Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

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Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby hagya229 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:40 pm

Hello all,

I'm glad to present you the new game. It's an RPG with an original battle system. As a rescuer, your job is to save people in the monster dimension (by people, I mean pretty girls). Then they'll live with you in your mansion.

Here is a bonus code for you as I know this forum is full of furry lovers. If you type the code krystal, enemies will have a 10% chance to appear naked in battle (instead of 5%).

You can play it on newgrounds :
You can download the game here :!UWJzXKKb!szUOWVdziBIc ... stTCB4mFok
(I won't upload it on this forum because the game's size is now quite big)

The game is now finished! You can play the final version right now by pledging on patreon or you can wait for the public release. It should happen in a little more than a month and the link will be viewable on the blog :

FAQ of the game :
Hope you'll enjoy.
Last edited by hagya229 on Wed Sep 19, 2018 5:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby Bartangelus » Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:26 pm

Hey so I just finished the game and unlocked all the gallery scenes (shame you can't consult them afterwards without the code thought :/) and I must say I quite enjoyed the game even in it's basic state.

The art is very good, and I like the dialogue as well, there is quite a lot of different event for everyday as well even if some don't always lead to something concret it still cool to have random dialogue that just the same line everyday.

Some thoughts :

_I feel like the NPC could use more pose/expression, it would make them more expressive and "alive" it gets a bit repetitive when to see Lanxia talking to you with the same pose over and over. I like that they are different outfit for different situation thought, nice touch.

_Gold is a bit difficult to earn, I had to literally sell almost my whole inventory to get the 170 (or so) gold to get the small bag and I was kinda disapointed that it retire you 100 point of health, I don't really see the point of that huge debuff (after playing for a while I had 350 life point so 100 is a big deal) for me it made useless and I didn't use it because it would make me lose to the boss. So i would suggest you lessen or just remove that debuff entirely to make the bag a viable option considering its high cost price.

_About gold again maybe we could earn some after winning a fight like 2-5 gold wouldn't hurt.

_ I notice that if you don't click on the dialogue box it will disapear and then reapear when you click again endelessy, It was confusing at first and I thought the game was buggy before I realized you can only click on the box to continue the dialogue, maybe make it that you can click anywhere to progress or at least remove the appearing/disapering effect when you click away.

_ You mentionned getting some monster naked when damaging them but only managed to scratch some of her clothes before they fainted, not sure if I was doing something wrong or if it's intended.

_ The mini game where you chop tree was a bit confusing I wasn't exaclty sure when to click at first and sometimes when I clicked no message would pop up (no weak, good or great) so I wasn't sure if it was registering or not.

Overall the game wasn't perfect but very enjoyable, I feel like the combat system could be enhanced but I'm not sure how, maybe more options or more slots for equipement (armore etc...), also it would be good to see how much EXP you earn at the end of each battle rather than leveling up after sleeping.

The girls were all different and didn't feel empty, each have their own personality wich was cool.
Do you plan on adding more ways to "sociabilize" with them ? (I saw the heart next to them so I guess ?), also the secretary seemed interesting I hope she gets more role than just giving you missions. Same for the bar, it was the only part that was repetitive and quite useless after you went there once.

Hoping for some feature to have sex with more than one girl at a time as well ;)

Capturing monster looks cool I look forward to that ! I had more things to say while I was playing but I forgot now so let's wrap it up :D
Bad english spotted !

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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:38 pm

Really loving this so far. Like Pokkoloh, it's a fun game, even without the sex.

I thought the sex was a little boring actually. The scenes of stripping at the beach or bathing together were more fun, maybe some gallery artwork for those sorts of events in the future could be fun.

I love the monster artwork, and I'm looking forward to more interactions with the monster girls.
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby hagya229 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 12:15 am

Bartangelus Wrote:_I feel like the NPC could use more pose/expression, it would make them more expressive and "alive" it gets a bit repetitive when to see Lanxia talking to you with the same pose over and over. I like that they are different outfit for different situation thought, nice touch.
Hmm, more expression would be good :) More poses is impossible because the outfits should then be redrawn for each pose which is too much.

Bartangelus Wrote:_Gold is a bit difficult to earn, I had to literally sell almost my whole inventory to get the 170 (or so) gold to get the small bag and I was kinda disapointed that it retire you 100 point of health, I don't really see the point of that huge debuff (after playing for a while I had 350 life point so 100 is a big deal) for me it made useless and I didn't use it because it would make me lose to the boss. So i would suggest you lessen or just remove that debuff entirely to make the bag a viable option considering its high cost price.
The bag is very powerful even with the huge debuff, the possibility to eat three meals allow to restore a lot more health than those 100 lost HP. I'll increase the value of what monsters drop so it's easier to get money.

