Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

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Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Nov 11, 2017 7:24 am

So I was looking at some old RPs and came across Earthsage's Monster Masters ( viewtopic.php?f=31&t=4356 )

It was a cool Idea and I wanted to take a shot at it. So without further ado.

Return of the Monster Masters

The country of Etrian is said to be the land of adventurers. Dotting the land are various dungeons housing some of the world’s most dangerous monsters. These dungeons house many a treasure that could bring an adventurer a pretty penny. That is if they can escape in one piece.

Monster Side
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Monster Masters control the inner workings of each dungeon. Along with creating your Master, you can create up to three monsters and three traps to place in the dungeon. Depending on the strength of the monster and the attributes you give them will determine how much they cost to place. You can come up with your own skills for yourself, minions or traps, but I'll need to look them over and assign a points cost to them myself.

You have 2500 points at your disposal to craft your dungeon. Each dungeon gets a Plain Room and a Boss Room for free. You can purchase additional rooms to house monsters and traps that also cost points.
Every Adventurer defeated (Who isn't revived) will gain you 200 points. Every adventurer raped will net you 100 points for each time they're raped. You won't be able to spend these extra points in the current dungeon they're exploring, but they'll be yours for later.

For the monster masters that aren't chosen to be the main lord of the dungeon, you aren't left out. You can add your points to the pool of the chosen Master in order to extend the length of the dungeon, or use half of your points to stand in as a Mini-boss, with the rest being perfectly usable by yourself to populate your section of the dungeon with your own broods and creations. You'll gain half the points of the main Master for doing so.

In combat, you can control as many of your monster as you want. You job is to defeat the adventurers by any means necessary, and prevent them from killing your master!

Adventurer’s Side
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Your job in this game is to defeat as many monsters as possible and, hopefully, clear the dungeon.
Your method of fighting is described in your classes, and any roll bonuses you get will be determined in combat or by upgrades you buy later.

You receive a bounty of gold for each opponent you kill, and will keep it throughout the dungeon unless you are defeated.

If your party is defeated in a dungeon you have two options. Option one, lose half the gold you have and have your character be rescued from the dungeon. Option two, leave your character to their fate and create a new character. Their gold is left in the room they were defeated and can be retrieved by other adventurers that attempt the dungeon. But you also have the option to forfeit a dungeon, and leave with whatever party members remain. The surviving party members keep all the gold they’ve accumulated up to that point.

Once a dungeon is completed, either through victory or a timely retreat, you will have gold to spend. You can buy skill points to add to your arsenal, and if you like (And you think you have enough skill points for it), you may design your own skills in addition to basic skills I will come up with. Purchasing those skills will let you complete dungeons more easily, and as such you'll want to get as much gold as possible.

Monster Master Combat System
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Whether you are a group of adventurers or a gang of monsters, your character will take a certain position in combat:

Front Row: Trigger Traps first, Can attack Opponents in Front Row and Middle Row with Melee

Middle Row: Melee attacks from the Middle Row lose 2 damage but Characters in the Middle Row also take 2 points less damage from enemy melee attacks. Can attack Front Row with melee or attack with range (+2 Accuracy to Front Row), Can be attacks by Front Row Melee, Middle Row Melee (Not Recommended) or Ranged attacks.

Back Row: Can’t hit or be hit by Melee Attacks from Enemy’s Front or Middle Row. Can attack any row with ranged attacks

Adventurer’s set their Formation as they travel through the dungeon while Monster Masters set the formation of their minions for each room. As a row of enemies are defeated, the rows behind them move up. You can only have 3 characters (Adventurer or Minion) occupy a row.


All players have five stats:
Attack: Power of Physical Attacks
Defense: Reduces damage from physical and magic attacks
Magic: Ability to cast and resist magic skills
Skill: Accuracy of attack, Chance of Status effects to Hit
Speed: Evasion, Turn Order, Ability to evade traps

The character with the highest Speed attacks first followed by the Second highest and so on.

When you attack, the player rolls a d20 for accuracy where:

Accuracy = Attack Accuracy (Between 1-18) + Player’s Skill – Enemy Speed
If Roll <Accuracy it hits. If Accuracy is 20 or greater, the attack hits.
Some attacks have a Critical Rating (Percentage). Roll a d100 to see if the attack critical. Critical attacks do 3x damage

Damage is divided into two categories: Physical and Magical
Physical Damage = Damage Roll (Based on character) + Character Attack – Enemy Defense
Magical Damage = Damage Roll (Based on character) + Character’s Magic – Enemy Magic/2

Status Effects
You can give certain abilities additional effects that have a percent chance to affect the target.

Poison: Deal 2 point of damage per turn for three turns.
Grapple: Bind a Target, they can’t attack and are vulnerable to enemy attacks for three turns
Sleep: Target falls asleep, can’t attack or evade. Is awakened if hit but not if they’re bound
Stun: Target can’t act for one turn, takes x1.5 more damage that turn.
Blind: Accuracy cut by ½, Speed cut by ¼
Fear: Attack, Magic reduced by 1/2, 25% Chance to do nothing each turn
Curse: Instant Death in 3 Turns

Monster Master: Dungeon Building
You start by building your Monster Master.

Monster Master Character Sheet
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Character name:
Race: Anything you like.
Appearance: Pictures, text, anything will work.
Background: What is the story behind your Monster Master
Points to spend: 2500. (These will be used for buying rooms and traps, upgrading monsters, and upgrading yourself.)
Skills/Bonuses: I will have to take a look at these myself and determine how much they'll cost. The less powerful the skill, the less it will cost. Don't try to break the game, please.
Bounty: 3X the cost of your Monster Master.
Basic Attack: Does 1d10 Physical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 16

Base Stats:
HP: 40 base.
Can Spend 48 Points from your total on stats, Max 24
Attack: 5
Magic: 5
Defense: 5
Skill: 5
Speed: 5

Basic Skills/ Bonuses
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(You are encouraged to make your own skills, and making a personal skill for an MM will not incur any additional point penalty. If these will help, then feel free to use them.)

