The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/14: 200+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Sierra Lee » Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:28 pm

flatliner10 Wrote:Story-wise it is probably one of the best RPG-Maker Games i got to play so far,

Thank you, I'm glad you've enjoyed the game so much! ^-^

musical74 Wrote:
Now excuse me, need to find that Broom, seems to be Important.

I know there's an inside joke here, but I'll be darned if I know what it's to. Possibly a nod to a show I haven't seen, because I KNOW Sierra referenced a Pinky and the Brain bit while Yarra and Qum are at the Gathering. I also like that depending where you are, the payout for the broom differs.

Haha, it's not a reference to anything except generic fetch quests. I like a few running gags along with the general seriousness.

Zaiaku666 Wrote:Posting from my phone, cuz my computer's LCD screen decided to wonk out so bad. It'll probably be cheaper to buy a new computer. Does all my data spent for this game, harem, Harem collector, and other games has basically been erased. Now I have to begin from the very start. Damn!

Ask here and maybe on the wiki and hopefully someone will give you an equivalent save!
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Sierra Lee
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Darthjake » Thu Jul 06, 2017 12:13 am

Thank Ivala, here is the end of current content, warning! warning! Altina is *NOT* sane. :D
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Have to .rar it b/c LOK does not like the save extensions for RPG Maker games
(26 KiB) Downloaded 22 times
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby FTG82 » Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:36 pm

Hey I'm having some troubles with running the game. When I go to open it it says unable to find VL Gothic font
I don't know how to adult :!: :!: . Who let me adult :?: :?: ? That was a very bad idea :| :| .
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Darthjake » Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:57 pm

FTG82 Wrote:Hey I'm having some troubles with running the game. When I go to open it it says unable to find VL Gothic font

Do you have RPG Maker VX Ace installed?

If not you can get the game and VX Ace by downloading from the RTP tab here:
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Silverdragon » Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:14 am

Mentally preparing myself to replay the whole game making all the "bad' decisions and not picking everything on my path...
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Sierra Lee » Fri Jul 07, 2017 11:38 pm

Version 0.28.0 has been released to patrons! This is an extra large release that covers the majority of the war, so there's quite a lot going on.

Your characters will be split up over the continent, negotiating with all the factions in play and making decisions that will impact the end of the war. As those who can look under the hood will see, variables to calculate collateral damage and other consequences have started counting up...

Unlike the Battle for Yhilin, the plan goes off the rails at multiple points...

Expect to see some long-promised showdowns:

But unlike the Battle of Yhilin, the entire update won't be intense events. You'll also get a chance to explore new areas - for example, the first town you've seen deep inside the Incubus Emperor's domain:

And some old characters and locations that haven't been seen in a long time show up as well:

Overall, I want to give this war a real sense of scope. This will be the broadest conflict in the entire game, at a larger scale than previous battles.



Due to the length and complexity of this update, I can't promise it will be out in the usual exactly one week. There are a lot of calculations going on underneath the surface, and I want to make sure they're all correct and well-balanced before I release the update publicly.

Unrelated, if you were waiting for Crimson Gray to appear on MangaGamer, the preorder page is now online. I'm still mostly looking toward the Steam release, but definitely use MG if that's your preference:

FTG82 Wrote:Hey I'm having some troubles with running the game. When I go to open it it says unable to find VL Gothic font

Hmm, not sure what to tell you. This hasn't been reported before, and the game doesn't use any special fonts - do check on the RTP as was suggested above.
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Sierra Lee
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Hogstooth7 » Sat Jul 08, 2017 3:32 am

Is there no way to play this on mac? I've been fucking with wine for about an hour and can't get it to run. Really want to play
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sat Jul 08, 2017 5:49 pm

On Linux, there are a few things to be done to get most RPGMaker games working on Wine. I imagine the same is true for Mac. This is a guide, though it didn't work for a few games I was trying to make work.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby evildumdum » Sat Jul 08, 2017 8:48 pm

Everything about this makes me want your game babies. I love massive scale tactics.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby hoboy » Sat Jul 08, 2017 9:25 pm

Hogstooth7 Wrote:Is there no way to play this on mac? I've been fucking with wine for about an hour and can't get it to run. Really want to play

To tell the truth, this game is one of the reasons I still have a gaming PC in the back room...thank god MV embraces Mac builds, so some of the newer games are compatible with OSX...but this game is SOO good it's worth a second system...
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Hogstooth7 » Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:09 pm

Im throwing in the towel, theres absolutely no way to get this to work on mac, I've tried everything, hundreds of applications and tutorials over the course of about 2 days. usually it crashes on startup
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Sierra Lee » Mon Jul 10, 2017 11:38 pm

Glad you guys are looking forward to it!

Hogstooth7 Wrote:Im throwing in the towel, theres absolutely no way to get this to work on mac, I've tried everything, hundreds of applications and tutorials over the course of about 2 days. usually it crashes on startup

I'm sorry to hear that. I know I have at least a few Mac players following the game, but I'm afraid I don't know if they're on this forum or what they did to make it run in Wine.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Sierra Lee » Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:42 pm

Alright, I can now officially say that TLS 0.28.2 will be coming out publicly on Friday, July 21st. Please look forward to it!

Meanwhile, Crimson Gray was approved on Steam and other stores. Take a look if you're interested: ... eased.html
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Darth Cheesecake » Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:00 am

You are without a doubt one of the most absurdly prolific peddlers of the good kinds of smut I've ever seen.

I salute your superior work ethic!
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/26]

Postby Sierra Lee » Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:28 pm

Alright, everyone, newest version is on the blog! ... lease.html

As a reminder: I might make retroactive changes to this section to balance the entire war, once I finish the next update. So if you definitely want to play only once, maybe wait a little. Having said that, this update has loads of new content for everyone to play!

