Wormhold IC

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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby Rooiehaan #2 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:29 pm

Kirin pouted, followed by a mischievous smile. She got up, wobbled, and regained her balance. She moved over to Kazim and made sure he was looking at her, before starting to walk seductively. She closed the gap and looked up into his eyes, muttering: "But wouldn't it be fun to... Just skip the training..." she ran a hand along his cheek, moved it towards his neck and used it to move their faces closer to each other, stopping when they were only an inch away. "And instead... Make me..." She whispered, breathing in and out deep with their lips only a brush away. "A woman capable" She started whispering, before biting her lower lip seductively "Of captivating your targets, hmm?"
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby Kankra » Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:36 pm

Kazim smiled. "That may be a possibility. But even in that kind of position, you will need the basic training to focus your mind." he said bringing her hand down to her belly and laying it on the blade of his dagger, which he had pulled in the time, when she was running her hand down his cheek. There was only a quarter of an inch of air between the tip of the dagger and her stomach. "Don't you think so?"
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby TechScience » Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:42 pm

Luis slowly turns around and notices the scene he quickly grabs a piece of paper and starts drawing the scenario
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby Rooiehaan #2 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:58 pm

Kirin pouted, but nevertheless giggled and gave Kazim a light puck on his lips before she took a step back. She eyed the dagger, but wasn't worried at all. 'Surely he wouldn't harm me... right?' she thought, but dismissed the thought as quickly as it came. She winked at Kazim a last time and fell back in the chair, obviously tired from her little show. "You need to lighten up more, mr. K" she grinned, flicking her hair back
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby Kankra » Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:06 pm

"Oh, I am lightened up. But don't underestimate the enemy, as he uses these kind of tricks as well, to lure you into a trap." he says, waving the dagger in front of her face, when he emphasizes the word "trap".

Then Kazim sees Luis drawing them and with a gentle movement of his hand he grabs the dagger by the blade and sends it flying through the air. The dagger lands on the table, pinning the paper onto it, with the tip coming to rest right between the figures of him and Kirin - and only inches away from Luis' nose.
"Sorry my friend, but there are already enough pictures of me hanging in the streets, although they don't picture me as perfectly as you do. But still, it's too dangerous. I already have one novice who is running around day and night, ripping the other ones off the walls. I can't assign another one to that without weakening the order." Kazim says, with a smirk on his face.
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby TechScience » Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:13 pm

Luis laughs "You never liked having your images around have you?" he grabs the paper that was pinned on the wall and rips it up he then goes back to sharpening the steel
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby Kankra » Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:24 pm

"I'm afraid, I haven't." Kazim says, joining in on the laugh. "I'll drop by tomorrow, to see how the work is going. Shukran and ma'as-salama, my friend!"

Then Kazim leads Kirin out of the door of the workshop. "Come, it is time to get some sleep." he says, walking down the street into the direction of the hideout.
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby Rooiehaan #2 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:26 pm

Kirin didn't greet Luis goodbye, nor did she listen to Karim, she was pondering about what she had done just now. Seducing someone wasn't really her forte, nor would she ever think it would be; but neither had she ever thought it was so much fun! As she had looked in the man's eyes she had seen a small glimmer, and getting their faces closer together had only increased that glimmer. She was sure that when she would get the opportunity, she could change that little glimmer into... What exactly?
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby TechScience » Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:28 pm

Luis says "arrivederci il mio amico" as soon as Kasim exits he goes back to sharpening after a few hours he starts attaching it to the vambrace as soon as he's done he puts it on his wrist and starts testing it
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby Kankra » Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:38 pm

During the walk, Kazim said nothing. After a while, they reach the hideout and walk inside through another hidden door in a small street beside it. Most of the other members of the order were already there, discussing their doings of the day with the others, practicing combat or checking and repairing their gear. Kazim lead Kirin to a free room with a bed, a table and a chair and small closet inside it. "This is your room from now on. It's last owner died in combat a few months ago. She was a strong woman, with extremely good fighting skills. A very tragical loss for the order." he says, remembering Lia del Russo, one of the most talented women he had ever met. "Try to get some sleep, tomorrow, we'll begin with the training." he says, smiling at Kirin. "And thanks for warning me during the fight. No one knows, what would have happened to either of us, if the guard hat got me."
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby Rooiehaan #2 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:09 pm