Huge: Monster Master’s occupy an entire row. They can attack Middle Row enemies without a penalty and gain a 2 times health increase, +150 Points Cost

Sturdy: Add 5 HP to the MM. +30 points per each upgrade.

Heavy Hitter: Upgrades Basic Attack to do + 1d4 additional damage with a 40% chance to stun. +100 for the upgrade.

Critical Eye: Add a 5 % chance to land a critical hit to your Basic Attack. +50 points to upgrade

Unerring: +1 bonus to Basic Attack’s Accuracy. Stackable up to 3 times, +30 to monster cost each.

Magic Attack: Change your basic attack into a Magical Attack, does 1d8 Magical Damage. +30 points to upgrade

Minion Template
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Monster Name:
Skills: (Pick from the basic skills below, or come up with one of your own. If you have a skill you wanna use, run it by me and I’ll give you a cost for it)
Total cost: (Add up the cost of your skills and stats.) +25
Bounty: (1/3 of total cost.)
Basic Attack: Does 1d4 Physical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 16

Base Stats
HP: 10.
Every stat point you use is added to the monster’s cost. Can use a maximum of 40 Points, Maximum 20 for a stat
Attack: 5
Magic: 5
Defense: 5
Skill: 5
Speed: 5

Basic Skills
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Ranged Fighter: Grant the monster the ability to attack from range (1d4 Physical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 15) + 20 points to upgrade, If used to replace basic attack, change costs to +5

Magic Attack: Change your basic attack into a Magical Attack, does 1d6 Magical Damage. 30 Casts +20 points to upgrade, If used to replace basic attack, change costs to +10

Huge: The Minion occupies an entire row. Minion can attack Middle Row enemies without a penalty and gain a 1.5 times health increase, +75 Points Cost

Overpowering: Upgrades the damage dealt by this monster by 1 die tier. Goes as follows: 1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10. Costs 30 per upgrade.

Unerring: Monster gets a +1 bonus to Basic Attack’s Accuracy. Stackable up to 3 times, +15 to monster cost each.

Incorporeal: Unit can move through Adventurers and can become invisible and untouchable by Adventurers. However, must become visible and target-able in order to attack, and switching between invisible and visible will cost a turn. +100 to Monster Cost.

Stout: Increase the monsters hit points by two. Stackable. 10 points for each upgrade.

Ambusher: Once the heroes first enter a room, they must make a difficult check to spot this monster, or else they'll not notice the ambusher, giving it a surprise round at a time of its choosing. +100 to monster cost.

Brood-father: Can impregnate a female or herm character. Should the group lose, a copy of this monster will be born that can be used in a room further down the line for free. If the group wins, the child is killed at birth. +50 point cost, can stack with brood mother, but only if the target is a herm.

Brood-mother: Can be impregnated by a male or herm character. Should the group lose, a copy of this monster will be born that can be used in a room further down the line for free. If the group wins, the child is killed at birth. +50 point cost, can stack with brood father, but only if the target is a herm.

Trap Sheet
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Trap name:
Trap Methodology: How does the trap work? Do rape-tentacles come out of the ground or do rocks fall on whoever triggers it?
Difficulty: Basic (50% activation rate, reduced by Speed)
Total cost: (Add up cost from traits.)

Trap Traits
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Entrapping: The mechanism immobilizes or grapples Adventurers. In addition to other effects, anyone caught in this trap is unable to move for 2 turns. +40 to cost.

Damaging: Whether arrows shot through holes in the walls, or a giant boulder, the trap is designed to hurt people. If it hits, the trap deals 1d4 damage. +25 to trap cost. Upgrade Damage from 1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8 and 1d8 to 1d10, +25 for each upgrade

Area: Instead of only affect a single target, when triggered the traps targets all adventurers. +50 to trap cost.

Delay mechanism: Traps are triggered by characters in the Middle and Back Row: +20 to trap cost.
Reusable: Through either complex mechanisms or magic the trap is self-repairing. Five rounds after it is first triggered it can be activated again. +50 to trap cost.

Trap Refinement: Increase the Difficulty of the Trap from Basic to Difficult (70% activation rate, reduced by Speed), +50 to trap cost.

Status damage: Has a high chance to inflict a status effect of choice for three turns. +30 to Trap Cost

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All Monster Dungeons consist of a series of rooms. The Monster Masters choose the rooms as well as their arrangement. You can purchase rooms, place traps and minions using points. Each room can have different effects and provide different benefits to both Monster Masters and Adventurers. You can also suggest your own rooms which I’ll give a cost to it . You can place a maximum of 5 Minions in a single room
Here are some Basic Room Types

Plain Room: Just an average room that serves various purposes. Costs 40 Points per room

Trap room: Can’t place monsters here but can place up to three traps. Each Trap in this room has a 10% greater chance to activate. Costs 60 Points per room

Arena: Larger than average rooms. These rooms can’t house traps but can hold a greater number of Minions (Maximum of 8). Cost 60 Points per room

Mess Hall: A place for your Minions to eat. All Minions in the room gain +2 Health. Does not stack. Cost 60 Points per room

Armory: Houses many of your Minion’s Weapons and armor. All Minions in room gain +1 Attack and Defense. Cost 60 Points per room

Altar: A place for Minions to worship the Monster Master. If Minions are in this room, the Monster Master gain +1 to three stats. Cost 80 Points per room

Ritual Room: A room most commonly used for magic rituals. All Minions in the room gain +2 Magic. Cost 60 Points per room

Breeding Pit: A room devoted spawning Minions. Can’t House Traps. Reduce the cost of placing minions by 10. Cost 80 Points per room, doesn’t stack.

Workshop: A room devoted to crafting Traps. Can only house three monsters. Reduce the Cost of traps by 10. Cost 80 Points per room, doesn’t stack.

Bonus Points
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There may be elements in your dungeon that actually aid would-be adventurers that enter your dungeon. If you add elements like this to your dungeon, you will gain points to use for Minions, Traps and abilities. Listed below are some options but you can suggest your own.

