raffa Wrote:so far its pretty nice hopefully there will be actual scenes in the future like live scenes not just pictures does anyone have link to patreon?
Dead2112man Wrote:A nice concept and understandable house layout. Don't know if that poster does anything.
cheddaredgrizzly Wrote:It's a solid build, but I must say that the navigation of the house isn't very intuitive.
For example, leaving your room, the Door faces on the right side. Once your in the kitchen, you assume that since the door was near the right, going to the left would bring you back to your room, but it actually brings you to the dining room. So because of that you go to the right in the dining room, since going left in the kitchen brought you to the dining room, but that brings you to the living room.
Also it took me a full in-game day before I realized there was an upstairs. The stairs are kind of hidden in the living room
Other than that, it has solid potential.
Also, the R.I.P. Nergal both made me laugh and a little sad.
WonderGamer Wrote:Poster probably opens a popup to his Patreon page, however most secure browsers are going to block popups even from flash apps (as I expect is the case when I attempt to click on it), so I can't say for certain what the poster does.
I like the art style, not much to talk about with what's currently provided however...
MrMadJester Wrote:Looks like it has tons of potential, but I hope it doesn't get abandoned, plus I like the direction you're going in with some of the kinks and fetishes, but I think alot of people would love to see some foot fetish material.
assShapedBoggart Wrote:Looks nice. But does anyone else feel like the doors go the wrong way? I keep clicking doors that go left to go right and doors that go right to go left. maybe you could add a hint text-box for when you hover the mouse over something to tell you what/who/where it is.
Khataam Wrote:the art looks nice so far and i think u have great potential, the only thing is as before mentioned, that the navigation through the house isnt rly easy and maybe u could name the navigation bars on the edge of the screens with the location where they lead to
ill definitely keep my eyes on this one
♕DesirƸ♛ Wrote:Can u upload this to Newgrounds plz
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