"You can count on me" Kirin replied, and slumped down; exhausted. The imaged of the past day still circling through her head, she blushed slightly as she noticed how again her mind was predominantly filled with images of Kazim. "Damn him" She muttered, before realizing Karim was still here. She blushed again, heavily this time, and fidgeted.
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby Kankra » Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:43 pm

Kazim chuckled, then he closed the door. He moved into his own studies and locked the door behind him. He sat down at the table and read the reports the other assassins had written for him on the actions and observations of the day. Most of them referred to the killings or observations of henchmen from the bigger fishes, others referred to his fight with Leandros. The other assassins had searched his hideout and liberated dozens of slaves. They also found documents, which had a list of buyers and other slave traders among them. Kazim was satisfied. The actions of today had fully paid off. He then read the last report, which came from his men and women at the Declothed Queen. There had been an incident of a big demon known as Valdios kidnapping two women, one guest and one of the employees. It seemed that the demon knew the guest very well, but it was unclear why. Apparently Valdios had ridden off to the outskirts of the city, where Kazim's men had lost track of him. Kazim decided to look into the matter tomorrow, as he too was exhausted.

But before he laying himself to sleep, he pulls open a drawer in his desk, pulling out a small picture. It was a picture of Lia. Kazim had a close relationship to her over the years, but it always remained on friendship, to not endanger the order. But he didn't pull out the picture just to live in memories. The real reason was, that Kirin had a striking resemblance to Lia. The same long, black hair with a red strip, the same contours of the face and even the eye color.
Lia had told him, that she had a daughter, but that she had to give her into an orphanage, because she didn't have enough money to buy food for the both of them. A short while later, she had joined the order. Could it be, that Kirin was in fact Lia's daughter? Kazim decided to do more research on that matter. He put the picture back into the drawer of the desk and closed it. Then he stripped himself of his armor and lay down on his bed, one hand reaching under the pillow and resting on the dagger that lay there. A few moments later, he fell asleep.
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:36 pm

Reaper heads to a shop keep, and picks him up by his neck. Reaper's eyes burn green with hatred as he stabs the shop keep through the stomach. The shop keep's last words were

- Hey man, calm down. I can make you a deal you'll never refuse.

Reaper replied, "You've done enough." As he peered inside the shop keep's soul to see all the people he'd conned into buying crap. And then going home to eat and drink like a glutton.

Reaper dropped the man, and walked off. The rain washing away the blood on him. He hid his blade once more. Thinking about the same to Tik. She was evil, but why doesn't he cut her down as well. He headed down a dirt path.
Death Is Inevitable.
Humanity Destroys Itself.
I Destroy All, But How Can I Do This.
Without Destroying Myself?
The Answer Is Simple.
I Do On The Inside...

Lady Foxy Wrote: Reaper of women's soles.
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby BlueLight » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:23 pm

Asher trys to kick him
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby RavenLord » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:41 pm

Asher tries to kick Valdios but her kick fails as Valdios pinns her. Asher cant see what Valdios doing behind her but she can feel Valdios' little daemon rubbing against her thighs.
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:43 pm

(Eh, not much I can post...)

Claire grunts in her sleep as she is thrown across the room. (I'm assuming)
Seriously gonna stop being Rape-Bait

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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby BlueLight » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:44 pm

RavenLord Wrote: little daemon rubbing against her thighs.

(I knew it. He's been taking steroids! Thats cheap dude cheap.)

Asher try to shift her body weight left then quickly right to get out of his hold.
Claire must be claire since she's not helping.
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:45 pm

(What do you mean " Claire must be Claire since she's not helping"?!)
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby BlueLight » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:46 pm

(Ashers about to get raped again and claires just sitting there on some nice pelts)
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Re: Wormhold IC

Postby RavenLord » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:48 pm

Asher cant shift her weight as her arms are pinned behind her by Valdios. She can only squirm helplessly, her face on the floor and her ass on the air as Valdios rubs th tip of the little daemon to her womanhood then slowly pushes it in.

(That little daemon is 100 percent natural daemon meat, and very very wide and big.)
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