Treasure Box: Each treasure box Can hold 10 to 100 Gold. Gain 1 point for every gold piece offered. Max 500 Gold

Traveling Merchant: Sometimes adventurous merchants will travel into dungeons to find new items to sell. Will offer adventurers items for gold, gain 150 points

Healing Herbs: Can be found by adventurers that explore the Dungeon. Green Herbs restore 5 HP to an adventurer and grant 25 Points per plant. Red Herbs Restore 8 HP and grant 40 Points per plant

Adventurers: Class and Character Sheets

Character Sheet
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Character name:
Age: (18+ or equivalent!)
Class: (Pick from the ones below!)
Appearance: (Picture or text, either work.)
Skills: Can choose one class skill and a handful of other skills. Have 5 Skill points to spend
Gold: 0 (Used to buy upgrades and skills.)
Basic Attack: Based on Class
Base Stats:
Health: 15
Can use a maximum of 40 Points, Maximum 20 for a stat
Attack: 5
Magic: 5
Defense: 5
Skill: 5
Speed: 5

Melee classes:
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Fighter: A well balanced warrior adept with any kind of weaponry or armor. +5 HP
Basic Attack: 1d6 Physical damage, Accuracy: 18,

Knight: Heavy duty wear, much weaker attacks than either the Fighter or the Duelist, but much better defense than either of them. +8 HP, + 1 Defense
Basic Attack: 1d4 Physical damage, Accuracy: 16,

Duelist: Heavy damage in a frailer form, good with swords and other light weapons.
Basic Attack: 1d10 Physical damage, Accuracy: 16, 5% Critical Chance

Ranged classes:
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All ranged classes have a limited ammo supply. It can be replenished via a dice roll after combat, returning a percent of their missing ammo back to them.

Archer: Generic Ranged, can wield a basic ranged weapon of choice plus a light, close ranged weapon of choice. Good accuracy and damage, but no special attributes. Carries 100 shots. +2 HP
Ranged Attack: 1d6 Physical Damage, Accuracy: 18
Melee Attack: 1d4 Physical Damage, Accuracy: 14

Barbarian: A brute that throws things like axes, spears, and more to damage opponents. Less accurate, but certainly more damaging than the Archer. Also half-decent at melee combat due to the nature of their weapons. Carries 50 shots. +4 HP
Ranged Attack: 1d8 Physical Damage, Accuracy: 14
Melee Attack: 1d6 Physical Damage, Accuracy: 12

Sniper: Only Uses ranged weapons, but incredibly accurate over long distances. Specialize at attacking an enemy’s weak point. +1 Skill . Carries 200 shots.
Ranged Attack: 1d6 Physical Damage, Accuracy: 17, 5% Critical Chance

Magic Classes:
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Magic Classes have a limited number of powerful spells they can cast, so they need to be rationed wisely.

Mage: A well versed magician that can call on the elemental forces of the world. Usually specialize in a certain element which they use to cast spells.
Spellcasting (Magic Bolt): 1d8 Magical damage, Accuracy: 18 with 40 casts available.

Cleric: Pious members of the church who seek aid adventurers with their holy magic.
Spellcasting (Heal): Restore HP equal to player’s magic, 15 Casts
Spellcasting (Smite) 1d4 Magical Damage, Accuracy: 16. 30 Casts

Warlock: Magicians who use an extremely risky form of dark magic. Sacrifice their health to increase their magical prowess. – 3 HP
Spellcasting (Dark Bolt): 1d12 base damage, Accuracy: 14, 10% Critical Hit 30 casts Available

Melee Skills:
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Bravery: 1 Point cost. When fighting on the front line, melee attacks deal +1 damage.

Focus: 1 point cost. Choosing a specific opponent to battle, gain +1 damage and + 1 Accuracy to that enemy. Against all other enemies, Take 1 point of additional damage and lose 1 point of evasion

Survivor: 1 point cost. Your constant battles with monsters of various kinds give you 5 extra hit points.

Fighting Fury: Fighter Special. 2 point cost. Whenever you are below half HP, you gain 25% Critical Chance against all enemies, Risky, but can pay off big time.

Parry: Fighter Special. 2 Points. Whenever you’re attack by a physical melee attack, have a 30% chance to perform a 1d4 counter attack. Counter Attack chance increased by Skill

Bunker Down: Knight Special. 2 point cost. You gain +5 to Defense against Physical and Magical damage whenever you refrain from moving the turn before.

Shield Bash: Knight Special. 2 point cost. Perform an attack that does no damage but stuns an enemy. 25% Chance to work on Monster Masters. 15 Charges

Rapid assault: Duelist Special. 2 point cost. When you perform Rapid Assault, perform a second physical attack (1d6 Physical damage, Accuracy: 16, 10 Charges per Dungeon)

Reckless Lunge: Duelist Special. 2 Point cost. Perform an attack strikes first and does Max Die roll Damage but reduces your defense and speed by half that turn.

Ranged Skills:
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Rapid Recovery: 1 point cost. Whenever you miss a target, you can attack again with a -2 Accuracy penalty to the Accuracy roll. Does not proc when you manage to hit but deal no damage. Penalty increases by -2 with every miss.

Resupply: 1 point cost. Whenever you're in a battle and run out of ammo, you can roll each turn to try and recover some of your ammunition. Ammunition also always fully resupplies between rooms.

Keen eye: 1 point cost. Gain + 1 accuracy to your ranged attacks.

Wild Hunt: Archer special. 2 point cost. Gains a wild animal companion of choice to assist in close combat. (10 HP, 1d6 Physical damage, Accuracy: 15 + One skill of your creation)

Coated Arrow: Archer Special. 2 Point Cost. Gain the ability to coat your arrows with poison (Poisons on Hit) or tranquilizer (50% chance to inflict Sleep on Minions, 10% chance on Monster Masters), 20 Coatings per dungeon run

Brutality: Barbarian special. 2 point cost. Throw or swing your weapon with all your might! On Hit reduce your enemy’s defense by 1, Stacks 3 times

Berserker: Barbarian special. 2 point cost. Enter a frenzied state for three turns. Ranged Attacks use twice the ammunition but deal 1d10 Physical Damage with a 15% Critical Chance. Melee Attacks deal 1d12 Physical Damage with a 15% Critical Chance but

Eagle Aim: Sniper special. 2 point cost. Target a specific body part to limit an enemy’s movement. Reduce your attack’s accuracy by 6
Target Arm: Cut Enemy Skill by Half
Target Leg: Cut Enemy Speed by Half,
Target Head: 1% Chance to Instant Kill, +3 Damage

Lock-On: Sniper special. 2 point cost. Take one turn to line up your shot. Next turn your attack is guaranteed to hit.

