The Beast has only a few vague recollections. All he could remember was that he was once human. A filthy home and a toxic environment was where he grew up. A small ray of hope that lit his soul with joy. How that joy only burned brighter as he forced his way into her. How he moved on, stealing more innocence from those close to her. How they whimpered and shrieked for mercy, only to crave it later on. How he was caught and executed without trial. No matter what he was once, he is now The Beast of a Thousand Tentacles. Whatever Entity out him here, changed him into what he is now, he's thankful for. Now he craves innocence, and that taste only gets sweeter.
Curse: Shredded Cloth- For every Soiled or Soaked Cloth still on the map, Survivors’ take (1) turn(s) longer Cleansing the cloth and the Rapist is notified when someone starts working on a Soaked Cloth.
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Name: <Unknown?>
Alias: The Beast of a Thousand Tentacles
Power: Tentacle Rape- May act as a mobile chain in exchange for reducing movement speed to 1tile/ post and is significantly easier to escape.
Backstory: Whoever he was before, The Beast has only a few vague recollections. All he could remember was that he was once human. A filthy home and a toxic environment was where he grew up. A small ray of hope that lit his soul with joy. How that joy only burned brighter as he forced his way into her. How he moved on, stealing more innocence from those close to her. How they whimpered and shrieked for mercy, only to crave it later on. How he was caught and executed without trial. No matter what he was once, he is now The Beast of a Thousand Tentacles. Whatever Entity out him here, changed him into what he is now, he's thankful for. Now he craves innocence, and that taste only gets sweeter.
Curse: Shredded Cloth- For every Soiled or Soaked Cloth still on the map, Survivors’ take (1) turn(s) longer Cleansing the cloth and the Rapist is notified when someone starts working on a Soaked Cloth.
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Jessica Terrance
Alias: The Jester
Power: Last Laugh - The Jester's love for her sadistic pranks reaches it's peak when she hunts for more victims. The Jester can move stealthily, dash in ambush attacks and put one of her Joy Buzzers on a Survivor. Her Joy Buzzers are ironically modified chastity belts that traps several vibrating eggs against the victim's most sensitive spots, all while holding her cunt open for penetration. When the timer starts, the eggs start on a low setting to alert the victim. Should they trigger, then they jump up to full power.
Use the Secondary Power interaction to assume a crouching position. While crouching:
The Jester has no Terror Radius. Activate the attack interaction to dash and perform an ambush attack. During an ambush attack, if The Jester crashes into anything, they are stunned for a turn. Start the trial with 4 Joy Buzzers:
Joy Buzzers are put on overwhelmed Survivors.
Joy Buzzers automatically sacrifice the Survivor when they trigger.
Joy Buzzers trigger automatically beyond the Exit Gates.
Joy Buzzers trigger once their timers expire.
Joy Buzzers timers start when a Generator is completed.
Timer lasts for 45 turns.
Survivors can free themselves from Joy Buzzers by playing midway games found around the Map to find the correct Key.
Backstory: When she was just a little girl, Jess's parents took her to see the circus. She instantly became enamored with everything. From the exotic animals, to the daring acrobats. The sounds of laughter, to the smell of the buttery popcorn. But most of all, she fell in love with the clowns. Their silly antics never failed to raise her spirits. And in the end, her heart was set on sharing that same joy with everyone else. As she grew older, she did what ever she could hone her skills. She trained herself in acrobatics for more amazing stunts and pratfalls. She would borrow her father's tools to make her own props. She poured her heart and soul into her life long dream.
Finally came the day that she was able to leave her home and join the circus. She waited for one to show up, then joined the first to hit the town. Madam Yvelda's Amazing Circus, it was called. It was only after she had signed the contract that Jess learned the other name for it. Madam Yvelda's Twisted Bigtop. What on the outside seemed like an average carnival, was instead a traveling brothel that catered to only the most peculiar fetishes and depraved of acts. Here, people could have sex with exotic creatures, bet their bodies on lewd games, and lose their minds to the other attractions. Jess was horrified to learn the truth, and tried to break the deal. However, hidden within the fine print of her contract was a clause that stated that she had essentially sold her soul to Madam Yvelda.
Once she was theirs, several of the girls held her down so that a paying customer could have his way with her. She fought the best that she could, but eventually her will slipped away to the pleasure. The other clowns whispered to her that she could still spread joy in this way. Desperate for hope, she clung onto the hope that this could still be the way to make her dream come true. Since that day, her mind fell victim to every pleasure that the circus offered. She grew into a perverted being that would do what ever she could to violate the people that visited her show. She spread her joy from every customer, to her fellow sideshow freaks. None were safe from Jessica, and she took pleasure in their horrified expressions changing to one of ecstasy.
