Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: July 2017)

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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby ElvisPreasleythe3rd » Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:44 pm

When I try to start a new game using the htm file, I just get a black screen. I can open the menu, but that's it. Help?
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Dark_Onix » Sun Feb 19, 2017 9:42 pm

I just checked the most recent saved game file and it worked for me. Just have to make sure that it is complete and there are no additional characters in the copy.

Anyway thanks for the info, it looks like the prices of some of the traits is a factor in if they are getting chosen. Currently I am working on adding some more events to the game. And given that the cheaper even fetishes are more popular; in the next edition of the game I am planning on adding the ability of other girls to tie up the player. I am also planning on adding Handcuffs to the game, however the Keys to the Handcuffs will be an item that very few people will have.

Another way I am going to improve the game is to add unique room upgrades for each fetish. However so far I have only thought of a Dungeon for the Dominate trait.
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby oreopikachu1 » Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:48 pm

trying to play this on my phone get black screen but humbirdo pokemon hentai game works please help i still need help with it i have no clue why it dont work
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby FMC » Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:19 am

By now, Onix, you should know I prefer to be tied up, so that's why I chose the Submissive trait. :P (I say that because I basically have been asking for submissive things since I first played the game. xD)
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Taboo-Sho » Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:24 am

Sub sub sub submissive! *Votes*

That is all. You may now return to your normal routines.
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Dragon594 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:32 am

When is the next update?
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Dark_Onix » Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:53 am

To answer some questions, I did not even know that Humbird0's Game works on a phone. So I not sure that I can help you with that question. However I will say that that in both games the file, "_common.lvl" is one of the first files to load in both games. It is found in the "levels" folder of both games. However the one in my game is much larger (about 4 times the size), and may cause some problems if being loaded on slower computer. I would try replacing the one in my game, with the one from Humbird0's Game, to see if that makes my game starts to load. If it does load the game will not run correctly however help you locate the problem.

As for the question about when the next game update will be posted. I do not know the answer to that question. Currently most of the work I have done to the game is under the hood stuff, like adding new items and making sprites do new things. Other than that stuff, I have only added one event (that is hard to find) and few new maps (counting caves that people rarely enter). So it may be a while before another update is ready to be posted.

Also I do have a question for the people who like the Pokefetish and Submissive traits. What kind of events do you want me to add to the game? For example I could add new ways to being tied up, or the ability to train Pokémon to use new sexual skills. Also if anybody has any good ideas about what else to add to the game, I am willing to listen.
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby FMC » Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:20 am

New ways of being tied up would be amazing, I think. Currently, the only way to be bound is basically to be wrapped around the stomach, but I would love to have new and interesting ways to be tied up -- maybe even introduce some new items, like handcuffs and such. Maybe even the ability to a public fuck place for more than just caterpies if you piss off a girl and they tie you up somewhere. :P Could be pokemon related if you have both Pokefetish and submissive (if you could make it so you have both somehow, but if you can't, don't need that requirement) or just the girls.

I'm always a fan of being able to be enslaved in games (and still play on), But that might be too much for this type of game.
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby anonamouse111 » Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:55 pm

So I'm assuming I'm just being really dumb, but a couple of questions 1. How do you get a girlfriend (from what I can gather you need rope, but what are the exact requirements) two. how do you get pokemon in your party and three is this still being worked on?
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Dark_Onix » Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:59 am

To answer some questions:

Handcuffs will be added to the game in the next update. The sprites have already been added to the game (in the current edition), and I am currently working on events that include handcuffs. For example if you lose to Jinx, in her third appearance, she will put a pair of handcuffs on you and steal all of your items and money. Handcuffs will also be harder to remove. Only an NPC, with Handcuff Keys, can remove a pair of handcuffs from a player.

To get a Girlfriend (steps):
1) Go out in the forest and defeat ever girl you can find.
2) Repeat step 1) until you find a girl in the forest that is tied up.
3) Talk to her, after you catch her, or tie her up. If your character's Level and Appearance score are both higher than that girls, then she may ask to become your girlfriend.

There are also some other details to keep in mind, for example if there are any other girls in your party then they will not ask to become your girlfriend.
Also once you encounter one girl that is tied up it is more likely to encounter another.

To get a Pokémon:
1) Explore the forest horny.
2) Repeat step 1) until your character stops and masturbates in the forest.
3) Repeat step 2) until a Pokémon appears after you finish masturbating.
4) let them play with your character.
5) If your character is still awake the Pokémon may want to join your party.

Having a high Appearance score, the Pokefetish trait, and/or lots of sex with Pokémon will help make a Pokémon appear (step 3).
Having a high Charisma score will help make a Pokémon want to join your party (step 5).
Also the girl that is used to get a Pokémon does not need to be the player. It can be any girl in your party including a girlfriend.

