Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime!

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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby Kankra » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:47 pm

I do realize that. It would fit the title of the rp perfectly, wouldn't it? ;)
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby RavenLord » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:53 pm

Cant argue with that. :)
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby Kankra » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:57 pm

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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby BlueLight » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:32 pm

whats the plan for claire and asher?
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby RavenLord » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:14 pm

dunno... İ am getting an army ready to kick some ass so they are free i think.
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby BlueLight » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:18 pm

Vald better say so or claire and asher are going to being playing GO-FISH.
Also asher might though claire in to the spawn pen since she is annoying at times... like when she wins.
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby Kankra » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:22 pm

Why not join the assassins? :-)

Asher wants to banish Valdios after all, doesn't she? ;)
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby BlueLight » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:23 pm

Ashers has honor! :|
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby RavenLord » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:42 pm

Also Asher has a secret crush on Val. :) Same with Val.
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby Kankra » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:48 pm

@ Blue: You mean the "face the enemy in an open fight" thingy? :D
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby BlueLight » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:50 pm

Kankra Wrote:@ Blue: You mean the "face the enemy in an open fight" thingy? :D

No. It one of those "Get fucked when you lose the fight" Thingy's

I'll have to over power asher the next fight with valdios.
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby RavenLord » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:54 pm

Why? İ mean as long as you dont banish him go ahead but dont banish him as it takes 1000 years be able for him get into material world again.
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby BlueLight » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:56 pm

RavenLord Wrote:Why? İ mean as long as you dont banish him go ahead but dont banish him as it takes 1000 years be able for him get into material world again.

Sucks to be him.

Not planning on banishing him.

Also what would happen if he cut off a limb or two?
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby RavenLord » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:02 pm

Depends on the weapon. He can regenerate if given enough time or enough resources.
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby TechScience » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:58 pm

wait are you two waiting by the door or did you actually knock or such?
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby Kankra » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:01 pm

I edited my post, so you can react.
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby RavenLord » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:07 pm

so are your chars in the same city with valdios. İ was planning a recruitment sweep and dont want an angry assassin jumping on me.
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby Kankra » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:13 pm

Hmm, I'd say yes. But so far, Kazim and Kirin don't even have a clue, that Valdios killed Kirin's mother and Kazim so far only knows of the incident at the DeClothed Queen's through a report of his other assassins.
And if you want to go on recruitment, why not enter the Under-City mentioned in the first post?

Lalicore Wrote:The Under-City- Before Wormhold was a city, it was a massive mining operation that dug massive tunnel systems all around the city. Many years after the mine closed and the city'd begun, City planners found that between the sea and the mountains, space was limited. So, development of the undercity began. Home to commercial, residential, and criminal establishments, the Undercity is by far the most dangerous portion of the city- and the most profitable, if you know where to look.
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby RavenLord » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:19 pm

your chars there?
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg
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Re: Wormhold- semi-freeform roleplay. Sex Violence and crime

Postby RavenLord » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:20 pm

and wait, who is kirin's father?
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg
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