Bartangelus Wrote:_ I notice that if you don't click on the dialogue box it will disapear and then reapear when you click again endelessy, It was confusing at first and I thought the game was buggy before I realized you can only click on the box to continue the dialogue, maybe make it that you can click anywhere to progress or at least remove the appearing/disapering effect when you click away.
Yeah, a lot of people has been confused about this lately. But it's an important feature as it allows to view the whole picture. I'll make it less confusing to understand what happens.

Bartangelus Wrote:_ You mentionned getting some monster naked when damaging them but only managed to scratch some of her clothes before they fainted, not sure if I was doing something wrong or if it's intended.
No you're doing it right. It's pretty rare a monster ends up completely naked. Doing a lot of weaker attacks is more effective to undress them.

Bartangelus Wrote:_ The mini game where you chop tree was a bit confusing I wasn't exaclty sure when to click at first and sometimes when I clicked no message would pop up (no weak, good or great) so I wasn't sure if it was registering or not.
I will see what I can do, maybe add another message.

Bartangelus Wrote:Overall the game wasn't perfect but very enjoyable, I feel like the combat system could be enhanced but I'm not sure how, maybe more options or more slots for equipement (armore etc...), also it would be good to see how much EXP you earn at the end of each battle rather than leveling up after sleeping.

The girls were all different and didn't feel empty, each have their own personality wich was cool.
Do you plan on adding more ways to "sociabilize" with them ? (I saw the heart next to them so I guess ?), also the secretary seemed interesting I hope she gets more role than just giving you missions. Same for the bar, it was the only part that was repetitive and quite useless after you went there once.

Hoping for some feature to have sex with more than one girl at a time as well ;)

Capturing monster looks cool I look forward to that ! I had more things to say while I was playing but I forgot now so let's wrap it up :D
Thanks for your review. You can see XP below the HP bar. Leveling up isn't that important, the most important is the equipment. Don't think I'll add new slots for equipment, I feel like 5 is enough. Yep I'll add ways to socialize with girls (gifting and dating are planned so far).

AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:Really loving this so far. Like Pokkoloh, it's a fun game, even without the sex.

I thought the sex was a little boring actually. The scenes of stripping at the beach or bathing together were more fun, maybe some gallery artwork for those sorts of events in the future could be fun.

I love the monster artwork, and I'm looking forward to more interactions with the monster girls.
Don't worry, variety is always my priority :)
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby keradi01 » Sun Sep 17, 2017 9:21 pm

Played this for quite a bit. Combat is a bit difficult to wrap your head around, especially once you get items and weapons that mess with the columns and work differently from different tiles, but once you do it works fairly well and is a nice change of pace. It is a little frustrating that you seemingly cannot mess with your gear once you enter a dungeon (if you can, I haven't found it for some reason); not being able to immediately equip new gear especially.

Not being able to use the gallery without the patreon code is also a bit annoying, but since opportunities to repeat the scenes are fairly frequent or infinitely repeatable, it isn't that big of a deal (though once more scenes are added in, that may change).

Overall, this definitely seems to have a solid base to stand on and I hope to see it expanded upon in the future.
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby Vaniloth » Sat Sep 23, 2017 5:39 am

This was pretty enjoyable to play, grinding isn't really annoying since the battle system itself is fun. I just don't like when there's just one tile left in the column, and there's no good way to get rid of several of them DX
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby Gidshiri » Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:53 pm

Ugh... so much pretty and sexy monstergirls... must... fuck... them all... but i can't. So much sadness :cry:
PS Great game anyway :D
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Thu Sep 28, 2017 5:33 am

Gidshiri Wrote:Ugh... so much pretty and sexy monstergirls... must... fuck... them all... but i can't. So much sadness :cry:
PS Great game anyway :D

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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby Gidshiri » Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:36 pm

Oh, man... it's heartless. My soul is tearing apart and you decided to give me additional damage. So eeeeevil...