- Yet more polishing to war calculations.
- On Yarra's route, the variable "Empress Approval" now works properly.
- The Kingsmen and Queensmen bars now have more variability throughout chapter three.
- Flower Speculation investment now removed from ledger after the reunion.
- The Dusty Horde and AriGarda are no longer listed in the ledger after taking over Yhilin. The Iron Cudgel remains, however.
- Since some people were unclear on this, rewrote dialogue to make it completely unambiguous when the Dusty Horde is destroyed.

In addition to more balancing and getting feedback from players, I used this week to finish off some old bugs and minor issues that had been low priority while I was rushing on new content. These are not a big deal, but I do try to go back and polish whenever I get a chance.

That's all for now, enjoy the release!

Darth Cheesecake Wrote:You are without a doubt one of the most absurdly prolific peddlers of the good kinds of smut I've ever seen.

I salute your superior work ethic!

Thanks! Really love what I do, hope to do a lot more of it!
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Sierra Lee
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Postby hoboy » Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:13 am

OK - just put together everything I need to start fresh up through Chapter 3. Been awhile, so this could be VERY interesting. I think I'll play right up to this new content so I can be fully ready for the war.

PS - still keep this in a folder labled TLF... :lol: loved the original title...
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Postby musical74 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:24 am

Wait, wait wait... the Dusty Horde die off, even if you recruit them? SAVE THE DUSTY HORDE!!! Why do they die off when the much-less-skilled Iron Cudgel survive? If the Dusty Horde die from the war in Yilhin...but I like them so much...

I don't see much in the way of an update, unless this is *war between incompetent IK and Simon* and everything involving that. Oh, one other thing regarding when you meet Wynn and she attacks you for the hell of it in Zirthania: are you supposed to win that fight? I won it just barely, because Aka was never stunned but everyone else seemed to always get stunned, made the fight VERY hard, but part of me was wondering if you are supposed to lose that fight because she's so flipping hard...
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Postby Darthjake » Sat Jul 22, 2017 4:19 am

musical74 Wrote:Wait, wait wait... the Dusty Horde die off, even if you recruit them? SAVE THE DUSTY HORDE!!! Why do they die off when the much-less-skilled Iron Cudgel survive? If the Dusty Horde die from the war in Yilhin...but I like them so much...

I don't see much in the way of an update, unless this is *war between incompetent IK and Simon* and everything involving that. Oh, one other thing regarding when you meet Wynn and she attacks you for the hell of it in Zirthania: are you supposed to win that fight? I won it just barely, because Aka was never stunned but everyone else seemed to always get stunned, made the fight VERY hard, but part of me was wondering if you are supposed to lose that fight because she's so flipping hard...

The Dusty Horde get in the way of the elite troops for the coup attempt, they've always been killed off imo, I think Sierra's just making it more clear. Regarding Wynn, I think if you don't have a strong party there is a good chance that you might lose the fight, I won it as well, but I think we both have fairly well equipped groups. One of the Patrons mentioned that he lost 2 of the seed fights in this update, I had a couple of close calls, but I won all the seed fights myself, but it could also be dependant on party formation. I have not purchased RPG maker so I can't view the game files like I think some of the Patrons can.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Postby lostone2 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 7:05 am

Darthjake Wrote:
musical74 Wrote:Wait, wait wait... the Dusty Horde die off, even if you recruit them? SAVE THE DUSTY HORDE!!! Why do they die off when the much-less-skilled Iron Cudgel survive? If the Dusty Horde die from the war in Yilhin...but I like them so much...

I don't see much in the way of an update, unless this is *war between incompetent IK and Simon* and everything involving that. Oh, one other thing regarding when you meet Wynn and she attacks you for the hell of it in Zirthania: are you supposed to win that fight? I won it just barely, because Aka was never stunned but everyone else seemed to always get stunned, made the fight VERY hard, but part of me was wondering if you are supposed to lose that fight because she's so flipping hard...

The Dusty Horde get in the way of the elite troops for the coup attempt, they've always been killed off imo, I think Sierra's just making it more clear. Regarding Wynn, I think if you don't have a strong party there is a good chance that you might lose the fight, I won it as well, but I think we both have fairly well equipped groups. One of the Patrons mentioned that he lost 2 of the seed fights in this update, I had a couple of close calls, but I won all the seed fights myself, but it could also be dependant on party formation. I have not purchased RPG maker so I can't view the game files like I think some of the Patrons can.

I'm sorry for the fans of the Dusty Horde, but hey, if your playthrough they died as heroes (I'm assuming that you recruit them in Chapter 1/early chapter 2). In my playthroughs they are always remember as an efficient tool (as I have just one interaction with them) but at least they don't add to the destruction.

About the Wynn's fight, I never had no issues but it will check with more attention in the next days to see if I can find any useful pointers.

The seed fights are all about the party formations. In the incoming guide that we will be uploaded to the wiki this weekend, there are the recommended groups:
  • Aram: Simon, Nalili, Qum.
  • Ardoheim: Aka, Carina.
  • Zirantia: Varia, Uyae.
  • Yhilin (or any other location that it's targeted in function of Yhilin's borders): Altina, Yarra, Hilstara.

Although with the balance changes that Varia has suffered, the final recommendation will probably switch Aka and Varia (seeing that Craina it's a better healer than Uyae).
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Postby musical74 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 4:49 pm

My problem with the Wynn fight was she would do something that seems to cause stun/paralysis on everyone and for whatever reason Aka wasn't affected. Maybe Aka had a pin that blocked it, but none of the others did? Didn't help that Wynn seemed to enjoy doing that attack making it an Aka Vs Wynn fight...with Aka victorious! (Personal Assassin for the Incubus King and all)

Seed fights? *confused* Explain that to me...
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