There's two ways to do it here (well, maybe three. Two and a half).
If you have uploaded the image somewhere else (like NewGrounds dump, DeviantArt Stash, Dropbox, etc), you can use common BB code to display the image. This works more like an HTML line than a word document. If you use the real POST
REPLY page instead of the quick response, there will be a button that says "Img" which creates the bb tags.
- Code: Select All Code
Just put the URL of the image and you'll see it.
So for example, this:
- Code: Select All Code
will look like this:
Alternatively, if you have uploaded the image somewhere, you can simply share the URL and generate a link for it, like this: (that's the half way)
But on LoK, you can also upload your own images with the Upload attachment system. In the real POST
REPLY page, below the text input field there are two tabs, Options and Upload Attachment. Select "Upload Attachment", then "Browse..." to pick the file on your computer, then "Add the file" and wait a bit while it gets attached. Then you can place the file within the document with a BB code, or it will automatically appear at the end of the message.
As a hint, if you choose to Quote a post, you can see what BB code the message is using.