Magic Skills:
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Energy pool: 1 skill point. Gain +10 casts of spell of your choice.

Alternate Spell: 1 skill point. Gain a (GM approved!) spell, for use later. Spell casts depend on type of spell.

Potency: 1 skill point. Upgrades a spell to add a new effect. Talk to your friendly local GM for advice, here.

Ebb and flow: Mage special. 2 point cost. Your spells move on a cycle, and when the tide is "high" (You have the bonus) you don't use spell casts whenever you attack. When the tide is Low (You don't have the bonus) you use double the casts. Runs on a three turn cycle for each stage.

Elemental Endowment; Mage special. 2 point cost. Endow an ally with elemental energy for three turns. The benefits depend on the element, 15 Casts, Each ally can only receive one buff at a time.

Fire: +1d4 Damage
Water: Skill x1.5
Wind: Speed x1.5
Earth: +8 HP,

Holy Savior: Cleric special. 2 point cost. Revives a fallen party member. 5 casts worth.

Blessing: Cleric special. 2 point cost. Fill your allies with Holy energy, increasing their stats by 2 for three turns. 10 Charges

Summoning: Warlock Special. 2 Point cost. Call forth a Demon familiar to assist you from long range (10 HP, 1d6 Magic damage, Accuracy: 15 + One skill of your creation)

Sacrifice: Warlock Special. 2 Point cost. Reduce your Max HP or an ally’s by 2, Dark Bolt will Curse Minions and reduce a Monster Master’s stats by 2.

Specialist Skills (Can Be chosen by any class):
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Trap master: 2 Point Cost; Gain the ability to detect traps when entering a room (50% Chance, increased by Skill) and grants the ability to disarm them (40% Chance, Increased by Speed and Skill)

Keep Calm: 2 point cost. If you set off an as-yet undiscovered trap, you get to roll to try and disarm it with a 40% chance to succeed (Increased by Skill). Successfully disarming it will prevent the trap from doing anything to you.

Monster Hunter: 2 Point Cost; Gain +1d4 damage to Minions and +5% Critical Chance to Monster Masters, Can carry Flash bombs (60% Chance to inflict stun on Minions, 5 Charges)
Marked: 2 point cost. At the start of a Room, you gain 1 cast of ‘Marked Target’, Using it on an opponent will make all damage you do against that monster and others of its type use a 1d20 for damage, instead of a 1d10. For Monster Masters, gain +1d6.

Bounty Hunter: 2 Point Cost, Increase the bounty received from monsters by x2

Special Targets: 2 point cost. Upon entering a room with monsters, a random monster becomes a Special target. Special Targets grant 5 times the bounty when killed
Last edited by Mark3000 on Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:47 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC)

Postby VintageBass » Sat Nov 11, 2017 4:45 pm

Would it be fine if I dump my old sheet here?
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC)

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Nov 11, 2017 5:42 pm

Sure but you'll need to update it since I've made some changes to the system.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC)

Postby Nobudi » Sun Nov 12, 2017 4:12 am

Might be interesting in dropping a cs.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC)

Postby Littlemankitten » Sun Nov 12, 2017 6:32 am

As much as I would love being the monster master I would do the unpopular thing of making murderous nightmare fuel over sexy succubi so I should probably stick to adventurer....
I hurt you, I heal you, I hurt you again. That's the pattern.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC)

Postby mrblah » Sun Nov 12, 2017 6:38 am

i'm makin' a monster master right now, but i had a few questions regarding that. do you add minions to the rooms during character creation or after? also, i had this idea for an ability i had in mind, but i don't know if it'd work. or at least, work in the way i've been thinking of.
imagine a loading screen that loads a new loading screen.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC)

Postby Mark3000 » Sun Nov 12, 2017 6:51 am


The Character creation goes as follows

Create Monster Master -> Create Minions and Traps ->Choose rooms -> Place minions and Traps in rooms -> Set orientation of rooms.

You only need to post the sheets for the MM, Minions and Traps. You can PM me the room layout and how the minions and traps are set up.

Speaking of, if you have an idea for an ability PM it to me and I'll see if it works.


Now I know why Earthsage had separate designations for Sexy dungeons and deadly dungeons.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC)

Postby mrblah » Mon Nov 13, 2017 2:01 am

here's the dream team, plus their master. took me about 6 hours to make, so i might have made a few miscalculations or mistakes due to exhaustion.

The Witch Herself
Character name: Lady Chordeva
Age: 1,000+ Human Years
Race: Witch
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Before she was the powerful witch known today, Lady Chordeva was once known as Queen Enid, wife of King Geraint. She was a kind and noble person, and was also surprisingly humble, despite her status as royalty. She had two kids, one girl and one boy, with them both being great warriors as their father once was. She herself was also quite adept at battle, though she preferred more magical means of combat. Not only was Enid known as the Queen of a kingdom, but she was also a powerful sorceress with her own special kind of magic, known as blood magic. She was both feared and respected for her control over this dangerous magic, able to both heal with it and destroy as she wished. Together with her husband, her kingdom flourished, and was seen as one of the greatest kingdoms of its time.

Her downfall into becoming the witch that she is, began when rumors had spread that she was unfaithful. It was said that she had been cheating on her husband with another, but her husband being the kind and trusting man that he was, he believed her when she had professed them to only be rumors. But one night, she had went out somewhere to visit a knight, not knowing that she had been tailed by one of her most trusted people; her son. He told Geraint the truth, saying he followed her to the house of one of his knights, and that she had slept with him. When he confronted her the next day during breakfast, she had no choice but to confess.

