The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/14: 200+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby evildumdum » Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:28 pm

Have to say, this is so refreshing. the game doesn't end with a boss fight with the obvious antagonist and carries on. I love it.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby musical74 » Sat Sep 09, 2017 3:27 pm

Barring Ginasta (who's borderline fanatical on her "get rid of the IKs/tyrants") and incompetent IK I don't think there's any character that I actively dislike. Yeah, even though he's a playboy wannabe that apparently feels Larry Laffer is who he should emulate, I don't mind the Fucklord. EVERYONE in Simon's harem/orcs that he's recruited I like, I like all the other IKs (hoping we eventually get to meet the Anak face to face!) a lot of random NPCs are fleshed out to make me like them (Succubus Ivalan priestess, I'm looking at you)... that shows that Sierra has a style of writing that makes me feel for even those I'm not supposed to!
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Darthjake » Sat Sep 09, 2017 6:06 pm

The fucklord and lustlord, (yes I used lower case to show my contempt of your lack of godhood there), both irritate me. The Fucklord not only for what he's done to his harem and his county, but also Dari, the lustlord for his massive ego, to which he seems to be compensating for something....

The Anak is scary.... I think that he and Simon would get along, but I'm also afraid that he's the one the Goddess is talking about getting close to the tower between chap 1 and 2 I think it was... Although I could be mistaken and it might be the fucklord....
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Sierra Lee » Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:15 pm

Hey guys! Unfortunately, I made a few mistakes in the last version that lead to some of the hidden variables being not quite right. Most of these are impossible to notice unless you're opening game files, but one could potentially give you much worse results than you should be getting. New 0.29.4 links and more info in the post: ... lease.html

Meanwhile, there's also a free preview of my visual novel, Crimson Gray, available on Newgrounds:

So if you wanted to give it a try, feel free! And if you think the game is worth it, I wouldn't mind a rating or review, either.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Darth Cheesecake » Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:55 am

Wow. We've come a long long way eh?

I'm curious how many chapters are planned in total?
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Sierra Lee » Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:10 am

Darth Cheesecake Wrote:Wow. We've come a long long way eh?

I'm curious how many chapters are planned in total?

There's a patron post on this very subject that will go public before too long! I have been refusing to say the total number, but I recently laid out a roadmap to the end of the game, including the remaining chapters.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Darth Cheesecake » Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:49 am

Sierra Lee Wrote:
Darth Cheesecake Wrote:Wow. We've come a long long way eh?

I'm curious how many chapters are planned in total?

There's a patron post on this very subject that will go public before too long! I have been refusing to say the total number, but I recently laid out a roadmap to the end of the game, including the remaining chapters.

I know when to check then. Thanks.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby musical74 » Mon Sep 11, 2017 3:40 pm

Regarding the Anak, it wouldn't surprise me if he was the one that was getting too close to the tower. Of all of the IKs he's the least we know about. We do know he's interested in religion/spiritual matters, but almost nothing beyond that. He's like the guy you know is there, but have no clue on his motives because he never really says anything. Heck, he ditches the Gathering after the first night! Lustlord has an ego problem, Fucklord is a playboy wannabe, Lord of Blood loves conquest, the Empress is tired of playing the dominance game but puts up with it (and she's smoking hot), incompetent IK's all about sex, and the Anak... keeps to himself. His subordinate's quite competent, and I think the Anak is too, he'd just rather not deal with the mundane. Which makes him a very dangerous opponent. He has competent subordinates, but if he had to he could take care of things. That's the big difference between him and incompetent IK. Take away Iris and Riala and incompetent IK would flounder. Take away the Anak's second in command? He could still command and be quite effective. When Riala is mentioning the other shard holders by descriptions, I think Riala's referencing the Lustlord (apathetic) the Fucklord (foolish) and the Anak (deadly).

Actually, given that Simon is atheist and the Anak is interested in spiritual matters, a talk between them would be quite interesting!
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Vergil » Thu Sep 28, 2017 2:19 am

Yo! I've lurked on the Boards for a long time, and not reeeeeaally done much in the way of posting. I either never have the time, or am about to and then get distracted by something shiny. >.>

Anyway, I just wanted to say:
I've been playing TLS since like...god, what was it? 0.12 or 0.13? A good two years at this point, at the very least. I think. I've lost track. Anyway, the point is that I've loved the game since I first picked it up, and it's only gotten better with time, so congratulations! The writing is excellent, with only like...three or four typos that I can remember over a good 75 save files, and I actually care about the characters involved. I even find myself liking the ridiculously incompetent nature of the Incubus [s]King[/s] [s]Emperor[/s] Superboss as well!

So basically, congrats on making an awesome game!