Then one day, she woke up inside the bigtop, but not hers. The world felt sick and wrong, twisted beyond reason. She began to worry when she couldn't escape the circus that she would be trapped there forever, with no way to spread joy anymore. Her dream was dead. That was, until she heard someone's voice coming from one of the other tents. They sounded so scared. A lewd smile slowly crept across her face. Not to worry, little one, she would make sure that you would feel better soon.
Curse: A Fucking For Everyone- Once the Exit Gates are powered, this Curse is applied to a Soiled Cloth. While the Curse is active, attacks down the Survivor instantly and movement speed is increased by (1) tile(s). The Curse disappears if the Soiled Cloth empowering it is Cleansed
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000
Name: Jessica Terrance
Alias: The Jester
Power: Last Laugh - The Jester's love for her sadistic pranks reaches it's peak when she hunts for more victims. The Jester can move stealthily, dash in ambush attacks and put one of her Joy Buzzers on a Survivor. Her Joy Buzzers are ironically modified chastity belts that traps several vibrating eggs against the victim's most sensitive spots, all while holding her cunt open for penetration. When the timer starts, the eggs start on a low setting to alert the victim. Should they trigger, then they jump up to full power.
Use the Secondary Power interaction to assume a crouching position. While crouching:
The Jester has no Terror Radius. Activate the attack interaction to dash and perform an ambush attack. During an ambush attack, if The Jester crashes into anything, they are stunned for a turn. Start the trial with 4 Joy Buzzers:
Joy Buzzers are put on overwhelmed Survivors.
Joy Buzzers automatically sacrifice the Survivor when they trigger.
Joy Buzzers trigger automatically beyond the Exit Gates.
Joy Buzzers trigger once their timers expire.
Joy Buzzers timers start when a Generator is completed.
Timer lasts for 45 turns.
Survivors can free themselves from Joy Buzzers by playing midway games found around the Map to find the correct Key.
Backstory: When she was just a little girl, Jess's parents took her to see the circus. She instantly became enamored with everything. From the exotic animals, to the daring acrobats. The sounds of laughter, to the smell of the buttery popcorn. But most of all, she fell in love with the clowns. Their silly antics never failed to raise her spirits. And in the end, her heart was set on sharing that same joy with everyone else. As she grew older, she did what ever she could hone her skills. She trained herself in acrobatics for more amazing stunts and pratfalls. She would borrow her father's tools to make her own props. She poured her heart and soul into her life long dream.
Finally came the day that she was able to leave her home and join the circus. She waited for one to show up, then joined the first to hit the town. Madam Yvelda's Amazing Circus, it was called. It was only after she had signed the contract that Jess learned the other name for it. Madam Yvelda's Twisted Bigtop. What on the outside seemed like an average carnival, was instead a traveling brothel that catered to only the most peculiar fetishes and depraved of acts. Here, people could have sex with exotic creatures, bet their bodies on lewd games, and lose their minds to the other attractions. Jess was horrified to learn the truth, and tried to break the deal. However, hidden within the fine print of her contract was a clause that stated that she had essentially sold her soul to Madam Yvelda.
Once she was theirs, several of the girls held her down so that a paying customer could have his way with her. She fought the best that she could, but eventually her will slipped away to the pleasure. The other clowns whispered to her that she could still spread joy in this way. Desperate for hope, she clung onto the hope that this could still be the way to make her dream come true. Since that day, her mind fell victim to every pleasure that the circus offered. She grew into a perverted being that would do what ever she could to violate the people that visited her show. She spread her joy from every customer, to her fellow sideshow freaks. None were safe from Jessica, and she took pleasure in their horrified expressions changing to one of ecstasy.
Then one day, she woke up inside the bigtop, but not hers. The world felt sick and wrong, twisted beyond reason. She began to worry when she couldn't escape the circus that she would be trapped there forever, with no way to spread joy anymore. Her dream was dead. That was, until she heard someone's voice coming from one of the other tents. They sounded so scared. A lewd smile slowly crept across her face. Not to worry, little one, she would make sure that you would feel better soon.
Curse: A Fucking For Everyone- Once the Exit Gates are powered, this Curse is applied to a Soiled Cloth. While the Curse is active, attacks down the Survivor instantly and movement speed is increased by (1) tile(s). The Curse disappears if the Soiled Cloth empowering it is Cleansed
Unlocked at Level 5
Unlocked at Level 10
Unlocked at Level 15
Current Cumpoints: 0
Cumpoints needed to level up: 1000