It needs not be said that he didn't take too kindly to this. Geraint was always known as a lenient king, but faced with what was a great betrayal, he wasted no time in giving her the harshest punishment he could, in his pain and rage. He divorced her, stripping her of her status as Queen and imprisoning her for life. During her sentence, she was flogged, starved, forced to work, and most creatively; confined in a dark room full of snakes. Her life became a living hell, and she only managed to survive because she thought she deserved it, and because she hoped that she'd one day earn forgiveness from her husband. As time went on, she became more and more regretful for what she had did, and when the pain became too much; that was when her husband exiled her.

She had been forced to travel on the road to the nearest village, on foot and with barely any food or water. She hadn't even reached the village when she lost what little remained of herself, giving into the pain and grief that had steadily been consuming her. There was no hope for her, she finally realized. She was left to die after what she did. Geraint knew she'd never make it to the village, he just wanted one final way to torture her. She figured she deserved it, still. And it was with that final thought, that Enid closed her eyes and eventually passed away.

And the next morning, Lady Chordeva had been born. When Enid had passed out on the road in the middle of the night, she was found. On a whim, a powerful demon had resurrected her, giving her incredible powers and abilities; free of charge. She had wondered what he wanted for compensation, but he simply stated he needed none, only wishing that she'd "enjoy herself", before he disappeared. After that, she was simply lost in life, not knowing what all to do. The thought of vengeance never crossed her mind; she deserved what happened to her. But the overwhelming despair that caused her to give up on life was gone. Instead, was an overwhelming desire to live, like a command in her mind. Live, no matter what.

With this in mind, Lady Chordeva went out into the world, traveling and resuming her duties as a healer. Her blood magic had only become more powerful, and in time, her name was once again revered as belonging to a powerful sorceress. But good times couldn't stay for long. Her past caught up with her, when her former husband had realized that Enid had lived. He sent assassins after her to finish the job, causing more peril and danger to her life. But this time, she didn't want to die again. She wanted to live, no matter the cost.

Lady Chordeva eventually hatched a plan, and sought out her son, Wilmont. She cast a powerful dark magic upon him, taught to her by a coven of witches that she had momentarily been apart of. The dark magic enslaved him to her will, and she used him to destroy his kingdom from the inside out. It wasn't enough to simply kill Geraint. She had to stomp out any signs of Enid and what she had done. She had to make sure she was completely free of the woman she used to be. To this extent, she practiced her enslavement magic on her daughter Aida, as well. It wasn't until she finally stomped out any sign that she was ever Enid, that Lady Chordeva began to relax. After that, she simply tried to live a normal life, now with her children at her side again.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before someone noticed the oddities surrounding Lady Chordeva (like how neither her nor her children were aging, how she had no history, how she traveled around with dangerous magic, how similar said dangerous magic was to the treasonous Queen Enid's), and rumors, again, began to spread that she was an evil witch. Which technically happened to be true, again. It was quite funny to her how life seemed to repeat itself, but it wasn't funny that witch hunts had caused her to once more, go into hiding. But it was more extreme this time. She and her children found a dungeon, which she made her new home, and in time she eventually fortified it against any would-be heroes or adventurers who'd want to take her head. Even if it was quite lonely to live in.

Skills/Bonuses: [Sturdy x2: Add 5 HP to the MM.]
[Magic Attack: Change your basic attack into a Magical Attack, does 1d8 Magical Damage.]
[Bewitched: Grasp onto a nearby target and stare directly into their eyes in an attempt to hypnotize them. Hypnotized targets will adore the MM, and deal +1 damage with all attacks and +1 to accuracy, until death do them part. Target has a 30% chance of resisting.]
[Mesmerizing: Unleash a powerful magical wave that deals 1d6 Magical Damage to every opponent in the front and middle row with an accuracy of 16, and has a 70% chance of randomly stunning one person.]
[Blood Bonds: Any damage you take, you transfer to the closest minion. If that minion dies with a remainder left, the rest of the damage is transferred to another minion.]
Bounty: 2,520
Basic Attack: Does 1d8 Magical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 16

Base Stats:
HP: 50
Attack: 10
Magic: 19
Defense: 18
Skill: 12
Speed: 14


Her Knight
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Monster Name: Wilmont, the Dark Knight
Race: Human
Appearance: Image
Skills: [Stout x10: Increase the monsters hit points by two.] [Overpowering x2: Upgrades the damage dealt by this monster by 1 die tier.] [Unerring: Monster gets a +1 bonus to Basic Attack’s Accuracy.] [Shield Bash: Knight Special. Perform an attack that does no damage but stuns an enemy. 15 Charges.]
Total cost: 355
Bounty: 118
Basic Attack: Does 1d8 Physical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 16

Base Stats
HP: 30
Attack: 16
Magic: 4
Defense: 16
Skill: 13
Speed: 16

Her Archer
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Monster Name: Aida, the Sniper
Race: Human
Appearance: Image
Skills: [Stout x3: Increase the monsters hit points by two.] [Ranged Fighter: Grant the monster the ability to attack from range (1d4 Physical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 15).] [Ambusher: Once the heroes first enter a room, they must make a difficult check to spot this monster, or else they'll not notice the ambusher, giving it a surprise round at a time of its choosing.] [Overpowering: Upgrades the damage dealt by this monster by 1 die tier.] [Lock-On: Sniper special. Take one turn to line up your shot. Next turn your attack is guaranteed to hit.]
Total cost: 320
Bounty: 106
Basic Attack: Does 1d6 Physical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 15

Base Stats
HP: 16
Attack: 16
Magic: 8
Defense: 12
Skill: 12
Speed: 17

Her Mage
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Monster Name: Arwen, the Mage
Race: Elf
Appearance: Image
Skills: [Magic Attack: Change your basic attack into a Magical Attack, does 1d6 Magical Damage.] [Stout x5: Increase the monsters hit points by two.] [Heal: Restore HP equal to minions magic, 15 Casts.]
Total cost: 175
Bounty: 58
Basic Attack: Does 1d6 Magical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 16

Base Stats
HP: 20
Every stat point you use is added to the monster’s cost. Can use a maximum of 40 Points, Maximum 20 for a stat
Attack: 6
Magic: 16
Defense: 14
Skill: 13
Speed: 13


