Bowser's Castle: Samus [sound]

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Bowser's Castle: Samus [sound]

Postby 573p » Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:42 pm

Longtime lurker. Took 2 years on and off to make this - and began back when good porn of the famous bounty hunter was pretty scarce - sadly missed posting it on the 30th anniversary of Metroid, but hey, at least it's done. Happy Anniversary Samus!

11 costumes, 5 different looks (all inspired by different versions of the char) about 60 scenes and an Easter egg ending.

There won't be any updates or anything to this, consider it my first and last. For anyone who wants to get their hands on the .fla (CS4), you can find it at the below link:

I also started (but never completed, due to the same commitments that kept me from devoting all my time to making free internet porn) working on Playshapes' unfinished "7th Heaven" - The linked .fla (CS4) has an organised library and has the majority of the existing scenes copies over, although there's a couple of missing frames and absolutely no scripting/coding - A heads up for anyone who wants to attempt to finish the sadly abandoned project:

Otherwise, please enjoy and happy fapping!
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Samus v1.51.swf [ 10.82 MiB | Viewed 4198 times ]

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Re: Bowser's Castle: Samus [sound]

Postby Dead2112man » Thu Nov 23, 2017 4:45 am

This is really well done, Sorry to hear you wont do more but I understand how difficult it is to get around to actual working on projects like these.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Bowser's Castle: Samus [sound]

Postby samuelsteven6 » Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:26 am

Dead2112man Wrote:This is really well done, Sorry to hear you wont do more but I understand how difficult it is to get around to actual working on projects like these.

You can say that again... The game is great, but how it was created is just... frustrating
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