Although, I will say that I miss the absence of a Slimegirl. Like, I know that isn't everybodies cup of tea (but then, nor is Faux-Incest and Tentacle Fucks), but I do love me some Sexy Slimegirls. Are you planning to add one in the future, or are have you sworn an oath of secrecy? >.>

Also, I dunno if you've thought about it, but maybe a Gallery Feature? Like...I have lots of scenes - both Sexual and non sexual - that I like to go back and rewatch for various reasons, so I have a good 80-ish save files so I can go back and watch them. Problem is, finding the one I want is a pain in the ass, and some of them I can never watch again either because I accidentally saved over the file, or because it happened in the middle of a Scene Block, or because I wasn't expecting it and didn't have a Save File close enough. I don't know how much work that would be to make a Gallery Function where you could watch any scenes that you'd viewed, even if you didn't save the game afterwards, but it was just a thought that popped into my head.

Anyway, that's me! Just finished the Third Arclent War and am eagerly waiting for the new Version! I might go back and start a New Game, since I think that the other two Unique Orcs - Ralke and the other one - weren't in the game when I went past them, or I just missed them. EIther way, I'm a completionist, so I feel the urge to go back and get them. :P

Thanks for listening to me ramble ;)
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Darthjake » Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:05 pm

After fighting Ethshara for skills in the Orgasmic Empire Simon should have learned an ability called "Reflect", while it's not all the encounters, just the sex ones I think, you can access that through selecting skills, and then Simon.

Yeah, you have to choose the spare or kill Vlad, and Ralke you have to stop the orc exterminations, I think.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby hornyninja » Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:47 pm

Long time fan, first time poster. Been playing since the first Stineford visit update so...0.3.2? Always look forward every month to a new update! Chapter 3 was amazing as Well! Wasn't sure how I felt about extending after the war but I'm excited for chapter 4!

PS: to me this game will ALWAYS be the Last Fucklord x)
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Sierra Lee » Thu Sep 28, 2017 11:33 pm

Vergil Wrote:I've been playing TLS since like...god, what was it? 0.12 or 0.13? A good two years at this point, at the very least. I think. I've lost track. Anyway, the point is that I've loved the game since I first picked it up, and it's only gotten better with time, so congratulations! The writing is excellent, with only like...three or four typos that I can remember over a good 75 save files, and I actually care about the characters involved. I even find myself liking the ridiculously incompetent nature of the Incubus [s]King[/s] [s]Emperor[/s] Superboss as well!

So basically, congrats on making an awesome game!

Thanks, happy to hear from you!

Vergil Wrote:Although, I will say that I miss the absence of a Slimegirl. Like, I know that isn't everybodies cup of tea (but then, nor is Faux-Incest and Tentacle Fucks), but I do love me some Sexy Slimegirls. Are you planning to add one in the future, or are have you sworn an oath of secrecy? >.>

I enjoy monsters, including slimes! However, I felt that, given the amount of content in TLS, it was better not to include monstergirls on top of everything else. They would end up having a minor role, so I'd prefer to have a project that has monsters as a focus. Not sure when that would happen, but I hope to get there eventually!

hornyninja Wrote:Long time fan, first time poster. Been playing since the first Stineford visit update so...0.3.2? Always look forward every month to a new update! Chapter 3 was amazing as Well! Wasn't sure how I felt about extending after the war but I'm excited for chapter 4!

PS: to me this game will ALWAYS be the Last Fucklord x)

Glad you're enjoying it, thanks for speaking up! And yes, the old name was just too gloriously ridiculous for this world...
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Sierra Lee
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Vergil » Fri Sep 29, 2017 2:06 am

Darthjake Wrote:Yeah, you have to choose the spare or kill Vlad, and Ralke you have to stop the orc exterminations, I think.

Oh no, I got Impaler. I missed Ralke and Implavon. So I'm gonna go back and snag those two. >.>

Sierra Lee Wrote:I enjoy monsters, including slimes! However, I felt that, given the amount of content in TLS, it was better not to include monstergirls on top of everything else. They would end up having a minor role, so I'd prefer to have a project that has monsters as a focus. Not sure when that would happen, but I hope to get there eventually!

Well, it doesn't have to be an entirely new Race, y'know? Could just be that a Slime got too close to a source of Corruption or Lust Magic and got mutated / warped. Though with TLS, I imagine you'd want to turn that into a longer storyline, but it could easily be done. Or you could have Simon go to a different continent where there are Slimegirls wandering around. The Fucklord seems like the kind of guy to turn his Corruption Magic on Slimes to make new toys :P
But in any case, it was just a thought. I look forward to seeing the other Companions you have planned! :D
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Sierra Lee » Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:53 am

Uh... surprise? I didn't plan on doing another TLS update before my side project, but I ended up working on it and so I released a chunk just now. 