Trap One
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Trap name: Poison Pressure Plate
Trap Methodology: Stepping on this pressure plate will trigger the trap, causing a large cloud of poisonous smoke to be expelled.
Traits: [Status Damage: Has a high chance to inflict a status effect of choice (Poison) for three turns.] [Trap Refinement: Increase the Difficulty of the Trap from Basic to Difficult (70% activation rate, reduced by Speed).] [Area: Instead of only affect a single target, when triggered the traps targets all adventurers.]
Difficulty: Difficult (70% activation rate, reduced by Speed)
Total cost: 130

Trap Two
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Trap name: Magical Ensnarement
Trap Methodology: Once an adventurer gets close enough to this trap, it activates, ensnaring whoever was close enough to it in a magical binding spell that works and looks like a purple elastic beam of light restraining their movement.
Traits: [Entrapping: The mechanism immobilizes or grapples Adventurers. In addition to other effects, anyone caught in this trap is unable to move for 2 turns.] [Trap Refinement: Increase the Difficulty of the Trap from Basic to Difficult (70% activation rate, reduced by Speed).]
Difficulty: Difficult (70% activation rate, reduced by Speed)
Total cost: 90

Trap Three
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Trap name: Shock Knob
Trap Methodology: The first adventurer's hand who touches this door knob will experience a painful magical jolt.
Traits: [Damaging x2: Whether arrows shot through holes in the walls, or a giant boulder, the trap is designed to hurt people. If it hits, the trap deals 1d4 damage.] [Trap Refinement: Increase the Difficulty of the Trap from Basic to Difficult (70% activation rate, reduced by Speed).]
Difficulty: Difficult (70% activation rate, reduced by Speed)
Total cost: 100
imagine a loading screen that loads a new loading screen.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby CondorBoH » Mon Nov 13, 2017 8:08 am

I'm interested in this! I'll write up a character sheet sometime later, this is just me booking a slot I suppose.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby thealchemist » Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:22 am

This looks interesting. Here is my character, let me know if I missed/miscalculated anything.

Character name: Chiyuki Lin
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Chiyuki has always been a quiet, obedient girl. She rarely caused trouble and managed to stay out of its way, so when she demanded her father, a local monster hunter, to teach her the art he couldn't find it in his heart to refuse her. At the young age of 14 Chiyuki began her training and it was clear that she inherited not only her father's skill, but also his love for the hunt. By 17 Chiyuki was hunting with her father, clearing small dungeons and defending their home village of Astela from monster attacks. With each outing, Chiyuki's grew ever more infatuated with the art, and so she decided to leave Astela. She trained and honed her skills for 5 years before she felt she was ready. With a small bag containing her belongings slung over her shoulder and her favored long sword at her side, Chiyuki left for the hunt.

Skills: Monster Hunter, Bounty Hunter, Survivor
Gold: 0 (Used to buy upgrades and skills.)
Basic Attack: 1D6
Kinks: Anal, exhibitionism, public use, bukkake, anything not listed in turn-offs
Turn-Offs: Scat and gore
Base Stats:
Health: 25
Can use a maximum of 40 Points, Maximum 20 for a stat
Attack: 18
Magic: 5
Defense: 10
Skill: 12
Speed: 20
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Nov 13, 2017 12:35 pm

Both sheets look good.


I just added a section for you to give your character's background.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby Urhr93 » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:47 pm

Got both a monster master and an adventurer for this xD I'll use the latter when the the first's dungeon is not being used xD For now here's the...


Character name: Sae Yoake
Age: 23
Race: Human
Class: Duelist

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Daughter of mercenaries, it wasn't strange for Sae to pick up both her parent's trade and greed for money as she grew up traveling around along them, working for this sir and that mister depending on who paid more or who offered the best treatment.
Having a talent for it she even managed to get some small jobs already since her teen years, growing her skill-set directly on the field and continuing with such a life until a good day her parents got a bad job and, crossed by their own employers, died in action.

Sae made sure such irresponsible employers got their due before quitting the mercenary career... only to find out the only thing she was good at was using her body.
Liking her money as much as ever and unwilling to take on the oldest job in the world, Sae turned to the safer twin of her previous career, namely becoming an adventurer and raid dungeons for a living.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

-Infiltrate/forced to join Lewd Parties (example: lingerie-only party, nude-with-mask party, ecc...)
-Trap (males disguising as females to get into her panties)
-Reluctant or forced to do sexual favors
-Lewd gambling/games
-Lie (example: promise to not put it in and do otherwise, promise to not cum inside and do otherwise)
-Impregnation (with fast-forward or skipped pregnancy)
-Creampie in splayed pussy (no penetration creampie)
-Sleep Rape
-Stuck in wall
-Unavoidable Molesting

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

-Unusual penetration (nipple, urethral, ecc...)
-Multiple penetration (same hole)
-Heavy inflation
-Extreme Increase in size to sexual organs
-Heavy Gore
-Permanent Enslavement
-Gender swap
-Extra-extra-large insertion

Skills: Survivor, Bounty Hunter, Special Targets
Gold: 0
Basic Attack: 1d10 Physical damage, Accuracy: 16, 5% Critical Chance

Base Stats:
Health: 20
Can use a maximum of 40 Points, Maximum 20 for a stat
Attack: 12
Magic: 5
Defense: 8
Skill: 20
Speed: 20
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby CondorBoH » Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:20 pm

Monster Master, here we go! This dungeon is going to be a lewd one, so have at it!