As for it these systems of getting Girls and Pokémon to join your party. They are almost complete. I am still making small changes to the systems, however no major changes are planned. I like the fact that there is no way to control what kinds of Pokémon join your party.
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Dragon594 » Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:22 pm

Just something I thought of that can be added as an optional feature/fetish, a harem of girls.
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby GENOSkuntBOY » Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:10 am

sorry if i sound stupid by asking this... but where do i expend my "sexp" points?
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Misterio88 » Tue May 09, 2017 10:16 am

Hi The game is very interesting. I understand that the concept of the game is borrowed from other parts of the game where in the party together, GG 6 people. If yes then there are offers to increase the bedroom up to 6 people an example for money. A girl coach so that she can deal with pokemon sex in the room. For example, for sex bait or getting sexp points.
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island

Postby Misterio88 » Mon May 15, 2017 12:38 pm

I would like to see more different Pokémon. If you can increase the main parameter (appearance, charisma, willpower) za ap lvl (+1) at your discretion and make the function of getting rid of the Pokémon, trade, exchange with the trainer or purchase the Pokémon Coach. Do the competition (league) with coaches with a reward (money, rare things, clothes, things raising the main parameters)
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Dark_Onix » Wed May 17, 2017 2:30 am

Over the last few weeks, I have not been working on this game too much. I have been learning how to use a different game engine in my free time. Anyway to answer some questions:

Sexp can be spent in most bedrooms, by using the "view stats" option on the bed.

In the future, I plan to add harem options to the game. For example girls with the Cheerleader trait can form Cheerleader Squads, and girls with the Dominate fetish can collect slave girls; however such options seem too advanced for players that are below level 10.

Bedrooms: Currently most bedrooms are only large enough for parties of only 3 or 4 members. One of the things I need to add to the game is more places to store party members. In the future I plan to add larger bedrooms that can hold parties as large as 6 members; however those will be rare.

Pokémon Coach: I am not sure what that would look like. Currently I have found, from playing test games, that if you can find a girlfriend with a Pokefetish it is possible to collect and train Pokémon just with her stats. In one of my test games, I have collected and trained over 4 Pokémon and the main Player has never had sex with any Pokémon.
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Cyriann » Thu May 18, 2017 3:21 pm

I have some weird issues on my PC with this game, namely... It starts but doesn't work, like, at all... I tried to check if I had latest version or things like that, I'm all up to date on everything I can think of yet... I can't go further than selecting new game.

So I just thought that maybe I screwed up something on the updates and can't see what, and am wondering if I have everything set right in fact. So do you have a fully up to date zip I could use to be sure I'm up to date and check if it was just me screwing up ?
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Dark_Onix » Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:53 am

There are possibilities as to why the game is working. If any of the updated added to the game are Older than the current version then it will not work. Or if the ".exe" file is not working, then it may have been damaged. I would try replacing it with the one from humbird0 's game. (if humbird0 's game is working)
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Lenbasisky » Sun Jul 09, 2017 6:40 pm

Hi, i wanted to know if i could give you my services for the art for free, if it could be useful for your game. These are some examples of my art:

I know that in my portfolio, there aren't NSFW stuff and only sexy stuff yet, but i wanted to see if my style could interest you first.
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Dark_Onix » Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:07 pm

I am posting 2 saved games for people who want to do some testing of the new update.

The Misty game is for testing the second town's way of getting out of handcuffs. It is based on my old idea of adding jail to the game. There may be some bugs to work out. Also I edited the game so that Misty owns all of the condos the second city, and she has enough money to upgrade those condos any was she wants.

The Sam game is a test game, that I have been playing, she is at level 10 and has several Pokémon and girlfriends. Also I have been playing the game in a way to see if it is possible to have the main girl never have sex with Pokémon.

Also if you do not want to restart the game from the beginning, old saved games may be able to be brought into the new edition. No new variables were added to the game, and if all of your Pokémon and your girlfriend are in your party when the saved game is transferred they should all still be in your party. Also it is a good idea for the player to be in the school when the saved game is transferred. That was you can do all of the new events that are required to get to the second town, without being stuck in only part of the map.
Testing Game Sam.txt
(46.34 KiB) Downloaded 118 times
Testing Game Misty.txt
(81.61 KiB) Downloaded 130 times
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Re: Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: Dec 2016)

Postby Misterio88 » Fri Jul 14, 2017 5:40 pm

Hi the game is good I liked it, and thanks for delete the pokemon or trainer .The current is not well in the cave ran all saved up and then took it away I would like not to lose what has accumulated to make the type of storage for items and money.The question arose whether it is possible to catch Oddish if so then gallop should be about pokefetish?
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