Rather than focusing on story, this update introduces a first for the game: a heavily customizable home base. You can expand new rooms, upgrade various systems, and so on, but that includes cosmetic customization. Here's how the same room looks with different choices:

Each element is controlled individually via a control room. Phew, this thing took a bit of work:

It's not all mechanics, though: you'll be able to reconnect with members of your harem, see some of what's happened during the break between chapters, and see the setup for chapter four.

Yarra is excited, anyway:

I'm not sure about a public release for this one. It will depend on how many changes I make based on patron feedback and how soon I think the next update will be. See everybody then!
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Sierra Lee » Sat Dec 09, 2017 4:42 am

New update, everybody!

 - Three brand new nations: New Givini, the Chalice States, and Tak'Kan
 - Free travel: access opened to nearly every nation on Arclent
 - Conclusion of the party gathering quest
 - New plot dungeon
 - Two new plot scenes
 - New round of investment returns
 - 25+ new investment opportunities
 - Unrestricted ability to convert ProN to Sx
 - Enemies have regenerated around the world


This update gives access to the new nations you created in the wake of the war, for the first time letting the player freely travel (almost) anywhere in the world. So look forward to places and characters both old and new.


You can also expect various elements of the game to advance, both the core plot as well as many characters. The characters also get to visit a key location for the first time in the newest dungeon.


And there are tons of new investments, so look forward to balancing the desires and goals of many nations and characters. Some of them are simpler than others:

This is a really broad update and honestly I'm kind of stretched thin. But this one is definitely going public, since it ties together the basebuilding stuff, lets you progress the main quests, and advances the story. I'm just not sure when. Either in one week, or in two weeks with more content added. I wanted to add more sex scenes, for example, but ran out of time.

Anyway, will update then!
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby CloudRipper » Tue Dec 12, 2017 2:20 am

Other than the wiki, has anyone made a walkthrough for TLS? Cause the wiki is extremely confusing to me truthfully
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby Darthjake » Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:10 am

At a quick glance the wiki walkthrough did not look too out of date, I'd glance at the wiki and play pretty much as you want. You might want to look up info about what happens when you split your party, and the 1st Ardford sections, those were the only two bits that really gave me some troubles.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby lostone2 » Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:55 am

CloudRipper Wrote:Other than the wiki, has anyone made a walkthrough for TLS? Cause the wiki is extremely confusing to me truthfully

Could please give us examples of what things are so confusing? Or how we could improve them? Thanks in advance!

Darthjake Wrote:At a quick glance the wiki walkthrough did not look too out of date, I'd glance at the wiki and play pretty much as you want. You might want to look up info about what happens when you split your party, and the 1st Ardford sections, those were the only two bits that really gave me some troubles.

The wiki walkthrough is updated until the end of the latest public release. I had already a general idea of how we are going to ad the new content when it's shared publicly.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby CloudRipper » Tue Dec 12, 2017 8:58 am

lostone2 Wrote:
CloudRipper Wrote:Other than the wiki, has anyone made a walkthrough for TLS? Cause the wiki is extremely confusing to me truthfully

Could please give us examples of what things are so confusing? Or how we could improve them? Thanks in advance!

Darthjake Wrote:At a quick glance the wiki walkthrough did not look too out of date, I'd glance at the wiki and play pretty much as you want. You might want to look up info about what happens when you split your party, and the 1st Ardford sections, those were the only two bits that really gave me some troubles.

The wiki walkthrough is updated until the end of the latest public release. I had already a general idea of how we are going to ad the new content when it's shared publicly.

The constantly having to bounce around for sections that are needed for the walkthrough. One thing I have really wanted with it, is to be able to have a detailed walkthrough with the absolute best choices to make to get the very best results
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Postby lostone2 » Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:38 pm

I don't think that there is a best path that guarantee the very best results in all the cases. In many cases you have to prioritize some features against others.

A example of these is Qum's whoring in Stineford: if you choose to made her to work at the brothel, you have more ProN and you gat additional investments that increase your ProN earnings to the maximum, but you can't get the best possible result in BoY and you won't get the best possible result in the Forging Ties quest. The same things with the Embassy investment or with the New Unpeople motion. Are you playing to get most relationships ASAP or to get a the biggest possible Army? Because you can't do both. Did you rush during the free-roaming section in Chapter 2? Because then you get a better Simon, but a weaker party and a more difficult BoY and later War, etc...

About having to bounce around for sections comment, a totally linear walkthrough of the whole game would be absolutely huge or just very barebones. As neither option was palatable to me when I started it, it was never a priority for me. Seeing that there is a lot of work, I don't think that it's likely that someone else will try, but one never knows. I'm always on the lookout for something like this, and if someone makes one, I will report it to the community.

There was a try to make a completionist walkthrough, but it was abandoned a while ago and it hasn't been restarted yet.

In any case there are some tools (Betatester's, XOyOyOx) that let you track different options until the BoY and there is another that will eventually let you do the same with TAW (it will be available before the end of the year). At least for that sections, maybe they will work better for you.
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