Character name: Kothosi.
Age: 800+
Race: Beholder
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Spoiler (click to show/hide):

In the multiverse, there is always things that want to enter our world. Be it to study, to ravage, to pillage, to conquer, to exist or to simply visit, creatures from beyond the veil seek to pierce it. Those creatures may be benevolent or vile...
But often, they are vile.
The Beholders are one such race of vile creatures from other planes that come to ours to conquer and destroy. Though, luckily enough, they are disorganized and care little for each other. A single Beholder views itself as the pinnacle of its kind, utterly beautiful and perfect. All other creatures are beneath them, even the gods, and are hideous. Because of this incredible arrogance the Beholders will also attempt to attack another of their kind on sight, viewing them as an imperfect insult to their existence. Which is hilarious and resulted in any attempts to conquer anything beyond a single kingdom or cavern to be a failure.
Even still, some Beholders admit that study is... necessary to win. As disgusting as the other creatures are, they need to be studied, inside and out. Enter Kothosi, who has been studying this world for a long, long time. To better interface with the lesser races, 'she' has taken on a more humanoid form. It works out on occasion... the only real advantage she sees to the form is the fingers, hands are entertainingly useful. The dungeon she has laid claim to is but one more experiment, to further study how these creatures procreate. She's not interested in fucking a disgusting human or anything as degrading as that, no way.
Not in the slightest.
A-anyway... There was much to be learned from these creatures. Why they enter dungeons, seeking treasures that will likely get them killed or maimed or violated? Why do they do that? And why are there mortals who grow powerful enough to enter these lairs and defeat the guardians within? So much to learn, so many tests. This one is not the first, and shant be the last.

So... come, brave adventurers. Let the experiment begin!

Points to spend: 2107. (These will be used for buying rooms and traps, upgrading monsters, and upgrading yourself.)

Skills/Bonuses: I will have to take a look at these myself and determine how much they'll cost. The less powerful the skill, the less it will cost. Don't try to break the game, please.
Magic Attack: Replace Basic Attack to Magic Attack, deals 1d8 damage.
Anti-Magic Eye: One line cannot use or be hit by magic, this includes the Master's attacks and Eye Beams
Eye Rays: Accuracy of 14. Upon being used, the Master rolls a 1d10 to decide the effect. If an adventurer is currently being effected by one Eye Ray, they cannot be effected by that same one (eg, a charmed adventurer cannot be charmed again, thus wasting a second use of Eye Rays if Charm Ray is rolled again.)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

1: Charm Ray - On hit, the target has a 50% chance to attack an ally or assist an enemy for 2 turns
2: Paralyze Ray - On hit, the target is effected by the Grapple Condition
3: Fear Ray - On hit, the target is effected by the Fear Condition
4: Slow Ray - On hit, the target's speed is halved for 2 turns.
5: Enervation Ray - On hit, the target takes 1d4 Magic Attack damage and their attacks deal 2 less damage for 2 turns.
6: Telekinesis Ray - On hit, the target is moved to a different row of the Master's choice.
7: Sleep Ray - On hit, the target suffers from the Sleep Condition.
8: Petrification Ray - On Hit, the target suffers from the Stun Condition.
9: Disintegration Ray - On hit, the target takes 1d8 Magic Attack damage and their defense is reduced by 1 until they leave the dungeon.
10: Death Ray - On a hit, the target suffers from the Curse Condition. An undead is healed by 1d10 instead.

Sturdyx2: +5 HP
Unerringx2: +1 bonus to Basic Attack’s Accuracy.
Bounty: 1191
Basic Attack: Does 1d8 Physical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 18

Base Stats:
HP: 50 base.
Can Spend 0 Points from your total on stats, Max 24
Attack: 8
Magic: 24
Defense: 15
Skill: 15
Speed: 12

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Monster Name: Tentacle Horror
Race: Abberation
Appearance: Image
Skills: Overpowering x 2: Damage up to 1d8
Huge: The Minion occupies an entire row. Minion can attack Middle Row enemies without a penalty and gain a 1.5 times health increase, +75 Points Cost

Brood-father: Can impregnate a female or herm character. Should the group lose, a copy of this monster will be born that can be used in a room further down the line for free. If the group wins, the child is killed at birth. +50 point cost, can stack with brood mother, but only if the target is a herm.

Stout x2
Total cost: 255
Bounty: 85
Basic Attack: Does 1d8 Physical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 16
Base Stats
HP: 21
Attack: 15
Magic: 5
Defense: 14
Skill: 5
Speed: 10

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Monster Name: Eldritch Witch
Race: Aberration (Formerly Human)
Appearance: Image
Skills: Lesser Eye Rays: Roll 1d4 on use. This selects what ray is used. Accuracy 16
1: Charm Ray - On hit, the target has a 50% chance to attack an ally or assist an enemy for 2 turns
2: Paralyze Ray - On hit, the target is effected by the Grapple Condition
3: Fear Ray - On hit, the target is effected by the Fear Condition
4: Slow Ray - On hit, the target's speed is halved for 2 turns.

Total cost: 105
Bounty: 35
Magic Attack: Does 1d6 Magic Damage, Ability Accuracy: 16
Base Stats
HP: 10.
Attack: 5
Magic: 15
Defense: 5
Skill: 10
Speed: 10

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Monster Name: Lurker
Race: Abberation
Appearance: Image
Ambusher: Once the heroes first enter a room, they must make a difficult check to spot this monster, or else they'll not notice the ambusher, giving it a surprise round at a time of its choosing. +100 to monster cost.
Overpowering 1: Costs 30 per upgrade.
Ranged Fighter: Grant the monster the ability to attack from range (1d4 Physical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 15) + 20 points to upgrade
Total cost: 205
Bounty: 68
Basic Attack: Does 1d6 Physical Damage, Ability Accuracy: 16

Base Stats
HP: 10.
Attack: 15
Magic: 5
Defense: 5
Skill: 15
Speed: 15

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Trap name: The Walls Have Eyes
Trap Methodology: The entire room appears to be made of fleshy, black goo. Closed and open eyes seem to stare at the party as they make their way through. Suddenly a few of those eyes light up and fire rays at them!
Traits: Reusable - Through either complex mechanisms or magic the trap is self-repairing. Five rounds after it is first triggered it can be activated again. +50 to trap cost.
Eye Ray type 2: Roll 1d10 for each adventurer. That is what Eye Ray will effect them on hit. Accuracy 16 (?)
1: Charm Ray - On hit, the target has a 50% chance to attack an ally or assist an enemy for 2 turns
2: Paralyze Ray - On hit, the target is effected by the Grapple Condition
3: Fear Ray - On hit, the target is effected by the Fear Condition
4: Slow Ray - On hit, the target's speed is halved for 2 turns.
5: Enervation Ray - On hit, the target takes 1d4 Magic Attack damage and their attacks deal 2 less damage for 2 turns.
6: Telekinesis Ray - On hit, the target is moved to a different row of the Master's choice.
7: Sleep Ray - On hit, the target suffers from the Sleep Condition.
8: Petrification Ray - On Hit, the target suffers from the Stun Condition.
9: Disintegration Ray - On hit, the target takes 1d8 Magic Attack damage and their defense is reduced by 1 until they leave the dungeon.
10: Death Ray - On a hit, the target suffers 1d10 Damage. An undead is healed by 1d10 instead.
Difficulty: Basic (50% activation rate, reduced by Speed)
Total cost: 170