PS By the way, Hagya! What with this reference about capturing monsters? I can't even believe... but maybe we may have some pretty pets in the future updates? oO
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby hagya229 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 9:20 pm

@all : Thanks for the comments

Capturing monsters will be available in several months. I haven't figured all the details yet. But yeah, I haven't added sexy monster girls to the game only for them to be defeated... :D
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby Gidshiri » Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:12 am

hagya229 Wrote:@all : Thanks for the comments

Capturing monsters will be available in several months. I haven't figured all the details yet. But yeah, I haven't added sexy monster girls to the game only for them to be defeated... :D

Hooray!!! Cute monster girls. I'm really waiting for the future updates! :3
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby Turk » Tue Nov 07, 2017 5:55 am

Well, tried it out. Played it for over an hour before I realized I had played it over an hour. Interesting game, can't wait to see where you take it.
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby hagya229 » Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:44 am

Hey all, I've updated main post with the new version. Sex with monster girls will be available starting next version :) (there won't be much available scenes at first but it will increase once the capture monster feature will be included)
Changelog is here :
Hope you'll enjoy :)
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby Gidshiri » Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:20 pm

Oh... it's so hard to wait for a new version. Hope we will see it soon >_<
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby hagya229 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:17 pm

Hello all,

Good progress have been made and there are two new versions :
v0.4 is public and can be played here : (or on the original post as I've updated it)
- New girl : the builder
- New dungeons : Arid desert
- New mini-dungeons
- New events in the dungeons
- Coliseum with Raven as staff
- Bestiary
- Calendar when you click on the date
- Date fail threshold lowered to 85%
- The level of items appear on their picture
- The bonus codes have been changed
- Amelia keep item bug fixed
- Other improvements

v0.5 will be patreon only until v0.6 is out :
it can be played here :
- New girl : the huntress
- Possibility to capture and extract gametes from monsters (gametes can't be used yet)
- New mini-dungeons
- Bonus dungeon : Hero dungeon (will be completed later, in the hero dungeon the monsters has 3 times more HP)
- Bathhouse and bath "minigame" (completing the minigame doesn't have any purpose yet)
- Wall type monsters
- New cheat code for $10 patrons to unlock a powerful catching net
- Kiara stats are reduced in hard mode so she can be defeated

And the progress will continue. In the next version, the player will be able to create monsters by using the extracted gametes. By raising those monsters, they will join the hero in battle to assist him. And of course, if you treat a monster girl well, she might take a liking to you :)
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby keradi01 » Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:08 am

Found a bug. I somehow had an event where I talked to Lily before I actually rescued her.
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby hagya229 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:21 pm

Yep, it will be fixed in the next version. Thanks ;)
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby musical74 » Sun May 27, 2018 4:44 am

Finally got around to playing it *Sierra is the secretary! Wish I do something with her, same with Delores* and it took a little figuring out but I do like it! The arid area is TOUGH. Toughest challenge so far was those "add things to the rows to make it harder to have an empty row". This really does force you to think ahead in trying to get a row empty! One question, occasionally it will be a monster's turn but they don't do anything and it just goes back to # of turns. I've seen it with the white slimes, maybe there's a few others too...what's with that? One other thing, I found the heart minigame with Lily QUITE HARD, if you need 85% to be successful she's never gonna have a nice date with me...either give the hearts more than a 2% increase or increase the number of turns, because starting as zero percent just makes it too hard...The arena fights get tough pretty quickly, and rescuing Diana is incredibly challenging...The tiger girl's fury makes it next to impossible to beat her, and trying to beat two sphinxes seems to be equally challenging. Either armor is needed or you need to nerf the tiger girl down a bit...

Now, if you'll excuse me, there's a horny slime that needs attention....maybe that sexy snake-woman too....
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby samuelsteven6 » Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:18 am

The game has only a few places to be visited. It limited the players to go anywhere and just follow quests. Try to make more places.

Also, the game is HARD... in a good way
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Re: Mozzoloh - Rescuing people for questionable purposes

Postby musical74 » Wed Jun 20, 2018 3:02 pm

Dunno how often he checks here but I've noticed a few errors or issues that you might want to address

After rescuing Amelia, I still get the "where can I get a new swimsuit" dialogue, should have a "get it at Amelia's" line, the hero still goes "I have no clue" after rescuing the shop lady (actually, given that Laxnia visits the shop...maybe have the discussion be about what type of swimsuit to get instead of where to get it)

This is more a personal thing, but the ability to change weapons in dungeons would be helpful. I don't know how hard that would be to change given some weapons have HP bonuses, but being able to equip a weapon that has better attack or swapping out a sword for the pickax when you want to do mining would be helpful!

Delores really doesn't seem to have any use after that initial visit, is there a possibility of giving her quests like "hey I need X number of fruits, can you arrange that?" or have occasional visits from the rescuees visit there enjoying a tasty beverage?

Given that you seem to be incorporating people from Pokkolah into this a bit...will I have to rescue a hot pirate babe or otherwise have Juliet show up somewhere? Maybe have to fight her then enjoy her afterwards, or (goes off on wild pirate babe fantasies)...

After playing it for awhile, I would say that the earth sword isn't worth the cost, finding "earth tiles" is rare enough that I never use the powerup by the time I beat the monsters, even if there's a fair amount of them!
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