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Trap name: Negative Energy Zone
Trap Methodology: The trap is triggered when any type of healing is done within the room it is in. Upon entering the next room, a healed adventurer loses hit points equal to the amount they had recently gained, and then suffer a further amount of damage equal to a quarter of what they had restored.
Area: Instead of only affect a single target, when triggered the traps targets all adventurers. +50 to trap cost.
Trap Refinement: Increase the Difficulty of the Trap from Basic to Difficult (70% activation rate, reduced by Speed), +50 to trap cost.
Difficulty: Difficult (70% activation rate, reduced by Speed)
Total cost: 100

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Trap name: Tentacles!
Trap Methodology: A classic! The adventurers are wrapped up in tentacles and squeezed and groped mercilessly.
Traits: Entrapping: The mechanism immobilizes or grapples Adventurers. In addition to other effects, anyone caught in this trap is unable to move for 2 turns. +40 to cost.
Damaging: Whether arrows shot through holes in the walls, or a giant boulder, the trap is designed to hurt people. If it hits, the trap deals 1d4 damage.
Difficulty: Basic (50% activation rate, reduced by Speed)
Total cost: 65

Bonus Room - Beauty is in the eye of the... you get the point.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

An agent of the Master, dressed as a merchant, offers Adventurer a deal: Submit yourself for study and be rewarded wealth in exchange. Strangely, the agent doesn't have the gold on them until the deal is struck. Slaying them reveals nothing except for a pile of empty clothes and a burst of poison gasses. Only one may be accepted per person. The exchange is as such;
25g for an in-depth description of themselves
50g for a strip down
100g for a strip down + physical examination
150g in exchange for an important secret. The secret has to have 'impact', otherwise it is not worth anything.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby Littlemankitten » Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:33 am

If this goes on for a while and there are multiple dungeons I'll make a murder nightmare dungeon as well~

Character name: Saya Monaki
Age: 28
Race: Human
Class: Knight
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Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Saya had always been a very honorary and responsible person. Even at a young age she would defend her friends against other children and valued the safety of her village. She had trained to become a solider since she was 13. Now an aspiring knight of 8 years in a nearby kingdom, having protected the lands from (minor) attacks from both monsters and civilized races, Saya has been tasked to join adventurers in clearing out among the most dangerous of dungeons to make the lands more peaceful for the people. Should she succeed in the endeavor, she will be granted an official position in the royal guard and fulfill her dream of protecting the people. Until then, she faces her most daunting task yet.

Skills: Shield bash, Survivor, Bounty hunter
Gold: 0
Basic Attack: 1d4 Physical damage, accuracy 16
Kinks: If it's not in turn offs, it's (probably) fair game.
Turn-Offs: Blood and gore in sexual situations, heavy inflation, oversized penetrations, scat/watersports
Base Stats:
Health: 15 (+8) (+5) = 28
Can use a maximum of 40 Points, Maximum 20 for a stat
Attack: 10
Magic: 11
Defense: 19 (+1) = 20
Skill: 15
Speed: 10
I hurt you, I heal you, I hurt you again. That's the pattern.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:46 am

Littlemankitten, Urhr93 and CondorBoH:

Your sheets look good. We'll get started once we have five Adventurers with mrblah's dungeon.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby CondorBoH » Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:44 am

Should I (and other potential Monster Masters) make adventurers to use on the dungeons that go before ours?
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Nov 15, 2017 2:14 am

Well there was this one idea from the old version that might be interesting. Essencially the current monster master can give a room of their dungeon to another Master to act as a Midboss. If the adventures fall in that room, both the Main Master and Midboss get points. If the adventurers win, they get the Midboss's bounty. What does everyone think of that Idea?
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby Nobudi » Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:27 am

Here's my Adventurer's sheet.

Character name: Ariana Ludwig
Age: 19
Race: Human
Class: Knight
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Born into a distinguished noble family and raised into Knighthood, Ariana dives into Dungeons for the Glory of her family and the Salvation of Mankind.
However, her strict upbringing can be a distraction when it comes to sexual matters...

Skills: [Bravery: 1 Point cost. When fighting on the front line, melee attacks deal +1 damage.]
[Bunker Down: Knight Special. 2 point cost. You gain +5 to Defense against Physical and Magical damage whenever you refrain from moving the turn before.]
[Keep Calm: 2 point cost. If you set off an as-yet undiscovered trap, you get to roll to try and disarm it with a -5 penalty. Successfully disarming it will prevent the trap from doing anything to you.]
Gold: 0
Basic Attack: Attack: 1d4 Physical damage, Accuracy: 16
Kinks: Exhibitionism, Tentacles, Orgies, anything not listed in turn offs.
Turn-Offs: Gore, Vore, Unbirth, Scat, Waterplay, Extreme/ Unusual Insertions, Inflation, Transformation, Pretty much anything "extreme".
Base Stats:
Health: 23
Can use a maximum of 40 Points, Maximum 20 for a stat
Attack: 15
Magic: 5
Defense: 21
Skill: 15
Speed: 10

Got an MM in the works too. Will bring it up when my turn comes around.
Last edited by Nobudi on Sun Nov 19, 2017 1:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby mrblah » Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:29 am

i'm fine going with either direction, honestly.
imagine a loading screen that loads a new loading screen.
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Re: Return of the Monster Masters (Open, OOC, WIP)

Postby Nobudi » Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:43 am

It's fine with me, since I'm gonna be just an adventurer for now.
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